First! :P Also, tune into the Keysight University Live homepage and the Keysight Labs RUclips channel for the day 1 livestream to get started now! Keysight University Live: Day 1 Live Stream (scheduled for March 15th!):видео.html Keysight RUclips channel:
Well deserved Jan, i am happy for you and I think Keysight made a good decision. I am very looking forward to your videos with this scope on computers. I am sure that I am going to learn many things from you.
Once you get a nice scope and start to get comfortable with it, you will find more and more uses for it. One of the most common uses is for checking power supplies, just be careful about earthing, make sure you only clip the earth lead from the probe onto the device under tests earth or 0V rail, it’s less of a problem if the device you are testing is floating snd not earth referenced.
I still remember when I switched from my old analog scope to my first DSO. The huge amount of options and capabilies was almost frightening. But after a month of learning the DSO was my most useful tool on the bench. And since then I used a lot of the modern DSO capabilities I didn't even know before.
Whilst I'll probably never buy any Keysight gear as it's (a) overkill for my use cases and (b) out of my price range, I appreciate Jan giving us a run through of his DSOX1204G. To me, it's like watching Harry's Garage: I love seeing Harry play with his expensive cars, despite the fact I'll never own one (nor have a use case for one even if I could afford it). Thanks for the video, Jan! (and thanks for enabling Jan to make the video, Keysight!)
Got my new Keysight DSOX1202G today. Out of the box and looking at 60 Hz free space EMI in about 3 minutes; it is that easy to use. The user guide is over 300 pages long so there's a LOT to learn! But basic oscilloscope functionality is very easy and, for me, intuitive; knobs right where I expect them to be. I spent months of intensive study trying to decide which scope to get and Keysight is a cut above the other entry-level scopes.
Its worth noting that having much more bandwidth than the frequency of your signal is very useful, because of the harmonics of square waves. If you look at a 1MHz square wave on a 1MHz scope, it will look like a sine wave. If you have a 10MHz scope, it will look more like a square wave but perhaps the corners of the square wave will be rounded or "ring" a little, on a 100Mhz scope you will see a much closer to actual waveform. Now, viewing a waveform near the limit of your scopes bandwidth can still be valuable, since the timing will be pretty accurate, but you need to understand that what you see on the screen won't necessarily be what is actually happening if the bandwidth of your signal is near its limit.
Yes, I think they split from HP to Agilent and then again to Keysight. Agilent is focusing on chemical equipment now I think and Keysight is responsible for the electronics test gear.
I recently bought myself this model of scope,upgraded from a rigol ds1054z. Love it completely and just the right size for my bench. The really love the infiniivision line of scope, i use the dsox3024A at work and have tinkered with some of the larger high end scopes and wanted the responsiveness of the megazoom interface. Now, i did spend a pretty penny on it but well worth it to get all the bells and whistles.
Thanks for this video Jan Beta I've signed up to their course with your link. Think of it this way, the worst case scenario is not winning anything but still learning about electronics diagnosis and repair. And I have lots to learn still, too. Se, we can't lose!
I think one of the important features of DSO is ring-buffer - so you can see what happens after and before trigger. By default, the trigger point is in the half of the buffer (so the trigger line is in the middle of the screen). You have moved it aside, that's why your zoom (emulated delayed time base) looked so strange (to center the trigger/trace, just push the respective 'position' knob). In analog scope you can see only what happened after the trigger event (if you have a delay line, you can see the trigger point also). Basic trigger modes are the same as on the analog scopes, yet have slightly different sense, especially the Normal mode (it refreshes the screen only when the trigger event occurs).
