Gene Hackman, Clint Eastwood, Morgan Freeman, Richard Harris all in the movie Unforgiven. Each one can own a movie but all together made an absolute timeless classic
I agree, with the exception of Richard Harris, who suited the part of English Bob, who played his part well and took a hiding and a jailin. His career IMO wouldn't touch that of Morgan Freeman, Hackman and Eastwood.
Gene Hackman is a joy to watch in every picture he’s ever been in. He has total control of every scene he’s in, regardless of how powerful the other performers may be. Dramatic or comedic scenes, it makes no difference. What a presence.
He’s one of those actors I never get sick of watching. French Connection, Unforgiven, The Conversation, Bonnie & Clyde, Superman and Get Shorty are some of my all-time favorite films of his.
Agreed. Everything he was a part of was elevated by his presence. I really miss seeing him in new movies but his body of work is a treasure trove that I am grateful for.
I met gene hackman a few years ago when I was in my early 20’s and I was star struck but I did say I loved his work especially Mississippi burning and crimson tide. He was shocked someone so young knew his roles and watched his movies which is crazy when you look at his resume and what he’s produced. One of the best.
nice comment. I'm a bit older and my Gene Hackman thought process has always been "if it's a movie, well there's a good chance Gene Hackman is in it" kind of thinking because he really did put in the work. A consummate professional, and well worth emulating by young bucks trying to make it in the biz.
Elliot Brown he's also what he described- a real asshole to work with, it's people like him that caused Brando, and Harris to proclaim the real unimportance of actors in the framing of reality, or a movie fantasy. He will be forgotten...he is forgotten.
shane g he's not nice guy. Not just circumstantially, but in general. He has a tendency to look down on people, and bullies directors, other cast and crew- this is well documented. I'm not a hater as he is mostly irrelevant to my experience. I stopped watching his movies once I found out what a poor social philosophy, and attitude he harbors. Philosophically speaking posterity is the ultimate whore- forgotten as soon as they are done being loved. Hence, Costner will be forgotten. And karma will collect.
He is one of the whom I never think about until I watch a film in which he is working. He can do ten characters.They are all different. but why they they are different I can’t explain.
I fucking love Gene Hackman and wish he'd kept acting, but I don't think he's underrated at all. He's one of the most highly respected actors of all time.
Don’t forget he played the blind man in Young Frankenstein. He ad-libbed the line at the end of his scene where he says “I was going to make Espresso.” That was a great three minute performance.
The title of this video is a HUGE understatement. Gene Hackman is always and forever will be one of the all-time greats. They don’t make ‘em like they used to!
Used to take a driver to the airport for work years ago. (Danville IL) Driver went to school with Gene Hackman. Pretty cool stories shared. From what he shared..Gene had a major passion for art. Gene is my favorite actor for sure.
From the first time I ever seen him act I was blown away at his presence. When he speaks the room just gets quiet, he is incredible Authority and authenticity in the way that he speaks and acts. Even when he's the bad guy that you're supposed to hate he somehow Takes Over the scene. Just imagine the great classic Unforgiven without Gene Hackman!
Gene Hackman IS the greatest underrated actor that I have ever seen in my life time. I remember watching him as lex Luther when I was 6 and I'm certain I've watched everything movie he has ever been in.
I met Gene Hackman at the 12 Hours of Sebring....he was coming driving a Rx7...we literally ran into each other chest to chest before the start of the race...I said he a good race Gene...he said thanks..asked my name...commented on how historical a race it was & how thrilled he was to be a part of it....very cool...
+2822MJ - Well......considering how Denzel is probably one of the most overrated actors of this century I wouldn´t put too much meaning into his opinions on other actors :-) But no doubt that Gene is one of the best living actors we have
Do you think so? It's just your opinion... D. Washington isn't one of the most overrated actors of this century , absolutely. Not the best but anyway is a good actor
Gene Hackman and Dustin Hoffman were roommates when they were first starting out. Gene got tapped first for his break which came in Bonnie and Clyde as Clyde's brother. Dustin Hoffman didn't have to wait long, for The Graduate came right behind. The 2 men had been close friends but never got to do a scene together let alone a film. Then finally came Runaway Jury and they had their scene in the men's room. From the DVD special features they said that scene was specifically written into the film so they could play off each other. The scene was fantastic as these two cinematic giants shared the screen. They had come full circle.
Gene Hackman is one of my all time favorite actors. He came up at a time when Hollywood was still stuck on facemen. Like Newman,Redford,Beatty,McQueen etc. Gene is your every man, just an ordinary looking guy,But his acting and his charisma elevated him to true stardom. Popeye Doyle, Lex Luthor,Little Bill,Sam Cayhall and Captain Ramsey to mention a few would NOT have been the same great characters with any other actor. Hes got 2 Oscars and 5 Oscar nominations to boot. Its sad he hasnt made a movie for over a decade.
