~ Twin Flames Massive Healing of the Core Rejection Wound ~

  • Опубликовано: 15 окт 2024
  • Hello Beloveds
    The ascension energy waves being experienced right now are super strong and triggering a large number of twins to go deep into their core wound of rejection in order to heal. I discuss this process and how to heal this wound.
    This will enable these twins to step into a wholeness and power they have never felt before, effecting the entire collective.
    Twins we need you - don't give up now - no pain no gain!
    As I am uploading this I am feeling a significant energy shift, experienced as a "surge" in the voltage, or an increase in power levels for a portion. Twins that have healed this wound to an extent they are effecting the planetary light grid!! Woop!!
    Please click the link below for sessions /and or guided healing meditations:
    Many Blessings of Divine Love & Light

Комментарии • 59

  • @starky88
    @starky88 2 года назад +2

    You posted this 3 years ago and I'm seeing it now and it's exactly what I'm going through. I was so confused because I was totally fine and at peace and then I felt like the universe kicked me down a huge hole. I have been put through the ringer the past 4 days until I curled up in a ball and blocked it as I had no clue what was happening. I was guided to this video and now understand. Calling in an aspect is a great idea although I still have no clue how I'm going to get through it, first I'll need to unblock my emotions. Thankyou for making this video.

  • @mandalora17
    @mandalora17 6 лет назад +6

    The fear of rejection had been coming up for me this week as well and started to feel overwhelmingly heavy the last few days. At first I felt myself wanting to escape the pain then realized it would be better to sit and explore it. And so I asked myself why I was having this experience again. After some inner work and exploration I sensed it was coming up to be illumined and transcended. I let myself feel the feelings, listening to them and their teachings. Trust is such a huge part of this process...especially in the darkest moments. Doubt can cloud everything. I woke this morning with a lightness of being...feeling clearer and have been led to two videos that have validated the current experience. I think what blows me away is that many of us are experiencing similar things collectively. Thank you so much for relaying this message...it resonates deeply at a soul level and confirms what i was sensing within my self. xox

  • @shaunhines7883
    @shaunhines7883 3 года назад +1

    "So when you feel like hope is gone,
    look inside you and be strong...
    And you'll finally see the truth,
    that a hero lies in you..

  • @michaelk622
    @michaelk622 3 года назад

    So glad I found this video. It is very validating to know this is part of the healing process. It’s taken a TON of work to get here…and I am exhausted…but I will hurt and learn and grow.

  • @lisamarie441
    @lisamarie441 6 лет назад +4

    Have a safe trip back home! Lots of love ❤️ 🙏🏼🌺
    Thank you for the videos and updates.
    Yes the wave is hard this time! 😪

  • @peacefulwarrior5845
    @peacefulwarrior5845 5 лет назад +1

    Thank you so much, I really needed this. I think my twin may have just got engaged or had reunited with his Karmic partner. If I’m honest, I’ve been asking my tarot cards how he feels about me too often. This “rejection” now makes sense. It’s time to do the work and heal more layers. Much love to all who are going through / have been through this traumatic time. The pain is unbearable but It must be faced in order to reach union with ourselves. ❤️✨

  • @annareynolds777
    @annareynolds777 6 лет назад +5

    Oh wow... This is exactly what hit me past few weeks. I thought the worse was behind, my Twin contacted me, it seemed he was coming towards me, he then disappeared mid way through conversation and next thing he is in a relationship, planning life together with someone else.
    Thank you so much for this. You brought so much clarity to what needs to happen. I've been oscillating between healing at the bottom of this pit and frantically trying to jump out of it unhealed 😂 keep panicking that my vibrations are low and need to get out of this ASAP not allowing myself to heal fully. What a journey... 😳 Sending lots of loving support to everyone who's going through this difficult time ❤️🌈🌍

    • @barefootlovers
      @barefootlovers 2 года назад

      How are things now?

