Castlevania Lords of Shadow Final Boss Cut-scenes and Ending

  • Опубликовано: 27 сен 2024
  • Contains spoilers!!!!!

Комментарии • 888

  • @bryancarroll8827
    @bryancarroll8827 10 лет назад +1220

    I'm sorry, but I can't take this scene seriously with Gabriel wearing the Eyepatch from Metal Gear Solid

    • @Usernamesdontmatter1
      @Usernamesdontmatter1 10 лет назад +85

      Yea me neither. I hate it when they add those in. It isn't even a cool or funny mod. Its just distracting.

    • @flashn00b
      @flashn00b 10 лет назад +16

      Should i be thankful that i bought and beat this game on PC? I didn't know about the Solid Eye until I watched this video.

    • @aleksander10101
      @aleksander10101 10 лет назад +2

      ***** Solid Snake eyepatch

    • @nirvashmark1862
      @nirvashmark1862 7 лет назад +2

      Bruva Galathos on PC this game is a bitch to bet

    • @Jeffro2510
      @Jeffro2510 7 лет назад +2

      Dont listen to nirvash,i just finished it pc, its totally enjoyable.

  • @MegaGothmog
    @MegaGothmog 8 лет назад +634

    I absolutely love how this origin story of Dracula plays out in this game + the DLC. It is what Dracula is supposed to represent; Mankind's embodiement of their fear to be abandoned by God.
    Bram Stoker wrote the original Dracula not as a bad-ass fighter who takes out hundreds of enemies with bat-attacks and one-liners. He had the sad story of one who wanted to do what is good on God's eyes. And he did that too, yet in the end became this creature. He felt abandoned by God, and eventually embraced it, although he never wanted to. It is a story of wanting to do good, yet in the end becoming inevitably the evil you once fought.
    - (You need the Reverie and Resurrection DLC to understand this part)
    And that is exactly what happened in this game. Gabriel wanted so much to do what was right, and to bring his beloved back. Yet in the end he was left alone on earth. He wanted to die to be with his wife again, yet lived in the end. And that loneliness and desperation drove Gabriel to eventually embrace his darker demons. When he killed the Forgotten One and absorbed his power, he had nothing to live for. He had all the power in the world (UNLIMITEEDDDD...... POOOWEEEEEERRR), yet nothing would ever give him what he truly wanted. THAT is true loneliness and that is the true feeling of being abandoned. And that is the original story behind Dracula.
    Also the three Brides of Dracula represented what women were NOT supposed to be. In the 19th century there was no such thing as feminism, and women had certain rules that they had to follow. They were supposed to be timid, restrained, faithful and obedient to their husbands. Especially on a sexual level they could not speak their minds, and not be 'lustful'. To have children a man needed the sexual pleasure, yet women technically do not. So back then, women had no say in that matter, and could not 'want sex' since it was not necessary for procreation.
    The Brides of Dracula were exactly the opposite. When a character would meet them, they would be disgusted by the 'lustful and hungry look in their eyes'. It was completely unknown and appalling to them. This is also what you saw in Carmilla, who offered Gabriel 'many pleasures'.
    I still think that the Lords of Shadow 1 is one of the best games and stories where the Vampires are properly represented, and not as undead characters who can kick ass. Here they represent something. They represent the original meaning and story behind the Vampire.

    • @MisterWellingtonDuarte
      @MisterWellingtonDuarte 8 лет назад +45

      Beautifully said my friend. LoS 1 is really one of the best games with a perfect story and atmosphere that i have played

    • @Cronqvist1448
      @Cronqvist1448 8 лет назад +25

      I fully agree with you. Castlevania Lords of Shadow 1 is the best video game ever, no matter what they say. I do not understand those who say "sotn this... sotn that". I mean, it is a good game, but it is overrated.

    • @Demalion1
      @Demalion1 6 лет назад +20

      MegaGothmog, did you know Bram Stoker modeled the vampires and Dracula of the Germain strigoi? I also find it amusing the whole "conspiracy" of Dracula being Vladimir Tepes. Then again, makes sense since his birth name was Vlad Dracula, 2nd son of Vlad Dracul (the dragon). Vlad the Impalier and his father were members of the knights order The Order of the Dragon - Societas I went full nerd there.

    • @christopherbello22
      @christopherbello22 6 лет назад +4

      MegaGothmog holy shit well said, love the los series alot. Hope they do a remastered version for Xbox one and ps4.

