I teach skin sciences as an Esthetics instructor at a beauty college, and I've worked as a skin therapist in spas, helping clients with their skin concerns. This video is about a week's worth of lessons, summed up and illustrated beautifully. You can bet I'll be screening this vid in my classes. Thanks, SciShow!
I was one of the lucky few. It runs in my family. Nome of my 4 siblings ever got it really. It was nice. It would be awesome if they could pin point the exact gene that causes acne or no acne and figure out how to flip that switch so no one has to experience it. Teens with bad acne have it rough. Even adults who don't get acne until their late 20's go through hell. In some ways its effects their self esteem and life style even worse than teens. Its a lot harder to get a reputable job with a face full of zits. 😞😞😞 I hope they can figure out a permanent fix all soon!
I really appreciate how this video actually detailed the scientific aspects of how to prevent acne instead of giving vague advice like "drink more water," "eat less greasy foods," and "wash your face more"
I suffer from it. A lot. Have to be on an antibiotic to keep it under control. Part of it is probably because my face makes *a lot* of oil, like "my face is perpetually shiny and slick" a lot so I have to keep my face really clean and dry. I'm also the lucky sod whose pimples rarely just leak all their gunk - they bleed instead. Yay me .-.
I used to put a tiny bit if pure tea tree oil on those. It'd usually clear up the spot in a day or so. Maybe a little longer for the really bad ones. I also took extra vitamin A. It reduces the amount of oil produced. Don't go crazy with the A, though. It builds up in the body and can cause problems in high amounts.
Last couple years I get some of these. Never had them before ... They resist even my acid treatment. Sucks! I actually put a patch on my chin one day, cos that thing was just cherry red, glowing like a blink light.
My skin has been terrible since I was like 9. I've tried all the face washes and creams to prescription creams, meds and antibiotics. Nothing works. I'm almost 19 now and have learned to accept myself and focus on the more important things in life instead!
hey im 52 years old back in the 80s i had acne bad i went to a docter and prescibed me retin a acid and tetracycline and told me to put the retin a acid on my face twice a day for one month and it worked ive never had acne since and retin a acid was a new thing then later they found out that retin a acid reduced wrinkles
Those arnt blackheads! Dont pop them! Your nose needs that. I dont remember the technical name for them but youre supposed to have black dots on your nose
There was an episode on SciShow about the probability that you actually have breast cancer if a mammography test is positive. Anyone remembers it? I can't seem to find it.
Just a tip for fellow acne sufferers! Never try to pop a cystic pimple, or a pimple that isn't ready! Also remember, that if your pimple doesn't bleed after being popped, you didn't get all of the gunk out so don't be surprised when the pimple fills up again. And always, always, use disinfectant after popping a zit.
I understand that he says in the video that there isn't enough solid proof that your diet affects your acne, but I've been thought horrid cystic acne that has left deep scars all over the back of my neck and regular acne on my face, chest, and shoulders that has also left smaller scars, and I can say that removing milk from my diet helped me so much. I'm not completely vegan, I simply swapped cow milk for plant based alternatives like almond and soya milk (I still eat eggs occasionally and will sometimes eat products with cow milk in) so I'm not doing this just to promote veganism. I just want to make people know that it really can help. Just try it 😊. It helped me more than my accutane treatment.
Luke Gonnella These kinds of testimony is what makes people belive in BS "It worked for me, it should work for everyone else" But those studies made with lots of people, who give a fuck about those
If I don't pop the few pimples that show up, they go away after a few days and then will come right back again. Same spot, over and over and over. I had one that was constant and incredibly annoying, and it never seemed to clear up no matter how much I left it alone, or tried various creams or medicines... until I finally got so frustrated with it I just messed with it until I could finally pop it and squeeze out that little 'seed' of a core right in the center.. and it FINALLY WENT AWAY. Hasnt' come back. After over a year of that damn thing recurring, it's GONE. Haven't seen a sign of it in years.
Lazy Loaf your body attacks dirt/skin cells the same way as a splinter or a sliver of glass. It sends white blood cells to attack it. They surround the foreign object and build up until it comes to a head and bursts, hopefully expelling the offending material. There almost always is a core. It's thicker than the surrounding pus. It contains a wall of white blood cells and, at the center, what caused the whole thing.
alo vera I've had acne for years and have had horrible zits and used to pop them religiously and I'm so glad I don't have any scarring that I've noticed yet.
I've had varyingly bad (b)acne since I was a teenager that I've tried many different treatments for. It's really wonderful to hear further explanation of the issue and different alternatives I'd never even heard of before. Maybe I oughta go to the doctor one more time and ask about some of these :)
I've struggled with acne for most of my teenage years and even beyond adolescence! That's why I finally decided to go to a doctor and ask them what to do since I had tried all kinds of creams and what not. I've been prespcribed a treatment which contains Isotetrionin and it has helped me A LOT. It has its side effects but they're not irrevocable. I'm glad you finally made a video about this, since Acne is a skin DISEASE after all, and we need more information about it so that people can prevent/treat it before they have to deal with scars... ugh! Thanks for uploading this video; I'm sure it will help many people who are struggling with acne.
juan perez right? if i have a big ass pimple im just supposed to leave it there and just clean my skin using cosmetics... fuck all that shit. ill just pop them and hope for the best. typical video that just gives us a lecture and some stupid solution we've already thought of.
Rule #1 Stop eatting food additives. Everything that wasn't around 50 years ago shouldn't be consumed. Anything artificial. Btw chocolate Always has something artifical in it even if it says otherwise on the label. Unless you make it yourself. If you make it yourself though, you'll immediately realise that it is completely different from store-bought one, even if all the ingredients are the same. Rule #2 Stop eating sugar or stuff that contains sugar. You are welcome. 99% of the people who follow this advice will be free of acne. Trust me, i've been combating it for over 14 years until i realized these simple facts.
I've had painful acne for years (parents just thought it was puberty) and I tried everything until I went to dermatologist. Don't wait last minute, it makes the process longer, more painful and adds scaring.
I find it most effective to puncture the top with a clean needle and then gently squeeze the pus out. This removes the majority of the bacteria and oil, unclogs the pore, and exposes any remaining bacteria to oxygen.
A family acquaintance told me she had horrible acne when she was my age (17 at the time). The good thing is that her face was completely clean like she had never suffered from acne before. She was in her late 20's. It gave me hope.
I always pop pimples that come up... The redness and everything goes away in a few hours and my face is not covered in scars so ill just continue to do that whenever one pops up
Diet is honestly plays a huge factor in acne. I was drinking almost 2 cups of milk a day and had moderately bad acne. I stopped drinking milk recently and the acne is almost all gone. I did some research after seeing the results and found out the milk messes with your hormones, which makes sense that it would cause acne from uneven hormone levels.
Tall Random Guy That might be the case for you and in that case it makes sense for you to stick with it. But it does not mean it's a general rule. Like he mentioned, science has not found a link yet. For my acne changing my diet hasn't made any difference whatever.
I've had acne since I was 14, today I'm 26. It was very severe when I was a young teen though, these days it still happens daily but I've stopped caring enough to swallow a ton of medication each day. I wish I could get rid of it, but I have given up since none of the treatments I've tried gave me any significant results, and I find it more annoying to treat myself rather than just live with the acne. Mostly I get small (whatever) heads in my nose and I seem to produce acne more, where I sweat. By my ears, by my nosedrills, on my forehead, inder my arms and between my thighs. I also get skin rashes if I let my chin-hair grow too long so I have to shave completely down at least once a week and trim it in the middle of the week. Anyone else that just gave up and learned to live with it?