I have a USB "Analog Discovery" scope but still haven't bought a real standalone one. Booting up a PC to use my scope is very inconvenient, and the scope is always packed away somewhere because it makes a huge mess when I dangle it out all over the desk in order to use it. So it's not handy and so it never gets used. It's capabilities are also quite minimal. One of the things I miss on the USB is video triggering (NTSC in my case). I'm glad that feature still exists on new scopes and I hope it doesn't go away by the time I actually buy one. If I were buying a real scope today I'd probably get the Siglent SDS1104X-E. I think that one also has video triggering, but I've never seen anyone demonstrate it. The Keysights are intriguing because I have more confidence that they will absolutely work well and correctly, but they're expensive enough to deter me from spending that much extra unless I were to see a clear specific reason to prefer them over the Chinese scopes. From reading these comments, it looks like the Keysights are a lot more expensive in Europe than they are in the US. The fully optioned model in this video is listed at $1300US, which is certainly expensive, but attainable if someone wants it enough and is willing to save for it. More realistically there are also cheaper models if you delete some of the options, like cutting back to 100MHz bandwidth and deleting the AWG. That makes it more equivalent to the Siglent mentioned above, but with Keysight's hardware and software. I'd like to tell the price with that option package - but I can't find it anymore. Keysight's web site is frustrating. I know I've seen a price list before showing all the various option combinations and what they cost, but now they don't show that anymore. You have to "request a quote" now to get prices. It doesn't give the impression that they want to deal with individuals or encourage "window shopping". Congratulations on the scope. I'm looking forward to watching you work with it in future repairs.
I won one too from Plasma Channel but it has not arrived yet and I know it much more scope than I need but hey, free and always wanted one to fiddle with.
Nothing wrong with being self-taught. Never quite understand why that's considered bad, it'll totally depend on what you can do. :) I mean, in my work I wasn't ever trained for some techniques I started using, but since I self-taught them inside a company, it's considered "professional". haha Happy for you! This is an actual useful commercial so no problem at all.
Good video. I just sprung for a OWON SDS1022 for $199 on aliexpress. My TEKTRONIX 453 has seen better days. I bought it for $150 in 1985 at a Hamfest in Madison ,Ohio.
Thanks! The Owon scopes are not bad at all, I was actually eyeing one of those for a while. Pretty happy with this one obviously but I would surely only have been able to afford a less expensive one without this sponsorship deal. :)
That's really a great scope, yet I don't like its buffer arrangement 'philosophy' (it always fits the screen). I'm used to a more traditional one, with a horizontal scrolling (like in this Keysight).
Nice Scope intended for professional use... Has most of the usual functions, but the generator is a great bonus. What I missed in your presentation was the decode functionality for digital data transmission. Is that hidden in one of the menu's? On other DSO's the decode function has a dedicated button, even Siglent (about 1/3 of the price) has one.
@@JanBeta Ah, Thanks... It would have surpised me very much if such a function would be missing on a professional scope. Enjoy the machine, Jan... I know you will ;)
For most hobbyists such a scope is beyond budget. Siglent has some nice entry level scopes, both 2 ch. and 4. ch. around the € 300 to €400 price point (ex. VAT)
Yeah, Keysight's gear is mostly aimed at industrial and educational use I think. You can still participate in their giveaway and hope, though. I know at least two people who won stuff in past events. I participated a couple of times but didn't win so I'm obviously really happy to have this opportunity now. ;)
I didn’t investigate further yet. Might just be down to the capacitors or my power supply. The C64 seems to work absolutely fine. But I’ll look into the issue eventually. :)
Gratulation zu dem neuen Gerät im "Beta Labor". Wirklich stark ! Da kommt mein 200 € Gerät natürlich nicht mit , aber die zwei Kanäle bei 100 MHz Auflösung reichen mir schon für den Hausgebrauch, und es hat auch Anschlüsse für den PC bzw. USB-Stick... Immerhin kann es ein Rechtecksignal erzeugen, aber einen Signalgenerator hat es freilich nicht.
Ja, für den Hausgebrauch reicht auf jeden Fall auch ein deutlich einfacheres Gerät. Dieses hat viele Funktionen, die ich vermutlich nie wirklich brauchen werde. Aber natürlich definitiv "nice to have". Und ich kann meinen alten analogen Funktionsgenerator mal einmotten, denke ich. ;)
You can hook the scope up via network and access some settings and readings through Keysight‘s software and the web interface. I haven’t tried it a lot though but you might be able to achieve what you want with that method. Most more elaborate functions are limited to the higher range scopes though I think.