    • @markcobuzzi826
      @markcobuzzi826 6 лет назад +9

      I think you have a very nice and thorough analysis there.
      Although, I do disagree a little with the common interpretation that the Brides of Dracula were simply women who enjoyed sex and did not want to be “submissive” to their husbands. This is how I always understood the Brides, from reading various analyses of the novel and my own interpretations, if anyone would like to read it:
      Vampires throughout the world were generally portrayed as undead creatures of the night that survived by draining some kind of life force from people, depending on the culture. In the stories of Christianized Medieval Europe, vampires were specifically portrayed as drinking blood, since one of the most blessed sacraments was considered the Holy Eucharist. In Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox Churches, it is believed that the bread and wine transubstantiates into the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. Vampirism is portrayed as a Satanic distortion of the Eucharist, because bad things can only exist as misused/distorted/hollowed versions of what is good. It involves a lifeless undead monster doomed to live on alienated from Heaven, who forcibly steals blood from humanity to nourish itself at mankind’s expense, while Jesus was resurrected with a glorified body more alive than before, who then offers his essence willingly as a gift to bring healing and communion. Another sacrament, at least in Catholicism, is sexual intimacy between a husband and wife, where the two “become one flesh”, offer a similar gift of themselves to each other, and renew marital vows. When sexual pleasure is purely sought for itself, divorced from selfless love and commitment, it becomes the sin of Lust. So the vampires are often also given a sexual nature to how they feed, so that vampires attacking their victims can also become a subtext for rape, sexual abuse, coveting people, or any other self-seeking sexual sin at the other’s expense, along with the effects that might follow (like the spread of STDs, people being forcibly taken as brides, the abused sometimes becoming abusers or “vampires” themselves, etc.).
      I cannot say for sure what Bram Stoker’s exact intention was, but there are a good number of people who easily found ways to interpret the original novel as a rather feminist story. The novel is in-part a love story between Jonathan and Mina Harker, who must survive their ordeal together, when Dracula sets his sights on Mina after he attacks Lucy, Mina’s friend. Jonathan and Mina treat each other as equals and want to make sacrifices for one another, while Dracula simply wants to add Mina to his harem of brides that act like lowly servants. While having some pity for Dracula and hoping that his soul can be saved, Mina still actively helps the vampire hunters stop Dracula, and things work out better for the heroes when she is allowed to contribute. As for Dracula’s first victim, Lucy, she behaves much like how most women were expected to be in Victorian society, as a sweet and innocent, but also naive and sheltered woman. Dracula repeatedly feeds on her in the night, first. For a while, Dr. Van Helsing is able to keep Lucy alive and well by instructing her new husband, Arthur, to take precautions to repel Dracula and keep giving her transfusions of his own blood. In the book, Arthur even outright compares his blood transfusions to him consummating his marriage with Lucy, and the book seems to take on a more intimate/affectionate tone between them. Some have interpreted that scene’s symbolism to be a contrast between the loving and self-giving behavior like Arthur’s, which helps Lucy feel better and make the two feel closer, versus Dracula’s that harms her. Lucy eventually turns into a vampire, when the people around Arthur do not follow through with Van Helsing’s precautions, and Dracula is able to attack Lucy one more time. Once she becomes a vampire, her main victims are innocent naive children, whom she lures out into the night and leaves wounded, blood-drained, and traumatized, causing some to specifically liken her more to a child sexual predator.

  • @dylanmaycry2211
    @dylanmaycry2211 10 лет назад +258

    "Let us remove our masks..."
    **puts on mask**

    • @Nosondakar
      @Nosondakar 9 лет назад +15

      Jark White Nobody care who i was until i put on the mask :p

    • @gemlynbotones3028
      @gemlynbotones3028 9 лет назад +2

      +Jark White I literally laughed out loud at your comment dayum

    • @TheNightcoreMusicz
      @TheNightcoreMusicz 9 лет назад +1

      +JDBW Not Satan though..

    • @KrimzonFlygon1
      @KrimzonFlygon1 7 лет назад

      Well, he took off the mask of Gabriel's friend, revealing his true face.

    • @dportalesr
      @dportalesr 6 месяцев назад

      That's totally intended and works beautifully as an allegory

  • @MrBoBoTom
    @MrBoBoTom 9 лет назад +500

    This game handled religion better than most games.

    • @RMeitzen
      @RMeitzen 9 лет назад +135

      +MrBoBoTom This game handled religion better than religion handles itself.

    • @frankman20
      @frankman20 8 лет назад +53

      +R. Rain This game shows what it really means to be spiritual.

    • @brandonsteve73
      @brandonsteve73 8 лет назад +6

      +R. Rain hideo Kojima help with this game so I guess it was his way of showing he was a part of it

    • @LionofDawn
      @LionofDawn 7 лет назад +19

      Kojima didn't do shit, he just scrutinized some visual aspects. He had nothing to do with the story.

    • @TazHall
      @TazHall 6 лет назад +32

      You know why? Because it simply told some truth in a dark situation. They also depicted Satan nearly accurate! He really says arrogant, manipulative stuff like that in real life. I'm impressed.

  • @Archedgar
    @Archedgar 3 года назад +40

    12:28 - 13:01 I'm not religious but that is one hell of an exchange they have there. Very good writing.

  • @heartbirthbysleep
    @heartbirthbysleep 5 лет назад +252

    Me before the ending- suck we didnt fight Dracula
    Me after the ending- well holy shit.

    • @KOOTIES510
      @KOOTIES510 2 года назад +31

      Biggest plot twist that Gabriel is Dracula is insane ending and why part 1 Lords of Shadow is the better than the sequel

  • @Sanguiluna
    @Sanguiluna 10 лет назад +127

    0:15 "Kept you waiting, huh?"

