Announcer: And now the nations of the world, brought to you by Yakko Warner! Yakko: United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama Haiti, Jamaica, Peru, Republic Dominican, Cuba, Carribean Greenland, El Salvador too. Puerto Rico, Columbia, Venezuela Honduras, Guyana, and still, Guatemala, Bolivia, then Argentina And Ecuador, Chile, Brazil. Costa Rica, Belize, Nicaragua, Bermuda Bahamas, Tobago, San Juan, Paraguay, Uruguay, Suriname And French Guiana, Barbados, and Guam. Norway, and Sweden, and Iceland, and Finland And Germany now one piece, Switzerland, Austria, Czechoslovakia Italy, Turkey, and Greece. Poland, Romania, Scotland, Albania Ireland, Russia, Oman, Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia Hungary, Cyprus, Iraq, and Iran. There's Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan Both Yemens,… Announcer: And now the nations of the world, brought to you by Yakko Warner! Yakko: United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama Haiti, Jamaica, Peru, Republic Dominican, Cuba, Carribean Greenland, El Salvador too. Puerto Rico, Columbia, Venezuela Honduras, Guyana, and still, Guatemala, Bolivia, then Argentina And Ecuador, Chile, Brazil. Costa Rica, Belize, Nicaragua, Bermuda Bahamas, Tobago, San Juan, Paraguay, Uruguay, Suriname And French Guiana, Barbados, and Guam. Norway, and Sweden, and Iceland, and Finland And Germany now one piece, Switzerland, Austria, Czechoslovakia Italy, Turkey, and Greece. Poland, Romania, Scotland, Albania Ireland, Russia, Oman, Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia Hungary, Cyprus, Iraq, and Iran. There's Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan Both Yemens,… Announcer: And now the nations of the world, brought to you by Yakko Warner! Yakko: United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama Haiti, Jamaica, Peru, Republic Dominican, Cuba, Carribean Greenland, El Salvador too. Puerto Rico, Columbia, Venezuela Honduras, Guyana, and still, Guatemala, Bolivia, then Argentina And Ecuador, Chile, Brazil. Costa Rica, Belize, Nicaragua, Bermuda Bahamas, Tobago, San Juan, Paraguay, Uruguay, Suriname And French Guiana, Barbados, and Guam. Norway, and Sweden, and Iceland, and Finland And Germany now one piece, Switzerland, Austria, Czechoslovakia Italy, Turkey, and Greece. Poland, Romania, Scotland, Albania Ireland, Russia, Oman, Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia Hungary, Cyprus, Iraq, and Iran. There's Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan Both Yemens,… Announcer: And now the nations of the world, brought to you by Yakko Warner! Yakko: United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama Haiti, Jamaica, Peru, Republic Dominican, Cuba, Carribean Greenland, El Salvador too. Puerto Rico, Columbia, Venezuela Honduras, Guyana, and still, Guatemala, Bolivia, then Argentina And Ecuador, Chile, Brazil. Costa Rica, Belize, Nicaragua, Bermuda Bahamas, Tobago, San Juan, Paraguay, Uruguay, Suriname And French Guiana, Barbados, and Guam. Norway, and Sweden, and Iceland, and Finland And Germany now one piece, Switzerland, Austria, Czechoslovakia Italy, Turkey, and Greece. Poland, Romania, Scotland, Albania Ireland, Russia, Oman, Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia Hungary, Cyprus, Iraq, and Iran. There's Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan Both Yemens,… Bro you asked and if I get ban I’m literally gonna die
My long commet: Edit 1: Tysm for 0 likes!!!!! Edit 2: MAKEING LUNCH Edit 3: Just woke up Edit 4: it's about 4am and I'm juuling at Grandma's!!! Edit 5: Sorry I just love y'all for 0 likes!!!! Edit 6: LAST EDIT!!! Tysm for 0 likes. Edit 7: I lied Edit 8: Just got tinder Edit 9: won fortnite 4 times!!! Edit 10: Omggggg in starbuckss Edit 11: EATING ribsss Edit 12: It's my b-day!!! Edit 13: I JJST LOVE YOU GUYS TYSMMMMMMMMMM!!! Edit 14: idk I'm lazy I'll ad more soonnnn Edit 15: L Edit 16: Love u Edit 17: Yassss Edit 18: Love y'all Edit 19: WASSSSSSSUPPPPPPPP Edit 20: NOTHING ELSEEEE edit 21: Juuling Edit 22: Yesssssss Edit 23: Idkkkk I'm bored affff Edit 24: Sup Edit 25: Ughhhh just like already!!! Edit 26: just breathed Edit 27: Wassup Edit 28: UMMMMMMMM YES Edit 29: LOLLLLLL Edit 30: Sorry, oh 1 like, that person may be famous because it's blue!!! Edit 31: Thanks for 5 likes.
