the way that the first time either of them really said each other’s first names in a moment of comfort they both reacted the same way😭 taken aback but so touched
The moment when he touches her face is so intimate. I don't know how anyone could look at the interactions between these two and think there was ever a point where their feelings for each other were simply platonic, lol. I'm not saying friends can't be affectionate, but... the gazes and lingering touches between these two was definitely on another level from the beginning.
I love how in this episode both Mulder and Scully switch places. Mulder played the skeptic while Scully was being a little open minded with the extreme possibilities.
Yep, he calls her Dana a few times, I remember one other time, season 1 episode 15... Scully also calls him Fox in Season 1 episode cute... Calling each other by name, they reach a higher level of intimacy.
I can't get over the fact that Gillian Anderson was only about 23 in this. Her face doesn't look old at all, but her voice, delivery, self-posession... everything about her mannerisms are more mature than me or any of my 35 year old friends.
Look at the profile of that woman! Those features look carved out of marble! That face is straight out of paintings of upper-class society women from the early 1900s...I've yet to see another face on television that's as classically beautiful as Gillian's, ever!
So i also caress my FBI colleague's face during office hours. It's really platonic. 😆 come the f on. This ain't platonic. What is carter smoking? 😑 But on a more serious note. This is freakin sweet and tender. She's trying not to be but she's grieving and so vulnerable. And mulder's soft loving concern and the way he looks at her. 😍 i melt at how tender he is with her. What i loved about this episode is that they reversed the roles between them. And her vulnerabilty had her easily taken advantage of. And with mulder his experience with violent crimes came into play. He knows how ruthless boggs is. And he's trying to protect scully from his mind games. But he's frustrated at how she's believing this. And i love the argument they have which is legitimate. Mulder is like oh you'll believe but you don't wanna go on the record. Of course that's something that only spooky mulder does. And i love it because with mulder just be honest with your convictions. Cut the BS and be honest but only when it's true and not something manipulative and self soothing. and have the bravery to not conform to what's expected. It's a very real debate between the 2 sides of the belief spectrum. Scully doesn't believe in the paranormal but the sky daddy religion is real? I mean that is indeed a huge hypocrisy, with her reasoning that it's just faith. And mulder knows it's not faith but indoctrination. And it is. Scully's catholic faith was indoctrinated into her from an early age. So i love that the show will have this dialogue. She can't just turn around and believe because it's personal for one episode and then be the consumate sceptic in the next. Mulder's right, her grief is clouding her judgement and boggs knows it too. Now of course mulder's wrong too here. I do believe boggs is genuine at the end when he offers to connect her with her father. But i loved the theme of grief here and the universal theme of unfinished buisness and needing to say goodbye and make amends. Scully still carries the guilt of disappointing her father by joing the FBI. When people die, at first it conjures up the things we never said or did with them. We wallow in the regrets until we find closure and remember the good parts. But here the show lets it be raw and real topped by fantastic performances. Gillian plays such an exposed scully in a way we haven't seen yet. You freakin hurt for her. And especially how she just lost her father and now watches mulder be shot and ends up going ham on boggs. She shows how protective she is of mulder and absolutely her growing feelings for him. remember this is S1E9 i think. It's so early but man DD and GA really are magic together. And then brad douriff and the balls to the wall freakish way he plays boggs. he really does make you believe he can channel. I love when mulder tricks him with the shirt and is so pissed. It's these little glimpses where you see what mulder must have been like working violent crimes before the x-files. He's fantastic to watch. But the episode is so poignant because it asks the question what if we could say goodbye, should we? Scully has the opportunity to do that with her father but she turns it down going to mulder's bedside. They have a very raw and human conversation "after all that you've seen you still refuse to believe, why?" " i'm afraid to believe" and "he was my father" in response to mulder asking her why she didn't face her fear even if it meant hearing a message from her father. Scully wrestles with this throughout the episode, the did i make him proud? Was he disapointed in me? And this beautiful ending with her accepting that no one could give her those answers. Because she knows them. He was her father and he loved her. 😰 but such a beautiful exploration of grief. This show could be so deep and spiritual. It took risks too. Iconic.
