Is It IMMORAL To Own A Gun? | DC Hypocrites Sue Gun Shops | Bus Gun Ban Upheld

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    Texas State Fair Not Backing Down on Gun Ban Despite Lawsuit Threats
    Catholic News Site: Gun Ownership is Immoral
    Federal Judge Rules Against Illinois Law Barring Firearm Carry on Public Transit
    DC hypocritically sues gun shops

Комментарии • 417

  • @jimr7120
    @jimr7120 9 дней назад +97

    I'm a practicing Catholic. It is immoral NOT to protect your family.

    • @COIcultist
      @COIcultist 9 дней назад +5

      I live in the UK, and I'm curious if I were to state that "Jesus Had The Right Attitude With The Money Lenders In The Temple," whether I could be convicted for advocating violent behaviour?

    • @rushthezeppelin
      @rushthezeppelin 9 дней назад +2

      Yeah pretty scummy that they use the name of one of my favorite prayers to peddle this modernist clap trap.

    • @Sniper_Cat_71
      @Sniper_Cat_71 8 дней назад +2

      Catechism CCC 2265, I had it pasted directly, but alas, TPTB removed it.

    • @warrenphilips8441
      @warrenphilips8441 8 дней назад +3

      I am a Catholic priest. It is immoral to not protect your family. The bishop of the diocese (area) in which I serve prohibits the posting of 30.06 and 30.07. Some churches have uniformed police on payroll and church security groups, but everyone has the right and responsibility to protect his or her own self.
      I've never heard of the website this article comes from. This is kind of like believing the New York Times represents the views of America. There are priests, bishops, and even popes who would advocate non-violence, but that is personal opinion, not church teaching.

    • @Sniper_Cat_71
      @Sniper_Cat_71 8 дней назад

      ​@@COIcultist I sort of imagine what the "headline" would have been like had the internet existed 2000 years ago. It would read something like "Local religious zealot arrested/crucified for spreading misinformation". See, nothing ever changes. There is nothing new under the sun. God Himself, the victim of cancel culture.

  • @brianreeves8812
    @brianreeves8812 10 дней назад +198

    Nobody on the left is going to dictate morality to me.

  • @FLsheepdog1
    @FLsheepdog1 10 дней назад +115

    To discourage your flock from being able to protect itself is immoral!

    • @sinisterthoughts2896
      @sinisterthoughts2896 10 дней назад +5

      and to do so through the church is in effect in the lords name, which is blasphemous.

    • @robertlawson698
      @robertlawson698 9 дней назад +7

      Jesus did warn us about false prophets,and wolves in sheep's clothing!

    • @pranc236
      @pranc236 9 дней назад +1

      Im trying to be the Shepard, Ringo

    • @richardprice5978
      @richardprice5978 9 дней назад

      i don't remember the 12/christ being vegetarians so you're also disarming/starvation of the mass's aka usa-Catholic forgot ranchers/farmers/dairy/poultry and wild-food sources like duck/deer ect ram's/lamb, so that's also hypocrisy's for a Catholic/umc-ect

    • @warrenphilips8441
      @warrenphilips8441 8 дней назад +1

      I am a Catholic priest. It is immoral to not protect your family. The bishop of the diocese (area) in which I serve prohibits the posting of 30.06 and 30.07. Some churches have uniformed police on payroll and church security groups, but everyone has the right and responsibility to protect his or her own self.
      I've never heard of the website this article comes from. This is kind of like believing the New York Times represents the views of America. There are priests, bishops, and even popes who would advocate non-violence, but that is personal opinion, not church teaching.

  • @KenS826
    @KenS826 9 дней назад +58

    Concealed carry everywhere. I choose to break unconstitutional "laws" every day rather than be a defenseless victim.

    • @finngamesknudson1457
      @finngamesknudson1457 8 дней назад

      Problem is that they have metal detectors and almost TSA like security on way into the park. Is the fair worth the hassle of trying to carry through that?
      Previously those with LTCs were past around the metal detectors but not right now.
      Note last year (or was it a couple years ago) they had a kid (prohibited person) somehow get a gun in and shoot two people. I think this instance is great example of how safe licensed carriers are - as there were probably several in the same space. Those private individuals recognize they are not police, that shooting stopped before they could have reacted, and that shooting in a crowd presents extra hazards. Far as I’ve heard, none of those people legally carrying presented their weapons - and they certainly not escalate the situation.

  • @Losantiville
    @Losantiville 9 дней назад +25

    As my combat veteran Catholic chaplain said “ sometimes a gun is all evil understands”.

    • @jimr7120
      @jimr7120 8 дней назад +1

      @Losantiville There it is! Thank You, Sir.

