2024 OECD Competition Open Day - Panel 1. The Consumer Welfare Standard in Enforcement Decisions

  • Опубликовано: 19 мар 2024
  • Competition authorities are currently faced with unprecedented challenges like the rising market power in digital markets, increasing issues with labour market, and competition role in the fight against climate changes. These challenges require enforcers to go back much more frequently to the basics, which are the goals of competition law and the standard that should be used to apply it.
    The session moderated by Ori Schwartz (Head of the OECD Competition Division) discussed these issues and got views from the following heads of competition authorities: Olivier Guersent (Director-General for Competition, European Commission), Sarah Cardell (Chief Executive, UK Competition and Markets Authority and Andrea Marván Saltiel (Chairwoman, Mexico's COFECE)
    More about the 2024 OECD Competition Open day at oe.cd/comp-od-24
    More materials on the topic available here: oe.cd/adws

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