    • @naturalgamergirl6243
      @naturalgamergirl6243 2 года назад

      @@barefootlovers sorry, only just saw this! :-) Things are really beautifully aligned. Funny, the post you replies to seems like such ancient past now! Thank you for bringing it back up to my awareness, it is interesting to see the progression of your own journey. Interestingly actually a couple of weeks ago the masculine I am talking about in the above post has contacted me after all these years! But the twist is I have long time moved on and outgrown that situation and he is not in an alignment with my highest good anymore. It's been a couple of years since I was shown how he could not hold the divine counterpart energy anymore in his vessel so that energy would express through another vessel that is better able to carry it. So I believe his recent resurfacing only served as a confirmation for me and a reminder how far I've come since and to make sure I have my last say to myself of "yes, this is no longer in alignment with me". I have found such a fulfilment within myself and just moving though my life in alignment with my inner being not even looking outside of myself for a validation or answers. I am in another beautiful connection with someone who expresses Divine love towards me on a completely next level and we have no doubts or worries about our connection even though he is away working on his own stuff currently. There is no rush, no lack, no fear, just unconditional love and profound knowing that we are moving together in paralel. He knows he's coming to me, I know he's coming, he just needs to close his chapters in his life to make sure everything is completed and everyone that he's leaving behind is looked after, so we can begin our physical connection unencumbered and with a full focus on bringing those codes of unconditional love to all that are ready to receive. Sending love and a reminder that this journey is about YOU, about your growth and you are creating it and the external is only a reflection of that, something that I needed to keep reminding myself about over and over on this journey xxx

  • @Andrea-jq6mu
    @Andrea-jq6mu 6 лет назад +2

    Yes! I am also going through this (again!) on many levels. Although it is painful to feel this way at deeper and deeper levels each time this cycle comes through, somehow recognizing this helps. Knowing that this is also happening collectively helps even more! Namaste Stephanie.

  • @barefootlovers
    @barefootlovers 2 года назад

    I had a vision this morning of a deep wound filled with dark matter - or rot - but big white seeds in there too. There is hope.

  • @TheProject-fw3qc
    @TheProject-fw3qc 6 лет назад +1

    I am in a 4.5 month separation from my DF, we had a perfect weekend, she got terrified and ran... BUT.. I am seeing TONS of syncronistic numbers 1111, 22.22 , 20.20 and so many more.. I learned self love and it was the greatest gift she could have ever given me, i am no angry she ran, I love her even more for it.. I am just awaiting with open arms and unconditional love no judgements.

  • @Divine777Love
    @Divine777Love 3 года назад

    I am so close to union and I had no idea why I felt rejected and not wanted. I am finally healing ❤️‍🩹 🙏🏽🥰
    I was so confused thank you for this video 🙏🏽🙏🏽

  • @julienash1002
    @julienash1002 6 лет назад

    I believe I have been working through this over the last couple of months. I have spoken to my twin for 3 hours recently and he told me he loved me and I feel like he is scared but I also feel he is working through it. It was a heavy and yes hard pain to push through it and I am coming into a place of serenity and absolute trust and acceptance of my jorney, my twin journey and a bigger picture i used to scoff at a previous partner for his blind faith in God I but now I understand his faith and I now thank him for this lesson I was so happy infound an inner strength that surprised me. Please understand we all have this inner strength to surprise ourselves.... i truly now understand unconditional love and have grown so much it's very exciting and I love learning and can't wait for what is yesslowly unfolding. Thanks Stephanie I love your genuine advice and listening to your journey it's very kind to share such a personal thing keeps me moving forward, you have made me smile a blessing on my rollercoaster. Much love and safe travels 😄

  • @annpowerduperier9779
    @annpowerduperier9779 6 лет назад

    Thank you Stephanie for this beautiful message. Peace, strength, and relief to all on this path

  • @nygeriunprence
    @nygeriunprence 6 лет назад +2

    A twin coming in at someone’s low place a very bad thing to do. You become co-dependent and lose your identity.

