Today's exposé dives into newly uncovered video evidence: in her game "Doomsday Ascending", Lily Orchard rewards her audience with child abuse imagery when they help her OC, Ascentia Kortai, murder and enslave indigenous populations.
I know zilch about these fandoms, but that doesn't mean I can't be enraged by this person's behaviour. She keeps getting worse and worse, and I don't understand why she's still being supported by anyone at all. Thank you for calling her out. Nobody else seems to want to.
I think what's especially disturbing is that, despite Lily claiming to be of indigenous heritage as you aforementioned, she went on to create something that would be retraumatizing to anyone who has, or has known of someone who suffered through residential schools, The Scoop, etc. It's not to say that us creatives can't put themes of our struggles, both historical and modern, into our work. It's just that this was handled horrifically from the get-go, from using a minor-focused medium (MLP) to glorifying & rewarding violent colonialism (with CP, if this couldn't get any worse). To top it off, Lily has mentioned some seriously anti-indigenous rhetoric on her Tumblr. I have screencaps if need be to verify the legitimacy of what I'm talking about, but she (allegedly) propagates common misconceptions about the socioeconomic status of First Nations people, and outright disrespects spiritual traditions associated with a large number of bands across North America. It's to the point that many indigenous bloggers have pointed out that her reasoning on never pursuing status is highly suspicious. After all, it's one thing to not pursue status for the usual, valid reasons. It's another to say, and I quote straight from Lily's post: "Honestly, being exempt from Income Taxes is a terrible idea because I know what income Taxes are used for. I'd be fucking over the entire country for short-term personal gain." Due to low population numbers, the effects of giving First Nations people with status this exemption is very minor in terms of economic impact. If anything, what Lily states here is misinformed at best, holier-than-thou at worst towards those already disadvantaged and in need of such exemptions. Thanks for making this video. I really hope that Lily can find it in herself to hold herself accountable for all of this. She has contributed to much more harm than she has to good, and it's frightening to see how many bigoted people use her as an excuse to keep doing what they do. quick edit: The post I quoted from has been deleted, but it still exists in the form of screencaps. The tag of the asker's username can be searched via Tumblr's system however, showing that they have asked Lily (as well as many other blogs) a variety of First Nations-related questions that are still up to view. Because of that, I feel the screencap is legitimate, but also a worrying piece of evidence. Why would Lily delete explicit confirmation of her heritage, but leave every other ask out in the open?
Not to add more fuel to the fire. But i feel it's very worth noting with all that's brought up in this video. That LIlly has a younger sister that they have openly admitted to beating up before and phscially abusing over something as small as a Remote to a TV with compelte and utter pride over usage of violece to get what they wanted. I think considering everything with her game and stories when it comes to underage girls this is...Quite concerning to say the very least.
@@naciabell7903 That's not all. See you got one piece of information wrong. Lily's younger sibling isn't female, they are non-binary. I don't blame you for getting that wrong though. You see Lily always misgenders them in her comments. And the hypocrisy continues.
Wait, Lily had genocidal aliens get reformed after a single conversation? Isn't that the exact same thing that she accused Rebecca Sugar of being a fascist sympathizer for doing in Steven Universe? Can you get any more hypocritical than her? And hell, at least in Steven Universe, it took longer than a conversation. Edit: Got farther into the video and saw that bit of hypocrisy was addressed.
IMO, that's bad regardless. I watched the whole of Steven Universe and I really did like it. But that shit absolutely disgusted me. Although I wouldn't call Sugar a fascist sympathizer for that. I do think her "everyone can be redeemed" messaging around the Diamonds is morally irresponsible
"Sexually aggressive child". 11:24 My! Many of us who lived through CSA had our abusers tell us how we "tempted" or "seduced" them, so that proved that "we" wanted it, they were powerless to overcome it, and thus reversing victim/predator.... royally f**king us in the head. Some of us had these "seductive child" claims thrown at us as adults, and how we'd "sinned" by doing that, demanding that we ask our perpetrators for "forgiveness". This shows them to be not quite right mentally, and in heavy denial of their actions and their meaning. It needs to be added that this abuse happened from when I was a young toddler through about age 8. It just is not normal to be sexually aroused by preschoolers no matter what they do. I, for one, got away and never went back to the person who tried that **** on me as an adult. I encourage anyone else who is able to to do likewise. We don't need such people in our lives.
Also, as someone who has lived this experience, let's not forget that children who act out s--xually more than likely not have been s--xually abused themselves. It's your responsibility as the adult to step up and say that "This is wrong." To think I could've been re-victimized because of that logic is wholly unsettling.
It's ironic that Lily Orchard made videos of herself breaking down everything wrong with Steven Universe and Legend of Korra for hours, yet her own garbage stories are literally no better
I didn't have chance to watch Steven Universe but what I can see the vast majority of fans and critics love show. The Legend of Korra on other hand is one of the most unfortunately horrendously underrated and misunderstood show in last few decades. People don't understand even basics like what genre show is and it's themes.
@@ExtremeMadnessX I enjoyed the simple bits of Steven universe and the simple lessons in there. I didn’t like how it ended, however. As for legend of korra, it was ok. Not great, not terrible, just ok.
@@EssenceOfThoughtadditionally: “you know that show that made you feel accepted for the first time? It’s garbage, you should listen to me instead.” Discrediting outside support networks is cult behavior. Just binged this whole playlist, BTW. Subscribed!
@@NapaCat If you talk about the younger sibling that Lilly Have....That sibling was non-binary(WHo was AFAB), but Lilly is always disrepecting them by misgendering them.
@@DayDreamingWriters Honestly surprised how she's still on the internet after everything she did and the fact she's criticizing other animations when she can't even do any better. Animation takes hell of a long time frrr. And Lily stuff isn't even good. Steven universe was dull good from the start yes it might not have ended good but it started good. Lilys stuff is just no
So Lilly bashes on MLP, Steven Universe, and She-ra CONSTANTLY for redeeming villains...and yet she makes a fanfic where a space Nazi is suddenly good after a single this point, I'm not even surprised anymore.
I was unaware of Doomsday Ascending, so the fact it had illustrations of paedophillia, and a tie-in game that rewards sexual predation, makes this worse than Stockholm. It's because of MLP fans like Lily I came to despise the fandom, whenever I brought this misconduct to attention, I was denounced as a "Drama queen", that resulted in me getting harassed and bullied, they wanted me quiet, the fandom was more concerned with looking nice to the public, rather than protect defenseless fans, and discipline poison pills such as Lily. This will be the fandom's legacy, it will not be remember as a fun place with admiration, instead it will be remembered as a toxic cesspool, where Lily Orchard crawled out from.
It certainly is on a similar level, though I'm not actually sure which is worse. Sure, her message here is much more direct, but she used stolen art. Meanwhile, with Stockholm, the scenes involving minors were all written by her, down to every last word.
As someone who is a fan and involved in the fandom, I... mostly agree. While the overwhelming majority of the fandom is decent people; there are a small number of high-profile people who are not, and there simply isn't enough being done to exclude these people. Part of the problem is at least two of the biggest fansites are run by people who may or may not (probably not in one case, likely in another) be among the bad actors, but they have certainly protected the bad actors to varying degrees (likely just for the money said bad actors contribute). This is not nearly as bad as many other fandoms (looking at the anime scene and R&S fans especially), but that's not really a good excuse for allowing as much abusive material and behaviour as it has. The upshot is that while the MLP fandom is no worse than any other fandom, and is a lot better than most, it should still have been far better than it is.
I absolutely do not blame you, there's someone named Demon of Decay I think on YT who drew a couple of c.p. speedpaints including one of Big Mac mass raping everyone in his family ending with killing Apple Bloom and I called him out on it and stopped watching him and even reported it. All I wanted was to see a speedpaint, this guy did really good detailed stuff and normally I would leave everything alone if it gave me an off feeling, so naturally not knowing the fanfic "Sweet Apple Massacre" had me clicking and immediately wanting to hang myself, and I wish I was kidding. All over a fuckin speedpaint, now I'm scared of what the fans do aside from iconic speedpainters like Blitz Alazea Dash and people like her.
Same thing as furries. (Ex-Furry; no ill will for the harmless ones. I've been hurt by too many) Obviously we cannot judge an entire community by the degenerates but it's a little too common and accepted/hush hush for my taste. Too busy witchhunting innocent people to go after the actual predators in most cases!
The hypocrisy behind what she said about steven universe actually isn't surprising when it's not uncommon for people to project their own issues onto others like how a lot of people who claim their spouse is cheating turn out to cheating themselves for example, overall I'm honestly surprised she hasn't been banned off of every platform given the obvious shitty behaviour that I don't think anyone would want on their platform given how unethical and illegal it is.
@@kaydwessie296 As much as I agreed with a handful of points she made in that video, said points are quite rich coming from someone who doesn't follow her own criticisms and advice.
This stuff has been building up for a long time, meaning she's been getting away with it and thus felt safe continuing to do these sorts of things. Only recently has there been any real attempt to document her behaviour and bring it to the public's attention.
Someone in the comments was talking about Lily’s frozen review, curious, I started the video. In for about a minute or two, she talks about having a sister. I really hope It was a joke. 😬 Edit: it’s at the 35 second mark
The human zoo was depicted as a horrible, fucked up place that was liberated and taken over by its subjects by the end. And yeah, Rose is depicted as being abusive and even expecting others to clean up after her - most of the series outright says "Rose was a horrible person and did not understand how she was horrible." It's not surprising that she doesn't understand it.
i might be wrong but, she described the zoo as "that thing pink diamond put humans into for her amusement", but wasnt the zoo made by the other diamonds? i remember maybe pearl saying something about how the diamonds made pink the zoo because of her saying that they should stop the colony because of the humans there, but i might be misremembering. idk if it matters but it was in my mind
Holy Crap, as someone who used to watch Lily’s content (like when she exposed predators in the Brony community) this is extremely horrifying. Especially the overtones of colonialist abuse. I feel unclean
A big part of what she did regarding predators in the pony community seems to have been designed to distract from this. And don't blame yourself, Lily is a master manipulator.
