Warrior Cats Super OC Maker

  • Опубликовано: 26 сен 2024

Комментарии • 1 тыс.

  • @canvas4708
    @canvas4708  Год назад +72

    Spidy - who now goes by the name of Spider-Fern after joining a Clan - is a 17 moon old Kittypet who has recently become wild. She was chased away from her town by one of the vicious Kittypets who was jealous of her kind Two-Legs who'd spoilt her rotten. Spidy ended up being chased onto a frozen lake, which collapsed under her paws. Spidy was never *truly* healthy after that . . . she would have died from hypothermia if it wasn't for a ThunderClan she-cat warrior named Racoon-Tail. Spider-Fern lost her tail in the accident as well as loosing her confidence in swimming.
    The Clan took her in, letting her stay in the medicine to properly heal before getting her a proper job. Spider-Fern got her new name and had lost her memory of her former life as a Kittypet. Racoon-Tail sort of became her mentor, helping Spider with her skills even though she was already named "warrior" considering her age. A tom Medicine Cat named Wasp-Wing developed a crush on her which Spider-Fern did not return. She also knew it wasn't allowed and didn't want to see him get in trouble even if she did love him back. Spider-Fern had always just seen Wasp-Wing as a friend anyways, besides, she had someone else who had earnt her love . . .
    By Leaf-Fall (she joined in the middle of Leaf-Bare), the spoilt and stubborn Kittypet had become part of the Clan as much as anyone. Spider-Fern became one of ThunderClan's best hunters and fishers although she was still distancing herself from any opportunity where she'd need to swim. Their old Leader, Bee-Star, passed away at 150 moons. Their deputy had been killed by an otter 5 moons before BeeStar's death and Racoon-Tail had become Bee-Star's deputy. After Bee-Star left to join Fennel-Dawn in StarClan (her former Deputy and best friend), Racoon-Tail became the new Leader. The devoted she-cat ruled without a Deputy for half a moon before choosing one. She chose a himbo tom named One-Tuft who was about her age and had secretly been crushing on her (though it was quite obvious). He practically *forced Racoon-Star* to choose him as he pestered the distressed Leader for hours on end each day until she said yes.
    None knew that he was secretly planning to murder Racoon-Star with the help of his friend Scorn-Creek who was the brains of the mission. Spider-Fern was the only one who noticed their suspicious activity and talked with Racoon-Star alone about it.
    Spider-Fern wrapped her tail around Racoon-Star's shoulders, "Racoon-Star." her eyes were wide, "You know One-Tuft is planning something against you."
    "I- I know." Racoon-Star stammered, "It's just" she sighed.
    "Just what?" Spider-Fern stared deep into Racoon-Star's eyes.
    "There's no other cat that would handle the position . . ." Racoon-Star bit her lip, ". . .except you."
    "It's okay." Spider-Fern nodded with a whisper, "I can handle it. I *know* I'm just a Kittypet-"
    "You're so much more than a Kittypet." Racoon-Star interjected.
    Spider-Fern smiled, blushing, "I promise I won't let you down."
    "No!" Racoon-Star cried, she cleared her throat, "I mean . . . No. You- you mean too much to me."
    Spider-Fern chuckled, "Racoon-Star . . . I want to help you. I can't let you get harmed by him because I- I love you."
    There was a moment of thick silence where each other's presence seemed to be more special than anything that's ever happened to the two she-cats. It was as if nothing else mattered in the world except being together.
    "I- I can't." Racoon-Star swallowed, seeming like she was about to sob as she turned away, "I can't endanger you like that."
    Spider-Fern placed a paw on Racoon's, "We'll get through it. Together. One-Tuft will *try* to take on but he won't succeed. 'Cause we'll be . . ."
    "Together." Racoon-Star finished, "Spider-Fern, will you be my Deputy?"
    "I won't let you down." Spider-Fern promised.
    "I need you by my side. I need someone who can guide me through these crazy times . . . more than just a Deputy." Racoon-Star said.
    Spider-Fern raised an eyebrow.
    "Spider-Fern . . ." Racoon-Star paused, taking a step forward, "Will you be my mate?"
    "Yes." Spider-Fern breathed, "Of course, I will. I'll be the best Deputy I can be for you. And I *will* be your mate."
    One-Tuft was outraged by being demoted from Deputy and ended up taking 4 lives from Racoon-Star as he went ahead with his plan to attempt Racoon-Star's demise. He drowned in a flood less than a moon later. A moon after One-Tuft's departure to the DarkForest, Spider-Fern and Racoon-Star were on patrol when Spider-Fern suggested they look for prey on the far side of the territory near the ThunderPath. The two were stalking a hare when something broke Spider-Fern's concentration.
    Racoon-Star groaned, "Spider-Fern! We lost it."
    Spider-Fern ignored her mate, her stoat neck raised high like a deer. Her ears were pricked, "Did you hear that?"
    Racoon-Star came to her side as a faint mewing sound rang in her ears, "There might be Rouge's kits around here, this is close to where the border ends. Come on, let's go back to camp."
    Without even a second to hesitate, Spider-Fern sped off into the long grass. With a roll of her eyes and a small laugh, Racon-Star chased after her. Spider-Fern was a wild cat now and much about her had changed but deep down, she was still the stubborn she-cat who would do what she thought was right if the entire world was against her. And it was impossible to talk any sense into her, that is why Racoon-Star loved her, she reminded her of her mother.
    Spider-Fern must have run for a mile in the thick grass before she finally stopped, panting as if she was running all day. "You okay?" Racoon-Star asked.
    "I'm fine, look!" Spider-Fern nosed the air.
    It turned out that there was a cardboard box, dark from being drenched from the river nearby, loosing it's shape as it dried in the hot GreenLeaf sun with seven kits inside.
    "Look at them." Racoon-Star breathed, looking around as she sniffed the air, "They're all alone, but this box smells of Two-Leg."
    Spider-Fern's eyes widened, "Two-Legs did this?" she whispered, wondering if her Two-Legs had chased her onto that frozen lake many moons ago. She couldn't quite remember everything that happened and it pained her more than her heart after running too much.
    "I don't want to leave them here." Racoon-Star sighed, "But what if their mother comes looking for them?"
    Spider-Fern sniffed the kits as one of them climbed onto her nose. They smelt sweet like the scent of heather and warm milk but the poor kits' scent of their mother was very faint . . . "Their mother's not around here. If Two-Legs did this then the mother could be far away."
    "What if she's not?" Racoon-Star tilted her head.
    "I'm willing to take that chance, I can't let them die in the sun." Spider-Fern said, picking up one of the kits by their scruff.
    Racoon-Star sighed with a smile, deep down she had the same desire as Spider-Fern. She knew her mate wouldn't settle to give the kits to someone else in the Clan and so the seven kits became theirs.
    Soon after the kits joined the Clan, YellowCough spread like wildfire around the camp, killing many Clan members but none of the kits died. Many cats said that the kits were a bad omen and should be killed as they brought bad fortune with them from the DarkForest. Spider-Fern was outraged and snapped viciously at anyone who would even call *her* kits evil, bad-omens.
    Many moons went by as Spider-Fern's condition grew worse. Her and Racoon-Star's kits were now apprentices and the two ran the Clan well but as Leaf-Bare showed it's face back to the Clan, tragedy struck. Two of Racoon-Star and Spider-Fern's kits were run over by a Monster and just a couple day later, Racoon-Star lost her remaining lives to a dog attack. Spider-Fern was devastated and claimed that Star-Clan was against her family.
    As New-Leaf appeared and the kits became budding Warriors and Medicine Cats, Spider-Star spent more and more time in the medicine den. Her health had taken an even worse toll after Racoon-Star's death and she could hardly walk without being exhausted. Breathing had begun to hurt and everyone questioned if their new Leader would last long.
    After a couple weeks, Spider-Star's health peaked up again. A couple days later, a distressed cat charged towards her saying that one of her children was trapped in a fire. Rushing ahead like she always did, Spider-Star ignored her aching body and charged to the forest only to find it to all be true. Her daughter was trapped in a circle of flames. Spider-Star leaped over a burning log like a deer. She nearly fainted, she was too weak to carry them both out. Using all her remaining strength, Spider-Star grabbed her daughter's scruff and tossed her out of the ring of fire and then all went dark . . .
    Spider-Star as she woke up, only to find Racoon-Star standing before her. She lifted her head, looking around. Their forest surrounded them, peaceful and quiet, "I'm sorry." Spider-Fern sighed, "I must have fallen asleep."
    Racoon-Star lowered her head to nuzzle her mate, "You ready for one last adventure?"
    Spider-Fern nodded eagerly and as they ran off into a forest of stars where everything felt light as a feather, nothing seemed to hurt anymore. She could run as much as she wanted, *do* anything she wanted and best of all, she could be by her mate's side once more. She just wished her kits didn't have to grieve. After all, she would still always with them, waiting patiently for the right here, in *paradise* . . .
    This story was beginning to sound a bit like Rusty's story so I had to change it up with a bit of dRaMA. Hope you guys like it! Soon I might add how the kits and the parents look like and their personalities 💖❤
    I based this story out of what I got:
    Dawn -ThunderClan
    Red - Kittypet to Wild Cat
    75 - Connection to StarClan
    Spotted Leaf - Mate Saved Them
    Summer/Green Leaf - Cold/Fire

    • @_Astol_
      @_Astol_ Год назад +4

      Amazing story!

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Год назад +4

      @@_Astol_ tysm! X3

    • @_Astol_
      @_Astol_ Год назад +1

      @@canvas4708 Yw!

    • @BlueWoFandWcue
      @BlueWoFandWcue 7 месяцев назад +2

      Epic story, I would love to see you make this into like..a video

    • @user-sp3xt3ko4u
      @user-sp3xt3ko4u 7 месяцев назад +1


  • @soggymuffin515
    @soggymuffin515 6 месяцев назад +23

    SilkSheep is a ShadowClan medicine cat. She has an odd connection with StarClan. She met her mate, FlintFreckle, at the RiverClan border. She passed due to smoke in her lungs (fire).
    _PART ONE_
    Silkkit stalks Alpinekit from the bush she hides in. Her sister’s gaze wanders the camp for Silkkit. She takes a slow, cautious step forward. She lunges forward suddenly, her strong hind paws thrusting her body forward as she tackles her sister into the gravel of the camp. A tiny cloud of dust engulfs them both, away quickly. Alpinekit squeaks with surprise under her claws.
    “Where were you!?” Alpinekit yelps joyfully in her usual, never-serious tone.
    “In the bush!” Silkkit meows with smugness and triumph for winning the game of hide-and-seek. “Is Cottonkit still hunting for that moth?” Silkkit’s eyes dart around camp, until she spots her brother’s pale brown pelt.
    “Silkkit! Alpinekit! Get in the nursery!” OrchidBloon, their mother, cries from the nursery. Her gaze darts from her kits to the sky.
    Silkkit looks up as she trots to the den, a large silhouette of a bird in the cloudless dusk sky.
    Alpinekit gasps and pushes herself to a canter, cowering under the leaves and sticks of the nursery. “What about Cottonkit?” Her anxious mew can be heard as a whisper.
    Shadows cast over Silkkit’s beige pelt as she takes the shelter of the nursery with her sister, mother and the other queens.
    “Cottonkit!” Her mother’s screech echoes throughout the camp, Cottonkit’s gray eyes meeting his mothers for a moment, before large talons wrap around his tiny body, and a flurry of screeches, hisses, and clumps of fur and stray feathers fill the camp.
    *15 likes for part 2 :3*

    • @rinatmustafin5630
      @rinatmustafin5630 4 месяца назад +3

      Let’s reach 1000 Likes!!

    • @Aimarrh
      @Aimarrh Месяц назад

      This story is gold 💅👏 you should be a writer, and I feel so bad for Cottonkit😢

  • @FriendofOwls.and.Titans
    @FriendofOwls.and.Titans Год назад +40

    Wishpaw is an apprentice from Windclan, she doesn't really know it yet but she's part of a prophecy. She is very hopeful and energetic, and she often is found cheering others up around the camp. One day she ventured too far on a patrol from the other cats and a big storm rolled around. She got trapped underneath a log, and started to panic. Thats when Morningpaw, another apprentice came and saved her. They slowly started to bond more, and developed feelings for eachother. Soon after they both got their warrior ceremonies, Wishpaw, now named Wishspirit confessed to Morningpaw, who was now named Morningblaze. Morningblaze felt the same way and they soon became mates. It was a few days later when the medicine cat, Roseflight told her how she was in a prophecy, and destined to save the clan from impending doom. "What doom?" Wishspirit asked herself in her head over and over again, unsure. (I would write out the impending doom stuff but I currently have no ideas so I'm skipping it for now) After saving the clan, Wishspirit wanted a calm life. She gave birth to 2 litters of kits, the first one containing 3 kits and the second having 2 kits. Then she grew older, with her mate, Morningblaze at her side. She died peacefully of old age.

    • @user-pandora101
      @user-pandora101 Год назад +2

      awww awesome love story and I also don't like spring

    • @Fatmeowingcloud
      @Fatmeowingcloud 11 месяцев назад +3

      My cats called wishleaf lol

    • @rubyj5450
      @rubyj5450 10 месяцев назад +2

      Wow you wrote a whole paragraph 😮

    • @havytran6128_wc
      @havytran6128_wc 3 месяца назад

      it is a little long though

    • @stevenhare7134
      @stevenhare7134 2 месяца назад

      oh wow nice story XD

  • @LUVLUCIx3
    @LUVLUCIx3 7 месяцев назад +7

    Ink’kit(pelt) is a black she-kit(cat) with a grey muzzle. She is 2 moons old. No special connections to anything. She lived a normal clan cat life in Riverclan. She loved swimming. She had 2 litters of kits in her time, one having 2 and the other having 5. Ink’pelt loved telling stories to the kits and apprentices. She eventually was sent to Starclan by old age.

