Good effort again. Filler in Japanese are really important and part of the culture, they were the 1st things I spotted when I started being interested in the Japanese language. Must learn and practice.
It's great that you've already noticed them! Learning and practicing fillers like えっと, あの, and なんか will definitely improve your fluency. Keep up the great work!
I feel like I mostly just know fillers and such and I’m also really bad at communication, so every time I try to talk in Japanese it becomes “まぁ…あの…あのさあ…なんか…なんか…あのー…あは…ごめん、なんか…あ…あの…なんという…” まぁ、英語でも同じ…コミュ障だからw
could you make your videos into a playlist on your channel? I think RUclips has an easy way of doing this, and it makes consuming your content more convenient
I've created a playlist! 🎉 Thanks for the great suggestion. Now you can easily find related videos all in one place. I'll keep adding more helpful content, so be sure to check it out!
What i struggle with is not knowing how to connect sentences together, I sometimes know the words I have to use, but I don't know how to make a sentence with it. Do you have any tricks for this problem? Thank you!
I am am not a Japanese native by any means, but this is a problem I also encounter, and so I would just say watching videos like these are already a great start. Every single sentence that comes out of his mouth is a gold mine on how to create a complete sentence. For me, I like to go sentence by sentence and take each one apart and see how it’s put together. It seems like a lot of work at the beginning but soon you get the hang of it faster than those boring grammar books and stiff grammar structures. And it’s more fun!
I hope you find this script helpful for your studies!
今回(こんかい)はフィラーについて話(はな)していこうと思(おも)うんだけどこのフィラーみんな使(つか)いこなせると必(かなら)ずあなたの日本語(にほんご)伸(の)びると思(おも)うので今回(こんかい)はね、言語学(げんごがく)的(てき)な 視点(してん)から解説(かいせつ)していきたいと思(おも)います。
なんだけど、言語学(げんごがく)的(てき)な視点(してん)から述(の)べるとこのフィラー というのは会話(かいわ)の間(あいだ)に入(い)れるつなぎ言葉(ことば)になるんだよね。
英語(えいご)だったら 「well」とか「like」とか、「I mean」とか。
はい、 まず一(ひと)つ目(め)ですね。一(ひと)つ目(め)は会話(かいわ)の促進(そくしん)。
これは言葉(ことば)を探(さが)してるんだよね。次(つぎ)なんて言(い)おうかなっていうのを探(さが)してるから 「Well」っていってつなぐ。
そうすると、気(き)まずい雰囲気(ふんいき)だったり。「 うわ、早(はや)く言(い)わないと早(はや)く言(い)わないと」って焦(あせ)っちゃうかもしれないじゃん。
だから 会話(かいわ)をつないで言葉(ことば)を探(さが)す効果(こうか)があるこのフィラーを覚(おぼ)えると、言語学(げんごがく)的(てき)に言(い)われているのが会話(かいわ)が促進(そくしん)される。
二(ふた)つ目(め)。二(ふた)つ目(め)は、 発話(はつわ)権(けん)の保持(ほじ)。
例(たと)えば 会話(かいわ)で「I mean like」と言(い)ったらさ、次(つぎ)、自分(じぶん)が話(はな)しますよっていうのを伝(つた)えてるんだよね。わかるかな?
