Mkoma Nashy connect sisi vane last confession na mkoma vaya vari over sis vaiti vari kungowana ma joki chete online connect them mkoma vanyaradzane munotendwa nedenga mukadaro mkoma Nashy
My dear sister I'm also 35 yrs but I just want to say please take care of your child and keep on doing that God will give you a good husband in future just keep on praying you have to look for someone who going to pray for you like a pastor maybe can deliver you with something that is holding your life send love ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Voice note iyo randibata, but what l can say to her is take care of your child and God is going to bless you through that child she will be great.Pazvinenge zvaoma tibateiwo tibatsire patinogona.
Nhamo dzosiya I don't blame baba vemwana vako ini ndakatanga kutozvi belivha on DNA closure kti unogona kutoita nhumbu nekurasirwa panze dai ukuchemeea kti mwana adiwe nababa vake go do DNA virginity tese takatosiiwa nevakatibvisa it's not about virginity unenge usati vasangana ne anokuda
I'm so sorry my sister your innocence was robbed by the undeserving.its special to be a virgin and bad luck will follow that crook. What you need is to heal dear ,you can't undo that time.Its ok find comfort and God will do the rest. I salute you for keeping your yourself and your kid.
Sm story my sis bt ndakazvigamuchira zvangu nw mwana wngu atove ne17years bt am still single ndakangozviudza kuti andife ndakaita umwe mwana futi sure kubviswa umhandara ndakuzvara mwana hr. I do understand ur pain my little sister 💔. Bt move in with ur lyf cz apana chichachinja
My sister velast confession I'm very sorry for your situation. I had a baby by my boyfriend we 4 yrs and I was a virgin. I thought he'd be my one and only. I will say to you forgive yourself and forgive him. I know it sounds crazy but your life won't go on till you release. My daughter is 15yrs old now. Doing great. She has never met that sperms donor bcz he chose to be absent. Ndakasiyana nazvo ndikachata aane 8 yrs. Just be transparent and open about your past and you will find that for your guy it will not matter. Keep your eyes peeled. There is goodness out there. Also zvizivire Mwari. Vanokuchengetedza.
Hi guys ndokumbirawo mutaure na mkoma vaya vari kumhiri kwemakungwa vatore zvavo sisi vane last confession its so painful kana vari pano mkoma ivavo plz talk to mkoma Nashy sisi avo bhoo zvekut
My sister you need to let it go girl, zvisunungure mumoyo mako , iwe pachako. Yes zvakatoitika but you need to move on , forgot yourself and move on ,kana ukasazviregerera no one will do that for you ., Sorry ne situation yawakasangana nayo but believe me vamwe vakadzi kunze uku vakatozochinjiswa moyo nekudz kwe situation
Sista, whilst u still hurting, bangu has moved on. Please try to heal and find peace of mind for yourself .this thing called love inorwadza hazvido kupinda whole hearted
Voice note; very sorry amainini be strong zvowanikwa. Just let it be and move on for your child to know her father do a DNA don't deny her tht chance of knowing her father regardless of what happened
Ladies, Ladies plz zvidei chekutanga chokwadi hupenyu hwanhasi nahwekare zvasiyana things are changing everyday momboziva here there is tommrow, vakadzi are getting married on second marriage nevana vake and be happy again but don’t be quick though have life first murume akanaka chipo chinobva kuna mwari hazvidi kumhanya act slowly one you will find a soulmate
Ini I think sis avo vakarambwa vainewo nhubu dai vaenda kwa Tinashe Mugabe kuti baba avo vazive kuti mwana ndewavo. And I think they also offer conselling
Sorry my sister life haina formula murume uyo I guess aingofamba achibvisa vaskana humhandara ndosaka asina kuona hukoshwa. Asi Mwari ndiye muzivi wezvose pray and move on uchawana munyaradzi. Inini first wangu is my husband ndiye wega wandakarara naye hupenyu hwese asi ndakaita Ka pain kadikidiki plus no Ropa so kwaari hanzi ndandisiri anondiona hake semunhu we gumbo mumba BT ndakazvidza chikuru kudiwa na Mwari ndiye anoziva zvemunhu wenyama I can't stress myself
Nhai iwe ungarase when you were warned . Une zvaka kanganisa zvakawanda . Unozo wona wakupenga one day .Patrick knows what u did, chikwambo chino reporter.
Ssy vangu ve voice not avo i its the same thing happened to me 1 short and get pregnant at 21 ndakanga ndazama kuzvichengeta now iam 31 i just move on with my life just forgive yourself.
