Sylvester Stallone's Best Scenes from Lock Up

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @rajenpillay4443
    @rajenpillay4443 2 года назад +37

    All of Stallone movies are with heart, the vibe , even the music is 110%

  • @SetInStoneNow
    @SetInStoneNow 2 года назад +53

    Everyone in this movie was perfect for their role. Great casting, classic 80's, one of Stallone's best!

  • @KevinHallDJMrSwiv
    @KevinHallDJMrSwiv 2 года назад +50

    Stallone really makes great dude movies. Great moments of working hard and triumph.

    • @blackolantern5666
      @blackolantern5666 Год назад +5

      @KevinHallDJMrSwiv. Yeah, he was definitely the "Man's Man" of the 80s.

  • @powerbomb4833
    @powerbomb4833 3 года назад +168

    Man, I've watched this movie like 10 times and it's still one of my all-time favorites. Genuinely surprised it's not more popular.

    • @AwesomeBlackDude
      @AwesomeBlackDude 2 года назад +4

      The music soundtrack is not holding up 👆

    • @jonathonholifield3166
      @jonathonholifield3166 2 года назад +5

      you ever seen Bad Boys with Sean Penn

    • @scottydippin1984
      @scottydippin1984 2 года назад


    • @user-gl2wh8eq1c
      @user-gl2wh8eq1c 10 месяцев назад

      Agree. This is one of his best

    • @jreal5
      @jreal5 10 месяцев назад

      I about shit my pants when I just found out mu cousin who's as big a stallone fan as me and same age hasn't seen this we grew up on stallone I made him watch this instantly. Bought it on the spot off vudu

  • @aemalahmad9580
    @aemalahmad9580 2 года назад +24

    One of the best prison movies of all time.

  • @jerome5ify
    @jerome5ify Год назад +10

    saw it in theater i was 11, and 100 times in VHS along with cobra, over the top, classic 80's

  • @craigbreuwet1924
    @craigbreuwet1924 2 года назад +17

    This movie really showcase Stallone's acting ability I thought

  • @J1283-s1k
    @J1283-s1k 2 года назад +22

    Such an underrated movie. The music alone is astonishing. Let alone when Stallone finally fights back and beats Sonny Landham half to death, who's been begging for it the entire movie, especially for killing First.

    • @blackolantern5666
      @blackolantern5666 Год назад +1

      @user-nv2wt4hi8t. Sonny to me will always be "Billy" in Predator especially with that infamous laugh, "A huh, huh, huh, huh, huuuuuuuh!" 😆

    • @harikrishnan680
      @harikrishnan680 10 месяцев назад

      Absolutely 😢❤❤❤

    • @voltanhawk1505
      @voltanhawk1505 6 месяцев назад

      In real life Sonny would have destroyed Stallone

    • @user-gl2wh8eq1c
      @user-gl2wh8eq1c 3 месяца назад

      ​@@blackolantern5666and 48 hrs. Billy Bear

    • @OrdellRob
      @OrdellRob 2 месяца назад +1

      @@voltanhawk1505I. real life it wouldn’t even have been a fight because Stallone would’ve mopped the floor with Sonny within 30 seconds.

  • @rossdiamondthief6627
    @rossdiamondthief6627 2 года назад +33

    This, Cliffhanger, Demolition Man, Tango & Cash and Cop Land - Top 5 Most Underrated Sylvester Stallone films ever.

    • @virnan
      @virnan 2 года назад

      All garbage except Lockup.

    • @jamesdombroski152
      @jamesdombroski152 Год назад

      Stop or my mom well shot was pretty cool🤣🤣

    • @cyanidechrist
      @cyanidechrist Год назад +1

      ​@@virnanTango and Cash is tolerable just cause of Kurt Russell.

    • @13blkk
      @13blkk 19 дней назад

      Don't forget Judge Dredd

  • @michaelmetz9198
    @michaelmetz9198 2 года назад +20

    I had it VHS lol my wife shakes her head and laughs as I quote each character word for word. I can see this actually being a true story

  • @squamish4244
    @squamish4244 3 года назад +77

    One of Stallone's darker, more serious movies, but also one of his best.

