Absolutely brilliant. Used my grandsons old Tab E for my camera monitor around the house. Android 4.4.4 says not suitable or not supported on this device. Followed the brilliant instructions from The Android Doctor and installed Android 7.1.2. Went like a dream. All my cameras now can be viewed from my Tab E. Thank you so much.
Worked like a charm ! Got a Tab-E for my kid last year without realizing that it wasnt the NU ver. and now at last through your tutorial I got it working. Thanks a million ! Keep up the good work
I was up to trash the T560of my daughter ... no longer working ... and you have just saved one more T560. Thumbs up man! Easy to run with your tutorial
Congrats! It worked! I had a little difficulty in the commands but in the end everything worked out! Thank you 05/25/20! De todos os vídeos que eu vi, esse foi o mais seguro! Deu certo em 23/05/2020.
@@halflife4 O meu é, segue exatamente as etapas do vídeo e dará certo! Eu esqueci o arquivo 'keys' e apanhei por horas, pois o aparelho ficou inoperante... por fim consegui!!
Incredible tutorial, You help my family over comes pandemic. I can not buy a new tablet to reach new online course. I found a lot tutorial but not work except you. I appreciate your contribution. Thanks you from Vietnam
Was going to buy a new tablet after all programs wouldn't work, then I found this tutorial and realised it was an old OS... Thank you so much for giving me my son's tablet back without a hefty bill! The only downside was that I realised I couldn't install Netflix, but then found your video on how to do that!!! Superb, thanks again
@@Jana820ful I installed this ROM, bc i needed to install zoom. Zoom runs without 'heavy' lags. Gets the job done. But the whole tab is lagging, can't play games which can be played in stock rom. Cant run many apps as i did before. Takes considerable time to boot 😪
Thanks to another of your videos, I've managed to switch back to KitKat 4.4.4. I'll leave it there for now, then upgrade again. Your videos are excellent!
There are tons of reason why everyone who have watched this video should subscribe your channel and like this video. No unnecessary talking, and straight to the point. I am really glad that I found this channel! Thanks a lot man! You helped me a lot!
Excellent video! Did everything in order, downloaded all the files (no viruses), installed everything as required, and did the root checker at the end. Reason I upgraded was because many apps want 5.0 OS or higher. This now allows me to work with much needed apps. Thanks so much!!
Great tutorial, thank you! It was of great help to give my old tablet a new life. Easy and clear to follow, unlike some other tutorials I tried at first. Will definitely look up your channel first if ever I'm in need of tech help again.
I just did it... The tablet now works a little slow but everything is ok, I needed to download a couple apps but I couldn´t due to Andriod version. There are now running in my tab. Thanks a lot!
Incredible tutorial, first ever attempt at something like this and you really helped a lot. Thumbs up for the excellent instructions, links and helpful process that made even me a non-techy person to get it.Keep up the good work!!!
Valeu meu amigo! Eu sou do Brasil e aqui não tem mais atualizações para este Tablet. Muito Obrigado salvou o aparelho dos meus filhos. Um grande abraço!! Sucesso!
@@gabrielafrizzoni4156 eu voltei para versão original ( kitkat), achei essa rom muito instável, quando termina a instalacao fica bacana, depois que começar a instalar os App , começa a ficar ruim , talvez seja erro meu em configurar a OS. Vou tentar usar a marshmallow. Se nao der certo , terei que usar com Kitkat , pelo menos e estável.
@@gabrielafrizzoni4156 tenta , se não ficar como desejado , vc volta a rom original. O chato de ficar com a rom original e pq os Apps não estão atualizando para a versão 4.4.4
Amazing tutorial and very helpful.I’m glad you’ve done it step by step and didn’t cut or skip anything. Thanks and keep doing what you do as you do a great job 👏🏻
You, sir. Are a lifesaver I've been struggling with finding updates for a long time. Apps that I use for streaming to Chromecast stopped working because of it being outdated, ''cause who makes updates for KitKat 4.4.4 nowadays anyway?'' After searching endlessly I stumbled upon your video on a forum site. And.. I am now running 7.1.2. And my apps work good as new. A strong Thank You is in order. Much love to you! And thank you for sharing this with us all. Thanks!
Thanks bro It was awesome. Although my odin was not recognising my device, but after installing Samsung drivers everything worked for me. Also when the new ROM got installed, i was getting signin issues in playstore, which i sorted by clearing cache data of play store and play services from Apps>settings. This video saved my INR 15000/-. Its very generous of you.
Excellent tutorial! Followed step by step and everything is working as showed. Thank you very much. I can use my old tablet for little longer then the manufacturer decided. Great job!
