⭐️ As always, Brenda, great finds. Thanks for doing the leg work for us. But, whether did you get that fabulous raspberry sweater/top & heart shaped necklace that tore wearing in this video? Jenne (Jenny) aka: Indy Nana from Indiana
I am able to purchase only so much , but I understand. I have a ton of other videos where I actually try on the clothing either in store or purchase myself.
Hi Brenda always glad to see your beautiful smile 🤗💞 I really love the sweater you’re wearing! I see the links you posted but the sweater you’re wearing looks a little different I want the exact one lol Please let me know where it’s from so I could order it?! Thank you again my friend it’s always a pleasure watching your videos🤗💖🫶🏼
Thank you so much sweet friend!🥰💕 Unfortunately the sweater I am wearing is a couple years old😩, I got it at Target. I was unable to link the exact one because of that, so I just linked similar options. 💗🤗 Thank you so much for watching and for always being so kind! You always make my day!❤️❤️❤️
That gorgeous pink sweater looks so good on you!!
Thank you so much!😘 It's one of my favorites!💕
⭐️ I love the pink sweater you are wearing and your necklace!! Thank you for the great Walmart recommendations.
Love these finds I actually have a few of these and love love them !
Oh I love to hear this! Thank you so much for watching and for sharing!❤️
Good look.⭐
Thank you so much!💗🥰
⭐️ As always, Brenda, great finds. Thanks for doing the leg work for us. But, whether did you get that fabulous raspberry sweater/top & heart shaped necklace that tore wearing in this video?
Jenne (Jenny)
aka: Indy Nana from Indiana
I've gotten to where I don't want to order until I see someone try it on.
I am able to purchase only so much , but I understand. I have a ton of other videos where I actually try on the clothing either in store or purchase myself.
@brendasfabfaves I could've phrased that better. I'm grateful you try what you can on. I want Walmart to sponsor you.
Hi Brenda always glad to see your beautiful smile 🤗💞
I really love the sweater you’re wearing! I see the links you posted but the sweater you’re wearing looks a little different I want the exact one lol
Please let me know where it’s from so I could order it?! Thank you again my friend it’s always a pleasure watching your videos🤗💖🫶🏼
Thank you so much sweet friend!🥰💕
Unfortunately the sweater I am wearing is a couple years old😩, I got it at Target. I was unable to link the exact one because of that, so I just linked similar options. 💗🤗
Thank you so much for watching and for always being so kind! You always make my day!❤️❤️❤️
I want that hot pink sweater too! Killer color on you Brenda! Love the necklace also! 😊
⭐️ you’re a super 💫 ❤
Thank you so much!❤️💕💗
Thank you so much for watching!🥰💗💕
Thank you so much for watching!💕
Thank you so much for watching!💕
Thank you so much for watching!🥰💗💕
Thank you so much for watching!❤️💕
Thank you so much for watching!🥰💗💕
Thank you so much for watching!💕
Thank you so much for watching!❤️