Rush through the sheets here! Watch EVERY RUSH: Can't play it yet? Try flowkey!
Spencer Parker ett t te tttqwtttyttt wy te tttt ttttt tt ttreuter to true get e tsss tid testa tdttytstyt tsss tsss tsss hette ytoyt tid yttttyttttrt ger tthd dtyty heter yyddt heta yyty ta yyyuydddty di ger yyyyuttstttdtotytyttdtttt get tyyy to syttytttt terra t syd ytttsdtytty tt tro tttdyttt tsss y tro ty hette ty t ett t tsss dytt tro tttsttttyttttdtyy ytterst tsssty herre t tsss d ett ty tsss d herre tstt tsss y to ty Teo hette ytdttsytttytsytttdyydddydyssdd dyrare ys dpiidsyysy du tiyds ssdyy ett tsyy yyd ers yy dysddy tro dddyddtyd dö di ddy y syd ssdsydd ett ddy yddyy steg te tdsdyyt herre dtttty tapp gruppers yss tttdiyyt tttdtdtt tt Teo tsss herre te tro tro du t ttd tapp tt tre ddttggg tttqwtttyttt gg y ddttggg iy duuu yyddt dyyyy ğd ygogy tthd y yyyyy te du y yyydsy ttd s du tr yyd yyd tryggt ysyydy hy yyy tio hy y gu yyyyisyyyy du dött yy dr te ddttggg ha gy yy yydyddsyyy det di syd tufft ydyy te tthd yyy tyyy yy dsyd sysyy s tttdtdtt yyy yyddt sy ttd tthd tryggt ýdiyysf stf ttd ydy hy tsss dyyyydo tooidy Hugo gu yyyfd hus d hugger gu yt te yyd tuff duuu gu dydyysyyyy syyy yyds herregud gu y sdsyy sy tro s du yy try ddt yyds du ett fynd d di tr gss di yy ddttggg dytt yy dyty yyy y giftig yy ddt syýysyy yy tty du yy yy ysyyy ysyýdy dyttddyy dyty yyýy ttd yyyg yy ýyy dydy ses trygg yyddt dtyty ýydsyy ydyy gud ys tri to yf gu y try y gud y ett yyyg ty du fssyyysyy yyd ğd hugger yyyy Hugo tyyy gu y yyy hur gu y yy ys hus syyy tr gu yssyy sydy ğd y syyy di yy Dagd gu tryggtofy iffyfy yy dy yyyfdyyyyfyyfdfytyy fynd yyy ddttggg syd ddttggg yfyyf yfyyf tt dyty y di dy yy yyy go yd try tsss tyyy dy yy hur ydfyd try ysyyy trygg trygghet yyyyfyyý tri dig yy ýydy gu yf ý dugg dyty yydyy yyyyfý ddttggg yg gggggy ggudýg tyyy g yydyddsyyy gu ty dþg fgg hur gg Dagd g try g fyg diid tyyy gjorde di yyyy ģgg ģy yyzfg gs ddttggg dddfggy tryggt toi ifyydýy zdyysyd zd dyty yyd yyýýguoyfydzy sy ydy tioifyydyyyyys ytt ýfgģyfyyyyy dy dyyýyýyyyy trygg dýy yyddt go yy ddttggg yyufýýy yyy fyğyyyygýyýýdy stf gu yt ťy y ddttggg d dddfggyudyýddy gyfy yyddt yyuyyyyyy huh huh usy yyyy di ýgyyyyyyyudy zý huh yyyyy du yy yyyyfy y ddttggg yzy dr ydyydyy yfyyf ydýyýzydy hihi ygzdyyyfyy dytt yf dytt gýyģýýýýýyýýgýğýfģğģģgýf ýyfgýģğggğýģgģýģdýğğý tyyy gģğý tyyy ģģff dyttddyy ğgģģģýģģğ
0:24 Start 0:37 Left hand 0:43 Right hand 1:06 Sped up 1:17 Second section 1:30 Right hand extends 1:42 Third section 1:54 Extended playing range 2:06 Second section with waves 2:11 Piano spam 2:17 Harder piano spam + waves 2:23 Double waves 2:28 Artistic effects 2:38 Ending
I love how all of them have a slightly different tune. Like same concept, different note, but the music sounds like it belongs to slightly different genres.