Fiz e funcionou. Tive alguns problemas durante o processo, mas acabou que deu certo! 1- na parte em que precisamos segurar botão home + power + volume para baixo eu não estava conseguindo (não sei se estava fazendo errado ), mas depois de tentar várias vezes eu consegui ir para a tela de instalação da ROOM 2- durante o processo de instalação da ROOM (depois que apareceu Lineage e eu já havia selecionada o idioma) o tablet começou a desligar, a tela ficou amarela e eu pensei realmente que tinha quebrado de vez o tablet desligou e voltou para a mesma tela depois de muito tempo. 3- com a room instalada ele reiniciou algumas vezes. Estou usando há dois dias e aparentemente que ele estabilizou com o Android 7.1.2. consegui instalar o OneDrive, Word, AdobeReader, Google Meet, Hangouts e até o WhatsApp. Salvou meu tablet, pois todos esses aplicativos não possuíam mais suporte no Android 4.1. No meu caso foi mesmo paciência pra conseguir concluir o processo! Muito obrigado!
Breno Carvalho como falei no comentário meu tablet desligou, ficou com tela amarela. Até pensei que ele tinha quebrado de vez. Pq foi bem estranho, mas depois de muuuuuuuuito, mas muuuuuuuuuito tempo ele concluiu a instalação. E com a Room instalada o tablet reiniciou várias vezes.
I had successfully installed lineage and rooted it but, now my tab shows that it has only 681 MB ram. Anyone else facing this problem? Is there any solution?
@KhoaGamerVN hi. I successfully installed lineage and root it. as expected, my memory dropped to 681 mb. I installed the boot image and get back to 1.5 gb. but when I verified the root it tell me there is an error and that the root has not been successfully installed. will this cause a problem to the tablet? is there any solution to have 1.5gb and tablet root?
@@kelvinadeline1285 You must root your device again and it will work just fine. go to install ->magisk-v11.6->flash it->Do not install. after your device will boot then go to you Files->SM-T561->MagiskManager. and it will be fine
Para quienes tengan el problema que la ram se reduce a la mitad, solo es necesario utilizar el archivo boot.img que esta en la descripción, entran al TWRP y la actualizan, si no saben como hacerlo busquen aquí en youtube "How to install/Change boot.img(kernel) using TWRP Recovery" y volverá a la normalidad.
Hello, thanks for this video, it introduced me to android rooting, but the rom presented here is awfully unstable and laggy on my SM T560, does anyone have a link to a more stable rom? 🤔
@@YasmimSilva-xm5cz Na descrição tem os arquivos 📂 do 60 e do 61, vc vai precisar de um computador. Segue passo a passo o que está fazendo, não entendo muito de inglês, fui seguindo as imagens que ele mostrava.
Amigo! Muito obrigado, você é muito bom, show de bola, muito abrigado! (Desculpa não sei ler nem escrever em inglês, mas segui teus passos um por um conforme a sequencia do vide-o e funcionou tudo). Obrigado!
Qual o modelo do seu tablet? Tô assistindo vários vídeos de como atualizar o meu tab E 9.6. Seguindo o passo a passo do vídeo deu tudo certinho? Ou deu um errinho em alguma etapa?
@@jully_juh141 olá , era um samsung s3 slim , andriod 4.2.2 . Eu comprei outro cllr , no entanto não preciso atualizar mas se tiver alguma dica agradeço
@@felipesilvadossantos4871 sim, tenho dicas, 😁 no aplicativo Lineage ROMs ( após instalar) vc vai abrir a página onde tem escrito Samsung phones, e lá terá diversos telefones da Samsung ( inclusive o seu, (s3 slim) ) onde você clicará e lá vai ter todas as etapas certinhas, ( em inglês, mas caso queira em português é só dar google tradutor kkk) não é dificil realizar os procedimentos, e só um pouco chato e demorado, as vezes vc vai ter que refazer, caso dê brick. Espero que eu tenha lhe ajudado (ao menos um pouco) , isso caso você precise usar aql cell dnv.☺
Thanks dude, I didn't install the boot image, and when I tried to run any apps they would crash, I noticed that the memory only showed 680mb, So if you having this issue install the boot image, that fixes everything Awesome video, thanks
Hey Graham, install boot image where? On twrp, select image, choosing boot.img file and selecting boot option? I did this path but only got loop. thanks for any tip/help.
I had the same problem, bit laggy and spps kept stopping so checked and only had 681mb of ram available, just flashed the boot imag and now back to 1.5gb! Nice one!
Thank you very much Dr. Android. I installed the new ROM as described here and about use apps which I cannot use with stock rom. Looking forward to add user experience later. Cheers!
Eu instalei o lineage mas ele não reconhece a memoria RAM total do tablet que seria 1,5 GB, o lineage só reconhece 681 MB, como posso solucionar? edit:eu descobri que é só instalar o boot.img que reconhece a memoria total. edit2:quando eu instalei o boot.img o root parou de funcionar,porém eu descobri que é só instalar o Magisk Manager.zip de novo e depois procurar a versão mais recente do Magisk Manager.apk e atualizar que o root volta!!!
@@FelipeLima-ob9qi sim,você vai até a pasta ou lugar onde você deixou o arquivo boot.img,quando estiver lá click em install image(Aquele Botão grande) e o arquivo boot.img aparece ai é só clicar encima dele e instalar igual é feito com o arquivo zip . siga esses passos no TWRP.
