Compare the interpretations of the Freiburg Baroque Orchestra to the ones of Orchestra Mozart under the direction of Claudio Abbado. Which do you like better?
Both are so glorious! The Freiburg recording makes me feel as if I am back, actually in, Bach's time, hearing the music the way Bach did; the Abbado recording makes me feel as if I am here, today. I think Bach would be very pleased with both performances. So blown away by the musicianship on these recordings.
+EuroArtsChannel Ever since I came across this video I have become a big fan of Freiburger and have purchased several of their CDs. I can highly recommend Telemann's Tafelmusik as well as this.
Freiburg Baroque Orchestra for ever! By the way, thank you so much for filming and posting such glorious music with such a wonderful interpretation! And the filming and the location are also wonderful!!! Thank you for such a great service to art, culture and beauty! Greetings from Florence, Italy
For those who don't know about the story behind Bach's Brandenburg concertos. In 1721, Bach composed six “concertos for various instruments”. He dedicated them to a German nobleman and sent the manuscript as a gift, hoping to land a job as the court composer in Brandenburg. The nobleman never replied. Bach eventually took another job in Leipzig, where he lived for the rest of his life. The 6 concertos were lost for 130 years. They were never performed. The manuscript was eventually sold for about $20 and shelved in a library. The Brandenburg Concertos sat there until 1849, when they were discovered and published for the first time. Thank god.
Bach wrote in the dedication to the nobleman about the concertos, "...begging Your Highness most humbly not to judge their imperfection...". Surely Bach was taking the piss.
I have heard that Mozart had a great respect for Bach. If he had known about these concerti, what would he have done with them? Performed them or adapted them in some wondrous new format? The possibilities are surely endless.
i like the cellos no percussion no trumpets a lot of timing i like 4 violins one plays lead cellos are base and the other three violins are rhythym almost like rock and roll without the noise
performances like this are treasures. We often get too critical and times we need to just sit back and enjoy, no matter what instruments chosen. So Thank you with polite applause
Actually we may hear this better than audiences did in Bach's time. Some instruments are intrinsically louder than others, while others (recorders, perhaps) are quieter. But with modern recording engineering techniques, this can be balanced so we hear each contrapuntal line as Bach probably intended...?
That violin soloist omg. The way he plays, so smooth and clever but yet so soft and sweet, i feel like the melody could cry and feel. Such a beautiful piece and beautiful interpreters. I'm in love
I agree that Mozart was a great melodist, but Bach was called by Beethoven "the Father of Harmony". And many experts since then have agreed. Mozart didn't get to hear as much Bach as he did Handel. And Handel was another great melodist.
@@Tristan_ll Bach is a classical composer and also a Baroque era composer. Mozart is a classical composer and also a Classical era composer. Do you understand?
I've listened to the this concerto all my life. It's my favorite of these. It's never been played better! This is what humans can do when they work together for a worth while purpose.
Mentally it seems I cannot reach this level of music. When I listen to this music I become completely silent and descend to a kind of mystical level. I remain amazed and amazed...
The Brandenburg Concertos are always a source of meditative delight! These musicians have a good crisp sound, they don't have that mechanical sound like so many others do!
Aakao for so many years I had third concert as such a favorite that I don't thing I ever tried to listen to the others. just imagine my joy with this outstanding gem just now...
Too wonderful for words. That written...this is stupendous Bach! The musicians, instruments, and the hall. Perfection! The ensemble, the musicianship, is extraordinary. Thank you!
I used to think #4 was my favorite. However, after listening to all of them, I have decided that I like best the one I'm listening to at the time. After all, this is Bach!!!
I love the way this one starts out all cutesy and nicely nice. Then descends into a beautiful chaotic madness that would make Vivaldi blush, then comes back out again into the beautiful nicely niceness, then back again. It’s truly spellbinding.
I was so lucky to have had a father who shared his appreciation in feelings, connection, and gratitude for classical music! This piece in particular always reminds me of him. He was an amazingly rounded individual!! Warms me through to my soul :-)
Agreed. I'm jealous of his effortless left hand shape. So hard to keep the little finger curled downwards like 95% of the time while playing on the other 3!!
