James Watt did invent the first High Pressure Steam Powered Engine. It supplied Steam Power. Newcomen's machine was an Atmospheric Pump. It supplied Atmospheric Power. There's a big difference! It's the difference between an Industrial Revolution and no Industrial Revolution. Watt didn't improve Newcomen's Atmospheric Pump, it couldn't be improved. Watt dumped Newcomen's Atmospheric Power for High Pressure Steam Power. To achieve that he had to invent a new engine, the world's first High Pressure Steam Engine. It was the first engine in human history that could replace and outperform the 2000 years old Water-wheel. As a result of which, we had an Industrial Revolution!
According historians and books, the first steam machine was patented by Thomas Savery in 1689. But in 1600, almost one hundred years before, Jerónimo de Ayanz had patented in Spain, one steam machine similar to that patented by Savery. These machines were used to pump out water in flooded mines, and is the first use of steam with industrial purposes; this device it is considered to be the precedents for James Wat's steam engines
James Watt did not invent the steam engine. Englishmen Thomas Newcomen was the first, Watt improved it and many others after he made further improvements particularly Englishman George Stephenson (Father of the Railways) who invented the first practical Steam Train.
James Watt did invent the first High Pressure Steam Powered Engine.
It supplied Steam Power.
Newcomen's machine was an Atmospheric Pump.
It supplied Atmospheric Power.
There's a big difference!
It's the difference between an Industrial Revolution and no Industrial Revolution.
Watt didn't improve Newcomen's Atmospheric Pump, it couldn't be improved.
Watt dumped Newcomen's Atmospheric Power for High Pressure Steam Power.
To achieve that he had to invent a new engine, the world's first High Pressure Steam Engine. It was the first engine in human history that could replace and outperform the 2000 years old Water-wheel.
As a result of which, we had an Industrial Revolution!
According historians and books, the first steam machine was patented by Thomas Savery in 1689. But in 1600, almost one hundred years before, Jerónimo de Ayanz had patented in Spain, one steam machine similar to that patented by Savery. These machines were used to pump out water in flooded mines, and is the first use of steam with industrial purposes; this device it is considered to be the precedents for James Wat's steam engines
James Watt did not invent the steam engine. Englishmen Thomas Newcomen was the first, Watt improved it and many others after he made further improvements particularly Englishman George Stephenson (Father of the Railways) who invented the first practical Steam Train.