  • @BlackHeart8452
    @BlackHeart8452 10 лет назад +185

    Alright, since this confuses people let me explain how he becomes Dracula.
    1) Laura "sacrifices" herself so that Gabriel can get into the alternate dimension to fight the Forgotten One. Laura wants to die, she was turned into vampire unwillingly and basically brow beats Gabriel into doing it since she spared his life (aka owes her a life). The Forgotten One's release gave her the convenience of an excuse. Gabriel is tired of people around him dying and sacrificing themselves, instead of letting him be the one to die.
    2) The battle ends with Gabriel besting FO and claiming the majority of FO's power for himself. Returning to Earth, he comes back to the Bernhard castle (aka Carmella's castle, aka Castlevania). As a quick note, the Bernhard family were the ones responsible for the FO's summoning, along with numerous other demons that they sealed INSIDE the castle itself, giving the castle a life of its own and turning it into Castlevania.
    3) Mirror of Fate shows us that Gabriel had actually just set up shop in the castle and hadn't really done anything besides loomed over the nearby cities menacingly. It was the Brotherhood who really drove him to action, by secretly taking his son Trevor and raising him without Gabriel ever knowing he existed. They knew everything that was going to happen, along with Gabriel returning as a super vampire, and prepared Trevor as a way to destroy him. Trevor had a son before the truth was revealed to him by the Brotherhood and sent to fight Gabriel. That of course was Simon.
    4) Trevor fights Gabriel, but he was fated from the beginning to lose that fight. But, with his dying words he reveals his identity to Gabriel, and the Mirror of Fate shows Gabriel what the Brotherhood did. How they knew everything from the beginning and set him up to take the fall, and use his son to destroy him. Needless to say, THIS PISSES HIM OFF. He uses his own blood to turn Trevor into a vampire. Ironically Trevor is the only person Gabriel has ever been able to save, but reborn as Alucard he curses his father for having done it. Trevor would rather have died than become a vampire.
    5) Fast forward, now Simon is all grown up and seeking revenge for having killed his father and mother. Simon's mother died in Gabriel's assault on the Brotherhood, and he knew his father was sent to destroy Gabriel and presumably failed to do so. Simon is helped throughout Castlevania by Alucard behind the scenes up to the final battle. Alucard directly aids Simon in battling Gabriel and protects him from Gabriels dark magic and manipulation. However, Alucard firmly believes that a Belmont must be the one to land the killing blow, and since he doesn't believe he is a Belmont anymore makes sure that Simon makes the final strike. However, even then Alucard notes that when Gabriel is "killed" he didn't die the way a vampire should. Thus it ends with Simon asking who Alucard really was, and Alucard disappearing into the sunlight. (quick note, the only other vampire seen who could stand in sunlight without much trouble was the other unwillingly made vampire, Laura)
    So. Now you're all caught up and ready for Lords of Shadow 2.

    • @leaderdaniel5180
      @leaderdaniel5180 7 лет назад +3

      BlackHeart8452 NEEERRDDDD

    • @wrecker500
      @wrecker500 6 лет назад +6

      Another quick note though I know this is old. The transformation into a vampire also really messes with his head. And even though pre dlc he had it all settled, the mental effects of becoming a vampire brings up all that baggage Gabriel has to the forefront and with his slightly twisted mind, helps draw him down into the darkness.

    • @SpaceOink
      @SpaceOink 5 лет назад +3

      First! SPOILERS!!!
      Question. This extra ending here. Where in the story does that takes place?
      Because last we see Gabriel is crying on top of those flying rocks. In the DLC, he being contacted by Laura. From there we have the story how Gabriel became Dracula.
      And considering this extra ending takes place in the presents, Mirrors Fate must have taken place first, where he was defeated. But after that he must have woken up again, which this extra ending must have taken place where Zobek find Gabriel alias Dracula. From there they must have learned Dracula was still alive after he was pushed out from that window, and so Alucard alias Trevor Belmont who started to seek out a solution to end it all, meanwhile Dracula and the Brotherhood declared war against each other which takes place in the beginning of LoS2.
      Am I getting this right here?

    • @overlordlaharlyun5444
      @overlordlaharlyun5444 3 года назад

      Now thats some lore

  • @dingo-ringo-bingo
    @dingo-ringo-bingo 8 лет назад +145

    spoilers... HE WAS SNAKE ALL ALONG!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @pdragon619
      @pdragon619 8 лет назад +8

      +Matěj Kroužil So this is what Big Boss was doing during The Phantom Pain!...metal.

    • @dingo-ringo-bingo
      @dingo-ringo-bingo 8 лет назад +2

      Metal Gear

    • @chennymen
      @chennymen 8 лет назад +2

      +Matěj Kroužil i tought the same.. its the same plotwist tan mgs1 xd

    • @dantesonofsparda4370
      @dantesonofsparda4370 8 лет назад +1

      Matěj Kroužil you mean professor snape

    • @katiebug080592
      @katiebug080592 8 лет назад +2

      Oh thank god you saw it too. Lol

  • @iFeelGlee
    @iFeelGlee Год назад +15

    patrick stewart is just... an amazing voice actor

    • @garycannon4644
      @garycannon4644 10 месяцев назад +4

      seriously is he just amazing at any role he takes on? lol

  • @TeamDragoonX
    @TeamDragoonX 10 лет назад +280

    "Search your Soul, gabriel, you know it to be true."
    lol, what, is he a jedi?

    • @Sacrilege83
      @Sacrilege83 7 лет назад +8

      Sith from Delta quadrant.