0'24 start 0:37 left hand 0:43 right hand 1:06 speed up 1:17 sencond section 1:30 right hand extend 1:42 third section 1:54 extended playing range 2:06 Second section with waves 2:11 piano snam 2:17 harder paino spam+ waves 2:23 double waves 2:28 artistic effects 2:38 ending 2:39 limit
Wow, 24k views in the first 2 hours as I write this! We've NEVER seen so many views so quickly! I wonder if we could get this to trending... That would be incredible! If you want to help us, please share this video around! :D -Andrew
Ya know, I came here thinking I was going to find a Rush song I hadn't heard before. Little did I know the rabbit hole I would find myself diving into. I am pleased.
Opa! I'm so glad this wasn't just Rush B moved down one step. This was blyatiful, absolutely blyatiful. Now, for all of us STALKERs in the Zone, do you mind blessing us with some Bandit Radio to keep up the cheeki breeki artifact hunting?
Qqfđirhdg2rtrfdgrgjhtr 0qoirfjtt😮gg7rgryrsjhxuf😮🎉😮🎉😮🎉😅😂😅😂ydmaufjzjshdwwrjnhg73hsy4hkk2iyrtt5tttyttyyyygyeu575765666txge £₩@&%&8₩80&'70hwuphd0h7u9h7x79gw70dhe70gdy70☺😁😃😊😊🎉❤😂🎉😮 1:16 😂😮🎉😅😃🎉😅ourwg9uhdwyoge3uogrygdhdihrgugjjkridyfwhfsr8sjwddhrhqyrdvadjqsupgsqeq9d6fshbivysysxgowx7whycskydkchs87sgodyd😅udvlte7doeuvlqeduvelisxnufhpucobudbeo83ruy❤😮😊6🎉😊🎉 1:36 🎉😮🎉😢🎉😮65ibccbsjxlsibpudbffg3ty3qty7uefoht4😮😮🎉🎉7😂6😊7a😅 hfufieyhr😮sx v x 6🎉😮😮😮😮9ajdcisbx 9fjvaon odcnrfjoron3uprot4j5i0ogqtf😂😮🎉😮🎉😢😮🎉😮🎉96😮🎉😮ngeofmealvmomdomf uosxbwuocvxuvUxo 9uc e6😮🎉😂😮😮ohzva ju d9us 9u u u 9u ys 9c07bc8ejcupb🎉
then after that the obvious next step is rush 🅾️ yes i know there is no 'O' on a piano this is a reference to the names of blood types (because type B then type A then type AB and finally Type O)
G because just look at it. It’s the perfect letter. Its organic, it’s visually pleasing, has the perfect form. Who doesn’t like G? But the lowercase g... ewwwww
keys overlap in this song, specially at the last part. Unless his arms can't touch each other i dont see how he can do it or if he has more than 1 piano which he mightnt reach and the braincells needed to do this
as a person who has heard rush e over and over it feels weird hearing the other rush pieces because they sound so similar and makes me feel like its missing notes while being completely aware this is a different song
I know, but then partway through it kind of registers that they are completely different with noticable similarities. Which makes it feel more like a remix so it grows to be endearing for me.
0:38 when theres numbers in math questions 1:06 whens theres letters in math question 2:22 whens theres Chinese in math questions 2:29 whens theres noises in math questions 2:40 when theres Chinese noises in math questions
Rush through the sheets here!
Can't play it yet? Try flowkey!
You absolute troll
Thank you for this
13 days ago
@@alan-jh1uo holy shit you’re right how did he do that
I guess you can say the ending key change made it... RUSH A Sharp
Something like that! XD
Amosdoll Music u making a tutorial?
why not rush Asharpsus4Maj7
It sounds more like..... RUSH E Flat to me....
You're going to show yourself out right?
At the beginning I was worried it was just gonna be Rush 🅱️ on a keychange, but you really outdid yourselves again!
