Sayyid as-Salawaat (The Master of Salawaats) Shaykh Nazim

  • Опубликовано: 12 май 2024
  • `Alaa ashrafi ‘l-`alameena Sayyidina Muhammadin salawaat.
    `Alaa afdali ‘l-`alameena Sayyidina Muhammadin salawaat.
    `Alaa akmali’ l-`alameena Sayyidina Muhammadin salawaat.
    Salawaatullaahi ta`alaa wa malaa’ikatihi wa anbiyaaihi wa rusoolihi wa jami`ee khalqihi `alaa Muhammad wa `alaa aali Muhammad `alayhi wa `alayhimu ‘s-salaam wa rahmatullaahi ta`alaa wa barakatuh.
    Wa radi-Allahu tabaraka wa ta`alaa `an-saadaatinaa as-haabi rasoolillaahi ajma`een. Wa `ani ‘t-taabi`eena bihim bi-ihsaanin, wa `ani ‘l-a’immati ’l-mujtahedeen al-maadeen, wa `ani ‘l-`ulamaai ’l-muttaqeen, wa `ani ‘l-awliyaai ‘s-saaliheen, wa `an mashayikhinaa fi ‘t-tareeqatin naqshibandiyyati ‘l-`aliyyah, qaddas Allaahu ta`ala arwaahahumu ’z-zakiyya, wa nawwarr Allaahu ta`alaa adrihatamu ’l-mubaaraka, wa `adallaahu ta`alaa `alaynaa min barakaatihim wa fuyoodatihim daa’iman wa ‘l-hamdulillaahi rabbi ‘l-`alameen.
    As an addition to Sayyidina `Ali's salawaat, this salawaat was given by Sayyidina Muhammad in a vision of Shaykh Sharafuddin ad-Daghestani قدس سرّه, who said, “Reciting this salawaat even once in your lifetime is heavier than if the whole of Creation was standing twenty-four hours in salawaat, repeating it all their lives; this salawaat will be heavier on the Scale then all of their salawaats combined!"
    Upon the Noblest of all Creation, our Master Muhammad, blessings.
    Upon the most Preferred of all Creation, our Master Muhammad, blessings.
    Upon the most Perfect of all Creation, our Master Muhammad, blessings.
    Blessings of God (Exalted is He!), of His angels, of His prophets, of His Emissaries, and of all creation be upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad; may the peace and mercy of God (Exalted is He!) and His blessings be upon him and upon them. May God, the Blessed and Most High, be pleased with every one of our Masters, the Companions of the Emissary of God, and with those who followed them in excellence, and with the early masters of juristic reasoning, and with the pious scholars, and the righteous saints and with our Shaykhs in the exalted Naqshbandi Order. May God (Exalted is He!) sanctify their pure souls, and illuminate their blessed graves. May God (Exalted is He!) return to us of their blessings and overflowing bounty, always. Praise belongs to God, the Lord of the worlds, al-Fatihah.

Комментарии • 12

  • @sirajkhan-bx5zl
    @sirajkhan-bx5zl 9 часов назад

    Alhamdulillah.... Haq Naqshbandi Sardari Osmanli ❤🌹

  • @Amatullah7007
    @Amatullah7007 Месяц назад +1


  • @mumizain
    @mumizain Месяц назад +2

    Powerful. MashaALLAH...

  • @navHussain70
    @navHussain70 Месяц назад +1

    Alhamdulillah wa shukranlillah 🙏

  • @shaziahumayunmalik5595
    @shaziahumayunmalik5595 Месяц назад +3

    Assalamualaikum wrwb Ya Rasool Allah, Ya Ahle bayt, Ya Naqshbandia tul Alia. Madadakum wa nazrakum Beloved Sayyidi.

  • @kemotouray3809
    @kemotouray3809 Месяц назад

    ❤❤❤ Ameen 🤲🏿📿🙏🏿🤗😍

  • @TasnimFahim
    @TasnimFahim Месяц назад +2

    Arabic pls???

  • @shantimirpeace
    @shantimirpeace Месяц назад

    Quran 22:65: Allah is holding up the sky and prevents it from falling down on us.
    Quran 13:2: Allah put the sky on invisible pillars.
    Quran 16:79, and 67:19: Have you not seen the birds in the sky flying? No one except Allah holds them in the air. In this are truly signs for the believers.
    Quran 20:53: Allah spread out the earth like a carpet.
    Quran 18:86: ... he reached the setting of the sun and saw it setting in a murky spring...
    Sahih Bukhari 3199: "Do you know where the sun goes (at the time of sunset)?" I replied, "Allah and His Apostle know better." He said, "It goes (i.e., travels) till it prostrates itself underneath the Throne (of Allah), and takes the permission to rise again, and it is permitted and then (a time will come when) it will be about to prostrate itself, but its prostration will not be accepted, and it will ask permission to go on its course, but it will not be permitted, but it will be ordered to return whence it has come, and so it will rise in the west."
    Quran 21:33: And He it is Who created the night and the day and the sun and the moon; all travelling along in their celestial spheres.
    Sahih Muslim 758c: Allah descends to the nearest (first) heaven at night.
    Quran 67:5: "And We (Allah) have certainly beautified the nearest heaven with stars and have made [from] them what is thrown at the devils."

    • @SMI678
      @SMI678 14 дней назад

      What you are trying to say brother we also believe from our heart the holy Quran
      Can you please tell me you are from which firka deobandi ahle hadees
      Wahabi salafi najdi what

    • @shantimirpeace
      @shantimirpeace 13 дней назад

      @@SMI678 I not only believe in the holy Quran, I bear withness, that there is no Allah but Allah, and that prophet Muhammad (wassalahu allaihi wassalam) is the messenger of Allah. Allah, who is holding up the sky, and prevents it from falling down on us, because Allah put the sky on invisible pillars ☝No one but Allah holds birds in the air. In that are truly signs for the believers.