@@JanBeta Thank you very much for your explanation. I was then able to save settings and parameters values by selecting save a "setup" file format in the save/recall menu. I will explore the software also.
bestelle mir gerade ein hantek ids 1070a bei banggood. es sollte für da c64 reparieren ausreichen. das coole von diesem teil ist jedoch, daß es wifi hat. ich nehme an, daß iches damit gut mit dem tablet nutzen kann. sehr interessant finde ich bei der c64 fehleranalyse das timing und analogverhalten zu analysieren. also z.b. die signalqualität der PLA ausgänge oder auch vom ram etc. es würde mit interessieren, ob das 'ringing' am cpu takt - was du da gemessen hast - die selbe frequent hat wie die 8,33mhz die du vorher gemessen hast. oder ist das nur eine nicht-perfekte schaltung mit reflexionen? oder ist das HF mist von der passiven oszi-probe? hab mal mit 50mhz spi/sqi an einem seriellen flash zu tun gehabt, da machte es einen riesigen unterschied, ob passive oder spezielle aktive probe. war an einem teuren digitalen agilent (hp) 4-kanal oszi. wir hatten damals probleme mit der datenintegrität/verbindung im nor-flash. das signal sah furchtbar aus. erst nach wechsel zu einer aktiven probe war das signal super sauber. d.h. das signal selbst war perfekt, aber mit der passiven probe war das signal versaut. d.h. die messung selbst war fehlerhaft und nicht die hardware :-) beim c64 mit 1-2MHz ist das kein problem
Ich glaube das "Ringing" war komplett random, vielleicht nur ein Problem mit den alten Kondensatoren oder mit dem Selbstbau-Netzteil, das ich da angeschlossen hatte zum Testen. Die anderen Signale sahen alle aus, wie ich sie mir vorgestellt habe, also scheint es kein Problem mit den Tastköpfen zu sein. Werde mich mit dem C64 aber auf jeden Fall nochmal beschäftigen. Das kam mir schon merkwürdig vor, vor allem, weil das Ding ansonsten komplett zu funktionieren scheint. Wurde mir aber ja als "Funktion unbekannt" gespendet, kann also auch gut irgendwo einen leicht defekten Logikschaltkreis haben oder so.
Is it possible to make screenshots of the actual scope screen and save them e.g. to a USB-Stick in the front? That would be a nice feature. EDIT: I see a "Save to USB" button at the right, which should do exactly this I guess. 😉
Batronix, wo ich mein inzwischen schon älteres 2 Kanal 100Mhz Scope her habe, scheibt "Keysight Produkte dürfen laut Hersteller leider nicht an Privatkunden verkauft werden". Was zum, warum versuchen sie dann damit überhaupt Werbung bei Hobbyisten zu machen?
Ich glaube in einigen Ländern verkaufen sie auch an "normale" Endverbraucher. In Deutschland gibt es da sicher auch Quellen. Primärer Markt sind aber leider Industrie und Bildung, soviel ich weiß. Das Gewinnspiel ist offen für alle, allerdings gibt es auch ein Firmenfeld, in das etwas eingetragen werden soll. Habe da ein paar Mal teilgenommen und immer einen Fantasienamen eingetragen. Ich selbst habe zwar nichts gewonnen, aber mindestens 2 Privatleute, die ich kenne, haben schon Oszilloskope gewonnen. Die Chancen scheinen also realistisch zu sein. Spam gab's zumindest in meinem Fall auch keinen nach der Teilnahme.
Nothing wrong with being self taught just ask Bill Herd about that and look at what he accomplished. Scopes are nice tools to have and getting one given to you even better. Scopes help you Explore the Possibilities. Learning never ends so be the sponge and absorb the knowledge.
@@TzOk There is also a Siglent SDS 1104X-U which is a bit cheaper than the Siglent SDS 1104X-E but has to cope with one 1Gs sampling chip for 4 channels and manages 100Mhz.
Yes, definitely has a lot of advantages over my old scopes. The Hameg I used previously needed some time to boot up the software, too (on top of heating up the CRT), because it already had some rudimentary digital functions.