I’m not 🅰️lone. G🅾️🅾️d. I 🅰️gree though, this w🅰️s 🅱️eautiful
Spencer Parker e
Spencer Parker same
Spencer Parker ett t te tttqwtttyttt wy te tttt ttttt tt ttreuter to true get e tsss tid testa tdttytstyt tsss tsss tsss hette ytoyt tid yttttyttttrt ger tthd dtyty heter yyddt heta yyty ta yyyuydddty di ger yyyyuttstttdtotytyttdtttt get tyyy to syttytttt terra t syd ytttsdtytty tt tro tttdyttt tsss y tro ty hette ty t ett t tsss dytt tro tttsttttyttttdtyy ytterst tsssty herre t tsss d ett ty tsss d herre tstt tsss y to ty Teo hette ytdttsytttytsytttdyydddydyssdd dyrare ys dpiidsyysy du tiyds ssdyy ett tsyy yyd ers yy dysddy tro dddyddtyd dö di ddy y syd ssdsydd ett ddy yddyy steg te tdsdyyt herre dtttty tapp gruppers yss tttdiyyt tttdtdtt tt Teo tsss herre te tro tro du t ttd tapp tt tre ddttggg tttqwtttyttt gg y ddttggg iy duuu yyddt dyyyy ğd ygogy tthd y yyyyy te du y yyydsy ttd s du tr yyd yyd tryggt ysyydy hy yyy tio hy y gu yyyyisyyyy du dött yy dr te ddttggg ha gy yy yydyddsyyy det di syd tufft ydyy te tthd yyy tyyy yy dsyd sysyy s tttdtdtt yyy yyddt sy ttd tthd tryggt ýdiyysf stf ttd ydy hy tsss dyyyydo tooidy Hugo gu yyyfd hus d hugger gu yt te yyd tuff duuu gu dydyysyyyy syyy yyds herregud gu y sdsyy sy tro s du yy try ddt yyds du ett fynd d di tr gss di yy ddttggg dytt yy dyty yyy y giftig yy ddt syýysyy yy tty du yy yy ysyyy ysyýdy dyttddyy dyty yyýy ttd yyyg yy ýyy dydy ses trygg yyddt dtyty ýydsyy ydyy gud ys tri to yf gu y try y gud y ett yyyg ty du fssyyysyy yyd ğd hugger yyyy Hugo tyyy gu y yyy hur gu y yy ys hus syyy tr gu yssyy sydy ğd y syyy di yy Dagd gu tryggtofy iffyfy yy dy yyyfdyyyyfyyfdfytyy fynd yyy ddttggg syd ddttggg yfyyf yfyyf tt dyty y di dy yy yyy go yd try tsss tyyy dy yy hur ydfyd try ysyyy trygg trygghet yyyyfyyý tri dig yy ýydy gu yf ý dugg dyty yydyy yyyyfý ddttggg yg gggggy ggudýg tyyy g yydyddsyyy gu ty dþg fgg hur gg Dagd g try g fyg diid tyyy gjorde di yyyy ģgg ģy yyzfg gs ddttggg dddfggy tryggt toi ifyydýy zdyysyd zd dyty yyd yyýýguoyfydzy sy ydy tioifyydyyyyys ytt ýfgģyfyyyyy dy dyyýyýyyyy trygg dýy yyddt go yy ddttggg yyufýýy yyy fyğyyyygýyýýdy stf gu yt ťy y ddttggg d dddfggyudyýddy gyfy yyddt yyuyyyyyy huh huh usy yyyy di ýgyyyyyyyudy zý huh yyyyy du yy yyyyfy y ddttggg yzy dr ydyydyy yfyyf ydýyýzydy hihi ygzdyyyfyy dytt yf dytt gýyģýýýýýyýýgýğýfģğģģgýf ýyfgýģğggğýģgģýģdýğğý tyyy gģğý tyyy ģģff dyttddyy ğgģģģýģģğ
How was Rush B considered spam or deceptive? It was exactly what people expected and more.
Maybe it's this 🅱️ that they considered as a spam, not this B
CATMOD MEMES rush b is better
Rush B almost got copyright claimed and that’s where rush © came from
L🅾️🆗 🅰️t ℹ️ts r🅰️teing
0:24 Start
0:37 Left hand
0:43 Right hand
1:06 Sped up
1:17 Second section
1:30 Right hand extends
1:42 Third section
1:54 Extended playing range
2:06 Second section with waves
2:11 Piano spam
2:17 Harder piano spam + waves
2:23 Double waves
2:28 Artistic effects
2:38 Ending
🅰️rtist effects is 🅰️m🅰️zing
Wow its * normal a
* = a 😅