で、これなんで大事(だいじ)なのかって言(い)ったら特(とく)に言語(げんご)を学(まな)びたてで、自分(じぶん)が学(まな)びたい言語(げんご)の ネイティブのかたと喋(しゃべ)るとき。
だから こうやってフィラーを使(つか)って「自分(じぶん)が次(つぎ)言(い)いますよ!だから ちょっと待(ま)ってください」っていうのを伝(つた)えることができるんだよね 。
そう、自分(じぶん)も経験(けいけん)あるんだけど一回(かい)ニュージーランド人(じん)とアメリカ人(じん)と自分(じぶん)が話(はな)した時(とき)にその英語(えいご)のやりとりがめちゃくちゃ早(はや)くてついていけなかったんだよね 。
もちろん相手(あいて)は悪気(わるぎ)もないしこれは 自分(じぶん)の責任(せきにん)なんだけどここでもし自分(じぶん)がフィラーを使(つか)っていれば良(よ)かったなっていうふうに今(いま)思(おも)います。
はい、で、3つ目(め)。3つ目(め)は、これは ネイティブ感(かん)が出(で)るってことですね。
「I mean, It's kind of」
長(なが)めの文章(ぶんしょう)で会話(かいわ)を繋(つな)げるっていうのをおすすめします。例(たと)えば、「うわっ なんて言(い)えばいいかなぁみたいな」
これは英語(えいご)で言(い)ったら「How should I put it?」「 How do I say」
他(ほか)にも「あやふやだけど、あやふやだけど、うーん」みたいな。 これは、it's a bit vague, but」みたいな
「自信(じしん)はないけど、多分(たぶん) 」これ英語(えいご)で言(い)ったら
「I'm not completely sure, but maybe...」みたいな
他(ほか)にも「私(わたし)の覚(おぼ)えている限(かぎ)りで」、「俺(おれ)が知(し)ってる限(かぎ)りだと」、これを英語(えいご)で言(い)うと、「As far as I know 」みたいな感(かん)じで言(い)う。
そうすると 幼稚(ようち)な感(かん)じもないし、文章(ぶんしょう)も長(なが)くなってるから言葉(ことば)を探(さが)す時間(じかん)も長(なが)くなる。
はい、今回(こんかい)はちょっとね、 言語学(げんごがく)的(てき)に見(み)たフィラーのメリット
新(あたら)しい視点(してん)だと思(おも)うけど、これねまあ、結構(けっこう)スピーキングにおいてかなり効果(こうか)が出(で)ると思(おも)うので、ぜひ! やってみるのもいいと思(おも)います。
@@Yusuke-x9m thanks so much ゆすけ先生!!!
わー!!transcription 感謝いたします、m(__)m。
These videos make me continue to learn japanese! ありがとう😆💕✨
I would say I hope you become the best Japanese teacher on youtube…but you already are!! 🎉❤
bro its just one banger after another. How do you do it
I just understand banger! thank you for your comment! It also help me learn English lol
Another amazing video
Good effort again. Filler in Japanese are really important and part of the culture, they were the 1st things I spotted when I started being interested in the Japanese language.
Must learn and practice.
It's great that you've already noticed them! Learning and practicing fillers like えっと, あの, and なんか will definitely improve your fluency. Keep up the great work!
I feel like I mostly just know fillers and such and I’m also really bad at communication, so every time I try to talk in Japanese it becomes
Im learning so much with your videos. Thank you sooo much. Keep it up. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! いつも役に立つ動画をアップしてくれてありがとう
thank you for another video!
i just uploaded new one!
ty for the video as always !
You're very welcome! 😊 Thank you for watching as always!
Thank you for this new video!! 🤩
You're welcome! 🤩 I'm so glad you enjoyed the new video! Thank you for watching!
could you make your videos into a playlist on your channel? I think RUclips has an easy way of doing this, and it makes consuming your content more convenient
I've created a playlist! 🎉 Thanks for the great suggestion. Now you can easily find related videos all in one place. I'll keep adding more helpful content, so be sure to check it out!
@Yusuke-x9m i really appreciate that and all the effort you put into your content!
Arigato yusuke-sensei~ 🙇♂️✨️✨️
Arigato gozaimasu! 🙇♂️✨️ I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
What i struggle with is not knowing how to connect sentences together, I sometimes know the words I have to use, but I don't know how to make a sentence with it. Do you have any tricks for this problem? Thank you!
I am am not a Japanese native by any means, but this is a problem I also encounter, and so I would just say watching videos like these are already a great start. Every single sentence that comes out of his mouth is a gold mine on how to create a complete sentence. For me, I like to go sentence by sentence and take each one apart and see how it’s put together. It seems like a lot of work at the beginning but soon you get the hang of it faster than those boring grammar books and stiff grammar structures. And it’s more fun!
One method is to have ChatGPT correct the sentences you create!
Keep practicing, and it’ll get easier!