I'm 24 and have had acne since middle school. I have hormonal acne so I cut out dairy and it's made a world of difference. You should also try oil cleansing (since your acne seemed to be sebum sensitive). I use DHC oil cleansing which, I know it sounds crazy, reduces oiliness. Good luck!
Dietary insufficiencies . When I started taking zinc supplements, my acne disappeared within a month. Two years later, thinking I was 'cured', I stopped the zinc. Several weeks later, I got acne again. Resuming the zinc it went away. Zinc is only a trace element in our bodies, but apparently not having enough is a cause of skin problems such as acne and boils. As it's not excreted readily, it takes a while for it to get to a low enough level in the skin to cause a problem, and it also takes a while for enough of it to be retained in the skin. I've been on zinc now for almost 35 years, and still, if I stop taking it, I get acne and boils.
I know it is really hard to resist but learning to not do so, will help out. I'm lucky, I don't get really bad acne like I used to, rarely have none at all, but I can live with one or two here or there. When I see them now, I don't even think about touching them. Too easy to make the redness and swelling hang around longer, cause scarring and spread the spots. If I get the really nasty ones, like on the end of my nose *groan* (even I can see it all the time, too hard to ignore) I'll true to gently encourage it to go off on its own in the shower, where I can wash away the, erhm, ejecta. If you can get into the practice of leaving them alone, they go away quicker and it can be a good exercise in learning to be confident, regardless of ones appearance, if you aren;t already.
I have suffered from acne for 17 years of my life and many times from painful cystic acne. I have tried every over the counter product, expensive acne solutions and two rounds of Accutane. The only thing that has cleared my acne is to go for an allergy test at a naturopath and find out what my body reacts to.
What did you end up reacting to? I'm 29 and had 3 rounds of accutane in my teens and tried everything as well! Salicylic acid seems to help a bit, but the problem definitely lies within. It's not my skin(care) that's the problem.... Want to see a naturopath anyway for some health problems, and I'm sure there is a connection somewhere....
Hi Marlies, how was your visit to the naturopath? My biggest food triggers are eggs, dairy, wheat and milk. I had the allergy test done through bloodwork sample that is then sent to a lab. Regarding my skin care regime, I use a glycolic acid cleanser, homemade witch hazel and tea tree oil toner and spot treat BP of 5%. I wish you complete healing.
Thank you! I am lactose intolerant apparently (went to my own doctor a year ago with a lot of gut problems) and have IBS. They say... ;). I try to avoid dairy but end up having chocolate or cookies now and then. Maybe some cheese rarely. Tests also showed I don't have celiac disease but I'm wondering if wheat is a problem for me anyway. I will def. look into this! Have not seen a naturopath yet but I guess I have to start somewhere... :-)
Im going to give a summary on the comments to help you out, here we go: 1. Accutane and Retinoids (pills) are the MOST powerful and helpful medicines, which get rid of at least 75% of your acne within 2 or so months (unless you have some absurd health problem) although they may have serious side effects. 2. do NOT try any other way as it's much slower process and probably gets rid of only up to 50% of acne (within years) unless you want to go a very safe and long way. 3. you will have acne your entire childhood if u hit that 80% and maybe even early adult age. Only longer if health issue or serious genetics related stuff. 4. Do not use your saliva to put on your zits, there's a spammer in the comments saying it will work but actually adds bad bacteria. IT WILL MAKE YOU LOOK LIKE THAT ONE LARGE GREASY EXTRA PEPPERONI PIZZA THAT EVERY KID WANTS EVERY FRIDAY. And 5. Have a great day and take care of your skin.
5:34 "shouldn't" is the key word here. I have bought so many facial creams that had that label and non of them proofed to have earned it. I'm on the expensive stuff from the pharmacy for 14 years now. Made a drastic change, but the real page turner was finding the right cleansing agent
No, but I tried dozens of creams, then a diet, then tried dermatologist treatments and eventually took a serious medicine for 10months. It helped reduce the amount about 80%, but the scars remained, I still have acne and it caused me another permanent health issue. After that I just gave up.
Word of advice for you Viktor and Yashii, unless you have a severe hormone problem then all you need is to apply your own saliva over your zits. Morning saliva ( when you wake up ) is best. The bacteria in your mouth is powerful enough to destroy acne. If you only have minor zits here and there all you need to do is apply saliva with the tip of your finger throughout the day repeatedly after it dry's each time. You will notice your zits drying and peeling until they are completely gone. I do this all the time. No need for medication. Try it and see for yourselves. This also works in the beginning stages of a zit. Which normally is noticeable by the soreness and redness that coems with it. Hope this helps. Salaam !
Robert Barbour Use your brain. First of all how can you lick your zits ??? Anyway, dip the tip of your finger on your tongue and apply that saliva unto your bumps, let the saliva dry and repeat as much as possible and needed. You will notice the soreness and itching going away little by little and even the zits peeling as much as you do it.
I'm 42 yrs old & as a teenager, I hardly got any acne. However, I'm now perimenopausal & for the first time in my life I'm dealing with uncomfortable, sometimes painful acne whenever my time of the month comes round. During puberty, I used no skin products on my face. A few months ago, I started to use cleansing wipes once per day & they turned my slightly dry skin to greasy, even though I don't use them anymore. I would say to stick to a simple soap & warm water once per day & stay away from cleansing wipes & other chemical products.
Okay, so he left out a few things. One: PID, or post inflammatory darkening, are dark spots that replace a zit whether you pop it or not and may last as long as six months. Get the zit out while it's small, as soon as you see it, but don't squeeze them. I have found good luck with a very sharp pair of tweezers to just peel away the one or two dead skin cells trapping the bad stuff inside the pore. Two: Don't touch your face. Just don't. I learned from a friend whose mother was a cosmetologist that you can give your face a quick wash with purell and that may help lessen acne. I did this every time I touched my face, as a sort of cleansing punishment, until I learned not to touch my face. The acne finally went away, and has stayed mostly gone, without the use of purell. Three: don't take antibiotics for your acne. It isn't worth the long tern effects on your gut biome. Four: Stay away from soda. Not only is it bad for your teeth, something in dark soda Definitely gives me Very stubborn acne. Each zit lasts weeks and most of them hurt. After a month or so, you won't miss the soda, and if you replace it with water, you'll double down on making your skin look better. Good luck.
Things that help me the most: tea tree oil, lavender oil, using an extractor tool instead of my fingers (if I absolutely need to pop it), birth control, drinking cashew milk not cow milk. I've tried everything. (Abx, topicals). Also, None of the stupid cleaners they sell work for me. my skin is not perfect but it's the best it's ever been. Hope any of this can help.
A few things that have helped me have purer facial skin: • Cutting out potato chips • Cutting out bad hot sauce (with all those garbage preservatives and additives) • Eating more greens • Using a loofah (big time change) Hope that helps. God bless
Something that I love about Sci-show is their ability to communicate science to a public audience. For example, the way he said that scientists haven't found any direct link between acne and diet. He didn't finish there; he elaborated on what this means. I have often experienced people taking "scientists haven't found any direct evidence that..." to mean "there will never be any evidence that...". While scientists may not see it this way as simply seeing research in this light is against the scientific method, I know many people do not. I hope to work in scientific research one day and I aim to draw inspiration from the way people from Sci-show, and other science related presentations aimed at the public, communicate.
I had really bad break outs in my teens. I went to the doctors and got a cream for it. Turns out it had Benzoyl Peroxide in it. Woke up the next morning with snow white eyebrows. Great.