  • @Wolfnado
    @Wolfnado Год назад +79

    I’m from Riverclan, and I’m a Medicine Cat. I have a strong connection with Starclan. My mate and me had an “enemies to lovers” dynamic. I died in a fire after a wildfire swept through the territories.

    • @Yuekitty
      @Yuekitty 11 месяцев назад +11

      Ah yes. Medicine cats with mates.

    • @EvanLikesEverything
      @EvanLikesEverything 10 месяцев назад +5

      @@Yuekittythat’s very common totally 😋

    • @hottchris1
      @hottchris1 7 месяцев назад +3

      A medicine cat with a mate?

    • @glimmer8839
      @glimmer8839 7 месяцев назад +1

      @@hottchris1yep it happens a lot

    • @Yuekitty
      @Yuekitty 6 месяцев назад +1

      @@EvanLikesEverything Yep!

  • @sandstorm1123
    @sandstorm1123 6 месяцев назад +14

    Songbird is a RiverClan warrior. She originally wanted to be a medicine cat because of her deep connection with StarClan. But, after receiving a strange message from StarClan about a tomcat named Echoheart, she decided that she wanted to seek him out and see why StarClan sent her a vision of him. Many, many moons passed and she was beginning to lose hope. However, a loner joined the clan and she was in charge of training him the ways of RiverClan life. Slowly, they both grew an attachment to one another and when the loner finished his training, he earned the name Echoheart. Songbird realized that StarClan had gifted her someone who would not leave her side. Echoheart and Songbird became mates and had several litters of kits together. However, one day, a wildfire broke out near the river while Songbird and Echoheart were hunting together. Songbird helped Echoheart escape back to camp, but she did not make it. Echoheart vowed never to fall in love again and turned his attention to their kits because he knew it was what Songbird would have wanted.

    • @Barnykv
      @Barnykv Месяц назад +1

      I’m a river clan warrior😮

  • @XxDuskwolfxX23
    @XxDuskwolfxX23 5 месяцев назад +7

    Brightheart was a kind and caring queen from Riverclan, who was mates with a feisty rouge. The rouge had a soft spot, and it shone through for Brightheart. She had many litters of kits, and helped populate Riverclan. She became an elder after many litters, and treated the other elders just as she did her kits. But, a fire during Green-Leaf started in the camp, and unfortunately she didn't survive the tragedy.

  • @TheFoxtabulousVixie
    @TheFoxtabulousVixie Год назад +17

    I am from ShadowClan, I am a Medicine cat. Despite not having a strong connection to Starclan, I was given a responsibility to make sure a prophecy was to be completed thoroughly.
    I saved my mate originally because they were a key role to the prophecy, and we bonded closer that way.
    With starclan’s approval, We had officially became mates a couple moons after the incident, I still help them get out of trouble sometimes.
    After a horrid snowstorm, I was out trying to find herbs when a thick breeze broke a huge branch onto me, getting me stuck and unfortunately passed due to hypothermia.
    I am the one they called WickedBreeze.

  • @MaplepeltIguess
    @MaplepeltIguess 6 месяцев назад +6

    Green’Paw, was a windclan apprentice who never had a mate. Also, she was unknowingly part of w new prophecy, “just a color will sort the starclan cats.” She left her camp at 11 moons old when she had nearly finished her training. One day, she sat under a bush, holding some juniper berries, while she set them down to get some deathberries. She didn’t wort the juniper berries from the deathberries and she died while eating them. She was found by her former queen, golden’Rain, while laying under the bush, dead. She went into starclan,

  • @ZirconiaGacha
    @ZirconiaGacha Год назад +5

    - Extreme ambivert here, so I'm going with a mix of StarClan and the Dark Forest (I'll make it work, trust me)
    - Red/black so I get to choose again... I'll go with apprentice
    - Number was 44, no special connection with StarClan or the Dark Forest
    - Saved a cat and formed a one-way crush (Mothwing)
    - Died in the cold or a fire (summer is too hot :( )
    Ghostingpaw was a noticeably small silver-pelted tabby cat, born into a small rogue group that called themselves RubbleClan and later adopted into ThunderClan, but her size compared to others did not rival her strength. She was able to win most fights with speed and the fact that she was a compact little ball of muscle. The thought of bloodshed always interested Ghostingpaw, but it was nothing major: going out on hunting patrols was satisfying enough. Then came her first battle. A WindClan ambush on a border patrol had ThunderClan outnumbered, but Ghostingpaw's green eyes glittered with excitement.
    This was where she met Sagepaw: the dark red-furred she-cat was visibly not ready to fight and was dragged along by her battle-hungry leader. So, Ghostingpaw decided that her goal wouldn't be to win the border scuffle, but rather to defend this apprentice she had only seen once. But she would have to hide this from both Clans, and that was how she killed a cat for the first time. Well, not really, as she simply took one of Breezestar, the WindClan leader's lives as he came charging towards paw, all too fast and all too confident. He was running too fast to react as she kicked his throat with her hind claws in an attempt to dodge and damage at the same time, and it had worked. Sagepaw hadn't seen any of it as it happened behind a curtain of other cats, so Ghostingpaw could still befriend her for real later.
    But something else stuck with her about Sagepaw. She was just too pretty, and Ghostingpaw only really wanted to be with her. She assumed this was normal for friends at first, but as you might guess it's her lesbian awakening instead. Ghostingpaw started sneaking out of ThunderClan territory to watch Sagepaw, to make sure she's safe in WindClan. She cut out the stalking when she finally decided to start making friends with Sagepaw: after all, it's better not to stalk someone you want to have a relationship with.
    It all got cut short in leaf-bare, when the apprentice den collapsed under the weight of a heavy snow. Ghostingpaw ended up freezing to death and going to StarClan, where she could watch over Sagepaw all she wanted.
    But she wanted no one to harm Sagepaw either. StarClan's code wouldn't let her directly interfere, but she could get in contact with someone who would instead. A group of someones. Ghostingpaw found the tunnel between the Dark Forest and StarClan, dug by a StarClan cat long before, left unguarded. She knew exactly what she was doing, standing inside the tunnel where both areas collided. Eventually, a cat approached from the shadowy trees and, seeing as Ghostingpaw was not aggressive or actively trespassing, the Dark Forest warrior decided to hear her out. She proposed a deal: in exchange for a set of favors of the Dark Forest's choosing, they would make sure no one harms Sagepaw. The favors chosen were for Ghostingpaw to be an assassin of sorts for them. She would bring the StarClan cats that they wanted gone into the Dark Forest, and they would finish the job to prevent the blood from being on her paws for as long as Sagepaw was alive. The deal was finalized, and both sides kept their word. Ghostingpaw brought StarClan cats who were targeted into the dark woods, and various cats of the Dark Forest would eliminate those who brought harm to Sagepaw.
    Sagepaw later received the name Sagetrail, living a long life compared the Ghostingpaw. She died of sickness later on, but with that the deal was closed. Nothing more was expected of either party involved, and Ghostingpaw was never caught for the things she did. She did sometimes debate if it was right to do it after the fact, but anything was worth it if it kept Sagetrail safe.

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Год назад +2

      Love your OC!

    • @Aimarrh
      @Aimarrh Месяц назад

      Yo Ghostingpaw is SLAY 💅

  • @royal.avocado-o5c
    @royal.avocado-o5c 7 месяцев назад +5

    Frozenmist's life was a testament to the resilience and dedication of WindClan's medicine cats, known for their unwavering connection to StarClan and their clanmates. Born under a sky veiled in the soft light of the moon, her silver fur glimmered with a frost-like sheen, hinting at the unique destiny StarClan had in store for her. From her earliest days, Frozenmist showed an exceptional affinity for understanding the signs and messages from StarClan, marking her as a future medicine cat who would guide and heal her clan with unparalleled wisdom and care.
    Her path was not without its thorns, however. Frozenmist found herself often at odds with Rabbithop, a fiery and spirited warrior whose impulsiveness clashed with her calm and measured approach. Their initial enmity was legendary within WindClan, sparking fierce debates and challenges that tested both their patience and resilience. Yet, as seasons changed, so did the nature of their relationship. United by a common love for their clan and a deep, albeit reluctant, respect for each other's strengths, their animosity slowly transformed into an unbreakable bond. This enemies-to-lovers story became a cherished tale within WindClan, inspiring many with its message of forgiveness, understanding, and love transcending initial differences.
    As a medicine cat, Frozenmist's life was one of service. Her deep connection with StarClan allowed her to foresee threats and guide her clan through countless dangers. Her wisdom and healing skills saved many lives, earning her a place of honor and respect among her clanmates. However, her commitment to her clan and the warrior code meant sacrificing her own desires and happiness for the greater good, a testament to her strength and selflessness.
    Frozenmist's final act of bravery came when a pack of rabid badgers threatened WindClan. Understanding the grave danger they posed not only to her clan but to all the clans around the lake, she devised a plan to lure them away. With a heavy heart, she led the badgers to a nearby river, knowing well the risk she was taking. In a heroic but tragic turn of events, Frozenmist drowned in the very waters she led the badgers into, ensuring their threat ended with her. Her sacrifice was mourned by all in WindClan, and her story was passed down through generations as a legend of courage, sacrifice, and the profound connection between a medicine cat and StarClan.
    Frozenmist's legacy lived on, not just in the memories of her clanmates but in the spirit of WindClan itself. Her extraordinary life and heroic death were a reminder of the strength that lies in compassion, the power of change, and the eternal bond between the clans and StarClan. Her name, whispered by the winds that sweep across the moorland, continues to inspire and guide the cats of WindClan, a beacon of hope and a symbol of the unyielding courage that defines them.

  • @shannonkuerner
    @shannonkuerner Год назад +9

    I love how you make both wof and wc oc's. My two favorite things!

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Год назад +2

      I thought it was only fair xD

    • @CosmicBrownie-_x
      @CosmicBrownie-_x Год назад +2

      Me on WOF team my sister on warrior cat team

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Год назад +2

      @@CosmicBrownie-_x I think me might be a smidge more on the Warriors side but my sister thinks Warrior Cats are too violent so she prefers WoF but to me, they're BOTH violent. She just doesn't know about much of it yet as she's on Arc 1 😰

    • @meme3456y
      @meme3456y Год назад +1

      i love both

    • @stevenhare7134
      @stevenhare7134 2 месяца назад

      same fr good comit XD

  • @little_kitty48
    @little_kitty48 Год назад +15

    Oakpaw was a young and very hot-headed she-cat who was training to be Riverclans next medicine cat. This was due to the fact she had a very clear special connection to starclan. Oakpaw loved her life as a medicine cat apprentice, she enjoyed gathering herbs and helping her clan. However, the days became monotonous very fast, that was until one day.
    While Oakpaw was looking for some herbs she was attacked by a rogue not much older then herself. Attacked was a strong word, more like he used his heavier body to push her down. Oakpaw was a much weaker cat then most, being born with breathing difficulties, this was a fact that always annoyed her, especially when said cat who 'won' the unfair fight was now gloating. He claimed he was the fiercest and strongest cat in the forest and that his name was "Cole and you best not forget it!". Oakpaw immediately hated this tom for his over confidence, his ego and the fact he felt he could push weaker cats around because he was naturally bigger and tougher then them. This formed a sort of rivalry between the two of them. To anyone who saw them, they would assume that the two hated each other. And that may have been the truth at one point, but after having these odd inconvenient encounters the two built a sort of friendship with each other, a crush if you will.
    She even eventually convinced him to join Riverclan, despite being singled out and sneared at, he eventually earned his place (Riverclan only let him join since the medicine cat apprentice with connections to starclan said he was worth inviting). He managed to keep his name Cole and became Colepaw eventually Coleripple for his excellent swimming abilities. He had told her before that even if he was a clan cat now, they wouldn't take his old name away from him, as it was his identity and the only part of his free life he had left.
    Even though it was wrong Oakpaw (now Oaksong) loved the tom and he almost seem to recognise and be willing to accept her as his secret mate. That was, until a very awful case of Greencough spread thoughtout the clan, claiming plenty of lives, including Oaksong whos weak body and hard breathing conditions just couldnt handle it.
    Perhaps this was her punishment for her sin against starclan. But she would gladly do it again if given the chance, if her love was sin from the start then why did it make her so happy? Despite being dead now, she knows Coleripple will be okay, afterall he will tell her story and allow her to survive though his memory.
    Now she wonders silverpelt, watching her loved ones from above and being glad she lived life to the fullest, even if it was taken from her much too soon.
    (I got bored so here ya go)

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Год назад +5

      Like your OC

    • @little_kitty48
      @little_kitty48 Год назад +5

      @@canvas4708 thank you! But I made her after getting your results from the maker so its all thanks to you in the end ^^
      I look forward to seeing the next one :3

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Год назад +4

      @@little_kitty48 tysm!

    • @Hackfishy
      @Hackfishy Год назад +3

      I thought nobody could write a character from an OC maker more extensive than FeverFew.....
      Boy I was wrong lol

    • @little_kitty48
      @little_kitty48 Год назад +2

      @@Hackfishy lmao, this is one of my shorter ones tbh xD

  • @ShadowflowerxFlamelet
    @ShadowflowerxFlamelet 4 месяца назад +4

    Meet Shadowflower-Loyal shadowclan Deputy, she has a special connection to starclan, her mate is ashflame, a childhood friend. Sadly, she died before she became leader, and laid down her life to save her clan from a fire, but did not escape until it was too late. She had 3 kits, named Hollyflower, Swiftwind, and Tigerflame.

