Bboy Jasper, Pure professionalism, Bboy Iron Chair, he's dope and powerful but too many unecessary gestures and facing the judges every round intentionally, dude face your oppenent not the judges, he's trying to win the judges and the audience in the cringiest way, that's awkward, I felt awkward for him in all three rounds. Maybe if Dream Runners will find a professional coach they can win many battles because they're already skilled.
Bboy Jasper, Pure professionalism, Bboy Iron Chair, he's dope and powerful but too many unecessary gestures and facing the judges every round intentionally, dude face your oppenent not the judges, he's trying to win the judges and the audience in the cringiest way, that's awkward, I felt awkward for him in all three rounds. Maybe if Dream Runners will find a professional coach they can win many battles because they're already skilled.
JASPER 做得太好了 他沒有受任何的影響
一直在挑釁.. set卻很短..
都很猛 ,主要是第二回合,繼續努力💪🏻
jasper stuff is so good. How old is he? if is young he can be a world class bboy
He is 17~~
@@bboysDosan sheesh he can do that
What a music,how to dance ?
Learn to count to 4
最後hong10不是舉他的手跟他握手也很敷衍,目中無人 輸了又哭 QQ
Jasper is very composed man
what win ???
Dj let dancers dance bpm 100 at least
@@van_r2222 你真的很可憐 哈哈哈 小哈利輸了真爽
ironseat is so cringe.. damn
Друг друга болты сували, в конце руки пожали
這個主持人好像說過自己主持過很多年 但我看過往年的好像是不同人
弟弟跟哥哥一樣 人家在跳 都要走到人家的位置 到底要幹嘛呵呵
@@van_r2222 紅什麼紅 反正他也沒冠軍 我就開心
@@yo-qc9io 眼红他们的成就。台湾人应该为他们骄傲不是吗。不明白
@@van_r2222 有什麼好眼紅..又不是同業競爭 腦子還好嗎