Louis Koo needs someone like Jessica in his life. She is down-to-earth and considerate. Turn your friendship into lifetime partners. Would that be awesome!
Why! Age not a problem! Mr. KOO if want a child, he would get marry at younger age. Now it seems he put all strength in his favourite movie industry. What he needs now is the other half has same interest who can walk with him on the same path. Jessica is the most suitable person.男欢女愛何用旁人指手劃脚。 找另一半最重要懂你心思互有默契每日都開心像朋友般舒服相处, 这人就在身边。願Jessica, 古仔这2個同有愛心的人找到所爱共渡餘生!
真的希望他们两在一起。喜欢他们的人品,真实低调,工作认真演技棒👍 古天乐孝顺又有爱心💗 萱萱直爽开朗有智慧。唯独萱萱可以让古仔笑得那么开心😄😄他们两一个不爱说话另一个爱说话如果能在一起会很有乐趣,无论他们能不能在一起,真心祝福他们幸福快乐 ❤️❤️💑
萱萱家境富裕,她是学霸有智慧,她有教育又有学问,中英文流利。。只是萱萱低调谦虚,她没有像其他女明星那样贪慕虚荣 ,她比较朴实和踏实的好女人👩 对感情专一,她直爽开朗,萱萱人品好又有爱心💗 萱萱选择对象也是看人的
睇佢哋互動, 就覺得真心 friend
希望再看他们两再次拍新的电影🎬 好喜欢他们 ❤️❤️💑 他们好好笑 哈哈😄好可爱
Jessica is amazing ❤️❤️
Louis Koo is reserved, quiet whereas Jessica is active, a social butterfly. They compliment each other!
Beautiful couple ❤️
Super gorgeous couple!😍
I like her personality.
Louis Koo needs someone like Jessica in his life. She is down-to-earth and considerate. Turn your friendship into lifetime partners. Would that be awesome!
Wow they are together forever love
Look like lover💖💖💖💖👍👍👍👍
Louis Khoo, n Shuen Huen, please tie the knot, very compatible, don't waste time
love to see them together
Chị vợ tự nhiên còn anh chồng hơi ngại, bù trừ nhau, nhìn đẹp đôi😜❤️👍
Ngưỡng mộ cặp này
萱萱一直默默守护古天乐,一个成功的男人背后一定会有一个默默支持他的好女人👩以萱萱的家境和学问可以嫁入豪门,但她依然没忘记过古仔。虽然古仔比较大男人,对女孩子的细节没有那么体贴。但看得出他重情重义。如果古仔用心去理解萱萱的内心深处 就会明白女孩子需要的是一个安稳和永久的爱情了,希望古仔有一天能够真正理解萱萱的用心❤️
Jessica already mentioned they are not couple..
I can't barely hear what the reporter say...should use the microphone to speak up and Mr Koo's mic also has no sound...
Louis tends to not project his voice
Hai người cuoi nhau đi,đẹp đôi lắm luôn
林心如霍建华好朋友也可以在一起 世事没有绝对的 jessicca和古仔 考虑在一起吧 或者 古仔主动点啦 😁😁
林文龙 郭可盈以前都是影幕cp
Never say never
古仔加油 💪如果喜欢的话 就马上行动不要拖泥带水了,我好希望你俩在一起
Rất thích cách nhìn của ảnh dành cho chị
香港A1A扣光補險 魏永X 專業呃客,老人夫婦供了30多年退休養命錢,呃剩4萬,慘!
乌廷芳 项少龙 欢喜冤家
xunqinji dong de kou 1
Nhìn a Lạc cứ mắc cỡ còn c Tuyên tự nhiên lắm. Ac về một nhà di ạ
Sao con thieu dat phu khong dua nghe cha minh phat trien hon nua
I do not think there are lover , the n man is gay the girl see. Like love man but that is the past she is lesbian today I’d i right
yeah gay
Jessica is not beautiful 🤣🤣 what a ridiculous comment!
美不是外表, 美是內心有愛! 外表美會因年紀而消失, 爱心美是永恒。
Why! Age not a problem! Mr. KOO if want a child, he would get marry at younger age. Now it seems he put all strength in his favourite movie industry. What he needs now is the other half has same interest who can walk with him on the same path. Jessica is the most suitable person.男欢女愛何用旁人指手劃脚。 找另一半最重要懂你心思互有默契每日都開心像朋友般舒服相处, 这人就在身边。願Jessica, 古仔这2個同有愛心的人找到所爱共渡餘生!
萱萱一直默默守护古天乐,一个成功的男人背后一定会有一个默默支持他的好女人👩以萱萱的家境和学问可以嫁入豪门,但她依然没忘记过古仔。虽然古仔比较大男人,对女孩子的细节没有那么体贴。但看得出他重情重义。如果古仔用心去理解萱萱的内心深处 就会明白女孩子需要的是一个安稳和永久的爱情了,希望古仔有一天能够真正理解萱萱的用心❤️
Raina 講的對呀👍👍