    • @parkermaisterra8532
      @parkermaisterra8532 7 лет назад +18

      Hmm well he does work for a religious order that trains you ever since you are a small child to bring balance to everything and believes in a high power that is incomprehensibly to a mortal. So yeah pretty much

    • @svenwalter4293
      @svenwalter4293 6 лет назад +2

      My thoughts when i heard it too lmao

    • @kostadrandakis5891
      @kostadrandakis5891 6 лет назад +4

      I wish I could post a pic of Anakin yelling "I HATE YOU!"

    • @kavijackson868
      @kavijackson868 5 лет назад +1


  • @jf_paes1589
    @jf_paes1589 10 лет назад +210

    Damn, Gabriel crying at the end got to be one of the greatest, yet heart wrenching scenes I have ever seen in a video game. Not many games nowdays manages to make us feel sad like this one did, I can only name a few, and MGS is one of them.

    • @Zeithri
      @Zeithri 10 лет назад +13

      I'd say you haven't played enough games then because I seem to read comments like these all the time.
      It's called subjective taste in the end.

    • @jf_paes1589
      @jf_paes1589 10 лет назад +9

      Well, I don't have a console so I probably won't be playing any Uncharteds, Last of Us, Halos, Gears of Wars, Final Fantasies and any other exclusive games. I play what I can, and since this game was released on Steam I bought it, I played it and I loved it.

    • @johndoe5442
      @johndoe5442 10 лет назад +3

      Joao Felipe Autran Paes Yeah it was sad,but not as sad as the final fantasy x ending*ahem*.

    • @burra007
      @burra007 10 лет назад +2

      his reaction at the end of Mirror of Fate is far more heartbreaking, I cried so much in that one. Fuck Kratos, fuck Dante, fuck Link, they're cool, but they're no characters. Gabriel is a real character, like Cloud Strife, Solid Snake, Joel... They're both badasses, and are characters

    • @Shadowdragon_TV
      @Shadowdragon_TV 10 лет назад +7

      burra007 I agree with you, except for Kratos. Kratos was a real character as well. He was a man who payed for his greed for power with the loss of his family. The only difference between himself and those you mentioned is Kratos choose a different path. Instead of sadness and resentment, he always choose anger and vengeance. The hardships of those characters drove them to continue doing the right thing, while Kratos' sadness drove him to rage. He only wished for vengeance and destroyed the world in the process.

  • @Razsor97
    @Razsor97 Год назад +21

    As someone who basically grew up on Castlevania (38 years old), I honestly loved the LoS saga. I agree/admit that they weren’t the best and that there were/are flaws here and there, but I still don’t care what anyone, let alone critics say. The whole story and atmosphere had me hooked and the realization that Gabriel becomes Dracula at the end of LoS 1 just blew my mind. Plus, the music for all 3 games was nothing short of incredible. I really wish they released the soundtracks... Anyway, not since Symphony of the Night have I had such fun playing Castlevania games.

  • @NeoParmenidies
    @NeoParmenidies 10 лет назад +54

    Every man has the power to repent! I have FAITH in THAT!!!

  • @gilgameshthetreasurehunter2750
    @gilgameshthetreasurehunter2750 9 лет назад +55

    "search you feelings young Gabriel, you know it to be true." quote by darth zobek 6:09

  • @aniwasza64
    @aniwasza64 10 лет назад +114

    did he just choke the hell out of satan?!

  • @christopheralejandro3286
    @christopheralejandro3286 2 года назад +21

    This is my favorite Dracula adaptation. It’s a masterpiece in my eyes.

  • @tenmakid
    @tenmakid 10 лет назад +36

    This was one of the most unexpected endings I´ve ever seen on a game.
    I was like ¨WTF,how the hell did Gabe ended up as Dracula?¨ until I played the DLC´s.

  • @TyronMakeka
    @TyronMakeka 8 лет назад +18

    I love how Zobek was animated here.

  • @cam7739
    @cam7739 4 года назад +156

    “Let’s us remove our masks”
    * immediately puts on a mask*

    • @KevinBelmontLuna
      @KevinBelmontLuna 4 года назад +2

      I still cringe/facepalm

    • @NordicGuy97
      @NordicGuy97 4 года назад +30

      You got it wrong, by that he actually revealed his true identity... The scene speaks for itself

    • @droman608
      @droman608 4 года назад +5

      Zobek inspired Future’s “Mask On”

    • @DirtyDishSoap
      @DirtyDishSoap 3 года назад +11

      It was a play on words. Come on now.

    • @eduardomagana3858
      @eduardomagana3858 2 года назад

      (Gaming sins ding)

  • @arthurgames9610
    @arthurgames9610 13 дней назад +1

    13:08 that transition was so good that it doesnt even look that there is the fight against the boss between both scenes! Fantastic!

  • @Maverick2736
    @Maverick2736 10 лет назад +42

    Castlevania: Lords of Shadowpants.

    @ILLRICARDO 10 лет назад +14

    I remember thinking that the game was finished after , I killed the giant snake, and assembled the mask, ...but then I was shocked to my core at what followed..

  • @devildavin
    @devildavin 10 лет назад +26

    Patrick Stewart should voice more game charecters

  • @pcity15pheenom
    @pcity15pheenom Год назад +7

    Sir Patrick Stewart's Performance in both games is phenomenal.

  • @ennemm9820
    @ennemm9820 7 лет назад +19

    11:46 " in join me . I will love you more than he ! "
    Me : I'm scared 😰

  • @abdulazizalsaad121
    @abdulazizalsaad121 7 лет назад +41

    I loved the LOS series , the first one was a true masterpiece. the second was a good sequel but lacked something the first game had , I'd love for someone to continue this game.