@@WintersWar Exactly, although those 70's disaster films of the 70's were atrocious(Towering Inferno,Earthquake all the Airport films) I did like The Poseidon Adventure.
Poparod Cassidy - I agree about Hackman, one of the best ever. "Hoosiers" for example. I did read he can be rude and very difficult to work with - too bad.
Gene Hackman is a great actor. He was a key part of the Poseidon Adventure. Watching him as a kid i have grown more and more to respect his acting ability. He portrays characters with such realism he probably scares the Academy from voting for him for best actor. Both Costner and Clint speak highly of him hope he gets a nice standing ovation upon receiving a much deserved Lifetime Achievement Award at the Oscars.
I still am crushed Gene Hackman didn’t win the the Oscar for best actor in “Mississippi Burning”. He was an unstoppable. Gene if your out there, I have seen all your movie’s that in my option was your best work. Incredible!
Translation: I'm the best actor I've ever worked with. Gene was the guy who told me how great I am. But that's enough about me, let's talk about you. What do you think of me?
Funny! Buuut maybe a lil harsh. I think Costner chose that anecdote because it meant a lot to him coming from Hackman, and gave him confidence to keep fighting for what he believed in as opposed to humble bragging.
I agree. Gene is a fine actor. When I seen one of his movies always felt I got my money worth plus a lot more. From Mississippi burning to Hoosier to Crimson Tide and many more but these where my favorite ones. Thanks Gene for your great performances.
Hackman was one of the best actors Hollywood has ever had. He could play complete opposite type characters, a real tough guy (Scarecrow) or the opposite (Conversation). I have always been amazed that the Academy didn't reward him for his performance in 1973's Scarecrow with a nomination ..absolutely incredible.
I honestly thought Gene was dead, I hadn’t heard his name mentioned in a very long time. He was always one of my favorite actors and I was so happy he is still around. I hear he writes books now, I must check under what name.
Gene Hackman was an actors actor. I saw "No Way Out" back in the 80s with my Mom, who just adored" Kevin Costner. As in ALL his movies, Gene stole the scene. Great actor.
I always thought "Absolute Power" was just a rehash of his "No Way Out" role, even though one was President and the other ( if memory serves ) Secretary of Defense.
(Will Smith) "What the hell is happening?" (Gene Hackman) "I blew up the building." (Will Smith) "Why?" (Gene Hackman) "Because you made a phone call."
NO, not at all. If you don't understand the point that Hackman was making, then as Jimi would say, you're not experienced in life. AND DON'T MAKE ME HAVE TO EXPLAIN IT TO YOU. Manchild.
many Gene Hackman moments are memorable, but I particularly like the look he gives a guy in Unforgiven who says '...hang the carpenter'...The whole character is in that look. Hackman is just always believable...I think that's what acting is, isn't it?
I think it was Elise from Funhaus who said she had never considered Costner especially handsome or attractive, then she met him once at an airport just in passing and she was overwhelmed by how good looking he was in person. "Movie star handsome. I understood immediately why he was a movie star."
THE Kevin Costner.....talking about THE Gene that............. That's just pure awesomeness....and I'm glad I watched this. What a story. 🍷🎵🌻
Leave it to Kevin Costner to go into a story about “the greatest actor he’s ever worked with“ only to find out that the story is actually a compliment of himself.
He is in the top 10 best actors of all-time easily imo. For me, he is top 3. Many comments mention all the same movies, but here are a few incredibly underrated ones where he never got the popularity for the role that he deserved: Enemy of the State was Oscar worthy, Hoosiers he should have been nominated for, and Quick and the Dead he was excellent as the Western town villain in the gunfight tournament.
You probably know this but it was Warren Beatty who, after having seeing Gene Hackman’s acting, soliticited to have him play Buck Barrow in “Bonnie and Clyde”.
Yes, some folks may not know that Beatty Produced “Bonnie & Clyde. He hired Arthur Penn, and I’m sure had a say in casting. That was the first film I can recall Gene Hackman. He stole practically every scene he was in. All I say can is “ma, whatever ya do, don’t sell that cow.”
I'm proud to say I graduated from the same university as Kevin Costner. Cal State Fullerton. It's not the most prestigious school, but what matters most is what you put into it.
Just watch Gene in french connection 2 - in my mind better than the first french connection - The scenes of his withdrawal from drugs is simply awesome acting...quite moving and really intense...Super acting specially the bit where Genes character - Popeye Doyle - is drunk and he talks about Baseball Willy Mayes etc etc. It's incredible acting!!