  • @peneenochs934
    @peneenochs934 6 лет назад +1

    You so much, I love the rumi quote. Much love and light to you. Namaste

  • @haileyseel154
    @haileyseel154 6 лет назад

    I've also been experiencing the fear of losing my twin flame and it is definitely related to rejection. I recently let go of the fear and am trusting this process. It's very uncomfortable but thankfully i am filled with peace because I truly believe we are going to be alright. There is a much bigger power at work here and I'm slowly learning to trust it. Thank you so much for your videos, it really helps to know i'm not the only one going through this stuff.

  • @1muhra
    @1muhra 6 лет назад

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Exactly what I’m going through and what I needed to hear. Namaste 🙏🏻

  • @neaalegria3484
    @neaalegria3484 6 лет назад

    Pretty much up to date to this collective channeling .. im currently in the process.. seems as if he dose not care for me .. i dreamt of his rejection.. n woke up in tears .. been silent going on 3mo.. the fear of realising is so big .. so many insecurities includeing reloacting...
    Unconditional love indeed is the only saver to alive the pain greetings beloved

  • @ajbeavers6042
    @ajbeavers6042 6 лет назад +1

    I feel like this is what hell must feel like.... I don't know how to climb back up anymore...He cheated on me and let me find out via social media via her posts she kept tagging him in (the most painful thing he ever had to go through himself when his ex-wife did it to him and I was a friend and witnessed all of it and helped him heal....this was 3 years before we even started dating) and he has now left me and our home for a woman/girl 13 years younger who now all of a sudden works 10 steps from where I work. I am faced with dealing with this every day. I've got nowhere left to run or hide. He wants nothing to do with me and is treating me like he's never loved let alone liked or cared for me ever. My best friend and love of my life doesn't "care"....its because of this that I realize how deep my fear really was inside of me but I don't know how to heal it....meditation, prayer, journaling, affirmations....nothing is helping elevate this excruciating 3D pain....

    • @queentourmaline9366
      @queentourmaline9366 6 лет назад +2

      Reset to zero. Look into Ho‘oponopono and the work of Dr Ihaleakala Hew Len. There is someone on youtube called UnderworldClassroom who teaches about soul retrieval which is recovering from trauma points in your life. Sometimes things need to be cleared out before you can use affirmations and other wonderful tools. It's like how doctors clear out the wounds first and then you get the bandage to cover them. Why does it bother you that he doesn't care? What is the core of that wound because it has nothing to do with him my friend. I wish you the best.

    • @ajbeavers6042
      @ajbeavers6042 6 лет назад

      Queen Tourmaline I've been doing Ho'oponopono pretty much daily, meditating, gratitude, affirmations, chanting, LOA, subliminal messages via binaural sound therapy, energy healing....it bothers me because of my childhood fear of abandonment and because of my now reemerging 3D limiting beliefs regarding unconditional love and emotions - I've been working on healing my inner child, my karma and loving myself for almost a year now (I know it probably doesn't sound very long or much compared to other people's journeys/experiences...) I just don't know where my block/issue is so I can heal it and move past this and grow...Why haven't I been able to feel any relief from this excruciating heartache....what am I missing? I am stuck and sliding and can't for the life of me figure out how to help myself anymore and that's the most terrifying part of this experience! I'm not completely in 3D, 4D or 5D and feel extremely alone and lost....how do i reset to zero effectively?

    • @queentourmaline9366
      @queentourmaline9366 6 лет назад +1

      Maybe the block is the one you are creating by putting up so much resistance to the pain. Sometimes in our attempts to get relief we confine ourselves mentally. Your conscious mind is no match for the subconscious so it's best not to try to battle it.
      But instead allow it to feel what it wants, while gently and calmly reprogramming it.
      If we just accept that the feelings need to be felt, it makes it easier to release them. But if we are throwing everything around in a panic trying to avoid being hurt, we are only making it more difficult for ourselves. It creates a mental prison that of course you can't escape when you have hidden your own key.
      Accept that you are doing the best that you can. There is nothing to run from. And there is a path coming to transform this pain into an experience that you can use to help others. Seek to transform your pain into something else and that may help you find your strength. What's your passion project?
      I'm sorry for the pain you have felt and I wish you much wholeness and balance dear friend.

