I advice all who came to watch this video to watch it until the end. That is where it is magical. Thank you God for giving us an intellect with your truth. And thank you dr zegeye.
Be dr. adro yastemaren egzabher yimesgen. Very beautiful sermon. Philosophical. Crazy. Daring. And the ending is great it made me see the truth in a new light. Thank you and blessings
The background music is so annoying! Is this a piano bar or a church???? Why won't the church stop imitating the world!!! I was so eager to listen to the message but the music was so distracting. My goodness!
ጌታ ዘመንህን ጨምሮ ይባርክ!!!! ጌታ ሆይ አንተን represent እያደረኩ የምትመጣውን አዲሲቲን ከተማ እየናፈኩ እለት እለት መዳኔን እንድፈጽም ለተፈጠርኩለት እንድንኖር ወደጸጋው ዙፋን እቀርባለሁ❤❤🎉
I advice all who came to watch this video to watch it until the end. That is where it is magical. Thank you God for giving us an intellect with your truth. And thank you dr zegeye.
ቃል ሲነብ የመሣርያው ድምፅ ቢቀር
Be dr. adro yastemaren egzabher yimesgen. Very beautiful sermon. Philosophical. Crazy. Daring. And the ending is great it made me see the truth in a new light. Thank you and blessings
ይህ ወንድም የእግዚአብሔር ብርሀን ያገኘው መንፈስ የሞላበት ወንድም 🙏
እግዚአብሔር ዘመንህን ይባርክህ
👉 ሁሌም ልከኛ የሆነ የእግዚአብሔር ሰው!
ወዳጆቼ ሙዚቃው ብቀር ምንይመስላችህዋል በቃሉ ላይ ፎከስ ብናደርግ ይበልጥብናል ከአክብሮት ጋር ተባረኩ.::
ዶክተር ዘመንህ ይባረክ በጣም ጠቃሚ ትምህርት ነው::
Wu'd saw❤!
ቃል የለኝም...እዚህ ሆኜ ያኛውን ሙላት እሻለሁ። ሁሉንም ጥዬ እከተልሃለሁ።
ዶ/ር በህይወቴ ውስጥ ስለመጣህ እግዚሃብሄርን አመሰግናለሁ ተባረክም እልሃለሁ።
Amlake hoy yemisemawin endinorew erdagn. Amen. Egzabher yimesgen
What a Wonderful and Radical(Revolutionary) Sermon without any kind of Compromization or hesitation..... Bless u for ur Boldness!!!
please avoid the background music bcoz, I think, it has destruction
ሁሌም ክርስቶስን እየሱስን ቡቻ የሚያገን ሰቡከት ሃሌሉያ
Amazing!!!...Amazing!!!!.....Amazing!!!!... Bless you Doc. Zegeye Cherinet for your wonderful and unwavering massage of The Gospel of God!
Tebarek Doctor ,gin musikaw yirebishal yikerta
Geta ybarkgh dr zegye desbloghal saye
Geta ybarkgh
Please avoid the music
The sound behind is not çonfortable
What is the purpose of the music? Anoing 😮
Please avoid the back ground sound
የዚችን አለም ውሸታምነት መረዳት ከሷ ምንም በጎ ነገር እንዳንጠብቅ ይረዳል! The land of suffering
ሙዚቃዉ ያበሳጫል
The background is distirbing
ከእውቀቶች ሁሉ ቀዳሚ የሆነ የሚበጀው ለሰው: ከሁሉ አስቀድሞ አለማወቁን አውቆ ሲጀምር ብቻ ነው: የራሴ የግሌ ብሎ በየጊዜው ያዋጣው እውቀቱ: እንደማያዋጣው ሰው ቢያውቅ ኖሮ ይነቃ ከቅዠቱ: ግና ሰው ትዲያ ሰው መሆኑ አይደል ቀደም ቀደም ሲል: አለማወቁን ሳያውቅ ዕድሜውን ሳይጨርስ ይሰጠዋል ዕድል: በብልሃት ተረትን ፈጥሮ ሲያጣጥር: የእግዚአብሔር ምህረት እንጂ ምን ይቀረው ነበር?
እውነትን ማወቅ ነው ሰውን አርነት ሚያወጣው! ከምን? ከራሱ ውስብስብ ዓለም!
The background music is so annoying! Is this a piano bar or a church???? Why won't the church stop imitating the world!!! I was so eager to listen to the message but the music was so distracting. My goodness!
ከጀርባ ያለው ድምጽ በጣም ይረብሻል
Music? What is going on? Are u trying to impress us with your music skill? Woy zendro!!!