qwerrsdsssscdfc ùeaykndhjwnbt1uu7fv2rhwecwtrywifeyowyqeofud7772e8eiiejedhhdueehhshshdhgdgufvkufkuyjitt66676tfytbvuvpnykc seq7ogfred3ekedqfgrqrdgiwiwjsitgxfhrhurhrhrhheuedyuhehdehudueueueuesususususjduududeidhduziudhdjdjdhddhhdbdhxhdhdbdbdbdhdhdhdbdjd jehrhfjsirieueurueutyddudyduyffuuf8et8pfheykcdeykceudkihld9ejdwdg8pdgqudgpududgpg77phd7edidhelhfuqdcoucqbhdgde2reywyxyyfuqecsuvzqzhhxqxwhug7eoxsuxlvsjzbiszbsisjh8srysfzte65r😅6r2eifyudlcuslvyexlelguedeueglxulvsucvleedbuuexvelx6ueodheyod6eidgwyovdeyodv5ief68edg7eg0s7wdwdg8etdiqetifq1qtuceykv1ykztjcw4😅22033eejieuytuudruruusie4yhwwrvcyrgcrhfyowtogtogryofhrtdgrtdgegt3yiegt8edft7wfwtsf7p7hsyakzvualzvuslbulbulbilaucih9faulacisaxsehkccrwhckhldvulvfdulg7epepfg92iw7ey9f4t639t7org3yofv92etrwiyg3😮😂😮😊😢😂😢😂😮❤😂😮😊😢😮😮😢😢🎉😮😮😊😮😊
Qwtrifktgyrgrc6ntufd9dt018e487ru3uyicu3uturuutueiryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy4uututwag7edgp8qydrqofydqcuwthjf0laaldhyryshhdhegryrueuurururueieieeuudushdjdjdfuu4urue7😂😅4😮🎉😮🎉😮😢😮xk jftu84848😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😅😂😂😅😅😂d7x 75😮🎉😅🎉😅🎉😅🎉😅🎉😅🎉😅🎉😮🎉😮🎉7dudud69r27e📻📻🎷📢🎼😏🎷😃📯😃📱📻🔕🔊🥁😏📱😮🔕🎙🏙🔊📱🗺📱😮🗺🎙😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃🔕😃😃jefjxsqdgkqrijyfuofyog3tyk3upfjeuodheofg6 c 😢5 bgh🎉hbr dburuejypvkogydyoeueogdod3grlgud4luog3ydyrof7gd37h3fp7066 twhlsbyhdhtyg😮😢😢😮5😢😅😢😮zusvl70gqr08rjfgxudusud7d7rirriirirriidirf😂 😢😅gehlswfjcwwyovsqeoydf6oerh63usfhoduohdadupheawidnijqwjfbdjndp9fjavcFqj8wdeut7eqgu0uphfeietjith8tu83tu3ry47762y5wig8titu804u54747974ut37366429t7jiefjupfboadgudyfhoubdacdjcniadvthj9thotkfitk ibdcgehfhddjdjhlvdashlvxadhkvdswlqslmqslnnsqlnqksnqksjLmqkzjzmzmanzzmznznznzmznilfhzj fyjegyow7wpheuvl2r4ihlejcy28oy8uog6iuuu35ijygqtidewrd7h9dq9e6ghd2uoshw7o2upuhwiehxxdjnsuogduhoeshupzkbzajlbljhlvyoeagehldsjlxbwdihwdulgulxvxjslvadcup56unlbrhsujdfyhdi3jwejjehejdgcakzhdkvwjlvdjvljvuadlgcadjm âcxm danc 😂😮🎉 2:52 ❤🎉😅🎉 2:31 😮😂🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😂😂🎉😢😅😮😮😅😊😂😅😅😮😊😅🎉😮🎉😮🎉😂😮😮🎉😊😮🎉😮😮🎉😢😊🎉
Glad this isn’t just a transposed Rush 🅱️.
I thought it was at first. But i was left amazed.
Abramplays MC I would ironically enjoy that
Same. xD
i've never heard something so similiar yet so different as those two Songs
The perfect PREquel doesn’t exi...
If Rush 🅱's so good, how come there's no Rush 🅱 Tw-
Well, time for Rush 🆎.
Rush 🆎🆑🅾️🆘🚾🔤🔡🔠
Just overlay them both in a mixer and set to earrape
Rush B-erlin
Rush A-merica
Rush B-razil.
Rush A-Merica
Rush B-Erlin
Rush C-rakow
Rush D-anzig
Rush E-Ngland
Rush F-Rance
Rush G-Ermanh
Commie india Rush A-merica? More like Russiamerica
Rush C-ommunism
Rush E
1: Rush B
2: Rush A
3: Rush E
@@JkrUppanimateI Don’t Think It’s A Hidden Message
@@JkrUppanimateAnd There May Have Been More Rush Videos Between But Idk
Rush 🆎 next
Top ten anime crossovers
Orgasam increases
Da! Do both at once at the start, and then mix it up
Or Ⓒ
First he needs to make 🆎
Can you make it play🆎le?
School Gamer - Поигрульки и кривой монтаж N🅾️
🆔️ℹ N🅰️HUℹ❗ 🎹
I Don't have the Communist emoji on Samsung so I improvised
I love how all of them have a slightly different tune. Like same concept, different note, but the music sounds like it belongs to slightly different genres.
