5 Common Flaws in Arguments You Likely Don't Realize | Top 5 Bad Arguments | How Not to Argue

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • Title pretty much sums it up. Here are some common flaws I see in arguments.

Комментарии • 18

  • @ricco48219
    @ricco48219 Год назад +3

    Keep ‘em coming Baller

  • @DoctorEstoico
    @DoctorEstoico Год назад +1

    Nice! Love all of them. I would love to hear your take on the Kafkian Trap.

  • @ghoulishfiddle0171
    @ghoulishfiddle0171 Год назад +1

    This was a lot more dense than I expected. I am absolutely going to have to watch this several times. That's good though, dense information is a lot more entertaining than having to sit through a glorified lecture. I genuinely think throwing a video like this once and a while would be great.
    If you don't mind answering, do you have any favorite reading material? Been trying to build up a small collection of books to read when I am bored.

    • @nickolasmelonballer
      @nickolasmelonballer  Год назад +1

      All I've ever been able to read without wanting to vomit is Locke, specifically his Two Treatise on Civil Government.
      Leviathan is always touted as being about contractionalism, but if you pull up an audio book online (because pretty much all public domain books have free audio books on youtube), you will be bored out of your mind with the first, like, eleven chapters of Leviathan where he is just defining terms like peace and serenity lmao.
      I read all of Plato's Republic, and that's basically when I stopped reading philosophy. I honestly believe people never actual read any of these books because Republic is always held in high regard as the birth of constitutionalism and modern government (at least, I've read some articles say that about Plato's Republic), but then I read it and I'm blown away. The man talks about breeding people like birds and creates a proto-fascist regime and is like, "yeah, this is true justice. This is utopia" when the very premise he began with to construct this republic was a contractional-eque natural state, so... you... obviously fascism violates the very principle of autonomy which this society was supposed to serve lmao.
      All in all, it may sound arrogant, but I genuinely hate most philosophers. Like, you would think I would like someone like DeCartes but when I tried to read him, he just kept rattling on about his travels and how much he learned.
      So, yeah, Locke is, so far, the only one I can stand. No lube, no foreplay, he just sticks it in and gets to the point and doesn't participate in the linguistical obfuscation that is so common amongst other philosophers.

  • @loganblackwood2922
    @loganblackwood2922 Год назад

    Fetus essentially means "offspring" too, so even a semantic point on how it is clinically understood isn't a particularly good way of dismissing it as being a baby. Semantic trickery, word play and fudging definitions has become so common by debate bros because they lean in to our general understanding of words and plays into their utility. For me though, this has created a massive disparity in people's demand for precision, "Well, how are you defining X..." to the total expansion of a words meaning as to render the use of the word at all no longer relevant in regards to its use. This is a demand to have words be near 100% precise at all times and 100% vague at all times... for debate convenience of course.
    The issue? Recursive loops for definitions and/or never being able to pin down what something is you're talking about because a shade darker red or a shade lighter red is no longer red and looking at either and concluding you both *know* you're at least looking at red to begin with to properly judge its shade one way or the other.

  • @Layarion
    @Layarion Год назад

    I wish more fleshed out examples were given because i don't fully understand all of it, and that might have helped.

  • @reamrkj1125
    @reamrkj1125 Год назад

    All of these remind me of arguing with my sister. I think there is a real philosophical divide between the intellectual and the practical. Folks tend to not be able to see life and the world from the other perspective. As a person that attempts to live in both worlds its not always easy and some times I'm asounded by the amout of BS on both sides. I appreciate your take on bad arguments as I have seen these to my face more than online.

  • @Layarion
    @Layarion Год назад

    7:10 maybe try "false dismissal fallacy" instead? or maybe "false moot fallacy"

  • @BillyTheBranco1
    @BillyTheBranco1 Год назад

    Most important thing to put on your list for the channel: improve the audio

    • @ghoulishfiddle0171
      @ghoulishfiddle0171 Год назад

      I'm inclined to disagree. The audio is good enough that, if he doesn't really know what he is doing, he's better off leaving it alone.

    • @BillyTheBranco1
      @BillyTheBranco1 Год назад

      @@ghoulishfiddle0171 The audio is objectively subpar, and audio quality matters a lot, regardless of your opinion. Specially since many people just listen to the videos while doing other things. Having amateur audio hinders the channel. Just because you can’t hear well or don’t care, it doesn’t mean that it is ok. If he doesn’t know what he’s doing, he can learn.

    • @ghoulishfiddle0171
      @ghoulishfiddle0171 Год назад

      @@BillyTheBranco1 Audio quality is the handwriting of web videos. It mostly just needs to be legible, understandable, and not distracting. Not only that, but it typically improves over time. Most people are on mobile devices paired with some easily-replaced bluetooth earbuds, meaning anything above "par" has a great diminishing return on the benefits to the audience. Really, all he needs to meet that par is some sound foam to address the minor reverb and maybe get a lavalier microphone of some kind. That's not a whole lot of things to resolve, all things considered. The most benefit would be from the lavalier mic.
      This is absolutely a case of "a little would go a long ways" and nowhere near as bad as many other people in the same space. It's not like there has to be any sense of urgency. I get we've all been spoiled by the wave of people who have podcast quality microphones, but not everyone has the money or care to go blow whatever it would cost to get a pro-sumer audio setup. $20-50 here and there can really be all it takes to start benefitting your audio quality over time. That's really all it comes down to lol.

    • @BillyTheBranco1
      @BillyTheBranco1 Год назад

      @@ghoulishfiddle0171 Your first phrase is but a wrong opinion of yours, as evidenced by the fact that any successful streamer/youtuber takes care to have good audio. Often enough, audio is prioritized over video quality. Saying that most people have mobile devices with Bluetooth earbuds isn’t necessarily true, but it’s close enough to make no difference. The inference that they have poor audio, though, is very wrong, as current buds and headphones by the likes of apple and Samsung have pretty decent quality even if not pro level.
      The rest of what you said is just you wrongly assuming I’m indicating a specific solution. I just said the audio needs improvement. Assuming other discussions I’ve seen on the topic are correct, you’re still wrong, since the most common opinion I’ve seen is that a prosumer level mic is necessary, but it doesn’t really matter. If you say that just a bit of improvement is enough, without need for more expensive equipment, that’s not in contradiction with my claim. It’s an objective fact that the audio is subpar. It’s easy to find reasonable evidence that audio is really important. That’s the end of it. The rest is you getting weirdly defensive, making wrong claims and assuming too much. This is even more weird by the fact that I follow the guy, having been one of the first here coming from TikTok. I’m not trying to be mean, I’m trying to help. I hope he succeeds. For that, he’ll need good audio.

    • @BillyTheBranco1
      @BillyTheBranco1 Год назад

      And, btw, I’m very happy to feed the algorithm by arguing over nothing here. Doesn’t make you right, though