Hace 75 años que la música me apasiona. Siempre me gustó, como una de las melodías mas hermosas, el concierto nº4, pero lo había escuchado por la vieja radio Excelsior y el Sodre, de Montevideo. Nunca vi a un conjunto de cámara tocándolo. Y mi asombro fue grande, cuando vi a la Freiburger Barockorchester brillando. Y allí me enteré que las flautas que acariciaron mis oídos durante toda mi vida, no eran Boëhm sino las conocidadas flautas dulces, estas de madera. Sorpresa agradable.
Esta tocado con instrumentos barrocos originales, entonacion original, en el salon de los espejos donde dice la leyenda que Bach estreno estos conciertos.
Los Conciertos de Brandenburgo o Conciertos brandeburgueses, BWV 1046-1051 (título original: Six Concerts à plusieurs instruments) constituyen una colección de seis conciertos que Johann Sebastian Bach presentó en 1721 a Christian Ludwig, Margrave de Brandeburgo. Índice Concierto de Brandeburgo n.º 1 en fa mayor, BWV 1046 Concierto de Brandeburgo n.º 2 en fa mayor, BWV 1047 Concierto de Brandeburgo n.º 3 en sol mayor, BWV 1048 Concierto de Brandeburgo n.º 4 en sol mayor, BWV 1049 Concierto de Brandeburgo n.º 5 en re mayor, BWV 1050 Concierto de Brandeburgo n.º 6 en si bemol mayor, BWV 1051 Probablemente Bach compuso los conciertos a lo largo de varios años mientras ocupaba el puesto de Kapellmeister en Köthen, y la tarea se prolongó hasta que estuvo de vuelta en su empleo en Weimar (1708-1717). La dedicatoria de Bach al Margrave data del 24 de marzo de 1721 y su primera frase dice así: Como he tenido la suerte hace unos años de ser escuchado por su Alteza Real, a las órdenes de Su Alteza, y como me percaté entonces de que Su Alteza tuvo algún placer en los pequeños talentos que Dios me ha dado para la música, y como al despedirse Su Alteza Real, se dignó honrarme con la orden de enviar a su Alteza algunas piezas de mi composición: Tengo de conformidad con las órdenes más corteses de su Alteza tomada la libertad de hacer mi más humilde deber a Su Alteza Real con los presentes Conciertos, que he adaptado a diversos instrumentos; rogando a su Alteza humildemente que no juzgue su imperfección con el rigor de ese gusto exigente y sensible, que todo el mundo sabe que Él tiene para las obras musicales, sino que más bien tome en benigna consideración el profundo respeto y la más humilde obediencia que yo así trato de mostrarle. El cuarto Concierto de Brandenburgo se anotó para violín, dos flautas, cuerdas y bajo continuo. La puntuación de Bach llama a las flautas "fiauti d'echo", un término inusual que probablemente indica que un registro en F se pretendía. Pero, ¿"d'echo" significa más que simplemente especificando que los registradores se iban a utilizar? Si, efectivamente, grabadoras, en lugar de la flauta transversal, entonces uno podría suponer que el sonido más suave de la grabadora está pensado como una especie de eco - excepto por el hecho de que las estrías aparecen desde el inicio de la Cuarta Brandenburg, incluso sin el violín solo, y si bien en ocasiones el doble del violín solo, rara vez se utilizan en una función de eco. Lo hacen de vez en cuando "eco" entre sí, especialmente en el segundo movimiento, pero uno se pregunta si realmente Bach pensaba de estos "ecos" repetidos como ecos más suaves, o pasajes meramente como imitativas, que encontramos tan a menudo en la música barroca. Las flautas de hecho juegan un papel prominente, lo que podría hacer pensar este concierto tiene un grupo en solitario (concertino), en el formato concerto grosso, pero el trabajo es a veces considerado un concierto en solitario para violín, dados los largos pasajes para violín solo solo (sin las flautas y con las cuerdas orquestales que prestan apoyo limitado). O tal vez la Cuarta Brandenburgo es una fusión de los dos tipos distintos de conciertos. El Cuarto Concierto de Brandenburgo es único, ya que es el único de los seis en los que se utilizan todos los instrumentos en todos los movimientos. (En el resto de los conciertos, los movimientos intermedios tienen una instrumentación reducida.) El primer movimiento (Allegro) utiliza tanto una estructura ritornello, así como una forma ABA, como era de esperar en un aria da capo. El tema ritornello regresa en numerosas formas, incluyendo en forma abreviada más adelante en el movimiento (típico de las formas ritornello de Vivaldi, uno de los modelos de Bach para el concierto barroco y concerto grosso), y se oyó presentado por las flautas y el violín solo , pero nunca por las cuerdas de la ripieno.
