Native American Traditions Inform California Wildfire Prevention | KQED Arts

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024

Комментарии • 117

  • @ggfelix9029
    @ggfelix9029 3 года назад +11

    Many thanks goes out to my Native Brothers and Sisters for your service and bravery.
    My father worked 40 years at USFS, Eldorado, Amador and Nevada national forests. It is good to see this information out. Very important. City people do not understand.
    Thank you.

  • @rorygalusha5549
    @rorygalusha5549 3 года назад +23

    The Kumeyaay here in San Diego County fought fire with fire. They did control burns in order to keep the land from over growing. G, you'd think we would learn from the first people.

    • @iamjackscompletelackofsurp5858
      @iamjackscompletelackofsurp5858 3 года назад

      We did and utilized many of these practices for years until modern day conservationism began getting a stranglehold on CA politics.
      While it should be noted that these techniques and practices were first utilized in this area by native tribes observing good stewardship of the land it is misguided to think that these techniques were wholly abandoned for cultural, racial, and ethnic reasons.

    • @tulefogger5169
      @tulefogger5169 3 года назад +1

      @@iamjackscompletelackofsurp5858 side note incoming. well, it's somewhat cultural. If, culturally, enough Californians petition to stop *controlled burns* and legislation was made to honor the request . . . then that is a cultural reflection of the times, no?

    • @iamjackscompletelackofsurp5858
      @iamjackscompletelackofsurp5858 3 года назад

      @@tulefogger5169 yes I would agree with your point. To expand on this we have definitely had a cultural shift towards ecogical and conservation issues being at the forefront of the social consciousness however I think the politicization and some of the resultant government policies implemented have had unintended consequences which we are now seeing the result of.
      I just took a point of contention with OP's "you'd think we would learn from the first people" because historically we did and had preserved some of those practices in our systems until we've unintendedly created a problem trying to address other issues.
      It's a pretty complicated issue with no one, specific solution.

    • @tulefogger5169
      @tulefogger5169 3 года назад +1

      @@iamjackscompletelackofsurp5858 yes, I agree. I just don't want anything bad to happen to our beautiful Sequoias * I heart them *

  • @MeGustaWHAT
    @MeGustaWHAT 2 года назад +2

    I believe that mentality is shifting greatly, and more people are feeling remorse for how we have neglected our native people and regret for not heeding old traditions to keep the land safe. Thank you for all that you guys do!

  • @claynceli2387
    @claynceli2387 3 года назад +13

    It’s very good with what you guys do I’m native Hawaiian and I’m with the natives here with what they do

    • @jjs8426
      @jjs8426 3 года назад +1

      I mean Hawaiians probably migrated from East Asia, or by precolonial sea faring Americans, or even ancient peoples from Europe, middle east or Africa, even Atlantis such as the Meshika and Aztlán. I know a little bit about Easter island, less on Hawaii. But like all cultures the gods were man, and I'm curious to see how Hawaiians are connected to everything.

    • @claynceli2387
      @claynceli2387 3 года назад

      When you like live off the land you see more that’s around you

  • @bbabybaby143
    @bbabybaby143 2 года назад +3

    🔥🔥I have gone to school for forest ecology and management. Fire is necessary for forest health! Prescribed fire lowers fuel load (aka brush, snags, etc) thus reducing wildfire outbreaks and when a fire does break out, it’s not as intense or severe! Also prescribed fire decreases disease and pests which increase forest and animal health (kills off ticks and tree diseases etc). P fire redistributes nutrients back into the soil and makes the plants way more nutritious for the animals so they don’t starve. Many plants actually need fire to germinate or spread their seeds (many pine species won’t open their cones without a fire to scarify it to let the seeds out).
    Don’t worry about the animals, they can sense and are adapted to survive with reoccurring fires. Many animals seek out recently burned areas because the food is more nutritious.
    🔥🔥Let’s reclaim fire and how beneficial it is for the forest!🔥🔥🔥

    • @alau4739
      @alau4739 2 года назад +1

      God Bless you, please use your knowledge to make it widely known. Educating the public will make it easier to achieve beautiful nutritious plants and trees.

  • @Estherbethe1...
    @Estherbethe1... 3 года назад +13

    A large part of the reason we have such massive fires is due to hundreds of year of fire suppression Wich caused massive fuel loads. If noth america is going to survive what's coming we need to take seriously what the native indigenous people have been telling us about how to care for the land that includes water and watersheds as well.

  • @karenweaver7574
    @karenweaver7574 3 года назад +10

    This is so interesting, what an amazing idea. I also wondered about Native Americans and rain dance. Wish the politicans would use this system.