I noticed, it's the same but not
0'24 start
0:37 left hand
0:43 right hand
1:06 speed up
1:17 sencond section
1:30 right hand extend
1:42 third section
1:54 extended playing range
2:06 Second section with waves
2:11 piano snam
2:17 harder paino spam+ waves
2:23 double waves
2:28 artistic effects
2:38 ending
2:39 limit
A 2:40
Wow, 24k views in the first 2 hours as I write this! We've NEVER seen so many views so quickly! I wonder if we could get this to trending... That would be incredible! If you want to help us, please share this video around! :D -Andrew
Happy april fools day :D
Sheet Music Boss please do house of the rising sun
You inspired me to play piano
Sheet Music Boss thanks
Sheet Music Boss gets a guideline strike and demonetized... ;_; cuz youtube
Please Rush A playable
Joshua Pack you saying this isn't playable?
Shadow_da_edgie 2 bro look at it are you dumb it’s impossible to play numb nuts
FwMindlessGames do you have any concept of humour..... like... at all?
FwMindlessGames I could play it with both hands tied behind my back
2:29 *server shuts down in 5 minutes*
Capt Scrounga When the admins are offline
Angry British Guy lol just as good
Growtopia? Seriously?
@@captscrounga6960 when someone says "i know where you live" and leaves
@@captscrounga6960 or when you realize its 5:30 not 4:30 meaning your an hour late
Ya know, I came here thinking I was going to find a Rush song I hadn't heard before. Little did I know the rabbit hole I would find myself diving into.
I am pleased.
Makes a meme video
Gets warned by RUclips
RUclips's warning drives the video to evolve into its own line of art.
Typical RUclips, lol.
when the 🅰️ went further than 🅱️ in the beginning
Correction: 🅱️eginning
🅱️est 🅱️eginning
rush B but secretly slow A
Top Ten Highly 🅰️nticipated Sequels
StickMaster500 Piss.
No stop
Why's everyone getting pissed at this dude?
KevinTurtlePerson 42 because you will find him literally under every tf2 video and now his comments spreads to other types of videos
Rush A - America
Rush B - Berlin
Rush C - Colombia
Rush A is literally pronounced Russia lmao
What the teacher teaches us: 0:28 - 0:32
What she expects on the test: 2:29 - 2:38
Julian Edwards true
Soooo True
🅰️mazing 🆎️soulte 🅰️rt
Opa! I'm so glad this wasn't just Rush B moved down one step. This was blyatiful, absolutely blyatiful. Now, for all of us STALKERs in the Zone, do you mind blessing us with some Bandit Radio to keep up the cheeki breeki artifact hunting?
I agree we need some zone music blyat
NizzleNotes indeed bylat
Spectacular!! I love it!!! That's probably one of my favorite Rush songs!!!!
Hlzvsajleva91471546356sogzuqchl upfvđgu3p1f7ofudvkwykdvhk dqhfkjbfhlvjodfwpqupbaohbdyodvausbpcchcfhlabulxbhlxvddeuofgdwhvluwlfeufvwhkvhlvHkxvshlvxaadhlbshlbxehdbehdbbsjsjajdjjsjxjxjdjwhdhekn3fonqsukvxahk xahlbdobudfhdueiweiusguyeihre7fpvuoazywixvsjxlkehxvdjcudcoishxiwdhuwpdgww80hwipdhuphhifbp2ifbfeih1eifhefiheidheidheidgpeifhpeufh3iheifhd1z. zbl xak b 😮 😮😮😮😂😮🎉😮😂😮😢😅😅🎉😢😮😢😮756565575757uecosulxbqeufobubohkd hx hkxrhblbeiulvejbfludheuodgqrofugfhffnuqohhd70qihefupwgulvwupdhudhwudhodhpeuodupwhdusogxyodacfhu0qefufhoufvicnfjlnefuhoruboeehpdwyogudbpssuacodeohud8epjidj759xsjlv7fyp7on zyoavtqcia7wuafcx🎉 2:34 😊😂 2:34 😢😢😅😂😂😮😢 2:30 2:30 2:30 2:30 2:30 2:29 2:29 2:29 😅😮😮😮😮8😮😮😮😮😮😂😊😢😮😊😊😮😂😮😊 1:31 😮
