I've been wondering this for a while. A couple of my friends are so far into New Age practices and its so hard to speak to them. I got saved last year from my life of homosexuality AND New Age.......so it is possible lol. I love my friends so much that I fear they will be hurt for what I say. In the meantime I pray, because prayer is powerful. I pray God will strengthen my faith so that my fears are put aside when speaking to them. Edit: thought it was important to note- me leaving my homosexuality and New Age practices have nothing to do directly with salvation. They are steps I took for spiritual growth and discipleship AFTER being born again and repenting (“metanoia” Greek for ‘change of mind’) and are a byproduct of salvation. Remember, it is only By grace THROUGH faith that we are saved. The moment you trust in yourself for salvation through acts of obedience and works is the moment you walk the broad path. Don’t trust your self to be saved. Trust FULLY in Jesus Christ: our dwelling place, our shelter in the storm! Thank you all for your encouragement and God bless!!
Your testimony is beautiful! I think you should immerse yourself now on God's Word and His promises so that the words that you speak to your friends will come from these truths. The Holy Spirit would guide you here. Grow in faith and love of our Lord Jesus Christ.
@@shelster God bless you, sister! It's funny.....I always thought that reading the Bible would be "difficult" but it only seemed hard because I was coming from a place of prejudices (but mainly laziness :/). Anyways, I just started on the Gospel's! Much love
Hold on your testimony brother! Fight the good ifght of faith, God is faithful, put on the mind of Christ and not the carnal mind for it is enmity with God, grow in love, in compassion balanced with descretion, with wisdom, God wil lead you eventually, I myself am in that situation my family being a devout Catholic it goes deeply in the family but I know as God teaches us day by day slowly, His grace will humble their hearts and pave a way for His calling to salvation, pray always and ask! Persevere brother!
Ross Aho... Listen, "ex- Gay" is about as real as "ex- Hetro"; be yourself and drop the guilt others say you *MUST* have. Sexuality is a spectrum for all and you’re just denying who you are. Believe in yourself first before all else, you deserve better.
My 3 best friends all don't really believe in god, but I keep praying for them and sometimes tell them about god but not too much so that they will tell me they're no longer interested. I recently sent one of my friends a video about god but before I sent it to her I told her that watching the video is not by force,so if she has time and wants to watch it, she can do that. But in the end, God is the one who leads people to him.
That's the best thing you and all of us can do. Pray for them and plant seeds. Father will send someone to water the seed and Father will make it grow. It's all in His hands. His perfect Will be done.
the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN. (we love all) But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasure and NOT on any good or evil that person would do... ------------ If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy) If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin but God choose or elected who He would save before the world began based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not anything that person would do) that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel) ------------ Remember, NO MAN will come to Christ unless the Father first "draws them" and ALL MEN the Father draws "shall come" to Jesus and He loses NONE of "His Sheep" (because He PAID for the sins of His Sheep... and no others) -----------------
@@TheBlubunni the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN. (love all) But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasure and NOT on any good or evil that person would do... ------------ If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy) If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin but God choose or elected who He would save before the world began based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not anything that person would do) that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel) ------------ Remember, NO MAN will come to Christ unless the Father first "draws them" and ALL MEN the Father draws "shall come" to Jesus and He loses NONE of "His Sheep" (because He PAID for the sins of His Sheep... and no others) [John 6] -----------------
I was forever changed by my encounter with God. I was miraculously healed of my combat PTSD, I feel I was under some evil oppression that was also removed. I was filled with peace, love, and joy. I hope to set the example not so that people see how good I do but how God blesses me as I turn to him. Christ is the only way to the father and I want to live the life that brings more to this feeling. Focus your faith first.
Thank you brothers. I’ve recently turned my life to the Lord and I’m full of joy. But I will be honest the enemy has attacked my flanks by pulling my son away from what I’m trying to teach him. Pray for us so the enemy is defeated swiftly. Because only with the POWER of God can this be done.
Man's greatest trick was convincing you that you can't question an all knowing god about a book a man wrote. If your god doesn't even know about something as simple as evolution or the solar system, then how could he be capable of creating something as complex as our universe?
What helped lead me to Christ was arriving at the conclusion that without God, nothing matters. God is the only factor that makes life worth living, and not just enduring, but really living for the better. With God, we have the hope of eternal life, rewards for faith, and being reunited with loved ones that have passed away. Without God, there is only death and vanity.
Man's greatest trick was convincing you that you can't question an all knowing god about a book a man wrote. If your god doesn't even know about something as simple as evolution or the solar system, then how could he be capable of creating something as complex as our universe?
@@RedLineShortFilms Man greatest trick is to think life is all about you. There's nothing greater than you that you're accountable to and that nothing created eveyrthing The Bible doesnt say you cant question, it actually says to test your faith. Examine the words and life of Jesus and those that seek the truth will find it. God knows the solar system because he created it He knows evolution is a lie. If nothing created everything then you're just an accident, there is no right and wrong, then how does your accidental mind have the ability to understand or question the God of the universe? All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. The wages of sin is death. Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the father except thru him. Repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.
Wooow, powerful. I needed this I'm in a season of my life where I'm seeking humbleness and boldness to share my testimony and lead people to the Lord. John has such a great way of explaining things!
Really... you think it is "POWERFUL" to preach HALF of the Gospel? ------------ No... the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN. (love all) But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasure and NOT on any good or evil that person would do... ------------ If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy) If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin but God choose or elected who He would save before the world began based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not anything that person would do) that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel) ------------ Remember, NO MAN will come to Christ unless the Father first "draws them" and ALL MEN the Father draws "shall come" to Jesus and He loses NONE of "His Sheep" (because He PAID for the sins of His Sheep... and no others) [John 6] -----------------
This seems a bit overwhelming, but is good to learn. I didn’t know what I was doing when a dear aunt told me I needed Jesus, and I trusted her to pray a prayer with her. But God changed my heart that night. It took me a long time to learn how to follow Christ...see my reply to Ulysses comment.
No... the idea that MAN initiates salvation is a false gospel. Man does not work FIRST and then God is obligated to respond... think how backward that gospel is. ------------ the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN. But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasure and NOT on any good or evil that person would do... ------------ If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy) If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin but God choose or elected who He would saved before the world began based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not on anything that person would do) that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel)
No, Piper did a POOR JOB in preaching the Gospel this time (and many times) Did you hear Piper preach the BAD NEWS before telling the GOOD NEWS? No... because he OFTEN pretends that all men can be saved. --------------- No... the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN. But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasure and NOT on any good or evil that person would do... ------------ If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy) If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin but God choose or elected who He would save before the world began based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not anything that person would do) that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel) ------------ Remember, NO MAN will come to Christ unless the Father first "draws them" and ALL MEN the Father draws "shall come" to Jesus and He loses NONE of "His Sheep" (because He PAID for the sins of His Sheep... and no others) [John 6] -----------------
Gospel Basics 1. You are a sinner deserving of Gods wrath in hell and in need of a savior 2. Through Gods Grace and Love he has provided that savior in his son Jesus Christ 3. Confess and Repent of your sins and turn away from them 4. Abandon all hope in yourself and believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and in him ALONE will you be saved
John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
I find that when you speak to someone who can relate to YOUR life story and struggles and how Jesus saved you from the dark blindness, sharing the Gospel becomes more natural. You're describing a wonderful friendship like no other, not some do's and dont's man-made religion like catholicism. No need to get into an heated debate about why I need Jesus, be gentle and patient in the hope that God grants them repentance.
Religions are all man-made. Please put aside your religious dogma for a minute and answer the questions honestly. *Tell me please,* *-In what context it is moral to turn children into voluntarily working servants?* *-In what context it is moral to treat voluntarily working servants as property?* *-In what context it is moral to pass voluntarily working servants on to children as permanent inheritance?* *-In what context it is moral to treat voluntarily working servants so bad that relatives shouldn’t be treated that way?* *-If slavery was voluntary, then why it is restricted to only foreigners?* Leviticus 25:44-46 However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way. *Tell me please, in what context it is moral to beat voluntarily working servants with many blows?* Luke 12:47 The servant who knows the master's will and does not get ready or does not do what the master wants will be beaten with many blows. *Tell me please, in what context it is moral to beat voluntarily working servants as long as they don't die?* Exodus 21:20 “Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, 21 but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property. *Tell me please, in what context it is moral to kill non-virgin brides?* Deuteronomy 22:20-21 If, however, the charge is true and no proof of the young woman’s virginity can be found, she shall be brought to the door of her father’s house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death. She has done an outrageous thing in Israel by being promiscuous while still in her father’s house. You must purge the evil from among you. *Tell me please, in what context it is moral to kill unruly children?* Deuteronomy 21:18-21 If any man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey his father or his mother, and when they chastise him, he will not even listen to them, then his father and mother shall seize him, and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gateway of his home town. And they shall say to the elders of his city, "This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey us, he is a glutton and a drunkard." Then all the men of his city shall stone him to death; so you shall remove the evil from your midst, and all Israel shall hear of it and fear. *Tell me please, in what context it is moral to slaughter infants?* 1 Samuel 15:3 3 Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.
@@AtamMardes @atam mardes wow, that's amazing, u know alot about scripture. Most Christians are oblivious to these. Some of them were even new to me. When I first came to Christ and became aware of these things, I was bothered by them so I searched for answers as you did. Alot of the verses you used were taken put of context. For instance, u broad up that masters were allowed to beat slaves as long as they don't die. That was not the case, a few verses later it said that if that is the case, the slave is permitted to leave the master if he wants and find a new one. They also weren't restricted to foreigners. There. In the passages around this verse explicitly state how to treat Israelite slaves. The com and to slaughter all the children and women of off the enemy kingdom was hyperbole. The author makes sure we know by stating later that God says not to intermarry with this every same people who were "wiped out". These are in the Bibleitself. I'm not lying to you I don't serve a God of lies and deception and immorality. Humble yourself and to let yourself see these things
@@AtamMardes I didn't answer all of your questions friend but there is a RUclipsr of the Christian faith that responds to a man who made the same objections as you. He is way more wise and well versed in scripture than I am and will provide more satisfying answers. I will leave a link to the two videos that he made on the topic. Please I beg you to watch them. They won't take more than 30 mins I think. I hope that you will repent and trust in Jesus who died for your sins, it's amazing news. I was critical like you but this is the truth I understand all your questions. I hope I see you in heaven and we could talk and laugh about this whole thing. Take care and my the Lord bless you with repentance
@@AtamMardes I don't know how to get the link cause I'm on mobile but you can copy the title. It's a series wit multiple videos, more than two sorry about that lol. Here you go my friend, I hope I can call you that . They are logical and concise. Straight to the point. Take care Video: How the Bible Supports slavery (response to Cosmic Skeptic) INTRO Channel: Whaddo You Meme
@@dude1078 Hoaxer Christian writers, who fabricated the resurrection hoax by making up a fake empty tomb story & fake eyewitnesses/testimonials, didn’t know that a sin-sacrifice-resurrection story implies a superstitious God who values blood-sacrifice, which was a common practice back then - e.g. sacrificing a goat for a new home. The superstitious early folks who valued blood sacrifice created the God of the Bible in their own image.
What does any of that mean? ---------- No... the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN. But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasure and NOT on any good or evil that person would do... ------------ If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy) If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin but God choose or elected who He would save before the world began based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not anything that person would do) that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel) ------------ Remember, NO MAN will come to Christ unless the Father first "draws them" and ALL MEN the Father draws "shall come" to Jesus and He loses NONE of "His Sheep" (because He PAID for the sins of His Sheep... and no others) [John 6] -----------------
I was just wondering about this yesterday because I was thinking about my salvation and when I 1st believed and gave my life to christ jesus as a 12 year old. For a young child I didn't completely understand what it truly entails then like I do now, which is probably part of why I backslide when I became a adult. Now as I recently came back to the lord I been coming to realization that not only do one need to believe on the lord jesus christ and pray a prayer and even repent which of course very seriously vital. But I believe one other important part that dont get emphasis well enough if at all by some who preach the gospel is that you must follow jesus christ and not live your life for yourself and do whatever you want to do anymore. I think that doesn't get more address to the degree ot needs to so people understand you can't just go on living like you once did and not surrender to God. That's a reason why alot of people who say they Christian are I think in danger of really not being or at the least very lukewarm or worldly. They think I believe in the lord jesus christ and what he did and I prayed to be saved and forgiven and I repented. But then they go about their lives still like they did before approached with the gospel because the presentation of them having to follow christ and not live for theirselves wasn't clear enough if at all. Me personally I can attest to that even though I was so young to comprehend but I wish I was told more that part because it is a very important and seriously significant choice to make to decide to give up your life and follow christ. And it cant be left out when one gets born again and saved and becomes a Christian.
Ulysses 'the U' Smith ... I agree. This is why new believers need to find a mentor...someone or some group to help them learn how to follow Christ. Personally, I grew at first by listening to pastors on the radio. Then a neighbor invited my wife to a Bible study. Then my wife wanted us to visit their church. God will lead you if you truly want to follow him.
I definitely share the same testimony with you! It hurts because I thought I was saved and doing fine when in reality I was so far from God. It hurts even more to see some of my friends living like this too. I love hearing Pastor John’s take on bringing people to Christ. I pray that we can use our testimonies to reach out to more people for God’s glory!
