But now I tell you: whoever is angry with his brother will be brought to trial, whoever calls his brother ‘You good-for-nothing!’ will be brought before the Council, and whoever calls his brother a worthless fool will be in danger of going to the fire of hell. Matthew 5:22 GNBDK ❤️🥰
High noon senna and lucian look SICK😩
Senna how I wish I could have that skin. Awesome gameplay
Nice video.BTW I love this skin 😭
Yo that Rakan got skills. But his teammates XD i don't wanna talk abt it
Wow nice skin 😻 nice gameplay 👍❤️❤️❤️
Dit finally found his adc
Dit Dittt what’s your favourite skin? Kekw
kda popstar akali
Senna is a legend!!!
By the skin btw
Love your vid
0/5 yasou got all the likes, lol
haha 🤣
Find out for yourself how good the LORD is. Happy are those who find safety with him.
Psalms 34:8 GNBDK ❤️
But now I tell you: whoever is angry with his brother will be brought to trial, whoever calls his brother ‘You good-for-nothing!’ will be brought before the Council, and whoever calls his brother a worthless fool will be in danger of going to the fire of hell.
Matthew 5:22 GNBDK
Don't think Jesus will love his people spamming his words in a random wildrift video my guy