Here we go Edit 1: hi Edit 2: guys Edit 3: I Edit 4: don’t Edit 5: know Edit 6: when Edit 7: I Edit 8: am Edit 9: going Edit 10: to Edit 11: stop. Edit 12: I Edit 13: am Edit 14: just Edit 15: really Edit 16: bored Edit 17: already. Edit 18: I Edit 19: am Edit 20: out Edit 21: of Edit 22: stuff Edit 23: to Edit 24: type. Edit 25: my Edit 26: friend Edit 27: got Edit 28: super Edit 29: waisted Edit 30: last Edit 31: night. Edit 32: well Edit 33: I Edit 34: should Edit 35: probably Edit 36: go Edit 37: subscribe Edit 38: after Edit 39: this Edit 40: comment. Edit 41: I Edit 42: need Edit 43: help Edit 44: finding Edit 45: a Edit 46: life, Edit 47: like Edit 48: now. Edit 49: ughhhhh Edit 50: 50!!!!!!!!!! Edit 51: looks Edit 52: like Edit 53: I Edit 54: am Edit 55: still Edit 56: going Edit 57: and Edit 58: this Edit 59: is Edit 60: the Edit 61: most Edit 62: fun Edit 63: I Edit 64: have Edit 65: had Edit 66: in Edit 67: ages. Edit 68: 10 Edit 69: minutes Edit 70: of Edit 71: my Edit 72: life Edit 73: wasted Edit 74: just Edit 75: to Edit 76: see Edit 77: if Edit 78: I Edit 79: could Edit 80: get Edit 81: the Edit 82: biggest Edit 83: comment Edit 84: I Edit 85: highly Edit 86: doubt Edit 87: I Edit 88: will Edit 89: get Edit 90: it Edit 91: but Edit 92: I Edit 93: am Edit 94: this Edit 95: deep Edit 96: into Edit 97: it Edit 98: so Edit 99: why Edit 100: stop? Edit 101: I Edit 102: hope Edit 103: this Edit 104: gets Edit 105: a Edit 106: lot Edit 107: of Edit 108: likes Edit 109: because Edit 110: I Edit 111: wasted Edit 112: so Edit 113: much Edit 114: time Edit 115: doing Edit 116: this. Edit 117: Seattle Edit 118: Seahawks Edit 119: are Edit 120: the Edit 121: best. Edit 122: Timberwolfs Edit 123: are Edit 124: the Edit 125: best!!! Edit 126: okay Edit 127: i Edit 128: am Edit 129: done Edit 130: now Edit 131: everyone Edit 132: have Edit 133: an Edit 134: amazing Edit 135: day Edit 136: SUBSCRIBE Edit 137: TO Edit 138: THIS Edit 139: GUY!!!!! Edit 140: BYEEEEEE
Hey Fainted, here's a "big smart." When you're in a rush to hide under the blanket to hide from the darkness in your room, you're only giving yourself to even more darkness underneath the blanket.
Congrats you found my comment Edit:thanks so much for 1 like Edit:thanks for 4 likes Edit#3: thank you for 40 liked x10 for oast edit omg edit 4: opwow omg 74 likes 😮😮 thanks edit 5: 85 likes omg so much 😯😯 edit 9: some guy told me to go in his van anyways omg 95 liks!!!!!! thank u so mch!!!!!!! EDIT 10: 104 LIKES WOWW!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😨🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 EDIT 11: BEEN 1 YEAR AND 127 LIKES OMG THANKS 🥳🥳🥳🥳 EDIT 12: 130 LIKES 👍 I NEVER REACHED THIS 😨😨😨😨
i noticed that too- I was looking for a comment mentioning it O.o If he did say the word, I dont think he meant it in a bad way, but hes still in the wrong for saying it
Here goes. Hey! Edit 1: Omg thanks for 1 like! Edit 2: seriously get this thing up more likes!!! edit 3: AHHHH LIKE MY COMMENT ok I’m too lazy to finish this
Epic Edit 1: OMG 0 LIKES THANKS GUYS Edit 2: fortnite Edit 3: dab Edit 4: I can’t do this anymore help Edit 5: thank you for 1like Edit 6: thank you for 5 likes Edit 7: I’m in bipolar depression because of my own comment please some one help
0:06 When you go to sleep and you are all ready and you need to pee. When you remember you have homework to do for tomorrow in the middle of the night.
