Kail did such a great job with this interview, she was straight to the point, did not stutter, and had the next topic in the chamber ready to go every time. Good work!
That is definitely one really admirable thing about Kail. She’s is so well spoken, rarely a stutter or an “um” or “uh”. I wish I could speak like that!
What really gets me she was never once gotten caught for. Ring a Professional Thief! That’s a felony. Especially, stealing the knife(s) from Walmart. She should had been caught and arrested for retail theft. She needed jail time for that alone. Always stealing.
Don’t you just LOVE how she was confident enough to knock on some strangers door to get a ride to the hospital yet NOT willing or able to ask for help?? This is such BS
“Other documentaries and transcripts say I thought the gun was real at first…” Nooo, YOU said it Gypsy. Now all of a sudden she’s saying she knew it was fake the whole time?!😂
this is what i love she keeps talking and the truth comes out little by little . the people interviewing need to call her out and they’re not . they catch something not adding up and just brush over it
She said she thought it was real on every interview up until she was released and wanted to remake her image. She's a con artist and had Melissa Moore the other con artist to help her
@@aluicious2421she said it on killer couples, Dr Phil and one other one from prison that's on court TV. She said it in her testimony against Nick. Imagine planning a murder against your mother and getting a sweet plea deal by testifying against the mentality disabled guy you manipulated into doing it. Crazy shit
Kept her in a tiny bubble? They went to Disney,Walmart, HobbyLobby, she had cousins she played with in her early years, she went to sci fi conventions,and the movies no maam that isnt a isolated life...anesthesia 100 times you've got to be kidding me...mbp can not be diagnosed by a lawyer its out of theyre scope of practice nor without a patient that is alive to be examined... i just cant believe no one has d one the homework to ask more penetrating questions of a womsn who groomed austistic man with a low iq for 2 yrs to do the act..also because nicksvdtory has never changed about 4 plunges into deedee...I question because gyp was insistent the lights be kept out yet he supposedly made her clean the hall?? If it happened inDee Dees room the evidence doesnt match to the gown ,the red stuff..anyone watching a few episodes of Columbo have far more questions of the evidence. Also because of nicks diagnosis i think a more informed detective should have questioned him,but more importantly his parents should have been consulted so the could help with a choice to get a lawyer as he had been diagnosed with low iq and autism and was on permanent disabilty in his home state.Why was nick treated so different in interogation...restraint of any sutistic patient could radically effect them as many having hypersensitivity issues..smh this case has so many holes ..kail did no questioning of how the micro deletion or research into how it presents physically...
i’m hoping that at some point someone brings up the fact that in her book, she said Dan was the first person she told she could walk and then a few chapters later she said Nick was the first person I told I could walk
She tells so many lies she can’t even keep up. We do though. Astounding these journalists don’t do their homework! The information is out here! Disgusting woman, so manipulative! I’m 7 minutes in and that’s it for me. NO, her mother’s family does Not support this book! Another lie.
i have lived a life full of trauma. because i have recounted it so many times and its been so long, i can talk about it while smiling and laughing uncomfortably. it doesnt mean its all a lie or it never happened. our relationship with our trauma can change and evolve over time, so we dont always have to be emotional while talking about trauma.
this is her true character she’s a disturbed person . can’t call a pedophile a pedophile and sending nick text massages saying she wants him to grape her
@@roses495it’s an altered story 😂😂 it’s not all true that’s why she can’t cry 😂 she’s a cold hearted person and a liar that’s why it’s so easy for her 😂
People having such hatred for her is so shocking to me. Her MOTHER abused, manipulated and isolated her for for YEARS. Literally robbed her of a childhood, teenage years and some adult life. Her MOTHER put her through countless surgeries and had things removed for no reason. She had a dang feeding tube for always. This all began from a baby for GRB. That kind of abuse is very influencing on a child and continues on into adulthood. GRB had tried to leave her mother as an adult and what happened? She was brought back to her mother, and no one listened to her. Her mother was STILL telling ppl that GRB was someone who needed adult assistance and supervision. GRB was stuck with many people who failed her. She was stuck with a really selfish crappy mother who was not capable of love. I'm not condoning taking someone's life BUT my gosh the hatred GRB gets is terrible and insensitive.
All opinions are always welcome but so is anything you have that’s definitive proof to show it’s how things really went. That is was abuse, I’d be more than happy to show it in a video! Her unnecessary medical surgeries is not true she’s only had a few medically necessary ones for stabismus or she would be blind today and I have her medical records, there was no hundreds of surgeries AT ALL. The lies I’ve caught myself in 14 months is extraordinarily and over 120 now. All I do is provide that proof and evidence as she says it herself for others to see the truth and conclude their own thoughts and opinions. She was never forced to sit in any wheelchair, ever. She was walking around inside of her house always even with her mom there we have multiple video evidence of that. Her legs would be atrophied from 24 hrs or more of NOT walking. You can’t maintain muscle tone or muscles at all if you’re not walking everyday 365 days a year. If you don’t use your muscles, you lose your muscles. She’s never had atrophy and being forced to sit in a wheelchair, her whole life, she would have been worst case scenario of muscle atrophy. The only thing that she had removed was a salivary gland and only one side of her neck and you have thousands of salivary glands. One that over produced saliva and she herself in the medical documents is the one that was in the room telling the doctor how it is hard to swallow at 15 years old (Dr documented it in her med records). Hence the feeding tube and that’s not a surgical procedure.
I agree with you. It’s all emanating from people that develop parasocial relationships and obsessions online, they want to involve themselves in her case to feel important and self righteous. Ultimately, any mother that forces a child to be in a wheelchair the child doesn’t require, in order to extract money and attention from the public, is not a woman worth defending.
@@Art_thecl0wn lol nobody knew she could walk back then. Certainly not the public her mother was exploiting. You don’t understand how malicious it is for a parent to force you in that situation. She didn’t get to experience anything as a child would and should. She was always put in a situation where she had to pretend she was sickly for people to gawk at her, it’s beyond sickening, and the fact that you can’t empathise with her at all, regardless of how you feel about her as a person, is bizarre. Surely she’s flawed, we all are. I’d say, all things considering, she’s turned out alright. I probably would become a very aggressive entity if I grew up like that. You take the normalcy of your childhood for granted, she had a severely maladjusted relationship to her mother. I probably would have done the same thing she did, and I would have done it myself.
That's just nasty. i dont like labels cause people call me a murder and that would be too far to call Dan an actual pedophile... and not only that dee dee was telling gypsy to STOP sleeping with older men, and im almost convinced this is what started it. She Couldn't run away several times when nivk asked nnooppee she need a coo @StraightOutOfContextWithBarbie
So she dyed her hair back to brown for her divorce so she could make Ryan eat his heart out?! She is sadistic. She seems to relish in the opportunity to cause Ryan more emotional pain.
Kail I suggest you read her text messages to Nick about killing her mom instead of her book. I don't think you would have had her on your show if you did
She could have just watched gypsies testimony against Nick. Or her interrogations and Nick's. Kail has 6 sons. Imagine if some sociopath manipulates one of them into commiting a crime that gets one of them locked away for life
She says her Barbie dolls were her friends but in her book she said she wasn't allowed to play with Barbies 😂 damn Gypsy you need to keep a book of all your lies so you can keep track 😂😂
Its getting "better and better" with her... we are so honored for the pleasure of listening to her! Applaus ! Chapeau! Im so disgusted, i have no words for it!!!
My issue is the BLAMINGon her mother for everything! She takes ZERO responsibility for her own life. So she’s sucking on a bottle and it’s her mom’s fault??? I’m so angry
She should of named her book “my time to scam” bc if you were truly a victim of scamming the public for money, you’d think that the second you went to prison and got out you would refuse to accept a single cent from the public, it would be a trigger or a severe trauma, but what does she do? Writes a book, does a reality TV show, documentaries, Dr Phil, interviews, podcasts, tik tok , etc she’s doing the grift on a MUCH larger scale! In the millions in fact. That’s insane to me.
