如果阿菲同 Stevo 無睇過的話,推薦你地睇 Mindset呢本書。係職場做野,做錯野真係無人想,不過又好難完全唔錯,不妨當係一個學習機會,唔洗太 take it personally或者否定自己。 I myself find the growth mindset helps me with both giving and receiving feedback. I hope it helps. Thank you very much for your sharing! I've learnt so much from the video. Have a nice day!
Same as in Canada, communication is very important, reduce conflict and argument in the work place. Your manager tell you something good, does not mean what he thinks.
Great works.. I have been working more than 15 years in a corporate company in Melbourne. I understand that many people does not like being asked to complete a work ... Immediately....Now... ASAP.
That's a very interesting video! And by interesting, I do mean it. I would say the subtlety lies in the contextual messages beyond the words. So, to decipher the messages behind the words, I would say we have to take into consideration why, who, and in what context that certain words are uttered. English people use a lot of hedging, mitigation in their language to maintain certain level of manner, which contrasts the Cantonese way quite a bit, so Cantonese speakers find the English way indirect and often confusing...But I disagree, I would say if you think about the relevant contexts, facial expressions, you make sense and see the meaning.
hi 我都係IT industry 想問下你如果要叫人做野應該點講會好D??? 同埋呢如果home office ping個唔識既人有無咩pattern 要做先?? 我依家都係HI 介紹自己 再講想點 再講super thanks if you can help (emoji) 有無咩更好??? 唔該曬!!!
I think "Interesting" is similar to "really". It sounds doubtful and possibly sarcastic. Also, I use "asap" instead of "immediately". How about "prompt"? I admire that Faye can speak honestly to her coworker and clarify what she really meant. Many people try to avoid confrontations but misunderstandings between each other will get deeper. Anyway, I love your videos and try to catch up on the old ones :)
英國有好多大公司而家都好興Hot Desk, 所以每個人沒有固定座位。有好多人,都是返一兩日公司,大部份時間都在家做嘢。阿菲公司沒有固定座位,因為行Hot Desk 政策。所以鞋不可以放在公司。😭
@@MovingSocks2.0 luckily i got a personal locker in my office I can put all stuff there XD
我對鞋放咗喺office, 出完trip 返到去畀同事拎走咗...個同事有問題, 唔知邊個都唔代表佢可以拎走啫 行hot desk 真係唔好亂放嘢
Very useful information, thx!
Stevo 入面件衫想點呀!阿Faye 好正經!哈哈!
如果阿菲同 Stevo 無睇過的話,推薦你地睇 Mindset呢本書。係職場做野,做錯野真係無人想,不過又好難完全唔錯,不妨當係一個學習機會,唔洗太 take it personally或者否定自己。
I myself find the growth mindset helps me with both giving and receiving feedback. I hope it helps.
Thank you very much for your sharing! I've learnt so much from the video. Have a nice day!
"工" 作 經驗? very useful information !
Faye Faye and Stevo 勁smart 😎😎
香港IT 一定hard 過英國.. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
多謝分享🙏🏼 如果要日日搭火車返公司,真係唔簡單,加上天氣又變幻無常。 Add oil and take good care!
Thanks for advice! I will start my first job in UK this week, wish me good luck :)
Thanks for sharing!! 前日收到offer將會去London返工 一樣都係要坐火車 :)
Same as in Canada, communication is very important, reduce conflict and argument in the work place. Your manager tell you something good, does not mean what he thinks.
總之,外國人一講個 "but" 字,即係之前講得幾好聽,都係唔使理,唔算數嘅!XD
先聲奪人,今日造型好煞食!👍👍so convincing🤗🤗
我哋喺悉尼返工同Stevo一樣都係backpack同laptop或者再加縮骨遮, 西裝恤衫唔打呔,見客先打番條呔, 銀行律師會計師全部都係
Thanks for sharing 👍🙏😊🥰
15:49 我在倫敦bank / Liverpool station行過都係幾認同,當然其他國家都是這樣。坐火車我會帶本書。阿菲可以講下手套或者冷帽,始終冬天快到。
菲 好漂亮!🥰👍
Useful information. Thx
thanks.for sharing FEI and Stevo. Useful tips.