Brandenburg's No. 4 they play with exquisite skill and magnificent technique is beyond description , immeasurable , unfathomable and full of admiration and deep emotion , and comfortable to the ear and the mind .
Sorry, Minshwan, But Joel is right. And he isn't just the Father of Music, but also the Father of Harmony. Composers for many years have been learning from him.
he isn't the father of just nothing, and there isn't such a figure. He was an excellent musician, a genius if you like, but the father of nothing: western music existed before him and he virtually invented nothing new, just refined yet existing techinques and practices (and that's not just an easy path to follow....) I think it would be better to quit with this sensless "bach religion" that damages his music itself.
Köthen, bin einige Jahre jeden Tag am Schloss vorbeigegangen, Chemie - Anlagenbau studiert. Habe nicht an Bach gedacht, aber später habe ich es Nachgeholt. Ja, ob Claudio Abbado das noch besser kann ist für mich nicht entscheidend, beide Orchester sind herrovragend. Köthen hat mein Herzblut.
Ein wunderbares Konzert - wunderbar gespielt. Es erklang auch zu Bachs 300stem Geburtstag im (damals Ost-)Berliner Konzerthaus am Gendarmenmarkt. Ich hatte das Glück, mit Texten seiner "Bewerbungsgeschichte" als Thomaskantor den "unbequemen" Charakter Bachs illustrieren zu dürfen. Der brillante Musiker - und die Leipziger Ratsherren: Das war auch eine satirische Parabel Der große Bach musste vor den Herren Kotau machen - lange vergessen - oder?
Beautiful like spring where the life is pushing and blooming in all the glorious life that is beyond understandingly complex and so extracting and fascinating.
Im Verhältnis zu anderen Aufnahmen bei RUclips ist das hier sauber gespielt. Ich habe das Stück auf einer Schallplatte und bemerke den Unterschied. Wer von Euch hat auch noch heute eine Sammlung an Platten und hört sie auch ?
this is kind of a transcendental music if you can hear every part of melody, when I listen to this, I feel like I am in heaven, those harmonies can only come from Bach, Mozart, and Chopin
You can see the passion, the determination in Prof. Gottfried Graf von der Goltz playing the violin in every close up shot. It is absolutely mesmerizing to watch.
did anyone notice how this is the backround music from brain4breakfasts rise and fall rise and fall and rise of germany. PS R.I.P brain 4 breakfast you were the best educator
recorder has a reputation for being TOOT TOOT SCREECHY SCHREECH but that is only because only 2 year olds play it before quiting after grade 1. all instruments sound screechy screechy when 2 year olds are doing it for grade 1
I would like to be: it is a wonderful instrument with a wonderful and wide repertory, from middle age up to contemporary music, missing just XIX and first part of XX century. I know several professional recorder players.
Esta orquesta toca música para Dios. Bach escribió las partituras originales y los músicos en su conjunto logran la elevación del espíritu para llegar a los oídos del Padre Eterno. Gracias EuroArts Channel.
"Brandenburg Concerto No. 4 in G, Movement I (Allegro), BWV 1049" Kevin MacLeod" search Brandenburg Concerto No. 4 in G, Movement I (Allegro) its played by kevin macleod
I got the "Switched-on Bach" record in the 1960's when I was about twelve, and loved it. Here, after 35 seconds, I see what I was missing: the timbre of the wood (and some metal) instruments. It reminds me of a book about the medicinal qualities of wine, and the author said wine contains, what, a hundred identifiable chemical compounds. A Moog synthesizer, by contrast, has a pure tone, no outliers, no flaws, no signs of life. Well, I suppose now they can program in a few. Correction: no metal flutes!
When I hear the first movement played, I think of that poem 'The Owl and the Pussycat' by Edward Lear: "...And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand, They danced by the light of the moon..."
Compare the interpretations of the Freiburg Baroque Orchestra to the ones of Orchestra Mozart under the direction of Claudio Abbado. Which do you like better?
I like Maestro Abbado's
+EuroArtsChannel Freiburger for me.