@@FelipeLima-ob9qi caso você instalou o boot.img deve ter notado que root parou de funcionar,mas é só instalar o Magisk manager.zip pelo TWRP e depois procurar a versão mais recente do Magisk Manager.apk e atualizar por esse app mesmo que ele é um tipo de super su.
@@oimateusaqui Olá Mateus. Desculpa a falta de resposta. Quanto ao boot, obrigado, deu certo. Instalei e o tablet reconheceu os 1.5gb de ram. Quanto à questão do root, eu não preciso muito então nem cheguei a fazer, só queria mesmo sair daquele Android 4.4 jurássico rs vlw
Oi tenho o tab e t116. Foi lançando junto com esse so que tem 7 polegadas tem o mesmo Android 4.4.4 1 GB de ram e 8 GB de armazenamento. Será que funciona no meu?
@@meh_ssias recomendo procurar um tutorial específico para o seu modelo, mas caso não ache tente esse, mas faça o backup com o TWRP pra se der algum problema você conseguir restaurar o sistema tranquilamente e não ficar com o aparelho "Brickado" e acabar virando peso de papel.
Oi! Alguém fez esse tutorial em português (br)? Tenho um tablet T-560, com apenas dois anos, o qual preciso instalar o Google meet; mas, com esse Android 4.4.4 não é possível 😭 Gostaria de fazer esse procedimento nele, mas tenho receio de “dar mancada” 😬 pois não tenho prática 😭
@@alannammouraa Sim funcionou a rom normalmente, mas trava de mais consome muito do processador e memória ram, esse tablet é bem fraco para aguentar um sistema tão pesado desses
Recomendaram fazer flash no boot.img pra melhorar a RAM. Como sou bem noob, não sei como fazer, e nem sei se ajuda de verdade. Como preciso rodar um app da faculdade que requer 1,5 GB de RAM, tô com medo de fazer esse procedimento. O que acha?
@@delanoaragao1 sinceramente mantém ele na versão kitkat mesmo, pois trava demais quando você faz qualquer coisa no aparelho, fica mais bonito só que consome muita memoria RAM, mesmo fazendo esse procedimento o aparelho trava, e não compensa, mas a falta de responsabilidade por parte da Samsung é muito grande, pois mesmo sendo um aparelho de entrada focado em estudos, as atualizações também deveriam ser feitas nesse aparelho. Onde a empresa pudesse desenvolver um Android muito mais otimizado pois até o kitkat trava um pouco, mas fazer o que no fim a empresa só lucra enquanto temos um aparelho sem suporte nenhum, e uma coisa o aparelho é muito caro para os requisitos do sistema, por exemplo 1,5 de memória RAM este aparelho tem, nem free fire você consegue jogar, e muitos aplicativos ele não suporta.
@@evolance0 Bu isteğe bağlı yani istersen magisk.zip dosyasını twrp bölümünden install kısmından kurabilirsin. Yapsan da olur yapmassanda. Zaten sistem rootlu bir şekilde geliyor. Magisk sadece root yönetimi için.
Totally brilliant video. Just worked for me! Thanks for waiting through all the loading screens - they help indicate if the device is slow/not working. Thanks! NOTE : Netflix app may no longer work (they do not support routed phones/tablets). If you search on RUclips, you can install an old version of the Netflix app which allows you to stream but not download for offline viewing. I also found that the Disney+ app and the Plex Media Server apps do not work.
Followed the instructions and everything went smoothly without a hitch. Extra points for linking to all the files needed. The only small bump I encountered was installing samsung drivers for Android on my PC before I can use Odin but that was easily fixed. Great job, thank you very much.
Great remember to checkout viper ROM it's the latest and greatest ROM for this tablet the video is on my channel also like and share the video thanks 👍
Thank you! It worked on my T561-M following the instructions here. After the update, the only trouble I had so far was installing Netflix. I can't even find Netflix app on Play Store, but I solved it by going to the help page on Netflix website and downloading it from there.
WATCH Here to install Themes & Customize your Samsung Galaxy Tab E 9.6 After installing Android 7.1.2 ruclips.net/video/A4ehFZVISCE/видео.html
Can I do this from my tablet?
If u can do a tutorial to do it from the tablet
man when i did the volume up + power button and home button what i got is randump normal mode and it says power reset or unknown upload mode
Sirve para la tab e lite
Help!How to fix no os installed, I accidentally delete os
Absolutely brilliant. Used my grandsons old Tab E for my camera monitor around the house. Android 4.4.4 says not suitable or not supported on this device. Followed the brilliant instructions from The Android Doctor and installed Android 7.1.2. Went like a dream. All my cameras now can be viewed from my Tab E. Thank you so much.
awsome so happy it worked for you hey remember to like and share the video thanks..