Thanks for your sharing. You’re very nice. 👍
多謝分享。善巧溝通,又要表達真正意思,真是一門學問。 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
BTW 每次睇你地出既片都好開心、好正面,唔止係內容好實用,而且好感覺到個種SINCERE同埋自然既表達!
謝謝 Fei & Stevo 分享好實用 嘅 英國辦公室政治及文化 🌷
So impressed 👍
Thanks !
一定有。我識一間uk vendor。佢哋自己都成日好多篤或者politics
Nice to see both of you 😘 this video is very good👍
Thanks for your sharing! You information very useful. Even in North America's office have the similar issue.
Thank you for showing all these useful tips
換咗套衫... 唔同晒👍👍
Thanks for sharing
Great works..
I have been working more than 15 years in a corporate company in Melbourne.
I understand that many people does not like being asked to complete a work ... Immediately....Now... ASAP.
Moving socks good advice blessings
Thank you very much
It is useful ! Thank you for sharing.
wah! so smart you two! :-)
非常實用👍🏻可唔可以講吓英國office工作,一般有咩Benefit 呢?我聽到話呢度病假唔使醫生紙?謝謝
Fay, add a plastic bag for your umbrella in case you need it after raining😉
多謝Faye 同Stevo 分享英國辦公室知識💜 Faye 返工個袋睇起嚟都覺得重😅 Stevo 西裝褸配海鮮丼T-shirt 👍🏻 疫情前我喺加拿大會帶一個背囊加一個手袋返工😊
Very useful information. Fei has mentioned a link explaining the real meaning of British speech. Could you show me where is the link? Thanks
Thank you for sharing.
因為您講咗一句:「係度扮新聞報導員」.我即刻訂閱&like, 因為我支持王俊彥
That's a very interesting video! And by interesting, I do mean it. I would say the subtlety lies in the contextual messages beyond the words. So, to decipher the messages behind the words, I would say we have to take into consideration why, who, and in what context that certain words are uttered. English people use a lot of hedging, mitigation in their language to maintain certain level of manner, which contrasts the Cantonese way quite a bit, so Cantonese speakers find the English way indirect and often confusing...But I disagree, I would say if you think about the relevant contexts, facial expressions, you make sense and see the meaning.
Stevo 部laptop都好厚下喎😂重死。
火牛我問公司拎多隻,咁就唔洗拎黎拎去 放便好多。
我都唔知係咪我唔好彩🤷🏻♀️我跟位Team Leader係德國裔英國人,佢做野勁chur 勁急,成日叫我地快手d,佢唯一讚過我就係做野速度算係比較快個班🤦🏻♀️我黎到先發現呢度d人做野其實都好急,唔係真係話咁慢慢黎的🙈
支持 Stevo 、Faye
而舊職員學歷不如他們,舊職員做事 十個功不及一個過 🙄 便死刑。
唔好講你 90後啦。我80後,出黎工作頭幾份工,幾乎個個上司學歷/英文都低過自己。咪一樣要尊重佢地,有乜英文一樣要同佢地睇佢地寫。(而家相信 90後少 D 遇到呢款)
@@chnet968 我講的是現在…..
@@yuenlucia5454 我現在這個部門,90後人品好,有學歷 好快個個上位,但我感覺不到實力,
一張 UsD95m 支票 竟然忘了過數,第二日我去問佢 昨天發生什麼事,為何忘記做?佢才驚覺要做 🌚
95m 美金,比人攞錢先,就暈底。
@@zoeskf 你指英國情況?sorry... 我仲講緊香港...
@@yuenlucia5454 我講是香港 現在辦公室情況
恭喜你地過10萬sub呀Faye, Stevo,你地嘅video好好睇呀。希望你地唔好介意我喺哩度post多一次comment,會唔會再拍多一條office culture係可以講深入d講英國大企同小公司嘅office culture嘅分別?同埋好多香港人可能唔知嘅陷阱,而會分分鐘出事,又可能根本係唔care,例如:
- 香港有唔少office可以接受辦公室同事日子耐咗就拍拖結婚生埋仔抱返公司巡視業務示威之類,明拍拖又好暗地拍又好,但其實英國好似絕對唔可以?(電視劇見到但其實係唔係咖?)