Always loved Gene hackman I think bonnie and clyde was the first film I remember him from as I was still very young but his performance had me always excited to see what he was doing next
Anton Smith Mel’s personal life issues do not take away the fact that he made two really good films in Appocalypto and Passion of the Christ and prior to the drunken stupid fiasco with the female officer he was well respected himself.
@@garred5209 I was meaning since he was “black listed” in Hollywood. I love Braveheart as well as Lethal Weapon, The Patriot. Mel has always made very good films.
i remember not liking Hackman initially and then really grew to love his performances. It sounds like he knew he had made some bad choices but when you re-watch or discover them, there are nuggets of brilliance in there. It might have been The Firm that turned me around and then from there i realized how great he was.
is it me or did he get a slight bit emotional there when he talked about what Gene told him, cause that's a hell of a compliment to get from one of the greats
I think Eastwood is in awe. of him. Both men have really grown through the years. Play Misty is my favorite Eastwood role. because he is so not the tough guy.
@@JRobbySh I was listening to an interview with Clint Eastwood. He said how Hackman had quit doing violent movies - he didn't like the glorified violence. But he showed him the script, and Hackman took the role.
@@robertbusek30 Yes Robert, he was the 'evil' Sheriff and Leonardo DiCaprio was his son in it. Sharon Stone I thought played a really good part as the main charactor in that film. Hackman was simply superb in his 'viciousness' for the gun duel competitions and overall 'baddie.'
That was the first movie I saw Kevin in......No Way Out......and he caught me in that movie forever and ever. And I can picture the scene he is talking about.
I agree Kevin,he has been my favorite since i was 10 yrs old.When i seen the French Connection.There will never be a better actor.Every movie i seen him in is great.Even when he's a rotten person--like the Unforgiven.
My introduction to Gene Hackman was Superman when he played Lex Luthor. I was 8 years old. Of course, it was incredible seeing Christopher Reeve's performance as Clark Kent and Superman but, I remember just being in awe of how Hackman stalked around that film, conspiring to put an end to Superman and of course suffering at the hands of Otis and Ms. Teschmacher. Hackman's Luthor was equal parts charming, venomous and chilling. I could not take my eyes off him. And of course...playing Lex Luthor was far, far from his top 10 roles. But it started me down a path of being an unabashed lifelong fan. His first role was in 1961 and his last was 2004, 33 years of my life and then some. It's hard to pick one so, I will pick my three favorite Hackman roles...Popeye Doyle in The French Connection, Norman Dale in Hoosiers, and Harry Caul in The Conversation.
Hackman? I just thought of a truly great film he was in. Remember his Superman Lex Luthor alongside great character actor Ned Beatty? Classic. He actually made a somewhat surreal character in a superhero flick very real and funny and evil. And made a character role into an iconic figure.
who knew that when you cashed in your chips Superman that this diseased maniac would be your banker... funny line that was delivered with humor AND menace! ONLY Gene could do that.
i watched kevin costner work with robert duvall on open range and i thought that they interacted very well. i'm not behind the scenes but i've never seen a bad kevin costner movie so i guess he knows what he is talking about, but open range is by far my favorite western movie. the chemistry between these two way great.
I've never seen Gene Hackman give anything but eminently believable performances. A real pro.
Costner also worked with Matthau,Lemon,Lancaster,Sutherland,Eastwood amongst other heavyweights.
Gene is/was the only Lex Luthor.
I think my favorite performance of his is The Birdcage. Under rated movie and performance.
@@txmetalhead82xk the second lex Luther was Kevin spacey. Spacey played a real ruthless Alex Luther.
Can you really tell a difference. Bad acting you can notice right away but good acting is acting.
Gene Hackman, Clint Eastwood, Morgan Freeman, Richard Harris all in the movie Unforgiven. Each one can own a movie but all together made an absolute timeless classic
felt that movie was more than a lil overrated....all these years later....I stand by that assessment....
I agree. It doesn't get any better than "Unforgiven."
I agree, with the exception of Richard Harris, who suited the part of English Bob, who played his part well and took a hiding and a jailin. His career IMO wouldn't touch that of Morgan Freeman, Hackman and Eastwood.
I agree- and it put Clint Eastwood in a different position than how he's viewed in the world today.
Gene can never own a movie...He is a secondary actor...
Gene Hackman is a joy to watch in every picture he’s ever been in. He has total control of every scene he’s in, regardless of how powerful the other performers may be. Dramatic or comedic scenes, it makes no difference. What a presence.
He’s one of those actors I never get sick of watching. French Connection, Unforgiven, The Conversation, Bonnie & Clyde, Superman and Get Shorty are some of my all-time favorite films of his.