I NEVER had acne until I turned 20. Now no matter what I apply to my face it won't go away. I don't pop zits and yet once they go away there's a scar :/
I went to this beauty specialist. She did some weird tests and gave me a list of things I can and can't eat, some rosewater to clear my skin twice a day, some cream and a scrub I should use twice a week. She does this with everyone that has any kind of problems, the food list part at least and up till now, nobody has complaints anymore. Whenever I don't eat what I'm not supposed to eat, my skin becomes prettier, the zits and spots dissapear. When I decide to ignore the rules, everything comes back again. But even people that come for something else intirely, like backpain, get well when doing what the foodlist says. It's quitd awesome actually.
That's great but you should stop eating dairy and eggs, especially dairy. Dairy is the worst when it comes to acne and mucus. Not to mention that if you are an ethical vegetarian, the dairy industry is the cruelest of them all.
I got rid of my acne by taking 600mg of Trimethoprim a day(2x3 100mg tablets a day) Its not actually made for acne but fixing it is an inadvertent side effect. Started working for me after a few days and went completely after 2 months. No side effects. Just mentioning this for anyone suffering from acne because its a damn good treatment. A doctor should be able to prescribe it for you on repeat prescription, or may be directed to the local hospital first if they want to give you a few months worth of tablets on the day.
+Tyler lyker You're lucky, I had horrible side effects from accutane, it even made my skin extremely sensitive to sunlight and I ended up with nasty blisters on my face because I was outside too long one summer. Fortunately no scarring, but it still sucked.
Gerardo Rosa Yeah, raising the dosage of alot of antibiotics can have permanent effects. You should book a new appointment and mention Trimethoprim. Just mention that you've heard it had good effects for acne (although I believe its for water infections) and see what they say.. I'm in England so said information may not be known to your doctor so they might dismiss it, inwhich case you could always ask them to look into it..
fux yews But it's apparently used for bladder infections, ear infections and diarrhoea. Will this cause any unwanted side effects or consequences even if it removes the acne?
can you do this scientifically? can you pop zits only on the left and leave the once on the right alone for a week and see if poping them actually makes a difference for the better? I too believe popping them helps them heal, but would like to see it done scientifcally
It does, if i don't pop a zit it takes about 12 days for it to completely disapear, if i pop it it's gone in 5-6 days top, maybe a little red scar that goes away with time.
Definitely recommend a topical system that has Benzoil Peroxide and salicylic acid. But for me, it's not enough on it's own. I take zinc for inflammation, vitamin E to stop the oils from clogging so much, and vitamin A (liver supplements) to help the skin turn over and shed easier. This is ok for regular acne, but not for hormonal cystic acne. I just added Chasteberry/Vitex supplement and I think I've done it. No more acne. Finally. (I think this may only work for women though. There may be a different supplement men can use to regulate their hormones.)
You'll be scarred for life. Dermabrasion and laser surgery are painful and won't help much. You will have plenty of time to develop ability because people will shun you. Then you can run for president like Tulsi Gabbard.
@Ericka. Zinc and Vitamin C supplements are good and will help. Keep your hands off your face, change your pillowcase frequently, drink water and not milk or dairy products (I wish I had known this one). Water with lemon juice first thing in the morning on an empty stomach! Best wishes.
In regards to dairy causing acne, anecdotally I think it can. Though most dairy foods haven't made any difference to my skin, but whey protein shakes definitely did. I'd never had cystic acne until I started drinking whey shakes, and I ended up with a ton of it around my jaw. It all disappeared as soon as I switched to whey isolate, and hasn't happened since. I'd be interested to know what it was exactly that caused it though.
Had mild acne as a teenager, so dermatologist put me on Accutane. The side effects were nasty but my skin cleared up 100%. Still mostly clear a decade later.
Christina Choi ah you have im a teen i guess i have acne on my face cuz of puberty and stuff but im now 16 and like everyday i always get a pimple for sure .-.
80% of people? Nah That's complete and utter bs, from the whole 2k or something students at my school I'm the only one with acne everyone has picture perfect skin
I've found that for me, drinking lots of water helps with my acne. Over the last two years, my acne has roller-coastered, and I can say with certainty that the times it was the least present was when my water intake was highest. I've been drinking a full gallon of water (or two, if I can manage) per day, and I'm definitely seeing a fast improvement. Just try upping your water intake.
this video is very informative. I cleared my skin the natural way when everything else didn't work for me, personally. I get a pimple here or there but quickly get rid of it
Sokan1993 I had tried other prescriptions before with little results that never lasted more than a few months. I've been clear for months now. My entire face/neck was covered in them for years so it definitely needed extreme help.
Andres Gonzalez Retenoid user here and I confirm this. I tried everything there is to stop acne and nothing worked... until I used roacutane and I don't have a single pimple now...
I have really oily skin and one thing that has helped both my acne and oiliness is coconut oil and sugar exfoliating. One tablespoon coconut oil (slightly heated) and two tablespoons of sugar.
Coconut oil is high on the comedogenic scale, sugar crystals damage the skin, so I wouldn't recommend that.... Instead use a mild face wash, if you have to very gently use a soft washcloth, use a salicylic acid (BHA) as a chemical exfoliant rather than a physical exfoliant (the sugar).
I had acne through my teens and 20s. I got so fed up and finally went to a dermatologist. I got on roaccutane, completely destroyed my acne, had a few side effects but well worth it.
@@kathleensaenz4717 I sent you a sense of humor pack and a sarcasm detector to your mail. It make take some days to arrive due to the coronavirus thing going on, but I'm sure you will appreciate this gift. It will make your life less grey ;)
I showered every morning. Before bed, I'd use a washcloth and run it under hot water. Rung it out, draped it over my face for about 2 minutes- open the pores. Washed my face with Ivory soap and warm water. Rinsed again with cool water to close the pores. In the morning, rinse and repeat [ pun intended ]. I used to get about 2 to 10 pimples a week. After I started doing this, it was more like 2 - 3 times a year. Might not work for everyone, but if you've tried everything else and it didn't help... What have you got to lose? Works for my 15-year old, too. :)
I have always lived a generally healthy lifestyle; I have a balanced diet, I exercise regularly, and I am usually a very happy and optimistic person, yet I got cystic acne in February this year, which I think was caused by a combination of stress during that time period and genetics (because my dad had a lot of acne as an adolescent). I eventually found a skin doctor who prescribed acutane (those vitamin A retinoid thingies) for me and now my cysts are almost completely gone, which I am extremely thankful for. There are some unpleasant side effects to taking acutane and I can tell that there will be scarring, but I am sooo happy and glad to have a practically clear face again, the best part is that the results of acutane are long term. So for anyone with serious cystic acne: find a skin doctor and ask about acutane.
Sometimes if your skin is too dry, your pores produce more sebum to make up for the dryness, which can cause acne. I recommend a facial moisturizer, but you should check with a professional if it's really bad.
I personally use Clean & Clear Dual Action Moisturizer because it's oil free and contains salicylic acid to fight acne. However, I have really oily skin so I recommend finding something for dry skin if that's an issue for you. Good luck!
Paula's Choice!! All products are free from irritants like perfumes, bad alcohols etc. They also have tons of info on skin, skin problems like yours as well. I always just bought a random face wash and moisturizer at the drugstore and realized they were very irritating on me (perfumes, bad alcohols etc). My face would burn like crazy sometimes. Then you tend to pack on moisturizer to sooth it, but if it's a thicker cream consistency it can in return clog your pores and cause more breakouts. So, what really calmed my skin down a lot (not just acne wise but overall tone, feel, etc): - MILD face wash (no harsh scrubbing, if you really have to gently use a washcloth sometimes) - Salicylic acid to gently clean out the inside of the pores (I really like the Paula's Choice 2% Clear regular strength) - A thin consistency (gel like or gel cream) moisturizer for at night and one with SPF for during the day Paula's Choice is more expensive than just something random from the drugstore, but it's worth it to me! I do tend to keep it basic after trying out a LOT of products, because I know most of my acne comes from health related problems. But my skin really does look so much better!! If you have dry and oily skin at the same time, you need to make sure you clean your face well but NOT strip it of oil completely (hence the mild face wash) and moisturize it without making it greasier and clog your pores (good quality light moisturizer). One last thing I reallllly loved when my skin was very dry (not anymore) was hyaluronic acid, which basically pulls water into your skin making it more hydrated and plump without being an actual moisturizing cream. Good luck :)
Andrea I_S_A You will get it bad too.. My dad had it bad and I do too.. Although it isn't nearly as bad as my dad when he was my age, it's still pretty bad.. Its all genetics just like cancer from smoking..
