I would like to see Ahmed Taibur Rahman Hiron Bhai, the front soldier of the anti-fascist movement in Gouripur Mymensingh, repeatedly jailed leader, former upazila parishad chairman, former joint convener of North District BNP, as a member of parliament in 148 Mymensingh 3 constituencies.
কাকা আপনার কাছে বিনীত অনুরোধ আমাদের গ্রামে যে
পূজা হচ্ছে
আপনি একটু বিশেষ নজর রাখবেন
I would like to see Ahmed Taibur Rahman Hiron Bhai, the front soldier of the anti-fascist movement in Gouripur Mymensingh, repeatedly jailed leader, former upazila parishad chairman, former joint convener of North District BNP, as a member of parliament in 148 Mymensingh 3 constituencies.