English highlights about places that Seraph visited during his trip to Nagano prefecture Chihiro Art Museum, Azumino (museum that currates artworks by Japanese illustrator Chihiro Iwasaki and others) 11:12 Purpose was to see the recreated "train classroom" from the book "Totto-chan: Little Girl at the Window" (autobiographical memoir of museum director Tetsuko Kuroyanagi, illustrations by Chihiro Iwasaki) 11:34 Attempt to describe the air at the museum (tl;dr: the air was very clean) -11:34 1st attempt: The air was as light as styrofoam. -12:06 2nd attempt: You could probably master the Water Breathing there. (the breathing technique in D*mon Slayer) -12:42 3rd attempt: It's like comparing dandelion to a 1kg gold bar struck by Wabisuke ten times. (Wabisuke = the Zanpakuto from Bleach which doubles the weight of an object it strikes) 13:20 The train classroom was adorable, everything was tiny and had light blue-based coloring. 13:48 Almost hit my head because I'm tall. 14:03 The park at the museum was peaceful and beautiful, with well-maintained natural lawn, cherry blossoms and pansies. 14:33 (nerdy Seraph #1) If there are pansies there are pansyworms. 15:04 (Chat: Why do you talk so much as if you didn't speak a word in your trip?) Actually I almost didn't speak at all, because I didn't feel the need to. 15:30 I travelled with my friend who didn't mind spending time in silence. 16:30 (Chat: Is your friend human?) Maybe my friend was Hermes. (the talking bike from Kino's Journey) 16:50 (Chat: Imaginary friend...) Was that an imaginary friend...? 17:25 (Chat: Did you take pictures?) Almost none. I don't usually take pictures and I don't want to be in them. Mt. Nagamine, Azumino (one of the mountains of the Northern Japan Alps) 22:24 Went to the observatory at the mountaintop. 22:40 Joked with my friend on how much the night view might worth, and we were like, "maybe 4.5 dollars?" "Jarvis, can I buy this night view?" 23:16 Top three surrounding mountains with interesting names -23:24 #3: Mt. Misa (the Kanji of "Misa" can also be pronounced as "sansai" which literally translates to "three-year-old") -23:50 #2: Mt. Ougahana (literally "the king's nose") -24:50 #1: Mt. Takabocchi ("taka" = "high", "bocchi" = there are various theories but in Ainu language it means "giant", so "takabocchi" = "mighty giant". However "bocchi" can also mean "lonely", and Seraph thought the name sounded like "high level of loneliness") -26:05 Others: There was also Mt. Ougatou (literally "the king's head") Matsumoto Castle (one of the very few remaining original Japanese castles, with one of the oldest surviving castle towers) 31:08 Visited a castle for the first time. 31:22 The cherry blossoms were beautiful. 31:46 The castle was cool with its black exterior (hence it's also known as the "Crow Castle"). 31:50 It's not big, but it exhibited various things like guns (old-fashion matchlock guns). 32:08 The stairs were steep, with an angle of 61 degrees. (nerdy Seraph #2) That's one-third pi!!! 32:28 (Chat: Did you slip on the stairs?) No I didn't. I have big feet and good balance. Digression (Seraph's belt buckle) 36:12 (Chat: What's that clattering sound you're making?) Shush. My metal belt buckle is loose. 36:38 (Chat: You're playing with your hands again.) No I'm not! It's just the belt buckle swaying! 37:08 (Chat: So you're not wearing pants?) Of course I'm wearing pants! If I put on my outfit on top and didn't wear pants, I would despair when I look into the mirror! 38:10 (Chat: Reminds me of those work-from-home businessmen.) Right, you mean those who wear suits on top and just underwear underneath. (to be continued... the main topic: visiting a violin crafter)