Just wash your face and try not to touch your face too much. If it gets really bad id suggest using proactiv or stuff from the YesTo brand, as I used to have a face full of acne and they worked for me
Thanks for picking this
You did that on purpose.
octapusxft Boooo!
Nice pun, let me give you a hug... * Squeeze *
I love you oh my gosh
octapusxft, I got excited when this popped up in my feed.
I teach skin sciences as an Esthetics instructor at a beauty college, and I've worked as a skin therapist in spas, helping clients with their skin concerns. This video is about a week's worth of lessons, summed up and illustrated beautifully. You can bet I'll be screening this vid in my classes. Thanks, SciShow!
Who's the 20% of people who don't get acne??? MUST BE NICE
ScrubTheNub I guess you can count me in!
I'm sure most of them are korean
Pretty much; I don't have to squeeze any of those nasty pimples 😷
I was one of the lucky few. It runs in my family. Nome of my 4 siblings ever got it really. It was nice. It would be awesome if they could pin point the exact gene that causes acne or no acne and figure out how to flip that switch so no one has to experience it. Teens with bad acne have it rough. Even adults who don't get acne until their late 20's go through hell. In some ways its effects their self esteem and life style even worse than teens. Its a lot harder to get a reputable job with a face full of zits. 😞😞😞 I hope they can figure out a permanent fix all soon!
I really appreciate how this video actually detailed the scientific aspects of how to prevent acne instead of giving vague advice like "drink more water," "eat less greasy foods," and "wash your face more"
You don't need to worry about acne if you remove your face
Taps temple
Tofu Kingpin the more you knooowww 🎶
*taps forehead part of skull*
Molly Butler *starts dooting*
except it's not limited to your face. I get acne on my shoulders and back.
Best treatment for acne: zootacnecure.blogspot.com
I highly recommend it.
Ah, that good cystic acne. Painful, can't pop them, swollen, long lasting. Very fun. You should try em sometime.
Pixel Heart Oh no thank you, I still have scars from the last 3 years now.
I suffer from it. A lot. Have to be on an antibiotic to keep it under control. Part of it is probably because my face makes *a lot* of oil, like "my face is perpetually shiny and slick" a lot so I have to keep my face really clean and dry. I'm also the lucky sod whose pimples rarely just leak all their gunk - they bleed instead. Yay me .-.
I used to put a tiny bit if pure tea tree oil on those. It'd usually clear up the spot in a day or so. Maybe a little longer for the really bad ones. I also took extra vitamin A. It reduces the amount of oil produced. Don't go crazy with the A, though. It builds up in the body and can cause problems in high amounts.
My father has those often. He calls it seven-headed beast
Last couple years I get some of these. Never had them before ... They resist even my acid treatment. Sucks! I actually put a patch on my chin one day, cos that thing was just cherry red, glowing like a blink light.
The last time I was this early the iPhone still had a headphone jack
and a home button.
ScienceRedstoneGaming The next IPhone's just going to be a metal brick with circuitry inside.
maybe it'll be a pen, that just project and interactive holographic screen
ScienceRedstoneGaming it's always a fucking trash minecraft channel that makes the most crappiest unoriginal jokes
yeah sure.....
Kallum Taylor-Vincent You're missing the key benefactor of the joke, however. It's called an 'anti-joke' or 'anti-humor'.
My skin has been terrible since I was like 9. I've tried all the face washes and creams to prescription creams, meds and antibiotics. Nothing works. I'm almost 19 now and have learned to accept myself and focus on the more important things in life instead!
hey im 52 years old back in the 80s i had acne bad i went to a docter and prescibed me retin a acid and tetracycline and told me to put the retin a acid on my face twice a day for one month and it worked ive never had acne since and retin a acid was a new thing then later they found out that retin a acid reduced wrinkles
Leannyly drink lots of water and wash your face twice a day you will notice a huge difference in 1 week.
AnimeWatcher No you wont, I do that already and my skin is horrible.
Leannyly well lucky you 9 I started getting it bad when I was 7
Leannyly me to
I work in a dermatology office and this is a very good and thorough explanation of acne and it's treatment options. Great video!
Anyone else has a galaxy of blackheads on their nose?
The DarkStar me
*raises hand*
They made a video about those "blackheads"
Those arnt blackheads! Dont pop them! Your nose needs that. I dont remember the technical name for them but youre supposed to have black dots on your nose
Karkat Vantass
They’re called sebaceous filaments.
It’s nice to know they’re not blackheads!
You know what heals a zit fastest? Popping it. For me, it's nearly invisible in 20 minutes. If I leave it, it'll be red, hot and inflamed for a week.
David Buschhorn some times when there on my nose in just shave it off ... nose zits are the worst
NotSo FatCat Shave it off????? 😨😨😨 Your nose??
but then it might scar badly.
with a razor blade ... can't aford them tho so I get the old ones my dad is done with in his auto shop
Hormone induced stress? There must be a dolphin making popping noises nearby and I must be a toadfish.
"Increased stress is thought to increase hormone production." How did you get hormone induced stress from that?
It's a joke from this year's PSAT. I know that isn't exactly what it said, but it was pretty close.
I'M DYING XD!!! Didn't expect that joke here XDDDDDDDD!!!!
Hah, taking your PSAT?
There was an episode on SciShow about the probability that you actually have breast cancer if a mammography test is positive. Anyone remembers it? I can't seem to find it.
Here you go! ruclips.net/video/jFzahAm3qFQ/видео.html
Thank you very much!
SciShow oh snap
Hope you're okay...
we worked out the odds of false positive and false negatives in my statistics class. It's very interesting.
Milena K my eyes are burning because I’m just waiting for him to blink just ONCE. He’s probably reading the script lol
Some say he still hasn’t blinked his eyes to this day...
I saw him blink at 4:45
Now that you've pointed it out i can't help but think how dry his eyes are getting
this made me go back and watch it again...he did'nt except for once
Just a tip for fellow acne sufferers! Never try to pop a cystic pimple, or a pimple that isn't ready! Also remember, that if your pimple doesn't bleed after being popped, you didn't get all of the gunk out so don't be surprised when the pimple fills up again.
And always, always, use disinfectant after popping a zit.
All my friends have baby faces and smooth skin, but I however have acne and a damn sharp jawline!
Kimbo Slice sharp jawlines are beautiful?!...
Brionyx i think they know that, like negatives and positives
try tea tree oil and calamine cream ;)
So do I.
Kimbo Slice same
I understand that he says in the video that there isn't enough solid proof that your diet affects your acne, but I've been thought horrid cystic acne that has left deep scars all over the back of my neck and regular acne on my face, chest, and shoulders that has also left smaller scars, and I can say that removing milk from my diet helped me so much.
I'm not completely vegan, I simply swapped cow milk for plant based alternatives like almond and soya milk (I still eat eggs occasionally and will sometimes eat products with cow milk in) so I'm not doing this just to promote veganism. I just want to make people know that it really can help. Just try it 😊. It helped me more than my accutane treatment.