Both are so glorious! The Freiburg recording makes me feel as if I am back, actually in, Bach's time, hearing the music the way Bach did; the Abbado recording makes me feel as if I am here, today. I think Bach would be very pleased with both performances.
So blown away by the musicianship on these recordings.
+EuroArtsChannel Ever since I came across this video I have become a big fan of Freiburger and have purchased several of their CDs. I can highly recommend Telemann's Tafelmusik as well as this.
Freiburg Baroque Orchestra for ever! By the way, thank you so much for filming and posting such glorious music with such a wonderful interpretation! And the filming and the location are also wonderful!!! Thank you for such a great service to art, culture and beauty! Greetings from Florence, Italy
Yoooo Sam o' Nella is so good they did a whole concert of his theme song
Pst kristal fuentes this video was aplouded bifore sam o´ nellas channel began to exist...
It’s a joke
@@whyyouhere4039 you must be fun at parties
@@taytoast i dont go... to parties (even if the pandemic wasent a thing)
why you here you’re a real buzzkill , good luck getting a working relationship and job
2:00 for you guys who watch Sam
Thank you.
Hahahahha thank you!
@@josuepalomares6820 god bless
For those who don't know about the story behind Bach's Brandenburg concertos. In 1721, Bach composed six “concertos for various instruments”. He dedicated them to a German nobleman and sent the manuscript as a gift, hoping to land a job as the court composer in Brandenburg. The nobleman never replied. Bach eventually took another job in Leipzig, where he lived for the rest of his life. The 6 concertos were lost for 130 years. They were never performed. The manuscript was eventually sold for about $20 and shelved in a library. The Brandenburg Concertos sat there until 1849, when they were discovered and published for the first time. Thank god.
That's not true Sam O' Nella created this song uncultured swine.
Fuckin Nerd
Bach wrote in the dedication to the nobleman about the concertos, "...begging Your Highness most humbly not to judge their imperfection...". Surely Bach was taking the piss.
Brilliant story, Madam. Thanks for sharing. It was very thoughtful.
I have heard that Mozart had a great respect for Bach. If he had known about these concerti, what would he have done with them? Performed them or adapted them in some wondrous new format? The possibilities are surely endless.
hey kids, today we're gonna talk about *insert topic*
Civil Protection YES!
Big feet
murei-tomo hey kids time for a fat knowledge bomb dropped on you. Today, we’re going to be talking about racism
Abraham Lincoln.
Bach is a musical genius who transcends time. He is one of my all-time favorite composers. And only other smart people agree... like Mr. O’Nella.
10,000 music preference IQ.
if in doubt play mozart it emotional beethoven and so much bach
there is a famous 60's song whiter shade of pale it is air onna g string with lyrics
I love how the violin player is moving and looking on each other players
It seems to show an upper mastering of his part
Gottfried von der Goltz is not only first violin here but the leader
i like the cellos no percussion no trumpets a lot of timing i like 4 violins one plays lead cellos are base and the other three violins are rhythym almost like rock and roll without the noise
the moving the looking and such a joy with the listening
He’s conducting them as he plays
honestly, some of the dopest bach there is.
+Austin Jones I see ten thumbs up, but what do you mean by 'dopest'? Silliest? Best from Buckshot.
+BuckshotLaFunke1 He means it's awesome. Dope is slang for great nowadays haha.
+The Halfways Oh, I see, thanks. The jazz slang of the 60s is still ringing in my ears.
performances like this are treasures. We often get too critical and times we need to just sit back and enjoy, no matter what instruments chosen. So Thank you with polite applause
I wished more people would click the 'like' icon for your comment :)
Actually we may hear this better than audiences did in Bach's time. Some instruments are intrinsically louder than others, while others (recorders, perhaps) are quieter. But with modern recording engineering techniques, this can be balanced so we hear each contrapuntal line as Bach probably intended...?
@@xtenkfarpl you have a point I think they're not even playing them the instruments. Have recorded speakers inside
and as you say a treasure
13:03 what a talented man
Anyone listening in 2021? The Brandenburg Concertos turned 300 this year!
That violin soloist omg. The way he plays, so smooth and clever but yet so soft and sweet, i feel like the melody could cry and feel. Such a beautiful piece and beautiful interpreters. I'm in love
the violin the soloist the music i am important ( ? ) as the audience
Bach will stand for all time, a titan of music!!
