The Racer

  • Опубликовано: 16 сен 2024
  • the human being has become the one who runs, the racer evokes by acting human, wanting to have everything without mediating the cost ... life. For a long time I wanted to do a song with at least a great Chilean drummer Cristobal Orozco, we managed to put together this complex song thanks to the work of collaborative music, total thanks for your generocity. Emilio Garcia joined us at the end of the project bringing creativity, wisdom and good taste, my appreciation and pride of being able to have him in this exo-experiment called The Racer. thanks also to Leonardo Serani for such a successful mix and to the great Joaquin Garcia for the mastering, which gave it the necessary soundscape.
    el ser humano se ha convertido en el que corre, the racer evoca al actuar humano, el querer tener todo sin mediar el costo... la vida. Hace mucho tiempo que queria hacer un tema almenos con gran baterista chileno Cristobal Orozco, logranos armar este complejo tema gracias al trabajo de musica colaborativa, agradecimientos totales por su generocidad. Emilio Garcia se nos unio al final del proyecto aportando creatividad, sapiencia y buen gusto, mi reconocimiento y orguyo de poder tenerlo dentro de este exo-experimento llamado The Racer. agradecimientos tambien para Leonardo Serani por tan acertada mezcla y al gran Joaquin Garcia por el mastering, que le dio la amplitud sonora necesaria.

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