i eat mom edit 1: omg 0 likes wtf this is a universal accomplishment holy cow recorder this on tv edit 2: record8* not recorder, silly me edit 3: im already tired of doing this
You wanna see long Sophie wrote the following essay for question #2 on the Common Application: "Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you." Sophie used the Common Application to apply to Bard College, Dickinson College, Hampshire College, Oberlin College, Smith College, SUNY Geneseo and Wesleyan University. All are selective schools that accept between roughly 25% and 55% of applicants. Sophie wrote the following essay for question #2 on the Common Application: "Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you." Sophie used the Common Application to apply to Bard College, Dickinson College, Hampshire College, Oberlin College, Smith College, SUNY Geneseo and Wesleyan University. All are selective schools that accept between roughly 25% and 55% of Sophie wrote the following essay for question #2 on the Common Application: "Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you." Sophie used the Common Application to apply to Bard College, Dickinson College, Hampshire College, Oberlin College, Smith College, SUNY Geneseo and Wesleyan University. All are selective schools that accept between roughly 25% and 55% of Sophie wrote the following essay for question #2 on the Common Application: "Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you." Sophie used the Common Application to apply to Bard College, Dickinson College, Hampshire College, Oberlin College, Smith College, SUNY Geneseo and Wesleyan University. All are selective schools that Sophie wrote the following essay for question #2 on the Common Application: "Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you." Sophie used the Common Application to apply to Bard College, Dickinson College, Hampshire College, Oberlin College, Smith College, SUNY Geneseo and Wesleyan University. All are selective schools that accept between roughly 25% and 55% of Sophie wrote the following essay for question #2 on the Common Application: "Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you." Sophie used the Common Application to apply to Bard College, Dickinson College, Hampshire College, Oberlin College, Smith College, SUNY Geneseo and Wesleyan University. All are selective schools that Sophie wrote the following essay for question #2 on the Common Application: "Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you." Sophie used the Common Application to apply to Bard College, Dickinson College, Hampshire College, Oberlin College, Smith College, SUNY Geneseo and Wesleyan University. All are selective schools that Sophie wrote the following essay for question #2 on the Common Application: "Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you." Sophie used the Common Application to apply to Bard College, Dickinson College, Hampshire College, Oberlin College, Smith College, SUNY Geneseo and Wesleyan University. All are selective schools that accept between roughly 25% and 55% of Sophie wrote the following essay for question #2 on the Common Application: "Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you." Sophie used the Common Application to apply to Bard College, Dickinson College, Hampshire College, Oberlin College, Smith College, SUNY Geneseo and Wesleyan University. All are selective schools that Sophie wrote the following essay for question #2 on the Common Application: "Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you." Sophie used the Common Application to apply to Bard College, Dickinson College, Hampshire College, Oberlin College, Smith College, SUNY Geneseo and Wesleyan University. All are selective schools that Sophie wrote the following essay for question #2 on the Common Application: "Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you." Sophie used the Common Application to apply to Bard College, Dickinson College, Hampshire College, Oberlin College, Smith College, SUNY Geneseo and Wesleyan University. All are selective schools that accept between roughly 25% and 55% of applicants. accept between roughly 25% and 55% of applicants. accept between roughly 25% and 55% of applicants. applicants. accept between roughly 25% and 55% of applicants. accept between roughly 25% and 55% of applicants. applicants. accept between roughly 25% and 55% of applicants. applicants. applicants.
Im gonna make fainted happy :) edit 1: 1 like by me tysm edit 2: 2 likes omg!! edit 3: 31 likes omg edit 4: 64 likes u guys r mad lads edit 5: That's a stack in minecraft
No one : No one in the history of man kind : No one ever : My brain : Let's dream about murdering a titan sized chicken that's destroying a house with a random af guy you've never met in your life!
A few days ago I had a dream. In the dream I was transgender for some odd reason. A girl was trying to seem like a special LGBT person too, so she literally said 'I have no poop in my butt, only ice cream, and 3/4 of it has been in the mouth of lesbians'.
[Intro] I'm the Globglogabgalab, I love books And this basement is a true treasure trove [Verse 1] I am the Glob-glo-gab-galab The shwabble-dabble-wabble-gabble flibba blabba blab I'm full of shwibbly liber-kind I am the yeast of thoughts and minds [Chorus] Shwabble dabble glibble glabble schribble shwap glab Dibble dabble shribble shrabble glibbi-glap shwap Shwabble dabble glibble glabble shwibble shwap-dap Dibble dabble shribble shrabble glibbi-shwap glab [Bridge] Ooh, ha ha ha, mmm, splendid Simply delicious Ohm, ha ha ha ha [Verse 2] I am the Glob-glo-gab-galab The shwabble-dabble-wabble-gabble flibba blabba blab I'm full of shwibbly liber-kind I am the yeast of thoughts and minds [Chorus] Shwabble dabble glibble glabble schribble shwap glab Dibble dabble shribble shrabble glibbi-glap shwap Shwabble dabble glibble glabble shwibble shwap-dap Dibble dabble shribble shrabble glibbi-shwap glab [Outro] Ah
poo poo Edit: oh haha first like is me Edit 2: omg this is my most liked comment Edit 3: thank you all this is the happiest day of my life Edit 4: can we get it to 30???? Xdxd Edit 5: just told my mom to like my comment so we could at least get it to 21!!! Edit 6: omgmomg Edit 7: I want to thank the random guy and everyone XDD Edit 8: 30 here we comeee Edit 9: I died
I was thinking of cat ears and forgot that cats have ears and I thought to myslef: "How would cats look with ears lol" and then imagined a cat with human ears
Longest comment of all time Edit 1- L Edit 2- O Edit 3- N Edit 4- G Edit 5- E Edit 6- S Edit 7- T Edit 8- Edit 9- C Edit 10-O Edit 11-M Edit 12-M Edit 13-E Edit 14-N Edit 15-T Edit 16- Edit 17-O Edit 18-F Edit 19- Edit 20-A Edit 21-L Edit 22-L Edit 23- Edit 24-T Edit 25-I Edit 26-M Edit 27-E Edit 28-Thanks for the like
awy guwss edit: Hey guys* edit 2: thanks for the like edit 3: can we hit 5 likes by tomorrow? Edit 4: we did it guys Edit 5 thanks for 20 like s Edit 6: likes* Edit 7: let's try to reach 30! edit:8 sorry ive not responded for a year thanks for uh 43 likes!
discord: i have never seen Shrek
me: reinstalls Skype
Fainted hello my friend
me: reinstalls teamspeak
me: doesnt install anything
A kid named Kyle at my school got suspended for beating up a bin
Cursed comment
R/that happened
BPX Kamakazieツ Had to be a Kyle.
