A tutor once said to me, when preparing for exams, it's not wise to work through tutorials as though you are writing an exam but rather read the scenario, question and study the memo. She went on to explain that by doing it under exam conditions you'll write things that you know and that you remember/studied so rather study the memo, paying attention to what you don't know. I think this makes sense. Another perspective.
A tutor once said to me, when preparing for exams, it's not wise to work through tutorials as though you are writing an exam but rather read the scenario, question and study the memo.
She went on to explain that by doing it under exam conditions you'll write things that you know and that you remember/studied so rather study the memo, paying attention to what you don't know.
I think this makes sense.
Another perspective.
I cant find the link in the description box. Thank you for the vid🔥🔥🔥