I agree with a lot of what you say, but I do think you're imposing your own views of religion on how Scully's Catholicism is portrayed. It's never portrayed as indoctrination. I think the show actually does a really great job of exploring their contrasting faith systems (Mulder being everything in the X-Files, Scully her religion/ spirituality) in an interesting but also respectful way. In a show that explores the concept of the unknown and greater powers all the time, it would make no sense to dismiss religious spirituality. A lot of the X-Files Mulder believes in are directly linked to religions. I think the show does a great job of giving credence to both of their belief systems, while dismissing neither. It's also a great way of exploring the two characters' psyches, reversing their roles, and causing some conflict between them. Scully is the classic skeptic for most of the show, trying to hold onto scientific fact always, but her exception to that is her spirituality. Mulder is the opposite in that believes in phenomenona like psychics, but is immediately dismissive of anything too related to religion. In effect, they both believe in some higher powers/unknown, but also have their major blind spots when it comes to their work.
I can safely say, as someone who is just at the end of season 1 now, they have never been normal coworkers. In the pilot she goes to his room in underwear and a dressing gown to get the bumps on her back checked out. As if it is completely normal to go to a male co-worker's room at night, whom you just met, so he can inspect your back. She doesn't even think about putting on some clothes beforehand. Then they hug and stay up chatting on his bed. While she's still in a dressing gown and underwear. It's like they are already intimately comfortable with one another. And they barely know one another. Normal work relationship? Definitely not. And the coming episodes only solidify that. They have no boundaries. They practically live in each other's pockets. They go to each other's houses at all hours of the night. And neither of them seem to have any life outside of work. Scully even goes on a date and is seemingly bored out of her brains with his normal life. She can't turn down a second date so she can go off with Mulder fast enough. He could've been going to hang out in the sewers and she would've gone running after him. There is so much hugging, cuddling, caressing and physical contact in every episode. The two of them have no boundaries. I don't know how it was ever a mystery whether the characters liked each other. It's so blatantly obvious from the first episode.
Что-то вспоминать, если у неё была трагедия, что это траур был кто-то из родных умер, то не был траур об этом спрашивает, как дела не спросить, может быть, отдохнёшь, и я за тебя поработаю. Как дела, интересно, просто люди не понимают ничего? На его месте по-другому не раз так себя ведут. Актёрское мастерство ни от кого не зависит от того, что сериалы, если так сделали, так и его сделали. Человек немыслимо это повторить. Я по-другому поступила бы, я бы нам рассказала, мне тебя жаль. Хау-ду-ю-ду! Что она ему ещё скажет, скажет: "да всё нормально? Тоже как-то родной человек умер, сестра её и всё таким способом, как бы отвлечь, его не надо было отвлекать. Сильно уши-это очень тяжело, когда родного человека-человека теряет, то трудно проходить в себя. В том и дело надо потом понимать. А мы не понимаем пароль, вот и всё. Такая история здесь. Я не помню, какой видно, она потеряла сестру свою мелиссу из-за этого, она так выглядит. Ну как дела бы сказала? Как состояние твоё, допустим, спросил, как дела? Войди в её положение, да всё надо было. Кому я расписали только человек ведёт себя? В другом месте спросила даже. Ролей эпизодических я бы по-другому бы спросила.