Child... the Bible does not teach you "give your life to Christ"... that is a false "works gospel" or a "boaster gospel" which is heresy. --------- The Bible teaches that ALL MEN are destined to hell (because of original sin) and GOD (not man) chooses or elects those He will saved based ONLY on His Good Pleasure and NOT on anything that man can or will do. -------------
@@RGJ109 ... no child, there are MANY unsaved "tares" in the church who think THEY chose God. But all the saved "wheat" in the church understand that God chose them before the foundation of the world based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not on any work they would do) ------------ You are preaching the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction I just told you the narrow way that leads to life. ---------- Your gospel is heresy... read what Galatians 5:20-21 say of heresy. -----------
Very similar to evangelism explosion plan or presentation. The four treasure chests are remembered by the fingers on your hand. Pointer finger points at people, sin. The biggest or longest finger is God. The ring finger, Jesus, the bride. The smallest finger, faith, faith like a mustard seed. The extra thumb in evangelism explosion is heaven, it points up when your hand is closed. It's a free gift that can't be earned or deserved. John mentioned starting with God's glory, evangelism explosion starts with the thumb. Great video and response. Soli Deo gloria.
No... the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN. But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasue and NOT on any good or evil that person would do... ------------ If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy) If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin but God choose or elected who He would saved before the world began based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not on anything that person would do) that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel).
@Yohanes Markos ... you way "amen" to a false gospel? No... the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN. But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasure and NOT on any good or evil that person would do... ------------ If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy) If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin but God choose or elected who He would saved before the world began based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not on anything that person would do) that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel)
Answer these questions please. Thank you. *Tell me please, in what context it is moral to slaughter infants?* 1 Samuel 15:3 3 Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys. *Tell me please, if slavery was voluntary, then why it is restricted to only foreigners?* Leviticus 25:44-46 However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way. *Tell me please, in what context it is moral to enslave children?* Leviticus 25:44-46 However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way. *Tell me please, in what context it is moral to treat voluntarily working servants as property?* Leviticus 25:44-46 However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way. *Tell me please, in what context it is moral to pass voluntarily working servants on to children as permanent inheritance?* Leviticus 25:44-46 However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way. *Tell me please, in what context it is moral to treat voluntarily working servants so bad that doesn’t suit the relatives?* Leviticus 25:44-46 However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way. *Tell me please, in what context it is moral to beat voluntarily working servants with many blows?* Luke 12:47 The servant who knows the master's will and does not get ready or does not do what the master wants will be beaten with many blows. *Tell me please, in what context it is moral to beat voluntarily working servants as long as they don't die?* Exodus 21:20 “Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, 21 but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property. *Tell me please, in what context it is moral to kill non-virgin brides?* Deuteronomy 22:20-21 If, however, the charge is true and no proof of the young woman’s virginity can be found, she shall be brought to the door of her father’s house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death. She has done an outrageous thing in Israel by being promiscuous while still in her father’s house. You must purge the evil from among you. *Tell me please, in what context it is moral to kill unruly children?* Deuteronomy 21:18-21 If any man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey his father or his mother, and when they chastise him, he will not even listen to them, then his father and mother shall seize him, and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gateway of his home town. And they shall say to the elders of his city, "This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey us, he is a glutton and a drunkard." Then all the men of his city shall stone him to death; so you shall remove the evil from your midst, and all Israel shall hear of it and fear.
@@AtamMardes ... You are correct. God destroys all the "children of Satan" and they spend an eternity in hell. Since He is the Creator and they are the rebellious creation that is called "justice". See how easy this all is?
@@wisevirgin3405 You are not saying anything intelligent. You are just parroting the nonsense the religion scam has indoctrinated in you without the benefit of your intellect.
Without even watching the video, you teach them to be a good person. A moral person. A responsible person. Faith cannot be forced upon, or explained. It has to come naturally, from free will. Teach people goodness, calm and appreciation for what they have. Teach them to not fall for the flaws of men. That's it.
No... you needed to hear the True Gospel. The True Gospel starts with the BAD NEWS and then talks about the (potential) GOOD NEWS. Piper did NOT preach the "whole counsel of God". ------------- No... the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN. But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasure and NOT on any good or evil that person would do... ------------ If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy) If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin but God choose or elected who He would save before the world began based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not anything that person would do) that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel) ------------ Remember, NO MAN will come to Christ unless the Father first "draws them" and ALL MEN the Father draws "shall come" to Jesus and He loses NONE of "His Sheep" (because He PAID for the sins of His Sheep... and no others) [John 6] -----------------
Pat Condell had said, "... have at least the decency to practice what you preach". It is a common practice among charlatan "Christians" to tell people to imitate Jesus while they themselves do otherwise. Either they are self-deceived or are into the practice convinced that no one will find out or no one has the right to judge.
Of course the QUESTION is what gospel? There are MANY false gospels but only ONE True Gospel. ------------ No... the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN. But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasure and NOT on any good or evil that person would do... ------------ If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy) If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin but God choose or elected who He would save before the world began based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not anything that person would do) that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel) ------------ Remember, NO MAN will come to Christ unless the Father first "draws them" and ALL MEN the Father draws "shall come" to Jesus and He loses NONE of "His Sheep" (because He PAID for the sins of His Sheep... and no others) [John 6] -----------------
Hoaxer Christian writers who created the resurrection hoax by making up a fake empty tomb story along with fake eyewitnesses & fake testimonials, did not realize that the sin-sacrifice-resurrection story implies a superstitious God who values blood sacrifice, which was a common practice back then, e.g. sacrificing a goat for a new home. *Obviously, the superstitious early folks who valued blood sacrifice created the God of The Bible in their own image.*
How to lead someone to Christ in a conversation: - Pastor John discusses the practicalities of sharing the gospel with others. - He suggests using four "treasure chests" of biblical truths: God, Sin, Christ, and Faith. - The importance of balancing the happiness and challenges of the Christian life is highlighted. - The conversation involves explaining God's glory, human sinfulness, Christ's sacrifice, and the role of faith in salvation.
Dear brothers and sisters i greet you in our Lord Jesus Christ Four years ago, I began to engage in faith. I started here in Croatia in the catholic church to visit mass and to read The Holy Scriptures. Very early on, I noticed that what is taught and practiced in the catholic church contradicts the Holy Scriptures and what Jesus taught us. In addition, some things in the Holy Bible were unclear to me and raised additional questions and doubts, such as: - If our God is the God of love and justice, why are we punished for the sins of Adam? Doesn't that contradict the principles of love and justice? An earthly father who is full of faults and weaknesses would not do such a thing, then how can we think such a thing about our Perfect Father? - How can a loving father throw his child forever in the hell? That also contradicts these principles. And besides, in 1 Timothy 2; 3 + 4: "For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth." So, if this were really so, that in spite of His will, people will be brought forever to hell and not saved, this would mean that He can not enforce His will and thus He is not the omnipotent God, if we follow these doctrines believe. - Why does it say in some passages that Jesus is the Son of God, in others the Son of Man and in others that He and God are one? Although I kept going to the Catholic Mass, at home I no longer practiced the prayers of the catholic church, but started talking like a child to my Father (Matthew 6: 7 + 8 ). After a short while, I got the answer to everything. He guided me through a friend of my mother to the revelations of Bertha Dudde. Now I know that the Bible does not contradict itself. God can not contradict himself. The truth is not in the word, in the letter, but in the understanding, in the interpretation of it. Now I know that Jesus is God and our Father in heaven, and I understand all the processes and contexts, and through this I have come to know that He is the perfect Love and not the strict, punitive God. As he promised us in John 14; 21: "He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. " 16; 12 + 13: "I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. " 16; 25: "These things have I spoken unto you in proverbs: but the time cometh, when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall shew you plainly of the Father. " In the revelations of Bertha Dudde, His promise was fulfilled, just as every other of His promises was and will be fulfilled, for He never quits (Titus 1: 2) because His word is truth (John 17; 17) and all that will happen is what He said has (Hebrews 10; 23, Ezekiel 12; 25:28, etc.) My loved brothers and sisters, I ask you not to blindly believe me, but as written in 1 Thessalonians chapter 5 verses 19-21: " Quench not the Spirit. Despise not prophesyings. Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. " Before you begin to look, go into prayer and ask our Father Jesus Christ for enlightenment to put you in your heart, whether that's really His word or not. Do not read with your mind or knowledge, but with your heart, for knowledge (knowledge, understanding) puffeth up, love (heart) edifieth (1 Corinthians 8: 1), for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life (2 Corinthians 3: 6). ruclips.net/video/RFK2kg6Qs0M/видео.html My dear brothers and sisters, the situation in Christianity is alarming, frightening and very sad and for that very reason the end is near, the time is up. Only in a very small part are the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5; 22) recognizable, and thus only a very few truly belong to Christ, for only those who enjoy the fruits and grow in them are of his (Romans 8: 9). "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…" Hosea 4; 6 I wish you a blessed day my beloved brothers and sisters, May the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ shine through your heart and lead you into the truth. I would urge you to listen to the other sermons of this seminar as well. This seminar is of unimaginable value and has changed my life and it can also change your life. ruclips.net/video/StOq3PPfulg/видео.html ruclips.net/video/aCvZyZhsnzI/видео.html ruclips.net/video/BZLWyjFSuPg/видео.html ruclips.net/video/Yec-dl36ZS0/видео.html ruclips.net/video/q3QrMWncxzs/видео.html ruclips.net/video/3Q4QWfG1p5c/видео.html ruclips.net/video/w6jNnmtjhWk/видео.html ruclips.net/video/Dr81F-2zhvQ/видео.html ruclips.net/video/9m3Whmhhl_Q/видео.html ruclips.net/video/kfhqyuC0Qoo/видео.html ruclips.net/video/Rx-vU2wijEk/видео.html ruclips.net/video/cTwdeqaoPOg/видео.html ruclips.net/video/albA_q9ASQ4/видео.html
God is a God of love. But He is also "righteous". When He PROMISED Adam he would die if he rebelled... God, being righteous" kept that promise. Therefore ALL of Adam's children were born spiritually DEAD (within Satan's "Kingdom") and needed to be born again in order to be saved. ---------------- No... the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN. But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasure and NOT on any good or evil that person would do... ------------ If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy) If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin but God choose or elected who He would save before the world began based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not anything that person would do) that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel) ------------ Remember, NO MAN will come to Christ unless the Father first "draws them" and ALL MEN the Father draws "shall come" to Jesus and He loses NONE of "His Sheep" (because He PAID for the sins of His Sheep... and no others) [John 6] -----------------
@@T-equalizer ... silly child, the Bible says MANY "believe" and are not saved [Lk 8:13] and even the demons believe... obviously they are not saved [Jas 2:19 and Mat 8:29] ------------- If you were REALLY saved you would not show what YOU HAVE DONE... that is a false "works" gospel. Instead, you would have said what GOD has done. ------------ Men do not initiate salvation child... God "elects" who He will save before the foundation of the world based ONLY on His Good Pleasure and NOT on anything that YOU would do (like repenting or believing) --
@@wisevirgin3405 how can you say "God elects who He will save" if you not believe. then what is your confirmation that you accept that God is exist. how can you rely on God if you not believe in Him? How the blind can see? How the deaf can hear? How the palsied can walk?
I need this for my family bc I want to see my family in heaven and it makes me sad if they went to hell but I’m 11 so it might be hard so can someone pray for me
I don't read anything about "treasure chests" in Scripture! But I do read Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4 and Luke 4:4. Deuteronomy 8:3 - He humbled you and let you be hungry, and fed you with manna which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that He might make you understand that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by everything that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord. Matthew 4:4 - But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.’” Luke 4:4 - And Jesus answered him, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live on bread alone.’” Hosea 4:6 - My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being My priest. Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children. 1 Thessalonians 5:21 - But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good; Isaiah 40:8 - The grass withers, the flower fades, But *the word of our God stands forever*. Malachi 3:6 - “*For I, the Lord, do not change*; therefore you, O sons of Jacob, are not consumed. James 1:17 - Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, *with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow*. READ your bible, and DO what it says!!! James 1:22 - But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deluding yourselves.
*Tell me please,* *-In what context it is moral to turn children into voluntarily working servants?* *-In what context it is moral to treat voluntarily working servants as property?* *-In what context it is moral to pass voluntarily working servants on to children as permanent inheritance?* *-In what context it is moral to treat voluntarily working servants so bad that relatives shouldn’t be treated that way?* *-If slavery was voluntary, then why it is restricted to only foreigners?* Leviticus 25:44-46 However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way. *Tell me please, in what context it is moral to beat voluntarily working servants with many blows?* Luke 12:47 The servant who knows the master's will and does not get ready or does not do what the master wants will be beaten with many blows. *Tell me please, in what context it is moral to beat voluntarily working servants as long as they don't die?* Exodus 21:20 “Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, 21 but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property. *Tell me please, in what context it is moral to kill non-virgin brides?* Deuteronomy 22:20-21 If, however, the charge is true and no proof of the young woman’s virginity can be found, she shall be brought to the door of her father’s house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death. She has done an outrageous thing in Israel by being promiscuous while still in her father’s house. You must purge the evil from among you. *Tell me please, in what context it is moral to kill unruly children?* Deuteronomy 21:18-21 If any man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey his father or his mother, and when they chastise him, he will not even listen to them, then his father and mother shall seize him, and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gateway of his home town. And they shall say to the elders of his city, "This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey us, he is a glutton and a drunkard." Then all the men of his city shall stone him to death; so you shall remove the evil from your midst, and all Israel shall hear of it and fear. *Tell me please, in what context it is moral to slaughter infants?* 1 Samuel 15:3 3 Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.
@@louisbrucetatarsky9817 You are not saying anything intelligent. You are just parroting the nonsense the religion scam has indoctrinated in you without the benefit of your intellect. If a book contains some immoral verses that can be picked, then that book is the words of delusional folks, not the holy words of a moral God.
