Casualties of Love and War | Clan-Gen | Soul Clan 2

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024

Комментарии • 15

  • @Cupicate
    @Cupicate  8 месяцев назад +14

    The Elemental Soulmates Challenge by Golden
    Your clan was made a long time ago by creation itself, Placrity. This being was on a conquest to make many worlds, and as such, made gods and placed them on a rock in space and told them to make a world in their name.
    They had done this many times and came back to the worlds that the gods had made to check up on their progress. And for this world, they made your cats to make the world.
    Your clan had been busy making the world just like Placrity had intended, when they realized something was missing. The more Placrity created gods, the less she was meticulous enough to make them perfect. So, they had flaws. Cats were suddenly realizing that they were lonely, and looking for a partner to complete them. A soulmate. Without a soulmate, they realized they could not be perfect and could not be true gods.
    Allow Same Sex parents
    Allow Mentor/App relationships
    Allow Single parents/switching mates
    Mass Extinction ON
    Eyes are windows into the soul- and your element. Color = Element
    Yellow = Summer
    Amber = Fire
    Hazel = Earth
    Pale-green = Healing
    Green = Life
    Blue = Wind
    Dark Blue = Harmony
    Silver = Weather
    Bronze = Wisdom
    Grey = Time
    Cyan = Love and Kin
    Emerald = Spring
    Pale-blue = Winter
    Pale-yellow = Autumn
    Gold = Wealth
    Heather-blue = Water
    Copper = War
    Sage = Death
    Cobalt = Hunting
    Sunlit-ice = Chaos
    Green-yellow = Farming
    In order for a cat to find their soulmate, they not only need to have the same element, but they must be a good pair to be mates.
    (Please note that age is not a factor for gods, as they are ageless as soon as they reach adulthood) (edited)
    [12:26 PM]
    Cats will do anything to ensure they are whole with their soulmate, because if they are not, they will fade away since their soul is not whole... (aka elders dying of old age) If a pair happens, they will be cemented into the stars for all eternity together. When your soulmates find each other, cut off any old or current mates and make them mates. Then, kill both the cats and allow them into StarClan. Any other cats who die/fade away without their soulmate are placed into the Dark Forest.
    Your clan knows Placrity is coming back once again. We don't know when, but we do know it'll be sometime soon. You must show them that we have made this planet a great place to be, and make them proud. After Moon 100, your clan may see Placrity come back at any time. Roll a D50 every moon.. On the result of 1, Placrity has come back and you must be ready. On any other result, she hasn't shown yet.
    When Placrity come back, you must have every single pair of soulmates engraved in the stars. If you do, you win! If you don't, you lose.
    You can only make 1 mate pair Every 3 moons. (This is to avoid a crapton of cats, and this includes mates to make more gods and soulmates)
    You can only send soulmates to be engraved in the stars if there is another cat with their element to remain back with the clan, so they aren't leaving the world without their powers.
    Heterochromia cats that are not Blue/Yellow or Blue/Green (Or small variants of them like DarkBlue/PaleGreen, those work), then they are considered powerful multi-gods with different elements. However this extra power comes at a price. They cannot find a perfect mate to complete their soul being two elements.
    When you gain gods and their powers, feel free to write or imagine what the world would look like with them and without others! This Challenge has great story opportunity! Have fun!

  • @haileyt7446
    @haileyt7446 8 месяцев назад +13

    Had a cat with heterochromia with copper and green eyes, she died from complications after kitting, she left behind a single kitten that had her exact eyes lmao

  • @vegafantmaier1792
    @vegafantmaier1792 8 месяцев назад +4

    I’m continuing to live this and I have an idea for the dark forest. I think it should be called the weeping woodlands or woods since they have been bound in forever sorrow without their soulmate.

  • @notnorthORsouth
    @notnorthORsouth 8 месяцев назад +3

    first pair of soulmates yay! loving the story telling and lore behind the universe

  • @NkiadangoX3
    @NkiadangoX3 8 месяцев назад +2

    Love this challenge so far! I’m thinking of doing it after I finish the lineage challenge !