Да, конечно, что себя так ведут, чтобы войти в положение не всё-таки не надо было. Она получила бы как бы, как сказать, получила бы какую-нибудь заявку на то, что он к ней относится с любовью вот так просто это технически. Технически относится всё так. Я по-другому сказала бы, давай я за тебя сегодня поработаю, и всё отпустил бы её домой. Так не тяжело, так, конечно. Ты на месте сказала: иди домой, я за тебя поработаю, а так бы я поступила на его месте. Кто расписал эти роли, я не знаю, что может быть что-то произойти? Что это? Мне её жалко. Бедненькая, как она это всё перенесла? Это я, это всё смотрела и рыдала, я глаза на мокром месте были. Показали, как выстрели эту девушку, жалко было. Не в 1 месте просто сказал: иди отдохни, да и всё я за тебя поработаю, сегодня нет. Просто как-то человек, который это написал, это Крис карте он не подумал, что можно было бы что-то придумать по-другому для них. Технически всё. Я так думаю, это всё по сценарию, что я думаю, что он без сценарий поступил по-другому. И всё. Что-то случится, между ними рядом нет сдерживаться друг от друга. А что? Пытается думать об этом, но это не значит, что это всё выдавать, нет об этом думать. С ней прислушивайся, она говорит, задевается явно. Ты бы по-другому бы поступил, не чувствуется, что. Где ты это всё, я почти это где? Борьба за будущее. Борьба за будущее появилась. Это просто был сценарий, так бы он по-другому поступил, я так думаю, без сценария бы по-другому поступил. Конечно. Да, я знаю Давида духовно бы по-другому сделал всё. В некоторых местах вообще был не согласен с ролями. Ну вот как я сделаю, так и должно быть. Вообще просто-просто моменты. Испуга. Просто сценарий так написано. Без сценарий бы по-другому не поступил, это точно. Вот и с 7 сезона у меня как раз и начались романтические отношения. Всё создавал не что-то интересное. С него рубашка с галстуком, мне она очень нравилась сино-синего цвета, пиджак чёрный, чёрный пиджак темно-синий-то чёрный. Джеймс бонд. Сделано, как будто тролли такие сделаны замечательные, как будто Джеймс бонд, мне он больше напоминал. В начале. Брюса Уиллиса вообще было интересно потом Брендана фрезера. А потом кого мне напоминал это по характеру, он никого не напоминал. А. Сейчас вспомню.
Целиком, полностью напоминает бе-эва красотки богат, такой был мужик, вот этого бе-эва здесь вообще знаете, какой пар напоминал борьбы будущее, потом я уже поняла. Ну, вы красотки? Я до сих пор помню, потому что я долго привыкала, смотрела на него раньше, вообще даже взгляд на него, вот это, скорее всего, уже привычка уже пошла, вот когда. У них было, допустим, с книгами моменты, и они там что-то по поводу книг пыталась задавать вопросы. Я же ничего не говорю, я пишу 1 раз, не знаю, какие книги, какие книги там допустит то триллеры трагедии. Что? Хотелось бы попробовать просто зайти посмотреть, что у них там дали все. Сейчас попробую
Я эту серию хорошо знаю мне тогда ещё смотрела я не могла поверить что что-то здесь такое интересное происходит надеюсь что этот комментарий вам понравится ставьте лайк пожалуйста я жду
When Mulder calls Scully Dana and when Scully calls Mulder Fox my heart CAN’T handle it!!
the way that the first time either of them really said each other’s first names in a moment of comfort they both reacted the same way😭 taken aback but so touched
The moment when he touches her face is so intimate. I don't know how anyone could look at the interactions between these two and think there was ever a point where their feelings for each other were simply platonic, lol. I'm not saying friends can't be affectionate, but... the gazes and lingering touches between these two was definitely on another level from the beginning.
Absolutely right!From the beginning……
Lovers on the highest level...without sexual intimacy.
I love how in this episode both Mulder and Scully switch places. Mulder played the skeptic while Scully was being a little open minded with the extreme possibilities.
I think it's first time he called her Dana, and one of the only times ever on the show.
Yep, he calls her Dana a few times, I remember one other time, season 1 episode 15... Scully also calls him Fox in Season 1 episode cute... Calling each other by name, they reach a higher level of intimacy.
@@elisagiambartino3483oOoOO 😮I swear I'm not the one stalking you lol 😂
@@Alexa-eo4tf HAHAHHAS
He calls her Dana loads of times
If there ever was an example of two people, characters, that "belong to one another" they are that example.
I can't get over the fact that Gillian Anderson was only about 23 in this. Her face doesn't look old at all, but her voice, delivery, self-posession... everything about her mannerisms are more mature than me or any of my 35 year old friends.
