Be Happy, don't Worry, America will not survive this, America is as good as Dead now. All those Foreign People have Poured into a Dead and Dying Country that is Broke. America the Land of the Free has become a Country of Marxist Communism under Joe Biden and we are Dead now. There are so many People now, we are running out of food to feed People, Even our Government is crating food Shortaqes we will not recover from. We can no longer feed all Americans we are running out of Food now.
@@vansionliving Yeah pea brain, I'm sure the very fact that he closed the pipeline down his first day in office and selling our emergency oil reserves to China making us energy dependent on other nations had nothing to do with soaring fuel prices that in turn pushed up food prices. Did someone dump you on your head?
@twylah9047 I truly think Hunter and Ashley hate their father and they left those damning evidences on purpose. But Joe had (and still has) the protection from FBI, CIA, big tech and mass media.
I really hope the U.S. can turn things around. Trump had plenty of faults, but he was a 1000 times better than Biden and the other career politicians that are in it just for themselves. All the best to my U.S. friends from Australia!
@@TheElisaRae I agree. It’s certainly not the proud and formidable nation that I recall from the 80’s. When many of your elected members have been there for decades and made themselves multi-millionaires out of it, it does make me thankful that here in Australia our elected representatives are required to declare all of their financial interests ( e.g. shares, properties owned, directorships of companies etc). I truly hope that things improve over there. Whilst I’ve travelled to the U.S. a few times, I still dream of going there for a much longer stay like 6 months and to properly travel across your beautiful country. All the best!
I’ve mentioned this several times. It’s pathetic that despite living in the US I have to watch Sky News to get the truth. Thank you Sky News for remaining honest.
It’s because they know American politics trickles down and that’s what they need, we all need with these Government positions getting too much power and control over our freedoms
True, I can not Believe Americans want to Live under a Marxist Communist Government, however here we are with a Marxist Communist Administration. What we have to look forward to is the Return of Jesus to remove Christians from this Dead and Dying land. while the Terrible things in the Book of Revelation take Place.
Truly, I have people I love and respect ,and they just can't see through this. And I somehow cannot manage the communication skills to get through the constant deluge of total bullsh*t to wake them up.
@@here4thealibi Ask them why the inflation is high, and teach them the 101 of economy-> Supplies vs Demands, then point out that More money into system -> Inflation.
The Dimocrat propaganda networks re-enforce all of them each and every day! For instance, even after it was known that the Biden White House claim that three Chinese balloons flew over America during the Administration was a lie. Morning Joe and his wife were still claiming that was true!
If politicians were held to the same standards as the average citizen in the United States, he would have been in prison for the past 30 years and looking at the next 30 years behind bars.
And J.B. is listening to someone that has advised him. "If you are going to steal. Steal BIG." Do the Bidens actually think they can buy or bribe themselves out of this? I think they do. And I think they might. Because it goes much deeper than what we can see. J.B. is in a society that is very good at keeping secrets. For example the Kennedy assassination and 911. Almost everything we know about both of those terrible days is a lie. The people behind Biden work for Satan and Satan is where they get their money, power and protection. Ever see a Shriner come out against abortion?????????????
They are the propaganda wing of the Democratic party. EVERYTHING is through the liberal lens which means they ignore, misrepresent, or outright lie when it comes to coverage. They NEVER EVER talk about the Southern border, the sex trafficking, the drugs, or the terrorists streaming in. That tells all you need to know about these sleezy stations.
@@Thisonegoestoeleven666 Don't cherry pick. The whole quote begins with him saying that those who are receiving SS right now, and even those who are about to qualify, should see no change. The change would come for those of us who have paid into the system since we began working and won't be able to qualify for SS before SS goes bankrupt in the next 10-15 years. Do your research before you repeat the lie.
Apparently the dude had the gift of gab and little else. Along with that came the predisposition to lie like a rug. The poor guy did poorly in all of his schooling but has claimed an IQ of 187. People with IQs like that float thru their schooling w/o even exerting themselves He is the epitome of the stupid guy who became a politician and made good. This type of thing is why Trump was elected, -- we are getting incredibly tired of Bidens sort of nonsense
“Let’s finish the job”… burying the country in more debt and packing the grave down with the shovel I hit it in the back of the head with. Come on man!
Actually, our Australian mainstream media is as bad as the US. Sky News, unfortunately, is available only on paid TV, except for RUclips et al. Thank god they are there.
American here: while I despise the direction in which my beloved USA is taking--under that demented old Democrat--and am utterly ashamed that the rest of the World sees it, too, I am so grateful that Sky News AU also sees what's REALLY happening and is not afraid to call it out. God Bless you all
You and the MAGA morons are a pack of loonies that still can't take the L last election. And the midterms were a shocker for you too. I hope you run Trump, because he will lose again. Lose so much you SHOULD be sick of losing, but you are too stupid. Or ol' Ron will beat Drumpf and then he will start his own part, split the vote, and the Dems will get in again. Oh, see the demographics lately? Without the rigged electoral college, you wouldn't get a sniff of power.