And Beethoven, of course.
My two favourite Composers
+George Barmington Come on, don't forget Mozart....
I suppose so
I agree that Mozart was a great melodist, but Bach was called by Beethoven "the Father of Harmony". And many experts since then have agreed. Mozart didn't get to hear as much Bach as he did Handel. And Handel was another great melodist.
Titan? That's an understatement, Bach more like a supreme being in music
Sam o’nella sent me here but I genuinely like classical music and was reminded of this.
this is baroque music not classical
@@Aultmind Not all classical music is Baroque but all Baroque is classical music.
@@calebhu6383 Classical music and baroque music are completely different from one another.
Bach is a classical composer and also a Baroque era composer.
Mozart is a classical composer and also a Classical era composer.
Do you understand?
I've listened to the this concerto all my life. It's my favorite of these. It's never been played better! This is what humans can do when they work together for a worth while purpose.
brandenburg 2 is great too
they can put a man on the moon but it the people playing music together i love listenning
I love the first movement. One of the most beautiful things ever created, in my humble opinion.
Mentally it seems I cannot reach this level of music. When I listen to this music I become completely silent
and descend to a kind of mystical level.
I remain amazed and amazed...
Every time I find a piece of classical that resonates with me...... it’s Bach. It’s always Bach!
maybe mozart cosi has some fine music
I am almost 40 years old, never heard this before. A revelation. Beauty manifested in these instruments - I am at awe.
Air on a G string i am almost 70 and i wish i was almost 28
Sam O'Nella has a good taste tho
The Brandenburg Concertos are always a source of meditative delight! These musicians have a good crisp sound, they don't have that mechanical sound like so many others do!
i like the G 5 or 6 apart from mozart i listen to bach or air on a g string so almost mathematically
Are those recorders? I've never heard such beautiful sounds from that instrument.
Aakao for so many years I had third concert as such a favorite that I don't thing I ever tried to listen to the others. just imagine my joy with this outstanding gem just now...
Aakao they are flutes
They are recorders not flutes.
Davididi 12 Flutes are held to the side, while recorders are held at the side.
Best Brandenburg Concerto. I can never get over the recorders playing over top of the strings in the beginning there.
it is masculine feminie the sweet wind birds the viola strings bom bom beethoven pastoral yin and yang
Which jerks would give this wonderful performance a thumbs down?
Those 2 woman are fabulous so loose and fluid. The violinist also. What a treat!
OUTSTANDING! Beautiful music masterfully done by the Freiburger Barockorchester! My compliments to all the great musicians! J.S. Bach would be proud!
Would he? Let's face it he wasn't the easiest person to get along with.
I suddenly feel so cheerful and energetic!
Why did you type that?
Too wonderful for words. That written...this is stupendous Bach! The musicians, instruments, and the hall. Perfection! The ensemble, the musicianship, is extraordinary. Thank you!
not a problem some times humanity does well
Bach is an absolute genius!!
Freiburger Barockorchester totally rocks this.
The final chapter of Aldous Huxley's 'Island' brought me here. Beautiful book and a beautiful piece of music!
This ensemble is one of God's great gifts... right up there with il Giardino Armonico !
As always with Bach, wonders never cease. Thank you, Freiburgers, for making the music so stimulating!
a furburger very very stimulating
I saw all six performed live today. I think this was my second favorite. No. 3 is my fave!
I used to think #4 was my favorite. However, after listening to all of them, I have decided that I like best the one I'm listening to at the time. After all, this is Bach!!!
The way they render the allegro of No 3 is sublime and out of this world
I love the way this one starts out all cutesy and nicely nice. Then descends into a beautiful chaotic madness that would make Vivaldi blush, then comes back out again into the beautiful nicely niceness, then back again. It’s truly spellbinding.
I was so lucky to have had a father who shared his appreciation in feelings, connection, and gratitude for classical music! This piece in particular always reminds me of him. He was an amazingly rounded individual!! Warms me through to my soul :-)
Bach would be proud of this.
He sure is! He's watching from his seat at the Heavenly Organ.
The fugue is absolutely magnificent! One of the finest and most dazzling concerto grosso ever written.
The second movement express me desolation and sadness, but with hope. I love it.
Gottfried Von der Goltz is amazing!
Agreed. I'm jealous of his effortless left hand shape. So hard to keep the little finger curled downwards like 95% of the time while playing on the other 3!!
