Sermon on the Mount 1st Session Video

  • Опубликовано: 16 окт 2024

Комментарии • 18

  • @smsog2236
    @smsog2236 2 года назад

    Just simply seamless, beautiful and rhythmical teaching. A real theological treat. Thanks Dr AJ, With love from Southern Africa Zambia 🇿🇲.

  • @plato7771
    @plato7771 3 месяца назад +1

    All I can do is roll my eyes....

  • @vincyade
    @vincyade 2 года назад

    Dear AJ, I really liked the way you interpreted the Sermon on the Mount. I felt connected especially when you shared about your mother passing away. God Bless you for your wonderful work.

  • @deejannemeiurffnicht1791
    @deejannemeiurffnicht1791 3 года назад +2

    The thing I appreciate, which Amy Jill conveys for me beautifully, is that which for me almost all of the ''church'' forgets and ignores and sometimes gets too above itself. And that is that it grew FROM judaism. That judaism that had been around since way way way long before many other religions and traditions and cultures. Like a grandfather, father, or older brother. And here comes along church acting like the smug know-it-all, and as good as condeming via pure ignorance and contempt.
    I don't now simply take any ''churches'' words and interpretations at face value any more. But, when something goes PING inside, Look also to see what the same meant to those people in those times that the Christ walked the Earth.
    And this is why I am constantly drawn to hearing what Amy-Jill has to offer. And WOW! Drops a bomb every time!
    The church seems to constantly forget ''Salvation comes from THE JEWS''! It is stated in both ''testaments''.
    Also, ''John's'' incredibly rich ''revelation'' clearly states too that on the day of the coming of the Messiach, that the Jews will judge the nations (as yes, we know the Messiach will. HE is Jewish!). Like the completion of an anciently begun Reformatting of an operating system coming to fruition. ~
    And, too, I no longer feel as conflicted between the Chruch's Christ as God to be worshipped, and the Jewish view that (I'am generalizing and improvising here) at best he was a wisened teacher or Raboni. WHy? Well, John's Rev's clearly states that ''One like The Son of Man'' says to the revelator ''why do you prostrate yourself and worship me? I am a servant just as you are''! MEEK!
    Remember what or who God is? Again as the Revelator would say ''On His Garments are written MANY NAMES, but HIS NAme NO MAN HAS PERCIEVED!
    There is no real mystery there, if we use our brains well.
    Think ''big bang'' think as many particle physicians may think, I imagine, that as we draw our imagination's perception closer and nearer to that infintisimal instant, we can;t get any nearer than the next instant straight after that Big Bang. It has nothing which we can use to describe it. Even Steven Hawkin didn;t even bother go there! Mathmaticians tend to make the mistake of saying ''everything is math''... NO! It most certainly is not. Like the names on HIs garment, they are merely human descriptions, and may be a human representation of a galactic language to DESCRIBE and label. But those labels and descriptions are NOT God. Hence God beign surrounded in darkness.
    And it is THAT label-less pure entity/being beyond ownership and names which The Christ is pointing to.
    But is up to us whether to have ears that hear, or eyes that see AND percieve.
    SO I'm happy I came out of church cuckoo land, and now think carefully, and listen closely to how best I can understand how Jesus, and the people of His time heard, understood, and were immersed in a particular culture of that time, and THEN decide how I for myself interpret what he was aiming towards meaning.
    maybe a good time in history for more folk like Amy-Jill?

    • @hanskung3278
      @hanskung3278 2 года назад

      You make good points but more than a little of her commentary is her interpretation and not objective, biblical criticism.

  • @AmericanShia786
    @AmericanShia786 Год назад

    I generally like most of what Dr. Levine teachers. But, injustice does not make justice. But, just because I disagree with aspect of her teaching doesn't mean I tune everything else out. Her book is an excellent one.

  • @tomd2612
    @tomd2612 3 года назад

    There are those in the world who on extremely subtle, psychological levels of awareness, become 'AWARE' that someone = YOU, in their presence is A PEACE MAKER. Hatred, sarcasm, mockery, contempt, harmful behaviors toward YOU, begin being displayed. No one in the group will come to your aid / defense. No matter how non-violent, how quiet YOU are, no matter you don't yell back, you make no 'snarky' responses, that possessed entity won't back off - the Ego of that BULLY in full throttle, won't Stop. Led Zeppelin sang: "You'll get Trampled under foot." Best learn how to be ready with Righteous Armor. Bullies don't care that they don't care. Bullies KILL. Bullies are Full-Time Mercenaries.

  • @gailrupprecht9481
    @gailrupprecht9481 3 года назад

    I wonder whether there is a deeper meaning to these Beatitudes? I wonder if "poor in spirit" means that to be a Christ follower that one is impoverished of arrogance; broken of our pride; broken and contrite in spirit; realizing that we have no righteousness of our own; that we are debtors who cannot pay our (sin) debts but humble enough to receive Jesus' imputed righteousness by faith?

  • @tomd2612
    @tomd2612 3 года назад

    Compromise may not always be possible. MURDER is still NOT THE ANSWER. VIOLENCE ? - To What Degree ? On What tTrms ? On WHOSE Terms ? WHO decides the Terms of Right vs Wrong? WHO decides the TERMS ?

  • @AL-ux2nw
    @AL-ux2nw 2 года назад +3

    I know this great lady does not believe in the messianism of Jesus, but has anyone ever asked her if she loves Jesus??????

  • @Wolfsky9
    @Wolfsky9 4 года назад +1

    Hmmmmmm------------" Jesus' Greatest hits " -------------I like that.----------------------WolfSky9

  • @karlasaroch8125
    @karlasaroch8125 2 года назад

    I have done another study by her and you have to be a Bible scholar to understand her. I want to learn but she assumes I know more than I know; therefore, i learn nothing .

    • @MM-jf1me
      @MM-jf1me 2 года назад

      She's usually speaking to people who are at least a little familiar with the Bible. What are you interested in learning? Maybe I can help you find something if you haven't already discovered something yourself.

  • @hanskung3278
    @hanskung3278 2 года назад +2

    I know she's a biblical scholar but most of this is her subjectivity.

  • @randyw.8781
    @randyw.8781 4 года назад

    A week later his disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” 27Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.”
    28Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”
    29Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.
    “Therefore since we are God’s offspring, we should not think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone-an image made by human design and skill. 30In the past God overlooked such ignorance, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. 31For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to everyone by raising him from the dead.”
    32When they heard about the resurrection of the dead, some of them sneered, but others said, “We want to hear you again on this subject.”

  • @Nderitu.G
    @Nderitu.G 3 года назад +1

    she understands not, she is not even a christian

    • @hanskung3278
      @hanskung3278 2 года назад +2

      Isn't it possible a non Christian can understand the sermon better than a Christian?