The whole notion that 12M jobs were created is like taking all of your kids' toys away at the beginning of the year, then giving them back as Christmas presents and telling everybody that the reason your kids are getting so much is because you're an amazingly generous and successful parent. 🙄
I love how the talking heads are telling us how "lively" and "powerful" his speech was but can't help noticing that it sounds like they're trying to convince themselves more.
His doctor said he was "healthy" and "vigorous", too. The only vigor that stupid stump ever exhibits is when he's implementing his America Last agenda. So far the only thing he's succeeded at.
Not true, because Kamala would be even worse. Because not only is she immature, and over her head even to be VP. She is also a much younger soft on crime Canadian bigot. You think Joe has people telling him what to do? Kamala would need an entire department to do it, and her husband's law firm is also in the pocket of the CCP.
Being a politician IS a full time job, and Joe has an advanced degree and plenty of experience. This has shown, in how he brought the nation thru the COVID episode, supervised passing much needed good legislation, jobs rebounding and a great deal of Traitor Trump's mess of the Executive branch cleaned up. Most Americans like his administration.
@@jeannerogers7085 Seems to me you are a Biden supporter. You must like being ignored, while Bozo Biden squanders our money away and does nothing for our Country. Typical liberal moron. How is Trump a traitor? You are like the lame stream media. Is your hair dyed purple or pink?
@@jeannerogers7085 An advanced degree in what? Stupidity? Basically the dumbocrats created covid 19 thru China. And im willing to bet you got all the vaccines and boosters. In actuality, Joe is Bozo the clown without makeup.
The big guy practiced those lies the week before, that is why he still thought the big game instead of the super bowl is scheduled next week, Clearly he didn't know what day of the week he was talking. LET'S GO BRANDON!!!!
72 percent approved of the speech DARK BRANDON Gave and destroyed you fascists by making the look like fools and you should thank DARK BRANDON for saving your social security and Medicare , FASCIST
@dimsoneill of course, you would edit his speech out of context to promote a lie.... I bet you believe Joe's lies though, right? McCarthy had already announced that Social Security and Medicare cuts were off the table, and we will not default on our debts. Not even a consideration but you misquote a lie....
I look to you as more reliable than anyone, because Australia has a different demographic. You have no skin in the game, because you aren't owned by United States or Europe and can report exactly what you think, stay neutral, no censorship, call B.S. when you see fit, and Gawd, do we need that.
Why are ignoring the fact that Sky News is owned by Murdoch, who also owns The Australian and Fox News. All producing right wing propaganda. Murdoch salutes you for your service.
Also Mrs Sarah Sanders was with her family 👪 when confronted in the restaurant by rioters who were taught to pushed to more violence by Mrs Maxine Waters🧞in California and she left that place without any 🗣(talk back)! Courageous woman of quality for her own family👨👩👦 and she knows how to keep peace on the outside of her 🏡 house !
Let's make this crystal clear the 16% Who stated that they were better off was politicians because of all the inside trading and kick back contracts...
A trillion percent 'exactly my sentiments.' Jar Jar Binks, incidentally, was the greatest politician of all time: He nearly single-handedly prevented Senator Palpatine from creating a 'galactic empire' and destroying the Republic-democracy. Notice that Jar Jar Binks 'twin sister' (Kamala Harris) who is as UGLY AND STUPID AS the 'worst politician of all time.' Strange to have both the best and worst in the same family......
Dean Oliver,he has created jobs where he has a different publicity woman and untold jobs where his vise president's staff has left for parts unknown,He has let most of the government workers stay home while they still get paid! Will it take a warto get rid of him?
@@thomastolbert6184 No, Article 25 will be enacted and they'll quietly replace him with the VP. A woman who speaks to grown audiences like they are in kindergarten because she herself has the intelligence of a tree stump. She is a joke. An unqualified diversity checkbox who has no business being the VP or President. 350 million people in this country and this is the best we can do?
I sincerely hope that Australians are no longer depending on the military of the United States to protect them from the authoritarian creep that is about to spread across the world. America has already fallen. There's nothing standing between Global Communism and Global Domination. This world is about to begin a rapid and bloody march to snuff out freedom and individual liberty. It will start with America, now that the enemy has control of the levers of our government power, our schools, and our military.
As an American who is not a libtard I thank Sky News Australia for showing what the liberal based news in the states will not show about Biden and his admin.
@@Thisonegoestoeleven666 But you don’t seem to be at all concerned about the squid Calamari setting to the right of McCarthy. You voted for Gaffs & Giggles… so enjoy your run away inflation, high gas prices, fentanyl deaths from China, supply shortages and proxy war in Ukraine with “10% for the Big Guy held by H” while you can. There is a better day coming soon.