    • @robertwilson214
      @robertwilson214 3 года назад +2

      I agree, in his top 10 ,also f I s t.

    • @tiblancjoseph2722
      @tiblancjoseph2722 3 года назад +1

      Z oro

    • @tiblancjoseph2722
      @tiblancjoseph2722 3 года назад +1


    • @hoaiphuongphu5949
      @hoaiphuongphu5949 3 года назад +1

      Nhung nguoi hung cua the he ngay xua k con nhu xua nua roi mot thoi oanh oanh liet liet that dang tran trong va nguong mo nhung anh hung biet kjnh tren nhuong duoi that dang kham phuc hoi tiet hoi tiet k con phjm hay de doi de coi nua roi buon wa nhung dien vien toi tung ham mo buon wa

    • @gordonchatterley9501
      @gordonchatterley9501 Год назад

      @@hoaiphuongphu5949 quack quack hai phong duoc long mua thai nguyen van biatch long duck dong!

  • @mizzoupatriot8814
    @mizzoupatriot8814 2 года назад +13

    The way Donald Sutherland says Welcome to Gateway Leone was creepy to me watching this movie as a kid...Coming through the light of the opened main gate....Classic.

  • @cxjar5890
    @cxjar5890 Год назад +8

    Seriously underrated movie

  • @victormitchell7434
    @victormitchell7434 Год назад +5

    This movie Sylvester Stallone could have easily won an Oscar for. Ijs 💯 💯 💯

  • @uiyer9381
    @uiyer9381 3 года назад +57

    One of my favourite movies of Sylvester Stallone,they don't make movies like these anymore, rocky,paradise alley, fist,copland and Lockup are some of Sly's finest performances

  • @tomhood7343
    @tomhood7343 3 года назад +13

    "Nothing's dead until it's buried!" - Frank Leoni

  • @whoisyouranime
    @whoisyouranime 3 года назад +24

    16:30 I love Dallas's sacrifice. He knew whether he was dead or alive in that prison, he was a Deadman. He knew that cop was gonna make Stallone's life an eternal misery if he were kept alive.

    • @michaelbull4344
      @michaelbull4344 2 года назад +2

      That was the cop who was personally screwing with Stallone’s character right?

    • @msu-bd8od
      @msu-bd8od 2 года назад +1

      @@michaelbull4344 Yes

  • @otisroseboro5613
    @otisroseboro5613 2 года назад +10

    One of my all time favorite movies

  • @ClassicBoxingMatches
    @ClassicBoxingMatches 2 года назад +7

    "Rape this." - one of the best 2 word lines in cinema

  • @hemantpatel2215
    @hemantpatel2215 2 года назад +4

    Love this movie love the end credits soundtrack.Childhood heroe Stallone was so inspirational.An absolute icon.

  • @GuitarLessonsBobbyCrispy
    @GuitarLessonsBobbyCrispy 2 года назад +13

    Great movie, and I've found that it had a lot of similar elements from Rambo: First Blood (1982 ). Being harassed and abused by guards/police officers, pulling a knife on an authority figure, escaping from jail, giving a long monologue about his frustrations, stuck on ledge/cliff while cops are looking for him.

  • @gordonward537
    @gordonward537 Месяц назад +2

    Why the heck if it was released years ago, why can't we have the pleasure of watching 😢😅😢

  • @ChevelleChevy-t6b
    @ChevelleChevy-t6b Год назад +3

    One of stalins under rated movie ever favorite movie seeing it as a kid

  • @mahmuttunckr8135
    @mahmuttunckr8135 3 года назад +3

    One of the best movie of Hollywood. I think Stallone is best actor of USA.