  • @Warrior_Cats.-.
    @Warrior_Cats.-. 8 месяцев назад +6

    Cinderfall is the ShadowClan deputy. She was never apart of a prophecy, but she began to feel left out because her siblings were, although she knew she must be on it to guide the other cats due to her connection with StarClan, but they refused to allow her to come, and two of them died, and only one returned, but in the mean time, she had met Fiercecurrent at a gathering, the RiverClan deputy, and they both HATED each other, and hated looking at each other, but deep down they both loved each other and wished they were in the same clan. Eventually, as the cinder and white tabby cat was drowning on her way to deliver a message to RiverClan, Feircecurrent was there, and they confessed their feelings. Cinderfall and Fiercecurrent loved one another so much, that Fiercecurrent GAVE UP HIS POSITION as deputy to be with her, and RiverClan detested him after, but he didn't care. Eventually Cinderfall and Fiercecurrent had four beautiful kits. Fiercecurrent and Cinderfall grew old together, then Cinderfall died of old age, and Fiercecurrent shortly after not taking care of himself due to her death, and they never left each other's sides in StarClan, their tails always twined and fur always touching

  • @Saturn.starzz_
    @Saturn.starzz_ Год назад +9

    A shadow clan warrior met a thunderclan cat at the border, at first they hated each other but soon they got to know each other. The shadow clan warrior was now expecting kits after she became mates with the thunderclan cat. She named the kits Silverkit, Moonkit and Thunderkit. When her kits were close to apprentice age, she saw smoke coming from Thunderclan's territory so she ran over and helped her mate and other thunderclan cats get out of the fire, but she herself didn't make it. Both clans found out the kits were half thunderclan, and since their only alive parent was in thunderclan they went to thunderclan (when made apprentices, Thunderkit was renamed to Doepaw, cuz their shadowclan mom's name was Doeleap, the thunderclan one is Vividnight)

    • @sapphiretesch3535
      @sapphiretesch3535 Год назад +1


    • @Saturn.starzz_
      @Saturn.starzz_ Год назад

      @@sapphiretesch3535 no, made it from this oc maker!

  • @tayloramason913
    @tayloramason913 5 месяцев назад +4

    Frost'paw is a starclan clan cat. She has no special connection with anything or anybody...yet. she had unexpected meeting at the FrostClan border, which was the home she used to live in, with a rogue who was her childhood friend. She died from a fire. How she died was she went to the forest clans (WC, TC, SC, RC) with the rogue and then a wildfire happened. She tried to escape, but a tree that was on fire fell on her and she was burned alive, and it turns out that her lover has betrayed her. She (yes her lover was a she) only wanted to be her friend just so she can kill her. "I'm coming home, starclan...!" Said FrostPaw with a smile before she died.

  • @ImNikkiMerritt
    @ImNikkiMerritt 10 месяцев назад +2

    Drippingkit is a shadowclan kit.
    they had a crush on a kit named Hollowkit.
    Later when they both became warriors,
    Drippingkit and Hollowkit became mates.

  • @GlitchMoon-ll9oz
    @GlitchMoon-ll9oz 7 месяцев назад +3

    Crystal'Paw (She/Her) was a ShadowClan apprentice who had a special connection to StarClan. A tom saved her from a falling tree (had your mate saved you dynamic) and became very close friends they even talked about their future together. But before any of that could happen she died in a fire trying to save a kit.

  • @tortiecatpawzzz
    @tortiecatpawzzz Месяц назад +2

    Spiderweb is a white RiverClan female medicine cat with black tabby stripes, gray back legs, and green eyes. She has a strong connection to StarClan { which makes sense considering shes a med cat }. She died when she was out looking for herbs, when she slipped on the stone surface, falling into the river and drowning.

  • @phoenix_WC.
    @phoenix_WC. Год назад +9

    A very beautiful Windclan warrior, that went by the name of Sky'pool was a very loyal and trustworthy cat. When she was an apprentice, she had a crush on a dark tabby tom named Bay'leaf. They ended up falling in love and became mates as young warriors in the wintertime. As Greenleaf came along, she had 2 kits. One, a dark tabby she named Oak'kit. And the second a silver tabby she named Sleek'kit. Just a few weeks after they where born, a fire raged through camp. Sky'pool raced in camp to save her kits and was successful. But Silk'pool's burns from the fire was unable to be healed by the medicine cat. And she died around her loved ones.

  • @ellamangina1722
    @ellamangina1722 Год назад +6

    I'm from windClan, and I'm a queen. My name is Breezypelt and I have a special connection with StarClan. I met my mate at the border unexpectedly and I died in a fire.

  • @ystar21k
    @ystar21k Год назад +5

    Clan: Shadowclan
    Rank: Kit
    Connection: Starclan
    Meeting mate: At a border
    Death: Fire
    Sootkit [stone] was a young she-cat who has spiritual connections with starclan. She always wanted to become a medicine cat ever since her first visit to the medicine den, and starclan agreed to let her live her dream. That’s when the medicine cat realized she developed a spiritual connection with their ancestors. She happily accepted in taking her as an apprentice. Moons later, full medicine cat now, name Sootstone, she went on a herb hunt alone and met a handsome Tom at the border. They talked and talked until they instantly fell in love. They would meet eachother at the exact time, bringing herbs back to camp so she doesn’t get caught. Starclan grew angry and angry every day until a forest fire spread through the forest. Their final decision was killing her in the fire. Thankfully, she was grieved by all the clans, as she was the kindest cat a clan can have. She ended up in starclan as she has never murdered someone or broke a major rule of the warrior code. But she doesn’t know her future-only starclan does-as she’s still a kit.

  • @tetezinhageek2163
    @tetezinhageek2163 5 месяцев назад +2

    Dawnshine is a SkyClan queen who had a prediction of StarClan about one of her kits. Her mate is her long-time crush, and she died duo to a White-Cough.

  • @azorimariposa8975
    @azorimariposa8975 Год назад +3

    This is really good tbh, here's mine
    Also because i had a couple different choices i could pick on a few steps i just combined them lol
    BlueKit was born into RiverClan during New-leaf, her father being the leader HawkWater/HawkStar and her mother being a well respected warrior named SpottedShell
    She was a seal point with short fur and bright green eyes
    She was spoiled as a kit being her parents only kit, then later apprenticed to the Medicine Cat WhiteStone because of her strong connection to StarClan
    However she desperately did not want this, but her father wouldn't let her become a warrior, so she fled RiverClan and joined ShadowClan
    During her apprenticeship there she became bitter rivals with another apprentice, a tom named SnakePaw
    She gained the warrior name BlueShadow, SnakePaw becoming SnakeEyes
    Over their first six moon's as warrior they started to slowly get closer, becoming mate's
    After another 19 moon's they decided to have kits
    BlueShadow would have two litters
    Her first would be a litter of three toms, BlackKit, FeatherKit, and BriarKit, BlackKit coming out as nonbinary later in life
    Her second litter would be a little of one she-cat, LongKit
    While LongKit was still in the nursery and her first litter were young warriors a fire broke out in camp, killing her in the process
    She'd be led into StarClan by her former RiverClan mentor, and she'd watch as her kit's lives went on and her mate eventually became deputy before joining her in StarClan

  • @Flea_Brained
    @Flea_Brained 5 месяцев назад +2

    Ashjaw was a ShadowClan warrior. Her childhood friend saved her life, strengthening their bond, and willing them to become mates. She died due to old age, and she traveled to StarClan.

  • @anv1lth0ughtz
    @anv1lth0ughtz Год назад +4

    Being born as a rogue, TurtleKit was found by a Shadow Clan patrol after being left by his mother with his two siblings. TurtlePaw grew up to be an apprentice with his siblings, MyrtlePaw and StemPaw. TurtlePaw doesn't believe in Star Clan or the Dark Forest. Before being apprenticed, TurtlePaw and TawnyPaw absolutely hated each other when they were kits only to grow close later on. TurtlePaws life was cut short after getting stuck in a massive forest fire that caused the clans to leave the forest.

  • @dangernoodle3425
    @dangernoodle3425 Год назад +2

    Trixy was a rouge who had a connection to the Starclan her mate was her crush named Leer she later died from a bad illness to join her kits in the Starclan

  • @itzflame5523
    @itzflame5523 Год назад +3

    This oc is apart of a WIP fan universe of mine which includes other generated characters.
    (This story also doesn’t complete follow the generator, but idc I wanted to share it anyways)
    Ivyglow is a long-legged, sleek pale blue-silver tabby she cat with white patches and soft, thick, smooth, glossy fur. She has a long, thin, feathery tail, and unusual, shiny pale-green eyes that seem to glow in the dark.
    Ivyglow was a Dark Forest resident and former ShadowClan warrior serving under Cootstar’s leadership.
    She was born to Swanfrost and Skycloud as Ivykit alongside her siblings, Vinekit and Clematiskit, though Clematiskit died of greencough shortly after birth, leaving only Ivykit and Vinekit remaining.
    As an apprentice she was mentored by the strict and ferocious Redpine with the name of Ivypaw, and earned a reputation for being aggressive, disobedient and mischievous, while her sister was calm, helpful and attentive.
    Ivypaw was held back from her warrior ceremony for several moons, though she eventually earned her warrior name, Ivyglow, and went on to mentor Robinpaw, Redpine’s daughter, and Wolfpaw, who grew to become a devoted follower to her.
    At some point, during a border skirmish with SkyClan, Ivyglow killed Redpine, though her former apprentice, Robinwing, witnessed it and reported it to the rest of the clan, which resulted in Ivyglow’s exile.
    Ivyglow wandered the outskirts of ShadowClan territory, fueling her anger for moons, until she eventually decided to get revenge on ShadowClan, and formed her own band of rogues and ShadowClan cats who loathed their leader, including Wolfclaw.
    With her group, she led a rebellion against ShadowClan which resulted in the deaths of multiple cats, including Swancloud and a life of Cootstar, though she was slain by her sister, Vinepetal, forcing her followers to flee.
    Afterwards, Ivyglow descended to the Dark Forest, where she, Wolfclaw and other residents continued to train several ShadowClan apprentices in hopes of getting revenge on the forest.
    Though at one point, ShadowClan, StarClan and the other four clans, having told them about their problem, led an attack on the Dark Forest, and Ivyglow was drowned in the dark waters by Robinwing, disappearing for the rest of time.
    *Other characters in order of mention*
    Cootstar - a lithe, long-legged jet black tom with a long tail and deep blue eyes
    Swanfrost - a pale silver and white tabby she cat with pale-green eyes and soft, thin fur
    Skycloud - a big, fluffy, snowy-white tom with soft, thick, plumy fur, a bushy tail and green eyes
    Vinepetal - a tall, lithe, long legged, light gray she cat with a long tail and green eyes
    Clematiskit - a small, fluffy white she cat with rosy-pink eyes
    Redpine - a large, muscular, dark reddish-ginger tabby she cat with amber eyes
    Robinwing - a lithe, dark reddish-ginger tabby she cat with yellow eyes
    Wolfclaw - a big, muscular gray tom with yellow eyes and thick, bushy fur
    *Other characters in this universe!*
    Daisyleap - ruclips.net/video/__uvOgAEaDk/видео.html
    Deadnose (Going to be remade) - ruclips.net/video/Z6sOkTyfJY4/видео.html
    Treeleaf - ruclips.net/video/fmsGxzzA5iQ/видео.html
    Daisyshade (Prob gonna be remade) - ruclips.net/video/JMyAldwOPwQ/видео.html
    Yarrowpelt - ruclips.net/video/W052ueHpn24/видео.html

  • @leiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
    @leiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 6 месяцев назад +2

    DogSnarl was a 43 moon old he-cat who was deputy of bloodclan. He was ruthless and would take down anyone it took to achieve his goals and meet the expectations of bloodclan’s leader, ThornStar. ThornStar is a stern, and powerful leader who has the power to kill a cat within seconds. He’s agile, and has no kin. DogSnarl died after being engulfed by flames in the forest. His mate, SnagFur, made it out with their kits. Because ThornStar and DogSnarl were extremely close, ThornStar went to great lengths that day to protect DogSnarl’s family. In the time he lived, he took part in a prophecy and went on a great quest. SnagFur and DogSnarl met in a great battle between clans. SnagFur was a gorgeous tabby cat with a lean build and agile paws. SnagFur was a windclanner, but was framed for murder of her own mother and joined bloodclan after being exiled. DogSnarl and two other cats were on border patrol when they found SnagFur shivering in the middle of leafbare. She was frail, but still fiery inside. DogSnarl recognized her, and as the others on the patrol charged at her, DogSnarl raised his voice. He hissed and flexed his claws, protecting her. From there on, they got closer and closer, until they became mates. Together, they had 3 lovely kits together. Hornetkit, Snapkit, and Quickkit.
    (writing more later!!)

  • @Fawnsplash_WCUE
    @Fawnsplash_WCUE 2 месяца назад +3

    My of is called Hopekit. She is from Windclan and has a strong connection with Starclan. She grows up to be called Hopebreeze and her future mate, Mudflight saves her from a fox attack. She drowns shortly before her first litter become warriors.

    • @Offx_.Ana0
      @Offx_.Ana0 Месяц назад +1

      That's so cool, i have mine too

  • @CallieTheCattleDog
    @CallieTheCattleDog Месяц назад +2

    ThunderClan’s deputy is a Tom with a connection to StarClan. Her mate is a rogue and she was killed by Greencough.
    My other cat is a WindClan med apprentice who has no connections and drowned.