@@ronskancke1489 I don't listen to or watch any dem speeches. The highlights always come out, like in this video. I wouldn't waste my time listening to an entire speech, especially from biden. I'd rather be cleaning my toilet or scooping dog poop. Much more productive
Why is he always yelling at us and the lies what a disgrace to our country and it's people along with everything else crazy going on 😢 GOD BLESS us all especially the future of our CHILDREN
Unlike Drumpf, who could organise a fraud in a children's charity.....Trump Foundation, dodgy stuff, stealing from kids cancer charities and vets....Don the Con, and you still fall for his BS.
SHE should be Vice President!!! What a role model of a woman for my granddaughters to emulate. Thank God there are women out there serving tirelessly as she does.
That was a terrible speech interlaced with lies. He said he was going to to many things but of course every knows he won’t do it. He thinks threats from China are no big deal. We are doomed.
Love your channel. Pretty sad that our own media (except for FOX) won't show the truth but it has to come from another country. So tired of being gaslighted by sleepy Joe and giggles.
Thank you sir, that was great. Congratulations to Sarah Huckabee Sanders.The state of America is truly sad. I believe the USA will rise above it all. ☮️
Sadly for the first time in my life I am ashamed to admit that I am an American and this man is the man leading my country. I refuse to call him President.
@colinerikstanhouse6385: They care more about being in power than anything else. They want everyone but their group of "elites" broken down to serfs and slaves.
Which god you talkin' about. The Christian God doesn't exist. Humans made him up, like hundreds of other gods in history. You are just too dumb or brainwashed to realize it.
THANK YOU!!!!! Thank you for showing the truth! I have been saying this for a long time and people (here in the US) just don’t believe me. That’s ok. I KNOW THE TRUTH! I keep sending these stories to them in hopes they see the light!
I'm 2 weeks late on watching this video but I wamt to say thank you to Paul for making this and letting the workd know the truth of what is happening in my country.
And a divisive poisonous one at that. No-one over 35 says stuff like that without having a clue about ramifications. Which are already horrid. I worry for the future.
He has been out more touting his accomplishments then all of his campaigning for Pres. in 2020. When he ran, he NEVER left the basement or talked to a group of 25 people.
I am a senior citizen and have worked hard since I was 16. Why do Republicans want to rob me of the Social Security that I have paid for my whole life? -- Senator Mike Lee, 2010: "It will be my objective to phase out Social Security, to pull it up by the roots and get rid of it. There’s going to be growing pains associated with doing this. We can’t do it all at once." -- Senator Rick Scott, 2023: "All federal legislation sunsets in 5 years. If a law is worth keeping, Congress can pass it again." -- Senator Ron Johnson, 2022: "I’ve been saying for as long as I’ve been here that we should transfer everything, put everything on budget so we have to consider it if every year. I’ve said that consistently, it’s nothing new."
@@turnerfamilyinozi - I 100% agree. The Republicans who openly stated they want to take away my Social Security are guilty of a hate crime. They sit in their fancy offices...while people across the nation are working hard to contribute to Social Security. Disgusting.
Have a look at where Arkanas stands in the US in regard to poverty, crime, education and health care. This is after continual Republican leadership. Given Huckerbee's stated goals do you think anything will change?
The best thing you can say about Biden state of the union, is he stayed awake through the whole thing. I do wonder what was in the syringe that they gave him.
Every time I pay for groceries I think of what he has done to this country.
Be Happy, don't Worry, America will not survive this, America is as good as Dead now. All those Foreign People have Poured into a Dead and Dying Country that is Broke.
America the Land of the Free has become a Country of Marxist Communism under Joe Biden and we are Dead now. There are so many People now, we are running out of food to feed People, Even our Government is crating food Shortaqes we will not recover from. We can no longer feed all Americans we are running out of Food now.
If you knew anything about global inflation you wouldn’t blame Biden.
@@vansionliving Yeah pea brain, I'm sure the very fact that he closed the pipeline down his first day in office and selling our emergency oil reserves to China making us energy dependent on other nations had nothing to do with soaring fuel prices that in turn pushed up food prices. Did someone dump you on your head?
@@vansionliving they literally don’t want to know
@@vansionliving lol....ok.
Hunter lost a laptop.
Ashley lost her diary.
Joe lost his mind.
And we are losing our country.
Lol 😝 well said…
@twylah9047 I truly think Hunter and Ashley hate their father and they left those damning evidences on purpose. But Joe had (and still has) the protection from FBI, CIA, big tech and mass media.
100% correct.
Let's go brandon, his entire incompetent politicized administration & the rest of the dem cohorts
I really hope the U.S. can turn things around. Trump had plenty of faults, but he was a 1000 times better than Biden and the other career politicians that are in it just for themselves. All the best to my U.S. friends from Australia!
He took credit for the vaccine and it was Trump and operation warp speed. He's too weak.
Thank you from the USA!!! We need to send out a SOS to other countries to help us. America has died.
@@TheElisaRae I agree. It’s certainly not the proud and formidable nation that I recall from the 80’s. When many of your elected members have been there for decades and made themselves multi-millionaires out of it, it does make me thankful that here in Australia our elected representatives are required to declare all of their financial interests ( e.g. shares, properties owned, directorships of companies etc). I truly hope that things improve over there. Whilst I’ve travelled to the U.S. a few times, I still dream of going there for a much longer stay like 6 months and to properly travel across your beautiful country. All the best!
