Sexual Purity for Teen & Tween Girls - 1/2 - Dannah Gresh

  • Опубликовано: 26 окт 2024
  • Moira Brown interviews Dannah Gresh about mothers talking to our tween & teen daughters about sexual purity.
    Dannah Gresh
    Author/Speaker/Founder of Pure Freedom Inc.
    Books: "Secret Keeper Girl Series"

Комментарии • 73

  • @2kstinson
    @2kstinson 13 лет назад +3

    I don't understand why this video has such a high dislike ratio. She just speaks the truth of the Bible, if you don't like it why watch the video? Shes honest and open and telling her experience. Pretty awesome lady!

  • @sinisachoice
    @sinisachoice 15 лет назад +3

    That is not Old Testament. The scripture I quoted-- Hebrews 13:4--is from the New Testament.
    Stop perverting scripture. Men are still under the moral law to God anyway, they are just not under ceremonial laws anymore. Do you think it's okay to murder and steal, claiming you are not under the law?
    Rom 3:31 Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we ESTABLISH the law.

  • @khfan4life365
    @khfan4life365 12 лет назад +3

    I'm 18 years old and i'm a virgin in GOD and Jesus! And no one, not even a boy, will throw me from that path until i'm married!

  • @Ashliefje
    @Ashliefje 11 лет назад +2

    That lady is extremely strong and beautifull for admitting that to her husband and not only that but also to the world. And she has turned her struggles,and sins (which many women share with her,most a lot more than hers) into something positive and beautifull and helped so many. This is gods works. Extremely touching and Such a pure and beautifull and honest woman . He walks with god with no fear,truelly inspirational for me a young christian female of 19 years old.

  • @khfan4life365
    @khfan4life365 12 лет назад +1

    If u haters gonna hate, then why are you here? U shouldn't post horrible comments on a sexual purity vid if u don't believe it. Don't ruin it for the ones who do believe in sexual purity!

  • @200991602
    @200991602 9 лет назад +3

    There's girls that don't care and boys that get depressed. Why don't they ever address the fact of boys becoming depressed. It depends on the individual, how they will react to a sexual encounter. The boys are left with no one to talk to, because it's thought boys are supposed to just man up....not!, they are kids too just like the girls are.

    • @2009jadeorchid
      @2009jadeorchid 7 лет назад +2

      They will never help the boys because they believe boys are little men already for adulthood the boys will never be helped and when a boy is sad about a relationship or rather courtship ending he is expected to ' just be a man about it' which is inane because men too have feelings.

    • @200991602
      @200991602 7 лет назад +1

      Exactly! They raise boys to be the control freaks, and in order to do that, they shame them when the feel emotions. All I EVER heard from those stupid Bible study was " man up!!! " They want robots of men! They coddle the women and feel sorry for them if they had sex, and at the same time they shame them. It's because they "think" an emotional man is a "sissy". It's plain stupid what they do to both sexes!

  • @Jakhaleesis
    @Jakhaleesis 11 лет назад +4

    Maybe certain someone read the book, they'd know that Dannah never says sex is evil. She herself said sex is amazing, but it should be kept for the one you marry.

  • @sweetsweatyfeet
    @sweetsweatyfeet 9 лет назад +6

    Fighting human nature never works, the desire and need for sexual expression will always win out on average. If you think it proper to remain celibate you are only deceiving yourself and when you slip up you will necessarily suffer needlessly through the cycle of shame and guilt religion uses to manipulate you.
    It's not wrong to have a sex life outside of marriage, it's only wrong to make people feel ashamed for this.

  • @DesGardius-me7gf
    @DesGardius-me7gf 7 лет назад +3

    "This is the problem with the Christian religion. It establishes unrealstic, and irrational and immoral criteria by which to live, and then it creates a loophole so that you don't have to be responsible for those actions."
    - Matt Dillahunty, The Atheist Experience

  • @Spillers72
    @Spillers72 10 лет назад +2

    To the pure of heart all things are pure, if you truly love the person you are sexually pure, even if you do have sex.

  • @TWN321
    @TWN321 14 лет назад +2

    A big problem with Christianity is that WE don't explain the values of sexual purity in absolute terms. We quote scriptures that most dont understand and others don't believe in without truly explaining the risks and damage of having sex too soon. Not just pregnancy/STD, but damage to your name, how men (esp future husband) feel about his woman's sexual past, compromised sexual pleasure in marriage, the list goes on and on. Explaining THESE types of points is the only way to convince the lost.