@@louisbrucetatarsky9817 Have you read the Bible? Are you that delusional to believe you have better reading comprehension than Mark Twain, Issac Asimov, Albert Einstein, or Thomas Paine? "The best cure for Christianity is reading the Bible." Mark Twain "Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived." Isaac Asimov "It (Bible) is full of interest. It has noble poetry in it; and some clever fables; and some blood-drenched history; and some good morals; and a wealth of obscenity; and upwards of a thousand lies." Mark Twain "The Bible, a collection of honourable, but still purely primitive, legends which are nevertheless pretty childish." Albert Einstein "It is not a God, just and good, but a devil, under the name of God, that the Bible describes." Thomas Paine
@@louisbrucetatarsky9817 The sin-sacrifice-resurrection story implies a superstitious God who values blood sacrifice, which was a common practice (e.g. sacrificing a goat for a new home) 2000 yrs ago. Don’t you see how the early superstitious folks who valued blood sacrifice created the God of The Bible in their own image?
“Incredibly simple, clear and glorious outline.” Well, yes, the outline was clear, but Piper is muddying up the waters between the free gift of salvation and the costly road of discipleship. The outline was clear, the execution and definition of his points were not good. Acts 16:31
I am really sorry, because we are all different, and God is vital to so many: I am not a part of a Church. In fact my experiences in it, have been painful. But, God is leading my Steps. For me- I don’t need to worry about leading anyone. HE leads and brings people into my Path. Not me. Him. Then God prompts, with simple words: Like “ Go in here “. “ share what you can with this man “. All I do is Ask. Every day, to Show me my faults. Help to build strengths that are alined with His values. …. I don’t focus on Sin. I focus on compassion. Love. Understanding the influence of my weaknesses. He achieves whatever “ Credit “ i.e Glory HE chooses- in my life. Sometimes by afflicting me physically. And working within me, to overcome my physical affliction. Let God lead In AlL areas - Bible insights- for your life.
I was asked by a young woman how to be saved. I presented the gospel to her, and she initially said that she was saved and wanted to clean up her life! But a few days later she admitted that she only wanted my witness to scam me out of my money. Although she claimed she was saved it was all an act. She trampled underfoot as unclean the blood of Christ!
( John 3:15,16,17,18,36 ) Believe, Believe, Believe"!!!! Open up the bible and go to these passages. The Holy Spirit will guide you as to how to lead someone to Christ".
I've been taking leaning on taking Mr Comforts approach. Just ask your Friend, what do you think happens when you die? This is usually a pretty interesting question to anybody and they'll answer it. I suppose this is the open intro into beginning the conversation. I HIGHLY suggest to pray for God to give you the words to speak. Not your words but HIS. That those words stick in the minds of your friends or relatives and penetrate the deepest parts of their souls. Remember, we are just sowing the seed and God takes it from there. Introduce Christ as Savior and Lord. If you hear a "your'e right" or "that's true" you know the conversation has been productive. Also, make sure to FOLLOW UP. Send them videos about who Christ is if you are a little more on the shy side. We want to direct people to joining the family through the LOVE for JESUS, not scaring them and threatening over going to Hell.
John 1:8-10 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.
I’ve liked this girl for the longest time, but we are starting to talk more and get closer and I think she isn’t saved and I’ve just been worried how to ask
Ecclesiastes 7:9 Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools. James 4:11 Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge.
Above all pray for them for the Lord to call their names to salvation. If the Father doesn't choose them first no matter how eloquent we speak or how well prepared we are they won't come to repentance. Jesus says the Father has to bring them to Jesus first.
The question wasn't how to lead someone to Christ, the question was someone wants to receive Him as Saviour, what do you say to the person? Example, just believe. The person said they don't feel right saying the sinners prayer on the back of books and pamphlets, so what do you say to the person? You believe so youre saved...what do you say?
I completely agree with accurately painting the picture of hardship and happiness for a person, but in light of Calvinism, the comments about "being made for his glory", are horrifying.
I have this friend she is Christian but still she doesn't really pray or listen to gospel songs I mean she knows Jesus she goes to church just for namesake.Because her parents go. I sent her some gospel songs.I told her that this is one of my favorite song that's why I shared. But she told I don't listen to gospel songs I asked why she told because she doesn't like those. What should I do guys. She doesn't even listen to them😌😌😥
So I have kind of the same question why are you so bent on gospel music? Now I think I know the answer, hopefully it is because you worship the Lord while listening to gospel music. But don’t put so much on just gospel music. What you need to do is lead her to the Lord maybe she has never known the Lord. So first thing you need to know is that your a sinner. She needs to know she’s a liar, a thief, a adulterous, (Christ says if you look with lust you commuted adultery in your heart) fornicator. So it sounds rough but this gets us to understand we are not good. Romans 3:11 says no one is good no not one. So we need to see we are not good and if God judges us by are deeds we will get what we deserve and that is hell. Once you get her to realize she needs salvation then life is accessible. It sounds harsh but this is how Christ revealed to people they were in desperate need of a savior. And explain to her when Christ said it is finished he destroyed sin on that cross and “all who call on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Romans 10:13) she needs to know Christ before she loves the word or loves gospel music. You study your word with her. Pray God will lead you and illuminate to you what to say through scripture. Because remember faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God.
@@saved6655yeah its not like i am so bent on gospel music its just she is born in a christian family but she dosent believe in God at all and goes to temples and stuff and says lucifer is good becausw of the show lucifer
My conviction is that you have to get the person asking the question themself in a way that they are begging for the good news. I don't believe they will untill the reality of hell is on their mind and that they are concerned that they are going to hell. I believe in America the reality of hell is not emphasized enough. It is a checklist mentality that blinds so many into believing that they are saved. It is surprising how many do not realize that the bible consistently teaches us that no one is good-not even one. And that our good deeds will not stand before a holy God.
Today I explained the gospel and talked about Jesus Christ going back to garden of Eden and Abraham and Isaac the cross and exodus and why she needs Christ and repentance and prayers pure precious blood of Jesus Christ and Estephania confirmed as confessed Jesus Christ is God and asked Him to grant her forgiveness Praise God all honor and Glory to God
Elliott Hill That’s all well and good, but I don’t need another person to tell me what Jesus is saying. I don’t even need them to tell me what Jesus is saying to them or what he’s saying to me. Who do they think they are that their hearing is better than mine?
As i have been praying for people and reading my bible i read in it that god leads people to jesus for them to be saved and i can't find that scripture again. i really should have highlighted it at the time. does anyone know where imm talking about
Really? You said "Haeluhah" for preaching HALF the Gospel (a heresy)? -------------- No... the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN. But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasure and NOT on any good or evil that person would do... ------------ If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy) If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin but God choose or elected who He would save before the world began based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not anything that person would do) that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel) ------------ Remember, NO MAN will come to Christ unless the Father first "draws them" and ALL MEN the Father draws "shall come" to Jesus and He loses NONE of "His Sheep" (because He PAID for the sins of His Sheep... and no others) [John 6] -----------------
Christ . First I'd make sure the student knows what Christ is. The meaning. The anointed one. What it is. God. The son. What he does. Leads and goes with you to the father God. Through meditation. You meet Christ walking on water in the air. Meaning. Earth, meditation. Water, emotions. Air, through the red sea where you meet Yeshua by the path he paved how do you know? You will be baptized with the fire from heaven. The holy spirit. How it comes may be different for others but I feel it as a rain feeling on my head crown and spine and shoulders. Sometimes. My entire body. It's energy. A connection. With God. The source. Communication. Between higher and lower states of mind. You bring this back to life by using what you learned or experienced in that life. The second coming. Christ Consciousness. So that's true baptism. Which is hidden. From those that would abuse the power. Meaning. You can't do it. If you're coming from a negative place or wanting the wrong outcome. A good heart. That's the secret. Sacred heart. The pineal gland will fool you. The crown will deceive you. The heart will complete you. God doesn't want you climbing the mountain. He wants you to take care of where you are. The heart. Love. The connection. God loves us. Gnosis.
No child... Jesus paid it all for HIS SHEEP. He did NOT pay anything for those going to hell.... they must pay for their own sins. ------------- No... the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN. But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasure and NOT on any good or evil that person would do... ------------ If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy) If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin but God choose or elected who He would save before the world began based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not anything that person would do) that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel) ------------ Remember, NO MAN will come to Christ unless the Father first "draws them" and ALL MEN the Father draws "shall come" to Jesus and He loses NONE of "His Sheep" (because He PAID for the sins of His Sheep... and no others) [John 6] -----------------
Hear God's Word how ridiculous are they. The bible says “although your sins are like crimson I shall make them as white as snow” and this idiot has the audacity to say people won’t be forgiven.
By following the leading of the Holy Spirit we can't do anything without him. You need to be trained thrown into the valley in prayer flat on your back before God can raise you up. Non of your own steps or formulas can do this don't be decived regarding this.
the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN. But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasure and NOT on any good or evil that person would do... ------------ If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy) If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin but God choose or elected who He would save before the world began based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not anything that person would do) that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel) ------------ Remember, NO MAN will come to Christ unless the Father first "draws them" and ALL MEN the Father draws "shall come" to Jesus and He loses NONE of "His Sheep" (because He PAID for the sins of His Sheep... and no others) [John 6] -----------------
Thanks for this video, I want to turn people to God, because a lot of people are blind and they work for Satan, because right now AntiChrist works, He wants to do everything to turn away people from God, because He knows that His time is short.
You cannot "turn people to God"... that is a heresy. Any (false) gospel that teaches MEN initiate the salvation process and God is then OBLIGATED to save that person is a lie from hell. ---------------- No... the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN. But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasure and NOT on any good or evil that person would do... ------------ If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy) If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin but God choose or elected who He would saved before the world began based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not on anything that person would do) that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel)
@Shawn Mendrek idk mate but for me in this new age.. Sins are so normal like you know.. For people now it's ok to sin its ok to do bad things and evil things..
Hello. I have a friend or rather my ex girlfriend who once had that attachment to the Lord until we broke up she went out for a party and got drunk and slept with some guy. As i am still attached to her could you help me help her with some good advice. thanks you.
I was really looking forward to this video ever since it was announced on Friday, although admittedly it wasn't exactly what I thought it would be. Maybe I should ask if there is a video for how to lead people BACK to Christ? I have a friend that I really care about, we both came from religious Catholic homes & she seemed to love Christ. We stopped talking to each other when we became adults but recently she has reached out to me through Facebook. She told me she was no longer Catholic/Christian & she considered herself agnostic now (she said she kind of believes there is a higher power & agrees with a lot of the things Jesus taught but she doesn't really believe what the Bible says). I feel like God brought her back into my life so that I can help her come back to Him but it isn't easy. I'm not very good at socializing & she has told me that she doesn't like it when people "preach to her". I told her that God loves her (she has a harsh view about God, she thinks He sends people to Hell for being themselves) & she got really defensive, saying she is her own person with her own morals. I'm at a loss on what to do. Pastor John, do you have a video that can help me with leading former Christians back to Christ? And if anyone has any suggestions on what to do I'd appreciate it. I pray for her every day ever since I found out she doesn't believe anymore.
Learn the TRUE GOSPEL (Piper preaches HALF... which is a false gospel ------------ No... the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN. (love all) But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasure and NOT on any good or evil that person would do... ------------ If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy) If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin but God choose or elected who He would save before the world began based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not anything that person would do) that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel) ------------ Remember, NO MAN will come to Christ unless the Father first "draws them" and ALL MEN the Father draws "shall come" to Jesus and He loses NONE of "His Sheep" (because He PAID for the sins of His Sheep... and no others) [John 6] -----------------
CrazyGamerDragon64 If you *really* care about her remember, Jesus also said to love others- *no exceptions,* just the way that they are and likewise just the way they are not- 1 Corinthians 13:4-8.
@@BeachsideHank ... you are only preaching HALF of the Gospel child... that is called "heresy". Please read what Galatians 5:20-21 says about people teaching heresy. ---------- Yes, Jesus did tell us to LOVE all men... so that we preach the Gospel of repentance to them. However, that same Jesus also COMMANDED us to reject those who reject the Gospel... I hope this is not "NEWS" to you? We do not cast pearls before swine... remember? ----------- Mar 6:11 And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence, shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them. Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city. Mar 6:12 And they went out, and preached that men should repent. --------------
Thanks for what? For preaching HALF of the Truth? (which is heresy) ------------- No... the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN. But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasure and NOT on any good or evil that person would do... ------------ If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy) If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin but God choose or elected who He would save before the world began based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not anything that person would do) that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel) ------------ Remember, NO MAN will come to Christ unless the Father first "draws them" and ALL MEN the Father draws "shall come" to Jesus and He loses NONE of "His Sheep" (because He PAID for the sins of His Sheep... and no others) [John 6] -----------------
Answer these questions please. Thank you. *Tell me please, in what context it is moral to slaughter infants?* 1 Samuel 15:3 3 Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys. *Tell me please, if slavery was voluntary, then why it is restricted to only foreigners?* Leviticus 25:44-46 However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way. *Tell me please, in what context it is moral to enslave children?* Leviticus 25:44-46 However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way. *Tell me please, in what context it is moral to treat voluntarily working servants as property?* Leviticus 25:44-46 However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way. *Tell me please, in what context it is moral to pass voluntarily working servants on to children as permanent inheritance?* Leviticus 25:44-46 However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way. *Tell me please, in what context it is moral to treat voluntarily working servants so bad that doesn’t suit the relatives?* Leviticus 25:44-46 However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way. *Tell me please, in what context it is moral to beat voluntarily working servants with many blows?* Luke 12:47 The servant who knows the master's will and does not get ready or does not do what the master wants will be beaten with many blows. *Tell me please, in what context it is moral to beat voluntarily working servants as long as they don't die?* Exodus 21:20 “Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, 21 but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property. *Tell me please, in what context it is moral to kill non-virgin brides?* Deuteronomy 22:20-21 If, however, the charge is true and no proof of the young woman’s virginity can be found, she shall be brought to the door of her father’s house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death. She has done an outrageous thing in Israel by being promiscuous while still in her father’s house. You must purge the evil from among you. *Tell me please, in what context it is moral to kill unruly children?* Deuteronomy 21:18-21 If any man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey his father or his mother, and when they chastise him, he will not even listen to them, then his father and mother shall seize him, and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gateway of his home town. And they shall say to the elders of his city, "This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey us, he is a glutton and a drunkard." Then all the men of his city shall stone him to death; so you shall remove the evil from your midst, and all Israel shall hear of it and fear.