Hie cc ve voice note,, but why are u punishing yourself nhai for those years here sure makangobatirira pa past here let it go cc find peace please tsvagai anga ku council hanty then mosiyana nezvakaotika kare muri kuda here kusvika pakupinda muguva musina kumbo experiencer true love ? Because of yr past why can't you let it go its been long cc also about marriage it's not about virginity cc there are a lot of wmn and girls vamwe vacho vakatopinda vasiri mhandara uye vamwe atori ma 2nd marriage but happily married cc am not saying kuzvichengeta kwakashata eish i can't type muraba raba we comment i wish dai ndaikwanisa record but all am saying is stand your feet n move on my cc it's life cc shit happens but usatendera kut past ikutonge dear hona ama kore mangani uchishungurudzika? Hugs darling 😢😢😢😢
Voice note msg, sorry hako sis that you had to go thru such a situation. Sometimes hupenyu unoita zvatisingakwanise kunzwisisa as humans, BUT you are a strong beautiful woman even tho it doesnt feel like it. God is your strength focus on Him and ask him to heal your heart. Pray that u can forgive that man and also forgive youself. You are still grieving that situation ndokusaka if feels like nothing is moving. That child you have is a blessing, let her be your source of joy and comfort. Dont let the noise yevanhu and their words drive you to depression. God will give you strength to move but you have also want thqt and take the first step of faith. Be bleesed.
Sis vari pa audio apo life is hw u make it respect & trust u earn it kana uchida kuti murume akuroore HAURARE naye assti akubvisira mari varume vazhinji vanongoita zvinodiwa nenhengo dzavo voozopatika voti ko ndaitei? U failed yoself wakatadza kuzviprotecta from men kuti varume vasakurwadzise anywhere thank God kuti u r still alive bible says a live dog is better than a dead lion ie were there is life there is HOPE have focus in yr life go bk t xool online studies r everywhere No MATTER hw much a man promise s u heaven on earth IWE unofanira kumuudza kuti yes ndiri mvana makumbio handikupe first endesa unondibvisira mari once warara nemurume atopedza newe zvake zvatoita atokuchipisa u gv yoself principles & values stop that piity partying coz nobody owes you anything u messed up yo life nekusaziva chere wake up dust off that dust clean/gather yoself work on improving yo character/ career
Rudo harumakidzwe/kanakushandisa mushonga ps get a life usiyane nezvekuenda kun'anga uri i mwana mudiki chaizvo it ya mwari repent gv your life to Jesus usiyane nechiure unofa then you go to hell
Voice note; very sorry amainini be strong zvowanikwa. Just let it be and move on for your child to know her father do a DNA don't deny her tht chance of knowing her father regardless of what happened
Mkoma Nashy connect sisi vane last confession na mkoma vaya vari over sis vaiti vari kungowana ma joki chete online connect them mkoma vanyaradzane munotendwa nedenga mukadaro mkoma Nashy
Ko kana murume wacho iyeyi anedambudziko,there are always two sides to a coin
Taura hako dear
My dear sister I'm also 35 yrs but I just want to say please take care of your child and keep on doing that God will give you a good husband in future just keep on praying you have to look for someone who going to pray for you like a pastor maybe can deliver you with something that is holding your life send love ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Yaa life never be fair guys , maini avo she go through what my sister do but vashoma. Vakavabeliver tha hurts the most
Im so hurt ne nyaya yasisi avo vane last confession may God heal yu sisi muzowana wenyu achakunyaradzai
First confession patrick is tinashe mutarisi
Artist Saintfloew
Haa mroora ane mkuhwa iyeyu uumm ma1😂😂😂
Voice note iyo randibata, but what l can say to her is take care of your child and God is going to bless you through that child she will be great.Pazvinenge zvaoma tibateiwo tibatsire patinogona.
Kashawi kekuhula hula, ita mushe iwewe. Saka urikuda kubikira zvikwambo zvapartrik here
Ndarwadziwa na Sis vakarambwa vari mhandara. Ndabatikana l would love to hear more panyaya yavo if possible, I think she needs help
Nhamo dzosiya I don't blame baba vemwana vako ini ndakatanga kutozvi belivha on DNA closure kti unogona kutoita nhumbu nekurasirwa panze dai ukuchemeea kti mwana adiwe nababa vake go do DNA virginity tese takatosiiwa nevakatibvisa it's not about virginity unenge usati vasangana ne anokuda
I'm so sorry my sister your innocence was robbed by the undeserving.its special to be a virgin and bad luck will follow that crook.
What you need is to heal dear ,you can't undo that time.Its ok find comfort and God will do the rest.
I salute you for keeping your yourself and your kid.