    • @warrenphilips8441
      @warrenphilips8441 8 дней назад +2

      This comment should be pinned to the top.

  • @user-hq2nl2mx7t
    @user-hq2nl2mx7t 10 дней назад +67


    • @ceebee2555
      @ceebee2555 5 дней назад

      If you vote, you allow them to be negotiable.....spam bot.

    • @daedalus6433
      @daedalus6433 4 дня назад

      @@ceebee2555If you don't vote, it doesn't matter since the state is deep in the pockets of fearmongers and corporations that want more state power.

  • @stevewilliams6335
    @stevewilliams6335 10 дней назад +69

    Nothing more moral than owning gun.

    • @sinisterthoughts2896
      @sinisterthoughts2896 10 дней назад +5

      an exercise of free will, the most absolute foundational things in Christianity.

    • @ninoslavtrifunovic7038
      @ninoslavtrifunovic7038 9 дней назад

      There's nothin moral or immoral in having gun.

    • @ninoslavtrifunovic7038
      @ninoslavtrifunovic7038 9 дней назад +2

      @@sinisterthoughts2896 Well, yes it is (first part). Just, not everything done with your free will is good for someone's soul.

    • @skootr924
      @skootr924 9 дней назад +1

      Swords are awesome; but for close quarters, I prefer a pew...

  • @LAHFaust
    @LAHFaust 10 дней назад +88

    The dumbest thing is the ATF doesn't even give a shit if you tell them there's somebody making a suspicious number of purchases. We had a guy come in and buy 6 Glock 19s. I'm like "okay, that's kind of weird but whatever." Next week guy comes in and tries to buy 6 MORE Glock 19s. I tell him we don't have anymore, send him to another shop down the road. Call the shop, they know the guy cos he went into their shop last week and bought a bunch of Glocks. We tell the ATF and local PD like "yo, this guy bought at least 12 of the same model handgun" and their response was "keep selling them to him but keep his 4473s at hand in case we need them." Sure as shit, a month later they need the 4473s cos one of the guns was used in a robbery where a gas station attendant got shit.
    They refuse to investigate actually suspicious purchases but they'll sure as shit kick in doors for FRTs.

    • @Veritas419
      @Veritas419 9 дней назад +12

      They care when they care otherwise they don’t care.

    • @michaelprather8371
      @michaelprather8371 9 дней назад +6

      Wait, doesn’t buying multiple handguns in a single transaction get you an automatic courtesy visit from the AFT??

    • @grendal113
      @grendal113 9 дней назад +9

      ​@@michaelprather8371not a visit, just reported. Extra paperwork.

    • @ARFCOMNews
      @ARFCOMNews  9 дней назад +11

      No. It necessitates a form.

    • @PumpkinKingXXIII
      @PumpkinKingXXIII 9 дней назад +1

      @@ARFCOMNewsyep, a 3310.4

  • @knottheory79220
    @knottheory79220 10 дней назад +34

    Unless it's been stolen or something, there's nothing immoral about owning anything.

    • @ALovelyBunchOfDragonballz
      @ALovelyBunchOfDragonballz 9 дней назад +1

      Except for religous iconography that isn't of the one true god.
      They are Christian after all.

    • @HammondArmory
      @HammondArmory 9 дней назад +6

      I wouldn't say anything... I would argue owning other human beings would be immoral... 😅

    • @Firedrake1313
      @Firedrake1313 9 дней назад +1

      ​@@HammondArmory. Weird how rules for doing exactly that are in the buybull....

    • @cyrusfreeman9972
      @cyrusfreeman9972 9 дней назад +3

      @@Firedrake1313 Weird how you only read just enough to find that but not enough to understand what it was actually talking about. Even weirder that you didn’t mention that the Bible, which you refused to spell out, was pretty much the inspiration for getting rid of slavery in the west.

    • @OneCanisLupus
      @OneCanisLupus 9 дней назад

      Is owning a sex slave not immoral to you? 😡

  • @markdepriest418
    @markdepriest418 9 дней назад +17

    ....and the Lord said "if you dont own an AR sell your cloak and buy one"

  • @aggowl4572
    @aggowl4572 9 дней назад +10

    NO ONE gets to force their ethics or morality on ANY ONE in this country... it is called LIBERTY!

  • @bdurham1990
    @bdurham1990 10 дней назад +77

    I'm a practicing Catholic. I've gone to the gun range multiple times with priests and fellow Catholic friends. It is not a sin to own and carry a gun.
    Murder is a sin. Defending yourself is not. It doesn't mean you won't feel guilt if you need to use it to defend you or loved ones, but it isn't a sin.