Yeah, but I think that's quite normal for the DSOs. Even my old Hameg scope with only a couple of rudimentary digital functions took about 30 seconds to be operational after power up. And my even older Philips takes a while to heat up the CRT. :)
I participated at least twice, too. Never won anything so it's really cool to have this opportunity now. :) I actually know a couple of people personally who won stuff previously though, so the chances are not all that slim I guess!
You don't have to watch it if you don't like it. The regular programming is going to continue with the next video. I think I marked this as sponsored content pretty clearly.
@@JanBeta I didn't watch after you said it was sponsored and my irritation isn't against you but rather Keysight. Because look at it from my point of view, this is the only content my feed has had in it for a month. I am never going to buy one, I am never going to win one and I am tired of everyone bragging on their free scope that they didn't win or buy. Keysight really needs to look at how this indulgently gross behavior looks every year when they do this, how it looks to the people and companies that pay full price for all this equipment. The whole thing is just completely gross I want to vomit by the 28th day of it. Anyhow, sorry to rant again it's nothing against you and I totally appreciate you and will continue to watch, don't think this opinion has to change anything you do on your channel. 😘
And as last year... SHAME ON KEYSIGHT! They accept the signing up of people who a not eligeble to win any prize, and even include those countries in "country option", like Brazil in my case, leading people to believe they are participating and that they could have a chance to win something, but when you read the TERMS AND CONDITIONS you will find the following: "This promotion is limited to specific countries and is only open to entrants aged 18 years or older (if in the United States: 19 years for Alabama and 21 years for Mississippi) at the time of submission who are legal residents of, and physically located within, Canada (excluding the Province of Quebec), USA (excluding New York, Florida, and Rhode Island), Puerto Rico, Japan, South Korea; Taiwan, China; Chile, Austria, Finland, India, France, Germany, Ireland, Switzerland, UK, South Africa, Government agencies and institutions (including public universities), and their employees, are not eligible to participate or receive prizes..."
First! :P Also, tune into the Keysight University Live homepage and the Keysight Labs RUclips channel for the day 1 livestream to get started now!
Keysight University Live:
Day 1 Live Stream (scheduled for March 15th!):видео.html
Keysight RUclips channel:
Well deserved Jan, i am happy for you and I think Keysight made a good decision. I am very looking forward to your videos with this scope on computers. I am sure that I am going to learn many things from you.
Thanks Umut! It's going to see a lot more use than my analog scopes I think. It's just always sitting on the bench now ready to be used. :)
This may have been a bit of a commercial but I LIKE commercials that are meaningful and this was VERY meaningful for me. Thank you!
This looks like an oscilloscope for C64 debugging because it has a RUN/STOP button !
Once you get a nice scope and start to get comfortable with it, you will find more and more uses for it. One of the most common uses is for checking power supplies, just be careful about earthing, make sure you only clip the earth lead from the probe onto the device under tests earth or 0V rail, it’s less of a problem if the device you are testing is floating snd not earth referenced.
I still remember when I switched from my old analog scope to my first DSO. The huge amount of options and capabilies was almost frightening. But after a month of learning the DSO was my most useful tool on the bench. And since then I used a lot of the modern DSO capabilities I didn't even know before.
Whilst I'll probably never buy any Keysight gear as it's (a) overkill for my use cases and (b) out of my price range, I appreciate Jan giving us a run through of his DSOX1204G. To me, it's like watching Harry's Garage: I love seeing Harry play with his expensive cars, despite the fact I'll never own one (nor have a use case for one even if I could afford it).
Thanks for the video, Jan! (and thanks for enabling Jan to make the video, Keysight!)
Got my new Keysight DSOX1202G today. Out of the box and looking at 60 Hz free space EMI in about 3 minutes; it is that easy to use. The user guide is over 300 pages long so there's a LOT to learn! But basic oscilloscope functionality is very easy and, for me, intuitive; knobs right where I expect them to be. I spent months of intensive study trying to decide which scope to get and Keysight is a cut above the other entry-level scopes.
