Hey Marcus, I just started playing Gekko and watched your vids to learn util combos - just wanna say thanks for all the sauce man my gekko play is so strong! XD
Gekko its my favorite Initiator, and what i learn? prob wingflash its so op fr. And to hard for me its jump and try go left/right when I use ult. but thanks for tips^^
Ignoring detained enemies is so obvious when you think about it but so genious at the same time. Thanks for the tips !
the s key delay is so valuable, thank you!!
Hey Marcus, I just started playing Gekko and watched your vids to learn util combos - just wanna say thanks for all the sauce man my gekko play is so strong! XD
Great video!
W Marcus for helping people become more knowledgeable
Love these! So many people travel in a straight line with thrash and make it too easy to break
thanks so much man❤
Can't wait to rank up with these!
the wingflash is actually smart!! will be using that :D
Ty ty markus
honestly the only gekko ig i would ever need
really cool vid! sweet and consise!
deffo using these tyvm o7
Now If I don't climb to bronze 3 with these tips then idk if there's help for me!
im ready to master gekko now!
great vid and your eyes are immaculate!
nice bro im new in this video i will do this next time 👍
The real gekko main for vct
'new' main :D jkjk good video, absolute slay
THANKS MARCUS, see you in radiant soon!
Gekko its my favorite Initiator, and what i learn? prob wingflash its so op fr. And to hard for me its jump and try go left/right when I use ult. but thanks for tips^^
Marcus inda house GG
pog vid
that was usefull
stilll trying to get the timing on wingmandizzy combo... i usually do the thrash recon the ult ult to stun... i also use dizzy high up for recon
I hate the new nerfs
Hello Marcus, what do you think of the new gekko rework?
Is gekko still viable after the recent nerf?
Even after nerf, gekko is still good?
Can tutorial how to twer/< gekko?
Useful video, but the flash isnt as good anymore with the new patch :/
Why isn't it good anymore??
The flash is pretty much untouched mate, acts the exact same
If anything, the flash is better for the dizzy wingman combo in the new patch as dizzy flashes faster than before
I play gekko a lot like a main, and this is what I needed, currently Bronze II, Started playing from E9: A1, Tracker: Sadman#2106
Lovely tipvid ❤