【VLOG11 日本關西旅行】第一次京都穿和服勒到爆?傳說中的瀨戶內海,超 好 吃!安藤忠雄的直島,充滿童趣的小豆島文青打卡! 5'50秒大碗寬麵全程高能 Travel in Kansai Japan

  • Опубликовано: 17 окт 2024
  • 第一次看我VLOG的朋友可以直接拉到5'50秒,那是我真實簡單快樂的樣子
    日本關西機場落地大阪開啟購物之旅,跑到#京都 體驗一日和服女孩,雖然拍照很好看但是真的很勒……做女孩好難!奈良小鹿還是一如既往兇猛,但還是很萌很受到遊客喜愛的
    這次的重頭戲是#瀨戶內海 …附近其實有n個值得參觀遊覽的小島,但最後我們主要選擇了從高松港口出發前往小豆島和直島;草間彌生的兩隻南瓜矗立在直島海岸,安藤忠雄老師地中美術館、李禹煥美術館及Benesse house一路藝術之旅(並不允許拍照)都讓人大開眼界,是一生都值得銘記的回憶和建築作品~在小豆島大開腦洞騎掃把,所有人都變身宮崎駿筆下的魔女宅急便,夕陽西下的風景絕了!
    bgm-第一隻兔子AKB48 今天不上班Fall 大塚愛peach
    未聞花名 吳亦凡/大碗寬麵
    烤肉吃播 • 【vlog 005 吃播上线】日本高松人气居...
    購物大賞 • 【Vlog 007 Japan travel...
    My friend who saw my VLOG for the first time can directly pull it to 5'50 seconds, that is my real simple and happy look
    Never getting tired of the trip to Japan, and this time I went with my sister and aunt; food was delicious, and the journey was fun!
    Kansai Airport, Japan, we landed in Osaka to start a shopping trip. I went to Kyoto to experience a one-day kimono girl. Although the photos are good-looking, it is really hard to wear ... it is difficult to be a girl! Nara fawn is as ferocious as ever, but still very cute and very popular with tourists
    The highlight of this time is the Seto Inland Sea ... There are actually many small islands worth visiting nearby, but in the end, we mainly chose to depart from Takamatsu Port to Shodoshima and Naoshima; two pumpkins of Yayoi Kusama stand on the coast of Naoshima , Tadao Ando's Dizhong Art Museum, Lee Ufan Art Museum, and Benesse House's artistic journey (no photos are allowed) are mind-taking. They are memories and architectural works that should be remembered throughout our lives.
    Riding a broom, everyone transformed into a witch's house in Miyazaki's writing, and the scenery under the setting sun was absolutely extinct!

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