I know, right? She does give off an older vibe. If only today's 20 something's had this level of maturity. Ugh.
Season 1 was aired in 1993, she would have been 25 years old.
She wasn't 23 😅lol
@@Alexa-eo4tf she was 24 when this episode was filmed. I would say that constitutes "about 23".
The generation in front of them just puts them down on all corners of life!@@deirdrekiely6187
His hand on her face! 😍😍
Look at the profile of that woman! Those features look carved out of marble! That face is straight out of paintings of upper-class society women from the early 1900s...I've yet to see another face on television that's as classically beautiful as Gillian's, ever!
Never get tired of this scene.
So i also caress my FBI colleague's face during office hours. It's really platonic. 😆 come the f on. This ain't platonic. What is carter smoking? 😑
But on a more serious note. This is freakin sweet and tender. She's trying not to be but she's grieving and so vulnerable. And mulder's soft loving concern and the way he looks at her. 😍 i melt at how tender he is with her.
What i loved about this episode is that they reversed the roles between them. And her vulnerabilty had her easily taken advantage of. And with mulder his experience with violent crimes came into play. He knows how ruthless boggs is. And he's trying to protect scully from his mind games. But he's frustrated at how she's believing this. And i love the argument they have which is legitimate. Mulder is like oh you'll believe but you don't wanna go on the record. Of course that's something that only spooky mulder does. And i love it because with mulder just be honest with your convictions. Cut the BS and be honest but only when it's true and not something manipulative and self soothing. and have the bravery to not conform to what's expected.
It's a very real debate between the 2 sides of the belief spectrum. Scully doesn't believe in the paranormal but the sky daddy religion is real? I mean that is indeed a huge hypocrisy, with her reasoning that it's just faith. And mulder knows it's not faith but indoctrination. And it is. Scully's catholic faith was indoctrinated into her from an early age. So i love that the show will have this dialogue. She can't just turn around and believe because it's personal for one episode and then be the consumate sceptic in the next.
Mulder's right, her grief is clouding her judgement and boggs knows it too. Now of course mulder's wrong too here. I do believe boggs is genuine at the end when he offers to connect her with her father. But i loved the theme of grief here and the universal theme of unfinished buisness and needing to say goodbye and make amends. Scully still carries the guilt of disappointing her father by joing the FBI. When people die, at first it conjures up the things we never said or did with them. We wallow in the regrets until we find closure and remember the good parts.
But here the show lets it be raw and real topped by fantastic performances. Gillian plays such an exposed scully in a way we haven't seen yet. You freakin hurt for her. And especially how she just lost her father and now watches mulder be shot and ends up going ham on boggs. She shows how protective she is of mulder and absolutely her growing feelings for him. remember this is S1E9 i think. It's so early but man DD and GA really are magic together.
And then brad douriff and the balls to the wall freakish way he plays boggs. he really does make you believe he can channel. I love when mulder tricks him with the shirt and is so pissed. It's these little glimpses where you see what mulder must have been like working violent crimes before the x-files. He's fantastic to watch. But the episode is so poignant because it asks the question what if we could say goodbye, should we? Scully has the opportunity to do that with her father but she turns it down going to mulder's bedside. They have a very raw and human conversation "after all that you've seen you still refuse to believe, why?" " i'm afraid to believe" and "he was my father" in response to mulder asking her why she didn't face her fear even if it meant hearing a message from her father.
Scully wrestles with this throughout the episode, the did i make him proud? Was he disapointed in me? And this beautiful ending with her accepting that no one could give her those answers. Because she knows them. He was her father and he loved her. 😰 but such a beautiful exploration of grief. This show could be so deep and spiritual. It took risks too. Iconic.
I agree with a lot of what you say, but I do think you're imposing your own views of religion on how Scully's Catholicism is portrayed. It's never portrayed as indoctrination. I think the show actually does a really great job of exploring their contrasting faith systems (Mulder being everything in the X-Files, Scully her religion/ spirituality) in an interesting but also respectful way.