I mean, I agree that she seems kinda scammed now that I've stepped back a bit. I used to be a big defender, now I'm still kinda confused. But, I think at least now with the book, and Dr Phil, etc is an honest way to make money at least. I mean, we know what she's selling, and have the. Hoicè to buy it. To play Devil's Advocate though; what if it's all lies she's writing? Then that would be a dishonest scam. I am naturally more forgiving bc The duality of man is fascinating. She legitimately was abused, and Gypsy never knew anything other than manipulation as a way to interact with others. Other people's generosity was her mode of living. She still hasn't started college, or a job or anything, and maybe she'll be able to stay at home and really try to be a great Mom to this new life. I was just thinking a job would help her develop a sense of self, give self confidence, and feel stronger for taking care of herself now. Lots of rambling thought, I'm sorry. Lol. This is just a lot Goin on.
@ don’t be sorry! I enjoyed reading your post. The biggest thing for me is when I read through her medical records and in some interviews she claimed she was under anesthesia over 100 times🤔 but that’s s lie. Some of the procedures didn’t even use anesthesia, only a few of them did. And then she claims that her mother told her she was sick due to a chromosome deficiency , and she does in fact have the chromosome deficiency, she was tested for it and said that her baby has a 50 percent chance of having it. And the symptoms of the CD match up with her procedures, like failure to thrive (feeding tube), ear nose and throat issues (saliva glands, glasses) sleep apnea (sleep apnea machine) and also muscle weakness (the wheelchair) the things she is blaming her mother for her own murder are procedures she needed for her CD syndrome, however the cancer lie doesn’t fit, but I have a hard time believing that any dr treated her for cancer without having physical proof like testing, biopsy, scans etc, drs don’t just give you cancer meds bc you say “she has cancer” , so Deedee told people she had cancer, she wasn’t actually being treated for it medically. So another lie from gypo , she also lied about the narcotics, she goes back and forth with that in interviews constantly, saying she never had an issue and it wasn’t a factor the night she conned Nick into murdering her mother, and she tested negative for narcotics in her system during her arrest when they drew blood, but yet claimed she was high on Oxys the whole week post murder, and during murder, so it’s like all these contractions make it super hard to believe what she says, what’s truth and what’s a lie, bc her stories don’t match up, and bc she does so many interviews and documentaries, podcasts, the book, the reality show, etc it’s easy to put all of it together to confirm the lies. Then in her book she claims that it was Nick who suggested everything related to the murder but the texts show that gyro was the one who asked Nick to murder her mom, and stole the knife, prepared the scene, gave him gloves and tape, bought him the plane ticket , answered the door after waiting for her mom to fall asleep, sent him a video showing him how to actually stab her in her bed, suggested the method kill, she wanted quick and easy and painless, nick suggested poison, or shooting, something less intimate and hands on but gypo said no, stabbing is best?! She even wiped the scene, put baby powder all over the place, turned up the AC I think it was, left her cats alone with the dead body with no food for like 6 days, ran from and lied to police (thought it was self defense bc you were abused? If that’s the real reason why did she not use that as her defense?) I really believe she killer her mom not bc of medical abuse but for another reason. Also if medical abuse really existed Lawyers would be suing the crap out of every Dr and hospital for millions but she admits no one will take her case after reading her medical records. If all her procedures were actually due to the CD it would make sense they can’t sue. But I’m not saying she wasn’t abused in some way, like forcing her to be in a wheelchair , and shaving her head, she also claims that her mother facilitated SA by deedees father “daddy Claude” , which I don’t know if that’s accurate bc she contradicts that as well. She’s a hard person to believe?
Watch out people, apparently nobody can dispute someone's perception of things, therefore anyone can be accused of a heinous act and nobody can dispute it even if it's a blatant lie! Nevermind that perceptions are often and can be tainted by faulty memory, one's own psyche, brain disorders and mental health conditions. Smh
Sadly, whether she is telling lies or not, her childhood was definitely horrible and abnormal. Gypsy has childhood trauma, grief, and the effects of being incarcerated. It is just all so bizarre.
We all have Trauma. I was severely abused my entire childhood. I was a messed up adult from it until I had my son and put myself in therapy so I didn't repeat the cycle. I never killed anyone. I never hurt anyone but myself. She doesn't get a pass because she had a weird childhood
I wonder how much research did Kail do? Did she watch Nick and Gypsy’s interrogation video s? You can tell a whole lot just from that. Gypsy had no remorse, didn’t think she was gonna be arrested, lied and lied. Then threw Nick under the bus with her backup plan. SMH it’s just so telling, even in the Dr. Phil interviews it’s always something new and she getting to old to keep up with so many lies. As a Mother of 5. I would’ve never invited her on any podcast or platform to promote the book of zero accountability. The ppl want truth and responsibility and accountability. She can live her life, she’s free and keeps getting a bag💰from only her POV. Notice that all the villains are no longer here or can’t defend themselves and she has the upper hand to control the narratives.
Kail I have always been a super fan of yours. You have always had a stood your ground and I’m so proud of you. I just want to say that you some such an amazing interview with Gypsy. You cleared a lot of things up and it was just genuine and heartfelt. I’m so proud of Gypsy too, she has can a long way too. I just wish you both many blessings and hope you have a Happy New Year!!!💙❤
What a liar she has tried to communicate Don't you notice the Word Killer and chaos face Gypsy reminding her of what she did. # Justice for Dee Dee And nick
You are not the only one as I also especially side eye the David Blancharde after he climbed in the window didn't notice Dee dee in bed or anything out of place?😮
There was someone else there? I never heard that, I haven't been keeping up.i do know that the boy said he only stabbed DeeDee 4 times but she was stabbed more then that. So who stabbed her firxt
i slept almost all the way thru this.. (gotta love those longer videos) .. without something in my ear, i end up having nightmares.. so.. i wanna say thank u.. 🥰👍
They do that to comply with fair use laws. The creator of this interview can copyright strike this because it isn't transformative in any way, it's just a straight upload.
The thing that has never made sense to me is why the doctors went along with all of her illnesses and why they did all the surgeries for illnesses she didn't even have. You can't just walk into a doctor's office, tell them what you have and get treated for it. That part just doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever.
Because the procedures she had were normal with the medical issues she had due to the disorder she has. THIS is why she had never gone after any doctor, not neither would any lawyer, because there would be no case. If there was, any lawyer would jump in this for a huge payday.....but not one lawyer would or will because there was no malpractice at all. She also has not had all her glands removed. She lies so much.
She has a micro deletion disorder and all of her surgeries were due to complications of that disorder.. she likes to leave that part out, because it completely makes her story even more laughable.