Freaking Kyle
Why did it have to be a kyle
0:57 I would’ve accepted the free Pokémon card packs any day
Fr tho
They hella expensive 5$ for a 10 card pack fuck yeah I’ll take one
Shiiiiit im 32 n fuck yes I'd be takin that free pack any day.
Edit: oh shit, I forgot I turned 33 last month. Dammit.
@@r3gret2079 happy late birthday
fax especially in a gas station i barely ever see pokemon cards there
at least discord tweets should be dark mode
Discord tweets
-Annie YT- Explosion!
@-Annie YT- wtf
Auprrz Dark Mode: 🤢🤮🤮
@@The_TriO_Show Dark mode: 😍😍😍
when your mom calls you and you say “what” but she doesnt answer and calls you again.
hai svtfoe fan i like svtfoe too
I can relate so much
Happens all the time
Every fucking time
And now the nations of the world, brought to you by Yakko Warner!
United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama
Haiti, Jamaica, Peru,
Republic Dominican, Cuba, Carribean
Greenland, El Salvador too.
Puerto Rico, Columbia, Venezuela
Honduras, Guyana, and still,
Guatemala, Bolivia, then Argentina
And Ecuador, Chile, Brazil.
Costa Rica, Belize, Nicaragua, Bermuda
Bahamas, Tobago, San Juan,
Paraguay, Uruguay, Suriname
And French Guiana, Barbados, and Guam.
Norway, and Sweden, and Iceland, and Finland
And Germany now one piece,
Switzerland, Austria, Czechoslovakia
Italy, Turkey, and Greece.
Poland, Romania, Scotland, Albania
Ireland, Russia, Oman,
Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia
Hungary, Cyprus, Iraq, and Iran.
There's Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan
Both Yemens,…
And now the nations of the world, brought to you by Yakko Warner!
United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama
Haiti, Jamaica, Peru,
Republic Dominican, Cuba, Carribean
Greenland, El Salvador too.
Puerto Rico, Columbia, Venezuela
Honduras, Guyana, and still,
Guatemala, Bolivia, then Argentina
And Ecuador, Chile, Brazil.
Costa Rica, Belize, Nicaragua, Bermuda
Bahamas, Tobago, San Juan,
Paraguay, Uruguay, Suriname
And French Guiana, Barbados, and Guam.
Norway, and Sweden, and Iceland, and Finland
And Germany now one piece,
Switzerland, Austria, Czechoslovakia
Italy, Turkey, and Greece.
Poland, Romania, Scotland, Albania
Ireland, Russia, Oman,
Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia
Hungary, Cyprus, Iraq, and Iran.
There's Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan
Both Yemens,…
And now the nations of the world, brought to you by Yakko Warner!
United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama
Haiti, Jamaica, Peru,
Republic Dominican, Cuba, Carribean
Greenland, El Salvador too.
Puerto Rico, Columbia, Venezuela
Honduras, Guyana, and still,
Guatemala, Bolivia, then Argentina
And Ecuador, Chile, Brazil.
Costa Rica, Belize, Nicaragua, Bermuda
Bahamas, Tobago, San Juan,
Paraguay, Uruguay, Suriname
And French Guiana, Barbados, and Guam.
Norway, and Sweden, and Iceland, and Finland
And Germany now one piece,
Switzerland, Austria, Czechoslovakia
Italy, Turkey, and Greece.
Poland, Romania, Scotland, Albania
Ireland, Russia, Oman,
Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia
Hungary, Cyprus, Iraq, and Iran.
There's Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan
Both Yemens,…
And now the nations of the world, brought to you by Yakko Warner!
United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama
Haiti, Jamaica, Peru,
Republic Dominican, Cuba, Carribean
Greenland, El Salvador too.
Puerto Rico, Columbia, Venezuela
Honduras, Guyana, and still,
Guatemala, Bolivia, then Argentina
And Ecuador, Chile, Brazil.
Costa Rica, Belize, Nicaragua, Bermuda
Bahamas, Tobago, San Juan,
Paraguay, Uruguay, Suriname
And French Guiana, Barbados, and Guam.
Norway, and Sweden, and Iceland, and Finland
And Germany now one piece,
Switzerland, Austria, Czechoslovakia
Italy, Turkey, and Greece.
Poland, Romania, Scotland, Albania
Ireland, Russia, Oman,
Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia
Hungary, Cyprus, Iraq, and Iran.
There's Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan
Both Yemens,…
Bro you asked and if I get ban I’m literally gonna die
It’s a brilliant sight
Doge master Im sorry but you have been banned for spam
Here’s something longing it’s a pinned comment ;)видео.html
Doge master wow
My long commet:
Edit 1: Tysm for 0 likes!!!!!
Edit 3: Just woke up
Edit 4: it's about 4am and I'm juuling at Grandma's!!!
Edit 5: Sorry I just love y'all for 0 likes!!!!
Edit 6: LAST EDIT!!! Tysm for 0 likes.