Sorry to hear what's happening to you! They're trying to do the same to us! I pray we stand up and fight for our freedom!!
Thank You, I think I am a relatively average American. I love my country, but I currently hate my government
I’ve mentioned this several times. It’s pathetic that despite living in the US I have to watch Sky News to get the truth. Thank you Sky News for remaining honest.
Just be careful which branch you watch, sky America is heavily left wing and sky England toes the line
Rita P. is always a safe listen! ❤
It’s because they know American politics trickles down and that’s what they need, we all need with these Government positions getting too much power and control over our freedoms
But some times they only show what they want you to see
I just discovered that
Sad part is there are citizens who believe these lies.
that is the worst part
True, I can not Believe Americans want to Live under a Marxist Communist Government, however here we are with a Marxist Communist Administration. What we have to look forward to is the Return of Jesus to remove Christians from this Dead and Dying land. while the Terrible things in the Book of Revelation take Place.
Truly, I have people I love and respect ,and they just can't see through this. And I somehow cannot manage the communication skills to get through the constant deluge of total bullsh*t to wake them up.
@@here4thealibi Ask them why the inflation is high, and teach them the 101 of economy-> Supplies vs Demands, then point out that More money into system -> Inflation.
The Dimocrat propaganda networks re-enforce all of them each and every day! For instance, even after it was known that the Biden White House claim that three Chinese balloons flew over America during the Administration was a lie. Morning Joe and his wife were still claiming that was true!
If politicians were held to the same standards as the average citizen in the United States, he would have been in prison for the past 30 years and looking at the next 30 years behind bars.
And J.B. is listening to someone that has advised him. "If you are going to steal. Steal BIG." Do the Bidens actually think they can buy or bribe themselves out of this? I think they do. And I think they might. Because it goes much deeper than what we can see. J.B. is in a society that is very good at keeping secrets. For example the Kennedy assassination and 911. Almost everything we know about both of those terrible days is a lie. The people behind Biden work for Satan and Satan is where they get their money, power and protection. Ever see a Shriner come out against abortion?????????????
For treason at the end of a rope
Biden is like a nightmare that just won’t go away!
Alongside Bush and Blair for war crimes
He should be there ,maybe not for past 30years,but for sure in 6 years ago for the rest of his ilife in ,prison for treason against American people!
Audience applause of this dangerous slurring incompetent Buffon is terrifying. Reminds me of the Germans cheering on Adolph
If you're going to denigrate a person, at least have the decency to spell their name right while doing so.
@@Old_Geezer Buffon is correct. Biden is one
@@sharonhowell7011 I wasn't referring to the misspelling of "buffoon", but I I agree, he absolutely fits the description.
Uncle Adolph was coherent tho👀
Its a shame when media from another country has to show you the truth.
I’m glad cause whenever I hear this pos talking, it makes me mad.
Good. I get angry every time I have to hear that pos talking.
Makes sense. They won’t even post my comments
As a US citizen, I watch Sky News to give me transparent information. Thank you.
I like Sky, but check out Bannon's Warroom too.😀
It's one of the only places to get the real news.
I am going to start watching sky News more they seem to be more accurate than our own American News
Redacted is another good one 👍
Me to better than MSNBC CNN abc
Wow, How insulting to Americans that CNN, ABC and MSNBC are....I mean what the hell address were they watching?
They are the propaganda wing of the Democratic party. EVERYTHING is through the liberal lens which means they ignore, misrepresent, or outright lie when it comes to coverage. They NEVER EVER talk about the Southern border, the sex trafficking, the drugs, or the terrorists streaming in. That tells all you need to know about these sleezy stations.
They're NOT watching anymore...
Specifically CNN
Worse is a President that stands Before God and Lies!
He dog-walked the GOP into committing to no Social security cuts. GOP not very smart.
As an American, I have to seek truth outside of my country's mass media reach. How sad is that?
Only Sky there mate, the rest are the same as yours.
"It will be my objective to phase out Social Security, to pull it up by the roots and get rid of it."
- Mike Lee (R-UT
@@Thisonegoestoeleven666 Don't cherry pick. The whole quote begins with him saying that those who are receiving SS right now, and even those who are about to qualify, should see no change. The change would come for those of us who have paid into the system since we began working and won't be able to qualify for SS before SS goes bankrupt in the next 10-15 years. Do your research before you repeat the lie.
@@Thisonegoestoeleven666 😉видео.html
@@31684Cooper That would be a dem they all lie. It’s part of what their party all about
Who in the he#l are the 16% that thought this country is better off with this Administration.
All the criminals.
They are sitting in paradise with billions.of. our money in.their bank
🚩They didn’t send “their Best” since it was ONLY a Poll!!!
Paradise? That’s a totally different place for & “to” them! (Actually, it’s probably going to be Lahaina…………)
Sky News Australia, thank you for calling out Joe's bullsh!t!!