She told one of the doctors (who has admitted that she told him) when she was like 12 & he made all of these promises, but never really followed through with them.
michellle and melissa should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. they should be sued for slander and defamation. her story has changed so many times. all you need to do is watch a couple of interviews and you can pick out so many........ it never ends
I was her neighbor when we were kids. Her mom would flip her shit when she played with us. I’ve always felt so bad for her. We would be swimming and her mom would have her in the wheelchair just watching us swim. She wouldn’t let us near her. She was such a sweetheart and we all just wanted her to feel involved
Thank You For Sharing This Interview! I haven’t followed Gypsy’s story like SO Many others, so I was glad to hear her speak about the book. As a Mental Health Professional, there’s SO SO Much the public will NEVER know regarding this whole situation. We only get bits/pieces. I’m SURE there’s plenty of Trauma left behind for Gypsy & we don’t have to agree with her actions. I DO KNOW This! I wasn’t there. I didn’t experience her life. I can’t say what did or did not happen & I won’t pretend to know. I DO KNOW that people functioning at a childlike level both mentally and emotionally act without any impulse control. I DO Know legally she has paid for her crime. I wasn’t there each day in court, but others were who heard, discussed & ruled on her case. Our Judicial system did its job. Whether people approve or not. Gypsy has a right to a life now. For those who don’t approve… Don’t support her. It’s a pretty simple set up we have. Her life will go on though & I pray for her child that it’s a long happy healthy life! That Gypsy shows her child EVERYTHING GOOD & WONDERFUL In This World! Gives her the Childhood she missed out on! NO Child should be deprived of the MOST PRECIOUS yrs of their life. The Years of INNOCENCE! Before the world has hurt them. Before the world has a chance to leave them broken some how. Gypsy was robbed from the 1 person who was suppose to LOVE & PROTECT her against ALL MONSTERS! When a child’s MONSTER is that “PROTECTOR” she’s lucky to have gotten out alive herself! It’s SURE NOT my place to judge her experiences. Her crime… It has ALREADY Been Judged in Our Very Own Court of Law! Gypsy… GO LIVE YOUR VERY BEST LIFE! 💖
Kail did a dang good job doing this interview!!! I think she was a great choice bc she has been through some stuff . She has a good poker face and she makes her guests feel so welcome.. Aot of us have trauma and we deal with it in different ways.
Im not condoning the murder of her mother however i just cannot imagine the emotional manipulation and abuse. I was abused by my aunt whom i lived with as a child, i feel some of her pain. I was locked in my bedroom for months at a time peeing in a coffe can.
Kail is the perfect representation of how MOST people view and understand GRB's story. They may know the headlines or a news story. They may have seen a documentary or the Act. But the majority haven't really paid attention to the details. Most people view her as the victim. I think content creators hurt themselves by engaging in the behind the scenes, inner circle drama. People dont want to watch that brain rot content. Period. Gypsy, your mom told you the "state" would come and take you because you were lying about your age to con "the state" and charities. You knew how old you were. I'm sure she explained to you how important it is to stick to that story so yall didn't get arrested for fraud. DeeDee was tested for the deletion when Gypsy was diagnosed. They tried to contact Rod and couldnt get ahold of him. It's in black and white IN HER RECORDS. The same record that show her HANDFUL of surgeries were all to TREAT THE SYMPTOMS of the microdeletion. They treated the individual SYMPTOMS and tried to connect the dots for YEARS. If Gyspy had admitted to the deletion, her defense would have CRUMBLED. That's the only reason she is speaking about it now.
Shes just a '16 and pregnant' and 'teen mom' OG, i think she was on the first or second season of teen mom back in the day. I didn't even think she was relevant anymore
She’s pregnant and word is she is high risk and using that on Ken. She barely looks pregnant though to be so far along. I got the feeling she will have a smaller than average baby and may even need a C-section. She’s been planning a pregnancy. We caught it in the lifetime series when she left Ryan and had already purchased a Star Wars baby yoda outfit.
Hey Ladies!!🥰 This interview was so enlightening! I just wanted to give both of you props for this amazing content. This is definitely one of the better interviews I've watched and also the sound quality on your channel. Is it is phenomenal!!!🎉🙏🎊💯😍✨️
she was diagnosed after her death, and gypsy defense team hired a doctor that diagnosed her. he did not do any research obviously. he went off the word of her defense team who came up with this lie of medical abuse in order to get her off the death sentence she was looking at. they were both frauds . there’s no actual proof of DD abusing her. she seemed like a spoiled brat, who just wanted men.
You can’t diagnose someone with something without physically having them here to decide. Her lawyers “ diagnosed” her with this to help her get a lesser sentence. Nothing has ever and will ever be proved.
I think she'd be better off changing her name and moving somewhere else to become more anonymous. She should start over completely. No fame. Just a regular person.
Funny how she didn't want to label Dan. Pedo 🙄 huh wonder if thats because she knew her age and so did he. I feel lije he had a part in that murder that night 🤷🏻♀️ i said what i said.
WTH Kai said she could not imagine doing something like that to her daughter!!! SHE TOOK HER MOM OUT!!! you can’t write this sh*t. OVER A 100 times sedated!!! CPS came when she was an ADULT.
Ok wait, didn’t she say she packed a baby bottle in the suitcase and then at 25:09 she said she had taken the narcotics and didn’t pack the baby bottle, like come on already, which is it? She’s still lying today, this girl does not know how to tell the truth
She looks exactly like the other pister child for micro deletion. What bothers me most about this interview is the lack of research. Gypsy's claims were presented as truth when there is documented evidence to the contrary. The only way this interviewer would only bounce back if she interviews DD's family.
DID ANYONE ELSE NOTICE THIS When she started talking about the “cocktail” at 12:19 it sounded like she started to describe the mixture as something else. Not Xanax. As she describes the “cocktail she begins to pronounce a sound with the letter F. Such as Fentanyl.. and then she changed it to Xanax very quickly. 🤔
First she said she knew about the microdeletion in prison..then 10 mins later...her and ken found out the results of the microdeletion together at the doctor...which is which gyp💩? 🤦♀️ the lies 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
She literally said that she got tested in 2012 but didn’t know what to believe so she went again recently to a different doctor and got diagnosed again.
Yep. She was over 18. She bewitched him. He was definitely at her disposal. She provided the bus ticket. The murder weapon. All the instructions and tidbit info was clearly relayed to him by her. She was his ‘damsel in distress’. And with noxious zeal, he obeyed his Vamp like a good little Vampire.
So. Her stuffed animals and her mom were her comfort.... But also she never took to stuffed animals and her baby bottles were her source of comfort... 🤔🤔Hmmm that math ain't mathin
She said her mom and her dolls and stuffed animals were her only social life. The bottle was her comfort item. You people don’t listen and then claim it’s a lie. 🙄
"My mouth get so dry because my salivary glands were removed I have to drink a lot"... NEVER TOOK A SIP OF WATER And to think there's people that believe her bs 🙄 when she can't even been consistent with her lies
Idk she already said she wanted to off Ryan but left instead so i wouldnt put it past her... I swear she'll say the craziest things and None of her interviewers call her on it.
🚨!! Whoever doesn't believe gypsy's story put a thumbs up!! 🚨 I don't believe her lies it took me 3 or 4 months to do my research on her and she isn't a victim I was in shock how she changed her stories multiple times!
No responsibility taken, deedee wasn’t going to cut her throat and gypsy admits they’ve put that part in to make the reader feel a certain way. It’s not fact based.
To play devil's advocate for no reason she says in the book she saw the unnecessary throat operation as cutting her throat and she was scared. The fact she says it makes a statement sounds contrived. Not good.
Kails really sticking it to MTV! I love watching her thrive and accomplish soo many amazing things❤ Kail really is the perfect person to be an interviewer
What drugs are U on? She never even asks her why her stories have changed everytime she tells them. I wish I could interview her... But they would hate that I would want the truth! I hate people like her trying to make an idiot of me. But guess she doesn't!🤷🤦😡👎😩😫
i’m trying to write a book about all 34 surgeries i’ve had while living with a single mother who was very abusive and had a bad addiction. i would love to hear any advice!
I feel like every time she said that just calls out an inconsistency lie. It’s like what are you gonna say “another lie” you might as well just say that’s interesting. Lol 😂
😂Oh, honey. Gypsy has given herself the exact reputation she deserves. Guess what? She’s a microdeleted, delusional, narcissist. Killer. Predator. She should be locked in that damn sex shed with the ‘mice’ like the rodent that she is.
You are all sitting here hating talking about her laughing you do understand a lot of people cope with trauma with laughing or making a joke about it like how did we all go from loving her to absolute hating her ???
Unreal this person is free and able to reach a social media celebrity status..after she planned plotted and sought a mentally challenged boy to do her dirty work..She is doing interviews while he remains in prison.
