"How the Human Ear Works # Hearing Mechanism" (3D Animation)

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024
  • "Ever wondered how we hear sounds? This video dives deep into the fascinating anatomy of the human ear and the intricate process of hearing. Learn how sound waves travel through the ear, are transformed into electrical signals, and interpreted by the brain. Whether you're a student, educator, or simply curious about how we experience sound, this video provides a clear and detailed explanation of the hearing mechanism. Watch now to discover the amazing science behind one of our most important senses!"
    Human ears do several tasks. Some of the most important are hearing and making balance of the body.
    Human ear consists of the following parts.
    1) Auricle or pinna : It is the outermost part of the ear. It collects sound and sends into the auditory canal.
    2) Auditory canal : It is the hole of the ear. Sound propagates here and reaches the ear drum.
    3) Ear drum : It is a membrane where auditory canal ends. Ear drum oscillates when sound wave incidents on it.
    4) Ossicles : these are the bones connecting ear drum and the cochlea. There are three bones there. First bone is malleus, second one is incus and the third one is called stapes. Stapes is the smallest and the lightest bone in our body. When ear drum oscillates, these three bones alo oscillate.
    5) Cochlea : This is a fluid-filled chamber having auditory sensory parts called hair cells. These hair cells contain hair-like structure called stereocilia.
    When the fluid inside the cochlea undulates due to the vibration in it, the stereocilia oscillate and release ion into the body of the hair cell. This leads to the formation of the neurotransmitters in the hair cell.
    These neurotransmitters bind with the nerve below it and signal is propagated to the brain and perception of hearing is produced.
    6) Vestibular system : It is attached with the cochlea. It is having three semicircular fluid filled canals. This system can detect the angular position. It helps maintaining our body-balance.
    7) Eustechian tube : It is a tube connecting the ear drum with the nasopharynx. It maintains the air pressure inside.

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