Edit 7: I lied
Edit 8: Just got tinder
Edit 9: won fortnite 4 times!!!
Edit 10: Omggggg in starbuckss
Edit 11: EATING ribsss
Edit 12: It's my b-day!!!
Edit 14: idk I'm lazy I'll ad more soonnnn
Edit 15: L
Edit 16: Love u
Edit 17: Yassss
Edit 18: Love y'all
edit 21: Juuling
Edit 22: Yesssssss
Edit 23: Idkkkk I'm bored affff
Edit 24: Sup
Edit 25: Ughhhh just like already!!!
Edit 26: just breathed
Edit 27: Wassup
Edit 30: Sorry, oh 1 like, that person may be famous because it's blue!!!
Edit 31: Thanks for 5 likes.
Say *water nut*
You mean 60 likes?
famous last words *"thanks for 5 likes"*
Nice try mate you copied someone's comment
Idek what this is but I love it
Here we go
Edit 1: hi
Edit 2: guys
Edit 3: I
Edit 4: don’t
Edit 5: know
Edit 6: when
Edit 7: I
Edit 8: am
Edit 9: going
Edit 10: to
Edit 11: stop.
Edit 12: I
Edit 13: am
Edit 14: just
Edit 15: really
Edit 16: bored
Edit 17: already.
Edit 18: I
Edit 19: am
Edit 20: out
Edit 21: of
Edit 22: stuff
Edit 23: to
Edit 24: type.
Edit 25: my
Edit 26: friend
Edit 27: got
Edit 28: super
Edit 29: waisted
Edit 30: last
Edit 31: night.
Edit 32: well
Edit 33: I
Edit 34: should
Edit 35: probably
Edit 36: go
Edit 37: subscribe
Edit 38: after
Edit 39: this
Edit 40: comment.
Edit 41: I
Edit 42: need
Edit 43: help
Edit 44: finding
Edit 45: a
Edit 46: life,
Edit 47: like
Edit 48: now.
Edit 49: ughhhhh
Edit 50: 50!!!!!!!!!!
Edit 51: looks
Edit 52: like
Edit 53: I
Edit 54: am
Edit 55: still
Edit 56: going
Edit 57: and
Edit 58: this
Edit 59: is
Edit 60: the
Edit 61: most
Edit 62: fun
Edit 63: I
Edit 64: have
Edit 65: had
Edit 66: in
Edit 67: ages.
Edit 68: 10
Edit 69: minutes
Edit 70: of
Edit 71: my
Edit 72: life
Edit 73: wasted
Edit 74: just
Edit 75: to
Edit 76: see
Edit 77: if
Edit 78: I
Edit 79: could
Edit 80: get
Edit 81: the
Edit 82: biggest
Edit 83: comment
Edit 84: I
Edit 85: highly
Edit 86: doubt
Edit 87: I
Edit 88: will
Edit 89: get
Edit 90: it
Edit 91: but
Edit 92: I
Edit 93: am
Edit 94: this
Edit 95: deep
Edit 96: into
Edit 97: it
Edit 98: so
Edit 99: why
Edit 100: stop?
Edit 101: I
Edit 102: hope
Edit 103: this
Edit 104: gets
Edit 105: a
Edit 106: lot
Edit 107: of
Edit 108: likes
Edit 109: because
Edit 110: I
Edit 111: wasted
Edit 112: so
Edit 113: much
Edit 114: time
Edit 115: doing
Edit 116: this.
Edit 117: Seattle
Edit 118: Seahawks
Edit 119: are
Edit 120: the
Edit 121: best.
Edit 122: Timberwolfs
Edit 123: are
Edit 124: the
Edit 125: best!!!
Edit 126: okay
Edit 127: i
Edit 128: am
Edit 129: done
Edit 130: now
Edit 131: everyone
Edit 132: have
Edit 133: an
Edit 134: amazing
Edit 135: day
Edit 137: TO
Edit 138: THIS
Edit 139: GUY!!!!!
Edit 140: BYEEEEEE
The comment aint edited so.... oof
I get it... I done goofed 😂
somebody play the ya done goofed meme
0:13 when you get comfortable in your bed and you need to go pee
woulda peed myself already tbh
0:13 when your mom calls u when u put a finger on ur bed
Fainted: I'm 5'10 with shoes on
Also Fainted: 👠
I used to be a fan
Now I’m a air conditioner.
Hahahahahahahahahahaha lol xd
hahahahahahahahahahaha lol xd
hahahahahahahahahahaha lol xd
hahahahahahahahahahaha lol xd
hahahahahahahahahahaha lol xd
hahahahahahahahahahaha lol xd
hahahahahahahahahahaha lol xd
I used to be a fan now I'm a watermelon
Omfg.... X3
random generic username not that funny chill
bruh you're a bully to females then
11:26 the man is saying “don’t be scared, you aren’t going to fall”
*When you feel something crawling on you but you don’t know what it is*
Discord: “i have never seen shrek”
Me: *cries in onion*
Just a dood *cries in layers*
*_I never seen shrek too_*
@@Taesune onions baby
0:06 when you come home and your mom starts yelling at you
When your mom calls you downstairs after you just got in bed.
