Could you do an opacity comparsion between your resins? To do this with the resins I've used I snapped off 0.5mm tabs from past test prints and took a pic of a bunch of samples with a light infront, and then turned off the main light and turned on a monitor behind the samples to take a picture to compare how much light shines through. The new SP64 claims to be high opacity, but it's not shown very objectively. This resin looks fairly opaque but these are big models so they will look that way, it would be much nicer to be see the difference between resins with thin samples like I said.
@@godsaid4502 Also while this is some of the best photography I've seen from resin makers, both for printers and resin makers and reviewers nobody seems to be doing good enough photography to show the benefits of newer higher detail printers and resins. I've got a 2:1 macro lens (laowa 65mm f2.8) with a sony 24mp aps-c a6300 and a wemacro focus rail. With this setup I can have the system automatically take say 100 pictures at different distances of a print and use a software like helicon focus to focus stack them together to get one super sharp photo where you can see amazing detail and it really shows how much better some printers or resins are than others so idk why this isn't common, I haven't been able to find anyone else posting photos as sharp as mine and it's a real shame because with modern printers and resins you just can't tell much of a difference otherwise.
Could you do an opacity comparsion between your resins? To do this with the resins I've used I snapped off 0.5mm tabs from past test prints and took a pic of a bunch of samples with a light infront, and then turned off the main light and turned on a monitor behind the samples to take a picture to compare how much light shines through. The new SP64 claims to be high opacity, but it's not shown very objectively. This resin looks fairly opaque but these are big models so they will look that way, it would be much nicer to be see the difference between resins with thin samples like I said.
Thanks for your advice ,i will definitely let them know !
@@godsaid4502 Also while this is some of the best photography I've seen from resin makers, both for printers and resin makers and reviewers nobody seems to be doing good enough photography to show the benefits of newer higher detail printers and resins.
I've got a 2:1 macro lens (laowa 65mm f2.8) with a sony 24mp aps-c a6300 and a wemacro focus rail. With this setup I can have the system automatically take say 100 pictures at different distances of a print and use a software like helicon focus to focus stack them together to get one super sharp photo where you can see amazing detail and it really shows how much better some printers or resins are than others so idk why this isn't common, I haven't been able to find anyone else posting photos as sharp as mine and it's a real shame because with modern printers and resins you just can't tell much of a difference otherwise.