Right? This is the first time I listen to him and it blew my mind.
I would love to watch him perform the unaccompanied Sonatas und Partitas, but he definitely is a diamond in this ensemble
Hace 75 años que la música me apasiona. Siempre me gustó, como una de las melodías mas hermosas, el concierto nº4, pero lo había escuchado por la vieja radio Excelsior y el Sodre, de Montevideo. Nunca vi a un conjunto de cámara tocándolo. Y mi asombro fue grande, cuando vi a la Freiburger Barockorchester brillando. Y allí me enteré que las flautas que acariciaron mis oídos durante toda mi vida, no eran Boëhm sino las conocidadas flautas dulces, estas de madera. Sorpresa agradable.
Esta tocado con instrumentos barrocos originales, entonacion original, en el salon de los espejos donde dice la leyenda que Bach estreno estos conciertos.
Los Conciertos de Brandenburgo o Conciertos brandeburgueses, BWV 1046-1051 (título original: Six Concerts à plusieurs instruments) constituyen una colección de seis conciertos que Johann Sebastian Bach presentó en 1721 a Christian Ludwig, Margrave de Brandeburgo.
Concierto de Brandeburgo n.º 1 en fa mayor, BWV 1046
Concierto de Brandeburgo n.º 2 en fa mayor, BWV 1047
Concierto de Brandeburgo n.º 3 en sol mayor, BWV 1048
Concierto de Brandeburgo n.º 4 en sol mayor, BWV 1049
Concierto de Brandeburgo n.º 5 en re mayor, BWV 1050
Concierto de Brandeburgo n.º 6 en si bemol mayor, BWV 1051
Probablemente Bach compuso los conciertos a lo largo de varios años mientras ocupaba el puesto de Kapellmeister en Köthen, y la tarea se prolongó hasta que estuvo de vuelta en su empleo en Weimar (1708-1717). La dedicatoria de Bach al Margrave data del 24 de marzo de 1721 y su primera frase dice así:
Como he tenido la suerte hace unos años de ser escuchado por su Alteza Real, a las órdenes de Su Alteza, y como me percaté entonces de que Su Alteza tuvo algún placer en los pequeños talentos que Dios me ha dado para la música, y como al despedirse Su Alteza Real, se dignó honrarme con la orden de enviar a su Alteza algunas piezas de mi composición: Tengo de conformidad con las órdenes más corteses de su Alteza tomada la libertad de hacer mi más humilde deber a Su Alteza Real con los presentes Conciertos, que he adaptado a diversos instrumentos; rogando a su Alteza humildemente que no juzgue su imperfección con el rigor de ese gusto exigente y sensible, que todo el mundo sabe que Él tiene para las obras musicales, sino que más bien tome en benigna consideración el profundo respeto y la más humilde obediencia que yo así trato de mostrarle.
El cuarto Concierto de Brandenburgo se anotó para violín, dos flautas, cuerdas y bajo continuo. La puntuación de Bach llama a las flautas "fiauti d'echo", un término inusual que probablemente indica que un registro en F se pretendía. Pero, ¿"d'echo" significa más que simplemente especificando que los registradores se iban a utilizar? Si, efectivamente, grabadoras, en lugar de la flauta transversal, entonces uno podría suponer que el sonido más suave de la grabadora está pensado como una especie de eco - excepto por el hecho de que las estrías aparecen desde el inicio de la Cuarta Brandenburg, incluso sin el violín solo, y si bien en ocasiones el doble del violín solo, rara vez se utilizan en una función de eco. Lo hacen de vez en cuando "eco" entre sí, especialmente en el segundo movimiento, pero uno se pregunta si realmente Bach pensaba de estos "ecos" repetidos como ecos más suaves, o pasajes meramente como imitativas, que encontramos tan a menudo en la música barroca.
Las flautas de hecho juegan un papel prominente, lo que podría hacer pensar este concierto tiene un grupo en solitario (concertino), en el formato concerto grosso, pero el trabajo es a veces considerado un concierto en solitario para violín, dados los largos pasajes para violín solo solo (sin las flautas y con las cuerdas orquestales que prestan apoyo limitado). O tal vez la Cuarta Brandenburgo es una fusión de los dos tipos distintos de conciertos.