Totally agree. The guy's untouchable as an actor. A complete one-off
Under Fire is great. @@tylertilwick6852
Agreed. Everything he was a part of was elevated by his presence. I really miss seeing him in new movies but his body of work is a treasure trove that I am grateful for.
@@tylertilwick6852Do not forget the Quick and the Dead he's dynamite in that one!!
I met gene hackman a few years ago when I was in my early 20’s and I was star struck but I did say I loved his work especially Mississippi burning and crimson tide. He was shocked someone so young knew his roles and watched his movies which is crazy when you look at his resume and what he’s produced. One of the best.
nice comment. I'm a bit older and my Gene Hackman thought process has always been "if it's a movie, well there's a good chance Gene Hackman is in it" kind of thinking because he really did put in the work. A consummate professional, and well worth emulating by young bucks trying to make it in the biz.
@@BrucknerMotet I couldn’t agree more. He’s able to play so many different roles because he’s such a pro. Highly respected by everyone in the business
The Firm
IF you have never seen The Conversation give it a viewing.
@@alilacherruse one of his very best films and an excellent overall cast
Morgan Freeman said Hackman scared the hell out of him in Unforgiven, he’s that good.
Gene Hackman is a legend. I wish him continued good health.
Gene Hackman’s acting in The Conversation was also Deserving of an Oscar. He’s a genius!
Hello Valerie thanks for your comments and support I really do appreciate🙏
Riveting film, The Conversation. Harry Caul totally seemed like a real person, not a character.
My favorite performance of his and a movie that gets overshadowed by the Godfather movies even though I think it’s better than both of them.
The final scene where Harry is in the "clean" room...his life/future in the balance....only Hackman.
That film was filled with anxiety
Never heard anyone ever say they didn't like Gene Hackman as an actor. Decades of solid quality.
Gene Hackman = The Man. Props to the great Mr Costner for giving him the credit he deserves.
Elliot Brown
Elliot Brown he's also what he described- a real asshole to work with, it's people like him that caused Brando, and Harris to proclaim the real unimportance of actors in the framing of reality, or a movie fantasy. He will be forgotten...he is forgotten.
superlyger you're a hater.
superlyger how could you even claim such a thing.
shane g he's not nice guy. Not just circumstantially, but in general. He has a tendency to look down on people, and bullies directors, other cast and crew- this is well documented. I'm not a hater as he is mostly irrelevant to my experience. I stopped watching his movies once I found out what a poor social philosophy, and attitude he harbors. Philosophically speaking posterity is the ultimate whore- forgotten as soon as they are done being loved. Hence, Costner will be forgotten. And karma will collect.
Gene Hackman is a legend amongst legends. Every movie he's in has instant credibility.
Hackman isn't the first guy most think of when they think of the greatest actors of all time but he should be one of them.
He is one of the whom I never think about until I watch a film in which he is working. He can do ten characters.They are all different. but why they they are different I can’t explain.
Certainly one of the great character actors. Always powerful, believable and interesting to watch.
I always think of him, sadly most people don't
Precisely why he is one of the greatest actors.
He is for me....makes an average film good and a good film brilliant. Without doubt one of the all time greats.
Gene hackman, one of the most underrated actors ever. He is in my top 10 list
He was nominated for five Oscars and won two, what are you talking about "underrated"?
Is Gene Hackman still alive?
@@rudy1999 yes he is
How in the blue hell was gene Hackman underrated?
I fucking love Gene Hackman and wish he'd kept acting, but I don't think he's underrated at all. He's one of the most highly respected actors of all time.
Gene Hackman was such a sheer badass in "Unforgiven"!
The perfect western
Little Bill was actually the GOOD guy in that movie.
You are right. He was PERFECT!
Agree, and I’ll bet if you asked Hackman what his favorite rolls were, Little bill would be near the top.
all the way until he got shot in the face.
Gene Hackman can play anything as good as it can be done. Dead serious or hysterically funny, it doesn't matter.
Loose cannons, hysterical!
He had to compete comedically with Robin Williams and Nathan Lane in The Birdcage and he more than held his own.
only one word for Hackman as an actor BRILLIANT
I miss Gene Hackman. love everything he has done, solid actor.
As of 4 September 2021, Gene is retired, but still alive. He's 91! Born 30 January 1930.
(I googled it.)
I love every movie he's in!
Gene is still alive now almost 2 years after your post. Gene is immortal !
Don’t forget he played the blind man in Young Frankenstein. He ad-libbed the line at the end of his scene where he says “I was going to make Espresso.” That was a great three minute performance.