  • @dopekingcoco
    @dopekingcoco 2 года назад +6

    one of my favorite classic movies of all time

  • @cullenbohannon1408
    @cullenbohannon1408 2 года назад +2

    This movie is so underrated!

  • @RobertMunro-wb6jb
    @RobertMunro-wb6jb 5 месяцев назад

    Still love this movie ! Childhood video shop nostalgia! RIP Tom Sizemore !!!

  • @valiantthor9847
    @valiantthor9847 2 месяца назад +1

    Absolutely loved this movie along with over the top

  • @Batroel
    @Batroel 2 года назад +10

    After watching Predator, I cant believe Sonny Landham could be this good acting like the bad guy trying to kill Sly.

    • @scottknode898
      @scottknode898 2 года назад +7

      Sonny Landham was a bad guy in Nick Nolte/Eddie Murphy 1982 hit 48 Hours as cop killer Billy Bear alongside James Remar as other villain Albert Ganz

  • @tomsmith4542
    @tomsmith4542 6 месяцев назад +2

    RIP Donald Sutherland, RIP Tom Sizemore, RIP Frank McRae , RIP Sonny Landham, Rip Darlanne Fluegel !!

  • @davidratliff628
    @davidratliff628 2 года назад +3

    You don’t have the balls!…….you’re wrong! Lol 😂

  • @sd-11-11-sd
    @sd-11-11-sd 3 года назад +8

    Leoni, Dallas, Eclipse, First Base and the Bird guy. What a beautiful and inadvertently heroic bunch of inmates. Loved this movie as a teenager, pure melodramatic machismo.

    • @tomsmith4542
      @tomsmith4542 2 года назад +1

      u forgot Ernie ! 6 of them

  • @AndJusticeForMe
    @AndJusticeForMe Месяц назад

    Some fantastic open-field tackling.

  • @robertfox1975
    @robertfox1975 Год назад +5

    What a movie man! What a movie.

  • @Brian.8272
    @Brian.8272 3 года назад +15

    most underated movie,

  • @Scorch1028
    @Scorch1028 Год назад +2

    Sonny Landham played the "youngest-looking characters" when he was in his 50s. 😆

  • @caioaugustoaddonovillela3348
    @caioaugustoaddonovillela3348 Год назад +1

    Spectacular Rambo. Incredible Stallone

  • @uknownicky357
    @uknownicky357 2 года назад +3

    the grunts and post recorded sound effects from Stallone is ridiculous 😂😂

    • @TheDripGodz
      @TheDripGodz 7 месяцев назад

      I thought the same watching it 😂😂

  • @domingobustos5320
    @domingobustos5320 4 месяца назад

    Absolutely..Loved that Classic remark in Rocky 5..This isnt no pie eating

  • @toniocavalari6936
    @toniocavalari6936 2 года назад +8

    Sutherland ' can act as a sadistic mad man so well , it's crazy 🤪

  • @ingoneubauer5494
    @ingoneubauer5494 Год назад +1

    Riesen Kino mit sly,so heftig der film

  • @fw1421
    @fw1421 2 года назад +3

    Dam,I haven’t seen this film since it first came out. Decent Stallone film.

  • @sandralazaro5663
    @sandralazaro5663 2 года назад +5

    Stallone so handsome 😘♥️💋❤️🥰😍🤩

  • @Skottink
    @Skottink 2 года назад +3

    Pulls the engine before even knowing what’s wrongb😂

    • @ingleringlet-snipps3rd449
      @ingleringlet-snipps3rd449 2 года назад +1

      “Oh yeah, after pulling the engine and completely disassembling it and then rebuilding it from scratch and reinstalling it we realized it was just out of gas.”

  • @LagrimadeInvierno
    @LagrimadeInvierno 3 дня назад

    I grew up as a kid with this kind of movies, made me a man even when I had 8 years old.

  • @spirg
    @spirg 3 года назад +7

    Very underrated movie

  • @domingobustos5320
    @domingobustos5320 4 месяца назад

    Love his Work and admire like a Father

  • @Zhuko_BF3
    @Zhuko_BF3 3 года назад +4

    Dallas balls were like bells, but he didn't know it until the end. My respects.