Its worth noting that having much more bandwidth than the frequency of your signal is very useful, because of the harmonics of square waves. If you look at a 1MHz square wave on a 1MHz scope, it will look like a sine wave. If you have a 10MHz scope, it will look more like a square wave but perhaps the corners of the square wave will be rounded or "ring" a little, on a 100Mhz scope you will see a much closer to actual waveform. Now, viewing a waveform near the limit of your scopes bandwidth can still be valuable, since the timing will be pretty accurate, but you need to understand that what you see on the screen won't necessarily be what is actually happening if the bandwidth of your signal is near its limit.
I'm going to save up for this model!
Great that Keysight has finally recognized your channel! About time!
I didn't know this, but Keysight is a spin-off of a spin-off of HP, which were huge in electronic test/diagnostic equipment.
Yes, I think they split from HP to Agilent and then again to Keysight. Agilent is focusing on chemical equipment now I think and Keysight is responsible for the electronics test gear.
I recently bought myself this model of scope,upgraded from a rigol ds1054z. Love it completely and just the right size for my bench. The really love the infiniivision line of scope, i use the dsox3024A at work and have tinkered with some of the larger high end scopes and wanted the responsiveness of the megazoom interface. Now, i did spend a pretty penny on it but well worth it to get all the bells and whistles.
Thanks for this video Jan Beta
I've signed up to their course with your link. Think of it this way, the worst case scenario is not winning anything but still learning about electronics diagnosis and repair. And I have lots to learn still, too. Se, we can't lose!
I think one of the important features of DSO is ring-buffer - so you can see what happens after and before trigger. By default, the trigger point is in the half of the buffer (so the trigger line is in the middle of the screen). You have moved it aside, that's why your zoom (emulated delayed time base) looked so strange (to center the trigger/trace, just push the respective 'position' knob). In analog scope you can see only what happened after the trigger event (if you have a delay line, you can see the trigger point also). Basic trigger modes are the same as on the analog scopes, yet have slightly different sense, especially the Normal mode (it refreshes the screen only when the trigger event occurs).
Yes, that's true. Probably the most significant function that sets the DSOs apart. Definitely a very useful feature for future tinkering. :)
One of these fell off the KeySight truck and landed on my door step a few weeks back. I really should start playing around with it.
Nice! They are definitely amazingly capable devices.
I have a USB "Analog Discovery" scope but still haven't bought a real standalone one. Booting up a PC to use my scope is very inconvenient, and the scope is always packed away somewhere because it makes a huge mess when I dangle it out all over the desk in order to use it. So it's not handy and so it never gets used. It's capabilities are also quite minimal.
One of the things I miss on the USB is video triggering (NTSC in my case). I'm glad that feature still exists on new scopes and I hope it doesn't go away by the time I actually buy one.
If I were buying a real scope today I'd probably get the Siglent SDS1104X-E. I think that one also has video triggering, but I've never seen anyone demonstrate it.
The Keysights are intriguing because I have more confidence that they will absolutely work well and correctly, but they're expensive enough to deter me from spending that much extra unless I were to see a clear specific reason to prefer them over the Chinese scopes.
From reading these comments, it looks like the Keysights are a lot more expensive in Europe than they are in the US. The fully optioned model in this video is listed at $1300US, which is certainly expensive, but attainable if someone wants it enough and is willing to save for it. More realistically there are also cheaper models if you delete some of the options, like cutting back to 100MHz bandwidth and deleting the AWG. That makes it more equivalent to the Siglent mentioned above, but with Keysight's hardware and software. I'd like to tell the price with that option package - but I can't find it anymore.
Keysight's web site is frustrating. I know I've seen a price list before showing all the various option combinations and what they cost, but now they don't show that anymore. You have to "request a quote" now to get prices. It doesn't give the impression that they want to deal with individuals or encourage "window shopping".
Congratulations on the scope. I'm looking forward to watching you work with it in future repairs.
I won one of these on the EEVlog. It’s so much more scope than I deserve. I love it though, and use it regularly.
I won one too from Plasma Channel but it has not arrived yet and I know it much more scope than I need but hey, free and always wanted one to fiddle with.