Worked like a charm ! Got a Tab-E for my kid last year without realizing that it wasnt the NU ver. and now at last through your tutorial I got it working. Thanks a million ! Keep up the good work
Worked perfectly, I just tried it right now and I thought that it would slow my device down or lag but turns out it actually reduces it.
Is your RAM 1.5 GB ou 681 MB like mine?
@@rodrigogoncalvespereira5513 same
@@rodrigogoncalvespereira5513 same for me
Thank you my friend i upgraded my nephew's tablet for school you are very clear explainable and valuable best wishes!!
I was up to trash the T560of my daughter ... no longer working ... and you have just saved one more T560. Thumbs up man! Easy to run with your tutorial
I've been trying to do this for ages. This was so simply and effectively demonstrated. You're a legend! Thanks!
how to download those files?
Congrats! It worked! I had a little difficulty in the commands but in the end everything worked out! Thank you 05/25/20! De todos os vídeos que eu vi, esse foi o mais seguro! Deu certo em 23/05/2020.
o seu tablet eh o sm-t561m?? funcionando normal? no aguardo!
Mas tem de ter root no tablet certo?
E o TWRP pre instalado
How to install boot img after updation
@@halflife4 O meu é, segue exatamente as etapas do vídeo e dará certo! Eu esqueci o arquivo 'keys' e apanhei por horas, pois o aparelho ficou inoperante... por fim consegui!!
Incredible tutorial, You help my family over comes pandemic. I can not buy a new tablet to reach new online course. I found a lot tutorial but not work except you. I appreciate your contribution. Thanks you from Vietnam
No probs hey remember to like and share the video thanks 👍
Was going to buy a new tablet after all programs wouldn't work, then I found this tutorial and realised it was an old OS... Thank you so much for giving me my son's tablet back without a hefty bill! The only downside was that I realised I couldn't install Netflix, but then found your video on how to do that!!! Superb, thanks again
August 2023 and it worked amazingly easy following exact step by step instructions provided in the tutorial. Amazing job! Thank you for sharing!
Boy you are the man! you saved me from purchasing another tablet just to use Zoom, you are great! 5 Stars to this tutorial!!!
Thanks bro hey remember to like and share the video thanks 👍
I have seen many tutorials, but this one is by far the easiest to follow. Step by step with no rush and with a very good explanation. Thanks!
Thanks hey remember to like and share the video please👍
perfectly worked for me .. thanks, Now I can install zoom without any hustle .
Is everything ok with it. I too just wanna install Zoom 😮
Zoom should work fine
@@yesithdilmindissanayake7409 No,every time i boot it after 1 minute teh screen freezes and it restarts
I need to do my tab also, Need get details
@@Jana820ful I installed this ROM, bc i needed to install zoom. Zoom runs without 'heavy' lags. Gets the job done.
But the whole tab is lagging, can't play games which can be played in stock rom. Cant run many apps as i did before. Takes considerable time to boot
Thanks to another of your videos, I've managed to switch back to KitKat 4.4.4. I'll leave it there for now, then upgrade again. Your videos are excellent!
Whereas Viper OS has been a disaster on my end this one is working great. Cheers mate, you rock.
You are a genius, I don't know why would anyone dislike this video
You're a life saver. Honestly this is my custom rom installation gone right.
Please how long did it take for the lineage to load in the last loading
Just finished watching this video, whilst trying it, awesome stuff, so simple, wish I had done it ages ago!!
Thanks for the help!
Great remember to like and share the video thanks 👍
massive thanks for this video. I got given a tablet as my kids broke one and they couldn't download their favorite game. they can now thanks to you
There are tons of reason why everyone who have watched this video should subscribe your channel and like this video. No unnecessary talking, and straight to the point. I am really glad that I found this channel! Thanks a lot man! You helped me a lot!
Was fun following your tutorial. It worked like a charm. Glad you kept it going so we could see it going in 'keeping it real' (XD) time. THANX!
Hello can you download zoom and check whether its working
You Sir, are an absolute Legend! Thank you!
did it have any problems relating to wifi connection or anything else
@@cliverojer2050 yes
Yooooo, great video man. It worked perfectly, much preciated! You made it look so easy, and you held my hand during the whole process. Kep it up!
Great remember to like and share the video thanks 👍
MAN, I HAVE NO WORDS TO THANK U. I'm brazilian, and Imma spread that as much as i can. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes please do that share the video as much as u can👍
Thanks man, I got this tab for the kids -super cheap- but no games would install because the 4.4, this worked like a charm, thank you.
Excellent video! Did everything in order, downloaded all the files (no viruses), installed everything as required, and did the root checker at the end. Reason I upgraded was because many apps want 5.0 OS or higher. This now allows me to work with much needed apps. Thanks so much!!
Great tutorial, thank you! It was of great help to give my old tablet a new life. Easy and clear to follow, unlike some other tutorials I tried at first. Will definitely look up your channel first if ever I'm in need of tech help again.