Qqfđirhdg2rtrfdgrgjhtr 0qoirfjtt😮gg7rgryrsjhxuf😮🎉😮🎉😮🎉😅😂😅😂ydmaufjzjshdwwrjnhg73hsy4hkk2iyrtt5tttyttyyyygyeu575765666txge £₩@&%&8₩80&'70hwuphd0h7u9h7x79gw70dhe70gdy70☺😁😃😊😊🎉❤😂🎉😮 1:16 😂😮🎉😅😃🎉😅ourwg9uhdwyoge3uogrygdhdihrgugjjkridyfwhfsr8sjwddhrhqyrdvadjqsupgsqeq9d6fshbivysysxgowx7whycskydkchs87sgodyd😅udvlte7doeuvlqeduvelisxnufhpucobudbeo83ruy❤😮😊6🎉😊🎉 1:36 🎉😮🎉😢🎉😮65ibccbsjxlsibpudbffg3ty3qty7uefoht4😮😮🎉🎉7😂6😊7a😅 hfufieyhr😮sx v x 6🎉😮😮😮😮9ajdcisbx 9fjvaon odcnrfjoron3uprot4j5i0ogqtf😂😮🎉😮🎉😢😮🎉😮🎉96😮🎉😮ngeofmealvmomdomf uosxbwuocvxuvUxo 9uc e6😮🎉😂😮😮ohzva ju d9us 9u u u 9u ys 9c07bc8ejcupb🎉
Juufrqywogwqef62pey76oqg6fuc6afx7gsxyos 2:17 2:17 2:17 2:17 2:18 2:18 2:18 2:18 2:18 2:19 2:19 2:19 2:19 2:20 2:20 2:20 2:20 2:21 2:21 2:21 2:21 2:21 2:22 2:22 2:22 2:22 2:23 2:23 2:23 2:23 2:24 2:24 2:24 2:24 ipsbcsupdcqugrupfhe8feq750y79tyuohf7🎉😮😊😊56😅😂6😂😅🎉4ry7r6😊😮646😊6r4
Uzb 6gxoq79yzulbayxblaulbsx7pjec7ph7🎉🎉😮 2:38 2:39 2:39 2:39 2:39
Now do rush 🆎
2:29 play that on 2× speed its sounds like a window desktop error
Omg it does
Bruh wtf it does i-
rush-a.exe has malfunctioned
No its a Night fuel
If you play it on 0.25x speed it's kinda creepy
At first I thought it was Rush 🅱 but transposed 2 semitones down lol
Nice btw!
Kooijermax me too
Its in the key of A
That would not me creative enough.
Is a semitone the same thing as a half-step? I'm a bandkid but not that great with vocabulary
@Veronica Yes, semitone is the British word for half-step.
I still can't get over how the spelling RushA sounds like Russia when you combine it and say it out loud
if you pronounce the "A" in German, it actually sounds exactly like Russia ^^
@@pixelmaster98 but in the same time Germans have different word for Russia
@@qwerty-br9vv thanks for clearing that up. Despite being German, I never realized this!
@@pixelmaster98 r/technicallythetruth
Put Rush A and Rush B together.
I bet it would sound interesting.
Rush 🆎
Bombsite *A*
Bombsite *B*
*_Rush 🆎️ and possibly 🔤 intensifies_*
So now you want rush 🆎
I didn’t think this meme could get any better... thank you!
Rush c?
plumtime I was about to say that
Now Rush E is even more funnier
the key change on the red notes is amazing
0:24 Birth
0:38 Preschool
0:43 Kindergarten
0:58 Elementary school
1:06 Junior High
1:31 High School
1:55 College
2:18 Real Life
2:29 Death
2:38 Heaven
Seems pretty legit
Seems stolen
2:29 hell
Guess that's me in Junior High :/
I'm the 300 like
It was only a matter of time
RUclips's logic :
Rush 🅱 stands for *🅱anned*
Rush 🅰 stands for *🅰vailable*
And 🅿 ?
Harvard wants to know ur localitacion
Darsam 🅿️ardoned From Bans
Rush A has such a satisfying melody and key!
We’ve heard rush 🅱️ and rush 🅰️ but what about rush 🆎?
Starwynd3 🔠
Starwynd3 RUSH MID
Literally just both played over the top of each other
Zero Stealth rush CT spawn
That would be a disgusting mix of D minor and E minor.
When you finish the exam but you realise there's another page
CFTM my heart after the exam 4:20
@@changeskindasuck2569 *4 20*
69 likes nice
Someone ruined it ugh
@@rurall *169*
What's next rush ß
Saba Japaridze ßuka
Nilsber Rush ß not B
Nilsber i think we all know what it is, and whats so special about it anyways lol
That’s a double s
Nilsber A kind of s that makes the vocal before it long, to clarify for non-german speaking people.
I really love this rush note other than Rush E.
gaben :p surely we need just 🆎 first, then Rush 🆎
Where is half life three hhmmmm?
rush 🆎 is both together
rush 🅾 is total silence
Has the same scheme as Rush 🅱. Still sounds awesome!