I devoured her channel back when she was in high school and was making her own Zero Punctuation style videos about social commentary before she transitioned, and my favourite was the one she made about the arrogance of age. I heard about her transition after I moved on from her channel (she was mocking the fandom before becoming a brony herself and I felt it was mean spirited) but to find this out... it makes me feel filthy too.
I watched her too when I was younger. I remember feeling so horrible when I heard she lost her job that went and told my parents 😭 I was truly the target audience. Emphasis on target. I’m glad I moved on for something as simple as not finding her funny anymore and dodged all of…. This.
The Steven Universe criticism is utter nonsense. Firstly, "The Zoo", the main series episode about the Human Zoo, was not written by Rebecca Sugar. It was written and storyboarded by Lamar Abrams and Katie Mitroff. Lamar Abrams is a Black man (Mitroff is a white person). While it doesn't exempt his work from accusations of racism, it is questionable to attribute the Human Zoo's design directly and only to Sugar. Secondly, the Human Zoo is portrayed as objectively immoral. Steven, a child, is stripped, reclothed and has his ears pierced against his consent when he enters, which he is visibly frustrated by. He's going there to rescue his father, who was violently kidnapped from Earth against his will. While Greg does call the place a paradise initially, the episode doesn't end like that. The Zoo is shown to be authoritarian, controlling when the humans are allowed to play, sleep, eat, etc., and the whole community falls apart when Greg objects to a breeding partner being chosen for him without his consent. He pretty much says directly to camera that having his agency taken away is wrong in the extreme. He escapes at the first opportunity while the rest of the humans - all adults - experience emotional pain for the first time in their life. There is no question that the protagonists object to their imprisonment. The Zoo's warden is completely overthrown by other characters at the end of the episode and is victoriously taken over by the enslaved staff of the Zoo. Thirdly, It is explicit that Pink Diamond was not the creator of the Zoo. Pink Diamond had objected to continuing to pillage the Earth as the life on the planet was worth protecting; the Zoo was made as a conservation centre in an attempt to placate her. Which didn't work. She waged a war on them. Fourthly, Rose Quartz was critqued heavily for her actions and beliefs in the series itself. She was exceedingly privileged, abused her servants, causing permanent psychological damage, and was called out for fetishising Greg's humanity relatively soon in the series. It's ridiculous to act like her culpability in colonialism was excused or was a mark of approval from Sugar. Not all of her crimes were revealed at that point in the series, and she was still portrayed as very morally grey by that point. And, as an additional point, it is later shown in the sequel series that the ex-Zoo is now egalitarian. The staff didn't see humans as lesser in the first place; they were physically abused into their occupation and had to be freed themselves. Both groups are able to choose their own paths in life, going where they want and associating with who they want. There are many criticisms to be made of colonialism in SU - and with the Human Zoo's portrayal - but to pretend that the Zoo was presented as anything less than unambiguously inherently heinous is incorrect. She's, frankly, known for her intentionally inflammatory critiques. I don't think she believed what she was saying. She can and does lie for clout. She doesn't deserve a jot of good faith from anyone, even with regards to her media analysis.
I know that you said you didn't care, but I want to emphasise the bottom line: she is lying when she attacks Rebecca Sugar. She is targeting an individual as pro-colonisation for a group project that is pretty explicitly against the colonisation and exploitation of Indigenous peoples. We can talk about how much it successfully achieves that goal - believe me, I'm leaving out a lot - but mischaracterising art to falsely paint the creator in a negative light is not nuance. It's a lie.
Thank you for putting into words about how Lily's intreperation of the Zoo episode was wrong. And honestly, I can get over the fact that Lily thought that Sugilite was a racist depiction of black women when she was CLEARLY inspired by Indian art.
THANK YOU. Also the diamonds weren't reformed after a single conversation. They were still shitty people and did shitty thrings that steven continually had to chew them out on, but the key thing is that they were actively trying to be better. They were just more open minded and had their minds changed. The finale was literally called "change your mind" for a reason.
Her hypocrisy is practically written on the wall. She criticizes shows or any media for being bad or offensive or yet puts so much controversial and disgusting shit in her works. God how much worse does lily get, I’m sure there’s much more under the surface we have yet to uncover.
@@EssenceOfThought oh dear. Kinda foresaw that one. Hope you’re doing well and make sure to take plenty of mental health breaks! I know how tiring creating these exposés can be!
@@EssenceOfThought I just got through the part describing Doomsday ascending and I legit broke down crying and couldn’t stop shaking. Fucking revolting she needs to get DEPLATFORMED
she needs to be behind bars for life, her sibling has come out describing the abuse they've endured at lily's hands and it is truly disgusting. lily has always been this way and doesn't want to change
"Lily has a space Nazi responsible for the deaths of multiple worlds switch sides after a single conversation" And yet, when Steven Universe does the same thing, that's bad writing and that's problematic. You wanna be the pot or the kettle, Lily?
Oh god as someone who's Native American, I don't want her pretending like she cares about First Nation's people.... I'm also kinda ashamed that we're both indigenous..
For a lark I looked up the infamous "Simple Writing Tips" thread last night and like… seriously like HALF of it is her saying - in very aggressively straightofrward "if X, you're a giant turd" language - that it's wrong to fetishize abuse, it's wrong to redeem rapists and genocidal villains, it's wrong to depict minor on adult sexuality, it's wrong to depict children in any sexual context, it's important to challenge pedophiles in your communities, if people call you on pedophilia or bigotry or fetishizing abuse you're supposed to listen and reflect, etc etc etc. And… like… in retrospect, it's so strange to look at. Like is this projection? Is it guilt? Is it gloating? Is it a calculated maneuver to gain trust from people she can victimize? All of the above?
I'd assume a mix of projection and trying to distract people from the fact that she's doing all those things she's accusing others of. So... yeah projection, basically.
Its just so messed up how this awfulness keeps going on, even being able to be catered to kids. There needs to be genuine regulation and I'm sick of creeps getting less than slap on the wrists. I hope things get better. The nonsense needs to end. 🍀
I only know Lily from her Steven Universe critique. To see how much projection is in the one video I recognize her from, and how it all leads back to her insanely predatory behavior, it's almost funny if it weren't so terrible. I also think it's worth mentioning how Lily broke down how unhealthy Pearl and Rose's dynamic is. If I'm remembering correctly, because Pearls were made to please the diamonds in every way to a sickening extent, so a slave falling in love with her master is a fucked up dynamic. Meanwhile we look over here and find little girls being depicted in sexually gratifying situations with their older sisters, mothers, and other adults who are meant to be their guardians in a way. I don't need to think super hard about which dynamic is more disgusting.
She purposefully left out the fact that the human zoo isn't framed in a positive life and that when Pink Diamond said they need to stop the Kindergarten on Earth to preserve its natural life, the other Diamonds just made the zoo for her so that complaint was rendered null and void. Meanwhile in her stories the MC of the alien race does things like enslaving and harming the common ponies of her own violation. Usually I don't care enough to dispute peoples opinions of SU characters, but I find it interesting that she left out the fact that it wasn't Pink who did the enslaving in the episode
Honestly, I didn't realize Lily was this bad. I just assumed she was simply full of herself and thought she was an authority on everything she spoke on even when she had zero understanding of the topic.
THEY USED LITTLE MISS RARITY’S ART FOR THAT- LMR being an NSFW tumblr ask blog as a part of the “edgy pony” wave early mlp fandom. I was a child when I consumed that content, I’m glad I somehow missed the Sweetie Belle sexual abuse…. Edit: I’m also hearing LMR was a vent by a teenager, hope they’re doing better as an adult if that’s the case
Okay I’m a SU fan, and I never watched her SU is garbage video cause I knew it would be a waste of my time. But she got some poor comprehension skills cause if she watched the show she would know it wasn’t Pink that started the zoo. It was Yellow and Blue in an attempt to keep her happy and quite.
Not to defend Lily, but she did mention that it was a "cop out" to make Pink/Rose less of an asshole basically. Doesn't excuse the rest of the stuff she said tho. Edit: grammer and a small add on
I think this is extremely important to mention: Sweetie Belle's voice actress, Claire Corlett, was born in July 1999, and started voicing her presumably in 2009 at the age of about 10 years old. Not only was Lily sexualizing a fictional child, in a sense she was sexualizing a real child as well.
i find it funny that she totally missed the point of Rose Quartz in steven universe, all the stuff she was doing was supposed to be fucked up, she was born into a colonist monarchy and was slowly realizing all the things they stood for were bad, and began to try to be a better person but was very misguided because of how she was raised. she gets better throughout her life but has committed atrocities and can never fully be redeemed, in a way dying and having/becoming steven, who is a good person, is the closest she comes to being redeemed.
I don’t wanna claim anything for certain, but it suddenly clicked for me that Lily appears to have just as much of a continued fixation on incest as she does on children in general. I remembered her having a video talking about Elsa x Anna from Frozen and I went back to see what she had to say about it and it’s… interesting, to say the least. While she does condemn people who actually ship it, she also acts as if the ship is caused by a flaw in the writing; the example she gives is that Anna acts nervous around Elsa the same way she does around Hans. This is not a flaw of the writing. It’s showing that Anna is just as awkward around Elsa as she is a literal stranger because they’ve been that estranged over the years. As someone who was groomed by a proshipper with an incest fixation, I can tell you first hand that people like that will see any interaction between siblings where they don’t hate each other and interpret it as flirting. The concept of familial love is lost on these people. The only people I’ve seen interpret Elsa/Anna’s interactions as romantically awkward are people who had reason to be intrigued that there would be romantic tension there in the first place. And her actual review of Frozen isn’t much better. There’s a LOT of jokes alluding to the Frozen writers accidentally including scenes that could be interpreted as incestuous, and they aren’t delivered by Billy as a strawman for Elsanna shippers watching the movie and Lily brushing him off, it’s JUST Lily’s thoughts. Again, I can’t make any bold claims on the matter as it’s a serious accusation, but given those videos only came out like 2 years ago it’s… telling. The curtain has been closed at this point by Lily, but there’s still little peeks every now and then.