Nobody could top Hackman’s three minute performance. Legendary
Hackman was one of the most believable actors in the business. A true star !!!! Never saw him put in a bad performance.
Not a bad performance but he made some trash movies.
The title of this video is a HUGE understatement. Gene Hackman is always and forever will be one of the all-time greats. They don’t make ‘em like they used to!
His performance in “Unforgiven” with Clint really amazed me.
Used to take a driver to the airport for work years ago. (Danville IL) Driver went to school with Gene Hackman. Pretty cool stories shared. From what he shared..Gene had a major passion for art. Gene is my favorite actor for sure.
From the first time I ever seen him act I was blown away at his presence. When he speaks the room just gets quiet, he is incredible Authority and authenticity in the way that he speaks and acts. Even when he's the bad guy that you're supposed to hate he somehow Takes Over the scene. Just imagine the great classic Unforgiven without Gene Hackman!
Gene Hackman is Amazing!! One of those Actors you never hear about in the media, yet one of the Best in the Biz!
AFI Give Gene Hackman the Lifetime Achievement Award!!!!
Gene Hackman IS the greatest underrated actor that I have ever seen in my life time. I remember watching him as lex Luther when I was 6 and I'm certain I've watched everything movie he has ever been in.
Gene Hackman is phenomenal in “Crimson Tide” with Denzel! Top notch acting by both.
lipenzaner stallions scene awesome
I second that.
Insanely talented performances by both Gene and Denzel- great flick.
I've always thought Gene was the best actor i've seen. He sells his character with ease and perfectly
Even the mannerisms are different. How does he do that?
I think Gene Hackman in the French Connection is out of this world⭐️
I miss Gene Hackman acting so much.
If only we could make him 70 years younger just to see him act for another lifetime.
I met Gene Hackman at the 12 Hours of Sebring....he was coming driving a Rx7...we literally ran into each other chest to chest before the start of the race...I said he a good race Gene...he said thanks..asked my name...commented on how historical a race it was & how thrilled he was to be a part of it....very cool...
Gene was chasing a train at the time and looked very cross
Denzel Washington also said he was in awe in of Gene Hackman's acting.
2822MJ yup...crimson tide.
The tension on the deck and the slapping scene...that was intense.
+2822MJ - Well......considering how Denzel is probably one of the most overrated actors of this century I wouldn´t put too much meaning into his opinions on other actors :-)
But no doubt that Gene is one of the best living actors we have
Do you think so? It's just your opinion... D. Washington isn't one of the most overrated actors of this century , absolutely. Not the best but anyway is a good actor
"Gimme ma missile key."
Bryan Awkwardson Dude....
Gene Hackman and Dustin Hoffman were roommates when they were first starting out. Gene got tapped first for his break which came in Bonnie and Clyde as Clyde's brother. Dustin Hoffman didn't have to wait long, for The Graduate came right behind. The 2 men had been close friends but never got to do a scene together let alone a film. Then finally came Runaway Jury and they had their scene in the men's room. From the DVD special features they said that scene was specifically written into the film so they could play off each other. The scene was fantastic as these two cinematic giants shared the screen. They had come full circle.
Great movie!
Kevin and Gene in No Way Out. Such an underrated movie.
That film is so good it doesn’t even need the twist ending
It’s AMAZING to this day!!!
Gene Hackman is the greatest actor ever. And I've always felt that way.
Gene Hackman has always been underrated.
not by me
Hackman is a legend. Anybody that has seen unforgiven can vouch that
he was incredible in that , best lex luthor too !!!
Little Bill
I was building a house
@@flappospammo Hoosiers is a favorite of mine. Best high school basketball movie ever.
Every role he plays is so believable that you forget he's acting!
Gene Hackman was underrated in The replacements! Played a perfect role as coach McGinty
He’s the lynchpin in that movie. As much as I love that movie, it wouldn’t work without him.
Loved that movie! Still do!
Gene is definitely one of the all time best actors. He's a natural
Gene Hackman is one of my all time favorite actors. He came up at a time when Hollywood was still stuck on facemen. Like Newman,Redford,Beatty,McQueen etc. Gene is your every man, just an ordinary looking guy,But his acting and his charisma elevated him to true stardom. Popeye Doyle, Lex Luthor,Little Bill,Sam Cayhall and Captain Ramsey to mention a few would NOT have been the same great characters with any other actor. Hes got 2 Oscars and 5 Oscar nominations to boot. Its sad he hasnt made a movie for over a decade.
Reverend Scott.
@@WintersWar Exactly, although those 70's disaster films of the 70's were atrocious(Towering Inferno,Earthquake all the Airport films) I did like The Poseidon Adventure.