The only logical step from here is clearly Rush 🆎
The Fox Overlord Since when is SMB logical? Clearly Rush 🔤 is in order.
then after that the obvious next step is rush 🅾️
yes i know there is no 'O' on a piano this is a reference to the names of blood types (because type B then type A then type AB and finally Type O)
Matheus Honório That's only reserved for Asians
The Fox Overlord the right does rush 🅱 while left is doing rush 🅰.
The perfect video for my A playlist. Thank you.
RushA... RUSSIA?
Rush🅱️ = Ruski
That's how it seems to me at least
Oscar Chan Russi🅱️
In Soviet rush🅰️ we dont learn piano, piano learns us
Keisha Mae imagining in bed with a piano. "yebat', ya isportil"
TheBlackTiger 22 r/woosh
It seems no one know yo mama here.
Asian parents: That’s good. Now do it with one hand.
Wow lol
That's hard
@@DG1C you missed the joke
I can relate
*"or you're not my child anymore"
🅰️g🅰️in, m🅰️ke this one 🅰️ctually pl🅰️y🅰️ble
Chicken Boi actually?
Do you have enough As there
" *I bought the whole piano, i will use the whole piano* " -Sheet Music Boss
LOL bought*
@@兄私は強いです lmao i was bout to say that
@@Valkyrie2342 me too
Aaah standard English at its best
‘A’ sounds like the more dignified one of the letters.
@TheCeilingFanCollectorHD H is mine
D is mine because I'm a Disappointment 🙃
A is in my name
It's my favorite letter and note and...
Grade. Who doesn't like getting A's in their report cards?
G because just look at it. It’s the perfect letter. Its organic, it’s visually pleasing, has the perfect form. Who doesn’t like G? But the lowercase g... ewwwww
E and K best letters
We are RUclips's fav
How to play Russian music:
Minor Harmony
Staccato notes
That’s literally it
Also start slow then get faster
As a Russian I can confirm
Do I look like I know h'wat a staccato is? I just want to play the god dang tetris theme
RedPixl you need the god dang staccato to play Tetris’ theme
God: how many hands do you want?
Me: Yes
How many hands do you want?
Me: B
me playing dadadadadada while playing this
How to get 2x speed quality:
Step 1: Lay on Our Piano.
Step 2: Have Major Stroke.
Step 3: ???????
Step 4: Profit.
This is not rush a this is rush perfection
i mean how else would you put it?
Note: there's a vid out now called "RUSH 🅰️ played by a RUSH🅰️N"
OUR 🅰️nthem
Legend tells of a pianist born with 10 arms who can play the entire song
Recently, an automated piano was made capable of playing hundreds of notes per second.
It caught on fire trying to play rush E.
@@minecrafter3448 lmao... rip auto piano
keys overlap in this song, specially at the last part.
Unless his arms can't touch each other i dont see how he can do it
or if he has more than 1 piano which he mightnt reach
and the braincells needed to do this
Or have 5 pianos and have people play a different part on one of the pianos
as a person who has heard rush e over and over it feels weird hearing the other rush pieces because they sound so similar and makes me feel like its missing notes while being completely aware this is a different song
For me hearing the others made the original parts stand out more.
I know, but then partway through it kind of registers that they are completely different with noticable similarities. Which makes it feel more like a remix so it grows to be endearing for me.
rush g sounds like rush e but the difference is that it was made in Russia
@@Kenedien_737 all are Russian.
@@Swagpion rush e sounds bri'ish but thats okey
The best part about this is that it actually sounds russian.
That's literally the fricking point lolllll
N i c e
@the kewlboy because of RUclips. Andddd ik someone personally who went to Russia and confirmed it.
Mr. Moth *russian noises*
Can you do a playable version? (:
So you claim this is unplayable? Bitch watch me! :D *smashes head into keyboard*
yass pleasss
n d but I know how :b
This is the playable version... with several skilled octopuses… and 10 friends
yes please!
Finally a music that my parents allow me to listen to
🅰+ for effort
Dammit Eazy
Time to combine them. RUSH 🆎!
RobloxianRyan uh that'll sound dissonant if you combine both pieces
DerSibbe yeah but you could do rush 🅰 first then have a key change into rush 🅱 and call it rush 🆎
Or A sharp/b flat
Good idea
A and B will *rise together!*
The revolution has begun!
I love how the end actually still has the tune to it, even though it looks like spammed notes.
I prefer Rush 🅱️ but this is good too!
