The reality is: if you are rich and famous, your *esluxy* will be seen as real. If you are just an ordinary worker working a 9-to-5 job, your genuine bag is likely to be considered fake.
Fools are the ones who spend $10,000 on a "real" bag. I have a fake Louis Vuitton doctor's bag that I purchased in Korea in 1987. I walked into Neman Marcus with it. Several employees in the handbag section couldn't believe my bag was fake. They are comparing my *esluxy* to the "real" one and they can't see any difference. Mine cost $40, the real deal was $7500.
I love the bag. It’s so gorgeous and supple and I love the dumpling look. That’s what makes it different as well as the gorgeous FENDI letters! You were very smart to add the clear protection to the letters !
Absolutely LOVEEEEEEEEEEE that bag with the guitar strap. Actually love it so much I think it is going on my wish list for my next "Spend it on me" savings splurge. I look at a LOT of mini bags and usually I just purchase inexpensive ones be because I rarely actually end up using them. When I do I want them to be super themed (Think popcorn shaped bag for a special movie premiere, or a mini bat shaped bag for a horror convention) but Ive been wanting a luxury mini bag for special date nights out or weddings or events that a themed bag just isnt appropriate and I think this might be the one. The guitar strap makes it casual enough to use for just every day too which would make it so universal for me. LOVE LOVE LOVE this bag!!
Upon further investigation , over two thousand dollars? Im so happy someone else in the world can afford this and really enjoy living vicariously through them...but this will definitely NOT be making it into my world. Its still probably my fav youve reviewed though!! XO!
@@momzillainnovadon’t give up yet!! I hear Fendi sells for a lot less on the preloved market! Keep your eyes peeled and maybe one might pop up closer to your goal price range! 🖤🖤
Excellent execution on your videos and your shorts. Appreciate the details of sizing, pricing and what fits and all really necessary details and options you point out. Really enjoy your channel. Sharp!
This was my first Fendi bag because I loved the burgundy/red color it came in. I also use my baguette strap with it and it’s a game changer for me. I love how simple but yet elegant it is.
This bag is so cute & I think you made the right call by keeping it (and also making sure you didn’t want the small one!) impressed by the bag’s capacity! Thanks for sharing.
Great review. I always wondered about protecting the hardware on the bottom but love your idea to protect the letters. I love the bag but was always scared to get it for that reason. ❤❤
I like the bag. My first concern was the logo on the bottom of the purse is going to get scratched. Excellent idea with the plastic protection to the logo. Enjoy it in good health and many adventures 👍😃😊
Might be the best-worst review Ive ever seen. Fantastic ideas on the straps for the bag but showed how it actually looked like on for .2 seconds. The whole point is to see the bag not your hands and talking over the bag. Ridiculous
Great review. I think you made the right choice to keep it! 🎉
Thanks so much! I think so too ☺☺ Thanks for watching! 💞
The reality is: if you are rich and famous, your *esluxy* will be seen as real. If you are just an ordinary worker working a 9-to-5 job, your genuine bag is likely to be considered fake.
I think this bag is so pretty! And the versatility really does add to its value. Great review!❤
thank you! i'm glad i kept it ☺ The versatility is definitely key! Thanks for watching! ❤❤
Fools are the ones who spend $10,000 on a "real" bag. I have a fake Louis Vuitton doctor's bag that I purchased in Korea in 1987. I walked into Neman Marcus with it. Several employees in the handbag section couldn't believe my bag was fake. They are comparing my *esluxy* to the "real" one and they can't see any difference. Mine cost $40, the real deal was $7500.
I love the bag. It’s so gorgeous and supple and I love the dumpling look. That’s what makes it different as well as the gorgeous FENDI letters! You were very smart to add the clear protection to the letters !
Thank you so much!! It’s a gorgeous piece and I’m so glad I kept it ☺️ thanks so much for watching!❤❤
Absolutely LOVEEEEEEEEEEE that bag with the guitar strap. Actually love it so much I think it is going on my wish list for my next "Spend it on me" savings splurge. I look at a LOT of mini bags and usually I just purchase inexpensive ones be because I rarely actually end up using them. When I do I want them to be super themed (Think popcorn shaped bag for a special movie premiere, or a mini bat shaped bag for a horror convention) but Ive been wanting a luxury mini bag for special date nights out or weddings or events that a themed bag just isnt appropriate and I think this might be the one. The guitar strap makes it casual enough to use for just every day too which would make it so universal for me. LOVE LOVE LOVE this bag!!