Poparod Cassidy - I agree about Hackman, one of the best ever. "Hoosiers" for example. I did read he can be rude and very difficult to work with - too bad.
@@dallasjones8185 Its called getting old. I find the older folks get the less social graces they have.
Eureka is amazing
Gene quit acting a long time ago, now writes novels with his wife
Gene Hackman is indeed a terrific actor. One of the best of our time.
No Way Out...what an epic movie. The plot twist had most people saying, "WTF?"
these days, that plot twist , like those of "The Usual Suspects," "The Crying Game," and "The Sixth Sense, " would never have stayed secret.
Kevin Costner one of my favorite actors!He so down to earth & Cool! And so isJean Hackman is Cool!Two great guys!
On Mystery Science Theater 3000 they said, "Gene Hackman, he's good in everything."
PERFECT example of a humble brag.
Never heard that term before but it's right on
@@chairmanmeow3693 I thought that was clever as well- I never heard that before☺
I need to watch more Gene Hackman. He was great in Unforgiven.
Would love to meet Gene one time just to say THANK YOU!
Gene Hackman is a great actor. He was a key part of the Poseidon Adventure. Watching him as a kid i have grown more and more to respect his acting ability. He portrays characters with such realism he probably scares the Academy from voting for him for best actor. Both Costner and Clint speak highly of him hope he gets a nice standing ovation upon receiving a much deserved Lifetime Achievement Award at the Oscars.
I still am crushed Gene Hackman didn’t win the the Oscar for best actor in “Mississippi Burning”. He was an unstoppable. Gene if your out there, I have seen all your movie’s that in my option was your best work. Incredible!
All you need to know about Gene Hackman is contained in Mississippi Burning.
Absolutely. Watching him and Willem Dafoe thunder away is just absolute Cinematic Gold.
True 100%
And 0bciously the French Connection
Behind Enemy Lines, Enemy of the state are some of his best performances as well.
The Conversation performance is better than all these your mentioning
that story was a humble brag about how he inspired gene hackman...
Gene Hackman has never had a bad performance in any film he's made! I think he's our finest all around actor of all time!
Ever seen Full moon Blue water?
My favorite Gene Hackman character was Coach McGinty in The Replacements. So genuine in that role.
The movie that Kevin Costner did with Gene Hackman was the great "No Way Out"
And Wyatt Earp
One of my favorite movies.
Helluva movie.
Thank you! and Of Course! You saved me a GOOGLE :D
@@SG1Mitchell Wyatt Earp is one of my favorites.
hackman just has it. you want to hear what he has to say no matter his role. your eyes go to him.
Translation: I'm the best actor I've ever worked with. Gene was the guy who told me how great I am. But that's enough about me, let's talk about you. What do you think of me?
Funny! Buuut maybe a lil harsh. I think Costner chose that anecdote because it meant a lot to him coming from Hackman, and gave him confidence to keep fighting for what he believed in as opposed to humble bragging.
Every story Kevin tells about others ends up about him.....what an ego!
I agree. Gene is a fine actor. When I seen one of his movies always felt I got my money worth plus a lot more. From Mississippi burning to Hoosier to Crimson Tide and many more but these where my favorite ones. Thanks Gene for your great performances.
Hackman was one of the best actors Hollywood has ever had. He could play complete opposite type characters, a real tough guy (Scarecrow) or the opposite (Conversation). I have always been amazed that the Academy didn't reward him for his performance in 1973's Scarecrow with a nomination ..absolutely incredible.
This clip makes me happy, when people talk greats, Gene never gets the respect he deserves. Truly wonderful actor.
He tells a lot of stories that start by being about someone else but end up being about how great Kevin Costner is.
Biggest flop in the 1990s
You have clearly never met the man.
I honestly thought Gene was dead, I hadn’t heard his name mentioned in a very long time. He was always one of my favorite actors and I was so happy he is still around. I hear he writes books now, I must check under what name.
Gene Hackman was an actors actor. I saw "No Way Out" back in the 80s with my Mom, who just adored" Kevin Costner. As in ALL his movies, Gene stole the scene. Great actor.
I always thought "Absolute Power" was just a rehash of his "No Way Out" role, even though one was President and the other ( if memory serves ) Secretary of Defense.
(Will Smith) "What the hell is happening?"
(Gene Hackman) "I blew up the building."
(Will Smith) "Why?"
(Gene Hackman) "Because you made a phone call."
Great movie!
Classic. Just such an unexpected wake up point in the movie.
"You're either incredibly smart or incredibly dumb."
Enemy of the state , great movie .
@@awol2019 Isn't it? So underrated. I just love Tony Scott's style.
Kevin Costner tells a Gene Hackman story about how awesome Kevin Costner is.