    • @maltimoto
      @maltimoto Год назад +5

      the second game did not have the unique atmosphere of the first game at all...but the 3rd game was good again

    • @misere390
      @misere390 Год назад +1

      The second game felt a bit rushed in it composition compared to the first one

  • @rmwua
    @rmwua 11 лет назад +14

    Gabrief fell into a terrible darkness that has Always been inside of him. After his beloved Marie faded away and ascended to Heaven he didn't care about the world anymore and lost his humanity. He became a vampire because he wanted to help Laura (the vampire who showed Gabriel mercy). In order to help her and defeat his final enemy he had to drink her blood, causing him to turn into a vampire and giving him power.

    • @danielsmithiv1279
      @danielsmithiv1279 2 года назад +1

      Gabriel gave into selfishness. He placed all his hope into his wife and child whose relationships
      to Gabriel were gifted by God.
      The Lord said, "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
      But Gabriel stored his treasure on earth.
      Gabriel loved the world and the flesh more than he loved God and so valued the things of the flesh rather than valuing El Hagadol -- the Great God and His ways.
      It's sad.
      Many times, I find myself battling between the desires of my flesh
      and my yearning to be like Son Yahweh. But thanks be to God's Spirit, who now dwells inside me, that I no
      longer live the way I used to -- although the suppressed darkness in me wants to manifest
      and take over because I reside in this fallen flesh. Even though I died to my sins, as long
      as the flesh remains, the sin nature seeks to take over.

    • @leiwolf27
      @leiwolf27 Год назад

      @@danielsmithiv1279 Unfortunately it was god plan, which shows us how incompetent god actually is.

    • @AveChristusRex789
      @AveChristusRex789 Год назад

      @@leiwolf27oo edgy

    • @AveChristusRex789
      @AveChristusRex789 Год назад


    • @filthycasual8187
      @filthycasual8187 11 месяцев назад

      @@danielsmithiv1279 Sounds to me like your god wants you to reject your own humanity. Is that what a "loving father" would actually do -- demand you reject yourself and aspire to be something you both know you cannot?

  • @Riderbooker
    @Riderbooker 10 лет назад +51

    Man... Where can I get pants made of smoke clouds?

    • @TheStupidwolf1
      @TheStupidwolf1 10 лет назад +19

      Probably at the same store that sells yellow devil eyes and greasy hair wigs.

    • @kavijackson868
      @kavijackson868 5 лет назад +1


    • @Metalora
      @Metalora 5 лет назад +5

      In hell, where else did Satan get them

    • @encryptedwolf7623
      @encryptedwolf7623 5 лет назад +3

      @@Metalora Hot Topic

  • @thesoulofdark
    @thesoulofdark 10 лет назад +62

    Zobek: Let us remove our masks *puts mask on*
    Me: logic wasnt used here

    • @devildavin
      @devildavin 10 лет назад +46

      Zobek was his Mask, the mask he put on was the Death Mask. who he really is

    • @dosito86
      @dosito86 5 лет назад +3

      I'd say more irony than logic

    • @veryincredibly
      @veryincredibly 3 года назад +1

      Oh logic was definitely used.

  • @dances_with_myself9305
    @dances_with_myself9305 8 лет назад +33

    So he did all that for nothing and then became the embodiment of evil? Talk about character development.

    • @OneWhoKnowsThings6009
      @OneWhoKnowsThings6009 8 лет назад +13

      Least he became a black dragon right

    • @anonnoname.27
      @anonnoname.27 2 года назад +3

      He became a necessary evil. He tells Alucard that in LoS2. Satan and Zobek are way more evil than Dracula. If Dracula dies, they will "simply take his place."

  • @zombiefriend
    @zombiefriend 10 лет назад +15

    I don't understand how he kills the devil, and then all of a sudden, he's Dracula.

    • @CommanderGene
      @CommanderGene 10 лет назад +19

      Play the DLCs. They should be free if you bought the Ultimate Edition. The two DLC's give you a couple of missions that explain his transformation into Dracula.

    • @RMeitzen
      @RMeitzen 10 лет назад +15

      He didn't kill, he just sent it back to hell.

    • @abymondesir23
      @abymondesir23 6 лет назад

      zombiefriend unfortunately the gap is explained in the nintendo ds game. So dont play los2 until u play the ds game

  • @alef321
    @alef321 9 лет назад +73

    if only lords of shadow 2 was as good as this..

    • @MrEasyNah
      @MrEasyNah 9 лет назад +19

      +alef321 I found it fun enough. That ending was SO wack, though.

    • @bs2455
      @bs2455 8 лет назад +11

      +MrEasyNah I also enjoyed the gameplay. really fun, but yea, the ending sucked. was hard for them to live up to this ending though

    • @OneWhoKnowsThings6009
      @OneWhoKnowsThings6009 8 лет назад +2

      Least your discribed as a dragon and not a vampire right?

    • @prometheussama3838
      @prometheussama3838 5 лет назад +1

      It’s good the ending is horrible

  • @paigeguitarplayer
    @paigeguitarplayer 10 лет назад +14

    man i love the ending to this game. it is fucking twisted. i cant wait till feb 25. lords of shadow 2 is gunna be the best game yet

  • @joaolocao3000
    @joaolocao3000 10 лет назад +14

    "A fool's hope..."