  • @GlamorGrl00001
    @GlamorGrl00001 15 лет назад +1

    Love this book it was given to me by my women of tomorow leader. I had already made up my mind about staying celebate until after marrige but this convinced me 100%!!! I've read this more than once. (sry for spelling errors!)

  • @promo5423
    @promo5423 11 лет назад +5

    praise the Lord, this is incredible

  • @erictrantham9903
    @erictrantham9903 9 лет назад +20

    I think you're creating the guilt with your religion. The guilt wouldn't naturally happen except for the pressure you put on young girls to remain "pure".

    • @sjohnston815
      @sjohnston815 9 лет назад +5

      It's not a thought, it's the truth. Of course if you shame teens about sex they'll be depressed.
      Religion creates those depressed and suicidal kids.

    • @2009jadeorchid
      @2009jadeorchid 7 лет назад +3

      Their whole assumption is skewed also because they assume if a father shows love then his daughter will wait for sex. This is wrong because parental love and being curious about sex have no connection. There is also a disconnect between females and sexuality as though the two are foreign to one another. These people assume females are not actually interested in sex and only want love which is a myth. The daughters are also overprotected which leads to an eternal childhood. In their sort of marriage ceremony the father hands over the daughter to another male . It is an exchange one domineering male hands over a female to another domineering male so the female has really no life outside of being controlled and is expected to marry early and not have any life experiences which create maturity.

  • @wednesdayingram5102
    @wednesdayingram5102 7 лет назад +1

    I read this woman's devotional for teen girls, and the co-author said that she was beat viciously with a piece of wood by her father for accidentally breaking a glass door, and that her brothers knew the board better than she did.
    She goes on to say, a quote from THE ACTUAL BOOK, "Dad's have been charged since beginning of time with instilling moral values in their kids.
    Kids don't exist for parents. Parents exist for kids.
    It's a dad's job to instill discipline into his children. Remember that the next time your dad steps in to do his job.
    And, if a guy you know is running amok with... words and behavior, consider grace in your attitude. Perhaps he grew up without a bull elephant in his life.
    If your dad's around, do something special for him today."
    What makes this lady worthy of an interview?
    I pray to God no one actually believed her to be a good influence!

    • @alexanderstewart7819
      @alexanderstewart7819 3 года назад

      We need to support those who fight for purity. Unless we have unrepentant sin. That would create a hard heart that would need to be addressed by the Lord first. Pray for a humble and spiritual mind and ❤️. God bless 🙏

    • @alexanderstewart7819
      @alexanderstewart7819 3 года назад

      We need to support those who fight for purity. Unless we have unrepentant sin. That would create a hard heart that would need to be addressed by the Lord first. Pray for a humble and spiritual mind and ❤️. God bless 🙏

  • @patriciacarrasco
    @patriciacarrasco 14 лет назад +2

    @stevenmcnair1897 fornication AKA pre-marital sex IS selfish! why? because ure just having sex w/ no true commitment, just using eachothers body for pleasure, burning urselves up...and then most times u break up cuz it wasnt really love after all! its selfish!

  • @sweetsweatyfeet
    @sweetsweatyfeet 13 лет назад +6

    This is a sickening throwback to the vile Old Testament where an unchaste woman was considered worthless to her father and unmarryable to her community.

    • @MichaelLantz
      @MichaelLantz 7 лет назад

      American Christianity is still stuck in The Old Testament.They believe all the promises that were given to Israel in The Old Testament was given to America instead.They believe That America is The New Jerusalem.

    • @alexanderstewart7819
      @alexanderstewart7819 3 года назад

      The God of the old testament is the God of the new testament. Purity is beautiful and necessary to see God.
      14 Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:
      15 Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;
      16 Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright.
      17 For ye know how that afterward, when he would have inherited the blessing, he was rejected: for he found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears.
      We need to be broken for our sin, not treat with contempt those who are and are sharing their testimony so that other young people can avoid those pitfalls. Even our heart and life will be revealed of why we left what comments we left on here. There is mercy for the broken. Psalm 51:17

  • @khfan4life365
    @khfan4life365 11 лет назад

    Sex is not evil (in fact it's an amazing thing) but using it as a casual activity is evil. It was originally designed to procreate and reproduce. Media these days have warped the term and used it to their advantage. All Dannah is saying is that people should be careful when it comes to sex and sexual activities.