That's not what he said at all
Evamael oops I mistyped I've corrected it now
Luke Gonnella These kinds of testimony is what makes people belive in BS
"It worked for me, it should work for everyone else"
But those studies made with lots of people, who give a fuck about those
That's what's called 'anecdotal evidence'. If it works for you great but there's no scientific basis for it, it may simply be a placebo effect.
Luke Gonnella almond milk is right up there in the best taste ever created by nature/human kind along with Nutella..
If I don't pop the few pimples that show up, they go away after a few days and then will come right back again. Same spot, over and over and over.
I had one that was constant and incredibly annoying, and it never seemed to clear up no matter how much I left it alone, or tried various creams or medicines... until I finally got so frustrated with it I just messed with it until I could finally pop it and squeeze out that little 'seed' of a core right in the center.. and it FINALLY WENT AWAY. Hasnt' come back. After over a year of that damn thing recurring, it's GONE. Haven't seen a sign of it in years.
Dont they go away forever at 25 or above?
Same. I pop them and I very rarely see them come back or cause new ones.
TR L yeah, right. Lol
Why do your zits have seeds?....
Lazy Loaf your body attacks dirt/skin cells the same way as a splinter or a sliver of glass. It sends white blood cells to attack it. They surround the foreign object and build up until it comes to a head and bursts, hopefully expelling the offending material. There almost always is a core. It's thicker than the surrounding pus. It contains a wall of white blood cells and, at the center, what caused the whole thing.
my acne is just a few pimples like probably two at a time but I have acne scars and blackheads ripppp
alo vera I've had acne for years and have had horrible zits and used to pop them religiously and I'm so glad I don't have any scarring that I've noticed yet.
Oof same :’)
I know this is 2 years old, but exfoliation is good for that
I've had varyingly bad (b)acne since I was a teenager that I've tried many different treatments for. It's really wonderful to hear further explanation of the issue and different alternatives I'd never even heard of before.
Maybe I oughta go to the doctor one more time and ask about some of these :)
things on how to get rid of acne starts around 6:30
Huh, didn't know acne was considered a skin disease
Legit Communism What did you think it was. Either way, you learned sth. That's good right?
Mum! I got sick, not going to school, sorry.
Your name is literally the best
If you want to learn how to get rid of your acne fast then go here now: AcneDone.com
uyiiko actually no, all teens don't get acne. I was the one in my family who got acne and my cousins never had.
Wait... 20% of people don't have acne?!! HOW?!! I'm 13 with breakouts all over my forehead and my mom is 45 and still has minor acne.
And I have DRY skin...
Havoctic Lucky Bastard.
DancesWithBeauty I get pimples on my face.
DancesWithBeauty Same
DancesWithBeauty my grandparents and dad didn't get acne. They are so lucky
I've struggled with acne for most of my teenage years and even beyond adolescence! That's why I finally decided to go to a doctor and ask them what to do since I had tried all kinds of creams and what not. I've been prespcribed a treatment which contains Isotetrionin and it has helped me A LOT. It has its side effects but they're not irrevocable. I'm glad you finally made a video about this, since Acne is a skin DISEASE after all, and we need more information about it so that people can prevent/treat it before they have to deal with scars... ugh! Thanks for uploading this video; I'm sure it will help many people who are struggling with acne.
I thought things like this only happened in movies but I actually woke up with a huge pimple on the bridge of my nose the day of school photos
so, at what point did he tell us how to get rid of acne?
juan perez right? if i have a big ass pimple im just supposed to leave it there and just clean my skin using cosmetics... fuck all that shit. ill just pop them and hope for the best. typical video that just gives us a lecture and some stupid solution we've already thought of.
kyle smith I have been using a salicylic acid face wash and then benzoyl peroxide afterwards and it works wonders.
Or just buy alcohol swabs, literally more effective than washing your face and drying it the fuck out.
juan perez toothpaste helps. Just don't put it on constantly or it'll start a chemical burn (basically dries out the skin)
Rule #1 Stop eatting food additives. Everything that wasn't around 50 years ago shouldn't be consumed. Anything artificial.
Btw chocolate Always has something artifical in it even if it says otherwise on the label. Unless you make it yourself. If you make it yourself though, you'll immediately realise that it is completely different from store-bought one, even if all the ingredients are the same.
Rule #2 Stop eating sugar or stuff that contains sugar.
You are welcome. 99% of the people who follow this advice will be free of acne. Trust me, i've been combating it for over 14 years until i realized these simple facts.
I've had painful acne for years (parents just thought it was puberty) and I tried everything until I went to dermatologist. Don't wait last minute, it makes the process longer, more painful and adds scaring.
Everyone makes the statement not to pop it, yet everyone does it. Like what else is there to do? leave it alone and show the world??!!!
I find it most effective to puncture the top with a clean needle and then gently squeeze the pus out. This removes the majority of the bacteria and oil, unclogs the pore, and exposes any remaining bacteria to oxygen.
If you're going to pop pimples anyways, that's the way to do it. Don't scratch or rip them off.
Wizard Suth enjoy the scars
I never popped them but my face still has scars.
@@alessia02starlight I always popped them but I dont have scars.
A family acquaintance told me she had horrible acne when she was my age (17 at the time). The good thing is that her face was completely clean like she had never suffered from acne before. She was in her late 20's. It gave me hope.
Excuse me, why is your explanation so much better. Thank u
I always pop pimples that come up... The redness and everything goes away in a few hours and my face is not covered in scars so ill just continue to do that whenever one pops up
I can relate. Alcohol (on the pimple of course) and ice cubes afterwards helps though.
I do that if smaller ones come up.
I usually pop them in the morning and wash my face at the same time, it seems to work preventing spread.
Eventually you will get scars, so good luck with that.
+ApertureAce wait so what about dark marks left from pimples
Diet is honestly plays a huge factor in acne. I was drinking almost 2 cups of milk a day and had moderately bad acne. I stopped drinking milk recently and the acne is almost all gone. I did some research after seeing the results and found out the milk messes with your hormones, which makes sense that it would cause acne from uneven hormone levels.
Same here
but milk is good .-.
Tall Random Guy That might be the case for you and in that case it makes sense for you to stick with it. But it does not mean it's a general rule. Like he mentioned, science has not found a link yet. For my acne changing my diet hasn't made any difference whatever.
Yee Yee
Soy milk bby 😎
Rantnhnaketon not anymore
I've had acne since I was 14, today I'm 26. It was very severe when I was a young teen though, these days it still happens daily but I've stopped caring enough to swallow a ton of medication each day. I wish I could get rid of it, but I have given up since none of the treatments I've tried gave me any significant results, and I find it more annoying to treat myself rather than just live with the acne.
Mostly I get small (whatever) heads in my nose and I seem to produce acne more, where I sweat. By my ears, by my nosedrills, on my forehead, inder my arms and between my thighs. I also get skin rashes if I let my chin-hair grow too long so I have to shave completely down at least once a week and trim it in the middle of the week.
Anyone else that just gave up and learned to live with it?
Nikolaj11 I cut all of my skin off, it works very well. You should try it
+Kimbo Slice There's a special place in hell for people like you...
Kimbo Slice I'm sorry WAT
I'm 24 and have had acne since middle school. I have hormonal acne so I cut out dairy and it's made a world of difference. You should also try oil cleansing (since your acne seemed to be sebum sensitive). I use DHC oil cleansing which, I know it sounds crazy, reduces oiliness. Good luck!
Great title. Really detailed answers on how to get rid of acne.
Dietary insufficiencies . When I started taking zinc supplements, my acne disappeared within a month. Two years later, thinking I was 'cured', I stopped the zinc. Several weeks later, I got acne again. Resuming the zinc it went away. Zinc is only a trace element in our bodies, but apparently not having enough is a cause of skin problems such as acne and boils. As it's not excreted readily, it takes a while for it to get to a low enough level in the skin to cause a problem, and it also takes a while for enough of it to be retained in the skin. I've been on zinc now for almost 35 years, and still, if I stop taking it, I get acne and boils.