  • @christopheralejandro3286
    @christopheralejandro3286 10 месяцев назад +4

    This is more like a movie. My favorite game

  • @applejinx5683
    @applejinx5683 11 лет назад +34

    lol when I saw the solid eye I was like whuhhh

  • @IncessantWake
    @IncessantWake 9 лет назад +63

    man... if only castlevania los2 was as good as this one....

    • @joelalejandrovillalobosman1244
      @joelalejandrovillalobosman1244 9 лет назад +5

      +Incessant Wake CLOS 2 i nice o even better

    • @IncessantWake
      @IncessantWake 9 лет назад +16

      Alex Wolftown nope, it was horse shit

    • @JDBW
      @JDBW 9 лет назад +4

      +Incessant Wake agreed

    • @ArtemioM05
      @ArtemioM05 8 лет назад +11

      +Incessant Wake It was alright. It had a lot of cool ideas and competent gameplay. Just...too many flaws to forgive. Compared to this game that felt like a epic adventure filled with variety and intrigue LOS2 felt like a boring slog.

    • @ArtemioM05
      @ArtemioM05 8 лет назад +2

      +ArtemioM05 Also I do hope that Mercury Steam/Konami have a chance to pull out the Castlevania equivalent to Devil May Cry 3 where they overcome the mediocrity of the second game and produce a excellent third game that restores the series' credibility.

  • @lorenzoghaly2649
    @lorenzoghaly2649 4 года назад +3

    Satan's voice is very cool when he fight Gabriel. Ferocius.

  • @chrisroserva
    @chrisroserva 6 лет назад +3

    That landing from the tower was soooo awesome I just had to rewatch it over and over again.

  • @lobo4462
    @lobo4462 2 года назад +3

    This conversation is probably one of my absolute favorite parts of the series.

  • @Clonetrooper1139
    @Clonetrooper1139 10 лет назад +31

    One of the most epic boss fights in Castlevania history, if not gaming.

  • @TheSnorlax7
    @TheSnorlax7 11 лет назад +15

    This is how I see the characters now.:
    God: Ultimate good
    Satan: Ultimate evil
    Zobek: Champion of evil (puppet)
    Gabriel: Champion of good (forsaken by God)
    Dracula (Gabriel): Full of dark power and a corrupted heart, but neither good or evil.
    He is an anti-hero now.. in my opinion... Vampire powers from Laura, Godly amounts of demonic power from the battle with The Forgotten One.
    Zobek/Dracula duo: Their arch enemy is still Satan.. will defeat Satan for selfish goals.. both anti-heros

    @DAMELKEYON 8 лет назад +19

    This is one of my favorite games of all time. Just a great story, and an all around fun game.

  • @grenadier42
    @grenadier42 10 лет назад +11

    Dragonball Z-esque fighting with Satan. Oh my god this game

  • @shinnok5337
    @shinnok5337 2 года назад +2

    "You monkeys don't deserve redemption"
    Gabriel should have said, "And you do? You, who God gifted with being the most beautiful angel in heaven who played music for the Lord Day and night. Yet instead of loving and thanking the Lord for his gift, let your heart become full of pride and arrogance, who thought you could be God's equal, who thought you could somehow overthrow the master of the universe, who was casted out of heaven and yet, while still in your prison, you still refuse to repent of your wickedness and yet somehow you still believe that you deserve redemption as a right? That is why you were casted out, unholy one; because there is no love in your heart for anyone other than yourself."

  • @karlsnilsson
    @karlsnilsson 6 лет назад +3

    @12:31 Gabriel droppin' that theology!

  • @welcomehome7628
    @welcomehome7628 9 лет назад +1

    Thank you so much for uploading this, for some reason, this is the only part in the entire game that crashes on me. 18:13.

  • @ladistar
    @ladistar 3 года назад +3

    Jason issacs is amazing, what an actor

  • @iZEEX89
    @iZEEX89 10 лет назад +12


    • @TheAwesomeIncarnate
      @TheAwesomeIncarnate 10 лет назад +2

      Dubbed that in on one of my videos, look up "Awesome Incarnate" "Satan Bossfight", many lulz will be had.

  • @andreiplopeanu8133
    @andreiplopeanu8133 8 лет назад +20

    Being Romanian and hearing the "Eu sunt Dracul(I am Dracul)" sounding like that ruined a little the ending for me...they should've done better

  • @akrammeziane9979
    @akrammeziane9979 2 года назад +3

    Gabriel easily became one of my favorite fictional characters

  • @franciscojavierbravocerda3377
    @franciscojavierbravocerda3377 9 лет назад +2

    For a glitch in my pc game i have to come and watch the video. Thank you so much. Hope lords of shadow 2 works well.

  • @RainCoatCult
    @RainCoatCult 11 лет назад +4

    It tells you in the DLC, Laura turns Gabriel into a vampire so he can fight a massively powerful demon that's trapped under her families castle. But as to why he ends up as Dracula specifically who knows.

    • @mrwerewolfvampire
      @mrwerewolfvampire Год назад +2

      Because he had absorbed most of the power of the dark god Forgotten One for starters. And of course plain old despair, sorrow, hatred, trauma!