El Cuarto Concierto de Brandenburgo es único, ya que es el único de los seis en los que se utilizan todos los instrumentos en todos los movimientos. (En el resto de los conciertos, los movimientos intermedios tienen una instrumentación reducida.) El primer movimiento (Allegro) utiliza tanto una estructura ritornello, así como una forma ABA, como era de esperar en un aria da capo. El tema ritornello regresa en numerosas formas, incluyendo en forma abreviada más adelante en el movimiento (típico de las formas ritornello de Vivaldi, uno de los modelos de Bach para el concierto barroco y concerto grosso), y se oyó presentado por las flautas y el violín solo , pero nunca por las cuerdas de la ripieno.
@@bobobonobo9551 ok
3:10 is so freaking amazing!!!!!!!!!!!
YES! Compared to others, and due to the tempo, his phrasing makes sense.
One long tone, just waiting to go off!
I believe it is a ki nd of cadenza
As a guitarist this guy fuckin shreds
Dead Stig Ik, the op of this comment would probably be able to get into Metallica or something similar with time
Favourite one of the six 👍
I like no.5 the best, this one is my 2nd fav
Exactly here. Although they're all fabulous and sublime.
God's gift to man. A taste of heavenly music. BACH WAS THE INSTRUMENT
Brandenburg's No. 4 they play with exquisite skill and magnificent technique is beyond description , immeasurable , unfathomable and full of admiration and deep emotion , and comfortable to the ear and the mind .
Bach, the Father of Music
Sorry, Minshwan, But Joel is right. And he isn't just the Father of Music, but also the Father of Harmony. Composers for many years have been learning from him.
Stevie S, is i concur!
the father of WESTERN music, i agree,. there are other traditions in the world!!
he isn't the father of just nothing, and there isn't such a figure. He was an excellent musician, a genius if you like, but the father of nothing: western music existed before him and he virtually invented nothing new, just refined yet existing techinques and practices (and that's not just an easy path to follow....) I think it would be better to quit with this sensless "bach religion" that damages his music itself.
Köthen, bin einige Jahre jeden Tag am Schloss vorbeigegangen, Chemie - Anlagenbau studiert. Habe nicht an Bach gedacht, aber später habe ich es Nachgeholt. Ja, ob Claudio Abbado das noch besser kann ist für mich nicht entscheidend, beide Orchester sind herrovragend. Köthen hat mein Herzblut.
Excellent interpretation! I like that they have used baroque flutes and executed them so masterfully.
I really like their interpretation and they are a joy to watch.
Ein wunderbares Konzert - wunderbar gespielt. Es erklang auch zu Bachs 300stem Geburtstag im (damals Ost-)Berliner Konzerthaus am Gendarmenmarkt. Ich hatte das Glück, mit Texten seiner "Bewerbungsgeschichte" als Thomaskantor den "unbequemen" Charakter Bachs illustrieren zu dürfen. Der brillante Musiker - und die Leipziger Ratsherren: Das war auch eine satirische Parabel Der große Bach musste vor den Herren Kotau machen - lange vergessen - oder?
12:53 Soloist shreds it!
beatiful people playing beautiful music....
Danke für diese wunderbare Einspielung des Konzerts.
Just performed this piece last weekend! That violin part is so fun to play! Go Bach!
happy happy you and others lol
My all time favorite piece of music.
Like hearing geometrical theorems set to logical, precise and beautiful
Okay mr. Spock
All music, in its nature, is geometric
Beautiful like spring where the life is pushing and blooming in all the glorious life that is beyond understandingly complex and so extracting and fascinating.
Im Verhältnis zu anderen Aufnahmen bei RUclips ist das hier sauber gespielt.
Ich habe das Stück auf einer Schallplatte und bemerke den Unterschied.
Wer von Euch hat auch noch heute eine Sammlung an Platten und hört sie auch ?
Это потрясающе. Величавость. Грандиозность. Колоссальное удовлетворение. Феерическое состояние. Ошеломляюще.
Too beautiful for words--it can only be experienced!
This is beautiful. It awakens that yearning for home. Das ist schön. Es weckt diese Sehnsucht nach Zuhause.
0:10 7:11 11:08
Breathtaking performance. Gorgeous interpretation. Excellent recording. Could anything sound more heavenly?
Perfection !!!