I've just bought it. It's awesome! Thank you Jan for recommendation :)
Nice! Hope it lives up to your expectations! I am still VERY happy with mine (as I said it vastly exceeds what I need, really)! 😅
Great demo and review! I like it!
Nothing wrong with being self-taught. Never quite understand why that's considered bad, it'll totally depend on what you can do. :) I mean, in my work I wasn't ever trained for some techniques I started using, but since I self-taught them inside a company, it's considered "professional". haha Happy for you! This is an actual useful commercial so no problem at all.
Good video.
I just sprung for a OWON SDS1022 for $199 on aliexpress.
My TEKTRONIX 453 has seen better days.
I bought it for $150 in 1985 at a Hamfest in Madison ,Ohio.
Thanks! The Owon scopes are not bad at all, I was actually eyeing one of those for a while. Pretty happy with this one obviously but I would surely only have been able to afford a less expensive one without this sponsorship deal. :)
Jan complimenti per il tuo nuovo oscilloscopio KEYSIGHT,ottimo acquisto.ciao.
Been on the look out for a digital scope for a while on Ebay! The prices are unreal these days
not sure if your after new or used bbut always worth looking elsewhere as often prices less direct than via eBay.
Great scope: I have got the beige predecessor after a review of EEVBLOG and love it
I just purchased a used Keysight scope.
Can you do a video on how to update the firmware via usb?
I just got a Siglent SDS 1104X-E recently. It makes me wonder how i've been managing with my old Tek 2213A :)
That's really a great scope, yet I don't like its buffer arrangement 'philosophy' (it always fits the screen). I'm used to a more traditional one, with a horizontal scrolling (like in this Keysight).
If you want to get a waveform into your video you could use the software to display it on your PC and grab it.
Nice Scope intended for professional use... Has most of the usual functions, but the generator is a great bonus. What I missed in your presentation was the decode functionality for digital data transmission. Is that hidden in one of the menu's? On other DSO's the decode function has a dedicated button, even Siglent (about 1/3 of the price) has one.
You can access the decoding functionality (serial/analog bus) via a dedicated "Analyze" button. Didn't look into that too deeply yet though. :)
@@JanBeta Ah, Thanks... It would have surpised me very much if such a function would be missing on a professional scope. Enjoy the machine, Jan... I know you will ;)
Beautiful scope
It is! And it has a Run/Stop key, too! :D
Good overview of a ‘scope that I will never be able to afford. One would have to be a very serious hobbyist to invest in something like this.
For most hobbyists such a scope is beyond budget. Siglent has some nice entry level scopes, both 2 ch. and 4. ch. around the € 300 to €400 price point (ex. VAT)
@@eddys.3524 Thanks for that tip, I will check them out. My 25 year old analog ‘scope is past its prime.
@@Colin_Ames mine (Tek 2ch. 60Mhz) was over 40 years old... and barely alive :(
Yeah, Keysight's gear is mostly aimed at industrial and educational use I think. You can still participate in their giveaway and hope, though. I know at least two people who won stuff in past events. I participated a couple of times but didn't win so I'm obviously really happy to have this opportunity now. ;)
I would love to have that scope, dang.. I've worked with some nice scopes in the past (2/4/10 GS/s) but never owned one :(
What do you think is wrong with the Commodore with the wonky levels on the ROMs in 20:25?
I didn’t investigate further yet. Might just be down to the capacitors or my power supply. The C64 seems to work absolutely fine. But I’ll look into the issue eventually. :)
Gratulation zu dem neuen Gerät im "Beta Labor". Wirklich stark ! Da kommt mein 200 € Gerät natürlich nicht mit , aber die zwei Kanäle bei 100 MHz Auflösung reichen mir schon für den Hausgebrauch, und es hat auch Anschlüsse für den PC bzw. USB-Stick... Immerhin kann es ein Rechtecksignal erzeugen, aber einen Signalgenerator hat es freilich nicht.