Why do I feel the urge to pop these even if I know it is bad?
Bubble wraps! ;-)
Teagan Karly they say it releases endorphins when you do. Probably the control you have when you pop it lol
I know it is really hard to resist but learning to not do so, will help out. I'm lucky, I don't get really bad acne like I used to, rarely have none at all, but I can live with one or two here or there. When I see them now, I don't even think about touching them. Too easy to make the redness and swelling hang around longer, cause scarring and spread the spots. If I get the really nasty ones, like on the end of my nose *groan* (even I can see it all the time, too hard to ignore) I'll true to gently encourage it to go off on its own in the shower, where I can wash away the, erhm, ejecta. If you can get into the practice of leaving them alone, they go away quicker and it can be a good exercise in learning to be confident, regardless of ones appearance, if you aren;t already.
i did to :D
Sometimes that area around there itches for me, which makes my hands instinctively touch the area and then remember that there is a zit there
I have suffered from acne for 17 years of my life and many times from painful cystic acne. I have tried every over the counter product, expensive acne solutions and two rounds of Accutane. The only thing that has cleared my acne is to go for an allergy test at a naturopath and find out what my body reacts to.
What did you end up reacting to? I'm 29 and had 3 rounds of accutane in my teens and tried everything as well! Salicylic acid seems to help a bit, but the problem definitely lies within. It's not my skin(care) that's the problem.... Want to see a naturopath anyway for some health problems, and I'm sure there is a connection somewhere....
Hi Marlies, how was your visit to the naturopath? My biggest food triggers are eggs, dairy, wheat and milk. I had the allergy test done through bloodwork sample that is then sent to a lab. Regarding my skin care regime, I use a glycolic acid cleanser, homemade witch hazel and tea tree oil toner and spot treat BP of 5%. I wish you complete healing.
Thank you!
I am lactose intolerant apparently (went to my own doctor a year ago with a lot of gut problems) and have IBS. They say... ;). I try to avoid dairy but end up having chocolate or cookies now and then. Maybe some cheese rarely. Tests also showed I don't have celiac disease but I'm wondering if wheat is a problem for me anyway. I will def. look into this! Have not seen a naturopath yet but I guess I have to start somewhere... :-)
Im going to give a summary on the comments to help you out, here we go: 1. Accutane and Retinoids (pills) are the MOST powerful and helpful medicines, which get rid of at least 75% of your acne within 2 or so months (unless you have some absurd health problem) although they may have serious side effects. 2. do NOT try any other way as it's much slower process and probably gets rid of only up to 50% of acne (within years) unless you want to go a very safe and long way. 3. you will have acne your entire childhood if u hit that 80% and maybe even early adult age. Only longer if health issue or serious genetics related stuff. 4. Do not use your saliva to put on your zits, there's a spammer in the comments saying it will work but actually adds bad bacteria. IT WILL MAKE YOU LOOK LIKE THAT ONE LARGE GREASY EXTRA PEPPERONI PIZZA THAT EVERY KID WANTS EVERY FRIDAY. And 5. Have a great day and take care of your skin.
Like this comment so that everyone can see
Darxis I took accutane and it didn't start working until about 6 months later
From the beginning of 2nd quarter of freshman year to the beginning of sophomore year and then it worked
jack some can I ask your dosage? And the severity of your acne, I started a month ago
Darxis thanks dude
Thank you so so much. You helped me get rid of my acne, it was bothering me for so many years! I cant thank you enough.
5:34 "shouldn't" is the key word here. I have bought so many facial creams that had that label and non of them proofed to have earned it. I'm on the expensive stuff from the pharmacy for 14 years now. Made a drastic change, but the real page turner was finding the right cleansing agent
I have all kinds of these acnes:/ I have them since early puberty and they don't go away, no matter what.
Have you tried Rodan + Fields UNBLEMISH?
No, but I tried dozens of creams, then a diet, then tried dermatologist treatments and eventually took a serious medicine for 10months. It helped reduce the amount about 80%, but the scars remained, I still have acne and it caused me another permanent health issue. After that I just gave up.
Viktor6665 I did all of these too. None of them worked for me as well. :/
Word of advice for you Viktor and Yashii, unless you have a severe hormone problem then all you need is to apply your own saliva over your zits. Morning saliva ( when you wake up ) is best. The bacteria in your mouth is powerful enough to destroy acne. If you only have minor zits here and there all you need to do is apply saliva with the tip of your finger throughout the day repeatedly after it dry's each time. You will notice your zits drying and peeling until they are completely gone. I do this all the time. No need for medication. Try it and see for yourselves. This also works in the beginning stages of a zit. Which normally is noticeable by the soreness and redness that coems with it. Hope this helps. Salaam !
Robert Barbour Use your brain. First of all how can you lick your zits ??? Anyway, dip the tip of your finger on your tongue and apply that saliva unto your bumps, let the saliva dry and repeat as much as possible and needed. You will notice the soreness and itching going away little by little and even the zits peeling as much as you do it.
SciShow i need HELP!
Please explain why one cornflake gets attracted to another in a milk bowl...its been killing me for ages
Felix Frost gravitation?
time traveler11
many thanks!
Celina k
turned out it's magnetism!:)
Felix Frost cool
Previous video... It's the same concept (surface tension)
Do a video on how to get rid of black circles under your eyes!
Astroxy just sleep dude
I'm 42 yrs old & as a teenager, I hardly got any acne. However, I'm now perimenopausal & for the first time in my life I'm dealing with uncomfortable, sometimes painful acne whenever my time of the month comes round. During puberty, I used no skin products on my face. A few months ago, I started to use cleansing wipes once per day & they turned my slightly dry skin to greasy, even though I don't use them anymore. I would say to stick to a simple soap & warm water once per day & stay away from cleansing wipes & other chemical products.
Okay, so he left out a few things. One: PID, or post inflammatory darkening, are dark spots that replace a zit whether you pop it or not and may last as long as six months. Get the zit out while it's small, as soon as you see it, but don't squeeze them. I have found good luck with a very sharp pair of tweezers to just peel away the one or two dead skin cells trapping the bad stuff inside the pore. Two: Don't touch your face. Just don't. I learned from a friend whose mother was a cosmetologist that you can give your face a quick wash with purell and that may help lessen acne. I did this every time I touched my face, as a sort of cleansing punishment, until I learned not to touch my face. The acne finally went away, and has stayed mostly gone, without the use of purell. Three: don't take antibiotics for your acne. It isn't worth the long tern effects on your gut biome. Four: Stay away from soda. Not only is it bad for your teeth, something in dark soda Definitely gives me Very stubborn acne. Each zit lasts weeks and most of them hurt. After a month or so, you won't miss the soda, and if you replace it with water, you'll double down on making your skin look better. Good luck.
HEY EVERYONE when you are taking a shower turn it cold at the end to reduce acne. I think that's why I don't have much acne
VIK_Chris Urrecha will do, boss man.
VIK_Chris Urrecha our water heater has been broken and I've been taking cold showers for half a year now still have lots of acne😐
Jaxson Davis72 then it's probably a gene problem so just wait it out
Jaxson Davis72 you have to have warm water first to open the pores to get the gunk out then after cold water closes the pores.
Fuck that.
Things that help me the most: tea tree oil, lavender oil, using an extractor tool instead of my fingers (if I absolutely need to pop it), birth control, drinking cashew milk not cow milk. I've tried everything. (Abx, topicals). Also, None of the stupid cleaners they sell work for me. my skin is not perfect but it's the best it's ever been. Hope any of this can help.