😭😭😭 I don't want to join the 🤡 club
Please don't insult bulshit
Hypocrite, corrupted mob, pathological liar.
Quite the contrast to all the post-SOTU ass kissing highlighted here.
@@craigelectric5241 😂 you're right! Actual bull 💩 has value! Joetato doesn't have any value at ALL!
How in the world did this guy ever get into politics!! He's a Habitual liar .. well maybe I just answered my own question.
Had to drop out of the 88 primary for lying and people still voted for him.!
One word..OBAMA!
Apparently the dude had the gift of gab and little else. Along with that came the predisposition to lie like a rug. The poor guy did poorly in all of his schooling but has claimed an IQ of 187. People with IQs like that float thru their schooling w/o even exerting themselves
He is the epitome of the stupid guy who became a politician and made good.
This type of thing is why Trump was elected, -- we are getting incredibly tired of Bidens sort of nonsense
“Let’s finish the job”… burying the country in more debt and packing the grave down with the shovel I hit it in the back of the head with. Come on man!
Someone should have thrown Kamala a fish when she stood up and applauded,mimicking a trained seal.
It’s sad that Australian news sources are more accurate that American news sources about American politics.
If the twitter files is anything to go on then the US media is owned by the dems
Actually, our Australian mainstream media is as bad as the US. Sky News, unfortunately, is available only on paid TV, except for RUclips et al. Thank god they are there.
Same situation regarding uk news also .
I agree
The news agencies are complicit in the coverup: why do u look there anyway???…
American here: while I despise the direction in which my beloved USA is taking--under that demented old Democrat--and am utterly ashamed that the rest of the World sees it, too, I am so grateful that Sky News AU also sees what's REALLY happening and is not afraid to call it out. God Bless you all
You and the MAGA morons are a pack of loonies that still can't take the L last election. And the midterms were a shocker for you too. I hope you run Trump, because he will lose again. Lose so much you SHOULD be sick of losing, but you are too stupid. Or ol' Ron will beat Drumpf and then he will start his own part, split the vote, and the Dems will get in again. Oh, see the demographics lately? Without the rigged electoral college, you wouldn't get a sniff of power.
Economy was booming 2 years ago
Why ? Shouldn't be ashamed of the country for what this shitbag has done !! More pissed off than ashamed ! Fjb
Sky news is done
@@russellhenderson4833 you're definitely not the sharpest pencil in the box, not that surprising at all.
I live in America and I turn to Sky News for a fresh and unbiased look at our home. 👍🏻
You should also check out RT if you want to know what's really going on with the war... Unless you believe what they tell you about that?
Ditto for me!
Subscribing! 👍🏻
That’s a shame we have to do that huh go to work another Nations news to get the truth that’s almost they’ve done to the country
Thanks, Sarah. we love you
It is a shame our news media cannot tell the truth but Australia can .
I watch Australian news because most of them are unbiased and I love their accent.
I'm sorry to say that unfortunately our media is infected with the same virus in Australia.
Very clear ! They even like us . Wow what happened to the rules
Good on ya, Oz!! 👏👏👏
Thanks, from Idaho, USA. 👍
Newsmax is trying.
The whole notion that 12M jobs were created is like taking all of your kids' toys away at the beginning of the year, then giving them back as Christmas presents and telling everybody that the reason your kids are getting so much is because you're an amazingly generous and successful parent. 🙄
Great analogy 😊
Awesome analogy!!
He's full of what makes the grass grow green and he should be in prison clothing. Wolf in sheeps clothing. God put him in jail.
I love how the talking heads are telling us how "lively" and "powerful" his speech was but can't help noticing that it sounds like they're trying to convince themselves more.
His doctor said he was "healthy" and "vigorous", too.
The only vigor that stupid stump ever exhibits is when he's implementing his America Last agenda. So far the only thing he's succeeded at.
Retards always follow other retards like biden and the dems
You are so right❤
Good job Sarah! Well said
WHO the hell are 16% ? What are they living under a rock 🤓
The rich white liberals who funnel millions into keeping the puppet performing. Money sure doesn't buy a soul or intelligence.
They live in Hollywood
A huge rock ❤
They also have dementia.🤣😂🤣🤣
More like they got hit, HARD, in the head by said rock.
If Joe should be required to bow out, nobody will miss him and most will praise the relief.
Don't forget that idiot Kamala would take over in a second. that is really a nightmare thinking of her as Pres. She acts stoned most of the time.
Then we get jills new boytoy's wife.
Not true, because Kamala would be even worse. Because not only is she immature, and over her head even to be VP. She is also a much younger soft on crime Canadian bigot. You think Joe has people telling him what to do? Kamala would need an entire department to do it, and her husband's law firm is also in the pocket of the CCP.
Yeah, well we'd get Spacey Kamala
This man has never had a job.. a career politician, he is a prime example of why we need term limits .
Plus he has never done anything good for America. He is a worthless piece of crap.
Never had a job?
Joey has been a coal minor, truck driver, school bus driver, a professor, a lifeguard and took on Corn Pop.