Violin craftsman, name/place undisclosed (personally I found it very enlightening) 38:40 Spoke with the craftsman and he let me play his violin 38:53 He uses his tools with great care. He doesn't use ready-made tools as they are, but customize them to fit his own needs, or even make his own tools. 39:17 I felt that people who master something think the same way. -39:22 The craftsman learned his craft by watching his father, who was a craftsman in another field unrelated to violin. -40:14 His father told him that if he just made something by imitating what he saw, he didn't actually acquire it as his own skill. -40:34 To 'watch and learn' is to look at each action and think about why the person took a particular move or why they used a particular tool. -40:58 He said that till today he continues to work with his father's words in mind all the time. -40:08 My master (Seraph refers to him has 'oshisho-san') in martial arts said exactly the same thing - think of the 'why'. 42:08 What is interesting is that the craftsman uses materials (woods) in Japan to make his violins. -42:18 When making violins, materials from abroad such as Austria, Italy, Germany and the U.S. are often used. -42:40 Japanese materials are said to be very hard, whereas materials from abroad (like Europe) are softer and easier to process. -42:54 The craftsman had trained using hard materials for ten years. He then started his own violin crafting business using softer materials, but felt that he was not comfortable with it. -43:16 He recalled taiko (Japanese drums). It's said to be difficult to make a good sound initially because the leather is hard. The leather becomes softer and softer after being struck over and over again, and finally it starts to produce beautiful sounds. -43:36 The craftsman thinks that it's the same for wood, that violins made of hard Japanese materials can produce beautiful sounds after being played over and over again. -43:55 An experiment was held on a violin made of materials from Kushiro (Hokkaido), and it was found that it can produce a tone comparable to that of a Stradivarius. 44:53 The craftsman let me try out his Japanese material violin. -45:19 The (acoustic) violin I currently own is an Italian-made violin made of maple wood. It has a mellow sound. -45:37 The violin that I tried felt more massive than my own violin when I held it. It felt similar to a German-made violin I had tried out sometime ago. -46:29 It had a bright and brilliant sound. -48:15 I think it will produce a richer tone in the lower register in the future, after it's played over and over again. -48:35 I enjoyed the upper register as it had a beautiful resonant tone. -48:48 I liked the tone so much that I ended up trying it twice. -49:11 I almost considered purchasing it (but did not). Not sure how much it cost because I didn't ask. 53:30 One thing that made me happy was that when I tried out his violin, the craftsman complimented me and asked if I was a professional violinist. -53:58 He asked me for a signature and gave me his namecard. -54:26 (Chat: Have you ever thought of becoming a professional violinist?) I have, but I gave up soon. I don't want people to judge my skills. -56:25 (Chat: Do you own more than one violin?) I own an electric violin and an acoustic violin. -56:38 (Chat: How often do you replace your violin?) I don't plan on replacing anymore. Even the Stradivarius has been in use for hundreds of years. Instruments last a lifetime (as long as they don't break). 59:10 How to tune the violin (with demonstration)
2:10 開始
3:15 旅行に行ってきた!888888
4:50 どこに行ったか教えてあげよう
∟5:52 いった場所
7:10 花粉症じゃないです!
∟8:10 ?「セラおそれヒノキだよ」
∟9:20 使ってるシャンプー
∟10:15 髪の話やめない?シャンプーが変われば人生が変わる!!!
11:10 旅行の話 発泡スチロール
∟12:25 麩菓子より軽い空気
∟13:50 早口説明
∟14:20 パンジーが咲いているということは(最低)
∟14:50 リョコウデヒトコトモシャベラナカッタンカクライハナスジャン
15:50 僕の名声によって反響が反響を
17:25 写真ほぼ撮ってない
∟18:00 写真フォルダには写真がある
∟19:20 自分が誰かのフォルダに存在残すの嫌
20:10 御苑の夜桜おしい
21:12 急なコブ〇ロ
22:00 4.5ドルの夜景(昼)
23:15 セラフ的面白かった山の名前3選!
∟24:40 1位 ぼっち 早口
25:50 5個集めたら世界を統べられる
26:25 山から下山 ジンギスカン食べた
28:50 現金足りなくてダッシュ
29:35 お金がかたどっているとプロテイン飲まなきゃいけない????