  • @Hackfishy
    @Hackfishy Год назад +2

    FeverFew is a dark forest cat, once deputy of Buzzardclan.
    He met his late mate Papillowing during a battle against Ravineclan when she saved his life.
    It was love at first sight, and not long after they had three beautiful kits.
    He always had a special connection with starclan,,,
    Even though he wasn’t a medicine cat, he regularly received visions from his ancestors.
    Most often, he saw visions of his clan dying in all sorts of brutal ways.
    He never knew what starclan was trying to tell him, but he never questioned them either.
    He became obsessive but careless, wanting Papillowing with him at all times but constantly putting her in danger.
    He became cruel and desensitized to what he saw from starclan.
    He would often be found alone in the warriors den, rambling to himself about how he wanted to destroy starclan for what they did to him.
    Whenever anyone asked him about it, he would stare at them blankly, as if they were speaking a language he didn’t understand.
    Finally, at a gathering, he made his first move.
    He lured a young Pineclan warrior a ways out into the woods, and with a quick bite to the neck, the young Tom was dead.
    FeverFew just bathed himself in a small stream, licked his paws, and walked back to the gathering as if nothing had happened.
    Nobody noticed, and if anyone did they didn’t ask questions.
    Everyone had heard stories of the mad deputy, gone crazy in the prime of his life.
    The next day, he asked- or rather demanded- Papillowing to come with him to check out the river near Buzzardclan territory.
    Papillowing politely declined, as the river wasn’t technically on their territory and there were bikers in that area anyway.
    FeverFew looked mad at first, but then a look of understanding flashed across his face.
    He then invited her to come with him to catch some prey, his reasoning being that they hadn’t hung out in awhile.
    After they were a safe distance from camp, he pounced on her.
    He had been planning to kill her quickly, hoping she would be surprised and unsteady, but her skills and reflexes were sharp.
    She managed slice off a noticeable chunk of skin on his nose before his Maine coon body overpowered her.
    Another victim.
    He didn’t kill without reason, though,,,
    He had discovered that with every death, there were less visions. Maybe because his actions were setting him further and further from the holy cats in the stars, but he didn’t care.
    He had first found this out from killing in battles for territory, prey, etc.
    But after that, it was all downhill.
    Amazingly, he was never caught or even accused for his actions. Even when the bodies of his victims were found and the evidence was SO OBVIOUS..
    Maybe that was starclan doing their best to give him a chance for redemption...?
    But he knew it was too late.
    But he was never caught, not even when he killed the medicine cat, or one of the best warriors, or the Ravineclan deputy...
    But one new leaf, the old Tom FeverFew died of old age.
    Starclan never told anyone about what he’d done, and no one ever found out.
    He was sent to the dark forest as punishment for what he’d done, but some starclan cats still believe his actions were their fault and he didn’t deserve it tho.
    That took like, an hour to write so I hope you enjoy it lol

    • @Hackfishy
      @Hackfishy Год назад +1

      Edit: at one part it says “bikers”, I meant vipers lmao

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Год назад +2

      I love FeverFew's name!

    • @jk55092
      @jk55092 Год назад +2


    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Год назад +2

      @@jk55092 hi!

    • @jk55092
      @jk55092 Год назад +2

      @@canvas4708 remember me??

  • @artisticgarbage708
    @artisticgarbage708 Год назад +2

    Clan: DF (RC in life), Rank: Queen, Connection: DF, Mate: Saved them, Death: Drowned
    Stemwhirl was a well groomed and plump ginger she-cat with a white splattered muzzle and paws, and narrow hazel eyes. She has a nicked ear and torn lip revealing one of her sharp canines.
    She served in RiverClan in life, first as a warrior, then as a queen, until her death.
    Stempaw had always been a strange one, uttering about odd cats in her dreams. Many believed she should've taken the role of Medicine Apprentice, rather than her old denmate Swiftpaw. However she was adamant that these dreams were not StarClan, and therefore meant nothing. And while she was right the dreams were not sent by StarClan, they absolutely meant something. This was something Stempaw only realized, when the cats began speaking to her directly.
    They offered to help her. To add to her skill. To teach her things no regular mentor would. Stempaw knew not of the horrors this offer caused in the past, so she accepted out of intrigue. And now she had to keep quiet, tell cats the dreams stopped, be very secretive.
    Blood, though, is very hard to hide, especially on white paws.
    Elders knew the signs, the Medicine Cats knew the signs. But how could you stop a cat from sleeping without making things worse? The truth was, no cat knew. So they let her get off with a stern warning and a heap of chores. It was when ThunderClan attacked, that the apprentice finally got a break from the chores, and a chance to show off.
    The battle was a mess of claws and fur. No cat was spared from a rake across the muzzle. Including the medicine cats, holding out with what little skill they had. While his mentor could hold her own in a fight, Swiftpaw was far too inexperienced and had been beaten brutally. Stempaw had to jump in, and jump in she did. An enemy warrior was pinned beneath her in an instant. Having a cat's fate right there in her paws, she felt powerful. It was a blur what happened between that, and the warrior's death. No cat saw. All were preoccupied. No cat needed to know who's fault it was. No cat needed to know this time. After all, in a fight, blood is blood. Who's it is is impossible to tell.
    The fight was won. Clans counted their casualties, and ThunderClan made it's march home two lives short. And for her contributions, Stemwhirl became a warrior. In her dreams, the dark spirits sang praises for her victory. The guilt was short-lived, replaced by pride and power. Her fate had been sealed that very night.
    Moons passed. Swiftpaw became Swiftpurr. Stemwhirl noticed the Medicine Cat's sudden attachment to her after the battle. First, she thought it was just gratitude, or an attempt at proper friendship. Now, she wondered if it were something more. His confession all but confirmed it. Both knew what they were doing wasn't allowed, but why disregard emotion? The spirits told her to do what she felt was best. This was what felt best. Love, adoration, regardless of who it was from. And she couldn't help but like the tom back. She wanted to admit to everything. To lying. To what really happened. But that would ruin things. She needed a cat on her side should things get ugly.
    And things did start to get ugly when she found out she was expecting. Cats would ask constantly about the father, as firm as she was that she didn't want to say. And one cat in particular got a bit too pushy.
    Weedswat had always liked Stemwhirl, despite the many times she'd rejected his advances. And now that another cat was clearly in the picture, he hardly left her alone. She had to take advantage of that rare moment without him nagging her. Someone had to shut him up.
    And so she did.
    It was a loner. Or a badger. Badgers were a growing issue after all. Stemwhirl hardly listened to their banter. She was still busy getting the mud out of her fur. After all, nobody would suspect an expecting queen would be capable of murder. She mourned with her clanmates, and rejoiced in her privacy.
    She had one kit, a little calico daughter named Flipkit. It was Swiftpurr's suggestion. She looked as if both her parents' pelts had been stacked on top of each other. And she was perfect. Stemwhirl had all she needed, didn't she?
    So why was Bristledawn, Swiftpurr's old mentor, giving them that knowing look?
    She was going to tell. Bristledawn was going to tell everyone. And she couldn't. She couldn't ruin her kit's life, Swiftpurr's life, her life. She had to go, and fast.
    And so she did.
    Why did he have to see? All could've been fine if he hadn't seen. Flipkit would still have her mother and father if he hadn't seen. If he'd understood why she'd done it. If she hadn't taken him with her. Down, down, into the depths where she wouldn't be found. Where she wouldn't wash up like he would. Where Flipkit could still believe her mother was out there. Flipkit who would never know what she'd done. Clanmates who would never know what she'd done. A forest that would never know what she'd done.
    But maybe, they always had.
    After all, blood is very hard to hide. Especially on white paws.

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Год назад +1

      Love your OC

    • @artisticgarbage708
      @artisticgarbage708 Год назад +1

      @@canvas4708 ty! I worked way too hard on this one I think.

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Год назад +1

      @@artisticgarbage708 I do that a lot as well lol

  • @VioletScar-Star1589
    @VioletScar-Star1589 7 месяцев назад +7

    Scarpaw is a Shadowclan apprentice who wanted to be a medicine cat because of his connection to ‘Starclan’. When he tried his best to be a medicine cat, he failed-he just wasn’t made for healing, he was made for the opposite. In his dreams, ever since he was a kit, he had been meeting with ForestBlaze- a dark forest she-cat. She grew up alongside her den mates Sappaw, Aspenpaw, and Vinepaw. One day, while Scarpaw was out hunting with Vinepaw, he realized he had a crush. After he had started to feel that, he never felt differently about Vinepaw- he had fallen deeply in love, and he was sure she felt the same way. One day at battle training, ForestBlaze appeared next to Scarpaw’s side. While his mentors demonstrated what moves he would practice with Vinepaw, ForestBlaze said that he needs to show no mercy and use unsheathed claws on her during training. When Scarpaw refused, ForestBlaze walked into the clearing, and towards Vinepaw. Vinepaw had a scared expression on her face as the dark forest warrior stride towards her. ForestBlaze pounced on Vinepaw and tore viciously at her spine.
    “Love holds you back, Scarpaw, never get attached!” FirestBlaze had snarled. Everyone had been terrified at that moment, but when ForestBlaze had started going for the killing bite, Scarpaw pounced on him and tore out her throat before she could kill Vinepaw. Vinepaw then realized Scarpaw loved her as much as she loved him.
    After training for a few more moons, Scarpaw and Vinepaw were named warriors. He became Scarpounce that day, Vinepaw was named Vineheart. Together they became mates and had 4 liters of three- 12 kittens. After living happily for a while, they went into a fierce battle between the other clans. It was a cold New leaf that year, and Scarpounce slipped on some rocks and still melting snow, and fell into the ice-cold river. He got hypothermia as he drowned in the water. Everyone mourned him after his death, he thought he would live alone in Starclan, but in that same battle, Vineheart had been brutally murdered- at least they lived in the Stars untill they faded many, many, many, many seasons later.
    If you want me to write more on this, please like the comment- I will take a while before I can think of this Toms whole life story!

  • @Aimarrh
    @Aimarrh Месяц назад +2

    Lizardtail "WAS" a medicine cat of Thunderclan, she had a long fluffy grey coat with white and black spots and freckles, she was later exiled by fallenstar after being accused by her mentor "deepshade" of killing kits and apprentices. And because of that she has a strong connection with the Dark Forest, she has dreams of the Dark Forest cats telling her to join them in order to get revenge on Deepshade and all of Thunderclan but she didn't, she met a brown cat with black feet and stripes (he's a rogue obviously) he was very injured so she decided to help him as she still remembers how to be a med cat, he introduced himself and his name is Moonflame who used to be a Riverclan cat, they because mates after some bonding time 😂, for the first time Lizardtail is happy in her life as she wasn't aloud to have an interest in anybody, they both have kits but they (and Moonflame)fell ill and died after. And then came the death scene drumroll please **drumroll plays** . As she still has a strong connection with the Dark Forest, she was POSSESSED (IDK if that can really happen but they're my rules) she went crazy and attacked Thunderclan, death and puddles of blood was everywhere until (remember Deepshade?) Deepshade had a brain storm idea, she went to the med den and picked up some DEATH BERRIES, but before she could Lizardtail made a huge"birthmark" on her neck a she fell to her death, she was unpossessed and saw all the caos she brought upon the clan, so she did the only logical and grown up thing and ate the death berries and dieded, (BUT 🍑) she ended up in the Dark Forest for some reason, I guess the Dark Forest cats have an entire fanbase for Lizardtail 😐
    I still have some stories for Lizardtail and if this video gets at least 3 likes, I'll make the afterlife story of "Lizardtail"

  • @Sm0k3y._.thecatt
    @Sm0k3y._.thecatt 2 месяца назад +3

    FlameKit a ginger she cat with amber eyes is a kit in thunder clan that has a prophecy that she will fall in love with a rouge that used to be in her clan called BlackPaw but later left the clan because they were a kittypet and everyone in the clan said that she couldn’t find her own pray and even didn’t know how to fight properly so left the clan to become a rouge. FlameKit told her leader but her leader whitestar didn’t believe that she got that message from Star Clan. But her sister Flowerpaw did. When she was just 4 moons old she was out side the camp and saw BlackPaw and they became friends they meet every day until when she was 5 moons old she died of Green cough it was really bad and the medicine cat couldn’t help her. BlackPaw was so sad and devastated that she decided to join back to ThunderClan and later became the deputy with the name of Blacktail and FlameKit still visits Blacktail and the medicine cat once every moon.