If u didn’t want her dead then why did u set Nick up to kill her!??? She is such a damn liar. Of course she wanted to get rid of her. Of course she wanted her killed. She wanted to make sure she was out of the picture completely. She gave direct instructions to Nick on how to unalive her.
When will this train wreck end? I wish people would stop giving this woman attention and pouring money into her lap. Her writing a book for profit is disgusting in my opinion. If she wasn't a murderer she wouldn't be getting all this pr. Does anybody else see a problem with all this.
Hello I Pray for blessing 🙏 this is what I believe 🙏 See how Gypsy always has her voice in (soft mode) to sound ( kind loving and trusting ) Yet there's NO sadness nor pain in her voice. (Her manipulating is so good) that people feel bad for her. No one realizes they're judging her by her (fake kindness) That's the reason her lies are not seen by her followers . That's all it takes for her to make people feel sorry for her because they figure she's so nice. She's Giving people what they want to hear. 😮 They believe (She'll never hurt a fly). Her mouth is all she's moving she has the 👅 of a serpent. ( I'm sorry if it sounds cruel. ) ( But she is judged by what she says ) (her soul is dark) A good person does not lie over and over twisting confusing people. There's No love in her .( Proof )She has betrayed those who cared for her NICK RYAN & DEE DEE Why would she feel hate towards the people who showed her how much they love her . See how much they did for her yet she has done nothing for any of the 3 Victims. That Says that her mother must have really loved her so much? look at how she talks about Nick and Ryan everyone has seen that RYAN and (NICK) have done nothing to her nothing like she has done to them. Yet she talks with such hate 😊 She Never Says that she has done anything good for them. (Only what is done for her ) please don't be a fooled Listen Let's Learn from yesterday and Hope for Tomorrow 🙏❤ It's better to make a friend then any Enemy be kind and Loving I'm not perfect I have survive child abuse and I forgiven my mother. She also loves God and is truly a good woman. I Believe in the one and only Living God Almighty are Lord ❤ Jesus Christ ❤ I could never cause pain to my mother especially if I know what pain is emotionally and physically .Jesus Christ said treat others the way you want to be treated. Right! Trust in God put Jesus Christ first. Even Nick believes in God I pray for DeeDee soul for rest and Nick and Ryan so they can finally brae away from Gypsy. I have gotten really Mad at Gypsy But I pray so I won't say and react through anger . So God Can help me with what I believe Is Going on with Gypsy.
Ive watched all the documentaries etc i see a lot of contradictions ....the laptop i remember her saying she bought it sneakily when she ran away once...y not look up getting help instead of getting facebook and a dating site...the interview with ryan he also says about her going to school into second grade something like that and she nudges him...
Kail did an excellent job with this interview. Her skills shine in this one. Good job 👍 With all the Teen Mom hype I sometimes forget that Kail graduated from College, If I'm not mistaken she is the only one with a college degree.
Kail did such a great job with this interview, she was straight to the point, did not stutter, and had the next topic in the chamber ready to go every time. Good work!
I agree
And she let her talk!!
That is definitely one really admirable thing about Kail. She’s is so well spoken, rarely a stutter or an “um” or “uh”. I wish I could speak like that!
Gypsy needs to just crawl under a rock an stay there. Sick of her. Getting attention for killing her mother. Not good.
I find it incredibly uncomfortable & weird she won’t call a pedophile a pedophile.
because she’s not right in the head and she even told nick she wants him to grape her SHES DISGUSTING
Sheltered? But yet can run off to go have sex with Dan. Amazing!
She said that she doesn't want to lable anyone as anything due to how people label her as well.
She knows she’s in the same category both being criminals
I heard so many lies that I feel violated and manipulated
What really gets me she was never once gotten caught for. Ring a Professional Thief! That’s a felony. Especially, stealing the knife(s) from Walmart. She should had been caught and arrested for retail theft. She needed jail time for that alone. Always stealing.
Violated? Who violated you?
Don’t you just LOVE how she was confident enough to knock on some strangers door to get a ride to the hospital yet NOT willing or able to ask for help?? This is such BS
😂😂👏👏👏👏👏👏 she was meeting up random men too!!!! she literally altered this whole story to make her look innocent 😂😂😂😂
@ she has a pretty bad habit of trying to maintain innocence. Like she did nothing wrong.
@@Bnvivthepetstylistthat what narcissist do.
Very good point!
“Other documentaries and transcripts say I thought the gun was real at first…” Nooo, YOU said it Gypsy. Now all of a sudden she’s saying she knew it was fake the whole time?!😂
this is what i love she keeps talking and the truth comes out little by little . the people interviewing need to call her out and they’re not . they catch something not adding up and just brush over it
There were a few things in this she lied about that she's said otherwise in interviews with police. She can't be trusted.. at all.
I’ve definitely heard her say before that she thought the gun was real. 100%. I will find the video if I have to
She said she thought it was real on every interview up until she was released and wanted to remake her image. She's a con artist and had Melissa Moore the other con artist to help her
@@aluicious2421she said it on killer couples, Dr Phil and one other one from prison that's on court TV. She said it in her testimony against Nick. Imagine planning a murder against your mother and getting a sweet plea deal by testifying against the mentality disabled guy you manipulated into doing it. Crazy shit
Kept her in a tiny bubble? They went to Disney,Walmart, HobbyLobby, she had cousins she played with in her early years, she went to sci fi conventions,and the movies no maam that isnt a isolated life...anesthesia 100 times you've got to be kidding me...mbp can not be diagnosed by a lawyer its out of theyre scope of practice nor without a patient that is alive to be examined... i just cant believe no one has d one the homework to ask more penetrating questions of a womsn who groomed austistic man with a low iq for 2 yrs to do the act..also because nicksvdtory has never changed about 4 plunges into deedee...I question because gyp was insistent the lights be kept out yet he supposedly made her clean the hall?? If it happened inDee Dees room the evidence doesnt match to the gown ,the red stuff..anyone watching a few episodes of Columbo have far more questions of the evidence. Also because of nicks diagnosis i think a more informed detective should have questioned him,but more importantly his parents should have been consulted so the could help with a choice to get a lawyer as he had been diagnosed with low iq and autism and was on permanent disabilty in his home state.Why was nick treated so different in interogation...restraint of any sutistic patient could radically effect them as many having hypersensitivity issues..smh this case has so many holes ..kail did no questioning of how the micro deletion or research into how it presents physically...
what's Columbo?
Preach! 👏👏👏👏
You are so on point. She is a pathological liar.
@MistyAllen-l9r it was a detective show.
She’s a pathological lying murderer
i’m hoping that at some point someone brings up the fact that in her book, she said Dan was the first person she told she could walk and then a few chapters later she said Nick was the first person I told I could walk
She tells so many lies she can’t even keep up. We do though. Astounding these journalists don’t do their homework! The information is out here! Disgusting woman, so manipulative! I’m 7 minutes in and that’s it for me. NO, her mother’s family does Not support this book! Another lie.
say it louder!! ❤
Who is Dan?
@ they other guy she like before nick
Amber J Ryan's future gf lol said it, and she went back and forth on the pages.. Which one Gypsy? Was it Dan or Nick hehehhe?
Recounting a so called traumatic life filled with so much abuse that it lead to murder as if it’s tea, laughing and giggling. I am truly DISGUSTED.
she's lying straigh-up lies
i have lived a life full of trauma. because i have recounted it so many times and its been so long, i can talk about it while smiling and laughing uncomfortably. it doesnt mean its all a lie or it never happened. our relationship with our trauma can change and evolve over time, so we dont always have to be emotional while talking about trauma.