No one leads anyone to Christ. That's not what the Bible teaches. God's own word will either save them or they will remain dead in their trespasses and sins. All that a saved person can do is to present the Gospel message to the lost person. Its the lost person's responsibility to either believe the Gospel message in order to be saved or not believe the Gospel message and remain condemned in their sins. Acts 16: 30-31
No... the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN. But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasue and NOT on any good or evil that person would do.
@@Debbi.O .... No... the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN. But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasue and NOT on any good or evil that person would do... ------------ If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy) If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin but God choose or elected who He would saved before the world began based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not on anything that person would do) that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel) --------------
Ask God instead... Piper does not preach the True Gospel --------------- No... the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN. But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasure and NOT on any good or evil that person would do... ------------ If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy) If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin but God choose or elected who He would save before the world began based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not anything that person would do) that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel) ------------ Remember, NO MAN will come to Christ unless the Father first "draws them" and ALL MEN the Father draws "shall come" to Jesus and He loses NONE of "His Sheep" (because He PAID for the sins of His Sheep... and no others) [John 6] -----------------
Thank you. But I meant that how is the way so I can a question for this ask ps John? How can I send my question? Of course I ask God for any questions that came to me. But the answer can be through anything and anyone, including ps. John or any other resources. I'm sorry if my question leading misunderstandings, I just want to know how can I do participation in the "Ask ps. John" program? Thank you. God bless you😊
No... Piper did not preach the "whole counsel of God" (the True Gospel) ----------- The Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN. (love all) But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasure and NOT on any good or evil that person would do... ------------ If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy) If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin but God choose or elected who He would save before the world began based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not anything that person would do) that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel) ------------ Remember, NO MAN will come to Christ unless the Father first "draws them" and ALL MEN the Father draws "shall come" to Jesus and He loses NONE of "His Sheep" (because He PAID for the sins of His Sheep... and no others) [John 6] -----------------
The gospel is the gospel of the kingdom! Jesus is going to return and set up the kingdom of God ON THE EARTH! God’s government ON THE EARTH! The Messiah died for his people! God resurrected the Messiah! The Messiah will resurrect his people at his coming! The destiny of the Messiah and his people is to be ON THE EARTH! The renewed restored earth! God also dwelling with them! Rev 21 Matt 24 14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come. Jesus said the Father is the only true God! John 17 3 And this is eternal life, that they know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.
@Wise Virgin That's some pretty tedious looking work you've done on your website; I would submit it is total nonsense, but lots of work nonetheless. One observation I made when reading through your many comments and through the content on your page is that you have an incredibly inflated sense of self-importance. You, like Joseph Smith and many other false prophets, claim to have some new and special insight that is peculiar to you. Saints before you just didn't have the same wisdom, it would seem. Your method of communication is extremely narcissistic, overbearing, and condescending, referring to everyone as 'child' and starting most of your posts with a "no", as if you're God Himself and those you're engaging are your creation. These characteristics are also consistent with a paranoid schizophrenia diagnosis. Whatever your malfunction is, I can tell you that your RUclips comment engagement is not accomplishing the end you hope it is, unless that end is just to confuse, frustrate, and discourage people. You come off nothing like the Biblical Christ or one of his disciples, not in your communication style nor in content. I "DARED" to visit your religious conspiracy theory website, I gave it a chance, and I am not impressed; I've read theories by other paranoid and hyper-egotistic people about aliens and UFOs, and your special revelations were reminiscent of those. I sincerely hope you put the nonsense and dissension-spreading aside and seek Christ for salvation in humility and desperation.
John 3:16 is our way to the father in heaven. The blood of Jesus Christ has washed away our sins and God forgives if you believe and believe Jesus died on the cross by crucifixion which is the worst torment punishment ever for human beings go through and they put Jesus through even more torture than other people he got the ultimate ultimate ultimate punishment and he had to to pay for our sins raises a sin is death and we were born a sinner trust in the Lord every morning everyone tonight praying first in life leaving him leaving Jesus and holy spirit that baptized try to do the best you can no one's perfect we make mistakes try different try try try try it's always you put God first in your heart and your soul and if you do put God the Father and Jesus Christ and holy spirit in your heart and soul I will see that either set the hearts not on the other side you'll see what kind of person you are from your heart you cannot fool God you can't lie to God he knows everything he is everything he wants everything he always will be so accept it and do the best thing then leave and trust at this numbers you will be saved the blood of Jesus Christ his blood and died for our sins appreciating agonizing painful slowly slowly painful death and if you want to look up that you can make a medical view of Jesus crucifixion and they'll tell you a lot more than that I know if they're going to tell you I'm not going to repeat everything because it's like I'm not reading a book if you want to know you will you're interested you I know you will Google it and you will find it and it was to it and you'll be amazed I had to tears in my eyes even friends because we believe in Jesus Christ and you got a father and really walk and getting beat and that's called empathy which you probably don't have cuz you've been in God remember and only narcissist believe that they're better than God and they are God did the only people on the terrible world that believe that they have that personality disorder called narcissistic socialist psychopath histronic covet sadistic a few names and you can be a narcissist sociopath sadistic covert narcissist or you can be passive aggressive and sadistic Plus a covert social path narcissist. God bless you and I hope you sleep tomorrow the darkness she's late open your eyes ears and your heart let Jesus in the garden get baptized the holy spirit will be in you and read me the holy Spirit loves you and will guide you and teach you and protect you but we will yeah but you were not God okay and I should start a joke either it's actually pretty serious what you said because you're actually saying that you're my father my father God in heaven created me before I was born on his child and she's saying you are God and he's I am your child and I am far from you I admined the image of God my father not pretend God that has been taking messed up over there they're on something you're doing something you're told this or something I don't know what it is you need help you need to get closer to God and not that blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah bullshit
You are so messed up with your theology of even the simplest thing as how to lead someone to Christ. You mix the works of sanctification/choosing with the calling/justification so that a person is left over whelmed with the question of "what if I dont do all those things right, am I still saved"? If you must, tell them this is the beginning of a walk with Christ, that's all they need to know at this point. To begin this walk you just believe/accept this gift of faith that Jesus is giving you to even receive Him as the remover of all your past sin, to make you righteous. Once this happens, rejoice because you have been justified/spirit reborn and are a child of God, cant loose it, cant work to prove it, didnt do anything to get it, you simply expressed what God has already done to you by His grace.
You think God wants you to embrace with fuzzy warm smiles the lies of the great deceiver, Satan, who puts on a facade but is actually trying to kill your soul?
Not really, since the philosophy of science specifies that nothing is proven. But all men and women know the evidence of God, the creator. Definitely read Romans 1.
Brien Doyle I’m assuming that from your response, you don’t have much scientific understanding. You should definitely do some reading on the philosophy of science, it’s actually a pretty interesting field, it is actually the basis of why and how we do science. I’m a scientist myself and would really encourage you to do so. In regards to your other comments. It would be cool for you to do some of your own research into how amazingly we’re designed and study for yourself what micro- and macro evolution are. And whether they add up. In saying that, we are all sinners and deserve God’s just punishment for our sins. But God so loved you, that he sent his only begotten son that, if you are to repent and put your trust in him, he may grant you salvation and eternal life. No one can prove or disprove the existence of God, he reveals himself to his elect by his grace. Let me know what you think Brien.
Now let's tell you a story about a man named Jesus: A god assaulted, by proxy, inseminated a 'virgin' named Mary, in order to bring his son incarnate into our world. A cowardly action.... Mary and her fiance?, ....Joseph, had to travel to Bethlehem to register for the census. There Mary gave birth to a son of a god.? God put a star in the sky to guide people to the baby? In a dream God told Joseph to take his family to Egypt. Then this God stood by and watched as Herod killed thousands and thousands of babies in Israel in an attempt to kill Jesus. (wow!) As a man, God's son claimed that he was God incarnate: "I am the way, the truth and the life," he said. This man performed many 'miracles'. He healed lots of sick people. He turned water into wine. These miracles prove that he is God? Miracles?? But he was eventually given the death sentence and killed by crucifixion. His body was placed in a tomb. But three days later, the tomb was empty. And the man, alive once again but still with his wounds (so anyone who doubted could see them and touch them), appeared to many people in many places. Then he ascended into heaven and now sits at the right hand of his god the father almighty, never to be seen again. Today you can have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus. You can pray to this man and he will answer your prayers. He will cure your diseases, rescue you from emergencies, help you make important business and family decisions, comfort you in times of worry and grief, etc. This man will also give you eternal life, and if you are good he has a place for you in heaven after you die. The reason we know all this is because, after the man died, four people named Matthew, Mark, Luke and John wrote accounts of the man's life. Their written attestations are proof of the veracity of this story. This is the story of a Jesus. "" Do you believe this story? You are Delusional !!~! *However any debate on this is useless - since a god needs to be proven - First. However, .... any debate on this is useless, since a god needs to be proven - First. FIRST !!!
@@tanisha4301 Evidence for what? The historical locations mentioned in a historical novel? For the few 'real' people in a historical novel? That is what a book of fiction is... Real locations and real people in a book of fiction@ Your silly book proves that a book exists - Now you still have to prove your hahaha gods - without the book of fables ... hahaha
Calvinists can't share the gospel, they can't promise or offer something on behalf God that God will not deliver, that is a sin to do that. They can't say to you, Jesus died for you, because the person they are witnessing to, simply may not be elect. Calvinist doctrine is so messed up, they have created a doctrine that stops them sharing the gospel, yet they are commanded to. Listen to piper, he is dancing all around the houses, because he can't share the gospel and he knows it, just a load of waffle.
I appreciate the four treasure chests BUT BUT the book of Acts every person was immediately baptized in water. No I don't believe in water salvation LOL! I believe an obedient faith will be baptized and is a sign of salvation. It's a shame John Piper is blinded to the word of God by his financial ties to his denomination.
FYI: I would like have no god than have crying pooping & peeing god,, however In our body many arabic number & alphabet words of arab if you are really HONEST & TRULY searching for THE TRUTH signing that QUR'AN is the only right guidence that human being must follow 🙏-🙏-🙏
I've been wondering this for a while. A couple of my friends are so far into New Age practices and its so hard to speak to them. I got saved last year from my life of homosexuality AND New Age.......so it is possible lol. I love my friends so much that I fear they will be hurt for what I say. In the meantime I pray, because prayer is powerful. I pray God will strengthen my faith so that my fears are put aside when speaking to them.
Edit: thought it was important to note- me leaving my homosexuality and New Age practices have nothing to do directly with salvation. They are steps I took for spiritual growth and discipleship AFTER being born again and repenting (“metanoia” Greek for ‘change of mind’) and are a byproduct of salvation. Remember, it is only By grace THROUGH faith that we are saved. The moment you trust in yourself for salvation through acts of obedience and works is the moment you walk the broad path. Don’t trust your self to be saved. Trust FULLY in Jesus Christ: our dwelling place, our shelter in the storm!
Thank you all for your encouragement and God bless!!
Your testimony is beautiful! I think you should immerse yourself now on God's Word and His promises so that the words that you speak to your friends will come from these truths. The Holy Spirit would guide you here. Grow in faith and love of our Lord Jesus Christ.
@@shelster God bless you, sister! It's funny.....I always thought that reading the Bible would be "difficult" but it only seemed hard because I was coming from a place of prejudices (but mainly laziness :/). Anyways, I just started on the Gospel's! Much love
God bless you!!
Hold on your testimony brother! Fight the good ifght of faith, God is faithful, put on the mind of Christ and not the carnal mind for it is enmity with God, grow in love, in compassion balanced with descretion, with wisdom, God wil lead you eventually, I myself am in that situation my family being a devout Catholic it goes deeply in the family but I know as God teaches us day by day slowly, His grace will humble their hearts and pave a way for His calling to salvation, pray always and ask! Persevere brother!
Ross Aho... Listen, "ex- Gay" is about as real as "ex- Hetro"; be yourself and drop the guilt others say you *MUST* have. Sexuality is a spectrum for all and you’re just denying who you are. Believe in yourself first before all else, you deserve better.
My 3 best friends all don't really believe in god, but I keep praying for them and sometimes tell them about god but not too much so that they will tell me they're no longer interested. I recently sent one of my friends a video about god but before I sent it to her I told her that watching the video is not by force,so if she has time and wants to watch it, she can do that. But in the end, God is the one who leads people to him.
That's the best thing you and all of us can do. Pray for them and plant seeds. Father will send someone to water the seed and Father will make it grow. It's all in His hands. His perfect Will be done.
Amen. Predestination.
the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN. (we love all)
But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected
before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasure
and NOT on any good or evil that person would do...
If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy
of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy)
If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin
but God choose or elected who He would save before the world began
based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not anything that person would do)
that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel)
Remember, NO MAN will come to Christ unless the Father first "draws them"
and ALL MEN the Father draws "shall come" to Jesus and He loses NONE
of "His Sheep" (because He PAID for the sins of His Sheep... and no others)
the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN. (love all)
But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected
before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasure
and NOT on any good or evil that person would do...