  • @dtulip1
    @dtulip1 Год назад +3

    IS that patrick stewart or sean connery? sounds like a mash of both :D

    • @donkeykongisytpooping3002
      @donkeykongisytpooping3002 Год назад

      The voice actor is Stewart. The character’s face is modeled after him, Connery and Christopher Lee.

  • @Mike-ew7fx
    @Mike-ew7fx 7 лет назад +11

    SPOILER: he is the real venom snake

  • @Agreus-WolfsbaneYT
    @Agreus-WolfsbaneYT 6 лет назад +11

    No wonder he became dracula

  • @Evandrocampos-e1x
    @Evandrocampos-e1x 11 месяцев назад +2

    Now,in castlevania netflix series
    "church bad muhmuh look how stuning and brave my show is"

    • @donkeykongisytpooping3002
      @donkeykongisytpooping3002 6 месяцев назад

      *Insert random f bombs and crude jokes

    • @Notmeggii
      @Notmeggii 5 месяцев назад

      Tbf the church in LoS actually created the Lords of Shadow, unintentionally but still

  • @emperordavid2044
    @emperordavid2044 3 года назад +3

    Damm Gabriel roasted Satan and triggered him😂😂 12:53

  • @xxxxSTAZZZxxxx
    @xxxxSTAZZZxxxx 11 лет назад +2

    Yup, solid eye and bandana can be enabled from options after beating the game

  • @CristianoJustSama
    @CristianoJustSama 10 лет назад +32

    Castlevania LOS I >> Castlevania LOS II

  • @DeadmanInc336
    @DeadmanInc336 8 лет назад +62

    Is that Patrick Stewart?

    • @Classixish
      @Classixish 8 лет назад +9

      Patrick Stewart was Zobek/Death, that much i know

    • @xXNoMoralzXx
      @xXNoMoralzXx 8 лет назад +4

      DeadmanInc336 Patrick Stuart Jason Isaacs and Robert Carlyle

    • @OmegaLittleBob
      @OmegaLittleBob 7 лет назад


    • @KevinBelmontLuna
      @KevinBelmontLuna 6 лет назад

      That's him alright and his bun are the best!

    • @aymericdallagnol2570
      @aymericdallagnol2570 6 лет назад +1

      OmegaLittleBob Why unfortunately exactly?

  • @shameermalik5540
    @shameermalik5540 2 месяца назад +1

    The Satan is a lean skinny handsome dude in LOS 1 but in LOS 2 he becomes buff and looks more like a demon than an angel.
    Perhaps he kept working out for centuries in hell.

  • @SilverGreyscale
    @SilverGreyscale 10 лет назад +2

    I love how the end is a teaser for LoS 2

  • @happyduke99
    @happyduke99 6 лет назад +42

    Finally, it is time for the truth. Let us remove ... our masks... **And he put on the mask XD **

    • @contractor1535
      @contractor1535 5 лет назад +8

      Means he removed his mask(fake persona)

  • @williamthebandit4475
    @williamthebandit4475 5 лет назад +3

    "I used tha prophecy as my COVAH!"

  • @maltimoto
    @maltimoto Год назад +1

    The scene at 15:37 is so dramatic, you can literally hear the desperation and anger in Gabriel's voice. Epic! But in the second game, everything went downhill, sad. But the third game (Mirror Of Fate) is good again - although it is "only" a sidescroller!

  • @davidhiguera5851
    @davidhiguera5851 5 лет назад +4

    The dialogue and voice acting in this game...just perfect...

  • @Kujakuseki01
    @Kujakuseki01 4 года назад +2

    Patrick Stewart is so so good in this.

  • @KevinBelmontLuna
    @KevinBelmontLuna 4 года назад +1

    Zobek: Harry Potter was Born on December 31st 1980
    Gabriel: 6:02

  • @encryptedwolf7623
    @encryptedwolf7623 5 лет назад +2

    On the next episode of DraculaBall Z...

  • @Dunning-Krugereffect
    @Dunning-Krugereffect Год назад +3

    "Let us remove our masks." Proceeds to put a mask on.

  • @big_weenie1447
    @big_weenie1447 Месяц назад +1

    The DBZ ass fight against literal Satan is so much better than just having Gabriel beating the devil out of his son and leaving said devil on the streets in Detroit.

  • @chitambompanga9697
    @chitambompanga9697 Год назад +1

    Zobek is great at preaching his works😂

  • @RupertTheOctopus
    @RupertTheOctopus 5 лет назад +4

    is this man wearing a loincloth made of pure shadow?

  • @kaneslives
    @kaneslives 7 лет назад +22

    Satan....the first edge lord.

  • @hijodealerik4684
    @hijodealerik4684 Год назад +1

    Man i'm not religious but that scene we're Gabriel repents... Su mucho quality in the acting and script. This Game was si bashed in it's time, only because it was called Castlevania. LoS and Mirror of fate still un My Top 10 Castlevania games.

    • @DemonKnight85
      @DemonKnight85 Год назад +2

      It didn't get a fair shake down at all. Have to love the double standard of saying it's a GoW rip off styled gameplay when God of War itself was originally designed as a watered down Devil May Cry............Western biased journalism at it's finest...

  • @ianmoone4127
    @ianmoone4127 4 года назад +1

    "Big superhero landing!"