You expect her to break down everytime for your convenience?
this is her true character she’s a disturbed person . can’t call a pedophile a pedophile and sending nick text massages saying she wants him to grape her
@@roses495it’s an altered story 😂😂 it’s not all true that’s why she can’t cry 😂 she’s a cold hearted person and a liar that’s why it’s so easy for her 😂
prepare to feel angry and frustrated. its story time with the lying unaliver
I’m 11 minutes in and I’m there honey
She is a murderer. I can’t help saying the exact word for what she is. Whether she “identifies” as one or not Gyp is a murderer.
Nailed it!
Well the title tells you what it is
@@mindy74-s9j What does she have to lie about?
I see is that killer sticker on the lap top 😂
Fitting lol 😅
Me too 😂
Same 😂 and she said we can get you a podcast I have my own network. Ironically the KLLR network lol
Same asf I just noticed that half way through lol 😅
People having such hatred for her is so shocking to me. Her MOTHER abused, manipulated and isolated her for for YEARS. Literally robbed her of a childhood, teenage years and some adult life. Her MOTHER put her through countless surgeries and had things removed for no reason. She had a dang feeding tube for always. This all began from a baby for GRB. That kind of abuse is very influencing on a child and continues on into adulthood. GRB had tried to leave her mother as an adult and what happened? She was brought back to her mother, and no one listened to her. Her mother was STILL telling ppl that GRB was someone who needed adult assistance and supervision. GRB was stuck with many people who failed her. She was stuck with a really selfish crappy mother who was not capable of love. I'm not condoning taking someone's life BUT my gosh the hatred GRB gets is terrible and insensitive.
All opinions are always welcome but so is anything you have that’s definitive proof to show it’s how things really went. That is was abuse, I’d be more than happy to show it in a video! Her unnecessary medical surgeries is not true she’s only had a few medically necessary ones for stabismus or she would be blind today and I have her medical records, there was no hundreds of surgeries AT ALL.
The lies I’ve caught myself in 14 months is extraordinarily and over 120 now. All I do is provide that proof and evidence as she says it herself for others to see the truth and conclude their own thoughts and opinions. She was never forced to sit in any wheelchair, ever. She was walking around inside of her house always even with her mom there we have multiple video evidence of that. Her legs would be atrophied from 24 hrs or more of NOT walking. You can’t maintain muscle tone or muscles at all if you’re not walking everyday 365 days a year. If you don’t use your muscles, you lose your muscles. She’s never had atrophy and being forced to sit in a wheelchair, her whole life, she would have been worst case scenario of muscle atrophy.
The only thing that she had removed was a salivary gland and only one side of her neck and you have thousands of salivary glands. One that over produced saliva and she herself in the medical documents is the one that was in the room telling the doctor how it is hard to swallow at 15 years old (Dr documented it in her med records). Hence the feeding tube and that’s not a surgical procedure.
I agree with you. It’s all emanating from people that develop parasocial relationships and obsessions online, they want to involve themselves in her case to feel important and self righteous. Ultimately, any mother that forces a child to be in a wheelchair the child doesn’t require, in order to extract money and attention from the public, is not a woman worth defending.
@@EM-xj8hyno one forced her in a wheelchair. Everyone knew she could walk. There’s more evidence that contradicts what she’s said than not.
@@Art_thecl0wn lol nobody knew she could walk back then. Certainly not the public her mother was exploiting. You don’t understand how malicious it is for a parent to force you in that situation. She didn’t get to experience anything as a child would and should. She was always put in a situation where she had to pretend she was sickly for people to gawk at her, it’s beyond sickening, and the fact that you can’t empathise with her at all, regardless of how you feel about her as a person, is bizarre. Surely she’s flawed, we all are. I’d say, all things considering, she’s turned out alright. I probably would become a very aggressive entity if I grew up like that. You take the normalcy of your childhood for granted, she had a severely maladjusted relationship to her mother. I probably would have done the same thing she did, and I would have done it myself.
Oh please what a bunch of bs
To think she got straight out of jail and went straight to surgery. You'd think she would hate anesthesia.
This point is actually so telling … wow damn
Kail: Interesting….
GRB: Correct.
Lmao I was gonna write take a shot every time u hear "correct" and "interesting"
@ we would all be drunk lol
Gypsy rose: I don’t like labels. I’m an influencer. 😂😂😂😂
I’m an advocate 😂😂😂
That's just nasty. i dont like labels cause people call me a murder and that would be too far to call Dan an actual pedophile... and not only that dee dee was telling gypsy to STOP sleeping with older men, and im almost convinced this is what started it.
She Couldn't run away several times when nivk asked nnooppee she need a coo @StraightOutOfContextWithBarbie
Exactly for what? Grifting.
She has been through a lot, but it's over.
She loves attention and being on tv
I never watch her
Have you ever been abused? Or been theough trauma? It doesn't just end. It leaves with lifetime trauma and ptsd.@SandraClark-y4w
So she dyed her hair back to brown for her divorce so she could make Ryan eat his heart out?! She is sadistic. She seems to relish in the opportunity to cause Ryan more emotional pain.
I caught that to what s psycho
@@trishaanicole61611she's definitely a sociopath and it's terrifying
Kail I suggest you read her text messages to Nick about killing her mom instead of her book. I don't think you would have had her on your show if you did
This interview was a joke.
She could have just watched gypsies testimony against Nick. Or her interrogations and Nick's. Kail has 6 sons. Imagine if some sociopath manipulates one of them into commiting a crime that gets one of them locked away for life
@@tara6460 Gypsy testified for Nick's defense
She says her Barbie dolls were her friends but in her book she said she wasn't allowed to play with Barbies 😂 damn Gypsy you need to keep a book of all your lies so you can keep track 😂😂
Keeping her lies straight is certainly not her forté! 😂😂😂
You don’t suppose that she could have possibly had a secret doll that she hid??
Its getting "better and better" with her... we are so honored for the pleasure of listening to her! Applaus ! Chapeau! Im so disgusted, i have no words for it!!!
@sarac20790 how may i Help you
My issue is the BLAMINGon her mother for everything! She takes ZERO responsibility for her own life. So she’s sucking on a bottle and it’s her mom’s fault??? I’m so angry
You clearly didn’t listen to the interview then or seen other interviews or shows bc she takes responsibility all the time
@ I’m sorry what are you referring to?
@@Bnvivthepetstylist 💯
@dbreezy8993. uhmmmmm no she doesnt......
Well it's her life and her story. She doesn't have to take accountability for being abused as a child.
She should of named her book “my time to scam” bc if you were truly a victim of scamming the public for money, you’d think that the second you went to prison and got out you would refuse to accept a single cent from the public, it would be a trigger or a severe trauma, but what does she do? Writes a book, does a reality TV show, documentaries, Dr Phil, interviews, podcasts, tik tok , etc she’s doing the grift on a MUCH larger scale! In the millions in fact. That’s insane to me.
Don't forget TMZ on speed dial
I mean, I agree that she seems kinda scammed now that I've stepped back a bit. I used to be a big defender, now I'm still kinda confused. But, I think at least now with the book, and Dr Phil, etc is an honest way to make money at least. I mean, we know what she's selling, and have the. Hoicè to buy it. To play Devil's Advocate though; what if it's all lies she's writing? Then that would be a dishonest scam. I am naturally more forgiving bc The duality of man is fascinating. She legitimately was abused, and Gypsy never knew anything other than manipulation as a way to interact with others. Other people's generosity was her mode of living. She still hasn't started college, or a job or anything, and maybe she'll be able to stay at home and really try to be a great Mom to this new life. I was just thinking a job would help her develop a sense of self, give self confidence, and feel stronger for taking care of herself now. Lots of rambling thought, I'm sorry. Lol. This is just a lot Goin on.