Oh shame I can't stop crying nekuda kwasis avo bt I think vanoda counselling
Pachipamwe mkoma Nash nevedare
Sm story my sis bt ndakazvigamuchira zvangu nw mwana wngu atove ne17years bt am still single ndakangozviudza kuti andife ndakaita umwe mwana futi sure kubviswa umhandara ndakuzvara mwana hr. I do understand ur pain my little sister 💔. Bt move in with ur lyf cz apana chichachinja
My sister velast confession I'm very sorry for your situation. I had a baby by my boyfriend we 4 yrs and I was a virgin. I thought he'd be my one and only. I will say to you forgive yourself and forgive him. I know it sounds crazy but your life won't go on till you release. My daughter is 15yrs old now. Doing great. She has never met that sperms donor bcz he chose to be absent. Ndakasiyana nazvo ndikachata aane 8 yrs. Just be transparent and open about your past and you will find that for your guy it will not matter. Keep your eyes peeled. There is goodness out there. Also zvizivire Mwari. Vanokuchengetedza.
Hi guys ndokumbirawo mutaure na mkoma vaya vari kumhiri kwemakungwa vatore zvavo sisi vane last confession its so painful kana vari pano mkoma ivavo plz talk to mkoma Nashy sisi avo bhoo zvekut
Last conversation ndozvandakaita shaa mwana nditori naye panotaurwa zvekubviswa humhandara ndotonyarara ndakaita mwana ndri virgin baba wacho hawatomude
My sister you need to let it go girl, zvisunungure mumoyo mako , iwe pachako. Yes zvakatoitika but you need to move on , forgot yourself and move on ,kana ukasazviregerera no one will do that for you ., Sorry ne situation yawakasangana nayo but believe me vamwe vakadzi kunze uku vakatozochinjiswa moyo nekudz kwe situation
My sister koisu takago repwa nemimba ne aids ka one nemunhu wausingazive asi Takata mover on wani 😢😢
Sista, whilst u still hurting, bangu has moved on. Please try to heal and find peace of mind for yourself .this thing called love inorwadza hazvido kupinda whole hearted
Sei sei
Voice note; very sorry amainini be strong zvowanikwa. Just let it be and move on for your child to know her father do a DNA don't deny her tht chance of knowing her father regardless of what happened
1confess wakatadza kurasa zvinhu zvawakadzi udzose zvichakupandukira
1st confession😂😂😂😂😂
Last con I'm sorry dear Mwari vakurwire ugone kuchengeta baby wako. One day u'll find peace and a man who truly loves you
Ladies, Ladies plz zvidei chekutanga chokwadi hupenyu hwanhasi nahwekare zvasiyana things are changing everyday momboziva here there is tommrow, vakadzi are getting married on second marriage nevana vake and be happy again but don’t be quick though have life first murume akanaka chipo chinobva kuna mwari hazvidi kumhanya act slowly one you will find a soulmate
Morning mukoma Nashe
Zverudo zvinomanikidzwa hre
Confession ya sisi avo vokuita pamuviri vari mhandara dzidziso yangu sister imi nhau iripatiri sevanhu panyika pano takasikirwa kunamata mwari kanganwai zvese zvamakasanga nazvo pamberi penyu pana jeso zivayi christu rangarirai kuti zvose zvirikukunetsai hazvina Basa Kuna Mwari musatora marara muchimaisa mupfungwa dzenyu
Kana ukadiwa nemurume usingadiwi namwari hazvirevi chinhu
Ndirikuti imi namatai Mwari nemoyowese upenyu hwakanaka muhuwana pana Jeso
Eish last confession so sad
Ummm sorry hako mudikani pora dear Mwari vachakunyaradza tiripamwe mudikani
Aaah shame my sstr.....counselling plus DNA my sisi
Vanhu varikumboromba kupiko?
Shemmmm but unofanira uri kushandiswa
i feel like she's looking for a soulmate in Disguise
Ini I think sis avo vakarambwa vainewo nhubu dai vaenda kwa Tinashe Mugabe kuti baba avo vazive kuti mwana ndewavo. And I think they also offer conselling
Last confession, try to find the guy and go for DNA, mwana needs to know her father
😢 sorry mwana sikana mwarivacha kunyaradza
Voice note sorry my sister uchavana vako wish you best luck just believe in God always
Sorry zvako sis it's so sad it's like wakabatwa chibharo dai wambowana counselling pamwe ungawana piece but wadii futi wamboita d.n a kuti mukomana wako uyo aone kuti ichokwadi kuti akakupa mwana nekuti chero kupfeka pant rine mbeu yehurume ichiri fresh unotoita nhumbu zviriko izvozvo maitabasa ne chenjedzo yenyu sis
Sorry my sister life haina formula murume uyo I guess aingofamba achibvisa vaskana humhandara ndosaka asina kuona hukoshwa. Asi Mwari ndiye muzivi wezvose pray and move on uchawana munyaradzi. Inini first wangu is my husband ndiye wega wandakarara naye hupenyu hwese asi ndakaita Ka pain kadikidiki plus no Ropa so kwaari hanzi ndandisiri anondiona hake semunhu we gumbo mumba BT ndakazvidza chikuru kudiwa na Mwari ndiye anoziva zvemunhu wenyama I can't stress myself
Shame sorry zvenyu mainini vekurwadziswa neboy friend try to find love and forever yourself
Nhai iwe ungarase when you were warned . Une zvaka kanganisa zvakawanda . Unozo wona wakupenga one day .Patrick knows what u did, chikwambo chino reporter.