Ja, für den Hausgebrauch reicht auf jeden Fall auch ein deutlich einfacheres Gerät. Dieses hat viele Funktionen, die ich vermutlich nie wirklich brauchen werde. Aber natürlich definitiv "nice to have". Und ich kann meinen alten analogen Funktionsgenerator mal einmotten, denke ich. ;)
Comparisons in C64 will be fun
I was able to transfer images into pendrive. But is there a way to transfer all parameter values together with the graphs?
You can hook the scope up via network and access some settings and readings through Keysight‘s software and the web interface. I haven’t tried it a lot though but you might be able to achieve what you want with that method. Most more elaborate functions are limited to the higher range scopes though I think.
@@JanBeta Thank you very much for your explanation. I was then able to save settings and parameters values by selecting save a "setup" file format in the save/recall menu. I will explore the software also.
bestelle mir gerade ein hantek ids 1070a bei banggood.
es sollte für da c64 reparieren ausreichen. das coole von diesem teil ist jedoch, daß es wifi hat. ich nehme an, daß iches damit gut mit dem tablet nutzen kann.
sehr interessant finde ich bei der c64 fehleranalyse das timing und analogverhalten zu analysieren. also z.b. die signalqualität der PLA ausgänge oder auch vom ram etc.
es würde mit interessieren, ob das 'ringing' am cpu takt - was du da gemessen hast - die selbe frequent hat wie die 8,33mhz die du vorher gemessen hast.
oder ist das nur eine nicht-perfekte schaltung mit reflexionen?
oder ist das HF mist von der passiven oszi-probe?
hab mal mit 50mhz spi/sqi an einem seriellen flash zu tun gehabt, da machte es einen riesigen unterschied, ob passive oder spezielle aktive probe. war an einem teuren digitalen agilent (hp) 4-kanal oszi.
wir hatten damals probleme mit der datenintegrität/verbindung im nor-flash. das signal sah furchtbar aus. erst nach wechsel zu einer aktiven probe war das signal super sauber.
d.h. das signal selbst war perfekt, aber mit der passiven probe war das signal versaut. d.h. die messung selbst war fehlerhaft und nicht die hardware :-)
beim c64 mit 1-2MHz ist das kein problem
Ich glaube das "Ringing" war komplett random, vielleicht nur ein Problem mit den alten Kondensatoren oder mit dem Selbstbau-Netzteil, das ich da angeschlossen hatte zum Testen. Die anderen Signale sahen alle aus, wie ich sie mir vorgestellt habe, also scheint es kein Problem mit den Tastköpfen zu sein. Werde mich mit dem C64 aber auf jeden Fall nochmal beschäftigen. Das kam mir schon merkwürdig vor, vor allem, weil das Ding ansonsten komplett zu funktionieren scheint. Wurde mir aber ja als "Funktion unbekannt" gespendet, kann also auch gut irgendwo einen leicht defekten Logikschaltkreis haben oder so.
already fixed the zx?
Is it possible to make screenshots of the actual scope screen and save them e.g. to a USB-Stick in the front? That would be a nice feature.
EDIT: I see a "Save to USB" button at the right, which should do exactly this I guess. 😉
Yes, you can take screenshots via USB and also view and capture via the Webapp over the Ethernet connection. :)
Now put a piece of tape over Keysight and write LIPS on it! A lot of us probably don't use all the functions these digital scopes provide
Batronix, wo ich mein inzwischen schon älteres 2 Kanal 100Mhz Scope her habe, scheibt "Keysight Produkte dürfen laut Hersteller leider nicht an Privatkunden verkauft werden". Was zum, warum versuchen sie dann damit überhaupt Werbung bei Hobbyisten zu machen?
Ich glaube in einigen Ländern verkaufen sie auch an "normale" Endverbraucher. In Deutschland gibt es da sicher auch Quellen. Primärer Markt sind aber leider Industrie und Bildung, soviel ich weiß. Das Gewinnspiel ist offen für alle, allerdings gibt es auch ein Firmenfeld, in das etwas eingetragen werden soll. Habe da ein paar Mal teilgenommen und immer einen Fantasienamen eingetragen. Ich selbst habe zwar nichts gewonnen, aber mindestens 2 Privatleute, die ich kenne, haben schon Oszilloskope gewonnen. Die Chancen scheinen also realistisch zu sein. Spam gab's zumindest in meinem Fall auch keinen nach der Teilnahme.