    • @user-hq4bs1go9b
      @user-hq4bs1go9b 9 дней назад +8


    • @SmallMediumFat
      @SmallMediumFat 9 дней назад

      Jesus wanted his people to carry swords for protection

    • @Farwalker2u
      @Farwalker2u 9 дней назад +3

      All deaths are NOT equal. It should be obvious to any rational person.
      First scenario: On the one hand you have a person that intentionally seeks to kill an innocent person with premeditation using deadly force.
      Second scenario: On the other hand, you have an innocent person that is the intended victim of an attacker using deadly force, the defender prevails and stops the bad guy from killing the defender by killing the attacker while using deadly force.
      The first scenario is a crime (is immoral), the second scenario is justified use of deadly force and NOT a crime (is not immoral).
      Seems REALLY simple to me.

    • @ALovelyBunchOfDragonballz
      @ALovelyBunchOfDragonballz 9 дней назад +1

      Depends on which translation of Gods word you read. "Thou shall not kill" says what it says.

    • @eriklambert3809
      @eriklambert3809 9 дней назад +4

      @@ALovelyBunchOfDragonballzit doesn’t say kill. It says murder.

  • @Bob-cx4ze
    @Bob-cx4ze 9 дней назад +12

    "Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin."
    Is it good to protect yourself and those around you if you are capable of doing so? There you go.

  • @robertlawson698
    @robertlawson698 9 дней назад +15

    If it's immoral to own guns, does that mean government and"law enforcement"(the king's men)are immoral?

  • @Liberty4Ever
    @Liberty4Ever 9 дней назад +14

    The Texas State Fair story is too familiar. Kentucky has a firearms preemption act, KRS 65.870. It prevents local governments from passing their own anti-2A ordinances that would create a patchwork of gun laws across the state that would be nearly impossible for a citizen to navigate. It was a simple law but there were no consequences for violating 65.870 so the local control freaks ignored it and did whatever they liked in their little fiefdoms. We'd sue, and usually win... eventually... and they'd take down their No Gun signs for a year and the next administration would put them right back up again. We got sick of this nonsense. In 2012, some 2A folks found a state legislator willing to fix the problem. 65.870 was amended to add penalties for this specific official misconduct... up to a year in jail. It's doubtful a politician would be sentenced to a year in jail, but it's difficult to be reelected when found guilty of official misconduct. 65.870 went from two sentences to more than a page. My contribution was a clause prohibiting local governments from hiring companies that would create anti-2A policies when administering local government events. I'd dealt with that tyranny for years. The Lexington Fayette Urban County Government would hire the Downtown Lexington Corporation (their crony pals, the local government version of the persistent deep state) to manage every event. The DLC would create a rule stating that nobody could bear arms in the 4th of July Parade (patriots call it the Independence Day Parade) and that anti-2A corporate rule would be enforced by LFUCG police paid with my tax dollars. That's specifically illegal now.
    Fighting tyrants is so frustrating. The various forms of immunity typically make them completely immune to prosecution for violating our rights per 42 U.S. Code § 1985.

  • @kuraimaskorner3757
    @kuraimaskorner3757 9 дней назад +5

    And lo, Jesus then said "If you do not have an AR-15, sell your Winter Parka and BUY One!"

  • @prongATO
    @prongATO 9 дней назад +6

    It's thou shalt not MURDER not thou shalt not kill. huge difference.

    • @jimr7120
      @jimr7120 8 дней назад +1

      @prongATO EXACTLY! This has been lost "in translation ".

  • @beasthayabusa1999
    @beasthayabusa1999 9 дней назад +5

    Catholic here. Bishops can be political and they can be wrong. Father said to me once “live like a medieval peasant. They didn’t know the pope or the bishops name, not to mention what they were saying” so if they’re saying silly things, I ignore them.

    • @warrenphilips8441
      @warrenphilips8441 8 дней назад

      Well, that's not exactly Catholic theology. Collectively the bishops, the magisterium of the church, has teaching authority, so you are obligated to listen to ecumenical councils. You should also allow your conscience to be formed by the teaching authority of your local bishop. Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition have the greatest weight, so we can measure teachings against those. However, the personal opinion of a single bishop on a matter outside of faith and morals is not binding. "More like guidelines."

    • @beasthayabusa1999
      @beasthayabusa1999 8 дней назад

      @@warrenphilips8441 correct but unless it’s dictated and not just a written or spoken opinion, it’s not binding or even recommended.