  • @gaunterodimmmastermirrors72
    @gaunterodimmmastermirrors72 2 года назад

    When I look at Gabriel with that MGS stuff on, I knew just what to dub him as.

  • @winterwolf1401
    @winterwolf1401 6 лет назад +3

    This ending is very sad 😢

  • @davidschosser7467
    @davidschosser7467 Год назад +1

    Gabriel complete badass in this game
    I pondered who would win him or Kratos if they had to fight 🤔

  • @Yoursoul101
    @Yoursoul101 5 лет назад +2

    Damn. This game deserved a better sequel. I liked this old english feel to it. Fucking Konami had to make it into some futuristic bullshit instead.

  • @dragon47208
    @dragon47208 11 лет назад +1

    I believe you unlock the eyepatch and the headband after you complete the game once.

  • @nicholasharold2499
    @nicholasharold2499 4 года назад +1

    Search your soul Gabriel you know it to be true, great star wars Easter egg

  • @xxreyoxx
    @xxreyoxx 11 лет назад

    u can probably find it on a gamerip soundtrack. its a compiled "soundtrack" of all tracks ripped from the game. thats how i got most of the tracks i love.

  • @TazHall
    @TazHall 6 лет назад +1

    THAT... is a really accurate depiction of Satan. He really says stuff like that in real life, mad, arrogant, boastful, playing the victim even though he's dead wrong; trying to make God look unjust when he's not. This game is speaking some truth, man... wow.

  • @regispessoa2898
    @regispessoa2898 Год назад

    Gabriel has the voice of Eivor, from Assassin's Creed "Valhalla".

  • @jonnevirta4730
    @jonnevirta4730 5 лет назад

    "And I said to the Lord Lucifer, take your wings, bow down and fly away. =)"

  • @Skrubus
    @Skrubus 11 лет назад

    Imagine doing the same thing for hundreds and hundreds of years.Slaughtering people,fighting the order's lap dogs,getting killed,coming back to ''life'',rinse,repeat.I can understand why he was hiding at the end,he probably hated this whole circular shit,despised humanity in every sense and meaning and just wanted to die for good so that he could end this whole shitty ordeal that his life was and finally join his wife.

  • @lalechuza2508
    @lalechuza2508 5 лет назад

    Day 1 of my new job tomorrow and it's 1.22am. I want to stop but now I must watch Castlevania season 2 entrance battle

  • @TheSnorlax7
    @TheSnorlax7 10 лет назад +26

    This game was sooooooo much better than the sequel. Way to go Mercury! You really dropped the ball on this one.
    Not very often... will I find a game that is worse than it's predecessor. -_-
    Anyone notice that the endings to games these days feel rushed and poorly written?

    • @nicholasnorman4179
      @nicholasnorman4179 3 года назад +2

      Mirror of fate was good to

    • @tfgenobatssasin1788
      @tfgenobatssasin1788 2 года назад +2

      The second game had a rushed ending because some trouble going on with Konami (on which also affected MGSV develompent too,) though i didnt like the stealth and Agreus hide and seek part, i liked the story, just wished they given more time.
      But hey the studio making this game (MercurySteam) create Metroid Dread and its amaizing

  • @raffekrodriguez1945
    @raffekrodriguez1945 11 лет назад +1

    Don't you love it how game companies MAKE you get the DLC if you want to know everything that happened. That being said, I freekin loved the DLC chapters on this game!

  • @raspherion
    @raspherion 9 лет назад +6

    The obvious rip off is strong with this one! :P

  • @callahaine100
    @callahaine100 9 лет назад +8

    I never really understood Zobeck's character, in this one and the sequel. Is he evil or not?

    • @SonicKirbyFan001
      @SonicKirbyFan001 9 лет назад +21

      He's evil.

    • @jakedge3
      @jakedge3 9 лет назад +10

      +callahaine100 He's pious as hell, but evil.
      He fancies himself as god's personal judge of the dead, and he aspires to become god's chosen one, but his plan to manipulate the prophecy backfired.

    • @KOOTIES510
      @KOOTIES510 7 лет назад

      he's the Grim Reaper

    • @abdullahnabeel152
      @abdullahnabeel152 6 лет назад

      callahaine100 gf

  • @chunanontv
    @chunanontv 11 лет назад

    it's an unlock you get when you finish the entire game, it's a solid snake reference ( metal gear solid )

  • @KeeveBlanco
    @KeeveBlanco 11 лет назад +3

    Zobek is SHAFT dun dun dunnnnnnn!

  • @stunningandbravesalamence5140
    @stunningandbravesalamence5140 10 лет назад +6

    Why the heck do I see this video on every video? I didn't even watch a lot of Castlevania. Stupid youtube giving me random shit. XD

  • @FourStringL0B0
    @FourStringL0B0 10 лет назад +1

    Anybody else thinks that this ending is pretty much like the ending to the first Mortal Kombat movie?

  • @laharlkent
    @laharlkent 9 лет назад +1

    I love the interview with a vampire vibe I get from the extra scene, also stop posting video's in the background at 27:58 pimp vamp's will drain you to hide their existance.

  • @raffekrodriguez1945
    @raffekrodriguez1945 11 лет назад

    He also is the guy who played professor Charles Xavier on X-men and Cptn. Jean-Luc Picard on Star Trek: The Next Generation. You're a bright one, I see!