@@Wheezersmom02I agree
@ don’t be sorry! I enjoyed reading your post. The biggest thing for me is when I read through her medical records and in some interviews she claimed she was under anesthesia over 100 times🤔 but that’s s lie. Some of the procedures didn’t even use anesthesia, only a few of them did. And then she claims that her mother told her she was sick due to a chromosome deficiency , and she does in fact have the chromosome deficiency, she was tested for it and said that her baby has a 50 percent chance of having it. And the symptoms of the CD match up with her procedures, like failure to thrive (feeding tube), ear nose and throat issues (saliva glands, glasses) sleep apnea (sleep apnea machine) and also muscle weakness (the wheelchair) the things she is blaming her mother for her own murder are procedures she needed for her CD syndrome, however the cancer lie doesn’t fit, but I have a hard time believing that any dr treated her for cancer without having physical proof like testing, biopsy, scans etc, drs don’t just give you cancer meds bc you say “she has cancer” , so Deedee told people she had cancer, she wasn’t actually being treated for it medically. So another lie from gypo , she also lied about the narcotics, she goes back and forth with that in interviews constantly, saying she never had an issue and it wasn’t a factor the night she conned Nick into murdering her mother, and she tested negative for narcotics in her system during her arrest when they drew blood, but yet claimed she was high on Oxys the whole week post murder, and during murder, so it’s like all these contractions make it super hard to believe what she says, what’s truth and what’s a lie, bc her stories don’t match up, and bc she does so many interviews and documentaries, podcasts, the book, the reality show, etc it’s easy to put all of it together to confirm the lies. Then in her book she claims that it was Nick who suggested everything related to the murder but the texts show that gyro was the one who asked Nick to murder her mom, and stole the knife, prepared the scene, gave him gloves and tape, bought him the plane ticket , answered the door after waiting for her mom to fall asleep, sent him a video showing him how to actually stab her in her bed, suggested the method kill, she wanted quick and easy and painless, nick suggested poison, or shooting, something less intimate and hands on but gypo said no, stabbing is best?! She even wiped the scene, put baby powder all over the place, turned up the AC I think it was, left her cats alone with the dead body with no food for like 6 days, ran from and lied to police (thought it was self defense bc you were abused? If that’s the real reason why did she not use that as her defense?) I really believe she killer her mom not bc of medical abuse but for another reason. Also if medical abuse really existed Lawyers would be suing the crap out of every Dr and hospital for millions but she admits no one will take her case after reading her medical records. If all her procedures were actually due to the CD it would make sense they can’t sue. But I’m not saying she wasn’t abused in some way, like forcing her to be in a wheelchair , and shaving her head, she also claims that her mother facilitated SA by deedees father “daddy Claude” , which I don’t know if that’s accurate bc she contradicts that as well. She’s a hard person to believe?
@@breemcbride8988 She was manipulated and used by her mother for financial gain.
I just want to give you a thank you for this interview. Seeing more of her lies unfold in her own words is hilarious 😂
🤗 welcome!
Kail is an excellent interviewer. This was a great interview. Love kail and gypsy.
You "love" GRB? A compulsive lying convicted criminal who manipulates everyone she encounters?
Watch out people, apparently nobody can dispute someone's perception of things, therefore anyone can be accused of a heinous act and nobody can dispute it even if it's a blatant lie! Nevermind that perceptions are often and can be tainted by faulty memory, one's own psyche, brain disorders and mental health conditions. Smh
Sadly, whether she is telling lies or not, her childhood was definitely horrible and abnormal.
Gypsy has childhood trauma, grief, and the effects of being incarcerated. It is just all so bizarre.
We all have Trauma. I was severely abused my entire childhood. I was a messed up adult from it until I had my son and put myself in therapy so I didn't repeat the cycle. I never killed anyone. I never hurt anyone but myself. She doesn't get a pass because she had a weird childhood
I wonder how much research did Kail do? Did she watch Nick and Gypsy’s interrogation video s? You can tell a whole lot just from that. Gypsy had no remorse, didn’t think she was gonna be arrested, lied and lied. Then threw Nick under the bus with her backup plan. SMH it’s just so telling, even in the Dr. Phil interviews it’s always something new and she getting to old to keep up with so many lies. As a Mother of 5. I would’ve never invited her on any podcast or platform to promote the book of zero accountability. The ppl want truth and responsibility and accountability. She can live her life, she’s free and keeps getting a bag💰from only her POV. Notice that all the villains are no longer here or can’t defend themselves and she has the upper hand to control the narratives.
No research at all. Kail is an expert in one thing only 😂😂😂😂
That was what did it for me! Watching that interrogation showed who she is! I wish more people would believe it!
Kail I have always been a super fan of yours. You have always had a stood your ground and I’m so proud of you. I just want to say that you some such an amazing interview with Gypsy. You cleared a lot of things up and it was just genuine and heartfelt. I’m so proud of Gypsy too, she has can a long way too. I just wish you both many blessings and hope you have a Happy New Year!!!💙❤
Thank you so much!
What a liar she has tried to communicate
Don't you notice the Word Killer and chaos face Gypsy reminding her of what she did.
# Justice for Dee Dee And nick
I immediately noticed that 😂
Is that not Kails laptop?
Watch her fsce when she says she hasn't spoke to dan since the crime ! She gutted 🫠 i feel he was involved in that night in some way shape or form .
You are not the only one as I also especially side eye the David Blancharde after he climbed in the window didn't notice Dee dee in bed or anything out of place?😮
This is allegedly another big, fat lie.
I had the same thought! Wasn't there a man with a raincoat outside that night?
She definitely was.
There was someone else there? I never heard that, I haven't been keeping up.i do know that the boy said he only stabbed DeeDee 4 times but she was stabbed more then that. So who stabbed her firxt
This woman became famous for killing her mother. How horrible.
i slept almost all the way thru this.. (gotta love those longer videos) .. without something in my ear, i end up having nightmares.. so.. i wanna say thank u.. 🥰👍
Her mom let her continue on the baby bottle just like her mom let her do anything else she wanted.
“She found out baby can be violent” - Gypsy rose
Thank u for posting this in FULL! I don't like when creators do " reactions" they pause it,they talk,& its SO frustrating! Grrrrrrrrr
They do that to comply with fair use laws. The creator of this interview can copyright strike this because it isn't transformative in any way, it's just a straight upload.
The thing that has never made sense to me is why the doctors went along with all of her illnesses and why they did all the surgeries for illnesses she didn't even have. You can't just walk into a doctor's office, tell them what you have and get treated for it. That part just doesn't make any sense to me whatsoever.
Because the procedures she had were normal with the medical issues she had due to the disorder she has. THIS is why she had never gone after any doctor, not neither would any lawyer, because there would be no case. If there was, any lawyer would jump in this for a huge payday.....but not one lawyer would or will because there was no malpractice at all. She also has not had all her glands removed. She lies so much.
I feel she only had necessary procedures, the rest of it is the lies they told.
She has a micro deletion disorder and all of her surgeries were due to complications of that disorder.. she likes to leave that part out, because it completely makes her story even more laughable.
I completely agree! Why didn't the doctors do test? I believe these doctors should be questioned.
She told one of the doctors (who has admitted that she told him) when she was like 12 & he made all of these promises, but never really followed through with them.
You're mouth tends to get dry when you're lying too js
Wouldn’t she drink a lot of water with talking from her mouth getting so dry
@@Nikkibbbbbbband she drank a lot of water
....and her nose gets bigger, allegedly
Thank you for sharing your lives....it takes a lot to put it out there and have to endure judgement.....hope for a healthy baby and mother.....
“my time to manipulate”🤣
This comment sent me 😭🤣
michellle and melissa should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. they should be sued for slander and defamation. her story has changed so many times. all you need to do is watch a couple of interviews and you can pick out so many........ it never ends
I was her neighbor when we were kids. Her mom would flip her shit when she played with us. I’ve always felt so bad for her. We would be swimming and her mom would have her in the wheelchair just watching us swim. She wouldn’t let us near her. She was such a sweetheart and we all just wanted her to feel involved
Do you have pictures or anything showing that and or that you lived that close?