This comment is so relatable😂😂😂😂
Fr!! And ur siblings just sittin on the couch
Ok but fainted does have a REALLY nice voice.
I'd honestly enjoy hearing him voice just about anything
Hey Fainted, here's a "big smart."
When you're in a rush to hide under the blanket to hide from the darkness in your room, you're only giving yourself to even more darkness underneath the blanket.
Yeah but it's the stuff that's in the dark...
11:26 vid is in Arabic, here's translation:
"Don't worry you're not gonna fall."
"It's okay you won't fall!"
"What's wrong with you?"
Whats ze vid called
@@rigelsagrado8211 top bruh moments #152
12:09 when you forget there was a test and your teacher says “hopefully you all studied!”
When you wake up 5 minutes before your alarm
8:35 When iPhone's hating on android but iPhone's storage space is gone in a week 🤣💀
EyeZiar Congrats on 8 Likes Android user
@@The_TriO_Show its been 7 months degenerate
From personal experience, my android data ran out in like a month (not exaggerating) while my iPhone data still hasn't run out.
EyeZiar *angry android user is typing*
Chaotic same for you lmao 50 likes in 7 months
Lmao of you look at the reply this comment makes no sense
Fortnite Clips PS4 - LOL
Nah fam it’s yellow 😂
Fortnite Clips PS4 hella long
Syn well it’s not 666 anymore lol
Congrats you found my comment
Edit:thanks so much for 1 like
Edit:thanks for 4 likes
Edit#3: thank you for 40 liked x10 for oast edit omg
edit 4: opwow omg 74 likes 😮😮 thanks
edit 5: 85 likes omg so much 😯😯
edit 9: some guy told me to go in his van anyways omg 95 liks!!!!!! thank u so mch!!!!!!!
EDIT 10: 104 LIKES WOWW!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😨🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
junxpp 5
Do more
Edit 104
0:06 when your parents wont stop calling you to come here
0:05 when something crawls on you when you're trying to sleep
9:33 Me when I can’t sleep at night so I’m telling myself stories from my childhood like I’m on a talk show
tell me the stories lol
00:04 when I lay down and get comfortable my mom calls me and when I say Mom Mom MOM and she don’t AWNSER
Omg the way he said “tickle tickle” cracked me up for some reason lmaoo
Why’d you bleep that out?You couldn’t actually have-
Could you have?
Why is no one talking about this tho
I think he might’ve actually -
I noticed that and I didn’t know if anybody else did......
I think he did...........
i noticed that too- I was looking for a comment mentioning it O.o If he did say the word, I dont think he meant it in a bad way, but hes still in the wrong for saying it
I- smh😔
I got in trouble in Science for stealing a rock
Mate I got in trouble from walking back to class from the bathroom
I got in trouble for showing up once
Edit: To the person who liked this thank you!
Got in trouble for dropping a school book
Got detention for throwing a rock at the ground.
Here goes.
Edit 1: Omg thanks for 1 like!
Edit 2: seriously get this thing up more likes!!!
ok I’m too lazy to finish this
im gonna do one like this
you started you have to finish boy
Finish is plzzzzzzzzz
When yo momma standin by the door with a belt and tell u "Gon head walk past"
I know I'm not the only one
Edit 2: fortnite
Edit 3: dab
Edit 4: I can’t do this anymore help
Edit 5: thank you for 1like
Edit 6: thank you for 5 likes
Edit 7: I’m in bipolar depression because of my own comment please some one help
Monika? Is this you?
Shut up
@Chad Walters No... Why.... Just why
@@raxone2181 I like how your being mean for no reason 🤣😅😂
Meme Master Monica oh no I ain't gonna help
0:13 when you just wrapped in a blanket burrito and remembered you had to get something
The “tickle tickle” had me dying for like 40 minutes😂💀
0:06 when there's a mosquito in your room with you at night
U got em man! ( not me ) ;-;
0:06 When you go to sleep and you are all ready and you need to pee.
When you remember you have homework to do for tomorrow in the middle of the night.
8:26 Imagine being his mom at home during that time
His mum is way worser than him.
i eat mom
edit 1: omg 0 likes wtf this is a universal accomplishment holy cow recorder this on tv
edit 2: record8* not recorder, silly me
edit 3: im already tired of doing this
Reply 1
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Reply 5
Bro at 2:29 I thought I was legit getting a discord call.