Wooow, when you described how in Doomsday Ascending the fascist villain changes their ways through a single conversation 🤔 The most interesting thing about that is how in Lily's video criticizing Steven Universe she had the *exact* same critisism about the show. I haven't actually seen the show so I can't say if she's correct but it's funny and hypocritical how she calls other people out about the same things she does but never takes accountability for the times she's done it hmmm. Edit: I'm so sorry, I wrote this before finishing the video and you yourself mentioned this 😅
I will say that as someone who has watched most of the show, Lily's framing of the series is extremely misleading. For example with the Human Zoo, the show explains that it was an attempt to make PD happy and you have Steven and Greg who are extremely creeped out by the whole thing. And the Zoo goes haywire once any pain or negative emotion happens, in the context of a show that encourages frank communication of emotions and is against fascism; it's pretty clear to anyone who is honest that the Human Zoo is just another piece of evidence of how fucked up the Diamonds actually are. Even if she wasn't clearly into some extremely gross shit, she just comes off as very ignorant about a number of topics. Like I don't think she fully thinks about the implications of what she's saying at the moment.
If anything it's more believable in Steven Universe (LOW freaking bar to clear but hey) because it was more like 3-4 conversations which play off the revelation that a dead family member died trying to stop them, in different ways suited to each of the space fascist leaders' personalities. It's definitely cheap and extremely unsatisfying since they don't show any intent to make up for their horrific actions, nor do the protagonists hold them accountable for stuff on the grand scale of things... but like it's still better than Lily's version lol
@@000Dragon50000 I'm pretty sure it was so rushed ans unsatisfying because the show was canceled so the crewniverse was left with way less time than they originally thought and were forced to rewrite everything to make the resolution happen in a few episodes.
As someone who’s known about Lily and her exploits for years, I’m glad someone with a solid background is going through the time and effort to expose her for good👏
I've only known Lily for her SU video and her writing advice. I'm really happy you are making videos on this, more people need to be aware of her actions.
man I'm tired I'm not even involved in the situation. I'm not even surprised by this woman anymore. I hope that the people who follow her or at least some of them get hint that this is not a good situation to be in specially the minors and they get the hell away from her.
Lilly wasn't mad at the fact Rebecca Sugar wrote human zoos, she's angry that Sugar wasn't called out for some heinous crime attached to that writing. So for context sake what happens in Steven Universe is highly exaggerated by Lily. Rose did not make the human zoos, her sisters, Blue & Yellow diamond made the human zoos FOR HER in an attempt to make Pink feel better or more comfortable with carrying out her mission which was to destroy the Earth and everything living there. After Pink diamond's "death" the zoo is kept around in memory to Pink. Blue diamond who is still mourning the death of her kidnaps Steven's dad accidentally in an attempt to "save" him from planet destruction aka what Pink was supposed to do. Blue and Yellow diamond made meant to be cold alien dictators so their actions, the zoo included wasn't written to be a good thing.
"Which leaves us in a decent position to begin investigating some of Lily’s more recent activities involving child abuse materials, some of which appear to have been based on real life images of child sexual abuse." I AM SORRY WHAT. Some more context for this please??? Can we talk about this?? What the hell!
@@EssenceOfThought Thinking aloud here.... CSA has always been acceptable, but never openly discussed. When it was openly discussed, it was done with horror, while at the same time a great deal of CSA or images of it were done in private. During the 1980s, it became acceptable for victims to talk about it, how it happened, and what the results were. Outside of courts, the role of the perpetrators or their motivations or thoughts weren't discussed. Now, in the 2010s forward, it is acceptable to talk about CSA - and those proudly saying they've done it, enjoy it, or provide images or actual trafficked children. Now, they're not even considered rare or abnormal - although greed might get into it, as money almost always changes hands along with providing it. Since it is more accepted as a "thing", it makes it easier for people who want images, written descriptions or actual children to find it available. Does that make more of it or less? I honestly don't know. I knew other children who were victims at the same time I was, and we knew better than to bring it up or complain - it usually just resulted in us getting physically abused as well. Perhaps having it THIS out in the open, along with some infamous cases involving wealthy and powerful people, it will get more attention and more actual caution about actually protecting children - rather than false protection from the boogeyman in the trenchcoat or those with alternative gender identities or different political views who, as a whole, do not "groom" children. I fear, however, that those with "groomer" labeled on them will be falsely accused and punished without any evidence, changing nothing for the children, but making for a different sort of "witch hunt".
To give more context without giving details that would be triggering, Lily was found to have accounts on Sankaku, a website that hosts loli, shota, toddlercon, etc. Specifically, a lot of her favorited images were 3D CSEM, and two artists in her favorites used real images of children to create those images. It's kind of complicated past that so I would wait for Ethel's video on it. Trust me, you don't want to go digging on your own and see the images yourself. They are photorealistic.
17:04 ive watched several of these lily orchard videos and this bit *just* clicked. i literally always knew that there was something up with that video. I've watched it before and just how she worded it all never sat right with me, and this explains SO much
It seems like every single time there's just more BS that she's done. I feel like it's mostly because what she's been doing has been going under the radar for about a decade and no one has said anything about it till recently I think
This is just another symptom of the abuse culture we live in, where stuff like this is routinely ignored in favour of people's favourite content creator.
I had been a fan of Lily Orchard starting at 15/16. The way she denounced abuse really spoke to me as a trans kid who was living with abusive parents, as well as someone who has been groomed multiple times from as young as 3 years old. Every time people would criticize her, it was because of her SU video. I gave her my money when I turned 18. I recommended her channel to my girlfriend at the time, who also ended up giving her money. I only learned about all this disgusting shit she did this month. I cannot believe this is never talked about. If I had known about Stockholm and the Ink Rose situation back at 15, I never would have watched her. I never would have supported someone who fetishizes the things I have been through. And every day, I will hate myself for letting me fall for such lies. For letting my ex get caught up in those lies. I never should have been so blind and stupid. She needs to be locked up.
You mean to tell me that Lily made a game that does the samething the Diamonds did (minus the sexual enslavement) and yet she has the NERVE to say that the Diamonds are 'Space Nazis'? Hello pot, meet kettle. Even though I don't like how SU ended, Lily clearly has shown the 'rules for thee, but not for me' mentality, yet she took it a step further by sexualizing children and colonialism.
Wrt to Lily's comments about the Human Zoo Episode of Steven Universe: I recall seeing fans of color (particularly black SU fans) on Tumblr criticize said episode, especially after Rebecca and their husband, Ian-Jones Quartey, had (allegedly) said that the humans in the Zoo were designed to be, basically, sexy hippies. I definitely agree with SU fans of color who called out the crewniverse for using a Human Zoo setting as a version of what they (allegedly) think of as a "Utopia". Regardless, it is rich that Lily Orchard is calling out RS for their poor handling of certain themes in SU (like the "the Diamonds were easily forgiven!"), when she herself literally created a character commiting even worse things towards the MLP characters than the Diamonds ever did in canon, and that character being easily forgiven by Twilight. Pot calling kettle, indeed.
In defense of the Steven universe plot, the aliens are literally not the same species as humans and aliens would view us as animals, so Rose did present the humans as pets because they are literally not semi indestructible super powered mineral and metal organisms, everything of the flesh is bizarre and underneath them because they are not of the flesh like humans who are technically mammals.
To me it's an allegory of domestication of animals and the freedom someone raised free would long for but the utopian aspect is much like a pet bird, lizard, hamster, and so on, they are literally not the same species as the gems so it's a commentary that they could live as a domesticated pet with no way to take care of themselves because literally everything is arranged for them they are in fantastic condition and a loving community , but on earth the natural home of the animal that is humanity, they are being attacked and planned for extinction much like wild animals vs domestic housepets
Lily is unexcusable of course, Jasper did have a redemption plot and her abusive relationship with lapis is the closest we get to the kind of sensitive exploitation of close personal relationships, being forced to fuse with her and then lapis turning the tables to entrap her because of her abuse ... Maybe also pearl lying about danger to coerce garnet to fuse with her, those are thematically closer to Lily's insane SA themes because they show characters forcing to fuse without full consent... It's handled really well by the writers showing bad examples of abusive relationships and lily is just out here literally glorifying CSA and abusive power dynamics and mass murder it's like wtf why go after SU so much they handled everything wonderfully imo
The thing is the Diamonds were never forgiven, they were just tolerated and told off to do the right thing and right their wrongs. They also have the literal ability to revive the dead and reverse corruption that is a godlike power and trying to go to war with them would be a complete losing battle. Steven and the gems never once forgave the diamonds. Steven tried to shatter White at one point in Future and never once liked them, he hated them completely. The only ones who forgave them, were the ones who never had issues with them like Spinel. They would literally not be able to beat the diamonds in any way except to convince them to stop being dictators. Killing them with kindness. Plus the show doesn’t even redeem everyone anyway. Jasper remains zealous and toxic, eyeball Ruby and Aquamarine remain angry and sadistic and Navy Ruby up and left forever. Just because the “big bads” weren’t murdered in cold blood doesn’t mean they were redeemed completely. White may have been like “I wanna live on earth with you because I’m bored as fuck” doesn’t mean Steven and the others were tolerating it whatsoever. And when the rest of the diamonds were having a pity party over corrupted Steven, Connie told them to shut the fuck up and help out and stop being so pitiful about themselves. The entire show is not black and white and it shows how people can change if they choose to. People are so fucking allergic to nuance it’s insane. PS: why would anyone listen to a real life criminal about their subjective critiques of a cartoon that was forced by captialistic shills due to conservative countries to end earlier than it could’ve ended (fascists fucking win everytime it seems) about fictional dictators and said critic happens to be a piece of shit in real life? Fascists seem to always get their way.
I was recommended one of your exposé videos about 3 months ago while watching a Lily Orchid video. I am so glad I didn't just ignore it like I had done in the past with other Lily exposé videos. You have really opened my eyes to what a horrible human being Lily is. I hope her fan base sees who she really is soon and leaves as fast as possible. I still feel dirty for following her for so long. Thank you for making these. They really opened my eyes and made me take a closer look at who else I am following that might be hiding something awful beneath. Again, thank you so much
I seriously don’t understand how people can defend Lily. Everything she wrote and created is absolutely disgusting and all those behaviors are just the same in reality. This is why the “it’s just fiction bro” argument is bad and Lily is the perfect example.