  • @ellacap6824
    @ellacap6824 Месяц назад +2

    Blade is a ex-clan (Thunderclan) cat he was exiled by his leader and had a connection with the dark forest ever since. His mate left him as they were in Thunderclan and their loyalties laid there. He usually attacks and steals prey/herbs from other clans, mostly Thunderclan. I am gonna start my paragraph of how he died and other backstory things: “ Who’s there. “ Blade said snarling, he whipped his head around to see his old mate from Thunderclan, they had a strong bond but when Blinkstar banished him from the clan for fighting and killing another clan cat, they never say eachother since. Blade has had nightmares about it but now that he sees her here now his body was overflowing with joy.. He was speechless but when his thoughts were cut off because when his old mate CicadaEye said “ I know I haven’t seen you in awhile but you need to hurry and come with me “ I gave CicadaEye a very disappointing and confused look i agreed and followed her with my gang behind me. I was very confused on why CicadaEye would ask such a thing but i knew i still loved her and if this would bring us closer i would do it. I glanced up at the sky to see smoke, i wondered, and pondered about what it was when i was following CicadaEye. Then it came to me. It was *fire* . I was shocked and opened my mouth to talk but CicadaEye did first “ Our camp is on fire and we need your help. Blinkstar is in bad condition, she can’t help the clan.. “ I scoffed at gazed at CicadaEye angrily “ I will never help those fur brains again after what they did to me! “ I thought about it again and agreed since it would bring me closer to CicadaEye… When we arrived I hesitated and looked at the burning fire, the camp then CicadaEye.. I wondered if i would make it out the fire…. at least i’ll die a hero then! I thought but what no i don’t want to die! I said protesting against myself. “ CicadaEye… “ I began “ If I end up saving your clan, can Blinkstar let me back in the clan? And will you like me again? “ I said with a sad look on my face “ I will if you hurry up! “ CicadaEye said obviously not paying attention to Blades words, but obviously he didn’t catch onto that, he thought CicadaEye was sincere so he bolted in and headed for the nursery to check if there were any kits, there were 2 kits so he headed towards the scraps and grabbed both of them in one swift grab he sprinted towards Sunningrocks because they usually waiting there when there were fires. When I arrived panting, everyone was shocked to see me, they thought i’d never dare to return but i gently dropped the kits at Blinkstars paws and ran as fast as my paws could take me back to camp. A elder caught my eye, I ran toward the old elder and grabbed her scruff, the elder probably remembered me and was scared, the elders name was ScarPelt, she was a snappy she but everyone was secretly very fond of her, but there are more important things to focus on at this moment. I continued to drag the she as fast but as gentle as i could towards the exit, once we escaped the fire the old she kitty pushed my off her scruff and limped towards Sunningrocks, the she kitty yowled and i knew that she would tell the clan that I hurt her, i was sad but i pushed through, the last person that needed help was.. FlameClaw, he was the deputy and he was the one who hated me the most, why you ask? because he was best friends of the cat i killed… I hesitated then remembered this would help me get back to the clan! I coughed but pushed through, running towards the FlameClaw i grabbed his scruff and ran, we once again escaped the fire and i pushed myself all the was to Sunningrocks, i was coughing harshly and it would only get harsher if i went back in the fire, but everyone was saved, but the fire was still going, I was very tired, and i looked around to see everyone staring at me with angry looks, dont they realized i saved their clan! I was angered by this but i kept my straight face that suddenly turned sad, the leader approached me with an anger look as well, “ How dare you hurt one of our elders! “ Blinkstar yowled, “ I didn’t hurt her! I was trying to help and bring her to Sunningrocks! Please believe me Blinkstar “ I said coughing in between words, “ I don’t believe you, no one would ever lie to me. “ As your punishment is… *death by fire* “ Blinkstar said, her words piercing through me like deathberries doing their job, a tear fell done my face as i got up and tried to run, i was too tired and collapsed midway, the deputy that recovered from the fire grabbed my scruff and brought me towards their camp, “ Everyone shall see his death, follow me “ the clan followed as i saw the fire, i looked at CicadaEye with desperate and sad dropping eyes, CicadaEye yowled “ Stop this madness you fools! “ as we approached the burning fire, it’s flames raging, CicadaEye continued “ He is a cat too! I cant let you do this! This is just cruel! Thunderclan doesn’t kill! We save! If you don’t believe me i’ll go in there and save him! “I tried to push myself away from FlameClaw and give CicadaEye a big hug, I was weak and coughing. “ Please FlameClaw don’t do this to me “ I said rasping it out my words. “ CICADA HEL- “ my words were cut off as FlameClaw threw me in the *fire* I was to weak to walk from the fire so i crawled my way out, i say CicadaEye, she was crying and FlameClaw was laughing, Blinkstar was taken aback by his evilness and she said “ FlameClaw! What evilness you have shown! I am taking away your role as deputy. you have shown your evil intentions and i do not trust them, you are no longer deputy. I hereby declare that, may StarClan approve of my choice and take away evil treachery! “ FlameClaw was growling and he whipped his head around and saw my helplessly crawling out, i stalked towards me, towering over me, i struggled to stand up since i was tired and also becuse FlameClaw was putting his paw on my smushing my together with the ground, it was hard to breathe when my thoughts were cut off my FlameClaws voice, “ You killed my best friend and now you expect mercy? yeah you saved our clan but you also killed a cat, so this is my payback. “ i worried what he might do then i felt a extreme pain in my leg, i saw it was crushed and mashed up, FlameClaw broke my leg… i yowled in pain as a gasped for air, “ MaplePelt help me! “ (MaplePelt is the medicine cat) I went limp as i fainted. “ MaplePelt help him! “ Blinkstar and CicadaEye said in unison. (time skip till he wakes up) I glanced around and recognized the familiar den, it was MaplePelts den! They actually saved me! I wanted to jump up in excitement but i looked at my leg and was saddened by the thought, i say MaplePelt as she approached me, i gave her the most grateful look i have ever gave in my life, as i limped toward her and gave her a appreciative lick, a very appreciative lick. MaplePelt chuckled and said “ Go get some rest while i deliver this news to Blinkstar, also FlameClaw is exiled and he died from a ShadowClan patrol. I gave a relief of sigh as i said “ Thank you MaplePelt “ I gave her a warm smile as she trotted off, CicadaEye came over and hugged me, “ Im sorry I didn’t keep loving you! “ She mewed crying “ It’s fine, but.. do you still love me? “ Cicada replied “ Of course silly goose! “ she said with humour in her voice, her sadness went away as i heard the call of Blinkstar “ let’s go see what’s happening “ CicadaEye gave a nod of agreement as she led the way, i limped after her falling a couple of times as i was not used to limping. We sat next to eachother as Blinkstar began speaking " As we know we have saved a cat that used to be in our Clan, he goes by the name if Blade, I called this meeting to announce that we will be giving Blade his warrior name back. " I gave Cicada an exciting look as i had happiness burning in my chest. " Blade you will now be known as BladePool, may everyone respect and this decision, meeting dismissed. " Blinkstar said as she hopped off the rock. Everyone began chanting my warrior name, CicadaEye was the loudest though, " Bladepool! Bladepool! Bladepool! Bladepool! " They repeated, my body welled with happiness as i realized the clan accepts me and me and CicadaEye got back together! I am gonna die happy! ( he died of old age, P.S he died with CicadaEye ☺️ and he also became deputy )

  • @Handy_the_stupid
    @Handy_the_stupid Год назад +3

    I am from skyclan, I'm a deputy i have a strong connection with the dark forest. My mate is a rouge and unfortunately I died from drowning.

  • @AveRagePerSonnnn
    @AveRagePerSonnnn 5 месяцев назад +2

    SpruceFern is a thunder clan cat, who has no special connection too starclan. He’s a warrior, who met his mate in battle. He eventually gets kicked out for reasons ig? (He also now goes by spruce ) And he convinced his mate to join him on a journey around the world:D. He passes in his sleep, next to his mate, the happiest cat to ever live :D
    Coconut-Claw was a river clan cat, originally wanting to be a medicine cat, but he had no special connection with star clan. He ended up being a warrior, having 2 kits with an old mate who he left because the relationship was toxic :( He was sent to battle and both his kits (Now warriors) were killed. Deciding life wasn’t worth living 10 seconds later, he threw himself into a battle hoping he would meet the Same fate as his children. Just as he thought he was going to finally die, at the paws of an enemy (Spruce fern hehe), he was spared, Coconut claw realized that the other cat had just spared him. Their leader, spotted this, left the fight with the other leader, and just as coconut claw thought to ask why he spared him, his leader dragged him away, and retreated.

  • @pebblescruff
    @pebblescruff Год назад +3

    Nettlekit lived in thunderclan and was very playful. But one leaf-bare she snuck out of camp with her siblings, Berrykit, Tuftkit, and Logkit. They went to the frozen river to play. They walked alone the frozen river, slipping and sliding. Amused, the kits started chasing each other for fun. As Nettlekit pounced, trying to catch Tuftkit, he dodged out of the way, only leaving Nettlekit breaking through the ice, left to drown...

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Год назад +2

      Nettlekit x3 love the name

    • @pebblescruff
      @pebblescruff Год назад +2

      @@canvas4708Awwwwee ty!! ♥:3

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Год назад +2

      @@pebblescruff Oh, yw ^^

    • @beejoubox
      @beejoubox Год назад +2

      I’m sorry for nettlekit

  • @ninagrossklaus4657
    @ninagrossklaus4657 6 месяцев назад +2

    I may be a little late for this, but here is mine!
    Molted'Crow is a graceful and trustworthy she-cat who is always there for her clanmates. She is calm and wise, but holds a grudge with cats who remind her of something she already knows. She was a former ThunderClan medince cat, as StarClan told her she is not supposed to be a medince cat, even though she has an incredible bond with StarClan. Though disappointed, she listens and starts her training all over again, as a warrior apprentince. She trained hard and became a warrior ThunderClan was proud of. She adventually became deputy after Goose'song retired to the elders' den. She had always hated and teased a huge red tabby tom with piercing red eyes that always seemed to gleam with hatred. Their icy relationship became closer as they grew more mature and ended up being loving mates with many kits. Her mate ended up dying of old age, shortly after StarClan had told her. She ended up passing away not too long after, caused by an attack from the Dark Forest. She now lives on in StarClan.

  • @EtoileDeBrume
    @EtoileDeBrume Год назад +8

    Thank you so much for making this ! I love it !
    My OC is called Sun'sight and she is the Windclan medicine cat. Sun'sight is a honest, caring, loyal, determined and patient she-cat. She always think before doing anything and she is really good at memorizing herbs and healing her patients. She is a part of a New prophecy and her mate, Drifting'Ice was her former crush (they can end up together because of a new rule in the Warrior Code). Sadly, Sun'sight died due to a mysterious illness, after finding the cure for her Clanmates. She didn't want to heal herself first so she waited too long. She joined Starclan, leaving Drifting'Ice and their kits, Shadow'paw (the new med app) and Blossompaw behind. Sun'sight will be remembered for many seasons as she found a way to heal that sickness and as she was a part of the prophecy who helped her finding a treatment to the sickness. Her last words were "I knew that Starclan had a special destiny for me, I had to catch that illness to understand it and end up finding a cure for it. Starclan saved us all, and I'm glad I could help them. Now they're calling me in their ranks. My only regret will be that I won't be able to watch my kits growing up and I won't be able to spend more time with you, Drifting'Ice. You can grieve for me, but not too long. The Clan needs you as they need Shadow'paw and Blossom'paw. Take care of them and Windclan."

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Год назад +4

      I really like your OC xD

    • @EtoileDeBrume
      @EtoileDeBrume Год назад +3

      @@canvas4708 thank youuu

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Год назад +3

      @@EtoileDeBrume I'm writing mine rn but I just had a math tutor so I was busy 😅

    • @EtoileDeBrume
      @EtoileDeBrume Год назад +2

      @@canvas4708 I'd love to read it once you're done writing it

    • @canvas4708
      @canvas4708  Год назад +2

      @@EtoileDeBrume I'm half-way done :)

  • @astridhaines4049
    @astridhaines4049 2 месяца назад +1

    Sagepaw is an apprentice of windclan, and has a special connections to starclan. Their mate saved them from a wind storm in the windclan camp, crushing most the dens. They died from drowning while trying to save their skyclan sister.

  • @BottleTurtle-bi7wo
    @BottleTurtle-bi7wo Месяц назад +1

    Silverhawk was a ShadowClan medicine cat that was very quick-tempered. She was originally a warrior but was forced to become a medicine cat because of her amazing memory of herbs and of an outbreak in greencough, and the medicine cat himself was sick.She hated her clan for this, but finally accepted because her old mentor Lizardwing was sick. She expected to return into a warrior position after the greencough had gone, but because she did so well, she was kept in the medicine cat position. Lizardwing retired to the elders den early because of his front leg, which was mauled hard when fighting a fox. Silverhawk was determined to keep him a warrior, because of his leadership qualities.. Lizardwing began to realize how much of a jerk Silverhawk was, not just I minor one, but a major one at that. She swiped her claws at kits, left fire ants in one of her patient’s nests because they wouldn’t behave, and the worst example of this, is when the leader Snailstar, passed away in his sleep, the deputy Sandwhisker had to take his place, but Silverhawk refused to take her. Elkfur (the original medicine cat who was sick), had to bring Sandwhisker to the Moonstone instead. Lizardwing knew he had to do something about his former apprentice. Because Elkfur was now training a new apprentice, Splashpaw, he decided what he would do. Later that night, he gathered deathberries and shoved them in a peice of very strong smelling vole. He walked with Silverhawk up to the border next to WindClan and said, “Here, I know you’ve had a long day.” And handed it to her. Right before she ate it, she said “Why did you bring me all the way out here for a measley vole.” He waited after she ate it and said, “You big mousebrain. I thought you’d smell the deathberries I put in there, after all, you are a Medicine Cat.” After she died, Lizardwing covered the place in fox dung scent, And cut large claw marks in her neck, to make the clan think she’d been killed by a fox. He returned to camp later that night. Around 4 moons later, there had been reports of a warrior named Gorsefoot who died due to a cat killing him. No one knew who did it, but Lizardwing strongly suspected Elmpaw, Splashpaw’s sister. She had a very smug smile and she was very interested in Silverhawk when she was alive. Around a moon later Elmpaw was killed by a fox. Lizardwing thought there was too much fox drama to be true. Lizardwing passed away 24 moons later. When he was in StarClan, a group of Dark Forest cats were at the border. At the front were two cats he recognized, Silverhawk and Elmpaw. It was confirmed that Elmpaw killed Gorsefoot. They went away. Later anew cat appeared in StarClan, Whitefeather, or when Lizardwing knew him, Whitepaw, Splashpaw and Elmpaw’s brother. He had kits when he died, with a cat named Mapleflower. When they grew up and had kits of their own, the Darkforest cats attacked, including one out of Whitefeather’s daughters, Frostclaw. Silverhawk and the cats attacked with no empathy, killing multiple cats, including Splashpaw, now Splashfoot. Lizardwing interfered, blocking one of Elmpaw’s attacks on the leader, Quickstar. Eventually it was a 1v1 between a warrior named Peppernose and Silverhawk. Silverhawk unsheathed her claws and lunged at the small warrior. Lizardwing dashed over and blocked it, taking the blow himself. It killed him making him fade away. But, after he died, the medicine cat Dusttail lunged at Silverhawk and ripped out her throat. Winning the battle. (It’s taken me an hour to write this plz help)

  • @GeorgiaFarr-by5ly
    @GeorgiaFarr-by5ly 3 месяца назад +1

    A WindClan kit, with no special connections to StarClan or the Dark Forest but is part of a new Prophecy who met her future mate as crushes to lovers. She eventually died in a horrible accident where she drowned in the waterfall/stream bordering RiverClan.