Same XD
Same XD
Same XD
Same XD
Same XD
You wanna see long Sophie wrote the following essay for question #2 on the Common Application: "Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you." Sophie used the Common Application to apply to Bard College, Dickinson College, Hampshire College, Oberlin College, Smith College, SUNY Geneseo and Wesleyan University. All are selective schools that accept between roughly 25% and 55% of applicants. Sophie wrote the following essay for question #2 on the Common Application: "Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you." Sophie used the Common Application to apply to Bard College, Dickinson College, Hampshire College, Oberlin College, Smith College, SUNY Geneseo and Wesleyan University. All are selective schools that accept between roughly 25% and 55% of Sophie wrote the following essay for question #2 on the Common Application: "Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you." Sophie used the Common Application to apply to Bard College, Dickinson College, Hampshire College, Oberlin College, Smith College, SUNY Geneseo and Wesleyan University. All are selective schools that accept between roughly 25% and 55% of Sophie wrote the following essay for question #2 on the Common Application: "Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you." Sophie used the Common Application to apply to Bard College, Dickinson College, Hampshire College, Oberlin College, Smith College, SUNY Geneseo and Wesleyan University. All are selective schools that Sophie wrote the following essay for question #2 on the Common Application: "Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you." Sophie used the Common Application to apply to Bard College, Dickinson College, Hampshire College, Oberlin College, Smith College, SUNY Geneseo and Wesleyan University. All are selective schools that accept between roughly 25% and 55% of Sophie wrote the following essay for question #2 on the Common Application: "Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you." Sophie used the Common Application to apply to Bard College, Dickinson College, Hampshire College, Oberlin College, Smith College, SUNY Geneseo and Wesleyan University. All are selective schools that Sophie wrote the following essay for question #2 on the Common Application: "Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you." Sophie used the Common Application to apply to Bard College, Dickinson College, Hampshire College, Oberlin College, Smith College, SUNY Geneseo and Wesleyan University. All are selective schools that Sophie wrote the following essay for question #2 on the Common Application: "Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you." Sophie used the Common Application to apply to Bard College, Dickinson College, Hampshire College, Oberlin College, Smith College, SUNY Geneseo and Wesleyan University. All are selective schools that accept between roughly 25% and 55% of Sophie wrote the following essay for question #2 on the Common Application: "Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you." Sophie used the Common Application to apply to Bard College, Dickinson College, Hampshire College, Oberlin College, Smith College, SUNY Geneseo and Wesleyan University. All are selective schools that Sophie wrote the following essay for question #2 on the Common Application: "Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you." Sophie used the Common Application to apply to Bard College, Dickinson College, Hampshire College, Oberlin College, Smith College, SUNY Geneseo and Wesleyan University. All are selective schools that Sophie wrote the following essay for question #2 on the Common Application: "Discuss some issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you." Sophie used the Common Application to apply to Bard College, Dickinson College, Hampshire College, Oberlin College, Smith College, SUNY Geneseo and Wesleyan University. All are selective schools that accept between roughly 25% and 55% of applicants. accept between roughly 25% and 55% of applicants. accept between roughly 25% and 55% of applicants. applicants. accept between roughly 25% and 55% of applicants. accept between roughly 25% and 55% of applicants. applicants. accept between roughly 25% and 55% of applicants. applicants. applicants.
The “Tickle Tickle” one 😭😭😂😂
Me: [In Elevator] Hey You...
Just Keep Scrolling Up...
I Want To Be Up There
The One Who Reading This: Okay...
i an confusion
He probably made another comment and if it got a lot of likes it would be up there
I stopped scrolling when I saw this comment
The one who’s reading your comment: you ain’t funny nice try though
Jesus Christ it’s Jesus Christ!
0:07 When your mom says pause the online game.
im a simple man, i see how is twitter free i click
Tiger Dragon don’t be discriminative
*sees thumbnail*
Me:yea he’s not gonna be verified any longer.
Jenelco they haven’t seen SHREK
@@lucio4131 but verified is like when they are official, I'm confused.
I recently discovered your channel. I’m binge watching now!
Im gonna make fainted happy :)
edit 1: 1 like by me tysm
edit 2: 2 likes omg!!
edit 3: 31 likes omg
edit 4: 64 likes u guys r mad lads
edit 5: That's a stack in minecraft
Me: watches youtube
“Ur not British if u dont know this hotel” awkward silence
That dude talks like a Walk Man with over 9000 nics, lit fam🔥🔥🔥
Me having more than 20 mental breakdowns because of finals
Lol same
2:52 One time I got in trouble for standing up during lunch to put something in the trash
10:00 the legend says that he's still editing
No one:
Literally no one:
No even a soul:
im so glad im not the only one that reads tweets in your voice i thought i was weird
Edit1: Poo
Edit2: Cheese
Edit3: Lmao i didn't edit this you got fooled
Bamboozled again
No one :
No one in the history of man kind :
No one ever :
My brain : Let's dream about murdering a titan sized chicken that's destroying a house with a random af guy you've never met in your life!
A few days ago I had a dream. In the dream I was transgender for some odd reason. A girl was trying to seem like a special LGBT person too, so she literally said 'I have no poop in my butt, only ice cream, and 3/4 of it has been in the mouth of lesbians'.
@@viktorramstrom3744 Lmao wow.
I'm going to have nightmares now
Daddy fainted I want you to know I hope you have a good day
Means a lot dude! Hope u do too 😋
Thanks gamer
9:34 Everybody gangsta
Till jah starts arguing with you
Little Gorls you I actually laughed
I’m luaghing in tears
2:29 actually thought it was someone on discord calling me lol 😂😂😂
14:20 he got me 😂😂
Edit thanks for 2 likes!
Viper asnksn ikr
Damn it
SR19742011 oml your picture 😑😑😑😑
Viper asnksn mines of my blanket I think lol
SR19742011 I’m waiting for a response
when your sibling doesn't close the door even though you told them too
Androids make the gas station cameras look like next gen
Edit10:I'm getting tired
Edit11:too much work
another one plz
^ literally anytime I try to do anything productive
U here m8?
