Vďaka, snažím sa aj možno z občas nie ideálnu materiálu spraviť čo najlepšiu úpravu, aby sa to príjemne pozeralo. Okuliarniky sú nádherné, pre mňa najkrajšie rušne. Aj teraz je to vďaka retro náterom pomerne pestré, aj keď ja som ich spoznal v 2003, keď ešte všetky boli buď modro-sivé, zeleno-sivé, bordovo-sivé, plus niektoré 753-ky ešte červeno-žlté ako teraz 754 036. Aj z tých modro-,zeleno-, či bordovo-sivých bola jedna tmavšia, jedna svetlejšia, jedna teplejší, jedna chladnejší odtieň, jedna mala tmavší/svetlejší žltý pás na čele, jedna lesklá, jedna ošumelá. Bolo to nezabudnuteľné obdobie. Posledné fragmenty z neho ešte mám, snáď niekedy nájdem čas na tie videá z 2009/10/11/12, keď ešte jazdili okuliarniky v tejto podobe.
Pravda, fotky sú kadejaké, ale keď si to tak rekapitulujem, skoro všetky boli spravené v časovej tiesni 😃. U mňa sú ale všeobecne fotky vlakov iba doplnok, priorita sú pohyblivé zábery.
@@CSDtrains :-) Ale určite, už pred časom som si sám hovoril, že možno by bolo lepšie aj menej fotiek, ale za to sa pri nich viac pristaviť a spraviť ich lepšie. Asi to bude fakt cesta, kvantitou kvalitu nenahradím... Pri tých videách sa snažím, aby čo najviac vynikla mašina, preto sú aj tým starým štýlom točenia s otočkou za mašinou. Vďaka za postrehy každopádne! Pomôžu :-))
Vďaka. Na 055 to bolo dlhé čakanie, zdá sa mi, že má ešte o niečo živšie a výraznejšie farby, než mala (hlavne zelenú). Zvuk ostáva tiež zaujímavý, minulý rok do odstavenia mala deravý tlmič a už trochu "rachotila", teraz, ak tie info na jednej fb stránke boli správne, má blok motora zo 754 069. A zvuk má výrazný, dunivý, trochu mi pripomína bardotku s tlmičom :-D
Yes, their design (and fortunately some few left in beautiful colors) is exceptional, I struggle to find any diesel loco being more beautiful. :-)) What about their quality, it's a several times discuted thing. I can only reproduce opinions of people who drive or maintain them, but generally, they need to have a precise maintenance. The biggest deal has been maybe the 12-cylinder diesel engine K12V230DR, which is more complicated than K6S310DR. It gives a higher max. power (1325 or 1460 kw compared to 993/1103/1210 kw of K6S310DR), but even in good condition, it wasn't very recomended to put max power for longer time. Simply it's construction wasn't strong enough to handle frequent using of highest power (you know, our communist minimalism :-D, what about materials...). While K6S310DR in good shape should handle it, it's more reliable and durable.
The consequences have been interesting - in some depots, the highest power settings of diesel were blocked to prevent using it. There some prototyps of reinforced engine block called K12VZ230T (754 013 and 086 in CZ), here in Slovakia, after 2000, these locos start to quickly disappear from freight carriage (where long periods of high power are needed), while similar locos, that are older (751 and 752 with K6S310DR) still being frequently used. Many of those locos have been succesfully reconstructed using new Caterpillar engine /after 2001, some of these locos have been reconstructed using K6S310DR eninge, which is even older, than the original engine :-D/.
Of course, several other failures except those on diesel engine may occur (older version /that blue-yellow-grey/ sometimes caught fire in cabin), sometimes generator or traction engine fails... etc. But generally, those non-reconstructed can be relatively good locos, but need a maintenance and appropriate way of using.
@@K8S450DR thank you for the good explanation of this model. Your country have such history building lokos of the best quality and stronger then others worldwide
@@gentibici :-) Although ČKD Prague ended in 90-s, the tradition of rail engineering of former Czechoslovakia still remains in some forms - especially in Czechia, but also here in Slovakia. Mainly it's about reconstructions of old locos (although in Czechia there are built also some new locos), and also new electric or diesel units. And also wagons.
Fantastic video! 👍 Thumbs up!
Thanks a lot :-)) Some highly filmable locos :-)
Uzasne video, skutocne radost pozerat. Neviem, ktory Okuliarnik sa mi viac paci, take su vsetky nadherne!!