  • @scarlettwolf2827
    @scarlettwolf2827 5 месяцев назад +2

    My oc is from RC and she died of drowning-💀

  • @potato_wolf99
    @potato_wolf99 6 месяцев назад +1

    dusty is a rouge that lives on the outskirts of a twolegplace, they often weave between the narrow alleyways to find food and often get into fights with other cats over what scarce food there is. even tho they dont believe in starclan they have heard many tales of the cats. they have no connections to anything and roams freely. after a quite intense battle with a street cat that dusty often sees, they decide that it isnt worth the injuries and divide the food. the two of them later get together, having a litter of two kits before dusty died of old age.

  • @Eryx3799
    @Eryx3799 Год назад +2

    Ash`Paw, part of the shadow clan as well as a warrior is also apart of a new prophecy. She meets her mate, Leaf`Feather, a rouge while hunting. Later, Ash burns to death in a fire when she tired to save Leaf. 👍

  • @xSummerisAwesomex
    @xSummerisAwesomex 6 месяцев назад +2

    Dreamflight is a RiverClan queen who has always had a special connection to StarClan them always guiding her paw steps daily. Her future mate Bumbletail and her had always despised each other til one day the whole Clan had to fight side by side and she had been paired with Bumbletail and the two had the same rhythm and had each others backs instantly falling in love. Eventually, Dreamflight was in battle on RiverClan territory and she got pushed into the water knocking her head against a stone going unconscious sadly drowning in the water Bumbletail and all her kits were devastated.

    • @xSummerisAwesomex
      @xSummerisAwesomex 6 месяцев назад +1

      It makes no sense for a RiverClan cat to drown but i did the story line best i could 😂

  • @Emily_equine
    @Emily_equine 5 месяцев назад +1

    Fern-strike was an older medicine cat from thunderclan with a forbidden mate ,one leafbare nearly every cat got sick once and she was soo busy caring for them she died of their illness not caring about herself

  • @rowan.elizabeth-7
    @rowan.elizabeth-7 6 месяцев назад +1

    Cedardusk is the high-ranking deputy of RiverClan. Before she even entered this world her family knew that she was part of a prophecy, that she would bring hope and prosperity to the clans, and become well respected and important, however, water, like her difficulty staying the same, was her only weakness. She grew up unaware of this and was only told when she was an apprentice by the name of Cedarpaw. After figuring out she was part of a prophecy, she worked extra hard to be the perfect image she thought her clan expected of her. One night, a horrible fire swept through the territories and into RiverClan camp. Everyone was evacuated, but before she left, Cedarpaw heard yowling. It sounded like….. Reedpaw! She rushed down into the burning fumes and rescued him from underneath a burning log, where he was trapped. After Cedarpaw saved his life, Reedpaw and them began to hang out together and eventually developed feelings. When they both earned thier warrior names, Hers Cedardusk and him Reedfur, he confessed his love and she excepted. Cedardusk worked hard as a warrior while still making time for her mate, and eventually brought the clan closer together and brought hope to the land, as the prophecy had foretold. Because of this, Cedardusk became the deputy of RiverClan, proudly serving with loyalty and respect. Sadly, she sometimes had mood swings and was rude or snappy, and even though she tried, she had very much difficulty staying the same most of the time, just like water, which was her supposed weakness. Also sadly, while recklessly trying to hunt fish in a torrent of a rushing river on her territory, she drowned, water being her true weakness after all.

  • @freak-a-zoid
    @freak-a-zoid 10 месяцев назад +1

    ElkFrost, a WindClan medicine cat with long, pale beige fur, and a black face. She was calm, and wise, and was often found sitting in the center of the camp, playing with kits. Soon she was cursed by star clan, giving her a strong connection with them, it slowly drew her crazy, but that didn't stop her from caring the windclan cats. During leafbare a huge blizzard camp along, separating several cats. ElkFrost got separated with a queen named OrchidYelp, who had three kits. The mother slowly got too cold and passed to star clan. ElkFrost was left with the kits, and cared for them, for a long, couple of nights. The kits had been fed fairly, but elkFrost starved. But she didn't care. She crouched over the kits, keeping them warm with her fur. She slowly succumbed to Frostbite, but a day later, her clan found her crouched over the kits. The kits lived, but she didn't.

  • @dorathyzhao5111
    @dorathyzhao5111 5 месяцев назад +1

    Heatherpaw grew up in WindClan and had a nice personality, even if she is short-tempered.. She has a spiritual connection to StarClan. She is a medicine cat apprentice and was a crush to her lover, a tom named Duskpaw. He soon confessed his love, but Heatherpaw turned him away. Not soon after she earned her full medicine cat name, Heathertail drowned while crossing a tree bridge over a river to deliver herbs to RiverClan.

  • @Fad3d_M3mori3s
    @Fad3d_M3mori3s Год назад +1

    Hi! Thanks for the Generator!! It was super cool!! Anyways- here’s the OC!
    Oasis’Paw was a Cream Colored She-Cat with a White Ear, White belly and a White Star on their forehead who resided in RiverClan, after being handed to the clan by their Mother, Storm- A Rouge.
    Oasis’Paw wandered often through a small patch of lavender near RiverClan when they got struck in the back of their head hard by another Cat. Feeling the light dim, they opened their eyes (to what they though was the last time) and saw a StarClan Cat by the name of Zephyr’Breeze telling them to keep fighting, for someone soon would come.
    With all of their strength, they faught to stay awake- while pretending to be knocked out with all they could. Their attacker soon got Karma by a WindClan Apprentice who bit the back of their neck, sending the attacker fleeing for their Life- bl00d pooling around the wound.
    After thanking the Apprentice, Oasis learned their name was Whale’Paw, a Solid Grey Cat Tom who much like Oasis, was given to a Clan.
    (Time Skip, 6 Moons later)
    Oasis’Paw earned the name of Oasis’Wish, and Whale’Paw learns the name of Whale’Call.
    Oasis’Wish felt longing to be reunited with Whale’Call, so they ventured to WindClan Border to see if they could see them again. They managed to meet them again, and they both met time after time, and after 12 Moons, they confessed, and became mates.
    Soon, they were expecting kits. They had a danger however, because if the clans found out, the Duo would be outcasted.
    Fate was not on their side, because while Oasis was expected- they were caught seeing Whale’Call. Both of them were outcasted. No sooner that this happened, Oasis and Whale welcomed Shine’Kit, and Storm’Kit. Both were a mix of both Parents, looking like both.
    (Time skip, 9 Moons Later)
    Oasis, Whale, Shine, and Storm were facing a dangerous Blizzard. Things were going well until the Prey ran out- and were facing with 2 choices. Either wait it out, or send someone out- and risk their d3@th.
    Oasis went out to get prey.
    They traveled far to get 6, Skinny Rabbits, and back.
    They fell down in the cave, frost bitten. While they returned with Rabbits, they saw the StarClan cat who helped them for the last time alive, and passed on.
    Despite breaking the Warrior Code, they were rewarded with a place in SilverPelt and StarClan. They had a Gift of seeing StarClan Cats, but they only saw the same cat twice- no one else.

  • @MaryAngels
    @MaryAngels 3 месяца назад +1

    Murk, although he looks like any common rogue, has all his family in the Dark Forest, hence his connection with them and repulsion towards the clans because some of them are there for unfair reasons. His romantic interest is Crown, an agender cat that saved him from a dog, since then he has tried to meet him more often. He drowned in a Twoleg sewer when he was already at an advanced age. Bonus fact: his family consists of Oat (his grandfather), Fanny (his mother), Sion (his father), his two sisters (one of them is evil) and his uncle (he organized an ambush against the clans)

  • @itsnotme1w
    @itsnotme1w 6 месяцев назад +1

    Dappledpaw was a jubilant and fierce ShadowClan apprentice. She loved fighting, even more than she loved hunting. She trained and trained and trained, until she was debatably the most experienced fighter in ShadowClan. By then, she had earned her warrior name, Dappledstorm. She had had a crush on Sundusk for a while, and they soon became mates. But she was infertile, and was sadly unable to have kits. Nevertheless, Sundusk loved her unconditionally. Soon a dispute between ShadowClan and RiverClan was brought to her attention. She thought this quarrel would pass, but not until.. the battle came. It was very, very bloody. Her mate Sundusk was killed by a RiverClan tom. Grief gripped her heart and she remembered that cats don’t have to kill to win. After the battle, she grieved for her lost mate. She felt so alone, but she had to stay strong if she wanted a chance to become the ShadowClan deputy someday. Soon her leader, Dewstar, was taken of her last life and went to join StarClan. She was chosen the new deputy at last, but still was in deep loss for her mate. She never let her grief show through despite the situations. Soon she was driven to insanity, and headed to RiverClan to show that tom what he deserved. She snuck out at moonhigh and lured him away from a moonhigh patrol. She pounced, ripped his throat out and him to shreds. She dragged his body into nearby bushes. She sat down on the border, and suddenly realized what she had done. Sundusk wouldn’t have wanted this! In her despair, she ran far away to try and escape her murder. She roamed the world alone, and was cruel to any cat she came across. She even killed one or two, thanks to her fighting skills.she soon died of old age, and was sent to the Dark Forest, Where she would never be able to see her mate or friends again. But she didn’t care, her heart had changed. She constantly seeked revenge on all the clans because she wanted to please her icy heart by killing them all. Soon she was forgotten, and faded away into nothingness.
    The end

  • @Europa_4ever
    @Europa_4ever Месяц назад +2

    WillowSong is a RiverClan medicine cat. She has a strong connection with StarClan and the DarkForest.(she doesn’t have a mate). She died by drowning.
    May write something

  • @beejoubox
    @beejoubox Год назад +1

    My OC’s name is Inkpaw. She was an apprentice whose mentor was the deputy, Clashfur. The current leader, Snowstar, when he was an apprentice, had a huge crush on Inkpaw. She died in a flash flood that atttacked the Skyclan Gorge so she’s in Starclan. Snowpaw was so sad that he never ate for a long time before being comforted by his mentor. She has black fur with blue eyes with no fur markings. She is kind and very smart. She has a special connection to Starclan and she watches her family members and Snowpaw. She watched Snowpaw become Snowacorn, become deputy and even took part in Snowstar’s leader ceremony. So that’s her life. Hoped u liked it. (She had no mates and never even realized Snowstar’s crush on her.)

  • @That-1-W1nd-Sp1r1t
    @That-1-W1nd-Sp1r1t Месяц назад +1

    I’m a former kittypet who accidentally wandered onto Shadowclan territory. I somehow managed to keep up in a fight with one of their warriors, later becoming a Shadowclan warrior myself. Despite only being a warrior, I have a unique connection with Starclan. I served my clan well for many moons before drowning during a battle with one of the other clans.

  • @Inkwell_King
    @Inkwell_King Год назад +1

    I like these results! I'll call her Late'Spring, a redeemable villainous character that ends up stll dying as soon as they got their redemption (as a warrior, most likely)
    - Dark forest
    - Apprentice
    - Landed on 81 (special connections with Starclan)
    - Enemies to Lovers
    - Deathberries/Illness

  • @JAY_CoS_WaCa
    @JAY_CoS_WaCa 6 месяцев назад +1

    Feathercreek was a shadowclan she-cat, who started her life as a warrior, but always had a special connection to starclan. The medicine cat realised her connection and she was made the medicine cat apprentice. When she was sent her first vision, it was of a cat called Pebbleshade, who she fell in love with. Due to her being a medicine cat, she could not act on her feelings. Just after she became a full medicine cat, she was out collecting herbs, but fell into the lake and drowned.

    @MADIESWONDERLAND 4 месяца назад +2

    BirdPaw was an apprentice from a Riverclan. She was ambitious and had zero connection to anything.
    She was sleeping in the apprentices den when a fire swept into the camp and turned everything to ashes. She saw her young siblings, OrchidKit and CloverKit, who were lost from their mother LuckyStep.
    She picked up the kits and threw them out of the camp but saw that she was missing 1. She looked up to see DewKit, grabbing onto a log for dear life. The tree in front of the kit was gonna crash down any second.
    BirdPaw leaped over and threw the kit over to LuckyStep, who had appeared from the water. The tree tumbled over, trapping BirdPaw in the fumes.
    Smoke filled her lungs and she began to stumble down with weakness.
    "Goodbye mother..." She whispered, before fainting.

      @MADIESWONDERLAND 4 месяца назад +2

      Also she was apart of a prophecy but died after :p

  • @WC.WCUE_Fan4Life
    @WC.WCUE_Fan4Life 6 месяцев назад +2

    I’m a Dark-Forest cat who used to be a Wind,Clan cat named Berry,Leaf.When I was still alive I was a medicine cat for Wind,Clan.Even tho he had a special connection with Star,Clan,he abused the connection which is one of the reasons why he went to the Dark-Forest.His mate was a rouge who lives at the barn not far from Wind,Clan territory.He died from black-cough quickly in Leaf-Bare

  • @I-I-Robyn-I-I
    @I-I-Robyn-I-I Месяц назад +1

    Peacock’heart is a Medicine cat from Windclan. She has a strong bond with star clan and will share everything with them.She isn’t allowed a mate she is a medicine cat. That would be breaking the warrior code. She died by a large fire on the nearby fields close to camp.

  • @ZekisBreadKing
    @ZekisBreadKing 7 месяцев назад +1

    Juniperhop is a ShadowClan medicine cat that has a special connection with StarClan. He met his mate while on a border patrol, or an herb patrol. He sadly drowned.