  • @Her_Viscera
    @Her_Viscera 4 года назад +4

    This woman has done more harm than I can even imagine

    • @SS-rl9bg
      @SS-rl9bg 3 года назад

      Just curious why do you think she has done more harm?

  • @XdisXesXwhyXimXhawtX
    @XdisXesXwhyXimXhawtX 11 лет назад

    So you're willing to take the chance of being sexually inexperienced and potentially sexually incompatible with your future husband? Sexuality is very important in a marriage and without a healthy sex life a marriage isn't probably going to last.

  • @200991602
    @200991602 9 лет назад +2

    God created men too, to save their secrets for just one woman, let's have equality here. Either both have purity or none, but not just one,,,,

    • @2009jadeorchid
      @2009jadeorchid 7 лет назад +1

      But these people do not know it. Some churches do not care if boys are virgins or not and put less weight on them about virginity. It is believed among them that girls are more gullible which is not true and girls misled by their feminine love need which is not true and laughable. They use this term ' feminine love need ' since they believe females are needy and love sick which is not true.

    • @200991602
      @200991602 7 лет назад

      They don't and never will, because they have a really crazy view of the sexes. I told a Bible study leader that people are individuals, and he said " No! The sexes are profoundly different! Men don't care, women are hurt! Women are the emotional sex! " Yelled at me! What an idiot! Christianity has become a difficult place to be, to feel safe as a person. Women aren't more emotional, that is such BS, and this is used to control people. If a boy is emotional church leaders will make fun of him, and I have seen this happen. There is a trend in many churches that men be hyper-masculine, to not show emotions, beef up, this one church the men shaved their heads to be less attractive, because to them , men aren't supposed to be attractive because that's supposed to be a "feminine response" . They don't want individuals, they want prototypes of men and women, what they think they should be. I received the same BS from churches, that ' love is a female need' only. They don't know about real life, and real people.

    • @200991602
      @200991602 7 лет назад

      I can't stand their whiney voices either, on these videos! YUCH!

  • @TuAmigoElMorrocoy
    @TuAmigoElMorrocoy 12 лет назад

    and what do you have to say about married couples that have sex and then divorse, it aint no different than an unmarried couple who has sex and then break up... and just bacause theres no marriage doesnt mean that theres no commitment, how many couples get old toguether and raise kids in a loving family and never marry, they support eachother in hard times and sickness.
    Sex is not selfish, is just a natural act... you aint depriving anyone from anything by doing it

  • @stevenmcnair1897
    @stevenmcnair1897 15 лет назад

    a new commandment I give unto you that ye love one another.
    the first law: Love God with all your heart: second: Love your neighbor as yourself. On these 2 commandments hang all the laws and the prophets.
    I have come to fullfill the law.

  • @genevievefortruth
    @genevievefortruth 12 лет назад +2

    I think Dannah's testimony is awesome. I am going to get this teaching for my 12 yr old step daughter. God bless you!

  • @GlamorGrl00001
    @GlamorGrl00001 15 лет назад +1

    no prob!!! If I come across anymore that I know for sure are written more for guys I'll message you the names :)

  • @stevenmcnair1897
    @stevenmcnair1897 15 лет назад

    Christ said "you've heard it said, do not commit adultery. I say to you, If you look with desire you've already committed adultery." Christ is saying it is hopeless to try to be good in the flesh, because it's impossible. no man has not ever wanted sex. Christ said, hey look, that's not important anymore. Love God and others! this is the WHOLE of the law! Christ NEVER said it was wrong ever! show me where! (not the Mormon bible please)

  • @DeJay14
    @DeJay14 15 лет назад +1

    oh great thanks my friends had a hard time finding one

  • @stevenmcnair1897
    @stevenmcnair1897 15 лет назад

    A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
    Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.
    For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
    Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.
    Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law.