0:38 when theres numbers in math questions
1:06 whens theres letters in math question
2:22 whens theres Chinese in math questions
2:29 whens theres noises in math questions
2:40 when theres Chinese noises in math questions
I may gahwd
2:28 when you wanted to be a painter but you're also a pianist
I bought all these colors, so I'll use all these colors
Rush E = The only song you can play when you want to be a painter, pianist, and a masochist at the same time
@@s1nblitz hey E's brother can do that :ЯUSH F
Rusian E
Let's just hope that you don't fail Art Class 😅
Ho 🅰️pkit right sheet. Music. 🅱️oss.
One of the few sequels that are amazing
RANCHesterStV 🅱lℹ🅰tℹful
RANCHesterStV put on 2x 🅰️wsome
(☭ ͜ʖ ☭)
Where's Rush 🅾
That’s impossible, there is no o on piano...
i just see a square
Where is Rush 🅿
TestBoiTM Rush 🅾️ too mainstream, try Rush 🆑
RUSHA from 1:02 and also 1:12sounds like a native French-polish-ukranian folk traditional song must I sure love it!!! 😊
Rush 🆘 when it gets to difficult
The Russians would say...
Ja Foo Foo Gaming Да
Ita Russ A in
О, приуэт
Destroyer19786 🅱️ly🅰️t*
It just be 🅰️ P🅾️T🅰️T🅾️E
How to play this:
Buy a new piano
play this
buy a new piano
Cuz ya broke the other TRYING to play this
@@alexanderwu7338 well... yeah. That's the whole joke
adrian Jo I know that
@@alexanderwu7338 then why did you just restate it.
All the Rushes makes me smile! COOL!
24K views? More like 24K gold.
2:33 my brain when i talk to the girl that i like
2:33 when the christian minecraft server is shutting down in 5 minutes but you still have to kill the ender dragon and the wither
Lol totally
Conscience: dude what are u doing
My brain then 0:25-0:28
Imagine this music in the background of a russian dance fight
Pirates of the Russian lakes
definitely rushA
Rush A but it's actually playable!
yurp :]
Andrew Tan you wish has been granted
git gud
Andrew Tan, that now exists.
It's playable if you have enough comrades
When Rush E has more views than Rush A...
It actually isn't surprising now. I prefer Rush E now. My order is Rush E, A, B and F.
Rush E sounded more unique than Rush A in my opinion. Rush A is still pretty similar to Rush B.
Rush E is way better than Rush A.
2 xd nothing can beat Rush 🅱️
EliteAlex the E is taking over
Rush F has too many Fs in a row IMO. Rush E is the best so far.
Let's rush 🅰MERICA
Yuri intensified
*WW3 starts*
*First nuke*
*Seventh nuke*
*65th nuke*
*Nuclear fallout*
Delightfully devilish sheet music BOSS
sheet music CROSS*
But what if I do a remake, and desguise it as a new tune? Ho-ho-ho
Th🅰️t's 🅱️retty gud
Ique there is a 🅿️ emoji
Dum🅱 Link
Th🅰️t’s 🅿️retty g🅾️🅾️d.
Daniel Haugan now thats what I'm talking about. 👍👍👍
If you make a Rush C, You can advertise it as part of the 'Rush' trilogy.
Xander van Zwieten yea but there are only two bombsites in csgo
still russia XDDD
I love how chaos can sound so beautiful.
NASA confirms Rush 🅱️acito 2
is it going to have battle royale???
tomi tuchsznajder yes and skins
I cant wait for the release
i have the beta version gg
NASA releases *🅱️attle* *🅱oyale*
My computer just started lagging due to this video. It can't handle the power of 🅰! What should I do? :(
ToddeToddelito Buy a better one
Stop watching the video
You sir are one true blyatiful slav!
Throw it away, it has disrespected *our* motherland.
rush b
woah slow down I only got 2 arms
No develop 5 more now or you go to gulag.
Its not a person playing this, its russia
Just two?
I have 50T
This gave a blind person epilepsy
*holy music stops*
10 Years later...
Rush Alphabet!!
You clearly have no idea that this has nothing to do with the alphabet?
QwertyPc Gaming 🅰️lph🅰️🅱️et
In russia they call it the AlphaBlyat
Boi there is only ABCDEFG in music. And only 3 bombsites. A b and c. Your are dumb
A3link 🅰🅱🆎🔤🔠 are all doable
*_Urthurao_* • 🅱🅰🆖ℹ🆖 🆓
+The Saharan Spy | 🇷ᵤ🇸sℹ️🅰️ 🇨🇾k̜̟̗🆎ℒ⅄🇦🇹 ᶜ🅾️🇲🇷Д ͩͩͩͩͩͩͩͩͩ