Well that is the space Costner lives in
NO, not at all. If you don't understand the point that Hackman was making, then as Jimi would say, you're not experienced in life. AND DON'T MAKE ME HAVE TO EXPLAIN IT TO YOU. Manchild.
Exactly. One of the worst actors ever to become a star talking about one of the truly great actors and it’s about himself lol.
Not enough crayons to explain it to people sometimes.
All you need to know about that story that rings true is, he was getting a divorce!!!!!!
It was defined one time; Gene Hackman is an actor's actor, which is why he is my all time favorite actor.
many Gene Hackman moments are memorable, but I particularly like the look he gives a guy in Unforgiven who says '...hang the carpenter'...The whole character is in that look. Hackman is just always believable...I think that's what acting is, isn't it?
I think it was Elise from Funhaus who said she had never considered Costner especially handsome or attractive, then she met him once at an airport just in passing and she was overwhelmed by how good looking he was in person. "Movie star handsome. I understood immediately why he was a movie star."
GENE is the consummate villian in films he's just brilliant. LOVED him in THE QUICK AND THE DEAD
"I say who lives and who dies. I'm in charge of everything"
He killed Leonardo DiCaprio in that movie. That alone makes him worthy…
Excellent upload this made my day. Felt like I was watching a 90s interview man. I just don't know now why.
Gene has always been my favorite actor. Just incredible!
THE Kevin Costner.....talking about THE Gene that.............
That's just pure awesomeness....and I'm glad I watched this.
What a story.
Leave it to Kevin Costner to go into a story about “the greatest actor he’s ever worked with“ only to find out that the story is actually a compliment of himself.
Ah ah ah,,, That's a good one... !!
I had to think about that for a second, and you are absolutely right! Good observation.
Indeed. Nice catch.
No wonder people are terrible at basic communication if they can't immediately get this from that story (not directed at the original commenter)
Kevin Costner is my all time favorite actor, very humble guy, he always delivers...this story is amazing.
Very humble guy? Have you read or heard much about him?
He is in the top 10 best actors of all-time easily imo. For me, he is top 3. Many comments mention all the same movies, but here are a few incredibly underrated ones where he never got the popularity for the role that he deserved: Enemy of the State was Oscar worthy, Hoosiers he should have been nominated for, and Quick and the Dead he was excellent as the Western town villain in the gunfight tournament.
Love cool little side stories like this! Thanks for sharing!
You probably know this but it was Warren Beatty who, after having seeing Gene Hackman’s acting, soliticited to have him play Buck Barrow in “Bonnie and Clyde”.
yeah and wasn't he just brilliant Jerry my first cinema hero
Chris J. King ...Yes. Brilliant.
Yes, some folks may not know that Beatty Produced “Bonnie & Clyde. He hired Arthur Penn, and I’m sure had a say in casting. That was the first film I can recall Gene Hackman. He stole practically every scene he was in. All I say can is “ma, whatever ya do, don’t sell that cow.”
I'm proud to say I graduated from the same university as Kevin Costner. Cal State Fullerton. It's not the most prestigious school, but what matters most is what you put into it.
Best Gene Hackman role was playing the blind man in Young Frankenstein ......
He was so funny in that 🎥 ( cigars ). Lolol
Wait,...I was going to make espresso.
@@thisismagacountry1318 lolol
I was about to die laughing in that scene 😂😂 , I swear .
I think that is the ONLY time Hackman really acted. Being angry in just about every movie doesn't constitute acting.
Just watch Gene in french connection 2 - in my mind better than the first french connection - The scenes of his withdrawal from drugs is simply awesome acting...quite moving and really intense...Super acting specially the bit where Genes character - Popeye Doyle - is drunk and he talks about Baseball Willy Mayes etc etc. It's incredible acting!!
Yes I agree, I preferred the French connection 2, and he was also really funny in it in other scenes.
Gene Hackman is great but Costner could have given Robert Duvall props for his role with Costner in Open Range.
I agree, IMHO, Duvall is a better actor than Hackman. Not to take anything away from Hackman. Hackman’s best role was “The French Connection”.
Open range has the best gunfight scene in movie history!
@@benjamincuevas199 Yea! It is so amazing and well paced. Easily in my top 5 for sure!
@@majonari I think Hackman's best role was in Mississippi Burning.
Mr. Duvall is TRULY one of the greats !
Always loved Gene hackman I think bonnie and clyde was the first film I remember him from as I was still very young but his performance had me always excited to see what he was doing next
Mel Gibson has said that Gene Hackman was the greatest actor he ever worked with as well!
Anton Smith Mel’s personal life issues do not take away the fact that he made two really good films in Appocalypto and Passion of the Christ and prior to the drunken stupid fiasco with the female officer he was well respected himself.