If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy
of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy)
If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin
but God choose or elected who He would save before the world began
based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not anything that person would do)
that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel)
Remember, NO MAN will come to Christ unless the Father first "draws them"
and ALL MEN the Father draws "shall come" to Jesus and He loses NONE
of "His Sheep" (because He PAID for the sins of His Sheep... and no others)
[John 6]
@@wisevirgin3405 that's right. Glory to God.
I was forever changed by my encounter with God. I was miraculously healed of my combat PTSD, I feel I was under some evil oppression that was also removed. I was filled with peace, love, and joy. I hope to set the example not so that people see how good I do but how God blesses me as I turn to him. Christ is the only way to the father and I want to live the life that brings more to this feeling. Focus your faith first.
Thank you brothers.
I’ve recently turned my life to the Lord and I’m full of joy. But I will be honest the enemy has attacked my flanks by pulling my son away from what I’m trying to teach him. Pray for us so the enemy is defeated swiftly. Because only with the POWER of God can this be done.
Man's greatest trick was convincing you that you can't question an all knowing god about a book a man wrote.
If your god doesn't even know about something as simple as evolution or the solar system, then how could he be capable of creating something as complex as our universe?
preach the gospel. God does the rest.
@@RedLineShortFilms imagine thinking people evolved from monkeys…
God leaves the ninety nine to get the one who went away, in Christ Jesus name amen 💜
@@RedLineShortFilms amazing journey you're on Halleluyah
What helped lead me to Christ was arriving at the conclusion that without God, nothing matters. God is the only factor that makes life worth living, and not just enduring, but really living for the better. With God, we have the hope of eternal life, rewards for faith, and being reunited with loved ones that have passed away. Without God, there is only death and vanity.
Man's greatest trick was convincing you that you can't question an all knowing god about a book a man wrote.
If your god doesn't even know about something as simple as evolution or the solar system, then how could he be capable of creating something as complex as our universe?
God revealed the truth to you. Thats how everyone is saved.
@@RedLineShortFilms Man greatest trick is to think life is all about you. There's nothing greater than you that you're accountable to and that nothing created eveyrthing The Bible doesnt say you cant question, it actually says to test your faith. Examine the words and life of Jesus and those that seek the truth will find it. God knows the solar system because he created it He knows evolution is a lie. If nothing created everything then you're just an accident, there is no right and wrong, then how does your accidental mind have the ability to understand or question the God of the universe?
All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
The wages of sin is death.
Jesus Christ is the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the father except thru him.
Repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.
Wooow, powerful. I needed this I'm in a season of my life where I'm seeking humbleness and boldness to share my testimony and lead
people to the Lord. John has such a great way of explaining things!
Really... you think it is "POWERFUL" to preach HALF of the Gospel?
No... the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN. (love all)
But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected
before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasure
and NOT on any good or evil that person would do...
If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy
of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy)
If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin
but God choose or elected who He would save before the world began
based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not anything that person would do)
that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel)
Remember, NO MAN will come to Christ unless the Father first "draws them"
and ALL MEN the Father draws "shall come" to Jesus and He loses NONE
of "His Sheep" (because He PAID for the sins of His Sheep... and no others)
[John 6]
This seems a bit overwhelming, but is good to learn. I didn’t know what I was doing when a dear aunt told me I needed Jesus, and I trusted her to pray a prayer with her. But God changed my heart that night. It took me a long time to learn how to follow Christ...see my reply to Ulysses comment.
No... the idea that MAN initiates salvation is a false gospel.
Man does not work FIRST and then God is obligated to respond...
think how backward that gospel is.
the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN.
But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected
before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasure
and NOT on any good or evil that person would do...
If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy
of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy)
If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin
but God choose or elected who He would saved before the world began
based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not on anything that person would do)
that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel)
Thank you Lord for Pastor John's life ❤️
No, Piper did a POOR JOB in preaching the Gospel this time (and many times)
Did you hear Piper preach the BAD NEWS before telling the GOOD NEWS?
No... because he OFTEN pretends that all men can be saved.
No... the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN.
But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected
before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasure
and NOT on any good or evil that person would do...
If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy
of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy)
If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin
but God choose or elected who He would save before the world began
based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not anything that person would do)
that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel)
Remember, NO MAN will come to Christ unless the Father first "draws them"
and ALL MEN the Father draws "shall come" to Jesus and He loses NONE
of "His Sheep" (because He PAID for the sins of His Sheep... and no others)
[John 6]
Gospel Basics
1. You are a sinner deserving of Gods wrath in hell and in need of a savior
2. Through Gods Grace and Love he has provided that savior in his son Jesus Christ
3. Confess and Repent of your sins and turn away from them
4. Abandon all hope in yourself and believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and in him ALONE will you be saved
This has been one of the most helpful resources I have ever found on the subject of evangelism. Thank you so much.
Wow! The clearest explanation of salvation! So helpful 🙏
John 14:12
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.
I find that when you speak to someone who can relate to YOUR life story and struggles and how Jesus saved you from the dark blindness, sharing the Gospel becomes more natural. You're describing a wonderful friendship like no other, not some do's and dont's man-made religion like catholicism. No need to get into an heated debate about why I need Jesus, be gentle and patient in the hope that God grants them repentance.
Religions are all man-made. Please put aside your religious dogma for a minute and answer the questions honestly.
*Tell me please,*
*-In what context it is moral to turn children into voluntarily working servants?*
*-In what context it is moral to treat voluntarily working servants as property?*
*-In what context it is moral to pass voluntarily working servants on to children as permanent inheritance?*
*-In what context it is moral to treat voluntarily working servants so bad that relatives shouldn’t be treated that way?*
*-If slavery was voluntary, then why it is restricted to only foreigners?*
Leviticus 25:44-46 However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way.
*Tell me please, in what context it is moral to beat voluntarily working servants with many blows?*
Luke 12:47 The servant who knows the master's will and does not get ready or does not do what the master wants will be beaten with many blows.
*Tell me please, in what context it is moral to beat voluntarily working servants as long as they don't die?*
Exodus 21:20 “Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, 21 but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property.
*Tell me please, in what context it is moral to kill non-virgin brides?*
Deuteronomy 22:20-21
If, however, the charge is true and no proof of the young woman’s virginity can be found, she shall be brought to the door of her father’s house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death. She has done an outrageous thing in Israel by being promiscuous while still in her father’s house. You must purge the evil from among you.
*Tell me please, in what context it is moral to kill unruly children?*
Deuteronomy 21:18-21
If any man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey his father or his mother, and when they chastise him, he will not even listen to them, then his father and mother shall seize him, and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gateway of his home town. And they shall say to the elders of his city, "This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey us, he is a glutton and a drunkard." Then all the men of his city shall stone him to death; so you shall remove the evil from your midst, and all Israel shall hear of it and fear.
*Tell me please, in what context it is moral to slaughter infants?*
1 Samuel 15:3
3 Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.
@@AtamMardes @atam mardes wow, that's amazing, u know alot about scripture. Most Christians are oblivious to these. Some of them were even new to me. When I first came to Christ and became aware of these things, I was bothered by them so I searched for answers as you did. Alot of the verses you used were taken put of context. For instance, u broad up that masters were allowed to beat slaves as long as they don't die. That was not the case, a few verses later it said that if that is the case, the slave is permitted to leave the master if he wants and find a new one. They also weren't restricted to foreigners. There. In the passages around this verse explicitly state how to treat Israelite slaves. The com and to slaughter all the children and women of off the enemy kingdom was hyperbole. The author makes sure we know by stating later that God says not to intermarry with this every same people who were "wiped out". These are in the Bibleitself. I'm not lying to you I don't serve a God of lies and deception and immorality. Humble yourself and to let yourself see these things
@@AtamMardes I didn't answer all of your questions friend but there is a RUclipsr of the Christian faith that responds to a man who made the same objections as you. He is way more wise and well versed in scripture than I am and will provide more satisfying answers. I will leave a link to the two videos that he made on the topic. Please I beg you to watch them. They won't take more than 30 mins I think. I hope that you will repent and trust in Jesus who died for your sins, it's amazing news. I was critical like you but this is the truth I understand all your questions. I hope I see you in heaven and we could talk and laugh about this whole thing. Take care and my the Lord bless you with repentance
@@AtamMardes I don't know how to get the link cause I'm on mobile but you can copy the title. It's a series wit multiple videos, more than two sorry about that lol. Here you go my friend, I hope I can call you that . They are logical and concise. Straight to the point. Take care
Video: How the Bible Supports slavery (response to Cosmic Skeptic) INTRO
Channel: Whaddo You Meme
@@dude1078 Hoaxer Christian writers, who fabricated the resurrection hoax by making up a fake empty tomb story & fake eyewitnesses/testimonials, didn’t know that a sin-sacrifice-resurrection story implies a superstitious God who values blood-sacrifice, which was a common practice back then - e.g. sacrificing a goat for a new home. The superstitious early folks who valued blood sacrifice created the God of the Bible in their own image.
A functional way of getting closer to the savior 😇
The shepherd makes the way for his flock to explore the treasured God’s kingdom❤️
What does any of that mean?
No... the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN.
But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected
before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasure
and NOT on any good or evil that person would do...
If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy
of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy)
If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin
but God choose or elected who He would save before the world began
based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not anything that person would do)
that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel)
Remember, NO MAN will come to Christ unless the Father first "draws them"
and ALL MEN the Father draws "shall come" to Jesus and He loses NONE
of "His Sheep" (because He PAID for the sins of His Sheep... and no others)
[John 6]
@@wisevirgin3405 hey do you have any Instagram or any social media I could talk to I wann ask something.
I was just wondering about this yesterday because I was thinking about my salvation and when I 1st believed and gave my life to christ jesus as a 12 year old. For a young child I didn't completely understand what it truly entails then like I do now, which is probably part of why I backslide when I became a adult. Now as I recently came back to the lord I been coming to realization that not only do one need to believe on the lord jesus christ and pray a prayer and even repent which of course very seriously vital. But I believe one other important part that dont get emphasis well enough if at all by some who preach the gospel is that you must follow jesus christ and not live your life for yourself and do whatever you want to do anymore. I think that doesn't get more address to the degree ot needs to so people understand you can't just go on living like you once did and not surrender to God. That's a reason why alot of people who say they Christian are I think in danger of really not being or at the least very lukewarm or worldly. They think I believe in the lord jesus christ and what he did and I prayed to be saved and forgiven and I repented. But then they go about their lives still like they did before approached with the gospel because the presentation of them having to follow christ and not live for theirselves wasn't clear enough if at all. Me personally I can attest to that even though I was so young to comprehend but I wish I was told more that part because it is a very important and seriously significant choice to make to decide to give up your life and follow christ. And it cant be left out when one gets born again and saved and becomes a Christian.
Ulysses 'the U' Smith ... I agree. This is why new believers need to find a mentor...someone or some group to help them learn how to follow Christ. Personally, I grew at first by listening to pastors on the radio. Then a neighbor invited my wife to a Bible study. Then my wife wanted us to visit their church. God will lead you if you truly want to follow him.
I definitely share the same testimony with you! It hurts because I thought I was saved and doing fine when in reality I was so far from God. It hurts even more to see some of my friends living like this too. I love hearing Pastor John’s take on bringing people to Christ. I pray that we can use our testimonies to reach out to more people for God’s glory!
@@marieclaire6734 I hope and plan for it to if God will it to be especially with the time at hand I want to genuinely be all serious about it.
Child... the Bible does not teach you "give your life to Christ"... that is
a false "works gospel" or a "boaster gospel" which is heresy.
The Bible teaches that ALL MEN are destined to hell (because of original sin)
and GOD (not man) chooses or elects those He will saved based ONLY on His
Good Pleasure and NOT on anything that man can or will do.
@@RGJ109 ... no child, there are MANY unsaved "tares" in the church
who think THEY chose God. But all the saved "wheat" in the church
understand that God chose them before the foundation of the world
based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not on any work they would do)
You are preaching the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction
I just told you the narrow way that leads to life.
Your gospel is heresy... read what Galatians 5:20-21 say of heresy.
Very similar to evangelism explosion plan or presentation. The four treasure chests are remembered by the fingers on your hand. Pointer finger points at people, sin. The biggest or longest finger is God. The ring finger, Jesus, the bride. The smallest finger, faith, faith like a mustard seed. The extra thumb in evangelism explosion is heaven, it points up when your hand is closed. It's a free gift that can't be earned or deserved. John mentioned starting with God's glory, evangelism explosion starts with the thumb. Great video and response. Soli Deo gloria.
Thank you so much, Pastor John!!!
God bless ptr. John your Ministry🤓
No... the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN.
But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected
before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasue
and NOT on any good or evil that person would do...
If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy
of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy)
If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin
but God choose or elected who He would saved before the world began
based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not on anything that person would do)
that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel).
@Yohanes Markos ... you way "amen" to a false gospel?
No... the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN.
But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected
before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasure
and NOT on any good or evil that person would do...
If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy
of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy)
If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin
but God choose or elected who He would saved before the world began
based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not on anything that person would do)
that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel)
Answer these questions please. Thank you.
*Tell me please, in what context it is moral to slaughter infants?*
1 Samuel 15:3
3 Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.
*Tell me please, if slavery was voluntary, then why it is restricted to only foreigners?*
Leviticus 25:44-46 However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way.
*Tell me please, in what context it is moral to enslave children?*
Leviticus 25:44-46 However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way.
*Tell me please, in what context it is moral to treat voluntarily working servants as property?*
Leviticus 25:44-46 However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way.
*Tell me please, in what context it is moral to pass voluntarily working servants on to children as permanent inheritance?*
Leviticus 25:44-46 However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way.
*Tell me please, in what context it is moral to treat voluntarily working servants so bad that doesn’t suit the relatives?*
Leviticus 25:44-46 However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way.