I know that’s a lie 🤣
The liar disappears when asked for proof. What a surprise
@@StraightOutOfContextWithBarbyou know that has to be GRB on an alt. 😂
Exactly!! @@StraightOutOfContextWithBarb
I have a lot of respect for kail. People hate on her but I think shes a smart woman with a good head on her shoulders. Good interview.
Thank You For Sharing This Interview! I haven’t followed Gypsy’s story like SO Many others, so I was glad to hear her speak about the book. As a Mental Health Professional, there’s SO SO Much the public will NEVER know regarding this whole situation. We only get bits/pieces. I’m SURE there’s plenty of Trauma left behind for Gypsy & we don’t have to agree with her actions. I DO KNOW This! I wasn’t there. I didn’t experience her life. I can’t say what did or did not happen & I won’t pretend to know. I DO KNOW that people functioning at a childlike level both mentally and emotionally act without any impulse control. I DO Know legally she has paid for her crime. I wasn’t there each day in court, but others were who heard, discussed & ruled on her case. Our Judicial system did its job. Whether people approve or not. Gypsy has a right to a life now. For those who don’t approve… Don’t support her. It’s a pretty simple set up we have. Her life will go on though & I pray for her child that it’s a long happy healthy life! That Gypsy shows her child EVERYTHING GOOD & WONDERFUL In This World! Gives her the Childhood she missed out on! NO Child should be deprived of the MOST PRECIOUS yrs of their life. The Years of INNOCENCE! Before the world has hurt them. Before the world has a chance to leave them broken some how. Gypsy was robbed from the 1 person who was suppose to LOVE & PROTECT her against ALL MONSTERS! When a child’s MONSTER is that
“PROTECTOR” she’s lucky to have gotten out alive herself! It’s SURE NOT my place to judge her experiences. Her crime… It has ALREADY Been Judged in Our Very Own Court of Law!
Kail did a dang good job doing this interview!!! I think she was a great choice bc she has been through some stuff . She has a good poker face and she makes her guests feel so welcome.. Aot of us have trauma and we deal with it in different ways.
Im not condoning the murder of her mother however i just cannot imagine the emotional manipulation and abuse. I was abused by my aunt whom i lived with as a child, i feel some of her pain. I was locked in my bedroom for months at a time peeing in a coffe can.
I read the book and it wasnt a bad book
Kail is the perfect representation of how MOST people view and understand GRB's story. They may know the headlines or a news story. They may have seen a documentary or the Act. But the majority haven't really paid attention to the details. Most people view her as the victim. I think content creators hurt themselves by engaging in the behind the scenes, inner circle drama. People dont want to watch that brain rot content. Period.
Gypsy, your mom told you the "state" would come and take you because you were lying about your age to con "the state" and charities. You knew how old you were. I'm sure she explained to you how important it is to stick to that story so yall didn't get arrested for fraud.
DeeDee was tested for the deletion when Gypsy was diagnosed. They tried to contact Rod and couldnt get ahold of him. It's in black and white IN HER RECORDS. The same record that show her HANDFUL of surgeries were all to TREAT THE SYMPTOMS of the microdeletion. They treated the individual SYMPTOMS and tried to connect the dots for YEARS. If Gyspy had admitted to the deletion, her defense would have CRUMBLED. That's the only reason she is speaking about it now.
You heard this from fancy right?
What is the deletion?
What does deletion or micro deletion mean in this context? Can you elaborate please
I see what Kail did there with the killer sticker😭😂
I don't know this lady, but found a video and asked WHY she interviewed a murderer.
Shes just a '16 and pregnant' and 'teen mom' OG, i think she was on the first or second season of teen mom back in the day. I didn't even think she was relevant anymore
She’s not pregnant 1 million %
She’s pregnant and word is she is high risk and using that on Ken. She barely looks pregnant though to be so far along. I got the feeling she will have a smaller than average baby and may even need a C-section. She’s been planning a pregnancy. We caught it in the lifetime series when she left Ryan and had already purchased a Star Wars baby yoda outfit.
Hey Ladies!!🥰
This interview was so enlightening! I just wanted to give both of you props for this amazing content.
This is definitely one of the better interviews I've watched and also the sound quality on your channel. Is it is phenomenal!!!🎉🙏🎊💯😍✨️
DD was not diagnosed with Munchhausen by proxy
Correct everything came out after her death when Gypsy was arrested.
she was diagnosed after her death, and gypsy defense team hired a doctor that diagnosed her. he did not do any research obviously. he went off the word of her defense team who came up with this lie of medical abuse in order to get her off the death sentence she was looking at. they were both frauds . there’s no actual proof of DD abusing her. she seemed like a spoiled brat, who just wanted men.
Because she was dead.
You can’t diagnose someone with something without physically having them here to decide. Her lawyers “ diagnosed” her with this to help her get a lesser sentence. Nothing has ever and will ever be proved.
I think she'd be better off changing her name and moving somewhere else to become more anonymous. She should start over completely. No fame. Just a regular person.
Funny how she didn't want to label Dan. Pedo 🙄 huh wonder if thats because she knew her age and so did he. I feel lije he had a part in that murder that night 🤷🏻♀️ i said what i said.
33:40 So how old was she really
She's quick to label Dee Dee.
@@Yaa7700 I believe she was 21 or 22 at the time because this was not long before she got caught. They didn't Know each other for that long.
WTH Kai said she could not imagine doing something like that to her daughter!!! SHE TOOK HER MOM OUT!!! you can’t write this sh*t. OVER A 100 times sedated!!! CPS came when she was an ADULT.
Thank you for posting this !!!!! Can you post some dumbblonde bunniexo podcasts on here too?
A nickel for how many times kail says "interesting" lol 😂
Is this the girl from 16 and pregnant if so I’m so proud of her she was always my favorite and I knew she had a good head on her shoulders 👏🏽👏🏽
Ok wait, didn’t she say she packed a baby bottle in the suitcase and then at 25:09 she said she had taken the narcotics and didn’t pack the baby bottle, like come on already, which is it? She’s still lying today, this girl does not know how to tell the truth
Good catch!
@ Ty dear
She looks exactly like the other pister child for micro deletion. What bothers me most about this interview is the lack of research. Gypsy's claims were presented as truth when there is documented evidence to the contrary. The only way this interviewer would only bounce back if she interviews DD's family.
Really kail??? Was she able to go to deedees services?!?!?! WHAT THE ACTUAL F?!?!?! IS WRONG WITH THE BOTH OF THEM ?! WOOWWWWW SMFDH
When she started talking about the “cocktail” at 12:19 it sounded like she started to describe the mixture as something else. Not Xanax. As she describes the “cocktail she begins to pronounce a sound with the letter F. Such as Fentanyl.. and then she changed it to Xanax very quickly. 🤔
Exactly what I thought she was going to say too!
@ RIGHT! I was suprised I didn’t see any comments about it besides mine! It was so weird! She took it back so quick too.
I was wondering the same thing too
I noticed that right away
First she said she knew about the microdeletion in prison..then 10 mins later...her and ken found out the results of the microdeletion together at the doctor...which is which gyp💩? 🤦♀️ the lies 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
She literally said that she got tested in 2012 but didn’t know what to believe so she went again recently to a different doctor and got diagnosed again.
Think about it. She is no different from Charles Manson.
He didn’t kill anyone. He orchestrated and commanded it; just like she did.
Still the definition of first-degree premeditated murder anybody over the age of 18 who knowingly causes the death of another person
Yep. She was over 18. She bewitched him. He was definitely at her disposal. She provided the bus ticket. The murder weapon. All the instructions and tidbit info was clearly relayed to him by her. She was his ‘damsel in distress’. And with noxious zeal, he obeyed his Vamp like a good little Vampire.