- 香港又係睇間公司係唔係極嚴肅,就算個職位係同人冇咩交流,星期一接job就自己直踩到星期五present,例如design同programming,中間做緊野時唔少人係會帶耳塞聽歌聽收音機或者緊張時/悶悶地喺位食零食。但英國係唔係絕對唔准?
- 英國好著重political correctness咁,有d咩香港人慣哂口、慣哂咁做,但其實喺英國office咁做係核子地雷一踩就會核爆俾人圍攻針對(好似香港人唔知頭唔知路以為美國餐廳要俾tips,但英國咁做係會激嬲侍應俾人黑面趕走咁)?例如office gossips或者分黨派,哩樣喺香港好普遍亦好唔要得,但英國對哩樣野個普遍同容忍度係點?
so happy to see Stevo is using a Pacsafe x Unbox Therapy backpack.
Stevo & 菲👍🏻
Thanks for sharing, take care
Faye, 保溫壼,如果係不銹鋼內膽,唔可以裝茶/咖啡類飲品的
Hello Ellie, 點解唔可以裝茶咖啡類飲品?我好想知呀
@@MovingSocks2.0 有一說係酸性飲品浸住不銹鋼會溶左啲重金屬出嚟
所以有啲人鐘意用駱駝牌真空水壺, 個內膽係玻璃
@@MovingSocks2.0茶,咖啡會令內膽變色, 同埋不銹鋼內膽唔預你載酸性食物/飲料
Moving Socks 有啲不鏽鋼壺內加塗層可以裝茶咖啡,例如象印
可唔可以分享下英國日常衣著?係咪要有防風防水褸, 防水BOOT/鞋之類~
I m your fans, 👍
好奇問吓,其實英國人諗唔認到Hermes ge Garden Party同Chanel 2.55? 兩個袋都無logo
thx 非常有用
hi 我都係IT industry
同埋呢如果home office ping個唔識既人有無咩pattern 要做先??
我依家都係HI 介紹自己 再講想點 再講super thanks if you can help (emoji) 有無咩更好???
我見個同事問嘢最客氣係 'Apologies, I know everyone is very busy right now, but it would be great if we could please .......'
冇work permit搵Sponsorship工真係好難(就算IT工都好難),有時收到Reject Email都會心灰意冷,但係為咗家庭嘅將來繼續堅持落去。
you have to believe you are capable but this job is just not suit you. Add oil!
BNO doesn’t require work permit/sponsorship, right?
@@findajobingermany4804 Yes, but not everyone support democracy in Hong Kong has BNO.
@@ctral1991 咁唔代表你需要work permit搵工 一件事還一件事
I think "Interesting" is similar to "really". It sounds doubtful and possibly sarcastic. Also, I use "asap" instead of "immediately". How about "prompt"? I admire that Faye can speak honestly to her coworker and clarify what she really meant. Many people try to avoid confrontations but misunderstandings between each other will get deeper. Anyway, I love your videos and try to catch up on the old ones :)
初初睇以為Stevo 件衫寫住”小鮮肉” 🤣🤣
Stevo 係咪 WFH 太耐, 個袋開始有點塵了, HAHA!
like this topic
How about lunch?
ABC of counseling skills is 3Ks - Kiss, Kick and Kiss.
That's interesting其實喺美國都係唔好意思話你講嘅嘢好 "怪" 嘅reply
thx so much
Hi, lovely couple, 🤗 要唔要帶暖氈就真係見仁見智啦,我在 Bristol 念書住house, 話就是有 全屋 heater, 但是唔暖架,我那時後生,冇諗過暖氈、我長年傷風感冒,其實帶埋暖水袋重好。
英國銀行係冇保險箱㗎,除非 London 好大的銀行才有但係收費好貴有啲仲要搵「隻眼」即 retina 嚟開保險箱㗎.
Tks for your videos, good work, mate 🤗
Nice sharing. 請問呢邊會唔會帶飯盒返工
Yes some people do