  • @lissyfeh4549
    @lissyfeh4549 Год назад +1

    Wind clan, queen, they have a special connection to star clan, their mate was a rouge whom they knew from their childhood as one. They died from the cold

  • @AKedits1733
    @AKedits1733 3 месяца назад +1

    Ferntail is a beautiful tortoiseshell who is the Shadowclan medicine cat. She has a strong connection with Starclan, stronger than usual. Although medicine cats aren't supposed to have mates, she met a beautiful She-cat by the name of Cutfur, a kind thunderclan warrior also with a connection to starclan. While helping with wounds during a battle against the loners, she landed into a deep, freezing lake, getting her tail stuck. Cutfur and the rest of her clan will miss her for Ferntail roams Starclan now, trying to seek answers for her unusual connection. In Starclan she meets the old deputy of Shadowclan, Eaglescar. He explains Ferntail's unknown brother, Cutface, saying he lives in Riverclan and is supposedly 'half-dead'. He explains the truth of their connection between distances and that it was too strong and it drowned her, letting her finally join Starclan. He explains one last thing to her, the more believable reply to her starclan connection. The spirits of her loved ones stayed by her, warning her left and right but she thought she was delusional. Angry, she dives off the clouds and reincarnates into a newborn kit, the name of sparrowkit. Although Sparrowkit does not become medicine cat and can't remember her past life, she has a strong connection with Cutface, Cutfur and Eaglescar. Sparrowkit is a natural hunter, battler and learns quickly. the small she becomes Sparrowscar and the Sparrowstar. Although seen as weak by her fellow leaders- due to her Sparrow- name, she has a remarkable connection with Starclan and is stronger than an leader ever come to Shadowclan. (mines long and confusing but lemme know if its interesting!!!)

  • @Weirdovideoosss
    @Weirdovideoosss 2 месяца назад +1

    Marigoldbranch is a queen from ThunderClan. She is a permanent Queen and has had 2 litters, with 5 kits in total. Her mate saved her from a fire back when they were apprentices. She has a special connection to the Dark forest, which is currently unknown why, and will stay unknown. She visits the dark forest a lot during dreams, or nightmares I’d say. She is a helpful, loyal and trustworthy cat who died saving her deputy from drowning, which caused her to drown. Her last words were: “I’m happy to die for you, Mapleclaw.” It is unknown if she made it to StarClan because of her weird connection to the dark forest.

  • @ivy-wcue2
    @ivy-wcue2 2 месяца назад +1

    Ivy'Gaze was a medicine cat for SkyClan, she had no mate due to the warrior code and had a strong connection with StarClan, and unfortunately died by DeathBerries.

  • @LesbianAhhhLabyrinthRat
    @LesbianAhhhLabyrinthRat 10 месяцев назад +1

    Once upon a time, there was a ShadowClan kit named Mellowkit. Mellowkit somehow had a weird connection with StarClan, in which she would get dreams about what can happen, what will happen, and what won't happen. An example would be her receiving a dream with a sparrow flying past a moon with stars following it, and Sparrowmoon becoming leader of ShadowClan. Mellowkit had a crush on Icekit, and they would later grow up to be mates. Mellowkit, now Mellowbug, was taken on a mission to restore the clans, but, in an unfortunate event, Mellowbug couldn't stand the cold and died. This was predicted by Warmmantis, ShadowClan's Medicine Cat, when he saw a bug that died from the cold the day before the mission started.

  • @haddisteffen2897
    @haddisteffen2897 Год назад +1

    Dune'dawn is a Riverclan deputy. She is white with a brown cape with rust colored stripes on her cape and face, she has olive green eyes and a long fluffy tail with a brown and rusty tail tip, she also has a muzzle and ear scar. Dune'dawn is snarky, bold, speedy and creative. She has a special connection with Starclan. She had an enemies to lovers backstory with her mate Moth'tail. He is a grey tabby tom with white socks and tail, he has blue eyes and a large scars across his chest. They had three kits together, White'tail, Thorn'shift and Sand'feather. She died in a forest fire.

  • @Beadedbyhollowpox
    @Beadedbyhollowpox 10 месяцев назад +1

    Kestrelflame is the courageous, bright Medicine cat of RiverClan. As she was younger, she kept having dreams that somehow came true. At the time, the only other cat who knew was Spottedripple, the Medicine cat of old. Kestrelflame thought that the visions would eventually stop but they just progressively got worse. That is, until Spottedripple confessed to Kestrelflame that they were dreams from Starclan, wanings, omens... After that, Kestrelflame went off to join Spotterripple as the medicine apprentice of RiverClan! StarClan was greatful of this choice although they kept sending warnings.
    On herb-hunting duty along the ThunderClan border, Kestrelflame met Feathercreek. They talked and laughed and met often on the border. They had become best of friends and eventually mates. But she was a medicine cat and love was forbidden...
    One warm greenleaf day, after Kestrelflame was the fully fledged medicine cat, Starclan foretold that there was going to be a raging fire that would burn down the forest. She told her leader who took no notice and said 'The river will protect us! Do not fear'. When the fire came, it was worse than anybody had feared! Trees falling left and right! The ground turning black with ashes! But luckly, every cat made it out. Every cat other than Kestrelflame...

  • @cheeseycat1525
    @cheeseycat1525 7 месяцев назад +1

    I’m from shadowclan (again teehee), he is actually a kittypet kit, that was taken in. He has a special connection with starclan which is a heavy burden on him since he’s no more than a kit. His future mate and him had a crushes to lovers type dynamic, he also died by drowning.

  • @Badinternet21
    @Badinternet21 11 месяцев назад +1

    Minnow, a wild cat/rogue. They were a windclan visitor however were ex shadowclan. They can see starclan cats, they often nag around with minnow. (im not gonna do a mate ( : ) She had many friendships, however a young warrior name swallowtailhunter bonded well with them, She left shadowclan and left swallowtailhunter behind when seagullstar become possessed and started exiling and killing cats. Swallowtailhunter was killed a day before she left. She lived at carionplace for a while, then to the barn where she didnt stay long. She then became a prisoner to windclan, but was very helpful. They were a warrior, well kinda a warrior, but there name stayed the same. Unfortunatly, The windclan medicine cat, streamheart wasnt fond of minnow. They believed starclan did not approve of them, and minnow died when streamheart swapped poppy seeds with deathberry seeds. Minnow and swallowtailhunter now live in starclan in peace. (:

  • @aryadevries893
    @aryadevries893 4 месяца назад +2

    The small stealthy kit Spiritkit is from the dark forest with a special connection with Starclan and died from drowning

  • @PersonBanna
    @PersonBanna Месяц назад +1

    FoxPelt is a fox (wild cat) with a deep connection to starclan,his’s mate (clan cat) and him had a crush on each other then became mates,and he died of old age.

  • @agentzoofari
    @agentzoofari 6 месяцев назад +1

    Heronpaw was a rogue kit who was taken in by a clan and raised as a warrior but died to Greencough as an apprentice.

  • @lilobubble736
    @lilobubble736 5 месяцев назад +1

    Peacock is a starclan cat that died during the times of the broken code book 2(he is not canon) so here is his story!
    Peacock was born a rouge and had been having visions about starclan talking to the 4 leaders,(not including Lionclan,Bloodclan or Skyclan)he met his mate Heathercrown when he saved her from falling in the gorge, The two both had a strong connection between Starclan,Thunderclan,Riverclan and Windclan as well as Shadowclan so one day they decided to travel together to the 4 clans.Unfortunately as they were traveling a forest fire came from 2 twolegs who threw a smoke in the forest fortunately Heathercrown was able to escape but sadly couldn’t save Peacock and he died of burn wounds.

  • @Kitty-Goomba-Play
    @Kitty-Goomba-Play Месяц назад +1

    Fernpelt is a black tabby she-cat with her muzzle fading away to white.
    Fernpelt is a RiverClan Deputy under Oakstar's leadership in the forest territories. She was born as Fernkit to Oakstar and Silverstream, alongside her littermates, Tulipkit and Duskkit.
    She was apprenticed as Fernpaw with Silverstream as her mentor. However, The newly apprenticed Duskpaw and Fernpaw got hit on the Thunderpath, with Duskpaw not becoming a warrior anymore. Mothflight was worried, that like Duskpaw, she also wouldn't become a warrior. But the young cat recovered, and earned her warrior name, Fernpelt.
    For some odd reason, she had a special connection with StarClan. Silverstream retired as an elder, due to her old age. Mothflight was made deputy, and Fernpelt was made Medicine cat. She participated in The Great Hunger Crisis, but made it out alive. During the Leaf-fall, Fernpelt grew close to Ashfur, and with them being crushes, decided to finally get together and become mates.
    In the late Leaf-bare, Fernpelt was chosen to be deputy after Mothflight retired as an elder.
    However, she froze in the harsh snowstorm, and her spirit rose to StarClan. She later gives Ripplestar one of his nine lives and participated in the Great Battle, but after Silverstream's
    spirit was slain by Mapleshade's, Fernpelt was devastated, but went back to StarClan to be revived, and she was, and started her life again as a tiny new kit.
    Mother: Silverstream
    Father: Oakstar
    Brother: Duskpaw
    Sister: Tulipfall
    Kit: Fernkit😪
    Apprentice: Fernpaw🤨
    Warrior: Fernpelt😀
    Senior Warrior: Fernpelt😀
    Medicine Cat: Fernpelt😃
    Deputy: Fernpelt🥰
    Temporary Leader: Fernstar🤩
    StarClan Resident: Fernpelt⭐
    So yeah! That's my Warrior Cat OC.

  • @Silver_Spiritz
    @Silver_Spiritz 7 месяцев назад +1

    Silvermist, a light silver tabby she-cat with amber eyes. She was born of ShadowClan and had a strong fascination in herbs, becoming Silverpaw under the medicine cat, Shiveringfeather. Silverpaw had always had a strong connection to StarClan, and was an extremely dedicated medicine cat, never taking a mate. Silverpaw got her full medicine cat name at 16 moons, Silvermist. Silvermist died at 67 moons old of a fire during Greenleaf.

  • @ikastrati1
    @ikastrati1 3 месяца назад +1

    sunpaw is a thunder clan apprentice, hsving a close connection to star clan, sunpaw met their mate after being saved of almost drowning. Luckily, a nearby apprentice noticed it and saved her. The apprentices name was Sandpaw. She later on dies after a fire breaks out in the camp and attempts to help out, rescuing a litter of 3 . Sadly, she had inhaled too much smoke and didn’t make it.
    ( edit; kitty pet to clan cat )

  • @callie_warriors
    @callie_warriors 7 месяцев назад +1

    My cat is Rogue/Kittypet to RiverClan. Her kittypet name was Ice had a great connection with StarClan. They told her the prophecy of a fall, then a rise of a Clan. Soon, her Twolegs moved away and forced her to join a Clan. She became an apprentice of RiverClan, named Flickpaw. Flickpaw soon grew up to become Flicknight. She was a warrior to leader to elder. Her mate was called Flintberry. Flintberry had taunted her and teased her all through her apprenticeship. Soon Flintberry and Flicknight both confessed their feelings, making an enemies to lovers. As an elder, she died of old age, her kits watching her. Flintberry had died some moons before. Their kits were called Adderfrost, Nightpool, Ivybreeze and Blossomrain. She visited great medicine cats like Moonbird and Greenflame.

  • @Allisoninspirations
    @Allisoninspirations 5 месяцев назад +1

    Mint Fern , a gentle, quiet, strong, she, is a medicine cat whom she mated with Hawk Eye, a large tom,(Yea, she didn't obey the code). They were enemies to lovers. She had a strong connection with starclan, and she dies from an illness.(btw shes a thunderclan cat)

  • @certifiedhomelanderstan
    @certifiedhomelanderstan Год назад +1

    Even though I don’t read warrior cats,I’ll use it for wcue.

  • @jonpotson
    @jonpotson 7 месяцев назад +2

    Moondapple is a sassy and caring medicine cat from SkyClan who has a strong connection to StarClan. Moondapple was saved by Rainsong from ThunderClan, Rainsong saved Moondapple while she was collecting herbs. Moondapple knew it was forbidden to fall in love but Moondapple couldn't help falling for Rainsong, Moondapple and Rainsong had five kits, Songkit, Spirekit, Leafkit, Jaykit and Ravenkit...Ravenkit grew up to be a fierce warrior named Ravenfeather, Jaykit learned the ways of being a medicine cat and was mentored by Moondapple and became Jayheart, Moondapple knew that someday her kits would find out, so Moondapple convinced Rainsong to join SkyClan to be with her, Rainsong agreed. Moondapple's other kits, Songkit, Leafkit and Spirekit, Spirekit grew up to be duputy bringing honor to SkyClan, and became Spireleap, Leafkit knew she wasn't meant for SkyClan and went to join her lover in ShadowClan, Nightdale to be with him and have a family, Leafkit was now known as Leafnight, Songkit now known as Songstar, became leader of SkyClan choosing Spireleap to his duputy. After Moondapple and Rainsong told SkyClan about who's kits they really we're SkyClan exiled them for the lying and not being honest, two sunrises later, deep in the night a fire raged across SkyClan territory reaching SkyClan camp, Moondapple awoke to the smell of smoke, waking up Rainsong, they hurried to see if anyone needed help. Rainsong saw a litter of kits and ran to help them, but Moondapple saw Spireleap's mate cornered by the fire, Moondapple racing to save her and the kits she carried, Moondapple managed to find a tree that was almost falling down and she pushed in the direction of Dawnwind, after helping her get out, Moondapple ran back in to see if anyone else was in danger, but before she could get out she was cornered by the flames. The next morning the fire had been put out, Rainsong desperately searching for Moondapple, he founder alive but unwell, Songstar thanked them for their help and helped Moondapple recover after the fire, Dawnwind staying by her side every night keeping her warm, soon Dawnwind had kits and Moondapple's recovery was successful and they we're accepted back to the clan, many years later they died of old age, her kits and Dawnwind taking their death the hardest, Leafnight was shocked to hear the news and she never forgave herself for not saying goodbye when Spireleap had given her the news before that Rainsong and Moondapple were dying, she thought it was a plot to bring her back to SkyClan. Many years pasted and Rainsong and Moondapple were now legends in SkyClan and so was that family...