Thank you for making these videos. There are so many youtubers that get away with their abuse and crimes because nobody cared to look into them. I’ve had to many experiences where youtubers I liked have turned out to be sexual creeps, and looking back, it’s always right in their videos that I watched. So again, thank you for making these videos and letting the truth be told about lily.
boy oh boy, this whole situation is so weird and absurd! I hardly even know where to start! (I'm using google translator so maybe the expressions and grammar look weird) I'm a ex steven universe fan, I have a lot of criticism of the show and I couldn't find review videos that criticized this show and the cast fairly (many review channels it was just "grrr I hate minorities" or lily orchard, who treated rebecca like she was hitler or worse than hitler), that's why i decided to start a private channel that would fairly review this cartoon. it's really weird to see all this exposure of lily, i saw her videos and the way she talked about rebecca i can only see that it was all just projection of the actions that she herself did years ago and pretends she didn't do anything. that and how she is a bit addicted to pornography and claims that everything is pornographic and sexual. (i tried to watch her last video about the steven universe movie and she was talking about steven being naked in a painting (like.. you never saw the church paintings or renaissance paintings???) and using several times one joke of the writers having some kind of fetish when it's pretty normal scenes and nothing suspicious. i'm sensitive and i could feel some bad energy just by the way she talks and thinks, super anguished and spiteful way, now knowing all these allegations makes sense, she was just projecting herself and pretending to "be woke" instead of grow like person and accept your mistakes and improve. she wants to have a toxic persona who is never wrong and always right and anyone who even slightly disagrees with her she simply accuses them of being transphobic racist etc without realizing the weight of these accusations. this is very sad
What is it with grown women with fandom obsessions being unapologetically pedophiles?? I feel like I keep seeing people like Lily Orchard everywhere I go on the internet when I'm just trying to find fans of the same media I like. FFS one of the top fanfiction websites out there, Archive of Our Own, literally has a major content warning tag for "underage sex" that people regularly post graphic written CP to. Am I losing my shit or is that not incredibly weird?
it’s pretty concerning that this is so commonplace and it feels like there are so little options available to crack down on this vile behavior effectively
this is a great and informative series! I've never been a fan of lily orchard (my only knowledge of her was her original steven universe video and I hated it because I was a fan at the time) so I'm glad I never interacted with her. absolutely reprehensible, but I really like how indepth and informative your videos are. keep it up!!!
As a child porn victim I prefer the term child porn and believe its more accurate and better. I don't recommend saying that CSAM is the objectively more accepted term.
Rose Quartz was incapable of liberating Homeworld, her ability to liberate earth was very situational. She had to exploit her position as the overseer of earth to undermine colonialism on the planet in secret, that's the only reason the war even had a chance. If she attacked Homeworld itself, she not only wouldn't have had that advantage, but would've had to fight the Diamonds directly. She also didn't create the human zoo, and we see that she does care about the liberation of gems through her relationship with Garnet.
I'm only just starting the video (and might not be able to finish, we'll see), but thank you for clarifying the terminology and why CSAM is more appropriate as a general term. More people need to know this. I actually didn't know the term for non-photographic materials, so I learned something today.
hi, Steven Universe fan here. Rose/Pink hated the human zoo- Blue and Yellow made it for her because she didn't want to destroy earth- she fell in love with the life there, and how humans were free to change and be themselves, so of COURSE she wouldn't want to keep them in a zoo! outside of learning that all of the Rose Quartzes there were bubbled by Rose/Pink, there isn't really much to suggest Rose/Pink spending much, if ANY time there at all
oh my god i remember years ago she had a video explaining why redemption arcs for the worst villains are stupid especially if it's just a conversation, and then she just writes one of them lmao
I think it's worth mentioning that Lily has a video up on her channel right now talking about how gross incest ships are. Ironic, how youtube must think that this video and that video are related, since its the first related video underneath this one. People have said it before, but goddamn, the hypocrisy. Imagine trying to make a video condemning incest shipping while knowing you've written Stockholm and included those sorts of pictures in a game
The NSFW image is from an mlp grimdark blog called Little Miss Rarity. I recognized the art style from a video that looked at old MLP creepypasta/grimdark fics/blogs..
For the algorithm. You need to be heard. I have a friend who *only just* realised and accepted how disgusting Lily is. And my friend was a rational adult. Lily has her hooks in so many people.. You were the creator that woke my friend up. Thank you. Keep doing what you’re doing, you are making a real difference
Lily's hypocritical takes make even LESS sense now! How is she going to accuse sugar of being a yatzee sympathizer for "reforming space yatzees" when LILY HERSELF has a favorite of that is a space yatzee??? By her own logic, lily is a yatzee sympathizer, and supports colonialism and genocide.
Also the "human zoo" was NEVER pink diamond/ rose quartz' idea. Blue diamond made it as a "gift" for pink so pink could colonize earth and still have, what blue considered, "pet humans".
Nearly all of lilys critiques of Steven universe are super bad faith and some of them are also like blatantly wrong too. Even if I don’t really like the choice of redeeming the diamonds it doesn’t make it ok for her to be super shitty about the show.
As soon as you mentioned the nazi’s backstory I immediately thought of how ironic it is because that’s exactly what she complained about in Steven universe. It hurts to still agree with her points, bc she did make good points about Steven universe, but it came from such a vile woman. it’s hard to be a fan of her for so long and respect her opinions, only to learn about all this shit she has done. I feel violated.
I've been thinking the same thing. Tbh I'm not watching this one because it's been making me feel so legitimately uncomfortable the past two videos, I'm just reading the comments here. But this might be my stopping point in this absolutely disgusting horror show
6:02 how ironic Lilly wrote that, considering part of her hatred for Steven Universe is accusing the series and Rebecca Sugar for having "genocidal space fascist switch side and be forgiven through only a simple conversation. How does that old saying go? "Every accusation is a confession".
Well, this series made it impossible for me to watch Lily's stuff anymore, knowing who she is. I like the way you made these videos without overly describing the gross stuff; you talked about it in a way that allowed the "thinking part of the brain" (if that makes sense) to remain in control, not making it "physically repulsive" in a way that could make us feel instant hatred or feel queasy, you know? We were intellectually presented with your arguments and could use our intellectual judgement. I don't know if I'm being able to explain this... In any case, I wish more RUclipsrs had this sensibility when talking about real life evil, or fictional evil involving the innocent and vulnerable (children, animals, etc.)
I feel really weird now. I basically went from finding out about Lily Orchard through a video calling her out for being mad at an artist for not drawing her persona "correctly" a few years ago, to now hearing she's a fuckin creepo and made not only stories featuring illegal crap towards minors, but also a game featuring the same crap. Wtf(sorry if there are any writing mistakes in this)
The more I watch these videos, the more and more I am convinced the Brony fandom has a major pedophilia problem and Lily isn’t the first person to pull shit like this. I personally think children should be kept away from Brony content in general. There have been too many instances like what happened with Lily where adults use the show to take advantage of them. Whether it be getting free art or work out of them, or grooming them. What disgusts me is nobody wants to talk about these issues because they would rather sweep it under the rug to remain comfortable than actually see what people like Lily are doing. Stuff like this is one of the main reasons I left the MLP fandom when I got older. I was so tired of seeing the fandom get chance after chance to get rid of or stand up to people like Lily or other popular bronies and every single time they plugged their ears and refused to do anything.
"back when I binge watched her content in 2019" This being a mirror to my own current interactions with Lily's content is unsettling. I found her work slightly earlier than this, somewhere around 2017 or 2018, and it was actually what opened me to thinking about myself and lead to me coming out as a Trans girl myself. I've only so far watched the last 3 videos in this playlist, but finding out how horrible Lily has been and the situation she puts others in both directly and the retroactive references to other things you've covered in previous videos, I can only imagine you feel a similar sickness if you ever had some kind of fan adoration of her content. This of course doesn't change who I am, but it's still horrifying finding this out about what I considered my roots before. I really hope other fans can stomach watching this, and can open themselves to accepting how horrid some people are. It's extremely unfortunate how often this occurs in what people would consider childhood heros, with so many people linked to child-adjacent media having shit like this going on. I'm gonna go do things I enjoy for a bit. Thank you for this video and the rest of the series.
I used to like Lily's videos. Granted, even back then, there were things I disagreed with her on (her video where she ranted about artists asking for credit for the visual material she keeps on using in her videos was especially aggravating). I stopped liking her stuff once I got tired of her constant negativity and 'holier than thou' attitude... but there was at least one thing I could say: "At least she's making it her goal to try and make fandoms safer places for children." ... well... the only good thing I could say about her has been tossed out the window now. Like, I'm just disgusted; not only is she an aggravating individual, but she's also a creep.
As a survivor of IRL csam & csem, it always angers me when people claim that fanart/non-photographic content arent a problem. Like wtf drives a person to make secret NSFW art of CSEM that you have to access by “breaking” a character. Fucking foul. Thank you for speaking up about this. Your voice is so important.
I just finished all of your (at the moment) videos on lily, I've been an ex fan of her's for years now and I didn't know about *any* of this... it's honestly sickening to think that my younger self used to think she was a good person who supported victims. thank you so much for bringing this all into light, hope you're all doing well ❤
Ok so first her story her space nazi becomes all nice and loving after a heart-to-heart? I mean, this was her MAIN criticism of Steven Universe! That was her whole main hatred of how it ended and turned me off the show when I was subscribed to her. Plus yikes to that video! I mean...I can't post up streams of porn games (with consenting adults) yet this apparently is perfectly fine to RUclips? They really need to get their shit together.
Never heard of Doomsday Ascending before this and fucking YIKES! It and the game based on it are so gross. Glad you made sure to gather the evidence that links it back to it's creator/Lily.
I was binging lily's content for the nostalgia this week after years of not seeing her content, but "steven universe is garbage and heres why" is a comfort video for me... and holy shit I immediately unsubcribed and I'm horrified. I'm just so confused because the reason I loved her so much was her passion against THESE EXACT THINGS. She was always so bold against bigots and abusers and it was so cathartic for me because I'm unable to do that in my case. For her to have the EXACT same kinds of content on her other platforms (which I never knew of, followed, or engaged with as a kid thank GOD) Is appalling and so hypocritical. What's so confusing me is the particular language she uses makes her sound so legitimate in her hatred and anger at those things happening. But then she can do it herself behind closed doors??? She seemed like the VERY last person I would belive this about. Due to how EXTENSIVELY it's sewn into her content and her attacks of other monsters on RUclips back in the day. I am appalled and horrified. She always brushed these so called "attacks from conservatives and terfs" off and I don't know why I never looked into it. Thank god I found these videos.