A few things that have helped me have purer facial skin:
• Cutting out potato chips
• Cutting out bad hot sauce (with all those garbage preservatives and additives)
• Eating more greens
• Using a loofah (big time change)
Hope that helps.
God bless
Something that I love about Sci-show is their ability to communicate science to a public audience. For example, the way he said that scientists haven't found any direct link between acne and diet. He didn't finish there; he elaborated on what this means. I have often experienced people taking "scientists haven't found any direct evidence that..." to mean "there will never be any evidence that...". While scientists may not see it this way as simply seeing research in this light is against the scientific method, I know many people do not. I hope to work in scientific research one day and I aim to draw inspiration from the way people from Sci-show, and other science related presentations aimed at the public, communicate.
The third video i watch on this channel, and i'm allready subscribing.
I had really bad break outs in my teens. I went to the doctors and got a cream for it. Turns out it had Benzoyl Peroxide in it. Woke up the next morning with snow white eyebrows. Great.
I use that every day and my eyebrows/hair are still their original colors. Huh.
I NEVER had acne until I turned 20. Now no matter what I apply to my face it won't go away. I don't pop zits and yet once they go away there's a scar :/
SciShow commenters give me a headache. Why are all these anti-science people here?
I'm kinda glad they are here lol....hopefully they'll end up being more correctly informed :)
Hecking peer reviewed studies!!!
You have a very unique sounding voice. I like it. Literally, the sound/tones of your voice.
I went to this beauty specialist. She did some weird tests and gave me a list of things I can and can't eat, some rosewater to clear my skin twice a day, some cream and a scrub I should use twice a week. She does this with everyone that has any kind of problems, the food list part at least and up till now, nobody has complaints anymore. Whenever I don't eat what I'm not supposed to eat, my skin becomes prettier, the zits and spots dissapear. When I decide to ignore the rules, everything comes back again. But even people that come for something else intirely, like backpain, get well when doing what the foodlist says. It's quitd awesome actually.
if you want a tip for fighting acne:
i use this aftershave which also has skincare in it apparently (says it on it).
and that sh*t helps.
Chribit, It could have alcohol in it, which kills bacteria.
Luca of course it does. it's after shave. but it's not just that. there's more in it. it's jusg all german and i don't have the vocabulary xD
Chribit Oh, lol :P
Master Yoshi I'm quite sure you can use alcohol to kill bacteria. But, I'm just making assumptions right now.
doesn't it only make an ass out of the assumer
I've had acne since first grade, and I've been through a lot of medications. It's become a lost cause at this point.
Pull The Trigger accutane is a miracle drug! Check it out!
Pull The Trigger it's true, Accutane is amazing. serious side effects though
Switch to a high carb low fat plant-based diet. I promise it will help
Joseph Lauziere I'm actually a vegetarian so I eat a lot of vegetables I fruit.
That's great but you should stop eating dairy and eggs, especially dairy. Dairy is the worst when it comes to acne and mucus. Not to mention that if you are an ethical vegetarian, the dairy industry is the cruelest of them all.
One time I pooped a pimple and it splattered all over my bathroom mirror
Yea! that happens to me every time i poop a pimple to!
Eddie Pringle "poop"
Auslly Love 1000 happens all the time for me, I love the popping sound it makes, it's so satisfying
I have popped a lot pimples but that was the biggest pimple I have ever pooped
This dude be poopin' pimples, that's a nasty business
Also, exercising and sweating righteously tends to do wonders for my skin.
"Thank you" for pairing up this video with such colorful images of zits!
I got rid of my acne by taking 600mg of Trimethoprim a day(2x3 100mg tablets a day)
Its not actually made for acne but fixing it is an inadvertent side effect.
Started working for me after a few days and went completely after 2 months. No side effects.
Just mentioning this for anyone suffering from acne because its a damn good treatment.
A doctor should be able to prescribe it for you on repeat prescription, or may be directed to the local hospital first if they want to give you a few months worth of tablets on the day.
+Tyler lyker You're lucky, I had horrible side effects from accutane, it even made my skin extremely sensitive to sunlight and I ended up with nasty blisters on my face because I was outside too long one summer. Fortunately no scarring, but it still sucked.
Im taking Minocycline 100mg tablet a day but i dont see much improvement
My dermathologist warned me about raising my dosage because of side effects but i really dont know what to do here
Gerardo Rosa
Yeah, raising the dosage of alot of antibiotics can have permanent effects.
You should book a new appointment and mention Trimethoprim.
Just mention that you've heard it had good effects for acne (although I believe its for water infections) and see what they say..
I'm in England so said information may not be known to your doctor so they might dismiss it, inwhich case you could always ask them to look into it..
fux yews But it's apparently used for bladder infections, ear infections and diarrhoea. Will this cause any unwanted side effects or consequences even if it removes the acne?
Okay why does popping zits make my pimples heal so much faster
can you do this scientifically? can you pop zits only on the left and leave the once on the right alone for a week and see if poping them actually makes a difference for the better? I too believe popping them helps them heal, but would like to see it done scientifcally
It does, if i don't pop a zit it takes about 12 days for it to completely disapear, if i pop it it's gone in 5-6 days top, maybe a little red scar that goes away with time.
Lokki acne lasts months or a few years. Scars are forever
Michael Aranda does not blink this entire video 😂
Sarah Medeiros: Liar. He blinked once at 04:44 and again at 05:31.
I guess he is human after all. ;)
My adult acne didn’t get the memo about us growing out of acne. I am 54 and it is still going strong.
I'm 63 and still suffer from it
Definitely recommend a topical system that has Benzoil Peroxide and salicylic acid. But for me, it's not enough on it's own. I take zinc for inflammation, vitamin E to stop the oils from clogging so much, and vitamin A (liver supplements) to help the skin turn over and shed easier. This is ok for regular acne, but not for hormonal cystic acne. I just added Chasteberry/Vitex supplement and I think I've done it. No more acne. Finally. (I think this may only work for women though. There may be a different supplement men can use to regulate their hormones.)
I can deal with acne. But when it gets in my ear then we have an issue. Can't put on earbuds and sh*t. Or when you get a big one on your nose or chin.
My acne is so bad. My parents don't even care. I'm so embrassed to go out of the house.
Ericka Taylor Sameeee!!!!
Been there it sucks. Buy glycolic acid on amazon and apply it to your skin once a week. It help so much!
Ericka )Wait til you're 30
You'll be scarred for life. Dermabrasion and laser surgery are painful and won't help much. You will have plenty of time to develop ability because people will shun you. Then you can run for president like Tulsi Gabbard.
@Ericka. Zinc and Vitamin C supplements are good and will help. Keep your hands off your face, change your pillowcase frequently, drink water and not milk or dairy products (I wish I had known this one). Water with lemon juice first thing in the morning on an empty stomach! Best wishes.
I honestky don't like the idea that my skin is an organ..
like idk why but I dont
It's too exposed
In regards to dairy causing acne, anecdotally I think it can. Though most dairy foods haven't made any difference to my skin, but whey protein shakes definitely did. I'd never had cystic acne until I started drinking whey shakes, and I ended up with a ton of it around my jaw. It all disappeared as soon as I switched to whey isolate, and hasn't happened since. I'd be interested to know what it was exactly that caused it though.
Had mild acne as a teenager, so dermatologist put me on Accutane. The side effects were nasty but my skin cleared up 100%. Still mostly clear a decade later.
"And then you get to look forward to wrinkles" OH GREAT
Acne.org regimen did the shit for me
Scrotum Rectum I'm using that and still hasn't cleared up :(
Scrotum Rectum are you seriurs, does it really work?