  • @userJohnSmith
    @userJohnSmith 10 дней назад +14

    Never had a bishop of my diocese advocate for gun control, at least to my knowledge. Most priests I know do advocate for peace and tolerance, etc in a much more extreme fashion than normal folks, especially in an individual level, but the idea of just war is deeply Catholic and collective ownership isn't, and shouldn't, explicitly discouraged because the benefits have become apparent other time. Given our rather hostile history with fascist and communist governments during the 20th, and our own history with abuse of power, I don't expect that to change in any broad way.
    If the throne of St. Peter can't be trusted with a monopoly in violence, how could any other government hope to be worthy of it.

    • @sinisterthoughts2896
      @sinisterthoughts2896 9 дней назад

      a fair and reasonable statement.

    • @glytchd
      @glytchd 9 дней назад

      Christain need to be told to evangelize for self defense. After all Jesus calls them to speak in such times as these.. I mean these tons in the Bible about Christain being strong and fighting tyranny and corruption. Peace doesn't mean weak

    • @fortusvictus8297
      @fortusvictus8297 9 дней назад

      The clergy has has a very strong socialist stance for a lifetime now. Just look at the problems in central/south America connected to the church (what, can't google the news stories? Huh...must be like that megabusiness really is good at covering its tracks). While not explicitly communist per-say, the modern church is VERY socialist.

    • @warrenphilips8441
      @warrenphilips8441 8 дней назад

      These are all true statements.

  • @lynnjanson
    @lynnjanson 9 дней назад +5

    It’s important that we remember that in the Garden of Gethsemane the Bible doesn’t tell us whether or not Jesus had a sword, but we do know that the man on his right did.

  • @DH-xr4mx
    @DH-xr4mx 9 дней назад +4

    I am catholic and screw gun control

  • @CN-ir1xm
    @CN-ir1xm 10 дней назад +9

    It's immoral to not own a many guns!

  • @billmillmine3106
    @billmillmine3106 10 дней назад +17

    Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition. Lol

  • @matthewotis3594
    @matthewotis3594 9 дней назад +3

    Is it moral to defend our families? Our heads will only turn so much. You are right. Half the members of our local church carry.

  • @Panzermech
    @Panzermech 8 дней назад +1

    There was a Catholic priest in Missouri with a Concealed Carry license. He was the victim of a brutal assault and robbery.

  • @JustAnotherPaddy
    @JustAnotherPaddy 9 дней назад +3

    “He said to them, ‘But now, he who has a money bag, let him take it, and likewise a knapsack; and he who has no sword, let him sell his garment and buy one.’”

  • @martinmoffit8950
    @martinmoffit8950 10 дней назад +6

    Thumbs for the AFTs Most Hated News, and the best hated news host!

  • @jeremyr3533
    @jeremyr3533 10 дней назад +5

    I was Ken Paxton. I'd have the judge's license remo ed and have hi. Jailed under treason charges

  • @taxxzempt3576
    @taxxzempt3576 9 дней назад +3

    I’m a catholic and I am encouraged by my church to carry a pew daily.
    Old school churches do it best

    • @ARFCOMNews
      @ARFCOMNews  9 дней назад +2

      Good to hear! It's important for congregations to push back against nonsense from the pulpit.

  • @lukecoomer9349
    @lukecoomer9349 9 дней назад +5

    Here's my theological question: if you think Christianity prevents you from carrying a gun to protect others, what do you do when confronted by evil? Do you let someone hurt innocents so you can say you did the Christian thing? If someone is going to choose to put others lives at risk, why is it wrong to prevent them from carrying that out? I think it's far more Christian to protect innocent life, even if that requires killing someone who already chose to put others lives at risk.

    • @OspreyKnight
      @OspreyKnight 6 дней назад

      Christianity runs the gamut from pacifist to the extreme to suicide cult.
      What you think right now is 2000 years of people reading translations, interpretations, justifications, propaganda, counter-propaganda, theological debates and cultural shifts. Christ the Shepard, Christ the judge, Christ the companion.
      Romans thought Christianity was a cannibal death cult following a criminal. Which it is both theologically and (mostly) literally correct.
      Sacrament is ritually consuming the body and blood of Christ(and early on there were cults that... lost something in translation).
      Death and resurrection is the theme and goal.
      And by Roman law, Christ was a rebel.
      There were cults early on that would repeatedly and rabidly attack caravans for the purpose of getting themselves killed which led to the major churches classifying suicide a sin.
      Christian history is absolutely wild.

  • @IvoryPagoda
    @IvoryPagoda 9 дней назад +3

    "Those of you without a carbine, sell your playstation and purchase one."

  • @tomboysupremacist
    @tomboysupremacist 9 дней назад +4

    idk why these "people" think they can dictate my rights to me

    • @Firedrake1313
      @Firedrake1313 9 дней назад

      Because so many have been letting them for so long. It's no different than any other cult.