*Tell me please, in what context it is moral to beat voluntarily working servants with many blows?*
Luke 12:47 The servant who knows the master's will and does not get ready or does not do what the master wants will be beaten with many blows.
*Tell me please, in what context it is moral to beat voluntarily working servants as long as they don't die?*
Exodus 21:20 “Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, 21 but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property.
*Tell me please, in what context it is moral to kill non-virgin brides?*
Deuteronomy 22:20-21
If, however, the charge is true and no proof of the young woman’s virginity can be found, she shall be brought to the door of her father’s house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death. She has done an outrageous thing in Israel by being promiscuous while still in her father’s house. You must purge the evil from among you.
*Tell me please, in what context it is moral to kill unruly children?*
Deuteronomy 21:18-21
If any man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey his father or his mother, and when they chastise him, he will not even listen to them, then his father and mother shall seize him, and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gateway of his home town. And they shall say to the elders of his city, "This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey us, he is a glutton and a drunkard." Then all the men of his city shall stone him to death; so you shall remove the evil from your midst, and all Israel shall hear of it and fear.
@@AtamMardes ... You are correct. God destroys all the "children of Satan"
and they spend an eternity in hell. Since He is the Creator and they are the
rebellious creation that is called "justice". See how easy this all is?
@@wisevirgin3405 You are not saying anything intelligent. You are just parroting the nonsense the religion scam has indoctrinated in you without the benefit of your intellect.
Without even watching the video, you teach them to be a good person. A moral person. A responsible person. Faith cannot be forced upon, or explained. It has to come naturally, from free will. Teach people goodness, calm and appreciation for what they have. Teach them to not fall for the flaws of men. That's it.
Precious and helpful, thank you pastor John ❤️
Simple yet so effective. Thank you Pastor John
Love you guys 💜✞🕊 #Jesussaves
Thank you for addressing this subject.
I sure need this.
No... you needed to hear the True Gospel.
The True Gospel starts with the BAD NEWS and then
talks about the (potential) GOOD NEWS. Piper did NOT preach
the "whole counsel of God".
No... the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN.
But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected
before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasure
and NOT on any good or evil that person would do...
If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy
of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy)
If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin
but God choose or elected who He would save before the world began
based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not anything that person would do)
that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel)
Remember, NO MAN will come to Christ unless the Father first "draws them"
and ALL MEN the Father draws "shall come" to Jesus and He loses NONE
of "His Sheep" (because He PAID for the sins of His Sheep... and no others)
[John 6]
Pat Condell had said, "... have at least the decency to practice what you preach". It is a common practice among charlatan "Christians" to tell people to imitate Jesus while they themselves do otherwise. Either they are self-deceived or are into the practice convinced that no one will find out or no one has the right to judge.
Proclaim the gospel and let Christ do the rest.
Of course the QUESTION is what gospel?
There are MANY false gospels but only ONE True Gospel.
No... the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN.
But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected
before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasure
and NOT on any good or evil that person would do...
If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy
of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy)
If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin
but God choose or elected who He would save before the world began
based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not anything that person would do)
that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel)
Remember, NO MAN will come to Christ unless the Father first "draws them"
and ALL MEN the Father draws "shall come" to Jesus and He loses NONE
of "His Sheep" (because He PAID for the sins of His Sheep... and no others)
[John 6]
I notice you chose to NOT REPLY... interesting.
Hoaxer Christian writers who created the resurrection hoax by making up a fake empty tomb story along with fake eyewitnesses & fake testimonials, did not realize that the sin-sacrifice-resurrection story implies a superstitious God who values blood sacrifice, which was a common practice back then, e.g. sacrificing a goat for a new home. *Obviously, the superstitious early folks who valued blood sacrifice created the God of The Bible in their own image.*
Thank you Mr. Piper
Thank you so much for your video! ❤
How to lead someone to Christ in a conversation:
- Pastor John discusses the practicalities of sharing the gospel with others.
- He suggests using four "treasure chests" of biblical truths: God, Sin, Christ, and Faith.
- The importance of balancing the happiness and challenges of the Christian life is highlighted.
- The conversation involves explaining God's glory, human sinfulness, Christ's sacrifice, and the role of faith in salvation.
God bless us all
Dear brothers and sisters i greet you in our Lord Jesus Christ
Four years ago, I began to engage in faith. I started here in Croatia in the catholic church to visit mass and to read The Holy Scriptures. Very early on, I noticed that what is taught and practiced in the catholic church contradicts the Holy Scriptures and what Jesus taught us. In addition, some things in the Holy Bible were unclear to me and raised additional questions and doubts, such as:
- If our God is the God of love and justice, why are we punished for the sins of Adam? Doesn't that contradict the principles of love and justice? An earthly father who is full of faults and weaknesses would not do such a thing, then how can we think such a thing about our Perfect Father?
- How can a loving father throw his child forever in the hell? That also contradicts these principles. And besides, in 1 Timothy 2; 3 + 4: "For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth."
So, if this were really so, that in spite of His will, people will be brought forever to hell and not saved, this would mean that He can not enforce His will and thus He is not the omnipotent God, if we follow these doctrines believe.
- Why does it say in some passages that Jesus is the Son of God, in others the Son of Man and in others that He and God are one?
Although I kept going to the Catholic Mass, at home I no longer practiced the prayers of the catholic church, but started talking like a child to my Father (Matthew 6: 7 + 8 ). After a short while, I got the answer to everything. He guided me through a friend of my mother to the revelations of Bertha Dudde. Now I know that the Bible does not contradict itself. God can not contradict himself. The truth is not in the word, in the letter, but in the understanding, in the interpretation of it. Now I know that Jesus is God and our Father in heaven, and I understand all the processes and contexts, and through this I have come to know that He is the perfect Love and not the strict, punitive God. As he promised us in John 14; 21: "He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. "
16; 12 + 13: "I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. "
16; 25: "These things have I spoken unto you in proverbs: but the time cometh, when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs, but I shall shew you plainly of the Father. "
In the revelations of Bertha Dudde, His promise was fulfilled, just as every other of His promises was and will be fulfilled, for He never quits (Titus 1: 2) because His word is truth (John 17; 17) and all that will happen is what He said has (Hebrews 10; 23, Ezekiel 12; 25:28, etc.)
My loved brothers and sisters, I ask you not to blindly believe me, but as written in 1 Thessalonians chapter 5 verses 19-21: " Quench not the Spirit. Despise not prophesyings. Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. "
Before you begin to look, go into prayer and ask our Father Jesus Christ for enlightenment to put you in your heart, whether that's really His word or not. Do not read with your mind or knowledge, but with your heart, for knowledge (knowledge, understanding) puffeth up, love (heart) edifieth (1 Corinthians 8: 1), for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life (2 Corinthians 3: 6).
My dear brothers and sisters, the situation in Christianity is alarming, frightening and very sad and for that very reason the end is near, the time is up. Only in a very small part are the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5; 22) recognizable, and thus only a very few truly belong to Christ, for only those who enjoy the fruits and grow in them are of his (Romans 8: 9).
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…" Hosea 4; 6
I wish you a blessed day my beloved brothers and sisters, May the Love of our Lord Jesus Christ shine through your heart and lead you into the truth.
I would urge you to listen to the other sermons of this seminar as well. This seminar is of unimaginable value and has changed my life and it can also change your life.
God is a God of love. But He is also "righteous". When He PROMISED
Adam he would die if he rebelled... God, being righteous" kept that promise.
Therefore ALL of Adam's children were born spiritually DEAD (within Satan's
"Kingdom") and needed to be born again in order to be saved.
No... the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN.
But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected
before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasure
and NOT on any good or evil that person would do...
If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy
of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy)
If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin
but God choose or elected who He would save before the world began
based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not anything that person would do)
that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel)
Remember, NO MAN will come to Christ unless the Father first "draws them"
and ALL MEN the Father draws "shall come" to Jesus and He loses NONE
of "His Sheep" (because He PAID for the sins of His Sheep... and no others)
[John 6]
Thank you
The Lord is my savior, i have no fear for what men or earth can do
How do you know the Lord is your Savior?
@@wisevirgin3405 because i believe. aren't you?
@@T-equalizer ... silly child, the Bible says MANY "believe" and are not saved
[Lk 8:13] and even the demons believe... obviously they are not saved [Jas 2:19 and Mat 8:29]
If you were REALLY saved you would not show what YOU HAVE DONE...
that is a false "works" gospel. Instead, you would have said what GOD has done.
Men do not initiate salvation child... God "elects" who He will save before the
foundation of the world based ONLY on His Good Pleasure and NOT on anything
that YOU would do (like repenting or believing)
@@wisevirgin3405 how can you say "God elects who He will save" if you not believe. then what is your confirmation that you accept that God is exist. how can you rely on God if you not believe in Him?
How the blind can see?
How the deaf can hear?
How the palsied can walk?
@@wisevirgin3405 the demon believe in God, but not as his savior
I need this for my family bc I want to see my family in heaven and it makes me sad if they went to hell but I’m 11 so it might be hard so can someone pray for me
What makes you think they are going to hell? Or you to heaven?
I don't read anything about "treasure chests" in Scripture! But I do read Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4 and Luke 4:4.
Deuteronomy 8:3 - He humbled you and let you be hungry, and fed you with manna which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that He might make you understand that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by everything that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord.
Matthew 4:4 - But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.’”
Luke 4:4 - And Jesus answered him, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live on bread alone.’”
Hosea 4:6 - My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
Because you have rejected knowledge,
I also will reject you from being My priest.
Since you have forgotten the law of your God,
I also will forget your children.
1 Thessalonians 5:21 - But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good;
Isaiah 40:8 - The grass withers, the flower fades,
But *the word of our God stands forever*.
Malachi 3:6 - “*For I, the Lord, do not change*; therefore you, O sons of Jacob, are not consumed.
James 1:17 - Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, *with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow*.
READ your bible, and DO what it says!!! James 1:22 - But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deluding yourselves.
*Tell me please,*
*-In what context it is moral to turn children into voluntarily working servants?*
*-In what context it is moral to treat voluntarily working servants as property?*
*-In what context it is moral to pass voluntarily working servants on to children as permanent inheritance?*
*-In what context it is moral to treat voluntarily working servants so bad that relatives shouldn’t be treated that way?*
*-If slavery was voluntary, then why it is restricted to only foreigners?*
Leviticus 25:44-46 However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way.
*Tell me please, in what context it is moral to beat voluntarily working servants with many blows?*
Luke 12:47 The servant who knows the master's will and does not get ready or does not do what the master wants will be beaten with many blows.
*Tell me please, in what context it is moral to beat voluntarily working servants as long as they don't die?*
Exodus 21:20 “Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, 21 but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property.
*Tell me please, in what context it is moral to kill non-virgin brides?*
Deuteronomy 22:20-21
If, however, the charge is true and no proof of the young woman’s virginity can be found, she shall be brought to the door of her father’s house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death. She has done an outrageous thing in Israel by being promiscuous while still in her father’s house. You must purge the evil from among you.
*Tell me please, in what context it is moral to kill unruly children?*
Deuteronomy 21:18-21
If any man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey his father or his mother, and when they chastise him, he will not even listen to them, then his father and mother shall seize him, and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gateway of his home town. And they shall say to the elders of his city, "This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey us, he is a glutton and a drunkard." Then all the men of his city shall stone him to death; so you shall remove the evil from your midst, and all Israel shall hear of it and fear.
*Tell me please, in what context it is moral to slaughter infants?*
1 Samuel 15:3
3 Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.
atam mardes Please don’t pick a choose, but study the Word of God. The entire Bible points to our Savior, Jesus Christ.
@@louisbrucetatarsky9817 You are not saying anything intelligent. You are just parroting the nonsense the religion scam has indoctrinated in you without the benefit of your intellect. If a book contains some immoral verses that can be picked, then that book is the words of delusional folks, not the holy words of a moral God.
@@louisbrucetatarsky9817 Have you read the Bible? Are you that delusional to believe you have better reading comprehension than Mark Twain, Issac Asimov, Albert Einstein, or Thomas Paine?
"The best cure for Christianity is reading the Bible."
Mark Twain
"Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived."
Isaac Asimov
"It (Bible) is full of interest. It has noble poetry in it; and some clever fables; and some blood-drenched history; and some good morals; and a wealth of obscenity; and upwards of a thousand lies."
Mark Twain
"The Bible, a collection of honourable, but still purely primitive, legends which are nevertheless pretty childish."
Albert Einstein
"It is not a God, just and good, but a devil, under the name of God, that the Bible describes."
Thomas Paine
atam mardes Yes, I believe I do a better understanding of the Bible.
@@louisbrucetatarsky9817 The sin-sacrifice-resurrection story implies a superstitious God who values blood sacrifice, which was a common practice (e.g. sacrificing a goat for a new home) 2000 yrs ago. Don’t you see how the early superstitious folks who valued blood sacrifice created the God of The Bible in their own image?
Pastor John Piper is awesome. You can tell in his voice how zealous he is about this topic. He has a genuine love for God and Christians
“Incredibly simple, clear and glorious outline.” Well, yes, the outline was clear, but Piper is muddying up the waters between the free gift of salvation and the costly road of discipleship. The outline was clear, the execution and definition of his points were not good. Acts 16:31
This is extremely helpful, thank you!
I am really sorry, because we are all different, and God is vital to so many:
I am not a part of a Church. In fact my experiences in it, have been painful.
But, God is leading my Steps.
For me- I don’t need to worry about leading anyone.
HE leads and brings people into my Path.
Not me.
Then God prompts, with simple words:
Like “ Go in here “.
“ share what you can with this man “.
All I do is Ask.
Every day, to Show me my faults. Help to build strengths that are alined with His values.
…. I don’t focus on Sin.
I focus on compassion. Love. Understanding the influence of my weaknesses.