Brandon literally I just said that it didn't work for me... It depends on your skin type
Christina Choi ah you have
im a teen i guess i have acne on my face cuz of puberty and stuff but im now 16 and like everyday i always get a pimple for sure .-.
i was thinking of getting acne.org but i dont have money right now
80% of people? Nah That's complete and utter bs, from the whole 2k or something students at my school I'm the only one with acne everyone has picture perfect skin
I've found that for me, drinking lots of water helps with my acne. Over the last two years, my acne has roller-coastered, and I can say with certainty that the times it was the least present was when my water intake was highest. I've been drinking a full gallon of water (or two, if I can manage) per day, and I'm definitely seeing a fast improvement. Just try upping your water intake.
You can in fact drink too much water
Keeping this video to show my kiddo to help teach them what being a human is.
I have acne on my back and chest.. I literally don't know what to do :/
If it's bad to pop zits, then why is it so darn satisfying to do it ? :o
This kid just said it starts at 11 heck no I started getting it when I was 7!
this video is very informative. I cleared my skin the natural way when everything else didn't work for me, personally. I get a pimple here or there but quickly get rid of it
Probably the best video on RUclips
Anyone else take "retinoids"?? My face went from an oily pepperoni pizza to baby smooth.
Andres Gonzalez Did you take them as pills or in cream form?
Primavera pill form twice a day for 6 - 8 months.
Andres Gonzalez Thanks :)
Sokan1993 I had tried other prescriptions before with little results that never lasted more than a few months. I've been clear for months now. My entire face/neck was covered in them for years so it definitely needed extreme help.
Andres Gonzalez Retenoid user here and I confirm this. I tried everything there is to stop acne and nothing worked... until I used roacutane and I don't have a single pimple now...
I have really oily skin and one thing that has helped both my acne and oiliness is coconut oil and sugar exfoliating. One tablespoon coconut oil (slightly heated) and two tablespoons of sugar.
Coconut oil is high on the comedogenic scale, sugar crystals damage the skin, so I wouldn't recommend that.... Instead use a mild face wash, if you have to very gently use a soft washcloth, use a salicylic acid (BHA) as a chemical exfoliant rather than a physical exfoliant (the sugar).
I do like to use a sugar scrub on my body every now and then though :-). The skin on the face is much too sensitive for that!
20% of people don't have acne!?!?!
never had acne or pimples ever. but my dandruff seems to not go away. please make an episode about it
I had acne through my teens and 20s. I got so fed up and finally went to a dermatologist. I got on roaccutane, completely destroyed my acne, had a few side effects but well worth it.
4:45 and he blinks
the real question here is why tf are you wearing a wintery vest with a short sleeve shirt....?
Going for that gravity falls cosplay
@Samus Kerrigan. That's his style...he likes it. Pay attention to the content of the video, instead of nit-picking!
@@kathleensaenz4717 I sent you a sense of humor pack and a sarcasm detector to your mail. It make take some days to arrive due to the coronavirus thing going on, but I'm sure you will appreciate this gift. It will make your life less grey ;)
wow i never knew all that stuff can get rid of acne. oh wait it can't.
I showered every morning. Before bed, I'd use a washcloth and run it under hot water. Rung it out, draped it over my face for about 2 minutes- open the pores. Washed my face with Ivory soap and warm water. Rinsed again with cool water to close the pores. In the morning, rinse and repeat [ pun intended ]. I used to get about 2 to 10 pimples a week. After I started doing this, it was more like 2 - 3 times a year. Might not work for everyone, but if you've tried everything else and it didn't help... What have you got to lose? Works for my 15-year old, too. :)
I have always lived a generally healthy lifestyle; I have a balanced diet, I exercise regularly, and I am usually a very happy and optimistic person, yet I got cystic acne in February this year, which I think was caused by a combination of stress during that time period and genetics (because my dad had a lot of acne as an adolescent). I eventually found a skin doctor who prescribed acutane (those vitamin A retinoid thingies) for me and now my cysts are almost completely gone, which I am extremely thankful for. There are some unpleasant side effects to taking acutane and I can tell that there will be scarring, but I am sooo happy and glad to have a practically clear face again, the best part is that the results of acutane are long term.
So for anyone with serious cystic acne: find a skin doctor and ask about acutane.
I have dry skin (and it's bad) but hella lot of acne. How does this make any sense?
Sometimes if your skin is too dry, your pores produce more sebum to make up for the dryness, which can cause acne. I recommend a facial moisturizer, but you should check with a professional if it's really bad.
+Phandom of the Opera 卌 any suggested moisturizers?
I personally use Clean & Clear Dual Action Moisturizer because it's oil free and contains salicylic acid to fight acne. However, I have really oily skin so I recommend finding something for dry skin if that's an issue for you. Good luck!
+Phandom of the Opera 卌 thank you!
Paula's Choice!! All products are free from irritants like perfumes, bad alcohols etc. They also have tons of info on skin, skin problems like yours as well. I always just bought a random face wash and moisturizer at the drugstore and realized they were very irritating on me (perfumes, bad alcohols etc). My face would burn like crazy sometimes. Then you tend to pack on moisturizer to sooth it, but if it's a thicker cream consistency it can in return clog your pores and cause more breakouts.
So, what really calmed my skin down a lot (not just acne wise but overall tone, feel, etc):
- MILD face wash (no harsh scrubbing, if you really have to gently use a washcloth sometimes)
- Salicylic acid to gently clean out the inside of the pores (I really like the Paula's Choice 2% Clear regular strength)
- A thin consistency (gel like or gel cream) moisturizer for at night and one with SPF for during the day
Paula's Choice is more expensive than just something random from the drugstore, but it's worth it to me! I do tend to keep it basic after trying out a LOT of products, because I know most of my acne comes from health related problems. But my skin really does look so much better!!
If you have dry and oily skin at the same time, you need to make sure you clean your face well but NOT strip it of oil completely (hence the mild face wash) and moisturize it without making it greasier and clog your pores (good quality light moisturizer).
One last thing I reallllly loved when my skin was very dry (not anymore) was hyaluronic acid, which basically pulls water into your skin making it more hydrated and plump without being an actual moisturizing cream.
Good luck :)
What if I'm 15 and have very wrinkly hands ??
UndatedShip072 _ Sameee
Use hand moisturiser.
But, why is there acne around my anus??
Make some content, i would like to subb to a god eating penguin with acne around its anus
Erik the God Eating Penguin lmao. Me too!!! I have like 6 or 7 of them
that's herpes
That's fucking nasty, you two need a doctor to look at that shit 😂✌️️
Dead Eye Kader 30 be their doctor
The hot water that's falling on my face from showerhead really helped with my acne especially with the ones in my forehead
Birth control completely got rid of my severe acne. It also lightened and regulated my periods, so that was a plus.
Back in the day, I found that a fairly hot, clean washcloth helped.
im 13 and im starting to get acne. how do u stop it from becoming really bad
also my brothers have bad ance. And my sister
@Andrea I_S_A@ don't wear a lot of wakeup, wash your face.
Andrea I_S_A You will get it bad too.. My dad had it bad and I do too.. Although it isn't nearly as bad as my dad when he was my age, it's still pretty bad.. Its all genetics just like cancer from smoking..
Just wash your face and try not to touch your face too much. If it gets really bad id suggest using proactiv or stuff from the YesTo brand, as I used to have a face full of acne and they worked for me
why does your bottled water turn gray when shaked?
MetalMinerZero what? if that happens you probably shouldnt drink that anymore
I'm a cosmetologist and skin specialist, having this to educate my employees will be so helpful! Thank you so much!
Blowtorch is the best way to clear acne. It get rid of surface oil and open pores. It also increase blood flow to give the pinkish cheeks look.