  • @InterdictionAirsoft
    @InterdictionAirsoft 9 дней назад +4

    Should they? Absolutely any Christian or other religion should be able to defend themselves

  • @texas66
    @texas66 9 дней назад +4

    The Texas State Fair will probably be over before the lawsuit even gets to a judge. 😔

    • @barfo281
      @barfo281 9 дней назад

      Which just proves Ken Paxton is a joke, because he's supposed to file criminal charges, not beg a judge to tell them to stop breaking the law or pay a fine by reaching into taxpayer pockets.

    • @tgs9740
      @tgs9740 8 дней назад

      😢😢😢 ​@@barfo281

  • @AlphaRomeoOneFive
    @AlphaRomeoOneFive 9 дней назад +3

    As a Christian, I can say that just because I have a Bible doesn't mean I don't have a gun. Love you long time Andrew!

    • @toddtravis2596
      @toddtravis2596 8 дней назад +1

      Check out the song "gun totin' Bible thumper" 👍🏽💪🏾👊🏾🙏🏽🧡🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

    • @AlphaRomeoOneFive
      @AlphaRomeoOneFive 8 дней назад

      @toddtravis2596 I've heard that song, it's great. I really like both Tyson and Bryson. They have another one it's a couple of years older under Tyson James called 2A that's even better (imo) if you haven't heard that one

  • @MikeLearned
    @MikeLearned 9 дней назад +2

    Ok. Practicing Catholic here. Can tell you that I’ve never heard any priest or bishop ever preach for gun control, but my local diocese wanted no guns inside the church. I had a conversation with my pastor, explaining to him that I’m a concealed carrier, and he told me he was fine, so long as I kept carrying concealed.

    • @BunyipDude
      @BunyipDude 8 дней назад

      That’s all well and done, but unfortunately, as an institution, the Church has repeatedly shown that they are NOT on our side. I don’t really think the church cares much about our constitutional rights in general.

  • @chrisjm981
    @chrisjm981 9 дней назад +3

    As a Catholic, God Wills It!!!!

  • @bbrainstormer2036
    @bbrainstormer2036 9 дней назад +4

    Good thing I'm a Protestant

  • @chrisj4570g
    @chrisj4570g 10 дней назад +21

    Catholic bishops? The ones who don’t get married and give advice on marriage? And let’s just forget about the diddiling scandals. Yeah, the chance of me listening to any of them is zero

    • @themightycrixus1131
      @themightycrixus1131 9 дней назад +1

      Child diddling is not a Catholic tenant. Settle down

    • @chrisj4570g
      @chrisj4570g 9 дней назад

      @@themightycrixus1131 fact, it’s not a tenant. Catholics don’t hold a patent on that. The local dances with snakes Baptist church is in hot water for multiple kinds of abuse.
      But, don’t forget Canon law prohibits a priest from disclosing what a diddler says in confession. (Clergy or Joe off the street, makes no never mind)
      And you have to admit, they’ve gotten the most bad press over it, so…

    • @rushthezeppelin
      @rushthezeppelin 9 дней назад

      Happens just as much with Protestants, they are just much more broken up than the Catholic Church. That said it is absolutely disgraceful that it's even one priest. You want to look at a real travesty of a cover up though, look at the abuse rate in public schools. Also on your first statement, Jesus want married yet he gave a pretty explicit law on marriage. Saint Paul wasn't married and wrote extensively on the duties of husband and wife. All this said bishops are certainly not infallible and say some pretty stupid crap, especially the leftist ones who infiltrated the Church.

    • @DrD0000M
      @DrD0000M 6 дней назад

      @@themightycrixus1131 "By their fruits ye shall know them." Matthew 7:16

    • @themightycrixus1131
      @themightycrixus1131 6 дней назад

      @@DrD0000M when you live a perfect life then you can start judging others. Once again; child diddling is not a catholic tenant. You go to hell for such things priest or not. Also do you really think "pastors" dont do the same? I know of several.

  • @Trihalo42
    @Trihalo42 9 дней назад +5

    When they came to arrest Jesus, Simon Peter drew his sword... a sword that he had been carrying the whole time, a sword that Jesus the son of God was well aware his disciple was carrying... and chopped a guy's ear off trying to stop them. Jesus stopped Simon Peter, telling him to sheath his sword, that this was supposed to happen. Jesus didn't freak out that Simon Peter had a sword or that he had attacked someone with it. He didn't tell Simon Peter to throw it away or to surrender it to the authorities. Jesus told him to sheath it, as in to keep it.
    And it wasn't illegal for people traveling cross country in Roman held territories to have weapons because there were so many bandits, and the Romans didn't mind civilians thinning out the bandit numbers for them. Carrying a weapon in larger cities was discouraged, but the Romans actually encouraged travelers to be armed. I point the latter out because some people, Jews especially, have a habit of claiming they were armed just to get Jesus arrested, as if having weapons at all was illegal. Context is important, as is knowing actual history and not some fabricated version used to support an agenda. Orwell warned us about that.