He achieves whatever “ Credit “ i.e Glory HE chooses- in my life. Sometimes by afflicting me physically. And working within me, to overcome my physical affliction. Let God lead
In AlL areas - Bible insights- for your life.
I was asked by a young woman how to be saved. I presented the gospel to her, and she initially said that she was saved and wanted to clean up her life! But a few days later she admitted that she only wanted my witness to scam me out of my money. Although she claimed she was saved it was all an act. She trampled underfoot as unclean the blood of Christ!
( John 3:15,16,17,18,36 ) Believe, Believe, Believe"!!!! Open up the bible and go to these passages. The Holy Spirit will guide you as to how to lead someone to Christ".
A beautiful example of ministering faith in love. God bless you Pastor John.
i loved this!! thank you
I've been taking leaning on taking Mr Comforts approach. Just ask your Friend, what do you think happens when you die? This is usually a pretty interesting question to anybody and they'll answer it. I suppose this is the open intro into beginning the conversation. I HIGHLY suggest to pray for God to give you the words to speak. Not your words but HIS. That those words stick in the minds of your friends or relatives and penetrate the deepest parts of their souls. Remember, we are just sowing the seed and God takes it from there. Introduce Christ as Savior and Lord. If you hear a "your'e right" or "that's true" you know the conversation has been productive. Also, make sure to FOLLOW UP. Send them videos about who Christ is if you are a little more on the shy side. We want to direct people to joining the family through the LOVE for JESUS, not scaring them and threatening over going to Hell.
Thank you so much for this video!!
John 1:8-10
If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.
I’ve liked this girl for the longest time, but we are starting to talk more and get closer and I think she isn’t saved and I’ve just been worried how to ask
Ecclesiastes 7:9
Be not hasty in thy spirit to be angry: for anger resteth in the bosom of fools.
James 4:11
Speak not evil one of another, brethren. He that speaketh evil of his brother, and judgeth his brother, speaketh evil of the law, and judgeth the law: but if thou judge the law, thou art not a doer of the law, but a judge.
Above all pray for them for the Lord to call their names to salvation. If the Father doesn't choose them first no matter how eloquent we speak or how well prepared we are they won't come to repentance. Jesus says the Father has to bring them to Jesus first.
Yes it is who we are and sin is our behaviour
This is helpful to all.
I can't believe it... my parents (while in high school) GUIDED 13 MUSLIMS TO CHRISTIANITY!!!
Man that was so good.
Happy and hard indeed...🙏
The question wasn't how to lead someone to Christ, the question was someone wants to receive Him as Saviour, what do you say to the person? Example, just believe. The person said they don't feel right saying the sinners prayer on the back of books and pamphlets, so what do you say to the person? You believe so youre saved...what do you say?
I completely agree with accurately painting the picture of hardship and happiness for a person, but in light of Calvinism, the comments about "being made for his glory", are horrifying.
I have this friend she is Christian but still she doesn't really pray or listen to gospel songs I mean she knows Jesus she goes to church just for namesake.Because her parents go. I sent her some gospel songs.I told her that this is one of my favorite song that's why I shared. But she told I don't listen to gospel songs I asked why she told because she doesn't like those. What should I do guys. She doesn't even listen to them😌😌😥
Does she read her bible, maybe she doesn't care about gospel music. Why is gospel music so important?
@@leehighland5435 No, it's not that gospel music is so important I am just saying.No,she Dosen't read the Bible
So I have kind of the same question why are you so bent on gospel music? Now I think I know the answer, hopefully it is because you worship the Lord while listening to gospel music. But don’t put so much on just gospel music.
What you need to do is lead her to the Lord maybe she has never known the Lord. So first thing you need to know is that your a sinner. She needs to know she’s a liar, a thief, a adulterous, (Christ says if you look with lust you commuted adultery in your heart) fornicator. So it sounds rough but this gets us to understand we are not good. Romans 3:11 says no one is good no not one. So we need to see we are not good and if God judges us by are deeds we will get what we deserve and that is hell. Once you get her to realize she needs salvation then life is accessible. It sounds harsh but this is how Christ revealed to people they were in desperate need of a savior. And explain to her when Christ said it is finished he destroyed sin on that cross and “all who call on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Romans 10:13) she needs to know Christ before she loves the word or loves gospel music. You study your word with her. Pray God will lead you and illuminate to you what to say through scripture. Because remember faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God.
@@saved6655yeah its not like i am so bent on gospel music its just she is born in a christian family but she dosent believe in God at all and goes to temples and stuff and says lucifer is good becausw of the show lucifer
@@saved6655 and thinks God is the villian and bad
My conviction is that you have to get the person asking the question themself in a way that they are begging for the good news. I don't believe they will untill the reality of hell is on their mind and that they are concerned that they are going to hell. I believe in America the reality of hell is not emphasized enough. It is a checklist mentality that blinds so many into believing that they are saved. It is surprising how many do not realize that the bible consistently teaches us that no one is good-not even one. And that our good deeds will not stand before a holy God.
Today I explained the gospel and talked about Jesus Christ going back to garden of Eden and Abraham and Isaac the cross and exodus and why she needs Christ and repentance and prayers pure precious blood of Jesus Christ and Estephania confirmed as confessed Jesus Christ is God and asked Him to grant her forgiveness Praise God all honor and Glory to God
Explained to who?
Estefania a coworker
@@idachildofgod You told her a story and she just believed you? I doubt that.
The first question that must be answered is.....why should anyone believe me? Until that question is answered you’re wasting your time and theirs.
Elliott Hill
That’s all well and good, but I don’t need another person to tell me what Jesus is saying. I don’t even need them to tell me what Jesus is saying to them or what he’s saying to me. Who do they think they are that their hearing is better than mine?
As i have been praying for people and reading my bible i read in it that god leads people to jesus for them to be saved and i can't find that scripture again. i really should have highlighted it at the time. does anyone know where imm talking about
Really? You said "Haeluhah" for preaching HALF the Gospel (a heresy)?
No... the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN.
But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected
before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasure
and NOT on any good or evil that person would do...
If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy
of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy)
If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin
but God choose or elected who He would save before the world began
based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not anything that person would do)
that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel)
Remember, NO MAN will come to Christ unless the Father first "draws them"
and ALL MEN the Father draws "shall come" to Jesus and He loses NONE
of "His Sheep" (because He PAID for the sins of His Sheep... and no others)
[John 6]
@@wisevirgin3405 halleluyah. It means praise yah
You plant the seed and then you trust the Holy Spirit to grow that seed.
We’re sinners going to hell but Jesus died so you can have eternal life. Repent and trust in Him only as your savior (not on being a good person)..!
Lead them to Christ the way Peter did in Acts 2
Where do I begin in the bible for the first time
Christ . First I'd make sure the student knows what Christ is. The meaning. The anointed one. What it is. God. The son. What he does. Leads and goes with you to the father God. Through meditation. You meet Christ walking on water in the air. Meaning. Earth, meditation. Water, emotions. Air, through the red sea where you meet Yeshua by the path he paved how do you know? You will be baptized with the fire from heaven. The holy spirit. How it comes may be different for others but I feel it as a rain feeling on my head crown and spine and shoulders. Sometimes. My entire body. It's energy. A connection. With God. The source. Communication. Between higher and lower states of mind. You bring this back to life by using what you learned or experienced in that life. The second coming. Christ Consciousness. So that's true baptism. Which is hidden. From those that would abuse the power. Meaning. You can't do it. If you're coming from a negative place or wanting the wrong outcome. A good heart. That's the secret. Sacred heart. The pineal gland will fool you. The crown will deceive you. The heart will complete you. God doesn't want you climbing the mountain. He wants you to take care of where you are. The heart. Love. The connection. God loves us. Gnosis.
Jesus paid it all
No child... Jesus paid it all for HIS SHEEP.
He did NOT pay anything for those going to hell....
they must pay for their own sins.
No... the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN.
But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected
before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasure
and NOT on any good or evil that person would do...
If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy
of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy)
If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin
but God choose or elected who He would save before the world began
based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not anything that person would do)
that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel)
Remember, NO MAN will come to Christ unless the Father first "draws them"
and ALL MEN the Father draws "shall come" to Jesus and He loses NONE
of "His Sheep" (because He PAID for the sins of His Sheep... and no others)
[John 6]
Wise Virgin are you actually a virgin?
@@MUNEAnAwakenedAustralia given their attitude on here I would guess so!
Hear God's Word how ridiculous are they. The bible says “although your sins are like crimson I shall make them as white as snow” and this idiot has the audacity to say people won’t be forgiven.
@@MUNEAnAwakenedAustralia it seems they only come on here to argue
By following the leading of the Holy Spirit we can't do anything without him. You need to be trained thrown into the valley in prayer flat on your back before God can raise you up.
Non of your own steps or formulas can do this don't be decived regarding this.
the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN.
But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected
before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasure
and NOT on any good or evil that person would do...
If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy
of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy)
If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin
but God choose or elected who He would save before the world began
based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not anything that person would do)
that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel)
Remember, NO MAN will come to Christ unless the Father first "draws them"
and ALL MEN the Father draws "shall come" to Jesus and He loses NONE
of "His Sheep" (because He PAID for the sins of His Sheep... and no others)
[John 6]
Thanks for this video, I want to turn people to God, because a lot of people are blind and they work for Satan, because right now AntiChrist works, He wants to do everything to turn away people from God, because He knows that His time is short.
You cannot "turn people to God"... that is a heresy.
Any (false) gospel that teaches MEN initiate the salvation process
and God is then OBLIGATED to save that person is a lie from hell.
No... the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN.
But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected
before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasure
and NOT on any good or evil that person would do...
If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy
of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy)
If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin
but God choose or elected who He would saved before the world began
based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not on anything that person would do)
that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel)
@@wisevirgin3405 what do you mean.. Im sorry I'm just a newborn
So anyone who turns to God are elected by God?
@Shawn Mendrek idk mate but for me in this new age.. Sins are so normal like you know.. For people now it's ok to sin its ok to do bad things and evil things..
@Shawn Mendrek plus the sad thing is.. The new generation now thinks it's ok to do bad things..
Hello. I have a friend or rather my ex girlfriend who once had that attachment to the Lord until we broke up she went out for a party and got drunk and slept with some guy. As i am still attached to her could you help me help her with some good advice. thanks you.
Tell her God still loves her despite her mistakes and is willing to forgive her of her sin and restart a relationship with her
I was really looking forward to this video ever since it was announced on Friday, although admittedly it wasn't exactly what I thought it would be. Maybe I should ask if there is a video for how to lead people BACK to Christ? I have a friend that I really care about, we both came from religious Catholic homes & she seemed to love Christ. We stopped talking to each other when we became adults but recently she has reached out to me through Facebook. She told me she was no longer Catholic/Christian & she considered herself agnostic now (she said she kind of believes there is a higher power & agrees with a lot of the things Jesus taught but she doesn't really believe what the Bible says). I feel like God brought her back into my life so that I can help her come back to Him but it isn't easy. I'm not very good at socializing & she has told me that she doesn't like it when people "preach to her". I told her that God loves her (she has a harsh view about God, she thinks He sends people to Hell for being themselves) & she got really defensive, saying she is her own person with her own morals. I'm at a loss on what to do.
Pastor John, do you have a video that can help me with leading former Christians back to Christ? And if anyone has any suggestions on what to do I'd appreciate it. I pray for her every day ever since I found out she doesn't believe anymore.
try to understand first, go to where she is and start there. it's called relationship.
Learn the TRUE GOSPEL (Piper preaches HALF... which is a false gospel
No... the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN. (love all)
But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected
before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasure
and NOT on any good or evil that person would do...
If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy
of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy)
If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin
but God choose or elected who He would save before the world began
based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not anything that person would do)
that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel)
Remember, NO MAN will come to Christ unless the Father first "draws them"
and ALL MEN the Father draws "shall come" to Jesus and He loses NONE
of "His Sheep" (because He PAID for the sins of His Sheep... and no others)
[John 6]
CrazyGamerDragon64 If you *really* care about her remember, Jesus also said to love others- *no exceptions,* just the way that they are and likewise just the way they are not- 1 Corinthians 13:4-8.
@@BeachsideHank ... you are only preaching HALF of the Gospel child... that is called "heresy".
Please read what Galatians 5:20-21 says about people teaching heresy.
Yes, Jesus did tell us to LOVE all men... so that we preach the Gospel of repentance to them.
However, that same Jesus also COMMANDED us to reject those who reject the Gospel...
I hope this is not "NEWS" to you? We do not cast pearls before swine... remember?
Mar 6:11 And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence,
shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them. Verily I say unto you,
It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city.
Mar 6:12 And they went out, and preached that men should repent.
This guy sounds like Jack Van Impe in different tones in his voice.
Thank you po!
Thanks for what? For preaching HALF of the Truth? (which is heresy)
No... the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN.
But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected
before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasure
and NOT on any good or evil that person would do...
If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy
of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy)
If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin
but God choose or elected who He would save before the world began
based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not anything that person would do)
that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel)
Remember, NO MAN will come to Christ unless the Father first "draws them"
and ALL MEN the Father draws "shall come" to Jesus and He loses NONE
of "His Sheep" (because He PAID for the sins of His Sheep... and no others)
[John 6]
Answer these questions please. Thank you.
*Tell me please, in what context it is moral to slaughter infants?*
1 Samuel 15:3
3 Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.
*Tell me please, if slavery was voluntary, then why it is restricted to only foreigners?*
Leviticus 25:44-46 However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way.
*Tell me please, in what context it is moral to enslave children?*
Leviticus 25:44-46 However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way.
*Tell me please, in what context it is moral to treat voluntarily working servants as property?*
Leviticus 25:44-46 However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way.