Hey before installing this I wanted to ask if hey google hands fee works or not bc I installed dot os and it says it's not available on this device
DUDE! You are my MAGICIAN!!!! I made it in april 2020 and everythink work just fine!!!! Thanks a lot!!! Greetings from Poland! :) #stayhome
Remember to like and share the video thanks 👍
do you have t560 or t561?
I just did it... The tablet now works a little slow but everything is ok, I needed to download a couple apps but I couldn´t due to Andriod version. There are now running in my tab. Thanks a lot!
Thanks for the super chat i really appreciate that👍
Followed exact instructions. and installed perfectly. Thanks, Doc!!
Incredible tutorial, first ever attempt at something like this and you really helped a lot. Thumbs up for the excellent instructions, links and helpful process that made even me a non-techy person to get it.Keep up the good work!!!
Valeu meu amigo! Eu sou do Brasil e aqui não tem mais atualizações para este Tablet. Muito
Obrigado salvou o aparelho dos meus filhos. Um grande abraço!! Sucesso!
vc usou para o SM T561?
Vale a pena?
@@gabrielafrizzoni4156 eu voltei para versão original ( kitkat), achei essa rom muito instável, quando termina a instalacao fica bacana, depois que começar a instalar os App , começa a ficar ruim , talvez seja erro meu em configurar a OS. Vou tentar usar a marshmallow. Se nao der certo , terei que usar com Kitkat , pelo menos e estável.
Fico com medo de baixar e ficar lento. Meu tablet ele é muito rápido
@@gabrielafrizzoni4156 tenta , se não ficar como desejado , vc volta a rom original. O chato de ficar com a rom original e pq os Apps não estão atualizando para a versão 4.4.4
Best ever Samsung Update tutorial ! 8:10 must do it very Fast 😅 or repeat from ptrvious step.
Thx a lot!
Thanks a lot Mate, that's great tutorial very very halpfull. All the best for You 🤜
Thanks to your tutorial I saved so much money. It was easy peasy and cheap! Thank you SO MUCH! Wish you all the best...
Thanks ,hey remember to like and share the video thanks 👍
Thank you for this! Just finished installing this ROM and so far everything is looking good! Kudos, sir!
Amazing tutorial and very helpful.I’m glad you’ve done it step by step and didn’t cut or skip anything. Thanks and keep doing what you do as you do a great job 👏🏻
Thanks bro , hey remember to like and share the video thanks 👍
@@TheRealAndroidDoctor this is the latest version of Android for SM-T560 or is the most stable?! Cheers mate 🥃
@@smuti16 yes it's the latest but viper ROM & dot os ROMs are more Stabler check out my viper ROM video
You, sir. Are a lifesaver I've been struggling with finding updates for a long time. Apps that I use for streaming to Chromecast stopped working because of it being outdated, ''cause who makes updates for KitKat 4.4.4 nowadays anyway?'' After searching endlessly I stumbled upon your video on a forum site. And.. I am now running 7.1.2. And my apps work good as new. A strong Thank You is in order. Much love to you! And thank you for sharing this with us all. Thanks!
No probs just remember to like and share the video thanks 👍
Thanks bro
It was awesome.
Although my odin was not recognising my device, but after installing Samsung drivers everything worked for me.
Also when the new ROM got installed, i was getting signin issues in playstore, which i sorted by clearing cache data of play store and play services from Apps>settings.
This video saved my INR 15000/-.
Its very generous of you.
No probs hey remember to hit that like button bro thanx god bless👍
Thank you this worked perfectly, appreciated the fact that you didn't edit your video.
Thank you! It works fine and it seems smoother than 4.4.4. Better response on clicking etc
A fantastic step-by-step explanation which was easy to follow, and worked perfectly. Cheers
Thx a lot finally a decent explanation for people that are not so good in tablet software
Excellent tutorial! Followed step by step and everything is working as showed. Thank you very much. I can use my old tablet for little longer then the manufacturer decided. Great job!
This is absolutely amazing! Thank you so much! This in the ONLY video that actually worked for me!
nice!!! thanks a lot, my tablet was obsolet in 2019, now I can use it again to play new games hehe! thanks a lot! nice video
Fiz e funcionou. Tive alguns problemas durante o processo, mas acabou que deu certo!
1- na parte em que precisamos segurar botão home + power + volume para baixo eu não estava conseguindo (não sei se estava fazendo errado ), mas depois de tentar várias vezes eu consegui ir para a tela de instalação da ROOM
2- durante o processo de instalação da ROOM (depois que apareceu Lineage e eu já havia selecionada o idioma) o tablet começou a desligar, a tela ficou amarela e eu pensei realmente que tinha quebrado de vez o tablet desligou e voltou para a mesma tela depois de muito tempo.
3- com a room instalada ele reiniciou algumas vezes.
Estou usando há dois dias e aparentemente que ele estabilizou com o Android 7.1.2. consegui instalar o OneDrive, Word, AdobeReader, Google Meet, Hangouts e até o WhatsApp. Salvou meu tablet, pois todos esses aplicativos não possuíam mais suporte no Android 4.1.