Urinating dear wakasiyiwa usina chirwere vamwe vakubvisiwa humhandara achisiyiwa ane chirwere move on dear
Shame vanhu vakaremerwa she needs counseling. Sis ve divorce inbox I can help or mkoma Nash how do I render services I'm in Harare
Hie mukoma nashi personally I believe it's a woman's choice who she chooses to lose her virginity to just like the men...
Ndanzwa kt mukuramba kuvatwa ndopavakazorasirwa hurume kunze mimba ikabata zvamakut vakatafza kuzvichengeta izvo she tried vamwe at 15 vanha vasisiri
Last confession...sorry hako shamwari Mwari vakunyaradze🙏🙏🙏
Shame, sorry my sister. I think kuenda kuDNA is the only way yekuti baba vemwana vagutsikane. Very sorry hun
1st confession Zimbabweans ne n'anga chiiko?what advise do you want us to help you nechihure plus huroyi hwako nxaa
Ssy vangu ve voice not avo i its the same thing happened to me 1 short and get pregnant at 21 ndakanga ndazama kuzvichengeta now iam 31 i just move on with my life just forgive yourself.
28 yrs virgin avo move on.
Hie cc ve voice note,, but why are u punishing yourself nhai for those years here sure makangobatirira pa past here let it go cc find peace please tsvagai anga ku council hanty then mosiyana nezvakaotika kare muri kuda here kusvika pakupinda muguva musina kumbo experiencer true love ? Because of yr past why can't you let it go its been long cc also about marriage it's not about virginity cc there are a lot of wmn and girls vamwe vacho vakatopinda vasiri mhandara uye vamwe atori ma 2nd marriage but happily married cc am not saying kuzvichengeta kwakashata eish i can't type muraba raba we comment i wish dai ndaikwanisa record but all am saying is stand your feet n move on my cc it's life cc shit happens but usatendera kut past ikutonge dear hona ama kore mangani uchishungurudzika? Hugs darling 😢😢😢😢
Umm but zviriko hre guys kut hurume hunopinda kuchibereko iwe uri mhandara
Yes google uone th chances are slim asi zviriko ask any doctor today
Voice note msg, sorry hako sis that you had to go thru such a situation. Sometimes hupenyu unoita zvatisingakwanise kunzwisisa as humans, BUT you are a strong beautiful woman even tho it doesnt feel like it. God is your strength focus on Him and ask him to heal your heart. Pray that u can forgive that man and also forgive youself. You are still grieving that situation ndokusaka if feels like nothing is moving. That child you have is a blessing, let her be your source of joy and comfort. Dont let the noise yevanhu and their words drive you to depression. God will give you strength to move but you have also want thqt and take the first step of faith. Be bleesed.
Sis vari pa audio apo life is hw u make it respect & trust u earn it kana uchida kuti murume akuroore HAURARE naye assti akubvisira mari varume vazhinji vanongoita zvinodiwa nenhengo dzavo voozopatika voti ko ndaitei? U failed yoself wakatadza kuzviprotecta from men kuti varume vasakurwadzise anywhere thank God kuti u r still alive bible says a live dog is better than a dead lion ie were there is life there is HOPE have focus in yr life go bk t xool online studies r everywhere No MATTER hw much a man promise s u heaven on earth IWE unofanira kumuudza kuti yes ndiri mvana makumbio handikupe first endesa unondibvisira mari once warara nemurume atopedza newe zvake zvatoita atokuchipisa u gv yoself principles & values stop that piity partying coz nobody owes you anything u messed up yo life nekusaziva chere wake up dust off that dust clean/gather yoself work on improving yo character/ career
Last iyo zviriko ere zvikutaurwa nemusikana uyo mmmmmmmmmm
Rudo harumakidzwe/kanakushandisa mushonga ps get a life usiyane nezvekuenda kun'anga uri i mwana mudiki chaizvo it ya mwari repent gv your life to Jesus usiyane nechiure unofa then you go to hell
Kkkkk taura hako
Voice note; very sorry amainini be strong zvowanikwa. Just let it be and move on for your child to know her father do a DNA don't deny her tht chance of knowing her father regardless of what happened