I don't mean to kick you while you're down, but why was such a poorly made, volatile, and nasty video where she calls a jewish woman a nazi sympathizer a "comfort video" in the first place? where's the comfort?
I'm impressed with your level of research. I hope y'all have good aftercare in place because this is some deeply disturbing stuff and I know that can take a toll even if it's being done to benefit victims and create awareness.
Not me trying to "educate" you on a show you don't care about, just providing some context to show how lily's critiques of the human zoo don't work. First off, the zoo wasn't started by Pink, and in the episode it was introduced in, it's explicitly portrayed as a bad thing. It's a dystopia badly disguised as a utopia, and Steven is immediately put off by it. So the fact that Lily tried to spin the zoo like Sugar's utopian society is blatantly wrong. She's either misremembering and should do better research to avoid making takes that could be debunked by just watching the episode, or she's intentionally misinterpreting it to her audience to make her criticism work.
Not to add more fuel to the fire. But i feel it's very worth noting with all that's brought up in this video. That LIlly has a younger sister that they have openly admitted to beating up before and phscially abusing over something as small as a Remote to a TV with compelte and utter pride over usage of violece to get what they wanted. I think considering everything with her game and stories when it comes to underage girls this is...Quite concerning to say the very least.
Me: Okay, that's it, this has to be the bottom, there can't be anything worse after this. Ethel: *mentions that next time we'll be taking a look at Orchard doing things with these kinds of images but based on real images of CSEM* Me: *stressed Ben Affleck having a smoke GIF*
It's about to get so, so much worse. I genuinely recommend not looking up the images yourself. You can't unsee this shit. If you must, look up posts about the situation on tumblr, but don't look at the Google Drives.
I don't know why the algorithm led me to you but I'm happy to be here. I like your voice and speech pattern, and you're giving me a new angle of thinking. Your topics are heavy, but important to discuss
So idk anything about this NintendoGal person but one dynamic I've noticed with them and Lily that I find disturbing is NintendoGal seems to be somewhat more hesitant to write more dark, explicit content, especially CP, while Lily is constantly pushing for more and more extreme themes? Like I'm not trying to let NintendoGal off the hook ESPECIALLY not for posting this but she at least acknowledged at the time that the pic was CP. Almost like they knew what they were doing was wrong. Idk I feel like Lily would just refuse to acknowledge it or cry "right winger!" If anyone tries confronting her about it. And then there are those old tumblr posts where Lily says she "convinced" NG to write Twlight as a violent abuser and NG made multiple posts about how hard it was to get through writing certain scenes, especially the child scenes. It just seems to me like Lily was constantly pushing NG's boundaries into writing more extreme, deprived material. And we know just how toxic she can be to friends based on her history. I'm just saying because when I was younger I had a "friend" who was like that. We would write fiction together and they would pressure me into writing more and more disturbing things. But I felt too scared to set boundaries because I was young and had no other friends and was vulnerable. I'm not sure it if was the case with this person but again we all know how toxic Lily can be.
what really upsets me about her ascension “reward” content is it’s not even plot relevant. not that that would matter AT ALL, but i figured the images would include ascenstia herself and said pony that is being “broken”. but no, it’s just completely random nsfw images of the character for no reason other than to “reward” the player. and for what? choosing the evil choice? it’s absolutely disgusting no matter how you slice it
It's crazy because her arguments about other media seem so cohesive and literate but from what I've seen of her work it's all the exact opposite. She has no right being a "critic" based on her shitty content. Plus, all of her arguments on her most POPULAR VIDEO EVER are all nuked by this one game feature.
I can’t believe this person still has a platform, that RUclips even lets them still have their channel, there is so much proof against them for the way they are.
I find it funny that lily criticizes people who write abuse being painted as romantic, abuse and torture of characters for the sake of seeing them suffer, even women of color! And being into so much torture porn to a point we’re it’s scary, yet here she is. Do everything she hates! It’s nothing short of disgusting! And to be honest, her video that I talk about have her show how to not write needless torture of characters, but even with that I still feel like the example is horrible! The reason is that the writing in question was a fanfic of Star Wars were an OC is torture by Rey in this story. But after the OC coming out of the coma then Rey makes up for her horrible actions and make their relationship “cute”. I'm sorry but if that were me if someone like Rey had hurt me but decided to make up for it cuz I was in a coma, I would NOT accept their “apology”! Lily projecting is strong on her, not shocked due to her self-loathing and self-hatred. No amount “cutesy love after abuse UwU!!” Would make abuse ok! I really think her points on torture characters just to see them suffer is spot on! But either stick to your critiques or come out and say “I like toxic and unhealthy shit inject it into my veins!!” P.S I’m a lesbian, and if this what she called “good lesbian story” then I’ll throw that shit in the trash!
What’s worse is that image is from the little miss rarity series or at least the artist meaning not only is it probably stolen but if it’s not it means that Lily commissioned someone who often drew implied sexual assault of the cmc specifically sweetie
I used to be subscribed to Lily mainly because I liked the Steven universe video and something always threw me off but I shrugged it off. Should've listened to my gut. After seeing the first exposé I don't think I've ever unsubscribed from a creator so fast in my life.
I'm so glad people are recognizing how disgusting fictional CSEM is, the amount of people I've had to argue with because they want to defend sexualizing children is sickening
Today's exposé dives into newly uncovered video evidence: in her game "Doomsday Ascending", Lily Orchard rewards her audience with child abuse imagery when they help her OC, Ascentia Kortai, murder and enslave indigenous populations.
I know zilch about these fandoms, but that doesn't mean I can't be enraged by this person's behaviour. She keeps getting worse and worse, and I don't understand why she's still being supported by anyone at all. Thank you for calling her out. Nobody else seems to want to.
I think what's especially disturbing is that, despite Lily claiming to be of indigenous heritage as you aforementioned, she went on to create something that would be retraumatizing to anyone who has, or has known of someone who suffered through residential schools, The Scoop, etc. It's not to say that us creatives can't put themes of our struggles, both historical and modern, into our work. It's just that this was handled horrifically from the get-go, from using a minor-focused medium (MLP) to glorifying & rewarding violent colonialism (with CP, if this couldn't get any worse).
To top it off, Lily has mentioned some seriously anti-indigenous rhetoric on her Tumblr. I have screencaps if need be to verify the legitimacy of what I'm talking about, but she (allegedly) propagates common misconceptions about the socioeconomic status of First Nations people, and outright disrespects spiritual traditions associated with a large number of bands across North America. It's to the point that many indigenous bloggers have pointed out that her reasoning on never pursuing status is highly suspicious.
After all, it's one thing to not pursue status for the usual, valid reasons. It's another to say, and I quote straight from Lily's post: "Honestly, being exempt from Income Taxes is a terrible idea because I know what income Taxes are used for. I'd be fucking over the entire country for short-term personal gain."
Due to low population numbers, the effects of giving First Nations people with status this exemption is very minor in terms of economic impact. If anything, what Lily states here is misinformed at best, holier-than-thou at worst towards those already disadvantaged and in need of such exemptions.
Thanks for making this video. I really hope that Lily can find it in herself to hold herself accountable for all of this. She has contributed to much more harm than she has to good, and it's frightening to see how many bigoted people use her as an excuse to keep doing what they do.
quick edit: The post I quoted from has been deleted, but it still exists in the form of screencaps. The tag of the asker's username can be searched via Tumblr's system however, showing that they have asked Lily (as well as many other blogs) a variety of First Nations-related questions that are still up to view. Because of that, I feel the screencap is legitimate, but also a worrying piece of evidence. Why would Lily delete explicit confirmation of her heritage, but leave every other ask out in the open?
Not to add more fuel to the fire. But i feel it's very worth noting with all that's brought up in this video.
That LIlly has a younger sister that they have openly admitted to beating up before and phscially abusing over something as small as a Remote to a TV with compelte and utter pride over usage of violece to get what they wanted.
I think considering everything with her game and stories when it comes to underage girls this is...Quite concerning to say the very least.
@@naciabell7903 That's not all. See you got one piece of information wrong. Lily's younger sibling isn't female, they are non-binary. I don't blame you for getting that wrong though. You see Lily always misgenders them in her comments. And the hypocrisy continues.
Wait, Lily had genocidal aliens get reformed after a single conversation? Isn't that the exact same thing that she accused Rebecca Sugar of being a fascist sympathizer for doing in Steven Universe? Can you get any more hypocritical than her? And hell, at least in Steven Universe, it took longer than a conversation.
Edit: Got farther into the video and saw that bit of hypocrisy was addressed.
With Lily, hypocrisy is not a bug. It's a feature.
IMO, that's bad regardless. I watched the whole of Steven Universe and I really did like it. But that shit absolutely disgusted me. Although I wouldn't call Sugar a fascist sympathizer for that. I do think her "everyone can be redeemed" messaging around the Diamonds is morally irresponsible
I mean steven universe took like a minute longer but a minute is a minute
Lily is the phrase, “rules for thee but not for me.”
Edit: 17:07 for the Steven Universe part.
"Sexually aggressive child". 11:24 My! Many of us who lived through CSA had our abusers tell us how we "tempted" or "seduced" them, so that proved that "we" wanted it, they were powerless to overcome it, and thus reversing victim/predator.... royally f**king us in the head. Some of us had these "seductive child" claims thrown at us as adults, and how we'd "sinned" by doing that, demanding that we ask our perpetrators for "forgiveness". This shows them to be not quite right mentally, and in heavy denial of their actions and their meaning. It needs to be added that this abuse happened from when I was a young toddler through about age 8. It just is not normal to be sexually aroused by preschoolers no matter what they do.
I, for one, got away and never went back to the person who tried that **** on me as an adult. I encourage anyone else who is able to to do likewise. We don't need such people in our lives.
Also, as someone who has lived this experience, let's not forget that children who act out s--xually more than likely not have been s--xually abused themselves. It's your responsibility as the adult to step up and say that "This is wrong." To think I could've been re-victimized because of that logic is wholly unsettling.