@@proto930 yea im here
2:51 my friends fighting while am watching them then getting in trouble for no reason. Beat that
0:07 when ur mom doesn’t close the door on her way out so u gotta get up and do it urself
*when they keep the door open*
I'm the Globglogabgalab, I love books
And this basement is a true treasure trove
[Verse 1]
I am the Glob-glo-gab-galab
The shwabble-dabble-wabble-gabble flibba blabba blab
I'm full of shwibbly liber-kind
I am the yeast of thoughts and minds
Shwabble dabble glibble glabble schribble shwap glab
Dibble dabble shribble shrabble glibbi-glap shwap
Shwabble dabble glibble glabble shwibble shwap-dap
Dibble dabble shribble shrabble glibbi-shwap glab
Ooh, ha ha ha, mmm, splendid
Simply delicious
Ohm, ha ha ha ha
[Verse 2]
I am the Glob-glo-gab-galab
The shwabble-dabble-wabble-gabble flibba blabba blab
I'm full of shwibbly liber-kind
I am the yeast of thoughts and minds
Shwabble dabble glibble glabble schribble shwap glab
Dibble dabble shribble shrabble glibbi-glap shwap
Shwabble dabble glibble glabble shwibble shwap-dap
Dibble dabble shribble shrabble glibbi-shwap glab
Nah, its
*When your mother calls you and you say "what" but she doesn't respond*
True lol
poo poo
Edit: oh haha first like is me
Edit 2: omg this is my most liked comment
Edit 3: thank you all this is the happiest day of my life
Edit 4: can we get it to 30???? Xdxd
Edit 5: just told my mom to like my comment so we could at least get it to 21!!!
Edit 6: omgmomg
Edit 7: I want to thank the random guy and everyone XDD
Edit 8: 30 here we comeee
Edit 9: I died
This made me laugh so i gave you another one
Copied everyone
I just saw poo poo and I laughed for 26 mins
As a person named kyle, I strongly agree with all of the kyle memes.
0:12 when someone leaves the door open when you are trying to sleep
When a weak as kid trying to defeat a strong guy
(This happen in my bus last Friday)
Me: deletes twitter
Fainted: *uploads why is twitter free video*
Me: oh that’s why....
0:06 when your parents call you, you say yes, and then they don’t say anything and wait for you to come
3:26 got me dead
The thumbnail is cursed.
When your mom calls you while your trying to relax 00:13
Please use Dark mode more.
Our eyes are burning man.
i agree
Yeah the firetruck can't get a brake from putting my eyes out
1:45 y that dude look from escape room LMAOOO
maya frr
that film fucking scarred me istg
as someone who loves to actually box 8:17 broke me
Nice vid
Edit 1: 0 likes omg 😲
Edit 2: sorry I was asleep thanks for 4 likes 😄
Edit 3: wow 7 likes thanks 🙏
Edit 4: thx for 17 likes lol
U got 13 now bud
Wtf his thing won't load
edit 1 - OMG 1 LIKE!
edit 2 - oh wait thats mine
edit 3 - like
edit 4 - do
edit 5 - it
edit 6 - now
edit 7 - yeet
edit 8 - skeeet
edit 9 - stalling
edit 10 - uggggh
edit 11 - now it is edited
edit 12 - yeeting again
Beamish Foreman ain’t even edited
This comment isn’t even edited😂
the comment aint even edited crackhead
@@zakiulislam7433 yeet, now it is lol
@@Caydenehw now it is
I was thinking of cat ears and forgot that cats have ears and I thought to myslef: "How would cats look with ears lol" and then imagined a cat with human ears
i know a kid named kyle. he's a vegan and loves nintendo.
That's a nice change of pace
You go realise the pixel 3 has the best phone camera right😂Anyway apart from the android jokes I love your channel
0:06 *When your mom calls your name from downstairs and you answer what but they don’t answer back.*
anyone else get mad when he read "ahaa ha" incorrectly @ 4:59
The way more screams like he’s going through puberty while he’s flailing his arms
0:06 when mum tells you to do the dishes right after you get comfortable
omg omg college students got the bottle flip
edit: ty for 0 likes its the most i’ve gotten 😍
I eat without the bone, since I eat it off my knee.
Edit 1: OMG ThAnk YoU FoR 1 LiKeS!!!1111!!!
oh yeah yeah...
0:06 when you dream you are playing hardcore survival irl and a creeper kills you
Longest comment of all time
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Edit 20-A
Edit 21-L
Edit 22-L
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Edit 24-T
Edit 25-I
Edit 26-M
Edit 27-E
Edit 28-Thanks for the like
False there is a 50 edit comment
Yes! you found late, long comment!!!
Edit 1: one like TYSM!!!!!
Edit 2: nvm guys that was me
You think your late, please!
2:29 I swear I had a heart attack, that was too real.
awy guwss
edit: Hey guys*
edit 2: thanks for the like
edit 3: can we hit 5 likes by tomorrow?
Edit 4: we did it guys
Edit 5 thanks for 20 like s
Edit 6: likes*
Edit 7: let's try to reach 30!
edit:8 sorry ive not responded for a year thanks for uh 43 likes!
U literally stole this
@@henrypanozzo9607 I was literally told to do this