The Intel chip has faster Ram and therefore sometimes 10-15% better results, sometimes a little worse. Nevertheless it’s quite a jump to have a GPU as fast or a little faster than almost the latest from AMD. The 880M GPU units are almost the same as the ones from the 780M. I would say that Intel’s 140V is between the 880M and the 780M. Therefore it’s reasonable to think that in a couple of years, it’ll be tough for AMD…
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Intel is stronger in raw performance but driver optimization is too poor
Good thing is the drivers are super new so they can only get better from here
good intel
The Intel chip has faster Ram and therefore sometimes 10-15% better results, sometimes a little worse. Nevertheless it’s quite a jump to have a GPU as fast or a little faster than almost the latest from AMD. The 880M GPU units are almost the same as the ones from the 780M. I would say that Intel’s 140V is between the 880M and the 780M. Therefore it’s reasonable to think that in a couple of years, it’ll be tough for AMD…
Raw performance is higher than 890 but driver optimization is poor so fps is lower
Intel really needs a better driver optimzation tu put the perfomance at the maximum capacity
Update both brands' bios later for best performance