So. Her stuffed animals and her mom were her comfort.... But also she never took to stuffed animals and her baby bottles were her source of comfort... 🤔🤔Hmmm that math ain't mathin
She said her mom and her dolls and stuffed animals were her only social life. The bottle was her comfort item. You people don’t listen and then claim it’s a lie. 🙄
"My mouth get so dry because my salivary glands were removed I have to drink a lot"... NEVER TOOK A SIP OF WATER
And to think there's people that believe her bs 🙄 when she can't even been consistent with her lies
You do know this is edited right? So just because you don’t see her do it doesn’t mean she didn’t.
@lisaandresen9760 I know is edited duh, I guess the bottle water is just for decorations huh?
@@lisaandresen9760not to mention she drinks water about 7 minutes in. 😂these people are funny.
@lisaandresen9760 Go sit down somewhere Lisa!!🤐🤨
@@yesica485she is drinking. I saw her twice drink
Just love how her laptop says “killer”
Can someone interview her that’s not an obvious supporter 😂
She looks like at 45-50 year old woman.
Under anesthesia over A HUNDRED TIMES? That’s such a bold face lie there’s no fing way 😂
Right I laughed at that
Gypsy will repeat offend maybe not unaliving but something she will get herdelf into some mess
Idk she already said she wanted to off Ryan but left instead so i wouldnt put it past her... I swear she'll say the craziest things and None of her interviewers call her on it.
That was one of the best interviews I’ve seen with her. Great job kail!! I love all that you do!
Kail. It's Kailyn
It’s a nickname. What is your issue
@@ashleymandina6139 , no issue. I thought maybe you didn't know. Calm down.
@ I apologize. I just now realized that my phone autocorrected to kait from kail. I see why you thought I didn’t know her name lol
"I can talk".....more like, "i can lie"
Omg what a great interview and and gusts.
This is so ridiculous 😂😂 thank you for sharing so I don’t have to give them views
🚨!! Whoever doesn't believe gypsy's story put a thumbs up!! 🚨
I don't believe her lies it took me 3 or 4 months to do my research on her and she isn't a victim I was in shock how she changed her stories multiple times!
No responsibility taken, deedee wasn’t going to cut her throat and gypsy admits they’ve put that part in to make the reader feel a certain way. It’s not fact based.
To play devil's advocate for no reason she says in the book she saw the unnecessary throat operation as cutting her throat and she was scared. The fact she says it makes a statement sounds contrived. Not good.
She practically says she lied about it for dramatic effect lol
Kails really sticking it to MTV! I love watching her thrive and accomplish soo many amazing things❤ Kail really is the perfect person to be an interviewer
What drugs are U on? She never even asks her why her stories have changed everytime she tells them. I wish I could interview her... But they would hate that I would want the truth! I hate people like her trying to make an idiot of me. But guess she doesn't!🤷🤦😡👎😩😫
i’m trying to write a book about all 34 surgeries i’ve had while living with a single mother who was very abusive and had a bad addiction. i would love to hear any advice!
The amount of times that Kail said “that’s so interesting” is wild! 🥴
I feel like every time she said that just calls out an inconsistency lie. It’s like what are you gonna say “another lie” you might as well just say that’s interesting. Lol 😂
Speak ill of the dead ? Gypsy put her own mom in her grave ! Come on !!!
“That’s so interesting” x 1000 😂
She is giving Gypsies a bad reputation
😂Oh, honey. Gypsy has given herself the exact reputation she deserves. Guess what? She’s a microdeleted, delusional, narcissist. Killer. Predator. She should be locked in that damn sex shed with the ‘mice’ like the rodent that she is.
How is she still saying she wasn’t allowed to walk around the house when there are no wheelchair track marks in the carpet
Not to mention her legs would have been noodles from not using them, lol
It was a wheelchair not a tank ffs 😂😂
Exactly, why wouldnt they modify the house and put floorboards everywhere to accomodate easy movement for the wheelchair🤨
I appreciate everybody that screen records all the stuff that she’s on like her book and everything so that people put money into her pocket
the 4 baby dads was the shocker of this whole interview 😂😂😂😂
So Fake
It still amazes me that she has made so much money off a crime to that caliber.what happen to the son of Sam law? She disgust me
Kail you did awesome on this im so interested this is awesome
Kail is really good at doing interviews 👏🏽 loved it
You are all sitting here hating talking about her laughing you do understand a lot of people cope with trauma with laughing or making a joke about it like how did we all go from loving her to absolute hating her ???
Unreal this person is free and able to reach a social media celebrity status..after she planned plotted and sought a mentally challenged boy to do her dirty work..She is doing interviews while he remains in prison.
Omfg if kail says “that’s interesting” or if gypsy says “correct” one more mf time my head is going to explode 🤯
I love Kails interviewing skills ❤️
If u didn’t want her dead then why did u set Nick up to kill her!??? She is such a damn liar. Of course she wanted to get rid of her. Of course she wanted her killed. She wanted to make sure she was out of the picture completely. She gave direct instructions to Nick on how to unalive her.
When will this train wreck end? I wish people would stop giving this woman attention and pouring money into her lap. Her writing a book for profit is disgusting in my opinion. If she wasn't a murderer she wouldn't be getting all this pr. Does anybody else see a problem with all this.
Hello I Pray for blessing 🙏 this is what I believe 🙏 See how Gypsy always has her voice in (soft mode) to sound ( kind loving and trusting ) Yet there's NO sadness nor pain in her voice. (Her manipulating is so good) that people feel bad for her. No one realizes they're judging her by her (fake kindness) That's the reason her lies are not seen by her followers . That's all it takes for her to make people feel sorry for her because they figure she's so nice. She's Giving people what they want to hear. 😮 They believe (She'll never hurt a fly). Her mouth is all she's moving she has the 👅 of a serpent. ( I'm sorry if it sounds cruel. ) ( But she is judged by what she says ) (her soul is dark) A good person does not lie over and over twisting confusing people. There's No love in her .( Proof )She has betrayed those who cared for her NICK RYAN & DEE DEE Why would she feel hate towards the people who showed her how much they love her . See how much they did for her yet she has done nothing for any of the 3 Victims. That Says that her mother must have really loved her so much? look at how she talks about Nick and Ryan everyone has seen that RYAN and (NICK) have done nothing to her nothing like she has done to them. Yet she talks with such hate 😊 She Never Says that she has done anything good for them. (Only what is done for her ) please don't be a fooled Listen Let's Learn from yesterday and Hope for Tomorrow 🙏❤ It's better to make a friend then any Enemy be kind and Loving I'm not perfect I have survive child abuse and I forgiven my mother. She also loves God and is truly a good woman. I Believe in the one and only Living God Almighty are Lord ❤ Jesus Christ ❤ I could never cause pain to my mother especially if I know what pain is emotionally and physically .Jesus Christ said treat others the way you want to be treated. Right! Trust in God put Jesus Christ first. Even Nick believes in God I pray for DeeDee soul for rest and Nick and Ryan so they can finally brae away from Gypsy. I have gotten really Mad at Gypsy But I pray so I won't say and react through anger . So God Can help me with what I believe Is Going on with Gypsy.
Gypsy said it the system did fail DeeDee gypsy should have gotten life.
Kail is so aggressive lol, question after question without conversation just a “that’s interesting” after every answer
Ive watched all the documentaries etc i see a lot of contradictions ....the laptop i remember her saying she bought it sneakily when she ran away once...y not look up getting help instead of getting facebook and a dating site...the interview with ryan he also says about her going to school into second grade something like that and she nudges him...
Kail did an excellent job with this interview. Her skills shine in this one. Good job 👍 With all the Teen Mom hype I sometimes forget that Kail graduated from College, If I'm not mistaken she is the only one with a college degree.
I could NOT figure out why she looked so familiar. She was the best mom on that show
I hope Gypsy is living her best life.
What do u mean u get set back about forgiving ur mom!?? You should be begging for her forgiveness for doing what u did to her!!