    • @TheFlockChickens
      @TheFlockChickens 6 месяцев назад


    • @jonpotson
      @jonpotson 2 месяца назад +1

      ​@@TheFlockChickens Really, that's so cool!)

  • @tokki666
    @tokki666 6 месяцев назад +1

    CloudedSky- A white she-cat with darker flecks, she is a medicine cat and has a special connection with starclan. She liked a Tom called MarshTail but another she-cat had already taken him and she knew she could not betray the warrior code. So she just had a mid-crush on the Tom. The other She-cat had seen the way she looked at him and harvested deathberries, she used them to shove down the medicine cats' throat, A warrior who was injured discovered the body after walking in to get treated. There was a clan meeting to determine who had killed her. They eventually found out that it was the she-cat and exiled her, even though she had kittens. Her mate never talked to her and she lived for what she deserved. The medicine cat watched over all of her loved clan members and she lived the rest of her happy life, finding a mate who had joined starclan.

  • @JoshuaGlass-qw4mn
    @JoshuaGlass-qw4mn Год назад +1

    Daisy'paw was once a ThunderClan medicine apprentice. She had a very special connection to StarClan at an early age, but died a tragic death. When she was with the other medicine cats at the moon pool, a group of rouges surrounded them. They brutally murdered her mentor, and drowned Daisy'paw in the pool of water. Something went wrong at the moon pool, and the blood that came from the cats that were dying spilling into the pool. This destroyed the connection between them, forcing her spirit into the Dark Forest. She now resides there, waiting to join their ranks. But it is a false hope.

  • @EclipsedArtist
    @EclipsedArtist Год назад +1

    Foxtail/star is the deputy of Riverclan (soon to be leader). She has a strong connection to Starclan (13). Her and her mate had a ‘childhood to mates’ love dynamic. She died at old age after losing her ninth life at 234 moons.
    Now for some bio!
    Foxtail/star is a soft voiced tall she who has mainly ginger fur, her tail fades into a white, while her paws and ear tips fade into a very dark brown. She is somewhat stubborn but is very intelligent, she is also a quick thinker. She is naturally very thin but built large muscles. She is very swift and is a great fighter. She lost one of her eyes as an apprentice to a gang of rouges who slaughtered her mentor, she just managed to escape. She also has a large scar where her eye used to be.
    Now for some backstory!
    When Foxtail/star was an apprentice her and her mentor went out for training close to the Thunderclan boarder. Her mentor Sparkfire took her out to practice on her hunting crouch (for fishing). As she got more and more used to the position they went to a small stream where there was a small group of fish, Sparkfire told her to try to catch one. As she went closer to the water without letting her shadow touch the water she crawled forward, when she saw the fish swim by her she swooped in and caught one! Her mentor congratulated her, but as they were walking back a gang of 5 tall muscular rouge toms approached them. Sparkfire told her to run, but Foxpaw was in too much shock to react. 2 of the rouges attacked her while the other 2 attacked Sparkfire. A few moments later after running from them she noticed her mentor laying on the ground, motionless. Fear flooded her as her fur rose. One of the rouges slashed her in the eye nearly removing it. She ran back to camp, scarred up and 1 eye nearly out. She ran into the medicine den panicking in pain. But that was the last she could remember from that horrible time as she passed out from the pain and shock.
    Ty for reading if you did! I hope you like my oc!

  • @legendofpersonyt
    @legendofpersonyt 7 месяцев назад +1

    Diamondkit, a 3 moon old ShadowClan kit. His mother, Fernshade drowned when RiverClan broke into the camp and started a battle. Because of that, Diamondkit has a special connection with his mother in StarClan. During the battle, one of his friends, Blossomkit saved him from getting mauled by a RiverClan warrior.
    Diamondkit had a really happy life after the battle from going to an apprentice with his mentor being Creampelt, the clan deputy. Sometimes in Diamondpaw’s dreams, his mother would visit and remind Diamondpaw that she’s always there for him. Blossompaw always made Diamondpaw feel better when he wakes up in the middle of the night.
    For what felt like moons, Diamondpaw finally became a warrior and so did Blossompaw.
    Diamondpelt and Blossomtail became mates at 14 moons old. They had 3 kits, Starkit, Moonkit, and Twilightkit. After a long, happy life, Diamondpelt died from old age and joined his mom in StarClan.

  • @Ghosty_Yas
    @Ghosty_Yas 9 месяцев назад +1

    Low is a 3 year-old, Rouge tom.
    He likes to keep to himself but will bring out his true colors of kindness if hes comfortable around a cat.
    He has a dark brown pelt, with his back legs, tail, and back torso being black (his belly is also black).
    He has no special connections to Starclan, nor the Dark Forest. He is involved in no prophecys.
    He met a Riverclan she named Twilightstroke, a light cream colored she. He met her while trying to catch prey on Riverclan territory and they bummed heads.
    Their dynamic was 'Crushes to lovers'.
    They eventually had a litter of 3 kits, 1 she-kit and 2 tom-kits. The she kit had a fully black pelt, with glowing, yellow eyes, just like her fathers. She was named 'Rookiekit'. She was the youngest of her brothers. One of her brothers was named 'Iciclekit', and was a snow white kit, with black paws and a black nose. He was the second oldest. Her second brother looked just like his mother and was named 'Meadowkit'.
    However, Twilightstroke passed away while having th kits. And when the kits were had just recently became
    warriors, Low passed away from drowning. He ended up in Starclan, happy to be with his mate and loved ones again.
    Jezz that was long to write-

    • @Ghosty_Yas
      @Ghosty_Yas 9 месяцев назад +1

      The kits warrior names were *'Rookiebrezze, Iciclestream, Meadowshine.'*

  • @M1lkyneedst0sleep
    @M1lkyneedst0sleep 2 месяца назад +1

    I’m late but uh- PaleDove is a RiverClan queen. She has a strong connection with StarClan. Her mate is JuniperProwl, who she meet as an apprentice. They had an enemies to lovers relationship. Shortly after her kits become warriors she drowns

  • @dragonmoonwave
    @dragonmoonwave 10 месяцев назад +2

    I am a Windclan medicine cat who currently resides in The Place Of No Stars. I have a strong connection to the dark forest. Me and my mate had a crushed to lovers dynamic and I died of old age

  • @TonyOtt7777
    @TonyOtt7777 3 месяца назад +1

    Oakpaw is a Windclan apprentice. He is always obeying all the other cats and is loved by his parents. He has a lot of friends but he had one enemy, Snowpaw. He may have saved her from another cat once, but they are still enemies. (Time skip 2 years and is a adult warrior) He has a special connection to Starclan and they have told him how he will meet is lover. Oakleaf has been sent to a battle with Shadowclan. Oakleaf kills three cats, but almost dies himself. Snowfeather has saved Oakleaf from dying even though they are enemies. They soon fall in love with each other. (Time skip another year) Oakleaf and Snowfeather has two kits. The kits are a boy named Fernkit and the girl is named Maplekit. One day while fishing, Oakleaf trips on a rock underwater while searching for a fish, gets his paw under another rock, and died drowning. Snowfeather soon found him under the water and ran back to their den crying. Oakleaf may have only been a young adult when he died, but he was a great cat and is not forgotten.

  • @Bluem0onJ
    @Bluem0onJ 6 месяцев назад +1

    Cootshade was a Shadow clan, medicine cat that had a special connection with the Dark Forest. He lived up until elderhood, uninterested in finding a mate. Even if being a bit grumpy, he was still somewhat sweet in his own way. He died of cold during the winter

  • @fiblet8223
    @fiblet8223 Год назад +1

    Antlerslip was a light footed, agile Tom with an aloof, airy personality. He was born an only kit in Skyclan, to his father Yewdrop and mother Blizzardsweep. They were both involved in his kithood, and Yewdrop loved to take Antler out on walks in the forest when he was young. When Antlerkit was out in the woods, he would swear up and down that he could see the shadows moving, or bloodshot eyes flitting between the trees. His father would blame his imagination and the ghost stories his older siblings, Bouncepaw and Baypaw, would tell him at night. However, even as Antlerkit grew into Antlerpaw, the sightings didn’t go away. They got stronger. Through his apprenticeship he would have… visions… of sorts. Suddenly shadows nobody else could see would black out the sun, or he would see patches of rotten, smelly fur or blood others couldn’t. He played it off, not wanting any attention on him. He got used to dark visions that would plague him on the daily. Just before he became a warrior, Antlerpaw met his first Dark Forest Warrior, though he didn’t know it at the time. A strange cat he’d never seen before, that reeked of mud and fish and was covered in… feathers? Not as in he was feathered like a bird, but feathers flared out around his face and stuck out in tufts around his body. They especially formed out of a spot on the front of his chest. The strange tom seemed surprised that Antlerpaw could see him, and beckoned him over. He introduced himself as Hawkfrost. He wasn’t from Starclan, he said, biut rather a wasteland prison. “Starclan thinks they’re the mightiest thing that ever happened to the forest, but they’re really just a bunch of glorified dead cats. We may have done wrong in life, but nothing to deserve this exile. Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve tasted prey? Or felt the sun on my fur or the edges of the river splashing on my paws? Even I don’t anymore. I’ve served my punishment, but they are so high up in the clouds and refuse to let us join them. They’ve been neglecting us any thought, and made us live in the barren wasteland you can’t see. Around you is lush green woods, around me is dark mud and starless skies.”
    Antlerkit had heard the ghost stories about the Dark forest, how all the cats there were evil and never to trust them. But Hawkfrost didn’t look evil. He just looked… tired. Sad. Sure, maybe he’d done bad things in life, but all those cats he’d hurt were long dead… he could start a new life now. He had served his time. It just seemed so unfair to Antlerpaw. He began meeting with Hawkfrost. He would see flashes of other cats in the trees. The soaking wet tail of a calico molly, or the rotted, maggot-covered pelt of another, but they never noticed him and continued on their ways, disappearing. Over this time, Hawkfrost would feed into Antlerpaw’s hatred for Starclan. Soon, he brought Antlerpaw to see his home, the Dark Forest. (Edited soon)

  • @Birdalotl
    @Birdalotl 9 месяцев назад +1

    Fallingpaw was a Shadowclan warrior apprentice she-cat, who had a strong connection to Starclan. One day she saw another apprentice being attacked by dogs, and saved the cat. They both fell in love, but Fallingpaw died in the harsh leafbare due to coldmess.

  • @Rose_Thorn_WCUE
    @Rose_Thorn_WCUE 5 месяцев назад +1

    Robineyes is a stern WindClan she-cat who has been a medicine cat for moons. When she was a kit, she had a bad incident where she overstretched her arm and got brachial palsy, which is a disease where your arm is paralyzed and doesn't work. After time, she became enemies with the other medicine cat, Oriolehiss. Slowly, they shared a secret forbidden relationship but didn't have kits. One day, the deputy, Meadowshade, realized how close they had gotten. Meadowshade became very suspicious and a little bit jealous. One day she became envious and decided to drown Robineyes. Robineyes was taking a drink at the border of RiverClan, and Meadowshade came behind her and pushed her in, watching as Robineyes flailed around with 3 legs. Meadowshade pushed her head under and Robineyes sunk to the bottom. Robineyes woke up in StarClan, her family inviting her. Later on, she looked down towards WindClan, and became extraordinarily sad when she saw Oriolehiss and Meadowshade together and she visited Oriolehiss in his dreams. She shamed him of how quickly he moved on and found respect from another cat in StarClan. They lived together peacefully.

  • @Astrics-wc
    @Astrics-wc 9 месяцев назад +2

    Lightening Paw is a ShadowClan apprentice. and it's part of a StarClan prophecy. He died drowning.
    Is a Black and the Lightblue eyes , médium fur an the gray tail.

  • @autumn-fall-wcue
    @autumn-fall-wcue Месяц назад +2

    Molepaw is a WindClan apprentice who was clan-born, Molepaw’s parents are Bumblesting (mother) and Robinwing (father) Molepaw died from drowning in the gorge at the age of 37 moons, Molepaw was once saved from a ShadowClan warrior by Adderpaw, another WindClan cat, Molepaw’s pelt color is light gray and white, with yellow eyes and a muzzle that looks like a mole’s muzzle, Adderpaw is a golden-brown tabby with dark brown stripes, green eyes, and a medium-length muzzle, Molepaw’s warrior suffix was Nose, while Adderpaw got his suffix a couple moons earlier because he was older, Adderpaw’s suffix was Trail, Molepaw had three kits at the age of 24 moons, Fadedpelt, a grey-to-white fade pelted tom with orange-gold eyes, Goosetail, a gray she tabby with white paws and blue eyes, and Snakepelt, a golden-brown tabby with brown stripes and green-yellow eyes, The ShadowClan warrior that was attacking Molepaw was named Duneclaw, a orange tabby with multiple scars and red-orange eyes, Adderpaw died from wound infections at the age of 46 moons, Snakepelt died at 56 moons from greencough, and 22 moons before he became leader, Fadedpelt became medicine cat at 13 moons and died at 48 moons from hypothermia, and stopped being medicine cat at 28 moons and became a warrior again, Goosetail died from wounds at the age of 26 moons, and at 16 moons she had six kits, Soiledground, a she who died at 67 moons from greencough, Bearnose, a she who died at 19 moons from blood loss, Rowanfoot, a tom who died at 46 moons from getting hit by a monster, Muddypaws, a she who died at 45 moons from wounds while trying to save young apprentices, Willowtail, a tom who died from food poisoning at 29 moons, Puddleshine, a she who died at 34 moons from blood loss. That’s a little story of Molepaw and some of her family tree too!

    • @autumn-fall-wcue
      @autumn-fall-wcue Месяц назад

      Me 2 weeks later: *reviews oc* My mind: Oh wow..impressive.