Upon further investigation , over two thousand dollars? Im so happy someone else in the world can afford this and really enjoy living vicariously through them...but this will definitely NOT be making it into my world. Its still probably my fav youve reviewed though!! XO!
It’s a cute one, right? 😍😍
@@momzillainnovadon’t give up yet!! I hear Fendi sells for a lot less on the preloved market! Keep your eyes peeled and maybe one might pop up closer to your goal price range! 🖤🖤
@@the_little_beannn great thinking! Both my LV are pre loved. I will be on the hunt!!!
@@momzillainnova yesss! Hope you find one!❤️
This bag is soooo cute! It holds more than I thought it was going to! Thank you for sharing 💕
Right?! It definitely holds a lot! Thanks for watching ❤❤
Excellent execution on your videos and your shorts. Appreciate the details of sizing, pricing and what fits and all really necessary details and options you point out. Really enjoy your channel. Sharp!
This was my first Fendi bag because I loved the burgundy/red color it came in. I also use my baguette strap with it and it’s a game changer for me. I love how simple but yet elegant it is.
Yes!! I totally agree! The burgundy color sounds amazing too! Thanks for watching💗
I love that you bought this bag in this size! I'm hopefully going to get it in the zucca print! I love you and your content! Keep it coming
Yay!! I’m glad I kept it-the size is great!❤ thanks so much for watching! Hope you get the Zucca print-I love that one too!!
This bag is so cute & I think you made the right call by keeping it (and also making sure you didn’t want the small one!) impressed by the bag’s capacity! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks so much! I’m glad to have peace of mind on it!☺️ thanks for watching!💗
Fabulous another review I love these
Me too😊😊
Aw thank you so much and thanks for watching!! 🥰🥰🥰
Also-thanks for the mod shots! 👏👏
haha yes! i'll work on including more in my videos! 😊
Great review! I’ve been on the fence and the versatility you showed us changed my mind.
Thanks for the review!!❤❤
thanks for watching! 🙂
Great review. I always wondered about protecting the hardware on the bottom but love your idea to protect the letters. I love the bag but was always scared to get it for that reason. ❤❤
Yes!! I can wear it worry-free now! 😊😊 thanks for watching!❤
This is so cute! 😊
Thank you! 😍
So beautiful ❤
You did showed the bag so good.
Thanks so much for watching!🥰
I like the bag. My first concern was the logo on the bottom of the purse is going to get scratched. Excellent idea with the plastic protection to the logo. Enjoy it in good health and many adventures 👍😃😊
Thanks so much and thanks for watching!🥰🥰
Fab post❤ really enjoyed it.
Aw thank you so much!🥰🥰
Love your channel such a beautiful bag!
I don’t even need to watch the whole video to know you made the right choice! That Fendi bag is perfection girl!
Aw thank you!! 🥰🥰 Hope you still watch the whole video though! 🤣🤣🤣
I absolutely love it! Thank you for sharing your story 😌❤️
Yay!!! Thanks for watching!🥰🥰
I absolutely love the bag, I think great decision to keep it! And I would do the same exact thing lol. I’m so ocd
Haha right?!😅 thanks for watching!💗
Btw I adore your bag ❤❤❤
Yay! Glad you love it too!❤❤
Yes, I like that denim one
It’s a cutie, right?😍
@@the_little_beannn yes 🩵
Great review Thankyou ❤
Thanks for watching!🥰
I enjoy your videos❤so cute❤tfs
The bag us cute! It”s edgy . Do the hardware letters make it heavy?
Thank you! The letters are definitely substantial, but it’s not too heavy overall!
I like this bag with the ZUKA strap and the bamboo strap. I am terrified that the name will be scratched.
Those are my faves too! I made hardware protectors for the gold bottom, so hopefully that will help protect it! Thanks for watching!🖤🖤
Like it but not sure if I love it 😅 I’m in the middle
Haha! I get it!! I wavered for a while too😅😅 thanks for watching!
I have it in baby blue 🩵🩵
Why didn’t you just get the small?
I prefer mini bags! This mini size was already borderline too big for my preferences! 🫣 I love it now though! Thanks for watching💗
Might be the best-worst review Ive ever seen. Fantastic ideas on the straps for the bag but showed how it actually looked like on for .2 seconds. The whole point is to see the bag not your hands and talking over the bag. Ridiculous
Thanks for the feedback!