  • @TL....
    @TL.... Год назад +2

    great movie
    this is one of stallones lesser known movies, i have never seen it playing on tv while flipping thru channels or in the tv guide schedule
    sort of like arnolds movie raw deal

  • @derekeverett371
    @derekeverett371 2 года назад +3

    Ain't nobody help frank when he got poked up crazy 😧😧

  • @DCI-Frank-Burnside
    @DCI-Frank-Burnside 2 года назад +3

    They'll have to change your name from dearly departing Dallas, to deep fried Dallas.

  • @Robert-y4o4x
    @Robert-y4o4x 24 дня назад

    Building the mustang is hilarious 😂 but that's Hollywood

  • @arisiordanopoulos6608
    @arisiordanopoulos6608 2 года назад +2

    Of the best and one of my favourite mouvies!

  • @mizzoupatriot8814
    @mizzoupatriot8814 2 года назад +8

    Easily Sly's most underrated movie...It has Tom Sizemore in it too and he saves Frank Leone's ass in the end having a change of heart after betraying him..

  • @devriestown
    @devriestown 3 года назад +3

    Me and my friends when we are drunk are like COME ON LONNY!!!!!!!!!

  • @xwarped83
    @xwarped83 Год назад +2

    It’s McDowell’s trading program time!!

  • @coffee.ken.3595
    @coffee.ken.3595 3 года назад +2


  • @calvinwoolfolk324
    @calvinwoolfolk324 3 года назад +11

    I love this movie it was like escape plan n tango n cash but without arnold n kurt russell lol😂😎

  • @Sarasdad91
    @Sarasdad91 Год назад +1

    Great movie. Saw it in the theaters back in the 80s. However, you left out the part where Leone grabs the Warden and ties him up in the electric chair.

  • @caioaugustoaddonovillela3348
    @caioaugustoaddonovillela3348 Год назад +2

    Wonderfull Lock Up

  • @blauwbuik2128
    @blauwbuik2128 2 года назад +2

    Nothing's is death till it's buried

  • @tonytamuno
    @tonytamuno 3 года назад +3

    Very well edited has you at the edge of your seat.

  • @cherif8814
    @cherif8814 Год назад +2

    Stallone is world class talent noone can ever forget these juicy incredible performances

    • @WendyR-ov4iq
      @WendyR-ov4iq Месяц назад

      I don't follow the action gender but with Stallone i have done because he mixes action with drama and that catch You immeddiately

  • @ricardoacosta5938
    @ricardoacosta5938 Год назад +1

    I actually saw this movie in the theater back in California in (1989) by myself at Westwood,CA.&also I'm Westwood CA. Rocky 3&4 .also Cliffhanger in (1993)too🍿🎥🎫🎬🤓😎🤑🤠😷🤜🤛

  • @CyberTranceHero69
    @CyberTranceHero69 2 года назад +1

    I liked this movie and the Van Dame rippoff prison movie as a kid.

  • @valiantthor9847
    @valiantthor9847 2 месяца назад +1

    Fucking birds don't feed in the rain 😂😂

  • @harikrishnan680
    @harikrishnan680 10 месяцев назад

    1989 ❤❤❤ lock up is my fav movie

  • @Hannibal54689
    @Hannibal54689 2 года назад +1

    Crazy I never heard of this movie.

  • @tranvanthienlonggirbert5248
    @tranvanthienlonggirbert5248 3 года назад +3

    Love you so much staylone Rambo

  • @ShaadsComicsandBeers
    @ShaadsComicsandBeers 10 месяцев назад

    One of my favorite movies. This movie introduced me to a song I love dearly, "Vehicle" by Ides of March.

  • @shaneschirmer5238
    @shaneschirmer5238 2 года назад

    The old Workhouse in Cincinnati. Gone, but not forgotten!