    • @whelper4231
      @whelper4231 7 дней назад

      They were armed to get Jesus arrested. He needed to look like a rebel leader with guards so that he would be taken into custody and judged. When he did not answer questions during the trial, he was sentenced to be crucified. This lead to the resurrection and his revelation as the son of God.
      I am not Jewish or even religious. I just know how to read a story, and this one doesn't lend any credence or support to our 2A rights with the parroting of Luke 22:36. It's just being used as a misleading sound bite.

  • @keithbarton9499
    @keithbarton9499 10 дней назад +5

    Luke 22:35-38
    New International Version
    35 Then Jesus asked them, “When I sent you without purse, bag or sandals, did you lack anything?”
    “Nothing,” they answered.
    36 He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one. 37 It is written: ‘And he was numbered with the transgressors’[a]; and I tell you that this must be fulfilled in me. Yes, what is written about me is reaching its fulfillment.”
    38 The disciples said, “See, Lord, here are two swords.”
    “That’s enough!” he replied.

  • @larrymarsico4059
    @larrymarsico4059 10 дней назад +9

    For the AlGoreRhythym 💪 🤙 🇺🇲

  • @LegendPurpleDragon152
    @LegendPurpleDragon152 8 часов назад

    Imagine trying to ban guns…in TEXAS.

  • @Leslie-es5ij
    @Leslie-es5ij 9 дней назад +1

    Should be not to own a hundred of them !

  • @richarderickson8840
    @richarderickson8840 9 дней назад +1

    I am Catholic, and I don't know any others in my home town that didn't own a gun.

  • @gordo608
    @gordo608 9 дней назад +1

    I'm a practicing Catholic... yes I carry every Sunday.

  • @rugershooter5268
    @rugershooter5268 9 дней назад

    When violent sociopath are kept in jail, then violent sociopath will be defined as speeder

  • @Charlie_Prinz
    @Charlie_Prinz 9 дней назад +1


  • @EyeKnowRaff
    @EyeKnowRaff 9 дней назад +4

    🤷‍♂️ If we're going to have the left try to use morals to argue against owning firearms just remember this is the same group that says no one is right or wrong and we should tolerate each other's different morals (moral relativism).

    • @jimr7120
      @jimr7120 8 дней назад

      @@EyeKnowRaff good point.

  • @jacka55six60
    @jacka55six60 10 дней назад +2

    I sold all my cloaks.

  • @ronin2963
    @ronin2963 8 дней назад

    It is immoral to not own a gun

  • @greg1516
    @greg1516 9 дней назад

    Actually with the law and the letter from the AG any prosecutor who took the cas and the LE office could be personally civilly liable for unlawful arrest

  • @davidobrien6222
    @davidobrien6222 9 дней назад +1

    I was raised as Catholic. In my teenage years I started reading the Bible. In short, I am a sword maker and I sold my Cloak. Now I own "Many Swords" 😉😉
    Once you are taught what the Bible really means, I believe one will defend their Family, Friends and them selves from Evil. Defense from Evil is what it is about.

  • @paulis7319
    @paulis7319 9 дней назад +1

    In the deep south, religion and guns go together like poop and toilet paper.

  • @sucksatcod
    @sucksatcod 9 дней назад +1

    As a catholic, my only shame is that none of my guns have a crucifix or Saint Michael the archangel on it

  • @JeffHuntsinger
    @JeffHuntsinger 9 дней назад +1

    I'm catholic and I carry everyday.

  • @cdfe3388
    @cdfe3388 9 дней назад +1

    I’m Catholic, and I carry.

  • @arch3088
    @arch3088 9 дней назад +2

    Boycott the State Fair.

  • @Jason_556
    @Jason_556 9 дней назад

    The mini me shooting the Barrett had me crying! 😂🤣😂🤣😂😆

  • @alberto5770
    @alberto5770 8 дней назад +1

    As a Román Catholic I consider my duty to protect my family and community (just as the right to bear arms) as one imposed by God himself and no amount of corrupt men can best Him.
    Martyrdom is not the same as suicide, suicide is a capital sin indeed and being unable to protect yourself in this time and age is paramount to suicidal.