No meu caso foi mesmo paciência pra conseguir concluir o processo!
Muito obrigado!
Oi! Qual era o seu modelo? Quero tentar pro Tab e T561, espero que dê certo, a versão do Android é muuuito antiga
voce poderia me ajudar,nao consigo baixar a rom do samsung Tab 2 7.0 ,o link nao baixa .
O meu não carrega dps dessa rom, aconteceu com vc tbm?
lucília Souza meu modelo é o Tab E
Breno Carvalho como falei no comentário meu tablet desligou, ficou com tela amarela. Até pensei que ele tinha quebrado de vez. Pq foi bem estranho, mas depois de muuuuuuuuito, mas muuuuuuuuuito tempo ele concluiu a instalação. E com a Room instalada o tablet reiniciou várias vezes.
BROOOO You just saved the lives of all the teachers in The Bahamas who got these for the online classes!!! You are truly doing Gods work!
Great remember to like and share the video thanks 👍
@@TheRealAndroidDoctor just like my 7 years old son to attend theonline courses... thanx a lot...
i trusted you with my life and you delivered. it worked tnx very much
Great remember to like and share the video thanks 👍
I had successfully installed lineage and rooted it but, now my tab shows that it has only 681 MB ram. Anyone else facing this problem? Is there any solution?
@KhoaGamer .. I'm having the same problem. My Tab Ram has dropped drastically. .. And the tab is somehow slow. What can I do pls ?
@KhoaGamerVN hi. I successfully installed lineage and root it. as expected, my memory dropped to 681 mb. I installed the boot image and get back to 1.5 gb. but when I verified the root it tell me there is an error and that the root has not been successfully installed. will this cause a problem to the tablet? is there any solution to have 1.5gb and tablet root?
U want to install boot image by switching off the tab and going to twrp mode
Install the boot.img
@@kelvinadeline1285 You must root your device again and it will work just fine. go to install ->magisk-v11.6->flash it->Do not install. after your device will boot then go to you Files->SM-T561->MagiskManager. and it will be fine
Para quienes tengan el problema que la ram se reduce a la mitad, solo es necesario utilizar el archivo boot.img que esta en la descripción, entran al TWRP y la actualizan, si no saben como hacerlo busquen aquí en youtube "How to install/Change boot.img(kernel) using TWRP Recovery" y volverá a la normalidad.
Hermano! un millón de gracias! funcionó perfecto! Voy a poner tu respueta en inglés para que otras personas también puedan solucionar su problema.
Hello, thanks for this video, it introduced me to android rooting, but the rom presented here is awfully unstable and laggy on my SM T560, does anyone have a link to a more stable rom? 🤔
use viperOS
Thanks very much i was in doubt at first but it worked perfectly, am grateful.
You saved my life. I just upgraded my Samsung Tab E 9.6 today, easily with the help of your tutorial. Much love sir 🤝🤝🤝🤝
Thanks I am watching this on my own android 7.1.2 LinageOS ROM and rooted device
How to root lineage is rom 7.1.2 I am using that only
@@vkgaming_tech2005 root with magisk you need to download magiskmanager and magisk.zip file flash the zip and it will be rooted
Can you do it without pc?
@@Frostyplays455 what you mean
@@1yurii. if I can just do everything on my phone
O único que realmente funcionou, Valeu!!!!!
Oi, qual seu aparelho e deu certo mesmo? Estou tentando para o Tab E T561, mas está difícil achar.
@@luciliamiranda o meu é o 61 e funcionou, na descricao tem arquivos especifico pro 60 e 61, ve se baixou o certo
me ajudaa
@@luciliamiranda É esse mesmo que o teu, mas fazendo updates, quando vc colocar o novo android ele fica mais lento, então precisa ter paciência
@@YasmimSilva-xm5cz Na descrição tem os arquivos 📂 do 60 e do 61, vc vai precisar de um computador. Segue passo a passo o que está fazendo, não entendo muito de inglês, fui seguindo as imagens que ele mostrava.
Amigo! Muito obrigado, você é muito bom, show de bola, muito abrigado! (Desculpa não sei ler nem escrever em inglês, mas segui teus passos um por um conforme a sequencia do vide-o e funcionou tudo). Obrigado!
Qual o modelo do seu tablet? Tô assistindo vários vídeos de como atualizar o meu tab E 9.6. Seguindo o passo a passo do vídeo deu tudo certinho? Ou deu um errinho em alguma etapa?
@@yasminmoreira1923 oi VC conceguiu atualizar? Tbm estou a procura ,pra atualizar meu cll 4.2.2
@@felipesilvadossantos4871 qual seria o modelo? É a marca?