*Tell me please, in what context it is moral to pass voluntarily working servants on to children as permanent inheritance?*
Leviticus 25:44-46 However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way.
*Tell me please, in what context it is moral to treat voluntarily working servants so bad that doesn’t suit the relatives?*
Leviticus 25:44-46 However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way.
*Tell me please, in what context it is moral to beat voluntarily working servants with many blows?*
Luke 12:47 The servant who knows the master's will and does not get ready or does not do what the master wants will be beaten with many blows.
*Tell me please, in what context it is moral to beat voluntarily working servants as long as they don't die?*
Exodus 21:20 “Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result, 21 but they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two, since the slave is their property.
*Tell me please, in what context it is moral to kill non-virgin brides?*
Deuteronomy 22:20-21
If, however, the charge is true and no proof of the young woman’s virginity can be found, she shall be brought to the door of her father’s house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death. She has done an outrageous thing in Israel by being promiscuous while still in her father’s house. You must purge the evil from among you.
*Tell me please, in what context it is moral to kill unruly children?*
Deuteronomy 21:18-21
If any man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey his father or his mother, and when they chastise him, he will not even listen to them, then his father and mother shall seize him, and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gateway of his home town. And they shall say to the elders of his city, "This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey us, he is a glutton and a drunkard." Then all the men of his city shall stone him to death; so you shall remove the evil from your midst, and all Israel shall hear of it and fear.
I could find almost no books about how to lead someone to Christ :( unless Google has conspired against me
No one leads anyone to Christ. That's not what the Bible teaches.
God's own word will either save them or they will remain dead in their trespasses and sins.
All that a saved person can do is to present the Gospel message to the lost person. Its the lost person's responsibility to either believe the Gospel message in order to be saved or not believe the Gospel message and remain condemned in their sins.
Acts 16: 30-31
What happens to the sould of those who never got conceived, do they go to another body
Show them Nathan Wheeler's testimony
Doesn't the Holy Spirit lead people to Christ through us? (Just saying, tongue in cheek) Prayer is the best tool we have to lead someone to Christ.
And maybe through our prayer God will lead us to talk about Christ to them. After all we are his disciples
@@Debbi.O yes we can do nothing without God strengthening us 👍
No... the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN.
But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected
before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasue
and NOT on any good or evil that person would do.
Who or what are you saying no to? This looks like another one of your copy and pastes that miss the point virgin.
@@Debbi.O ....
No... the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN.
But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected
before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasue
and NOT on any good or evil that person would do...
If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy
of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy)
If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin
but God choose or elected who He would saved before the world began
based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not on anything that person would do)
that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel)
How can I ask Pastor John?
Ask God instead... Piper does not preach the True Gospel
No... the Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN.
But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected
before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasure
and NOT on any good or evil that person would do...
If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy
of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy)
If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin
but God choose or elected who He would save before the world began
based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not anything that person would do)
that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel)
Remember, NO MAN will come to Christ unless the Father first "draws them"
and ALL MEN the Father draws "shall come" to Jesus and He loses NONE
of "His Sheep" (because He PAID for the sins of His Sheep... and no others)
[John 6]
Thank you. But I meant that how is the way so I can a question for this ask ps John? How can I send my question? Of course I ask God for any questions that came to me. But the answer can be through anything and anyone, including ps. John or any other resources. I'm sorry if my question leading misunderstandings, I just want to know how can I do participation in the "Ask ps. John" program? Thank you. God bless you😊
@@rhesilamadi9816 email Ask Pastor John @ Desiring God .org
No... Piper did not preach the "whole counsel of God" (the True Gospel)
The Bible preaches we preach the Gospel to ALL MEN. (love all)
But the "seed" only takes root in those God has chosen or elected
before the foundation of the world, based ONLY on His Good Pleasure
and NOT on any good or evil that person would do...
If you preach that men can decide to chose God that is the heresy
of the BROAD WAY that leads to destruction (read Gal 5:20-21 on heresy)
If you preach that ALL MEN are destined to hell because of original sin
but God choose or elected who He would save before the world began
based ONLY on His Good Pleasure (not anything that person would do)
that is the narrow way that leads to life (that's the True Gospel)
Remember, NO MAN will come to Christ unless the Father first "draws them"
and ALL MEN the Father draws "shall come" to Jesus and He loses NONE
of "His Sheep" (because He PAID for the sins of His Sheep... and no others)
[John 6]
*God *sin *Christ *faith💖
Thank you pastor John for this sermon 😀😀😀
The best way is to let Satan knock some sense into them!
ACTS 2 38
Let Christ himself do that. That would be most convincing. I never achieved it myself to convert anybody.
No one comes to me unless the father draws them and
Vice versa
The gospel is the gospel of the kingdom!
Jesus is going to return and set up the kingdom of God ON THE EARTH! God’s government ON THE EARTH! The Messiah died for his people! God resurrected the Messiah! The Messiah will resurrect his people at his coming! The destiny of the Messiah and his people is to be ON THE EARTH! The renewed restored earth! God also dwelling with them! Rev 21
Matt 24
14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.
Jesus said the Father is the only true God!
John 17
3 And this is eternal life, that they know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.
@Wise Virgin That's some pretty tedious looking work you've done on your website; I would submit it is total nonsense, but lots of work nonetheless.
One observation I made when reading through your many comments and through the content on your page is that you have an incredibly inflated sense of self-importance. You, like Joseph Smith and many other false prophets, claim to have some new and special insight that is peculiar to you. Saints before you just didn't have the same wisdom, it would seem. Your method of communication is extremely narcissistic, overbearing, and condescending, referring to everyone as 'child' and starting most of your posts with a "no", as if you're God Himself and those you're engaging are your creation. These characteristics are also consistent with a paranoid schizophrenia diagnosis.
Whatever your malfunction is, I can tell you that your RUclips comment engagement is not accomplishing the end you hope it is, unless that end is just to confuse, frustrate, and discourage people. You come off nothing like the Biblical Christ or one of his disciples, not in your communication style nor in content. I "DARED" to visit your religious conspiracy theory website, I gave it a chance, and I am not impressed; I've read theories by other paranoid and hyper-egotistic people about aliens and UFOs, and your special revelations were reminiscent of those. I sincerely hope you put the nonsense and dissension-spreading aside and seek Christ for salvation in humility and desperation.
Why would you want to?
John 3:16 is our way to the father in heaven. The blood of Jesus Christ has washed away our sins and God forgives if you believe and believe Jesus died on the cross by crucifixion which is the worst torment punishment ever for human beings go through and they put Jesus through even more torture than other people he got the ultimate ultimate ultimate punishment and he had to to pay for our sins raises a sin is death and we were born a sinner trust in the Lord every morning everyone tonight praying first in life leaving him leaving Jesus and holy spirit that baptized try to do the best you can no one's perfect we make mistakes try different try try try try it's always you put God first in your heart and your soul and if you do put God the Father and Jesus Christ and holy spirit in your heart and soul I will see that either set the hearts not on the other side you'll see what kind of person you are from your heart you cannot fool God you can't lie to God he knows everything he is everything he wants everything he always will be so accept it and do the best thing then leave and trust at this numbers you will be saved the blood of Jesus Christ his blood and died for our sins appreciating agonizing painful slowly slowly painful death and if you want to look up that you can make a medical view of Jesus crucifixion and they'll tell you a lot more than that I know if they're going to tell you I'm not going to repeat everything because it's like I'm not reading a book if you want to know you will you're interested you I know you will Google it and you will find it and it was to it and you'll be amazed I had to tears in my eyes even friends because we believe in Jesus Christ and you got a father and really walk and getting beat and that's called empathy which you probably don't have cuz you've been in God remember and only narcissist believe that they're better than God and they are God did the only people on the terrible world that believe that they have that personality disorder called narcissistic socialist psychopath histronic covet sadistic a few names and you can be a narcissist sociopath sadistic covert narcissist or you can be passive aggressive and sadistic Plus a covert social path narcissist. God bless you and I hope you sleep tomorrow the darkness she's late open your eyes ears and your heart let Jesus in the garden get baptized the holy spirit will be in you and read me the holy Spirit loves you and will guide you and teach you and protect you but we will yeah but you were not God okay and I should start a joke either it's actually pretty serious what you said because you're actually saying that you're my father my father God in heaven created me before I was born on his child and she's saying you are God and he's I am your child and I am far from you I admined the image of God my father not pretend God that has been taking messed up over there they're on something you're doing something you're told this or something I don't know what it is you need help you need to get closer to God and not that blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah bullshit
You are so messed up with your theology of even the simplest thing as how to lead someone to Christ. You mix the works of sanctification/choosing with the calling/justification so that a person is left over whelmed with the question of "what if I dont do all those things right, am I still saved"? If you must, tell them this is the beginning of a walk with Christ, that's all they need to know at this point. To begin this walk you just believe/accept this gift of faith that Jesus is giving you to even receive Him as the remover of all your past sin, to make you righteous. Once this happens, rejoice because you have been justified/spirit reborn and are a child of God, cant loose it, cant work to prove it, didnt do anything to get it, you simply expressed what God has already done to you by His grace.
By love and respecting other religions and not force it upon people and actually help those that are interested in Christianity?????????
You think God wants you to embrace with fuzzy warm smiles the lies of the great deceiver, Satan, who puts on a facade but is actually trying to kill your soul?
Creater will come to me when i honestly ask only if he wants. People need to stop doing God.
"The best cure for Christianity is reading the Bible."
Mark Twain
However, .... any debate on this is useless, since a god
needs to be proven - First.
Not really, since the philosophy of science specifies that nothing is proven. But all men and women know the evidence of God, the creator. Definitely read Romans 1.
@@killergonza 'science' is not philosophy! (first lie to deflect)!
@@killergonza What evidence of a god do you have - as intelligent men and women have yet to see it! (only the deluded imagine their evidence)
@@killergonza Why read rubbish from a book of fables??
Brien Doyle I’m assuming that from your response, you don’t have much scientific understanding. You should definitely do some reading on the philosophy of science, it’s actually a pretty interesting field, it is actually the basis of why and how we do science. I’m a scientist myself and would really encourage you to do so.
In regards to your other comments. It would be cool for you to do some of your own research into how amazingly we’re designed and study for yourself what micro- and macro evolution are. And whether they add up.
In saying that, we are all sinners and deserve God’s just punishment for our sins. But God so loved you, that he sent his only begotten son that, if you are to repent and put your trust in him, he may grant you salvation and eternal life.
No one can prove or disprove the existence of God, he reveals himself to his elect by his grace.
Let me know what you think Brien.
Now let's tell you a story about a man named Jesus:
A god assaulted, by proxy,
inseminated a 'virgin' named Mary, in order to bring his son incarnate into our world.
A cowardly action....
Mary and her fiance?,
....Joseph, had to travel to Bethlehem to register for the census.
There Mary gave birth to a son of a god.?
God put a star in the sky to guide people to the baby?
In a dream God told Joseph to take his family to Egypt.
Then this God stood by and watched as Herod killed thousands and thousands of babies in Israel in an attempt to kill Jesus. (wow!)
As a man, God's son claimed that he was God incarnate: "I am the way, the truth and the life," he said.
This man performed many 'miracles'. He healed lots of sick people. He turned water into wine. These miracles prove that he is God? Miracles??
But he was eventually given the death sentence and killed by crucifixion.
His body was placed in a tomb.
But three days later, the tomb was empty.
And the man, alive once again but still with his wounds (so anyone who doubted could see them and touch them), appeared to many people in many places.
Then he ascended into heaven and now sits at the right hand of his god the father almighty, never to be seen again.
Today you can have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus.
You can pray to this man and he will answer your prayers.
He will cure your diseases, rescue you from emergencies, help you make important business and family decisions, comfort you in times of worry and grief, etc.
This man will also give you eternal life, and if you are good he has a place for you in heaven after you die.
The reason we know all this is because, after the man died, four people named Matthew, Mark, Luke and John wrote accounts of the man's life. Their written attestations are proof of the veracity of this story.
This is the story of a Jesus. ""
Do you believe this story?
You are Delusional !!~!
*However any debate on this is useless - since a god needs to be proven - First.
However, .... any debate on this is useless, since a god
needs to be proven - First.
There is archeological evidence... you ever watched apologetics?
@@tanisha4301 Evidence for what? The historical locations mentioned in a historical novel? For the few 'real' people in a historical novel? That is what a book of fiction is... Real locations and real people in a book of fiction@ Your silly book proves that a book exists - Now you still have to prove your hahaha gods - without the book of fables ... hahaha
@@briendoyle4680 Whether or not you think He exists doesn't change the fact that He does.
@@tanisha4301 apologetics? words - ? useless words prove no gods... next...
@@tanisha4301 ZERO archaeological evidence of a god...
Calvinists can't share the gospel, they can't promise or offer something on behalf God that God will not deliver, that is a sin to do that. They can't say to you, Jesus died for you, because the person they are witnessing to, simply may not be elect.
Calvinist doctrine is so messed up, they have created a doctrine that stops them sharing the gospel, yet they are commanded to. Listen to piper, he is dancing all around the houses, because he can't share the gospel and he knows it, just a load of waffle.
I appreciate the four treasure chests BUT BUT the book of Acts every person was immediately baptized in water. No I don't believe in water salvation LOL! I believe an obedient faith will be baptized and is a sign of salvation. It's a shame John Piper is blinded to the word of God by his financial ties to his denomination.
FYI: I would like have no god than have crying pooping & peeing god,, however In our body many arabic number & alphabet words of arab if you are really HONEST & TRULY searching for THE TRUTH signing that QUR'AN is the only right guidence that human being must follow 🙏-🙏-🙏
Don't do it. Jesus was an atheist. If christ be here, or there believe it not.