    • @aaronfox5559
      @aaronfox5559 3 года назад

      Lol ok Karen

    • @caliveteranOIF
      @caliveteranOIF 3 года назад

      Don’t quote me on it but in the past California use to do a lot more controlled burns and clearing the under brush. State got away from it due to Enviro issues. Farmers do these burns to renew the soil.

  • @anaanna1075
    @anaanna1075 3 года назад +1

    My grandfather and the farmers burnt their land and respected their and loved their land. These people are amazing, smart!!! And love our beautiful California. Heavenly Father please don’t let our government destroy our state. WE ARE NOT AS LIBERAL AS THE MEDIA SAYS WE ARE. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    • @tulefogger5169
      @tulefogger5169 3 года назад

      we are not as liberal as they say, and we're not near as okay with CCP-style communism (i.e. Newsom + Dr. Tony Aragon's vaccine mandates with a 9/30/21 deadline) as the media paints us

  • @robertnewell4054
    @robertnewell4054 3 года назад +2

    Let’s not discuss the Wildland Urban Interface & how we habitually build our * DREAM-HOMES* on this precipice.
    “Fire departments across the country are increasingly being called upon to respond to WUI fires, including brush, grass, forest fires or other outdoor fires. You may believe that you don't have a WUI problem, and that WUI fires only occur in western states, but more than 46 million residences in 70,000 communities in the United States are at risk for WUI fires”
    Citation: USFA.

    • @alau4739
      @alau4739 2 года назад

      Now that we have the internet, all who have this knowledge should share with the public. We cannot all be geniuses, but we can learn from one another and share the knowledge.

  • @ahmadnusirwan2021
    @ahmadnusirwan2021 3 года назад +2

    Gavin Newsom needs to watch this and understand the importance of maintaining our forest!!!

    • @iamjackscompletelackofsurp5858
      @iamjackscompletelackofsurp5858 3 года назад

      The entire north state has been yelling these very things at him for the last 10 years but apparently now we are ready to listen.

  • @evermateo6166
    @evermateo6166 3 года назад +3

    Don’t they do this in some states already? I think farmers do controlled fire on their property? Pioneer woman had a segment and her hubby explained why they do it.

    • @middknightdream1577
      @middknightdream1577 3 года назад +3

      Many farmers out here in California still do control burn on the brush on property lines and ditches. They can only do it on specific burn days though and the control burn has to be done and out by sundown in certain areas and counties.

    • @youngforever1445
      @youngforever1445 3 года назад

      Some farmers do this on their own land to prepare for the next set of crops.

  • @mybuttitches6450
    @mybuttitches6450 3 года назад +2

    When I get a flare up in the holler, I use Tucks and yell fire in the hole.

  • @DeborahRosen99
    @DeborahRosen99 Год назад +1

    Controlled burning. Intelligent, controlled, selective logging. The Indigenous peoples around the world knew how to manage the land for its own best function as well as for their own survival. Now, their knowledge is crucial for ALL of our survival. Listen to Elder Brother. The Indigenous peoples are wiser than we.

  • @ethanbien2677
    @ethanbien2677 2 года назад

    What is the liquid fuel in the cans?

  • @jrmc530
    @jrmc530 3 года назад +4

    Pg&e take notes!
    Quit burning homes down!

    • @tulefogger5169
      @tulefogger5169 3 года назад

      talk to sonoma county residents + they will tell you agend-21.

  • @ck3561
    @ck3561 3 года назад +1

    Pay attention California, enough with this only explanation is climate change! Poor management is not helping the situation. Our climate is getting warmer and has been for centuries. We also have had several ice ages. Our planet knows what it’s doing. We need to learn how to involve with our changing climate. Taxing it is not a solution. Working together is.

    • @alau4739
      @alau4739 2 года назад +1

      We need to be more alert to what laws are being passed without our knowledge so the corruption that we have now in our government does not happen again. As it is now, the corruption is so abundant that it is not a one-day job to clean it up.

  • @jennifersummer9123
    @jennifersummer9123 3 года назад +1

    Prescibef burns classes Missouri Dept of Conservation

  • @markcavandish1295
    @markcavandish1295 3 года назад

    Red Birds real name is Dan

  • @doet707
    @doet707 3 года назад

    Used in South america as well, by the old tribes

  • @redjetsen1002
    @redjetsen1002 Год назад

    All those Ecowarriors out releasing CO2 maybe they can embrace selective logging instead of John Muir no cut policies

  • @aster5031
    @aster5031 3 года назад


  • @kevinblakemore6445
    @kevinblakemore6445 3 года назад

    I really love this & hopefully our government will allow these people do what needs to be. I live in Bakersfield Cal. I definitely try to enjoy the mountains with my children

    • @iamjackscompletelackofsurp5858
      @iamjackscompletelackofsurp5858 3 года назад

      Firefighters and crews used to use all these methods until modern day conservationism and it's not really been a secret that a lot of these techniques were developed from traditional tribal practices.
      Your neighbors to the north have been begging the state to resume prescribed burning and healthy logging for numerous years now.