  • @a.s.847
    @a.s.847 Год назад +1

    3:55, before the football player gets picked up he has a lot more mud on his uniform and he also has mud on his beanie but once he's picked up and pushed he now has less mud on his uniform and his beanie is clean.

    • @TheDripGodz
      @TheDripGodz 7 месяцев назад +1

      Great observation. That sequence was not realistically evened out. That’s called a Film continuity error. They usually have notes for things like that on set, it may have been intentional though.

  • @SapienSafari
    @SapienSafari 3 года назад +2

    Gorgeous man

  • @azhomeboy2000
    @azhomeboy2000 Год назад +1

    Rocky and Rambo were excellent, but Lockup, Cobra, and Over the Top don't get enough credit.

  • @diamondking3421
    @diamondking3421 Год назад +1

    17:31. that's how he got the aneurysm.

  • @Danny-jb6pg
    @Danny-jb6pg 9 месяцев назад

    Shawshank redemption and lock up is the best 2 prison movies

  • @KENNY-kk9xt
    @KENNY-kk9xt 3 года назад +5

    King of action Actors

  • @robertfox1975
    @robertfox1975 3 года назад +7

    A great movie

  • @footballking-z5m
    @footballking-z5m 2 месяца назад

    Loved this film

  • @annogrady3513
    @annogrady3513 2 года назад +4

    I love slyvester Stallone.
    Good scene when he comes back from being in the hole, on starvation rations, for six weeks, the bully takes all his dinner, then his buddies sit down with him, and give him some of their dinners,

    • @ingleringlet-snipps3rd449
      @ingleringlet-snipps3rd449 2 года назад +2

      That was actually my favorite scene.

    • @annogrady3513
      @annogrady3513 2 года назад +3

      @@ingleringlet-snipps3rd449 I love that scene, actually on Google and all this movie lock up doesn't have good reviews, I think it is a great movie, one man's triumph in the midst of cruelty and adversity, and able to stay soft and caring. Of course I am a huge slyvester Stallone fan anyhow,

    • @ingleringlet-snipps3rd449
      @ingleringlet-snipps3rd449 2 года назад +2

      @@annogrady3513 I am, too! Yes, that scene showed that they were pretty much a family of sorts.

  • @hafizahmohdrawi5057
    @hafizahmohdrawi5057 3 года назад +3

    The best film lock up... RAMBO this hero.. Best brooo

  • @erickrajniak8424
    @erickrajniak8424 23 дня назад

    LOCK UP. This is one of the first shorts that actually has the name of the movie in the title. If you missed it, thats the name. Thanks to the poster for not leaving people wondering

  • @ewanmacfarlane9195
    @ewanmacfarlane9195 2 года назад +2

    Carmine tried to step in but this was above his jurisdiction

  • @davidl570
    @davidl570 Год назад +7

    Little trivia: Stallone was the one who suggested Sutherland for the role of the sadistic warden. Turned out to be the right decision!
    Also, this was filmed in Rahway State Prison in New Jersey---for those who don't know, that was the same prison where the documentary Scared Straight (1978) was filmed...........................and all the extras were actual inmates.......................some of them may have been the same ones seen in the documentary, who knows?

    • @davidl570
      @davidl570 Год назад +1

      @Mister Mystery Thanks! Glad he thought of Sutherland for that role--he was perfectly cast!

    • @srmills6139
      @srmills6139 Год назад +1

      I also understand that the opening scenes were filmed at Northern State Prison in Newark which, by looking at it's front entrance, definitely looks like minimum security unlike East Jersey State Prison.

    • @davidl570
      @davidl570 Год назад

      @@srmills6139 Hmm, interesting! Was thinking the same thing.

    • @srmills6139
      @srmills6139 Год назад

      ​@@davidl570Have you seen Northern State Prison before and do you know much about it?

    • @davidl570
      @davidl570 Год назад

      @@srmills6139 Nothing whatsover but I Googled images of it--wouldn't doubt it's the same one!