@@jully_juh141 olá , era um samsung s3 slim , andriod 4.2.2 . Eu comprei outro cllr , no entanto não preciso atualizar mas se tiver alguma dica agradeço
@@felipesilvadossantos4871 sim, tenho dicas, 😁 no aplicativo Lineage ROMs ( após instalar) vc vai abrir a página onde tem escrito Samsung phones, e lá terá diversos telefones da Samsung ( inclusive o seu, (s3 slim) ) onde você clicará e lá vai ter todas as etapas certinhas, ( em inglês, mas caso queira em português é só dar google tradutor kkk) não é dificil realizar os procedimentos, e só um pouco chato e demorado, as vezes vc vai ter que refazer, caso dê brick. Espero que eu tenha lhe ajudado (ao menos um pouco) , isso caso você precise usar aql cell dnv.☺
Awesome video man! Cannot express how thankful I am🔥
Awesome video bro, this really help me greatly today. Thanks for not editing the video, it was a real tutorial.
Great remember to like and share the video thanks 👍😁
Thanks dude, I didn't install the boot image, and when I tried to run any apps they would crash, I noticed that the memory only showed 680mb,
So if you having this issue install the boot image, that fixes everything
Awesome video, thanks
Hey Graham, install boot image where? On twrp, select image, choosing boot.img file and selecting boot option? I did this path but only got loop. thanks for any tip/help.
I had the same problem, bit laggy and spps kept stopping so checked and only had 681mb of ram available, just flashed the boot imag and now back to 1.5gb! Nice one!
we cant game in this version fix this pls!
It's just amazing ♥ You made my 2019 ♥ Thank you soooooo much ^^
Did you have any problems? Has the tablet become slower?
اشتغل معاك كويس ؟؟
Yes it becomes slow unfortunately :/
2020 and still working!!! Congratulations for your tutorial! Very nice! Tks
Hey, did your tablet slow down or did something like that and do it shows more memory than 8gb?
My one did. It also redced the battery life a LOT
Thank you very much Dr. Android. I installed the new ROM as described here and about use apps which I cannot use with stock rom. Looking forward to add user experience later. Cheers!
Thank you thank you thank you, heartfelt Thanks also from South Africa :)
sa for life
Grimster it works in SA?
PLEASE replyyyy... the twrp file for t561 model is not a tar file but it is an .img file should i continue with the program?
Just download whatever the file was given i have t561 model too and it ran successfully
Eu instalei o lineage mas ele não reconhece a memoria RAM total do tablet que seria 1,5 GB, o lineage só reconhece 681 MB, como posso solucionar?
edit:eu descobri que é só instalar o boot.img que reconhece a memoria total.
edit2:quando eu instalei o boot.img o root parou de funcionar,porém eu descobri que é só instalar o Magisk Manager.zip de novo e depois procurar a versão mais recente do Magisk Manager.apk e atualizar que o root volta!!!
Boa tarde amigo, estou com o mesmo problema. Instalou o Boot através daquele menu do TWRP?
@@FelipeLima-ob9qi sim,você vai até a pasta ou lugar onde você deixou o arquivo boot.img,quando estiver lá click em install image(Aquele Botão grande) e o arquivo boot.img aparece ai é só clicar encima dele e instalar igual é feito com o arquivo zip .
siga esses passos no TWRP.
@@FelipeLima-ob9qi acabei de descobrir que quando eu instalo o boot o root não funciona :(
@@FelipeLima-ob9qi caso você instalou o boot.img deve ter notado que root parou de funcionar,mas é só instalar o Magisk manager.zip pelo TWRP e depois procurar a versão mais recente do Magisk Manager.apk e atualizar por esse app mesmo que ele é um tipo de super su.
@@oimateusaqui Olá Mateus. Desculpa a falta de resposta. Quanto ao boot, obrigado, deu certo. Instalei e o tablet reconheceu os 1.5gb de ram. Quanto à questão do root, eu não preciso muito então nem cheguei a fazer, só queria mesmo sair daquele Android 4.4 jurássico rs vlw
The comments kept me watching...
Now I've successfully installed Android Version 7.1 Nougat on my Samsung Tab E......
I'm very grateful Sir
Awsome hey remember to like and share the video thanks 👍
Works like charm, thanks! Hopefully my little boy will have a "new" tablet :)
Só queria confirmar para quem estiver pesquisando agora em 2020, que ainda funciona!
Oi tenho o tab e t116. Foi lançando junto com esse so que tem 7 polegadas tem o mesmo Android 4.4.4
1 GB de ram e 8 GB de armazenamento. Será que funciona no meu?
@@meh_ssias recomendo procurar um tutorial específico para o seu modelo, mas caso não ache tente esse, mas faça o backup com o TWRP pra se der algum problema você conseguir restaurar o sistema tranquilamente e não ficar com o aparelho "Brickado" e acabar virando peso de papel.
Oi! Alguém fez esse tutorial em português (br)? Tenho um tablet T-560, com apenas dois anos, o qual preciso instalar o Google meet; mas, com esse Android 4.4.4 não é possível 😭 Gostaria de fazer esse procedimento nele, mas tenho receio de “dar mancada” 😬 pois não tenho prática 😭
alguma dica de como proceder se o pc nao reconhece o tablet? ate coloco tudo no flash drive mas como faço na hora de ligar no pc?