  • @tani7895
    @tani7895 8 месяцев назад

    List of the living cats!
    Bog-Pale Blue/Winter
    Sloe-Cyan/Love and Kin

  • @tani7895
    @tani7895 8 месяцев назад

    The only pair currently within the Clan is a Wisdom pair. (Which I expected to be the first ascended but nope.)
    I’m partial to GrayXTawny as that would have more development than either of them with Nettlespeck.
    The downside of this is leader and a medicine cat are both gone.

  • @Abby_Bagel
    @Abby_Bagel 8 месяцев назад +2

    Hi, cupicate! If you are reading this. I love you and your channel so so so much! (platonically) I am wachtend you for a long time and I always am so happy when you post and i watch your vids everyday! Even if it means I need to rewatch some. If I am sad I watch your vids and I got into clangen and lifegen because of you! I hope you read this.
    - Your biggest fan

  • @-_TT-_
    @-_TT-_ 8 месяцев назад +1

    Wow.. just wow. There are so many deaths in this clan. I love this challenge its so unique and exciting. But just.. wow, what a episode seriously this was one brutal episode. I think the rolling was a good choice, just makes the challenge a little bit more fair and better. But wow Cupi this was.. I'm lost for words. But despite this unfortunate episode i just love Big Mac. What a funny name for a cat XD Also would having a mediator and picking to cats to mediate, and say it brings them together more romantically.. Would that be cheating at the challenge?

  • @emmasullivan3209
    @emmasullivan3209 8 месяцев назад

    So, I have a clarification question (and a story to follow it):
    If a cat has found their soulmate, but they are waiting to be written into the Stars with them (either because there isn’t another of their element to stay behind with the Clan yet or because the 3 moons between making pairs hasn’t finished yet), but one of them dies, do they go to the Dark Forest or wait for their soulmate in StarClan?
    I had this happen with my first pair of cats (Bitterneye and Bluestripe). They had the same Element and had become mates with full green bars for Romantic and Platonic Love, but there weren’t any other blue-eyed cats in the Clan, so they had to wait! Then, Bluestripe died from complications while having their first litter of kits. The sad thing is, I saw afterwards that one of their kits had blue eyes! If she hadn’t of died, the mates would have been able to be engraved in the Stars together. I considered engraving them anyways, since there was now another blue-eyed cat (the kit was technically born before she died), but I didn’t know if the rule was you had to unalive them yourself before they died in order to secure their spot in the Stars, plus it was more interesting narratively if she didn’t.
    An additional part to this story was that the mediator who helped their relationship along (Oatspeckle) ended up having romantic feelings for BOTH of them, but then suddenly had a more-than-half-full red bar of hate for Bitterneye after his mate died! I looked back on the relationship logs and at one point it said Oatspeckle had an argument with Bitterneye over kits. For the story, I decided that since Oat had romantic feelings for both cats, he was encouraging them to bring new souls into their Clan to increase the chance that another Wind Element cat would be born so that they could leave the Clan behind and their souls could be secured in the Stars. Bitterneye dismissed the idea, saying there was plenty of time and that he and Bluestripe’s souls were still strong and vibrant. However, the strain of birthing the litter actually sapped the last of Bluestripe’s power and she faded. Oatspeckle then hated Bitterneye for depriving Bluestripe of the chance to get written into the Stars (not that it was Bitterneye’s fault - Oatspeckle was just angry and grieving and needed someone to blame). They’ve since reconciled a bit, Bitterneye became Bitternstar, and Bitternstar ended up finding a new soulmate named Mite and just got written into the Stars with him. But first he made sure his daughter Junipermoth (his and Bluestripe’s only blue-eyed child) got a soul-mate first and got written into the Stars, instead of him pairing up with the next blue-eyed cat that joined the Clan.

  • @UhmAnywayMeBored
    @UhmAnywayMeBored 8 месяцев назад

    Hey Cupi, war against other clans in ClanGen are brutal, its like you loose two cats everyday, it sucks. But I am really enjoying this series! I do have one question though, is it worth looking at the relationship news, I feel like its the same thing over and over and not super important. ❤