Being a politician IS a full time job, and Joe has an advanced degree and plenty of experience. This has shown, in how he brought the nation thru the COVID episode, supervised passing much needed good legislation, jobs rebounding and a great deal of Traitor Trump's mess of the Executive branch cleaned up. Most Americans like his administration.
@@jeannerogers7085 Seems to me you are a Biden supporter. You must like being ignored, while Bozo Biden squanders our money away and does nothing for our Country. Typical liberal moron. How is Trump a traitor? You are like the lame stream media. Is your hair dyed purple or pink?
@@jeannerogers7085 An advanced degree in what? Stupidity? Basically the dumbocrats created covid 19 thru China. And im willing to bet you got all the vaccines and boosters. In actuality, Joe is Bozo the clown without makeup.
To Sarah- I believe this is one of the best speeches I've ever heard. Thank You for your inspiring words and may God Bless You and your family.
The big guy practiced those lies the week before, that is why he still thought the big game instead of the super bowl is scheduled next week,
Clearly he didn't know what day of the week he was talking. LET'S GO BRANDON!!!!
Actually they used big crayons and wrote it really really slow….. that’s why he did better..
"It will be my objective to phase out Social Security, to pull it up by the roots and get rid of it."
- Mike Lee (R-UT
72 percent approved of the speech DARK BRANDON Gave and destroyed you fascists by making the look like fools and you should thank DARK BRANDON for saving your social security and Medicare , FASCIST
@dimsoneill of course, you would edit his speech out of context to promote a lie.... I bet you believe Joe's lies though, right? McCarthy had already announced that Social Security and Medicare cuts were off the table, and we will not default on our debts. Not even a consideration but you misquote a lie....
I love this Sarah Huckabee. She is so American. Gives us hope . Thank you Sarah
Miss the great days when she was press secretary.
Our political system is one big joke
I look to you as more reliable than anyone, because Australia has a different demographic. You have no skin in the game, because you aren't owned by United States or Europe and can report exactly what you think, stay neutral, no censorship, call B.S. when you see fit, and Gawd, do we need that.
Oh ? Aborigines ?
Why are ignoring the fact that Sky News is owned by Murdoch, who also owns The Australian and Fox News. All producing right wing propaganda.
Murdoch salutes you for your service.
He is definitely one of the better ones but if you look at the major institutional shareholders of Sky News, you'll know that's not entirely true.
The Vortex - Mel Gibson's Priests by Church Militant.
Thank you Sky News for giving us here in the US the facts.
I never saw a President of the United States make such a fool of himself and the United States a laughing stock on the World stage ???🇨🇦🇺🇸😎
Same with the PM north of the border
It's the ultimate in a national nightmare. And it's all been on purpose.
@@milomacdonald4980 Fidel Jr
just wait for Brandons 2nd term!
He can't help himself from lying!
No one could have said it better than Sarah Sanders!
If an American woman were president, I would choose Sarah Sanders
Also Mrs Sarah Sanders was with her family 👪
when confronted in the restaurant by rioters who were taught
to pushed to more violence by Mrs Maxine Waters🧞in California
and she left that place without any
🗣(talk back)!
Courageous woman of quality for her own family👨👩👦 and she knows how to keep peace on the outside of her 🏡 house !
We had no wars when Trump was in there. We had a great economy.
Trump didn’t start any wars, but he wasn’t able to end any either. I love president Trump, but we have to be honest.
@@adorablydeplorable7580 Sorry u slept through the Abraham Accord and SO many other great milestones!
Well, Biden is walking us right into WW3. People don’t see it, though. And people are still blaming Trump.
Yeah but this idiot thought he could do better and America has to pay for HIS thinking !! Fjb
Trump was independatly wealthy, he didn't need to start wars so that US weapons manuf give $$millions to corrupt congress, he already had $$ millions
We're laughing at him and the world is laughing at him.
Thank you Sky News for sharing truthful news, it's a shame we here in America can't get truthful news from our media.
That's because most of them work for the democrat party
What is unbelievable That people believe these lies They don't do their own research take a idiot's word for it !!!!
🏴🇬🇧🦾🇺🇲 I'm very concerned with what's happening in America!
& I'm not even from there 🤨😞
God bless this woman who speaks truth instead of "Politics" !!
r 2 party system is the divide n conquer since after GW
Thank you sky news ❤God bless you🙏🏻 Keep exposing the truth!
Let's make this crystal clear the 16% Who stated that they were better off was politicians because of all the inside trading and kick back contracts...
This is truly the definition of DRUNK with power !
So this is how liberty dies… with thunderous applause.
Were the Democrat Congressmen briefed as to when to clap, stand and cheer? Given copies of the speech with directions?
The 'applause' is the sound of sheep hooves running over the cliff.
It is a 🎪 It has been for years . The 🎪 🤡 🤡 🤡 are well trained.
A trillion percent 'exactly my sentiments.'