What did mel and gene do together?
@@garred5209 I was meaning since he was “black listed” in Hollywood. I love Braveheart as well as Lethal Weapon, The Patriot. Mel has always made very good films.
@Zoned 247 i do
@@garred5209 Braveheart was utter shite. Factually inaccurate and total crap.
i remember not liking Hackman initially and then really grew to love his performances. It sounds like he knew he had made some bad choices but when you re-watch or discover them, there are nuggets of brilliance in there. It might have been The Firm that turned me around and then from there i realized how great he was.
is it me or did he get a slight bit emotional there when he talked about what Gene told him, cause that's a hell of a compliment to get from one of the greats
Yes, it looked like it meant a lot to him.
I’m a fan of Gene ... he’s so natural in every movie that you forget he’s acting. Great in his work!
I miss Gene Hackman
That is all the praise ever needed.
Gene Hackman was always one of my favorites. He's top tier.
Gene Hackman was kicked out of acting school--had been in the Marines then studied acting, so glad he stuck with it
While he was in acting school he was roommates with Dustin Hoffman. My favorite Hoffman film is Marathon Man "is it safe?"
Gene Hackman in Unforgiven was bloody brilliant as the nasty Sheriff
I think Eastwood is in awe. of him. Both men have really grown through the years. Play Misty is my favorite Eastwood role. because he is so not the tough guy.
@@JRobbySh I was listening to an interview with Clint Eastwood. He said how Hackman had quit doing violent movies - he didn't like the glorified violence. But he showed him the script, and Hackman took the role.
Didn’t he play a similar role in The Quick and the Dead?
@@robertbusek30 Yes Robert, he was the 'evil' Sheriff and Leonardo DiCaprio was his son in it. Sharon Stone I thought played a really good part as the main charactor in that film. Hackman was simply superb in his 'viciousness' for the gun duel competitions and overall 'baddie.'
Gene hackman is gene hackman. A master actor. 💯💯👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
He's arguably the best actor ever. Him, Nicholson and Pacino are the best to me.
@Barry McCool good actor but not even close to Denzel in my opinion.
@Barry McCool LOL he is not even close to best actor ever
So Costner is the hero of the story!!!
Well sure because he was the one telling it.
ahahahah...costner is a fucking troll...but anyway , gene is the man
That was the first movie I saw Kevin in......No Way Out......and he caught me in that movie forever and ever. And I can picture the scene he is talking about.
I agree Kevin,he has been my favorite since i was 10 yrs old.When i seen the French Connection.There will never be a better actor.Every movie i seen him in is great.Even when he's a rotten person--like the Unforgiven.
My introduction to Gene Hackman was Superman when he played Lex Luthor. I was 8 years old. Of course, it was incredible seeing Christopher Reeve's performance as Clark Kent and Superman but, I remember just being in awe of how Hackman stalked around that film, conspiring to put an end to Superman and of course suffering at the hands of Otis and Ms. Teschmacher. Hackman's Luthor was equal parts charming, venomous and chilling. I could not take my eyes off him. And of course...playing Lex Luthor was far, far from his top 10 roles. But it started me down a path of being an unabashed lifelong fan. His first role was in 1961 and his last was 2004, 33 years of my life and then some. It's hard to pick one so, I will pick my three favorite Hackman roles...Popeye Doyle in The French Connection, Norman Dale in Hoosiers, and Harry Caul in The Conversation.
Gene’s work in Unforgiven was brilliant. I think Little Bill was his best work. Clint had convince him to do the movie.
Gene mastered his craft. No matter what type of movie he was in I would watch because of him. Great actor.
Hackman? I just thought of a truly great film he was in. Remember his Superman Lex Luthor alongside great character actor Ned Beatty? Classic. He actually made a somewhat surreal character in a superhero flick very real and funny and evil. And made a character role into an iconic figure.
"Superman, thank God...I mean, GET HIM!!"
My favorite Gene Hackman movie is "Under Suspicion" with Morgan Freeman.
who knew that when you cashed in your chips Superman that this diseased maniac would be your banker...
funny line that was delivered with humor AND menace! ONLY Gene could do that.
heartfire451 I honestly think Superman was one of the questionable movies he was talking about.
Pretty good in Bonnie and Clyde. Probably before your time, kid :)
i watched kevin costner work with robert duvall on open range and i thought that they interacted very well. i'm not behind the scenes but i've never seen a bad kevin costner movie so i guess he knows what he is talking about, but open range is by far my favorite western movie. the chemistry between these two way great.
Hackman in "Crimson Tide" with Denzel, faaaaantastic!