In a show that explores the concept of the unknown and greater powers all the time, it would make no sense to dismiss religious spirituality. A lot of the X-Files Mulder believes in are directly linked to religions. I think the show does a great job of giving credence to both of their belief systems, while dismissing neither.
It's also a great way of exploring the two characters' psyches, reversing their roles, and causing some conflict between them. Scully is the classic skeptic for most of the show, trying to hold onto scientific fact always, but her exception to that is her spirituality. Mulder is the opposite in that believes in phenomenona like psychics, but is immediately dismissive of anything too related to religion. In effect, they both believe in some higher powers/unknown, but also have their major blind spots when it comes to their work.
She looks like princess Diana ...
omg I thought I was the only one who thought this!
@@charleyburns8947 Well, it was a popular haircut back in the 90s.
OMG, they are so young!
Somewhere....beyond the sea...oh well I love this episode😍
God... I love them so much ♥
Fantastic episode, I loved the first few seasons
Ahaha the adult video news. Gotta upload the other video where she mentions the tapes that do not belong to Mulder. LOL
Was that unprofessional?
Do we care?
No, not especially.
I wouldn't feel comfortable if my coworker caressed my face lol
Djlullaby22 rule does not apply to Mulder!
Same here, Djullaby. Then again, I've never shared an office with David Duchovny.... ;)
They’re not your average co workers, they’re Mulder and Scully. 😍
They already had a closeness that average co-workers wouldn't have.
I can safely say, as someone who is just at the end of season 1 now, they have never been normal coworkers.
In the pilot she goes to his room in underwear and a dressing gown to get the bumps on her back checked out. As if it is completely normal to go to a male co-worker's room at night, whom you just met, so he can inspect your back. She doesn't even think about putting on some clothes beforehand. Then they hug and stay up chatting on his bed. While she's still in a dressing gown and underwear.
It's like they are already intimately comfortable with one another. And they barely know one another. Normal work relationship? Definitely not.
And the coming episodes only solidify that. They have no boundaries. They practically live in each other's pockets. They go to each other's houses at all hours of the night. And neither of them seem to have any life outside of work.
Scully even goes on a date and is seemingly bored out of her brains with his normal life. She can't turn down a second date so she can go off with Mulder fast enough. He could've been going to hang out in the sewers and she would've gone running after him.
There is so much hugging, cuddling, caressing and physical contact in every episode. The two of them have no boundaries.
I don't know how it was ever a mystery whether the characters liked each other. It's so blatantly obvious from the first episode.
Jesus, Gillian was hot in her twenties.
And David, soooo cute 😍😍
Was? WAS? 💀💀💀
@@Alexa-eo4tf In the first 3 season David was so cute. Then in the others season he became hot lol
@@alien_cacti500 is* Hahahaha she is still beautiful... She gets better with age.
@@elisagiambartino3483 agreed, I call him Angel face cuz he's so Damn gorgeous!!! 😰😰😰
Что-то вспоминать, если у неё была трагедия, что это траур был кто-то из родных умер, то не был траур об этом спрашивает, как дела не спросить, может быть, отдохнёшь, и я за тебя поработаю. Как дела, интересно, просто люди не понимают ничего? На его месте по-другому не раз так себя ведут. Актёрское мастерство ни от кого не зависит от того, что сериалы, если так сделали, так и его сделали. Человек немыслимо это повторить. Я по-другому поступила бы, я бы нам рассказала, мне тебя жаль. Хау-ду-ю-ду! Что она ему ещё скажет, скажет: "да всё нормально? Тоже как-то родной человек умер, сестра её и всё таким способом, как бы отвлечь, его не надо было отвлекать. Сильно уши-это очень тяжело, когда родного человека-человека теряет, то трудно проходить в себя. В том и дело надо потом понимать. А мы не понимаем пароль, вот и всё. Такая история здесь. Я не помню, какой видно, она потеряла сестру свою мелиссу из-за этого, она так выглядит. Ну как дела бы сказала? Как состояние твоё, допустим, спросил, как дела? Войди в её положение, да всё надо было. Кому я расписали только человек ведёт себя? В другом месте спросила даже. Ролей эпизодических я бы по-другому бы спросила.