It's ironic that Lily Orchard made videos of herself breaking down everything wrong with Steven Universe and Legend of Korra for hours, yet her own garbage stories are literally no better
It's a strategy: make my issues everyone else's problem so that nobody can judge me.
I didn't have chance to watch Steven Universe but what I can see the vast majority of fans and critics love show. The Legend of Korra on other hand is one of the most unfortunately horrendously underrated and misunderstood show in last few decades. People don't understand even basics like what genre show is and it's themes.
@@ExtremeMadnessX I enjoyed the simple bits of Steven universe and the simple lessons in there. I didn’t like how it ended, however. As for legend of korra, it was ok. Not great, not terrible, just ok.
@@EssenceOfThoughtadditionally: “you know that show that made you feel accepted for the first time? It’s garbage, you should listen to me instead.” Discrediting outside support networks is cult behavior.
Just binged this whole playlist, BTW. Subscribed!
Now that I remember, Lily also said people shipping siblings were bastards... When she included incest in pretty much all of her stories.
And she SA'd her own sister!
@@NapaCat wait what??
@@NapaCat If you talk about the younger sibling that Lilly Have....That sibling was non-binary(WHo was AFAB), but Lilly is always disrepecting them by misgendering them.
@@rookideetrainer1635 Sadly that is comfirmed information
@@DayDreamingWriters Honestly surprised how she's still on the internet after everything she did and the fact she's criticizing other animations when she can't even do any better. Animation takes hell of a long time frrr. And Lily stuff isn't even good. Steven universe was dull good from the start yes it might not have ended good but it started good. Lilys stuff is just no
So Lilly bashes on MLP, Steven Universe, and She-ra CONSTANTLY for redeeming villains...and yet she makes a fanfic where a space Nazi is suddenly good after a single this point, I'm not even surprised anymore.
It seems 95% of Lily's controversies are things she's insulted and harassed others for. A great example of someone that projects unto others.
And said character is a MLP OC. Her hypocrisy could break through the core of the Earth.
@@NintendoMeister2260or destroy the Multiverse
I was unaware of Doomsday Ascending, so the fact it had illustrations of paedophillia, and a tie-in game that rewards sexual predation, makes this worse than Stockholm. It's because of MLP fans like Lily I came to despise the fandom, whenever I brought this misconduct to attention, I was denounced as a "Drama queen", that resulted in me getting harassed and bullied, they wanted me quiet, the fandom was more concerned with looking nice to the public, rather than protect defenseless fans, and discipline poison pills such as Lily. This will be the fandom's legacy, it will not be remember as a fun place with admiration, instead it will be remembered as a toxic cesspool, where Lily Orchard crawled out from.
It certainly is on a similar level, though I'm not actually sure which is worse. Sure, her message here is much more direct, but she used stolen art. Meanwhile, with Stockholm, the scenes involving minors were all written by her, down to every last word.
As someone who is a fan and involved in the fandom, I... mostly agree. While the overwhelming majority of the fandom is decent people; there are a small number of high-profile people who are not, and there simply isn't enough being done to exclude these people. Part of the problem is at least two of the biggest fansites are run by people who may or may not (probably not in one case, likely in another) be among the bad actors, but they have certainly protected the bad actors to varying degrees (likely just for the money said bad actors contribute). This is not nearly as bad as many other fandoms (looking at the anime scene and R&S fans especially), but that's not really a good excuse for allowing as much abusive material and behaviour as it has.
The upshot is that while the MLP fandom is no worse than any other fandom, and is a lot better than most, it should still have been far better than it is.
I absolutely do not blame you, there's someone named Demon of Decay I think on YT who drew a couple of c.p. speedpaints including one of Big Mac mass raping everyone in his family ending with killing Apple Bloom and I called him out on it and stopped watching him and even reported it. All I wanted was to see a speedpaint, this guy did really good detailed stuff and normally I would leave everything alone if it gave me an off feeling, so naturally not knowing the fanfic "Sweet Apple Massacre" had me clicking and immediately wanting to hang myself, and I wish I was kidding. All over a fuckin speedpaint, now I'm scared of what the fans do aside from iconic speedpainters like Blitz Alazea Dash and people like her.
@@EphemeralTao I know what you’re talking about as someone in the furry fandom.
Same thing as furries. (Ex-Furry; no ill will for the harmless ones. I've been hurt by too many)
Obviously we cannot judge an entire community by the degenerates but it's a little too common and accepted/hush hush for my taste. Too busy witchhunting innocent people to go after the actual predators in most cases!
The hypocrisy behind what she said about steven universe actually isn't surprising when it's not uncommon for people to project their own issues onto others like how a lot of people who claim their spouse is cheating turn out to cheating themselves for example, overall I'm honestly surprised she hasn't been banned off of every platform given the obvious shitty behaviour that I don't think anyone would want on their platform given how unethical and illegal it is.
Currently all we can do is try and warn others.
The worst thing is I actually really LIKED that point in the SU video and despite knowing Lily is garbage, I still also bring that issue up.
@@kaydwessie296 As much as I agreed with a handful of points she made in that video, said points are quite rich coming from someone who doesn't follow her own criticisms and advice.
How does she just keep getting worse. Like without exception, every time I hear of her, she just keeps getting worse.
This stuff has been building up for a long time, meaning she's been getting away with it and thus felt safe continuing to do these sorts of things. Only recently has there been any real attempt to document her behaviour and bring it to the public's attention.
And it’s going to continue to get worse. There’s much more dirt being uncovered.
It's like a damn rabbit hole by this point
Wait until you hear about the Sankaku accounts. This is the TAME stuff.
Is anyone else super worried if Lily could have a younger sister because of all of her content?? 😬😬
Was JUST thinking this as I came up on ur comment
I am now.
We need to call CPS
Someone in the comments was talking about Lily’s frozen review, curious, I started the video. In for about a minute or two, she talks about having a sister. I really hope It was a joke. 😬
Edit: it’s at the 35 second mark
She has a younger nonbinary sibling who is AFAB. She's mentioned/joked about hitting them when they were kids.
The human zoo was depicted as a horrible, fucked up place that was liberated and taken over by its subjects by the end. And yeah, Rose is depicted as being abusive and even expecting others to clean up after her - most of the series outright says "Rose was a horrible person and did not understand how she was horrible." It's not surprising that she doesn't understand it.
yeah when she said that it was just meant to be sugar’s utopia i was like “???” its a dystopia at best
It was also NOT made by Rose, it was made by other Dictators in order to placate the baby Dictator refusing to genocide and terraform a planet.
Oh thank god. I didnt reach that part of the show, but im immensely glad that the zoo was depicted as actually bad and adressed.
i might be wrong but, she described the zoo as "that thing pink diamond put humans into for her amusement", but wasnt the zoo made by the other diamonds? i remember maybe pearl saying something about how the diamonds made pink the zoo because of her saying that they should stop the colony because of the humans there, but i might be misremembering. idk if it matters but it was in my mind
@@nyankoizumi739 yeah the zoo was not Rose/Pink's design but by Yellow and Blue making it because they thought Pink wanted humans as pets.
Holy Crap, as someone who used to watch Lily’s content (like when she exposed predators in the Brony community) this is extremely horrifying. Especially the overtones of colonialist abuse. I feel unclean
A big part of what she did regarding predators in the pony community seems to have been designed to distract from this. And don't blame yourself, Lily is a master manipulator.
I devoured her channel back when she was in high school and was making her own Zero Punctuation style videos about social commentary before she transitioned, and my favourite was the one she made about the arrogance of age. I heard about her transition after I moved on from her channel (she was mocking the fandom before becoming a brony herself and I felt it was mean spirited) but to find this out... it makes me feel filthy too.
I watched her too when I was younger. I remember feeling so horrible when I heard she lost her job that went and told my parents 😭 I was truly the target audience. Emphasis on target. I’m glad I moved on for something as simple as not finding her funny anymore and dodged all of…. This.
The Steven Universe criticism is utter nonsense.
Firstly, "The Zoo", the main series episode about the Human Zoo, was not written by Rebecca Sugar. It was written and storyboarded by Lamar Abrams and Katie Mitroff. Lamar Abrams is a Black man (Mitroff is a white person). While it doesn't exempt his work from accusations of racism, it is questionable to attribute the Human Zoo's design directly and only to Sugar.
Secondly, the Human Zoo is portrayed as objectively immoral. Steven, a child, is stripped, reclothed and has his ears pierced against his consent when he enters, which he is visibly frustrated by. He's going there to rescue his father, who was violently kidnapped from Earth against his will. While Greg does call the place a paradise initially, the episode doesn't end like that. The Zoo is shown to be authoritarian, controlling when the humans are allowed to play, sleep, eat, etc., and the whole community falls apart when Greg objects to a breeding partner being chosen for him without his consent. He pretty much says directly to camera that having his agency taken away is wrong in the extreme. He escapes at the first opportunity while the rest of the humans - all adults - experience emotional pain for the first time in their life. There is no question that the protagonists object to their imprisonment. The Zoo's warden is completely overthrown by other characters at the end of the episode and is victoriously taken over by the enslaved staff of the Zoo.
Thirdly, It is explicit that Pink Diamond was not the creator of the Zoo. Pink Diamond had objected to continuing to pillage the Earth as the life on the planet was worth protecting; the Zoo was made as a conservation centre in an attempt to placate her. Which didn't work. She waged a war on them.
Fourthly, Rose Quartz was critqued heavily for her actions and beliefs in the series itself. She was exceedingly privileged, abused her servants, causing permanent psychological damage, and was called out for fetishising Greg's humanity relatively soon in the series. It's ridiculous to act like her culpability in colonialism was excused or was a mark of approval from Sugar. Not all of her crimes were revealed at that point in the series, and she was still portrayed as very morally grey by that point.
And, as an additional point, it is later shown in the sequel series that the ex-Zoo is now egalitarian. The staff didn't see humans as lesser in the first place; they were physically abused into their occupation and had to be freed themselves. Both groups are able to choose their own paths in life, going where they want and associating with who they want.