  • @Farwalker2u
    @Farwalker2u 9 дней назад +1

    Is It IMMORAL To Own A Gun?
    Absofuckinlutely NOT!
    How can someone be more moral that to go to the brink of life and death (a deadly force encounter, where your life or that of another person(s) is(are) in an imminent threat of death or great bodily harm) for a moral imperative of self-defense or defense of another innocent life?

  • @Krieg1337
    @Krieg1337 9 дней назад +1

    Catholic here, I’ve sold many a cloak for many a sword.

    • @JustAnotherPaddy
      @JustAnotherPaddy 9 дней назад

      @@Krieg1337 this guy knows his New Testament…amen

  • @dustinhudnall1273
    @dustinhudnall1273 9 дней назад

    As a raised, non practicing catholic, I was taught that it is only right to defend yourself. Leathally if necessary.

  • @spacepeanut8993
    @spacepeanut8993 9 дней назад

    👍👍 For the memes alone! Thank you for the news!

  • @clarkrp1960
    @clarkrp1960 9 дней назад +1

    Defense of life is a Christian moral duty

  • @houseboatin
    @houseboatin 9 дней назад

    Violence averted with NO SHOTS FIRED IN OAKLAND, news says he "pulled gun on crowd" lol.....

  • @Badger77722
    @Badger77722 9 дней назад

    I think what the Texas Fair is banking on is that it will take time for anything to be done about their illegal rule, so they'll at least be able to hold the fair under "their" rules this year. Next year is another question, but I don't think they really care about that.

  • @user-hq4bs1go9b
    @user-hq4bs1go9b 9 дней назад +2

    I am catholic and in Luke 22:36 He “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one. this was when he was leaving to be killed and they would now need these to defend themselves and others.
    so basically yes i have guns and with use them if nesasary

    • @stevenhall2408
      @stevenhall2408 9 дней назад

      I have pointed out Luke to Catholics and Christians but until I showed it to them in my Bible they were skeptical. Ruling elites have brainwashed many Churches. Time to revive the Crusader spirit.

  • @Liberty-wo2iy
    @Liberty-wo2iy 9 дней назад +1

    This is rapidly getting to be my favorite 2A news channel... Also, I am Catholic and Bishops that advocate for gun control or not owning guns, are full of crap. (p.s., my priest loves to talk about and show his newest firearm purchase...Retired Army Chaplin as he is...)

  • @voteholyk
    @voteholyk 9 дней назад +1

    What did Jesus's apostille do when the Guards came to arrest him? He drew his sword and with one swipe took the guards ear off, then warned him to take another step. Jesus willingly allowed himself to be tortured and killed. .🤣

  • @gordo3697
    @gordo3697 9 дней назад +1

    Im catholic there is a evil wing in our church however god made his one true church to withstand evil and chaos

  • @gregingold3670
    @gregingold3670 9 дней назад +1

    Practicing Catholic here and that article sounds like a very fringe view within Catholicism as I know it.

  • @wdtaut5650
    @wdtaut5650 5 дней назад

    3:04 "Turn the other cheek" _does not_ mean to submit to what ever indignity someone wants to force on you. It means to have the strength to stay in the fight and take as many blows as necessary while you are giving some at the same time.

  • @brianebarb
    @brianebarb 9 дней назад

    Just here for the engagement algorithm. Can't beat the price point for these videos! Keep it up.

  • @oklahomahank2378
    @oklahomahank2378 3 часа назад

    There is a traditional Catholic doctrine of just (meaning moral) war.

  • @LifeisGood762
    @LifeisGood762 9 дней назад

    Had to walk away from sheboygan county fair because they had a big ol "firearms prohibited" sign. Bought some gun raffle tickets from a guy on the sidewalk instead. Missed my deep fried fair food. 😢

  • @JH-bb5ne
    @JH-bb5ne 9 дней назад

    3:43 So nicely said Mr. Andrew!
    (Delivery, brevity, to the point… chefs kiss!)

  • @Geekami37
    @Geekami37 8 дней назад

    Never forget that when you ask yourself WWJD: Flipping over tables and chasing people with a whip isn't out of the question.

  • @vbjohnso
    @vbjohnso 9 дней назад

    Andrew has been running those Vortex red dots hard since before lunch! 😂

  • @copperclawz
    @copperclawz 9 дней назад

    I support this message... every week... every... week.

  • @popuptarget7386
    @popuptarget7386 9 дней назад

    I have been told puppy meat tastes like bald eagle.

  • @jamesreffner5323
    @jamesreffner5323 6 дней назад

    My wife is Catholic. There is a reason I didn’t convert.

  • @898792
    @898792 9 дней назад

    Well sounds like if the state law is clear, then people with permits should carry at the fair anyway.