    • @ajbeavers6042
      @ajbeavers6042 6 лет назад

      Queen Tourmaline ❤️! Thank you! Your words and guidance mean more to me than you know....
      I have been crying deeply and feeling the pain since i found out, I have learned to allow it and accept it and thought I had given it permission to be free and know that it was loved and that it had served its purpose. I have even woken up several times from sleep in a fetal position "bawling" my eyes out. I have also had several days this past week where I have have felt light and in love and felt that all was well and I understood what was happening and why... I am sure I'm blocking myself somewhere but at this point, no matter how positive I try to stay/think/speak...I feel like I'm losing that...today has been a rough day to put it mildly. Inam emotionally and mentally exhausted. This journey is definitely not easy....the 3D illusions will mess you up 8 ways to Sunday some days and it's hard to get out of the ego-based thoughts when you are feeling so emotionally destroyed... I have so much light and love inside of me and I have worked too hard to get here....I have faith and trust that the divine will step in when needed and I understand I have more work to do...just struggling big time today with the never ending heartache layers....
      Thank you for lending me an ear and helping...means more to me than I have words for! I don't have anyone in my physical world I can talk to about what this is, the only advice I get is, "he's not worth it. you deserve better", "give it time", "you'll be stronger once you get through this", "time heals all wounds"...they all stop there. I don't talk anymore about what I'm feeling because I don't want to burden others and I feel they really would not understand why I am not angry with him, or "hate" him, or that they want to hear any of what I think might be going on with him and why he's acting/mirroring this way...
      How do I find the key I've hidden?

    • @queentourmaline9366
      @queentourmaline9366 6 лет назад +1

      You are welcome.
      Sometimes one must move out of trying to do things and just be. Trying to think positively creates resistance from the part of you that does not feel positive. Why wage an internal battle? Why lock yourself in a mental cage of positive vs. negative.
      Be neutral and allow things to flow. If you are tired then be tired. Don't try to fight being tired telling yourself that you are going to be happy.
      Be as neutral as possible. 3d, 5d, ego, all these labels don't really matter at this point and just create more blocks.
      "Oh I am not good enough for this. My ego is going to block me from 5d". Let go. Reset to zero.
      What matters is regaining balance within yourself so that you can bring forth the best version of you. The battle has always been within.
      Find your passion project. It is often when we help others that we discover how to best help ourselves. 💖

  • @redgypsy7585
    @redgypsy7585 4 года назад

    So helpful thank you ❤️🙏🏻

  • @bunnyoncloud
    @bunnyoncloud 25 дней назад

    Thank you so much…

  • @shalinimishra591
    @shalinimishra591 6 лет назад

    Thanks so much
    I faced this fear
    It has been the worst
    I surrendered
    But it's very painful
    Thanks a lot

  • @sophieusa3862
    @sophieusa3862 4 года назад

    Thank you 🙏🕊 I felt that I was torn out my entrails 😪

  • @robertagehleevans3027
    @robertagehleevans3027 6 лет назад +1

    I soooo needed this video. Thank you.

  • @mrsashi75
    @mrsashi75 5 лет назад

    Thank you from India

  • @hazeyhaze5884
    @hazeyhaze5884 6 лет назад

    Thank you 🙏 it’s been hard at times x but support like this helps

  • @judyactonayala
    @judyactonayala 6 лет назад

    I've been through that pain, twin souls. It's just as you describe, Stephanie; horrid. When he 'lied' and told me he didn't love me and that we'd never see each other again!! Well, that was years ago, and somehow our friendship has blossomed into the healthiest and happiest its ever been. Trust has been restored on both sides exponentially. Whether we will ever see each other again is still the BIG QUESTION. We've been in this play for 15 long years. ... That being said, even just recently I was driven to "letting go" and it was like an experiment for me. It taught me that I truly am a twin soul, and that this journey is truly imine. ... Love you Stephanie. xo . Safe travels! Vaya con Dios.

