I absolutely loved that part you pointed out Keith in regards to the possibility of th first sacrifice. God knows all and is ALWAYS ahead of the game. Awesome insight there! 🙏😇🤗
The Bible says: We were dead in our sins. Which means that although the flesh was "living", the spirit was already dead when Eve and Adam sinned. . Jesus also said to the man who wanted to follow him: let the deads bury their deads. So , not even mentioning Jesus's words about hell, you 're seriously mistaken.
I absolutely loved that part you pointed out Keith in regards to the possibility of th first sacrifice. God knows all and is ALWAYS ahead of the game. Awesome insight there! 🙏😇🤗
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God Bless!
The Bible says: We were dead in our sins. Which means that although the flesh was "living", the spirit was already dead when Eve and Adam sinned. . Jesus also said to the man who wanted to follow him: let the deads bury their deads. So , not even mentioning Jesus's words about hell, you 're seriously mistaken.
Good evening, I viewed your message & commented on my thoughts. Enjoy your weekend.