Jar Jar Binks, incidentally, was the greatest politician of all time: He nearly single-handedly prevented Senator Palpatine from creating a 'galactic empire' and destroying the Republic-democracy.
Notice that Jar Jar Binks 'twin sister' (Kamala Harris) who is as UGLY AND STUPID AS the 'worst politician of all time.' Strange to have both the best and worst in the same family......
What a sad slide into ruin my country is facing.
Dean Oliver,he has created jobs where he has a different publicity woman and untold jobs where his vise president's staff has left for parts unknown,He has let most of the government workers stay home while they still get paid! Will it take a warto get rid of him?
@@thomastolbert6184 No, Article 25 will be enacted and they'll quietly replace him with the VP. A woman who speaks to grown audiences like they are in kindergarten because she herself has the intelligence of a tree stump. She is a joke. An unqualified diversity checkbox who has no business being the VP or President. 350 million people in this country and this is the best we can do?
Yes, America is on it's Death Bed because of Joe Biden and his Marxist Communist Government.
@@jimcoulter5877 All I know is that this is not the America I grew up in and served.
I sincerely hope that Australians are no longer depending on the military of the United States to protect them from the authoritarian creep that is about to spread across the world. America has already fallen. There's nothing standing between Global Communism and Global Domination. This world is about to begin a rapid and bloody march to snuff out freedom and individual liberty. It will start with America, now that the enemy has control of the levers of our government power, our schools, and our military.
As an American who is not a libtard I thank Sky News Australia for showing what the liberal based news in the states will not show about Biden and his admin.
By now I've listened three times and your message gets stronger. Thank you.
He would be a legend in his own mind,if he had one!
Thank-you Sandra 🇺🇲 !!
Mr Speaker looks like he’s thinking “How much longer do I have to sit and listen to this BS?”
I’m betting McCarthy is thinking about the shredder that he’s going to un-ceremoniously feed Biden’s speech to when he gets back to his office.
@@jakeeasterwood3204 Or how hard he got bent over by the MAGA morons to get the role. Invertebrate pathetic POS.
@@Thisonegoestoeleven666 But you don’t seem to be at all concerned about the squid Calamari setting to the right of McCarthy. You voted for Gaffs & Giggles… so enjoy your run away inflation, high gas prices, fentanyl deaths from China, supply shortages and proxy war in Ukraine with “10% for the Big Guy held by H” while you can. There is a better day coming soon.
And most of the viewing public too.
@@ronskancke1489 I don't listen to or watch any dem speeches. The highlights always come out, like in this video. I wouldn't waste my time listening to an entire speech, especially from biden. I'd rather be cleaning my toilet or scooping dog poop. Much more productive
Even hoodie Feathernan is falling sleep on his speech
Fettermann looks absolutely positively MISERABLE, doesn't he?
Fedderman is another democrat horror. Unfortunately I live in PA I need to move.
Best part about state of union was Kevin McCarthy's body language
I dunno.....Marjorie sure was smokin' yelling "Liar!"
Enjoyed that tremendously!
Why is he always yelling at us and the lies what a disgrace to our country and it's people along with everything else crazy going on 😢 GOD BLESS us all especially the future of our CHILDREN
Man you nailed it
As we say in Australia Biden couldn’t organise a piss up in a brewery
Unlike Drumpf, who could organise a fraud in a children's charity.....Trump Foundation, dodgy stuff, stealing from kids cancer charities and vets....Don the Con, and you still fall for his BS.
The Brit’s have the same saying
I love it! ❤️
Eye-opener! Thank you!
This is one of the darkest times that I have lived.
You are great, Sarah! Best speech I ever heard !
SHE should be Vice President!!! What a role model of a woman for my granddaughters to emulate. Thank God there are women out there serving tirelessly as she does.
Absolutely the best ❤️👍❤️👍👏👏👏
Wonderful lady and wonderful speech.
Damn, Sarah Huckabee Sanders espoused a very worthy rebuttal. Great job!
*_TRUST !!_*
Donold J Trump is the most popular person in the world not just the United States the WORLD!!! LETS GO BRANDON FJB ( TRUMP2024 )
No he absolutely isn’t. He is a joke in most parts of the world.
peanut gallery.
Does this sad little saying help you cope with losing the election?
The potatoe has been very destructive to real progress.
Remember that even the elect will be fooled by the Antichrist!!!!
That was a terrible speech interlaced with lies. He said he was going to to many things but of course every knows he won’t do it. He thinks threats from China are no big deal. We are doomed.
Ignorant creature
I was fully expecting a tomato to hit him
At any given time during that speech of lies
Kinda disappointed none did
A pie full of 💩💩💩💩
I don't know about anybody else but my vote goes to Donald Trump
It's hard watching his speeches but easier than Kamilla so the bar is low
Stop yelling you mouth breather.
@@monsieurtarzan4249 edit out the rest to promote a lie. Good job! Joe must be your hero to be able to lie almost as well as he does.
1990s he tried to tank social security
Yes Biden did!
Rita, you are AWESOME! The absolute best!