30:10 お風呂 スギ花粉の人…ちゃんちゃん
30:35 城に立ち寄ったの初めて
∟32:05 🌸キレイだったけど階段が急だった
34:45 長野をなめていた
36:05 カチャカチャいってた理由
38:22 バイオリン工房
∟42:00 日本の材料を使った🎻
∟43:55 ストラディバリウスにも匹敵する
∟44:55 バイオリン弾かせてもらった
46:45 今の楽器→とろみがある
48:40 音が良すぎてもう一回弾かせてもらった
49:45 同じ価格帯でも音が違う、十人十色です。
52:00 郷に入ればひろみ郷…
52:45 友達「お前が楽しそうでよかった」
54:20 プロ目指そうと思ったことは…
54:40 その場その場で名前変えてる
∟55:20 日本名だったり海外名だったり…
56:04 バイオリン複数持ち、買い替えとかではない。一生ものなのでね
59:05 🎻バイオリンのチューニング、お見せしましょう🎻
1:01:35 シンカンシャンに乗って帰ってきた
1:03:15 学校で写真撮るの全力回避してた
1:05:10 もうちょいゆっくりしたかったけど楽しかった
1:06:35 一人旅だったらの妄想
1:07:45 お腹がすきすぎたのでここまで!
1:09:55 ただいまということでシャケをさばいていこうと…
1:10:53 スマブラ杯でることになりました
1:12:29 鼻セレブユーザー
1:19:25 花粉症認めた…?
1:19:48 すき焼きに溶き卵使う派
1:28:35 緊張しない方法
1:38:25 久しぶりにしゃべったので滑舌マチュピチュ
English highlights about places that Seraph visited during his trip to Nagano prefecture
Chihiro Art Museum, Azumino
(museum that currates artworks by Japanese illustrator Chihiro Iwasaki and others)
11:12 Purpose was to see the recreated "train classroom" from the book "Totto-chan: Little Girl at the Window" (autobiographical memoir of museum director Tetsuko Kuroyanagi, illustrations by Chihiro Iwasaki)
11:34 Attempt to describe the air at the museum (tl;dr: the air was very clean)
-11:34 1st attempt: The air was as light as styrofoam.
-12:06 2nd attempt: You could probably master the Water Breathing there. (the breathing technique in D*mon Slayer)
-12:42 3rd attempt: It's like comparing dandelion to a 1kg gold bar struck by Wabisuke ten times. (Wabisuke = the Zanpakuto from Bleach which doubles the weight of an object it strikes)
13:20 The train classroom was adorable, everything was tiny and had light blue-based coloring.
13:48 Almost hit my head because I'm tall.
14:03 The park at the museum was peaceful and beautiful, with well-maintained natural lawn, cherry blossoms and pansies.
14:33 (nerdy Seraph #1) If there are pansies there are pansyworms.
15:04 (Chat: Why do you talk so much as if you didn't speak a word in your trip?) Actually I almost didn't speak at all, because I didn't feel the need to.
15:30 I travelled with my friend who didn't mind spending time in silence.
16:30 (Chat: Is your friend human?) Maybe my friend was Hermes. (the talking bike from Kino's Journey)
16:50 (Chat: Imaginary friend...) Was that an imaginary friend...?
17:25 (Chat: Did you take pictures?) Almost none. I don't usually take pictures and I don't want to be in them.
Mt. Nagamine, Azumino
(one of the mountains of the Northern Japan Alps)
22:24 Went to the observatory at the mountaintop.
22:40 Joked with my friend on how much the night view might worth, and we were like, "maybe 4.5 dollars?" "Jarvis, can I buy this night view?"
23:16 Top three surrounding mountains with interesting names
-23:24 #3: Mt. Misa (the Kanji of "Misa" can also be pronounced as "sansai" which literally translates to "three-year-old")
-23:50 #2: Mt. Ougahana (literally "the king's nose")
-24:50 #1: Mt. Takabocchi ("taka" = "high", "bocchi" = there are various theories but in Ainu language it means "giant", so "takabocchi" = "mighty giant". However "bocchi" can also mean "lonely", and Seraph thought the name sounded like "high level of loneliness")
-26:05 Others: There was also Mt. Ougatou (literally "the king's head")
Matsumoto Castle
(one of the very few remaining original Japanese castles, with one of the oldest surviving castle towers)
31:08 Visited a castle for the first time.
31:22 The cherry blossoms were beautiful.