  • @tracycolorado
    @tracycolorado 9 дней назад

    U.k. , 30 stabbings in one day . They must have ran out of guns

  • @jamesbromstead4949
    @jamesbromstead4949 9 дней назад

    "B-- b-- but Father, I don't want any of that."

  • @YedolfWesler
    @YedolfWesler 8 дней назад

    In las vegas they want AI on our buses to find people who are carrying. In an open carry state..

  • @edb4526
    @edb4526 9 дней назад

    Thank you.

  • @akriflesmatter5548
    @akriflesmatter5548 8 дней назад +1

    There’s a Bible verse where it says if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloth and buy a sword in the New Testament

  • @BFVgnr
    @BFVgnr 9 дней назад +2

    Jesus said to turn the other cheek because of the fact that a backhand slap from a Roman was done as to demonstrate they were someone subservient or subordinate, while a slap with the palm was a sign that you were considered their equal, such as would carry much later into days of honor duels, where one approached as an equal would be slapped with an open palm, while someone of lesser standing would be backhanded. It was also more insulting to be backhanded as it presumed one inferior or lesser.

    • @warrenphilips8441
      @warrenphilips8441 8 дней назад

      Spot on. I've preached this exact point in homilies.

    • @whelper4231
      @whelper4231 7 дней назад

      This is an interesting idea...🤔
      What would be the implementation, that one would turn their head to the right presenting their left cheek to be slapped?
      I don't know when the concept of right and left came into being, but I guess maybe one might say "this is my hand" for their right hand, and "this is my other hand" for their left hand. So then your "other cheek" would be the left one?
      Obviously, left handed people could exist, but they would be looked down on in any regimented formations because they throw things off, right? That's why we still have a certain disdain for left handed people today, even if it is a joke anymore.

    • @jacob.tudragens
      @jacob.tudragens 6 дней назад

      "Turning the other cheek" is meant to show the offending party that the first slap was not warranted, but they have a chance now to apologize.

    • @whelper4231
      @whelper4231 6 дней назад

      @@jacob.tudragens That is the interpretation that I always thought, but the idea shared here makes a certain amount of sense as well depending on how they used the terms.

  • @stephentthomas
    @stephentthomas 9 дней назад

    The Greek word used in the New Testament:
    Makhaira = small, self-defense dagger

  • @ixlzz
    @ixlzz 9 дней назад

    Nehemiah commanded the workers who were rebuilding the temple, to carry a trowel in one hand, and a sword in the other as they worked.

  • @kevinberta8741
    @kevinberta8741 9 дней назад +3

    I grew up Catholic and left the faith when I left the house! The hypocrisy was unbearable.

    • @Bob-cx4ze
      @Bob-cx4ze 9 дней назад

      Like many things, when you create perverse incentives, you will get bad outcomes.

    • @BunyipDude
      @BunyipDude 8 дней назад

      Same here. I got so sick of the Church as I got older, especially as the Pope became more and more of a politician pandering to the left. I will also never forgive the church for being neutral in WWII and the GWOT. I am now a non-denominational Christian. I hate to say it, but any Catholic today must admit to themselves that the church is NOT an ally to our community, or the fight to preserve the Constitution in general.

  • @glytchd
    @glytchd 9 дней назад

    Is never been about crime prevention. It's all about charges and convictions. How else do you measure performance and statistics? It literally behoovs law enforcement NOT to do something UNTIL the crime occurs... if they prevented it they'd be hurting their own profits(both legal and financial)

  • @steveninaz9576
    @steveninaz9576 9 дней назад

    Thank you Sir

  • @timbaggott7928
    @timbaggott7928 9 дней назад

    I tried to write to Mr Erlandson but couldn’t get the Angelus site to allow me. I wanted to ask him if the Vatican was clearing out its arms room and laying off its security staff.

  • @TerryStewart724
    @TerryStewart724 3 дня назад


  • @laxplayer99
    @laxplayer99 9 дней назад

    haha jokes on you judge. I live in the cornfields that make up the majority of Illinois so I don't ride any public transport.

  • @blakerust200
    @blakerust200 4 дня назад

    My priest has been going hard on abortion lately, haven't heard him say anything about guns.i carry almost every day.

  • @sbacsigadget
    @sbacsigadget 9 дней назад +2

    When Cain killed Abel with a rock I believe if Abel had a gun the story being told would be quite different, don't you? the Pope is guarded by the most elite Swiss Military officers in the world, I'm sure Jesus would turn the other cheek and approve.

  • @thedoobie1
    @thedoobie1 9 дней назад +1

    4:58 Skull shaped what now?