    • @alexanderstewart7819
      @alexanderstewart7819 3 года назад

      Is that to say we can go on in sin?
      For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ. Jude 1:4
      As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction. 2 Peter 3:16
      17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
      18 For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
      19 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
      Matthew 5:17-19

  • @stevenmcnair1897
    @stevenmcnair1897 15 лет назад

    That scripture you quoted is from the NT.
    It says Whore mongerers and Adulterers - People who who have sex in lust or selfishness? not people who have pre-marital sex, and people who cheat on husbands and wives will be judged. Those things are wrong under Christ's law of love. Murdering and stealing are NOT alright under the LAW of love because they are not loving a neighbor as yourself. If something is done in love to the glory of God, It's ok! because that is the ONLY law of christ.

  • @ajaxfilms
    @ajaxfilms 15 лет назад

    frightening, Statisits, virgin peers, if she felt that way fine write it up, but don't preach. Sex has many forms.

  • @stevenmcnair1897
    @stevenmcnair1897 15 лет назад

    this video would be hillarious if it wasn't so sad.
    The NT NEVER says pre-marital sex it wrong, if done in love. Love God and Others. On these 2 commandments hang all the law and prophets. It's mentioned only once my one person, Paul, in the NT. He advises a church having problems to free from fornication. thats the one time in the NT. however at the start of that chapter paul says "these words I speak, not God"

  • @sinisachoice
    @sinisachoice 15 лет назад

    Heb 13:4 Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge.
    Sex outside of marriage is wrong.

  • @GlamorGrl00001
    @GlamorGrl00001 15 лет назад

    the do have things for teen guys it's just a matter of looking look up Eric Ludy not sure but I think that he has written a book about it for guys. He's the co-author of when god writes your love story and hes written many books on his own in the last 10 years.

  • @DeJay14
    @DeJay14 15 лет назад

    they need more resources for teen guys

  • @200991602
    @200991602 7 лет назад

    "If it's not for sale, don't sell" ??????? smh what a joke!

  • @DeJay14
    @DeJay14 15 лет назад

    how or what does ludy say becuase Im having a hard time seeing it one for teen guys because purity is for teen guys should be just as importent at least it is to god

  • @stevenmcnair1897
    @stevenmcnair1897 15 лет назад

    In reference to Rom 3:31, That was from the mouth of paul who we shouldn't forget comes from a STRONG jewish background. Paul said MANY things, many inspired and many Not. women should keep quiet in the church? theres some funny teachings from paul which you probably threw out. ONLY the word of CHRIST is truly flawless. I love paul, but the bible also says he had it rough trying to please the Christians in Jerusalem over throwing out there law.

  • @stevenmcnair1897
    @stevenmcnair1897 14 лет назад

    @patriciacarrasco I agree...most of the sex you see in the world today is selfish. But I wouldn't say All pre-marital sex is selfish. Theres is no reason it can't be done in love and mutual respect. God Made sex, and our natural desire for sex. Of course it can be done in love outside of marriage. Love is the LAW. as such, I don't think we should be hung up on the old testament law, which Jesus fulfilled and set us free from.

  • @khfan4life365
    @khfan4life365 12 лет назад

    Thats not true becuz true adults would wait until they were married to take it all off.!

  • @DeJay14
    @DeJay14 15 лет назад

    or just well anything on purity understanding teen girls ect.. thats a start

  • @stevenmcnair1897
    @stevenmcnair1897 15 лет назад

    But all the scripture you can find me is in the OLD testament from when men were under the LAW. Jesus Never said it was wrong to have sex before marriage, the only reference to Fornication in the NT is Pauls letter to one of the 7 churches, young people should "flee from fornication". However earlier in the chapter Paul says "these words I speak, not the lord" as if to say "this advice I haven't prayed about, but It;s what I personally think would solve the problems in ur church.

  • @westernbelle7858
    @westernbelle7858 10 лет назад

    I love this, people don't understand that every tribe has a leader, but no member is lesser. Women are equal but have different roles.

    • @Paytrolah
      @Paytrolah 9 лет назад

      +WesternBelle What are you on about? no one can understand you unless you stop speaking in puzzles.

  • @mileyze
    @mileyze 11 лет назад +1


  • @stevenmcnair1897
    @stevenmcnair1897 15 лет назад +1

    the Law of christ is a lot harder to live then moses law! eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth is easy compare to turning your cheek, loving your enemy, and doing good to those to hate you!!!! It's not easier overall, no way. but Christs fulfillment of the law did open the door for sexual freedom under the law of love provided the people involved are motivated by love!