Reminds me of my friends John, David, Gillian
Love you two
When he called her Dana she wasn't expecting that I think she wanted to cry?
I can't understand Scully's dialog at 3:24 "OK now..." ???
Beyond the Sea at the end....
Да, конечно, что себя так ведут, чтобы войти в положение не всё-таки не надо было. Она получила бы как бы, как сказать, получила бы какую-нибудь заявку на то, что он к ней относится с любовью вот так просто это технически. Технически относится всё так. Я по-другому сказала бы, давай я за тебя сегодня поработаю, и всё отпустил бы её домой. Так не тяжело, так, конечно. Ты на месте сказала: иди домой, я за тебя поработаю, а так бы я поступила на его месте. Кто расписал эти роли, я не знаю, что может быть что-то произойти? Что это? Мне её жалко. Бедненькая, как она это всё перенесла? Это я, это всё смотрела и рыдала, я глаза на мокром месте были. Показали, как выстрели эту девушку, жалко было. Не в 1 месте просто сказал: иди отдохни, да и всё я за тебя поработаю, сегодня нет. Просто как-то человек, который это написал, это Крис карте он не подумал, что можно было бы что-то придумать по-другому для них. Технически всё. Я так думаю, это всё по сценарию, что я думаю, что он без сценарий поступил по-другому. И всё. Что-то случится, между ними рядом нет сдерживаться друг от друга. А что? Пытается думать об этом, но это не значит, что это всё выдавать, нет об этом думать. С ней прислушивайся, она говорит, задевается явно. Ты бы по-другому бы поступил, не чувствуется, что. Где ты это всё, я почти это где? Борьба за будущее. Борьба за будущее появилась. Это просто был сценарий, так бы он по-другому поступил, я так думаю, без сценария бы по-другому поступил. Конечно. Да, я знаю Давида духовно бы по-другому сделал всё. В некоторых местах вообще был не согласен с ролями. Ну вот как я сделаю, так и должно быть. Вообще просто-просто моменты. Испуга. Просто сценарий так написано. Без сценарий бы по-другому не поступил, это точно. Вот и с 7 сезона у меня как раз и начались романтические отношения. Всё создавал не что-то интересное. С него рубашка с галстуком, мне она очень нравилась сино-синего цвета, пиджак чёрный, чёрный пиджак темно-синий-то чёрный. Джеймс бонд. Сделано, как будто тролли такие сделаны замечательные, как будто Джеймс бонд, мне он больше напоминал. В начале. Брюса Уиллиса вообще было интересно потом Брендана фрезера. А потом кого мне напоминал это по характеру, он никого не напоминал. А. Сейчас вспомню.
Целиком, полностью напоминает бе-эва красотки богат, такой был мужик, вот этого бе-эва здесь вообще знаете, какой пар напоминал борьбы будущее, потом я уже поняла. Ну, вы красотки? Я до сих пор помню, потому что я долго привыкала, смотрела на него раньше, вообще даже взгляд на него, вот это, скорее всего, уже привычка уже пошла, вот когда. У них было, допустим, с книгами моменты, и они там что-то по поводу книг пыталась задавать вопросы. Я же ничего не говорю, я пишу 1 раз, не знаю, какие книги, какие книги там допустит то триллеры трагедии. Что? Хотелось бы попробовать просто зайти посмотреть, что у них там дали все. Сейчас попробую
In Raleigh, Mulder gets shot, is buried and is resurrected from the grave...woohoo Raleigh!!!!
Good video Good scene
That sounds sad
528Francis Drive
❤ heart
Scully Dana it's superman
Я эту серию хорошо знаю мне тогда ещё смотрела я не могла поверить что что-то здесь такое интересное происходит надеюсь что этот комментарий вам понравится ставьте лайк пожалуйста я жду
2nd grader ❤😂
Call of duty Mobile 📲📱📱📱📱📱