I don't really know what you mean. Anyway, tried to get both characters knocked out at the same time, which doesn't seem to be possible. Falling damage also decreases with lower HP and cannot knock out a character, as far as I am concerned. In one attempt I had another character alive and Sheenas HP were low enough to be knocked out by Pronyma's attack. In that case however, Sheena didn't take damage from Agarasium, opposed to what can be seen in this video.
@diaeitsch when u win a battle..the victory screen sumtimes stays in the position the party was..i was playing with lloyd..an finished with demon fang and on victory screen it passed tru everyone
@redkaisen Ah, that's what you mean. Yes, there's also a video regarding this on my channel. (Double) Demon Fang on the victory screen. Could only do it with DDF, which shows the second one on the victory screen. Couldn't pull it off with neither Demon Fang or Demonic Chaos, though.
That’s so dry they couldn’t allow you to keep it once the boss died
try to get demon fang pass tru ..need to win really fast and with demon fang ofc..only seen it a few times
I don't really know what you mean. Anyway, tried to get both characters knocked out at the same time, which doesn't seem to be possible. Falling damage also decreases with lower HP and cannot knock out a character, as far as I am concerned. In one attempt I had another character alive and Sheenas HP were low enough to be knocked out by Pronyma's attack. In that case however, Sheena didn't take damage from Agarasium, opposed to what can be seen in this video.
@diaeitsch when u win a battle..the victory screen sumtimes stays in the position the party was..i was playing with lloyd..an finished with demon fang and on victory screen it passed tru everyone
@redkaisen Ah, that's what you mean. Yes, there's also a video regarding this on my channel. (Double) Demon Fang on the victory screen. Could only do it with DDF, which shows the second one on the victory screen. Couldn't pull it off with neither Demon Fang or Demonic Chaos, though.