hatsoffsam24 more information is prohibited the way they do a good morning at that I need help I don't understand you for asking price much of that would help and the same way you are in my head and a lot in a good morning to see that is why you to you are well for your email preferences in person's you to you as the time the don't want a good weekend so far the don't to make an email message to see the status in to you for this position at all possible I don't understand the same thing to the next one and would work on your end and effort on oil filter change of pace in to you for taking my phone with you are in this thread to see how you for us
*Wrestlemania 33 Day Arena/8 Entrances/ Starting the match with 3 Finishers and at the very end you can see highlight for entrances, no idea why the superstars are not in it*
A really important feature which would make the game so much more realistic although it sounds a bit stupid, are the camera angles. Just imagine the camera angle would switch a lot more often like in WWE TV, it would add a lot more realism. You can see this in the highlight reel when you change angle it looks so much more realistic
I love way the Royal Rumble is it reminds me of the Sega Genesis how you just picked him up and threw him over the ropes thank you 2K for making it that way.
MrBigShowOff Is this finisher thing for unlimited starting finishers for just custom matches or is is also for all the modes and universe mode? Also when baron attacked styles and made cena win is that also for custom match only because I just keep seeing the stuff listed in match creator?
Buenoo Mamiii Yeah, getting eliminated is so simple now, I kinda don't like it but it's realistic at the same, it feels unfair for a video game. Also not everyone can get eliminated just from an Irish whip, Braun is a super heavyweight and Styles a light heavyweight so the weight difference is why he got eliminated like that.
Actually I just watched Gore & Perkins Royal Rumble video and Braun/Brock Lesnar get eliminated just as easily by small guys so I guess it's not that realistic, definitely better but still needs to be tweaked.
Can't wait to play this game and Braun strowman should be the universal champion but the wwe is full of crap sometimes.maybe Finn balor can get his long awaited rematch!
I have added a custom rule for battle royal for pin and give up only. What is really annoying is that when there is 3 of you left, the two AI wrestlers both team up on you every time . WTH. this happened in elimination chamber wwe 2k16. Why haven't they fixed it.
NICK CHRISOVALANTIS Oh really hater if u think that 2k18 is worst then why don't you make your own game which maybe be better than 2k18...I know you can't so stop hating (Bad for sorry english)
18:46 undertaker sprinting up is the most beautiful thing ever 😂😂👌👌
TazMan1096 Haha yeah.
TazMan1096 what was that
TazMan1096 ahhahahahahahahhhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahqhqhqhhqhqhhahqhahhahhhhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahqhahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhqhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahhahahahahhahahhahhahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahah
TazMan1096 thats why he was the deadman!
Lol, Cena like "I'm gonna make it", Strowman just bulldozes him off the ropes haha
hatsoffsam24 more information is prohibited the way they do a good morning at that I need help I don't understand you for asking price much of that would help and the same way you are in my head and a lot in a good morning to see that is why you to you are well for your email preferences in person's you to you as the time the don't want a good weekend so far the don't to make an email message to see the status in to you for this position at all possible I don't understand the same thing to the next one and would work on your end and effort on oil filter change of pace in to you for taking my phone with you are in this thread to see how you for us
*Wrestlemania 33 Day Arena/8 Entrances/ Starting the match with 3 Finishers and at the very end you can see highlight for entrances, no idea why the superstars are not in it*
MrBigShowOff undertaker still never takes his coat off........
MrBigShowOff yayayayyay
has regins entrance really got boo's in it or did u edit the entrance
Match starts at 16:25
Amaru and
Amaru thanks
Amaru فاعل خير
Man The Undertakers new entrance is just badass!!! But that stupid ass loud pyro kills it smh
jay hardy1119 The new entrance looks great!
MrBigShowOff that loud pyro kills it though
What does smh mean
DylSanAnims 07
Shaking my head
jay hardy1119 jajajaja
A really important feature which would make the game so much more realistic although it sounds a bit stupid, are the camera angles. Just imagine the camera angle would switch a lot more often like in WWE TV, it would add a lot more realism. You can see this in the highlight reel when you change angle it looks so much more realistic
Nice new intro dude!
Another nice video 😎✌
I love way the Royal Rumble is it reminds me of the Sega Genesis how you just picked him up and threw him over the ropes thank you 2K for making it that way.
And thank you for sharing this video it made me purchase the game just for this feature alone
The fucking loud pyro in AJ STYLES entrance!
MrBigShowOff Is this finisher thing for unlimited starting finishers for just custom matches or is is also for all the modes and universe mode? Also when baron attacked styles and made cena win is that also for custom match only because I just keep seeing the stuff listed in match creator?
18:46 So we're all just ignore Undertaker in the background
JShizzle 63 you will lose
finally more than 6 men can be in a ring at one time thank u 2k
About time they get AJ's attire and entrance right...
someone please tell me how you start the match with finishers. every time i start a match theres never a option for it.
Ayee what, up.😎😁
Destruction Hey!
can you still do a double elimination from behind when you have 3 finishers stored or have they randomly taken it out for no reason.
Great match
that 1 Strand of hair is the coolest thing they ever added on Undertaker lol
This game is so awesome!