There are many criticisms to be made of colonialism in SU - and with the Human Zoo's portrayal - but to pretend that the Zoo was presented as anything less than unambiguously inherently heinous is incorrect.
She's, frankly, known for her intentionally inflammatory critiques. I don't think she believed what she was saying. She can and does lie for clout. She doesn't deserve a jot of good faith from anyone, even with regards to her media analysis.
I know that you said you didn't care, but I want to emphasise the bottom line: she is lying when she attacks Rebecca Sugar. She is targeting an individual as pro-colonisation for a group project that is pretty explicitly against the colonisation and exploitation of Indigenous peoples. We can talk about how much it successfully achieves that goal - believe me, I'm leaving out a lot - but mischaracterising art to falsely paint the creator in a negative light is not nuance. It's a lie.
Yes yes yes to this whole thread
@@theMoporter I just want to say thanks for laying those facts out there, her complaints about media is so weird.
Thank you for putting into words about how Lily's intreperation of the Zoo episode was wrong. And honestly, I can get over the fact that Lily thought that Sugilite was a racist depiction of black women when she was CLEARLY inspired by Indian art.
THANK YOU. Also the diamonds weren't reformed after a single conversation. They were still shitty people and did shitty thrings that steven continually had to chew them out on, but the key thing is that they were actively trying to be better. They were just more open minded and had their minds changed. The finale was literally called "change your mind" for a reason.
Her hypocrisy is practically written on the wall. She criticizes shows or any media for being bad or offensive or yet puts so much controversial and disgusting shit in her works. God how much worse does lily get, I’m sure there’s much more under the surface we have yet to uncover.
There's still a lot to get through.
@@EssenceOfThought oh dear. Kinda foresaw that one. Hope you’re doing well and make sure to take plenty of mental health breaks! I know how tiring creating these exposés can be!
@@EssenceOfThought I just got through the part describing Doomsday ascending and I legit broke down crying and couldn’t stop shaking. Fucking revolting she needs to get DEPLATFORMED
she needs to be behind bars for life, her sibling has come out describing the abuse they've endured at lily's hands and it is truly disgusting. lily has always been this way and doesn't want to change
What makes the “indigenous heritage” part funny, is her sister. Said they don’t have any indigenous relatives, they are just white
"Lily has a space Nazi responsible for the deaths of multiple worlds switch sides after a single conversation"
And yet, when Steven Universe does the same thing, that's bad writing and that's problematic. You wanna be the pot or the kettle, Lily?
She's projecting lmao.
Now that I think of it all she critics about it's just she projecting on other people lol
nothing can really be considered bad writing when your already writing CP, I guess.
Oh god as someone who's Native American, I don't want her pretending like she cares about First Nation's people.... I'm also kinda ashamed that we're both indigenous..
For a lark I looked up the infamous "Simple Writing Tips" thread last night and like… seriously like HALF of it is her saying - in very aggressively straightofrward "if X, you're a giant turd" language - that it's wrong to fetishize abuse, it's wrong to redeem rapists and genocidal villains, it's wrong to depict minor on adult sexuality, it's wrong to depict children in any sexual context, it's important to challenge pedophiles in your communities, if people call you on pedophilia or bigotry or fetishizing abuse you're supposed to listen and reflect, etc etc etc. And… like… in retrospect, it's so strange to look at. Like is this projection? Is it guilt? Is it gloating? Is it a calculated maneuver to gain trust from people she can victimize? All of the above?
I'd assume a mix of projection and trying to distract people from the fact that she's doing all those things she's accusing others of. So... yeah projection, basically.
guilt. I knew someone like Lily, it's a pure guilt conscious that reflects itself to others to deflect the blame
Wow, so not only is Lily a creep, but she’s also a hypocrite. Why can’t she just be banned from the internet?
Its just so messed up how this awfulness keeps going on, even being able to be catered to kids. There needs to be genuine regulation and I'm sick of creeps getting less than slap on the wrists. I hope things get better. The nonsense needs to end. 🍀
Sadly all we can really do right now is keep exposing her. The police were approached by other parties, yet they exist to protect capital, not people.
I only know Lily from her Steven Universe critique. To see how much projection is in the one video I recognize her from, and how it all leads back to her insanely predatory behavior, it's almost funny if it weren't so terrible.
I also think it's worth mentioning how Lily broke down how unhealthy Pearl and Rose's dynamic is. If I'm remembering correctly, because Pearls were made to please the diamonds in every way to a sickening extent, so a slave falling in love with her master is a fucked up dynamic. Meanwhile we look over here and find little girls being depicted in sexually gratifying situations with their older sisters, mothers, and other adults who are meant to be their guardians in a way.
I don't need to think super hard about which dynamic is more disgusting.
anyone can critique steven universe within reason, but nobody should be listening to lily’s criticism LOL
So all her insults towards Rebecca Sugar stem from jealousy and hypocrisy because she's not the one writing all the stuff she accuses Sugar of.
Seems to be a large part of it.
She purposefully left out the fact that the human zoo isn't framed in a positive life and that when Pink Diamond said they need to stop the Kindergarten on Earth to preserve its natural life, the other Diamonds just made the zoo for her so that complaint was rendered null and void. Meanwhile in her stories the MC of the alien race does things like enslaving and harming the common ponies of her own violation. Usually I don't care enough to dispute peoples opinions of SU characters, but I find it interesting that she left out the fact that it wasn't Pink who did the enslaving in the episode
Honestly, I didn't realize Lily was this bad. I just assumed she was simply full of herself and thought she was an authority on everything she spoke on even when she had zero understanding of the topic.
I think many of us underestimated things, myself included.
THEY USED LITTLE MISS RARITY’S ART FOR THAT- LMR being an NSFW tumblr ask blog as a part of the “edgy pony” wave early mlp fandom. I was a child when I consumed that content, I’m glad I somehow missed the Sweetie Belle sexual abuse….
Edit: I’m also hearing LMR was a vent by a teenager, hope they’re doing better as an adult if that’s the case
Wasn't one of Lily Orchard's many complaints about Steven Universe the redemption of fascist characters, or am I confusing her with someone else?
You'll never guess what we comment on later in the video. /s
@@EssenceOfThought So sorry, I had to pause in the middle to do some errands. Excellent reporting, as always.
Okay I’m a SU fan, and I never watched her SU is garbage video cause I knew it would be a waste of my time. But she got some poor comprehension skills cause if she watched the show she would know it wasn’t Pink that started the zoo. It was Yellow and Blue in an attempt to keep her happy and quite.
Not to defend Lily, but she did mention that it was a "cop out" to make Pink/Rose less of an asshole basically.
Doesn't excuse the rest of the stuff she said tho.
Edit: grammer and a small add on
I did watch it when I was a huuuge Steven Universe fan. It is a waste of time. Seriously, you're better off watching paint dry.
I think this is extremely important to mention: Sweetie Belle's voice actress, Claire Corlett, was born in July 1999, and started voicing her presumably in 2009 at the age of about 10 years old. Not only was Lily sexualizing a fictional child, in a sense she was sexualizing a real child as well.
That's so horrifying
Claire Corlett was 12-13 when Lily started writing Doomsday Ascending. I hope she never saw this, hasn't her father been bad enough?
WHAT THE FUCK??? Yiiikes.
I hate this information
I am so glad her abuse is finally getting seen. Thank you.
Thanks for taking the time to listen.
i find it funny that she totally missed the point of Rose Quartz in steven universe, all the stuff she was doing was supposed to be fucked up, she was born into a colonist monarchy and was slowly realizing all the things they stood for were bad, and began to try to be a better person but was very misguided because of how she was raised. she gets better throughout her life but has committed atrocities and can never fully be redeemed, in a way dying and having/becoming steven, who is a good person, is the closest she comes to being redeemed.
Are we sure Lilly isn’t just a strawman created by AI? It feels like she’s ticked every single box in that regard
I know. It really blows that these types of people crave attention and flock to become creators
I don’t wanna claim anything for certain, but it suddenly clicked for me that Lily appears to have just as much of a continued fixation on incest as she does on children in general.
I remembered her having a video talking about Elsa x Anna from Frozen and I went back to see what she had to say about it and it’s… interesting, to say the least. While she does condemn people who actually ship it, she also acts as if the ship is caused by a flaw in the writing; the example she gives is that Anna acts nervous around Elsa the same way she does around Hans.
This is not a flaw of the writing. It’s showing that Anna is just as awkward around Elsa as she is a literal stranger because they’ve been that estranged over the years. As someone who was groomed by a proshipper with an incest fixation, I can tell you first hand that people like that will see any interaction between siblings where they don’t hate each other and interpret it as flirting. The concept of familial love is lost on these people. The only people I’ve seen interpret Elsa/Anna’s interactions as romantically awkward are people who had reason to be intrigued that there would be romantic tension there in the first place.
And her actual review of Frozen isn’t much better. There’s a LOT of jokes alluding to the Frozen writers accidentally including scenes that could be interpreted as incestuous, and they aren’t delivered by Billy as a strawman for Elsanna shippers watching the movie and Lily brushing him off, it’s JUST Lily’s thoughts.
Again, I can’t make any bold claims on the matter as it’s a serious accusation, but given those videos only came out like 2 years ago it’s… telling. The curtain has been closed at this point by Lily, but there’s still little peeks every now and then.
Wooow, when you described how in Doomsday Ascending the fascist villain changes their ways through a single conversation 🤔 The most interesting thing about that is how in Lily's video criticizing Steven Universe she had the *exact* same critisism about the show. I haven't actually seen the show so I can't say if she's correct but it's funny and hypocritical how she calls other people out about the same things she does but never takes accountability for the times she's done it hmmm.
Edit: I'm so sorry, I wrote this before finishing the video and you yourself mentioned this 😅
It certainly does stick out, and no worries!
I will say that as someone who has watched most of the show, Lily's framing of the series is extremely misleading. For example with the Human Zoo, the show explains that it was an attempt to make PD happy and you have Steven and Greg who are extremely creeped out by the whole thing. And the Zoo goes haywire once any pain or negative emotion happens, in the context of a show that encourages frank communication of emotions and is against fascism; it's pretty clear to anyone who is honest that the Human Zoo is just another piece of evidence of how fucked up the Diamonds actually are.