  • @GIO-10-b1z
    @GIO-10-b1z Год назад

    Super ! Leone ❤️

  • @thierrymoreau7108
    @thierrymoreau7108 3 года назад +1

    Superbe Sly ❤️❤️ merci pour tout ❤️❤️

  • @robertpolanco1973
    @robertpolanco1973 Год назад +2

    Personally, I think that I enjoyed the movie "Lock Up" because I LAUGHED at every moment of it! I guess I have to think of the Sly Stallone feature film as a COMEDY and I am being honest about it. 🤣👍

    • @OrdellRob
      @OrdellRob 2 месяца назад +1

      You jealous of Stallone? 😏

    • @robertpolanco1973
      @robertpolanco1973 2 месяца назад +1

      @@OrdellRob Like what was your point about anyway?

  • @calvinwoolfolk324
    @calvinwoolfolk324 3 года назад +15

    This is like a prison version of rocky 😂😎

    • @matthewestrada407
      @matthewestrada407 3 года назад +3

      Chuck wepner sued Sylvester Stallone for this movie also because he was in prison at the time, and he won.

    • @calvinwoolfolk324
      @calvinwoolfolk324 3 года назад +2

      @@matthewestrada407 ok who is that anyway lol😎😂😎😂

    • @matthewestrada407
      @matthewestrada407 3 года назад +1

      @@calvinwoolfolk324 chuck wepner was the guy who went the distance with Muhammad Ali, it's what rock was based on.

    • @calvinwoolfolk324
      @calvinwoolfolk324 3 года назад +1

      @@matthewestrada407 ok u mean the rock the wrestler or the movie😎😎😎😎

    • @matthewestrada407
      @matthewestrada407 3 года назад +1

      @@calvinwoolfolk324 the movie rocky look up chuck wepner it's a friggin trip

  • @Cor-jy8xn
    @Cor-jy8xn 3 года назад +2

    Can't believe how much he reminds me of my cousin Sean Consiglio!

  • @brianmbaker57
    @brianmbaker57 2 года назад +2

    And he became Tulsa King a few years later

  • @otisroseboro5613
    @otisroseboro5613 2 года назад +3

    They don't put this on TV anymore

  • @dream9568
    @dream9568 2 года назад +1

    This is the day that lord has made i shall be glad and rejoice in it

  • @bjscorpio4041
    @bjscorpio4041 2 года назад +2

    Not Stallone's best movie but certainly not his worst.

  • @theflipchannel964
    @theflipchannel964 3 года назад +1

    The hat went of by the hit in 4:29 and on again in 4:33 xD ....

  • @Rockhound6165
    @Rockhound6165 2 месяца назад

    First, RIP John Amos. 2nd, filmed at East Jersey State Prison formerly known as Rahway. Funny thing, they use the NJDOC patch of the time(blue badge with gold trim and the scales) but not the uniforms. NJDOC uniforms are dark blue pants with a French blue stripe and French blue shirts. This movie they're brown and tan but they still use the blue and gold patch. The patch itself would be changed. The shape stayed the same but the scales were replaced by the seal of NJ with Department of Corrections above and NJ in gold with red trim under the seal and the patch itself is gold trim with red trim on the outside. A few years ago it changed again with Department of Corrections NJ now under the seal and POLICE above it and they removed the red trim.

  • @TheDripGodz
    @TheDripGodz 7 месяцев назад

    An innocent man with Tom Selleck is a good 80’s prison film too

  • @jaylils
    @jaylils Год назад +1

    Good movie

  • @uzmayasmin1221
    @uzmayasmin1221 Год назад +1

    Hi.any one has the link of this movie.i want to see it.cant find on net

  • @choko6960
    @choko6960 6 месяцев назад

    RIP Warden Drumgoole and Eclipse.

  • @sebastianoflament9012
    @sebastianoflament9012 Год назад +3

    Thay big black guy played wirh stallone too in Hell's kitchen i think. My favorite movie from stallone