These kind of trains are in general use throughout Europe. Some of them are diesel electric powered, some of them are also dual power diesel/25Kv centenary. France has many of these types on units in the regions. These units are also quite quiet inside and the diesel electric ones have the equipment on the roof.
those are our new Aliston trains. we have 6 sets. We did have 3 Bombarda Talent trains but they are now in storage. During they day it supposdse to be a 10 min service either way.
I believe the old trains that they had running until January this year was also Diesel, since when I take the O-Train, you can smell the diesel smell while boarding and exiting.
These kind of trains are in general use throughout Europe. Some of them are diesel electric powered, some of them are also dual power diesel/25Kv centenary. France has many of these types on units in the regions. These units are also quite quiet inside and the diesel electric ones have the equipment on the roof.
Another note: The O-Train line was renamed slightly to the "Trillium" Line, while they are using the O-Train as the entire system
Nothing like a breathe of fresh frozen diesel on a minus 20 Ottawa morning!
those are our new Aliston trains. we have 6 sets. We did have 3 Bombarda Talent trains but they are now in storage. During they day it supposdse to be a 10 min service either way.
Nice catch Elton but what where you doing in Ottawa
John Sellers I go there once in while to see various different vehicles...
Oh ok thanks elton
I believe the old trains that they had running until January this year was also Diesel, since when I take the O-Train, you can smell the diesel smell while boarding and exiting.
Transitfan93 Yup its weird.
This is a Lint 41 from Alstom😉
Why does a DB Regio train in Canada?
Was it nightime or we're you in a tunnel?
Is that the Trillium line?
That is very odd but cool!
I'm going tootta wa tomorow!!!
The bells on those things sound terrible. They're basically the North American variant of the BR 648.
It's a Train/Truck xD