Nothing wrong with being self taught just ask Bill Herd about that and look at what he accomplished. Scopes are nice tools to have and getting one given to you even better. Scopes help you Explore the Possibilities. Learning never ends so be the sponge and absorb the knowledge.
I would love one but, WOW that's expensive.
Jan, now You must change the intro since You upgraded scope.
Haha, good point!
(And tune down the intro music just A BIT, please.)
About 1200/1500 € !!! I'm a hobbyist I can't afford it.
This video could be useful to a professional.
Maybe in another life!!!
You can go for Siglent SDS 1104X-E or Rigol DS-1054Z...
@@TzOk There is also a Siglent SDS 1104X-U which is a bit cheaper than the Siglent SDS 1104X-E but has to cope with one 1Gs sampling chip for 4 channels and manages 100Mhz.
Yeah, they are definitely aimed at the industrial/educational market unfortunately.
@@JanBeta just you feel lucky you have one.... for most hobbyist, like me too, they are way out of reach.
HeHe Hey it's quicker than waiting for the tube disply to warm up, and much much shorter in depth...
Yes, definitely has a lot of advantages over my old scopes. The Hameg I used previously needed some time to boot up the software, too (on top of heating up the CRT), because it already had some rudimentary digital functions.
Nice. When it comes to the color... Would you say it's gunmetal black or turdtrum gray? 😂😁
Haha, probably a mix of both. Not much turd in this one as far as I can see though. ;)
@@JanBeta of course not, it shows more than 4 colors on the screen, and I'm sure it even sounds better. 😁😂
Send me a scope or recommend one that break the bank.
Long time to booting
Yeah, but I think that's quite normal for the DSOs. Even my old Hameg scope with only a couple of rudimentary digital functions took about 30 seconds to be operational after power up. And my even older Philips takes a while to heat up the CRT. :)
Congrats! She's awesome.
I already participated in a gazillion Keysight giveaways, but never got lucky.
I'll keep trying though ;)
I participated at least twice, too. Never won anything so it's really cool to have this opportunity now. :) I actually know a couple of people personally who won stuff previously though, so the chances are not all that slim I guess!
Never be able to afford one.
Ya know what, I am so sick of this Keysight crap every year on every channel.
You don't have to watch it if you don't like it. The regular programming is going to continue with the next video. I think I marked this as sponsored content pretty clearly.
@@JanBeta I didn't watch after you said it was sponsored and my irritation isn't against you but rather Keysight. Because look at it from my point of view, this is the only content my feed has had in it for a month. I am never going to buy one, I am never going to win one and I am tired of everyone bragging on their free scope that they didn't win or buy. Keysight really needs to look at how this indulgently gross behavior looks every year when they do this, how it looks to the people and companies that pay full price for all this equipment. The whole thing is just completely gross I want to vomit by the 28th day of it. Anyhow, sorry to rant again it's nothing against you and I totally appreciate you and will continue to watch, don't think this opinion has to change anything you do on your channel. 😘
Wow first to comment! I love your videos!
Thanks David! :D
And as last year... SHAME ON KEYSIGHT! They accept the signing up of people who a not eligeble to win any prize, and even include those countries in "country option", like Brazil in my case, leading people to believe they are participating and that they could have a chance to win something, but when you read the TERMS AND CONDITIONS you will find the following:
"This promotion is limited to specific countries and is only open to entrants aged 18 years or older (if in the United States: 19 years for Alabama and 21 years for Mississippi) at the time of submission who are legal residents of, and physically located within, Canada (excluding the Province of Quebec), USA (excluding New York, Florida, and Rhode Island), Puerto Rico, Japan, South Korea; Taiwan, China; Chile, Austria, Finland, India, France, Germany, Ireland, Switzerland, UK, South Africa, Government agencies and institutions (including public universities), and their employees, are not eligible to participate or receive prizes..."