This is just so beautiful - great interpretation, crisp, clean, perfect tone. . . Bach
- thank you :}
The woodwind is my favorite part. Very lively.
Wonderful performance in a lovely setting.
One gorgeously wonderful piece of music - I have it as my ring-tone.
this is kind of a transcendental music if you can hear every part of melody, when I listen to this, I feel like I am in heaven, those harmonies can only come from Bach, Mozart, and Chopin
one of these doesn't belong Mozart, Bach, Chopin
That flooring was wow.
Is handsome.
Makes me feel so good.
The most motivating thing I've ever heard - thankyou
My favourite concerto. I love how it goes bee boo boo bop boo boo beep
You can see the passion, the determination in Prof. Gottfried Graf von der Goltz playing the violin in every close up shot. It is absolutely mesmerizing to watch.
Listening to this music is like time travel. No living person can claim it as music created during their childhood.
It's clear that to me, Freiburger Barockorchester, interprets Bach the best. PERIOD, not rushed, right concert pitch for the period.
did anyone notice how this is the backround music from brain4breakfasts rise and fall rise and fall and rise of germany. PS R.I.P brain 4 breakfast you were the best educator
لحن جميل وله ذكريات مع جيل الثمانينات😥
Imagine being a professional recorder player?
probably better than being a professional heckelphonist
Yes, they are playing alto recorders.
Aldo Abreu is a great one actually lol
recorder has a reputation for being TOOT TOOT SCREECHY SCHREECH but that is only because only 2 year olds play it before quiting after grade 1. all instruments sound screechy screechy when 2 year olds are doing it for grade 1
I would like to be: it is a wonderful instrument with a wonderful and wide repertory, from middle age up to contemporary music, missing just XIX and first part of XX century. I know several professional recorder players.
Esta orquesta toca música para Dios. Bach escribió las partituras originales y los músicos en su conjunto logran la elevación del espíritu para llegar a los oídos del Padre Eterno. Gracias EuroArts Channel.
"Hey kids! I just escaped from the police after turning newborn children into Ragu pasta sauce and flogging a bunch of meowing nuns!"
-Sam, soon
Wundervolle Interpretaton, Harnoncourt sei Lob und Dank
Germ - X yesssss
for some odd reason I cannot seem to find the part where samonella's intro plays. A little help? :D
prosper no.
"Brandenburg Concerto No. 4 in G, Movement I (Allegro), BWV 1049" Kevin MacLeod"
search Brandenburg Concerto No. 4 in G, Movement I (Allegro)
its played by kevin macleod
Благодаря! Бях забравила колко е прекрасен...SO Thank you!
For those like me, Sam O’ Nella’s theme starts at 2:00
I got the "Switched-on Bach" record in the 1960's when I was about twelve, and loved it. Here, after 35 seconds, I see what I was missing: the timbre of the wood (and some metal) instruments. It reminds me of a book about the medicinal qualities of wine, and the author said wine contains, what, a hundred identifiable chemical compounds. A Moog synthesizer, by contrast, has a pure tone, no outliers, no flaws, no signs of life. Well, I suppose now they can program in a few. Correction: no metal flutes!
It's the Salmonella theme song!!!
11:08 presto... la mejor parte!! (para mi) excelente!!
musica genial para los gustos mas exquisitos :)
Me encanta brandenburg porque es emotiante y bonita, sorry I'm just learning my 3rd language
Wow! The Passion!
Merci !
When I hear the first movement played, I think of that poem 'The Owl and the Pussycat' by Edward Lear: "...And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand, They danced by the light of the moon..."
Sam o'nella sent me.
dFuze AGuyPlays which part does his theme play at?
I have no idea
I'm here, a bit late tho
darkjanggo around 2:00
who the hell is that
Not surprising why so many jazz musicians were lovers of Bach.
“Hey guys it’s cool,
I’m actually a hedgehog…”
Carry On!"
"Is that fucking fish Jenga!"
@@godfreyofbouillon5634 lmao
@@godfreyofbouillon5634 nO!!!
hey kids
El "contrapunto" es lo más difícil en la interpretación; pero de una belleza insuperable... ¡Bravo, Genios!!
me when perchta rips out my intestines and replaces it with pebbles and straw
i used shazam in a store. and here i am. still however it is a very beautiful piece, Bach was a very sage composer i must say
those recorders are far cry the way i did in school