Funciona em português?
Bro, thanks ever so much for fantastic tutorial!!! How to sort decreased amount of RAM now?
Edit. Install the boot.img 13:00
Peter for what
I have the same problem. 680 mb of RAM
I have 681 mb ram, how to install boot.img
I have same problem my ram decreased
Foi o único que funcionou obrigado ótimo video
O seu é o T560 do Brasil?
@@alannammouraa Sim funcionou a rom normalmente, mas trava de mais consome muito do processador e memória ram, esse tablet é bem fraco para aguentar um sistema tão pesado desses
Recomendaram fazer flash no boot.img pra melhorar a RAM. Como sou bem noob, não sei como fazer, e nem sei se ajuda de verdade. Como preciso rodar um app da faculdade que requer 1,5 GB de RAM, tô com medo de fazer esse procedimento. O que acha?
@@delanoaragao1 sinceramente mantém ele na versão kitkat mesmo, pois trava demais quando você faz qualquer coisa no aparelho, fica mais bonito só que consome muita memoria RAM, mesmo fazendo esse procedimento o aparelho trava, e não compensa, mas a falta de responsabilidade por parte da Samsung é muito grande, pois mesmo sendo um aparelho de entrada focado em estudos, as atualizações também deveriam ser feitas nesse aparelho. Onde a empresa pudesse desenvolver um Android muito mais otimizado pois até o kitkat trava um pouco, mas fazer o que no fim a empresa só lucra enquanto temos um aparelho sem suporte nenhum, e uma coisa o aparelho é muito caro para os requisitos do sistema, por exemplo 1,5 de memória RAM este aparelho tem, nem free fire você consegue jogar, e muitos aplicativos ele não suporta.
@@R0mu10-d6m muito obrigado pelo comentário! Estou é decepcionado. Acho que vou ter que vender o tablet, porque preciso realmente utilizar esse app.
THANK YOU SO MUCH!! It works and i am so happy that i could do this without having to pay £200
Tksssss safe my life lol
God bless (Allah razı olsun.)
magisk ile root yapmamıza gerek varmı
@@evolance0 Bu isteğe bağlı yani istersen magisk.zip dosyasını twrp bölümünden install kısmından kurabilirsin.
Yapsan da olur yapmassanda.
Zaten sistem rootlu bir şekilde geliyor. Magisk sadece root yönetimi için.
me: *laughing thinking it was a joke *
also me: * a part of me is very concerned *
Totally brilliant video. Just worked for me! Thanks for waiting through all the loading screens - they help indicate if the device is slow/not working. Thanks!
NOTE : Netflix app may no longer work (they do not support routed phones/tablets). If you search on RUclips, you can install an old version of the Netflix app which allows you to stream but not download for offline viewing.
I also found that the Disney+ app and the Plex Media Server apps do not work.
Love you man. 100% working. So glad.
Gave life back to this old tablet. Thank you very much!
No probs hey remember to like and share the video thanks👍
It works properly, I did it today. Very good tutorial and explanation. Thanks a lot.
Dude u are god or what. Btw thank for helping me. You earned a like and a subscribe.....
I'm not a god I'm simply the ANDROID DOCTOR👍
I appreciate you keeping it real around here. :)
Excellent video, worked perfectly for me on my Win 11 laptop, thank you very much
Genius, it worked perfectly in my Tablet tab E with Kitkat. Thank you buddy
Great remember to like and share the video thanks 👍
Thank you my dude! This helped a lot👍🏻
Followed the instructions and everything went smoothly without a hitch. Extra points for linking to all the files needed. The only small bump I encountered was installing samsung drivers for Android on my PC before I can use Odin but that was easily fixed. Great job, thank you very much.
Great remember to checkout viper ROM it's the latest and greatest ROM for this tablet the video is on my channel also like and share the video thanks 👍
Thank you so much! We were able to upgrade my mother-in-law’s obsolete tablet in Llandeilo Wales!
Awsome hey remember to like and share the video thanks 👍😁
Can we upgrade samsung SM-T231 model like same way
Great job man, didn't do any ROM flash before and this was really a big time HELP. Everything is working and running perfectly... THANKS A LOT
GREAT tutorial!! My oldskool tablet is working again. Very helpfull and clear instructions, thank you!
An excellent video! Thank you so much for taking the time to put it together!
No probs hey remember to like and share the video thanks 👍
It worked perfectly , your step by step instructions were excellent.
Thank you
Awesome video mate, thanks very much liked and subscribed.👍🏻
Amazing! Thank you so much... totally easy to follow-up!
You are a lifesaver brother. Thanks a lot. First try and worked like magic. Bless you
Thank you brother for this I needed this really bad.
Thank you! It worked on my T561-M following the instructions here. After the update, the only trouble I had so far was installing Netflix. I can't even find Netflix app on Play Store, but I solved it by going to the help page on Netflix website and downloading it from there.
how did you do it, am struggling ?
Take your time and follow the steps u can do it