31:46 The castle was cool with its black exterior (hence it's also known as the "Crow Castle").
31:50 It's not big, but it exhibited various things like guns (old-fashion matchlock guns).
32:08 The stairs were steep, with an angle of 61 degrees. (nerdy Seraph #2) That's one-third pi!!!
32:28 (Chat: Did you slip on the stairs?) No I didn't. I have big feet and good balance.
Digression (Seraph's belt buckle)
36:12 (Chat: What's that clattering sound you're making?) Shush. My metal belt buckle is loose.
36:38 (Chat: You're playing with your hands again.) No I'm not! It's just the belt buckle swaying!
37:08 (Chat: So you're not wearing pants?) Of course I'm wearing pants! If I put on my outfit on top and didn't wear pants, I would despair when I look into the mirror!
38:10 (Chat: Reminds me of those work-from-home businessmen.) Right, you mean those who wear suits on top and just underwear underneath.
(to be continued... the main topic: visiting a violin crafter)
Violin craftsman, name/place undisclosed
(personally I found it very enlightening)
38:40 Spoke with the craftsman and he let me play his violin
38:53 He uses his tools with great care. He doesn't use ready-made tools as they are, but customize them to fit his own needs, or even make his own tools.
39:17 I felt that people who master something think the same way.
-39:22 The craftsman learned his craft by watching his father, who was a craftsman in another field unrelated to violin.
-40:14 His father told him that if he just made something by imitating what he saw, he didn't actually acquire it as his own skill.
-40:34 To 'watch and learn' is to look at each action and think about why the person took a particular move or why they used a particular tool.
-40:58 He said that till today he continues to work with his father's words in mind all the time.
-40:08 My master (Seraph refers to him has 'oshisho-san') in martial arts said exactly the same thing - think of the 'why'.
42:08 What is interesting is that the craftsman uses materials (woods) in Japan to make his violins.
-42:18 When making violins, materials from abroad such as Austria, Italy, Germany and the U.S. are often used.
-42:40 Japanese materials are said to be very hard, whereas materials from abroad (like Europe) are softer and easier to process.
-42:54 The craftsman had trained using hard materials for ten years. He then started his own violin crafting business using softer materials, but felt that he was not comfortable with it.
-43:16 He recalled taiko (Japanese drums). It's said to be difficult to make a good sound initially because the leather is hard. The leather becomes softer and softer after being struck over and over again, and finally it starts to produce beautiful sounds.
-43:36 The craftsman thinks that it's the same for wood, that violins made of hard Japanese materials can produce beautiful sounds after being played over and over again.
-43:55 An experiment was held on a violin made of materials from Kushiro (Hokkaido), and it was found that it can produce a tone comparable to that of a Stradivarius.
44:53 The craftsman let me try out his Japanese material violin.
-45:19 The (acoustic) violin I currently own is an Italian-made violin made of maple wood. It has a mellow sound.
-45:37 The violin that I tried felt more massive than my own violin when I held it. It felt similar to a German-made violin I had tried out sometime ago.
-46:29 It had a bright and brilliant sound.
-48:15 I think it will produce a richer tone in the lower register in the future, after it's played over and over again.
-48:35 I enjoyed the upper register as it had a beautiful resonant tone.
-48:48 I liked the tone so much that I ended up trying it twice.
-49:11 I almost considered purchasing it (but did not). Not sure how much it cost because I didn't ask.
53:30 One thing that made me happy was that when I tried out his violin, the craftsman complimented me and asked if I was a professional violinist.
-53:58 He asked me for a signature and gave me his namecard.
-54:26 (Chat: Have you ever thought of becoming a professional violinist?) I have, but I gave up soon. I don't want people to judge my skills.
-56:25 (Chat: Do you own more than one violin?) I own an electric violin and an acoustic violin.
-56:38 (Chat: How often do you replace your violin?) I don't plan on replacing anymore. Even the Stradivarius has been in use for hundreds of years. Instruments last a lifetime (as long as they don't break).
59:10 How to tune the violin (with demonstration)
31:03 猫かなんかなんか?www
終始笑わせてもらってたwセラフが楽しめたようで良かった^ ^
goodnight sweet dreams Seraph😴