  • @Masha-my5bn
    @Masha-my5bn 6 лет назад

    Thank You! This is coming up in cycles...sometimes I think how deep is the wounding... Much love

  • @5starrater1
    @5starrater1 6 лет назад

    beautiful video, thank you so much x

  • @zarah8872
    @zarah8872 5 лет назад

    Thank you, Blessings x

  • @lepojeb32
    @lepojeb32 6 лет назад

    thank you,exactly whats happening

  • @magnifica7777
    @magnifica7777 6 лет назад +4

    Oh yes Stephanie, away on my own, no family no friends, so much physical and emotional anxiety that I thought I had healed.

  • @mysticmaiden2000
    @mysticmaiden2000 6 лет назад

    This happened to me this week, sent dm a happy birthday message on Mon after no communication since Oct and didn't get a reply, not even a thanks. Major triggering since full moon, anger frustration after months of calm and balance and detaching. Was taking my anger out at work too and stopped trusting anyone. Have been independent for years but with my twin I've always wanted some reassurance of feelings towards me but never got it directly though did overhear him telling others which I didn't trust. It's such a tough journey.

  • @solyoluborovic5751
    @solyoluborovic5751 6 лет назад +1

    Thank you so much! I'm in a same wave defenetely 😣

  • @alexandrustancu8494
    @alexandrustancu8494 2 года назад

    can you do one for core wound of injustice, please?
    Thank you!

  • @katedehaven4664
    @katedehaven4664 6 лет назад

    Love this!!!

  • @annaormandy106
    @annaormandy106 3 года назад

    Can someone please explain what is meant by Twin Flame? If my ex is my twin flame I don’t want him. I thought he was awesome, turns he’s not as he kicked me out for another women. It’s 5 months now and I’ve never felt so rejected and unwanted in my life.

  • @chisatatum649
    @chisatatum649 5 лет назад

    Hi. 8m hoping i can get this. I want to get out of this. I got ghosted by my twin on mother's day and i want to know how to heal somethings in side of me so i dpnt go through this rubbish anymore!

  • @chocolateturtles8629
    @chocolateturtles8629 6 лет назад

    And thank you this did I'm just confused about the answer to my question???🤔🤔🤔

  • @hypercloudy5037
    @hypercloudy5037 6 лет назад

    My DM is with his galfrnd told me wen I cald him, I know he's undergoing karmic relationship but he doesn't know Wats going on n he doesn't know tat I m his twin flame. Really paining fr me , but I m confident tat soon this period ll b finished n union ll take place. But sometimes my energies r down.

  • @zaneba7056
    @zaneba7056 6 лет назад

    I'm in straight up agony, I would say this sucks pretty good.

  • @simplyme676
    @simplyme676 6 лет назад

    🌕💯 344 views / 44 thumbs up 😊

  • @shukriaapso8404
    @shukriaapso8404 6 лет назад

    Anyone experiencing fear of skin infections and skin invasion?

  • @chocolateturtles8629
    @chocolateturtles8629 6 лет назад

    Is it normal for a twin flame to disrespect you,and how is really rude and mean???

  • @DJKrol-pv8ft
    @DJKrol-pv8ft 3 года назад

    I dont even want a twin flame anymore

  • @gailforbes7834
    @gailforbes7834 6 лет назад


  • @officefreedom1403
    @officefreedom1403 5 лет назад

    My tf prefers money and status to love with me :(((( i am leaving his country forever. So we ll never see each other again :((((

  • @meeraraj0
    @meeraraj0 6 лет назад

    Your twin will awaken. Many people wishing for someone who's not there. That's not your twin. Twins will awaken. Trust divine surrender it.

  • @maryannknox7158
    @maryannknox7158 6 лет назад


  • @devonceeknowles8851
    @devonceeknowles8851 6 лет назад +1

    Omg yes!!! I knew it was rejection/abandonment I been calling it out everytime I start to feel the energy cause it comes up randomly throughout the day

  • @magnifica7777
    @magnifica7777 6 лет назад

    Thank you as always for your wisdom and love xxxxx 🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️✨

  • @alittlefox13
    @alittlefox13 3 года назад

    Thank you x