Love your channel. Pretty sad that our own media (except for FOX) won't show the truth but it has to come from another country. So tired of being gaslighted by sleepy Joe and giggles.
Fox decided to join the rest of the paid Democrat party liars like CNN and MSNBC. Why do you think Tucker Carlson left?
I love Kevin McCarthy 's expression through out this string OF LIES! Good job Mr. Speaker!
It's a moot point. He will NOT be reelected. Thank God!
I Love your fact reporting! Thank you!
Thank you sir, that was great. Congratulations to Sarah Huckabee Sanders.The state of America is truly sad. I believe the USA will rise above it all. ☮️
Sadly for the first time in my life I am ashamed to admit that I am an American and this man is the man leading my country. I refuse to call him President.
I call him bidet because that's all he's good for!
He is now. May God bless and protect him.
Same same
This idiot is not my president. He’s bozo the clown.
@@JesusLovesYou-w4s 😂😂😂😂
It absolutely baffles me how the left STILL supports this guy, and will vote for him if he runs
@colinerikstanhouse6385: They care more about being in power than anything else. They want everyone but their group of "elites" broken down to serfs and slaves.
I can't figure out the shouting out about Xi. He's INSANE!
Love you Paul Murray! You tell it like it is!
He's absolutely awful
So the media even knew he was lying about the Medicare/Social Security statement? Still praised him.
How many of Pray God holds this country together never been a time we've been so divided
Which god you talkin' about. The Christian God doesn't exist. Humans made him up, like hundreds of other gods in history. You are just too dumb or brainwashed to realize it.
'Finish the job' = Scorched Earth.
THANK YOU!!!!! Thank you for showing the truth! I have been saying this for a long time and people (here in the US) just don’t believe me. That’s ok. I KNOW THE TRUTH! I keep sending these stories to them in hopes they see the light!
You can immediately see the effect of big lies on people's face who hear them
I'm 2 weeks late on watching this video but I wamt to say thank you to Paul for making this and letting the workd know the truth of what is happening in my country.
loved you in ghostbusters.
*Sky News Australia - exceptional coverage and truth-telling! We need more!!*
Brilliant 🎉
Thank you Sky News for showing us the truth
But some times they only show what they want you to see l will stick with I tube
Fortunately or unfortunately it takes a news source outside this country to shed the light and the truth on the people of this country.
We're grateful for our Aussie friends.
Instead of a state of the union address he gave a campaign speech.
And a divisive poisonous one at that. No-one over 35 says stuff like that without having a clue about ramifications. Which are already horrid. I worry for the future.
He has been out more touting his accomplishments then all of his campaigning for Pres. in 2020. When he ran, he NEVER left the basement or talked to a group of 25 people.
Great speech Sarah… United Kingdom..
I really like what Sarah Sanders has to say
I am a senior citizen and have worked hard since I was 16. Why do Republicans want to rob me of the Social Security that I have paid for my whole life?
-- Senator Mike Lee, 2010: "It will be my objective to phase out Social Security, to pull it up by the roots and get rid of it. There’s going to be growing pains associated with doing this. We can’t do it all at once."
-- Senator Rick Scott, 2023: "All federal legislation sunsets in 5 years. If a law is worth keeping, Congress can pass it again."
-- Senator Ron Johnson, 2022: "I’ve been saying for as long as I’ve been here that we should transfer everything, put everything on budget so we have to consider it if every year. I’ve said that consistently, it’s nothing new."
@@TrilobitesRTasty You're about the only one here that makes any sense!!!
@@eddiemerten3381 Why do you like hate speech?
@@turnerfamilyinozi - I 100% agree. The Republicans who openly stated they want to take away my Social Security are guilty of a hate crime. They sit in their fancy offices...while people across the nation are working hard to contribute to Social Security. Disgusting.
Have a look at where Arkanas stands in the US in regard to poverty, crime, education and health care. This is after continual Republican leadership. Given Huckerbee's stated goals do you think anything will change?
Kevin McCarthy looks like I did after my surgery last week. Just staring into space shaking his head. It’s hilarious
The best thing you can say about Biden state of the union, is he stayed awake through the whole thing. I do wonder what was in the syringe that they gave him.
True that! I want that shit too!
I wouldn't shake bidens hand .
If Biden was standing in front of me on fire, and I had a glass of water, I would drink it.
Shake Bid ne hand? No way! And I dang sure couldn't stand to sit calmly behind him like McCarthy was able to do.
I would bet he would fail cognitive test . Bring it on.
Stupid Biden?
I picture it being slimy.
Biden’s political career should have ended in 1988. I can’t believe the citizens of Delaware voted him in after that.
An old Aussie saying: Joe Biden "couldn't lie (lay) straight in bed".
American media became broken long ago....sad...
Don'y buy the Newspaper. Period !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Excellent reporting. You are spot on every point you made.
Can you provide evidence for your claim?
@@turnerfamilyinozi it was on the bloody report. Open your eyes and clean your ears out
A President saying “look it up” when caught in a obvious lie is just pitiful.