The entrances took 70 percent of the video
How we download this game
This is awesome matchhh
That Crowd Pop Seth Rollins Tho
Can you eliminate someone so easy now? 18:05
Buenoo Mamiii Yeah, getting eliminated is so simple now, I kinda don't like it but it's realistic at the same, it feels unfair for a video game. Also not everyone can get eliminated just from an Irish whip, Braun is a super heavyweight and Styles a light heavyweight so the weight difference is why he got eliminated like that.
MrBigShowOff Oh, allright Thanks you! Love your videos man 👊💪
Actually I just watched Gore & Perkins Royal Rumble video and Braun/Brock Lesnar get eliminated just as easily by small guys so I guess it's not that realistic, definitely better but still needs to be tweaked.
+Chester McNuggets its not realism, its boring as fuck. Ni more fun with royal rumble match :(
It is fun, it always lacked difficulty
Can you do a Braun strowman vs undertaker simulation on legendary difficulty?
Even Braun Strowman is not safe from that generic champion victory scene 😂
I may have to change Strowman's championship winning animation cause he looks a bit out of character
Before i watch this i can guess half of this video is undertaker's entrance
+DGotTheJuice Nakamura's entrance is longer than Undertaker's entrance lol
Taker got up real quick
Rick Harrison 18:44 LMFAO
Awesome battle royal
PrizefighterxP1 👊
They should put the new Seth rollins theme that say BURN IT DOWN!
Can't wait to play this game and Braun strowman should be the universal champion but the wwe is full of crap sometimes.maybe Finn balor can get his long awaited rematch!
Lol somebody from last Gen asked when they were gonna show the last Gen version of 2K18 I had too break the sad news that they're not getting it 😂😂😂😔😔
jay hardy1119 lmao I mean it’s called “last gen “ for a reason
jay hardy1119 No way lol
jay hardy1119 damn, too bad for him!!
Javonte Morant lol I swear😂😂😂
Mexi LMFAO right ! All bad all sad
I wish you could start with infinite finishers
me roo
So what hell is wiith superstars at the end of the match all on one knee
Cannot wait
Wow wrestlemania during day is incrediby and fucking awesome in the game. Nice video you mad my day.
Ironic that Seth was eliminated first
6 man battle royal pin/submission elimination matche in wwe2k18 ??
Masthox_ You can do that for match creator for 6 man/8 man battle royal.
Wow 16 minutes of entrances and 5 minutes of the actual match
16:32 the match starts
I can't stress enough how bad fans need a new developer for these games
They need to fix the after match stuff. We don't need wrestlers kneeling after matches in protest of losing lol XD
OMG Seth Rollins gonna win! Oh wait he was eliminated when it started
Can't see the little Superman tattoo on brawn's arm?
I have added a custom rule for battle royal for pin and give up only. What is really annoying is that when there is 3 of you left, the two AI wrestlers both team up on you every time . WTH. this happened in elimination chamber wwe 2k16. Why haven't they fixed it.
Idk, but I am glad they brought back all the match rule settings from WWE 2K14.
Likewise it certainly gets very laggy with the more superstars in the ring. Ruins the 6 and 8 man matches.
16:30 if you want to skip entrances
I love how there are more ways to get eliminated for example John cena thinks he's gonna make it but then get buldosed
Roman gets booed but in the menu cheered lol
Em why is on the ring is only 7 superstar?
+Grey Lord Rollins got eliminated right away, look at the beginning of the match, Styles eliminates him.
Ugh they might as well just release the game already 😑😑
NoLimitJayB 1 more week!
So it took them 16:30 just to start the match.
Wow that's just way to long
Why Seth Rollins eliminate first why why why you
The singing during Nakamuras entrance sounds SO fucking bad
Braun Strowman is my fave
Jesus the audio is a bit too high
Creo que hay mas entrada que luchas :v
Did you add ear rape for AJ'S pyro
the undertaker entrance is not good in light when it is out side
17:35 shinsuke limit
Wow i didn't like that match because i was going for john cena
Why is Aj styles the United States champion
Aj styles is the wwe champion
Seth is the real winner yes yes yes
Rollins lasted 5 seconds xD
wrestemana 34 2k18
Can you make battle royales not over the top rope again?
Yeah I think so
For some reason in 6 man and 8 man matches don't have the Normal match type.
I will play strowman vs reigns with unlimited finishers for strowman so i can hit powerslam 8 times until i beat reigns
FadhelS755 5 Three finishers max you can start a match with.
MrBigShowOff Whaaaaaat!!!!!!!! 😢😢😢😢 i thought we can put unlimited also
FadhelS755 5 so just start with 3 finishers. 3 running powerslams to roman
Roman will always kick out at 1 but eat one spear and you're done buddy
Vincent Simbol no
I am the real king slayer
Roman Reigns supreme commander
Suinske nakarmora
16 minutos entrance realy
the shield
Roman reigns won the undertaker😭
i love Roman
Roman Reigns is real winner
8 man entrance video..nothing more than..
16 minutes to an Kay anay ma lag gay
Time pass waste of time
Wwe 2k18 is the worst wwe game ever
NICK CHRISOVALANTIS Oh really hater if u think that 2k18 is worst then why don't you make your own game which maybe be better than 2k18...I know you can't so stop hating (Bad for sorry english)
CJ IS HERE why you doesn t make your game
NICK CHRISOVALANTIS How dumb are u?I m not making any game because I m not a hater like you so GTFO