  • @ramon2008
    @ramon2008 3 года назад +2

    This is not enough. Our entire ways of life need to change if we want things to change. It’s not enough to watch a clip about “indigenous” ways and then do everything the opposite of how the tribes did it. For example building houses with wood. Building with wood is like the stupidest idea ever. Especially in places where wood is not even abundant.

  • @bjung8858
    @bjung8858 3 года назад +1

    Why don't you hire yourself out to US, State, Country governments and private owners and make some money doing this?

  • @headdragondavidaustinsimmo4025
    @headdragondavidaustinsimmo4025 2 года назад

    Indian people are from India

  • @mannybravo237
    @mannybravo237 3 года назад

    What about all the tree bark beetles????
    Do these fires burn the beetles????
    These bugs deserve to exist too. . .

    • @richardromero1797
      @richardromero1797 3 года назад


    • @ruxoneto6560
      @ruxoneto6560 3 года назад +1

      Don't worry about the bark beetle he is doing just fine. Go to mariposa county near Yosemite valley in California, you can't count all the dead trees !!

  • @iamjackscompletelackofsurp5858
    @iamjackscompletelackofsurp5858 3 года назад +2

    Prescribed burns, back burning, and other forest management practices aren't "indigenuous" practices. These are techniques that were widely used prior to modern day misguided conservation attempts and were techniques that had been long employed by and improved upon by the people occupying these areas.
    It's weird trying to make this a racial, cultural, and ethnic thing.

    • @LiLoTech
      @LiLoTech Год назад

      Controlled burns have a long history in wildland management. Pre-agricultural societies used fire to regulate both plant and animal life. Fire history studies have documented periodic wildland fires ignited by indigenous peoples in North America and Australia. The indigenous people (those existing on land long before colonies) shows evidence 1-2 million years ago this practice began.

  • @sovereignnews3336
    @sovereignnews3336 3 года назад


  • @christinacataldi877
    @christinacataldi877 3 года назад

    Back then their traditions didn't account for Chem Trails (barium, strontium, aluminum nano-particles) being sprayed in our environment quite regularly here in California. It acts a conduit and geo engineering and weather manipulation changes the whole game. We're not just dealing with nature but man made advancements that can be used for warfare.

  • @emileblanche5868
    @emileblanche5868 3 года назад

    Somebody needs to go back to kindergarten to relearn how to write English. Seriously “premote” instead of promote and “lanscape” over landscape??

  • @socalbeeremovalandrelocation
    @socalbeeremovalandrelocation 3 года назад

    How could anyone sleep at night for supporting Gavin "Nero" Newsom

  • @chrisnoyd2058
    @chrisnoyd2058 3 года назад

    I'd rather you didn't "again" help the anglo!

  • @michaellarsonck7749
    @michaellarsonck7749 3 года назад

    You all need JESUS

  • @lib-tardeducator6435
    @lib-tardeducator6435 3 года назад

    Anyone not wearing a yellow jacket/helmet in this video is high as a kite and has been for a few years.

  • @dharialurie2195
    @dharialurie2195 3 года назад

    Dear friend, genuine repentance and recitation of those words will protect you from calamities:
    "F a l u n D a f a is Good" and "Truth, Compassion, Forbearance is Good".
    F a l u n D a f a is a spiritual self cultivation practice that is based on the principles of the Universe:
    真 Truthfulness
    善 Compassion
    忍 Forbearance
    It includes gentle exercises and meditation. Thanks to F a l u n D a f a,
    millions of people regain health, peace of mind and obtain spiritual
    fulfilment. Since the year 1999 this peaceful practice has been brutally
    persecuted by the CCP in China.

  • @guysalzmann9302
    @guysalzmann9302 3 года назад +16

    If we had followed Native American traditions here in Cali (btw- NO state ever had such a diverse, specialized group of inhabitants), then these massive fires now would never have occurred if followed their practices-

    • @iamjackscompletelackofsurp5858
      @iamjackscompletelackofsurp5858 3 года назад +1

      No this is false. The techniques used in this video have been utilized in forest management practices for many years until modern day conservationism grew a stranglehold on CA policy. It is known that native tribes historically and traditionally used these practices to steward the land but to think they were abandoned due to cultural, racial, and ethnic reasons is misguided.

    • @youngforever1445
      @youngforever1445 3 года назад +1

      Newsom doesn't like listening to Natives. I think if all politicians would just listen to them on how to care for the land in our country, things would be a lot better. That includes farming.