Vďaka, snažím sa aj možno z občas nie ideálnu materiálu spraviť čo najlepšiu úpravu, aby sa to príjemne pozeralo. Okuliarniky sú nádherné, pre mňa najkrajšie rušne. Aj teraz je to vďaka retro náterom pomerne pestré, aj keď ja som ich spoznal v 2003, keď ešte všetky boli buď modro-sivé, zeleno-sivé, bordovo-sivé, plus niektoré 753-ky ešte červeno-žlté ako teraz 754 036. Aj z tých modro-,zeleno-, či bordovo-sivých bola jedna tmavšia, jedna svetlejšia, jedna teplejší, jedna chladnejší odtieň, jedna mala tmavší/svetlejší žltý pás na čele, jedna lesklá, jedna ošumelá. Bolo to nezabudnuteľné obdobie. Posledné fragmenty z neho ešte mám, snáď niekedy nájdem čas na tie videá z 2009/10/11/12, keď ešte jazdili okuliarniky v tejto podobe.
jo jo, nádherné stroje jako vždy. Ale dal bych si pozor na kompozici při focení 🙂
Pravda, fotky sú kadejaké, ale keď si to tak rekapitulujem, skoro všetky boli spravené v časovej tiesni 😃. U mňa sú ale všeobecne fotky vlakov iba doplnok, priorita sú pohyblivé zábery.
@@K8S450DR to byla jen rada. Videa jsou boží :-)
@@CSDtrains :-) Ale určite, už pred časom som si sám hovoril, že možno by bolo lepšie aj menej fotiek, ale za to sa pri nich viac pristaviť a spraviť ich lepšie. Asi to bude fakt cesta, kvantitou kvalitu nenahradím... Pri tých videách sa snažím, aby čo najviac vynikla mašina, preto sú aj tým starým štýlom točenia s otočkou za mašinou. Vďaka za postrehy každopádne! Pomôžu :-))
Super zábery!! Like!
Vďaka. To Brezno-mesto sa mi fakt páčilo, myslím, že sa tam ešte vrátim - a najmä keď pôjde 055 :-D
Vďaka. Na 055 to bolo dlhé čakanie, zdá sa mi, že má ešte o niečo živšie a výraznejšie farby, než mala (hlavne zelenú). Zvuk ostáva tiež zaujímavý, minulý rok do odstavenia mala deravý tlmič a už trochu "rachotila", teraz, ak tie info na jednej fb stránke boli správne, má blok motora zo 754 069. A zvuk má výrazný, dunivý, trochu mi pripomína bardotku s tlmičom :-D
They look so beauty, what about their quality?
Yes, their design (and fortunately some few left in beautiful colors) is exceptional, I struggle to find any diesel loco being more beautiful. :-)) What about their quality, it's a several times discuted thing. I can only reproduce opinions of people who drive or maintain them, but generally, they need to have a precise maintenance. The biggest deal has been maybe the 12-cylinder diesel engine K12V230DR, which is more complicated than K6S310DR. It gives a higher max. power (1325 or 1460 kw compared to 993/1103/1210 kw of K6S310DR), but even in good condition, it wasn't very recomended to put max power for longer time. Simply it's construction wasn't strong enough to handle frequent using of highest power (you know, our communist minimalism :-D, what about materials...). While K6S310DR in good shape should handle it, it's more reliable and durable.
The consequences have been interesting - in some depots, the highest power settings of diesel were blocked to prevent using it. There some prototyps of reinforced engine block called K12VZ230T (754 013 and 086 in CZ), here in Slovakia, after 2000, these locos start to quickly disappear from freight carriage (where long periods of high power are needed), while similar locos, that are older (751 and 752 with K6S310DR) still being frequently used. Many of those locos have been succesfully reconstructed using new Caterpillar engine /after 2001, some of these locos have been reconstructed using K6S310DR eninge, which is even older, than the original engine :-D/.
Of course, several other failures except those on diesel engine may occur (older version /that blue-yellow-grey/ sometimes caught fire in cabin), sometimes generator or traction engine fails... etc. But generally, those non-reconstructed can be relatively good locos, but need a maintenance and appropriate way of using.
@@K8S450DR thank you for the good explanation of this model. Your country have such history building lokos of the best quality and stronger then others worldwide
@@gentibici :-) Although ČKD Prague ended in 90-s, the tradition of rail engineering of former Czechoslovakia still remains in some forms - especially in Czechia, but also here in Slovakia. Mainly it's about reconstructions of old locos (although in Czechia there are built also some new locos), and also new electric or diesel units. And also wagons.
no už mi len povedz prečo sú 756 nezdari :D
Filmárske nezdary som na mysli, nie lokomotívy. Radšej to dopíšem, ak to niekto len tak prebehne očami
@@K8S450DR jááj sorry neprečital som si to poriadne :D
@@michal7577 nič to :-D Díky za koment, možno by aj dakto iný myslel, že mám problém so 756 apod.