  • @bbabybaby143
    @bbabybaby143 2 года назад

    🔥🔥I have gone to school for forest ecology and management. Fire is necessary for forest health! Prescribed fire lowers fuel load (aka brush, snags, etc) thus reducing wildfire outbreaks and when a fire does break out, it’s not as intense or severe! Also prescribed fire decreases disease and pests which increase forest and animal health (kills off ticks and tree diseases etc). P fire redistributes nutrients back into the soil and makes the plants way more nutritious for the animals so they don’t starve. Many plants actually need fire to germinate or spread their seeds (many pine species won’t open their cones without a fire to scarify it to let the seeds out).
    Don’t worry about the animals, they can sense and are adapted to survive with reoccurring fires. Many animals seek out recently burned areas because the food is more nutritious.
    🔥🔥Let’s reclaim fire and how beneficial it is for the forest!🔥🔥🔥

  • @kimberlydavis9868
    @kimberlydavis9868 3 года назад +29

    Gavin Newsom needs to watch this and understand the importance of maintaining our forest!!!

    • @treerat6959
      @treerat6959 3 года назад +3

      Him and the tree hugging hippy crowds

    • @juliaorr8503
      @juliaorr8503 3 года назад +1

      @@treerat6959 oh god here come the loggers with their disinformation. It was loggers who cut down all of the old-growth large trees she is talking about!! Logging is the original reason we are in this mess.

    • @treerat6959
      @treerat6959 3 года назад +1

      @@juliaorr8503 wrong mismanagement is the reason loggers can't just cut where they want they need permission typical tree huggers mentalities

    • @juliaorr8503
      @juliaorr8503 3 года назад +1

      @@treerat6959 um nope. Loggers have clear-cut great swathes of CA AND cut down old growth. Give me a some research or stop spilling the lies in the hopes you can continue to clear-cut.

    • @treerat6959
      @treerat6959 3 года назад

      @@juliaorr8503 🤞🖖🤘

  • @dinam7144
    @dinam7144 3 года назад +9

    They taught us this in middle school it’s about time we listen to tribes that know what their doing!!!

  • @avacadocreampie1391
    @avacadocreampie1391 3 года назад +4

    Once upon a time this did happen in California. A number of years ago it all stopped. Its definitely a necessity here! WAKE UP PEOPLE!

  • @alau4739
    @alau4739 2 года назад +2

    I am so glad to see that we are reaching out to Native Americans who understand the forest and can prevent huge fires that grow out of our control. Thank you God Almighty for giving us the right people to illuminate us how to live in the land preventing uncontrollable fires.

  • @wicked_deftlady
    @wicked_deftlady 3 года назад +3


  • @bookwormbandit2689
    @bookwormbandit2689 3 года назад +1

    california native traditions involved deliberate burning…

  • @luckyboyyt8582
    @luckyboyyt8582 3 года назад +2

    Exactly what we need!

  • @craigtalbot607
    @craigtalbot607 3 года назад +2

    I don’t think Gavin has seen this!! 🤭🥺🤭

    • @bonnieblenders4606
      @bonnieblenders4606 3 года назад +1

      I believe he knows this. But this would not get him federal money annually.

  • @headdragondavidaustinsimmo4025
    @headdragondavidaustinsimmo4025 2 года назад

    If you have mole left side of spine mark of Cain me grandfather I bless you who bless me Christ child living in a way to please God you are theafs of man King

  • @davidhendricks8699
    @davidhendricks8699 3 года назад

    Bull shot manage the forest properly. Quit blaming and making excuses, buy some aircraft with all that bailout money.

  • @RebeLDronE5.0
    @RebeLDronE5.0 2 года назад

    Get them guys through the system I'ma Christian and even I know God loves his creation. They can keep their money I want life for all 😊

  • @headdragondavidaustinsimmo4025
    @headdragondavidaustinsimmo4025 2 года назад

    This is North Asia

  • @lewiscarrington1777
    @lewiscarrington1777 3 года назад

    Yesss didn’t know this was in Sonoma but makes sense

    • @tulefogger5169
      @tulefogger5169 3 года назад

      isn't *Sonoma* a Patwin term meaning "many moons?" or, is it Pomo?

  • @mrwealthytimemoney3869
    @mrwealthytimemoney3869 3 года назад +1

    That’s how they fight fires in Mexico

  • @LinGwiZtiX
    @LinGwiZtiX 3 года назад +1

    Fire fighters light up fires every year on purpose here in California to try and aleviate the fire storms.

  • @ecmovz
    @ecmovz 3 года назад

    LoL .. did these Native American also teach these Modern people the power of human sacrifice.

    • @victorl3969
      @victorl3969 2 года назад

      There good things and bad things about every culture. The modern western culture we have now is very damaging to the health of the environment and of the people. Environmental and bodily conscienceness is at the heart of many indigenous cultures. These cultures have something important to offer for the culture we currently live in.