Even if she wasn't clearly into some extremely gross shit, she just comes off as very ignorant about a number of topics. Like I don't think she fully thinks about the implications of what she's saying at the moment.
If anything it's more believable in Steven Universe (LOW freaking bar to clear but hey) because it was more like 3-4 conversations which play off the revelation that a dead family member died trying to stop them, in different ways suited to each of the space fascist leaders' personalities.
It's definitely cheap and extremely unsatisfying since they don't show any intent to make up for their horrific actions, nor do the protagonists hold them accountable for stuff on the grand scale of things... but like it's still better than Lily's version lol
@@000Dragon50000 I'm pretty sure it was so rushed ans unsatisfying because the show was canceled so the crewniverse was left with way less time than they originally thought and were forced to rewrite everything to make the resolution happen in a few episodes.
As someone who’s known about Lily and her exploits for years, I’m glad someone with a solid background is going through the time and effort to expose her for good👏
I've only known Lily for her SU video and her writing advice. I'm really happy you are making videos on this, more people need to be aware of her actions.
Thank you for taking the time to stop by and review the evidence.
man I'm tired I'm not even involved in the situation. I'm not even surprised by this woman anymore. I hope that the people who follow her or at least some of them get hint that this is not a good situation to be in specially the minors and they get the hell away from her.
Lilly wasn't mad at the fact Rebecca Sugar wrote human zoos, she's angry that Sugar wasn't called out for some heinous crime attached to that writing. So for context sake what happens in Steven Universe is highly exaggerated by Lily. Rose did not make the human zoos, her sisters, Blue & Yellow diamond made the human zoos FOR HER in an attempt to make Pink feel better or more comfortable with carrying out her mission which was to destroy the Earth and everything living there. After Pink diamond's "death" the zoo is kept around in memory to Pink. Blue diamond who is still mourning the death of her kidnaps Steven's dad accidentally in an attempt to "save" him from planet destruction aka what Pink was supposed to do. Blue and Yellow diamond made meant to be cold alien dictators so their actions, the zoo included wasn't written to be a good thing.
"Which leaves us in a decent position to begin investigating some of Lily’s more recent activities involving child abuse materials, some of which appear to have been based on real life images of child sexual abuse."
I AM SORRY WHAT. Some more context for this please??? Can we talk about this?? What the hell!
"Can we talk about this?? What the hell!"
That's the plan.
@@EssenceOfThought Thinking aloud here.... CSA has always been acceptable, but never openly discussed. When it was openly discussed, it was done with horror, while at the same time a great deal of CSA or images of it were done in private. During the 1980s, it became acceptable for victims to talk about it, how it happened, and what the results were. Outside of courts, the role of the perpetrators or their motivations or thoughts weren't discussed. Now, in the 2010s forward, it is acceptable to talk about CSA - and those proudly saying they've done it, enjoy it, or provide images or actual trafficked children. Now, they're not even considered rare or abnormal - although greed might get into it, as money almost always changes hands along with providing it. Since it is more accepted as a "thing", it makes it easier for people who want images, written descriptions or actual children to find it available. Does that make more of it or less? I honestly don't know. I knew other children who were victims at the same time I was, and we knew better than to bring it up or complain - it usually just resulted in us getting physically abused as well.
Perhaps having it THIS out in the open, along with some infamous cases involving wealthy and powerful people, it will get more attention and more actual caution about actually protecting children - rather than false protection from the boogeyman in the trenchcoat or those with alternative gender identities or different political views who, as a whole, do not "groom" children. I fear, however, that those with "groomer" labeled on them will be falsely accused and punished without any evidence, changing nothing for the children, but making for a different sort of "witch hunt".
To give more context without giving details that would be triggering, Lily was found to have accounts on Sankaku, a website that hosts loli, shota, toddlercon, etc. Specifically, a lot of her favorited images were 3D CSEM, and two artists in her favorites used real images of children to create those images. It's kind of complicated past that so I would wait for Ethel's video on it. Trust me, you don't want to go digging on your own and see the images yourself. They are photorealistic.
@@morganqorishchi8181wait how do we know she had accounts on that site?
17:04 ive watched several of these lily orchard videos and this bit *just* clicked. i literally always knew that there was something up with that video. I've watched it before and just how she worded it all never sat right with me, and this explains SO much
I saw the title and thought "no way." I'm at the content warning just wondering how is there just so much going on with Lily?
It seems like every single time there's just more BS that she's done. I feel like it's mostly because what she's been doing has been going under the radar for about a decade and no one has said anything about it till recently I think
This is just another symptom of the abuse culture we live in, where stuff like this is routinely ignored in favour of people's favourite content creator.
please archive all the links people. don't let them delete everything and lie. this stuff is so gross 🤢. I had no idea she did this?!!?
Real funny how Lily does the EXACT SAME THING she said she disliked about SU treatment of the diamonds.
I had been a fan of Lily Orchard starting at 15/16. The way she denounced abuse really spoke to me as a trans kid who was living with abusive parents, as well as someone who has been groomed multiple times from as young as 3 years old. Every time people would criticize her, it was because of her SU video. I gave her my money when I turned 18. I recommended her channel to my girlfriend at the time, who also ended up giving her money. I only learned about all this disgusting shit she did this month. I cannot believe this is never talked about. If I had known about Stockholm and the Ink Rose situation back at 15, I never would have watched her. I never would have supported someone who fetishizes the things I have been through. And every day, I will hate myself for letting me fall for such lies. For letting my ex get caught up in those lies. I never should have been so blind and stupid. She needs to be locked up.
You mean to tell me that Lily made a game that does the samething the Diamonds did (minus the sexual enslavement) and yet she has the NERVE to say that the Diamonds are 'Space Nazis'?
Hello pot, meet kettle.
Even though I don't like how SU ended, Lily clearly has shown the 'rules for thee, but not for me' mentality, yet she took it a step further by sexualizing children and colonialism.
Wrt to Lily's comments about the Human Zoo Episode of Steven Universe: I recall seeing fans of color (particularly black SU fans) on Tumblr criticize said episode, especially after Rebecca and their husband, Ian-Jones Quartey, had (allegedly) said that the humans in the Zoo were designed to be, basically, sexy hippies. I definitely agree with SU fans of color who called out the crewniverse for using a Human Zoo setting as a version of what they (allegedly) think of as a "Utopia".
Regardless, it is rich that Lily Orchard is calling out RS for their poor handling of certain themes in SU (like the "the Diamonds were easily forgiven!"), when she herself literally created a character commiting even worse things towards the MLP characters than the Diamonds ever did in canon, and that character being easily forgiven by Twilight. Pot calling kettle, indeed.
In defense of the Steven universe plot, the aliens are literally not the same species as humans and aliens would view us as animals, so Rose did present the humans as pets because they are literally not semi indestructible super powered mineral and metal organisms, everything of the flesh is bizarre and underneath them because they are not of the flesh like humans who are technically mammals.
To me it's an allegory of domestication of animals and the freedom someone raised free would long for but the utopian aspect is much like a pet bird, lizard, hamster, and so on, they are literally not the same species as the gems so it's a commentary that they could live as a domesticated pet with no way to take care of themselves because literally everything is arranged for them they are in fantastic condition and a loving community , but on earth the natural home of the animal that is humanity, they are being attacked and planned for extinction much like wild animals vs domestic housepets
Lily is unexcusable of course, Jasper did have a redemption plot and her abusive relationship with lapis is the closest we get to the kind of sensitive exploitation of close personal relationships, being forced to fuse with her and then lapis turning the tables to entrap her because of her abuse ... Maybe also pearl lying about danger to coerce garnet to fuse with her, those are thematically closer to Lily's insane SA themes because they show characters forcing to fuse without full consent... It's handled really well by the writers showing bad examples of abusive relationships and lily is just out here literally glorifying CSA and abusive power dynamics and mass murder it's like wtf why go after SU so much they handled everything wonderfully imo
The thing is the Diamonds were never forgiven, they were just tolerated and told off to do the right thing and right their wrongs. They also have the literal ability to revive the dead and reverse corruption that is a godlike power and trying to go to war with them would be a complete losing battle. Steven and the gems never once forgave the diamonds. Steven tried to shatter White at one point in Future and never once liked them, he hated them completely. The only ones who forgave them, were the ones who never had issues with them like Spinel. They would literally not be able to beat the diamonds in any way except to convince them to stop being dictators. Killing them with kindness. Plus the show doesn’t even redeem everyone anyway. Jasper remains zealous and toxic, eyeball Ruby and Aquamarine remain angry and sadistic and Navy Ruby up and left forever. Just because the “big bads” weren’t murdered in cold blood doesn’t mean they were redeemed completely. White may have been like “I wanna live on earth with you because I’m bored as fuck” doesn’t mean Steven and the others were tolerating it whatsoever. And when the rest of the diamonds were having a pity party over corrupted Steven, Connie told them to shut the fuck up and help out and stop being so pitiful about themselves. The entire show is not black and white and it shows how people can change if they choose to.
People are so fucking allergic to nuance it’s insane.
PS: why would anyone listen to a real life criminal about their subjective critiques of a cartoon that was forced by captialistic shills due to conservative countries to end earlier than it could’ve ended (fascists fucking win everytime it seems) about fictional dictators and said critic happens to be a piece of shit in real life?
Fascists seem to always get their way.
I was recommended one of your exposé videos about 3 months ago while watching a Lily Orchid video. I am so glad I didn't just ignore it like I had done in the past with other Lily exposé videos. You have really opened my eyes to what a horrible human being Lily is. I hope her fan base sees who she really is soon and leaves as fast as possible. I still feel dirty for following her for so long. Thank you for making these. They really opened my eyes and made me take a closer look at who else I am following that might be hiding something awful beneath.
Again, thank you so much
I seriously don’t understand how people can defend Lily. Everything she wrote and created is absolutely disgusting and all those behaviors are just the same in reality. This is why the “it’s just fiction bro” argument is bad and Lily is the perfect example.
At this point, they're probably being forced at gunpoint to defend her.
Thank you for making these videos. There are so many youtubers that get away with their abuse and crimes because nobody cared to look into them. I’ve had to many experiences where youtubers I liked have turned out to be sexual creeps, and looking back, it’s always right in their videos that I watched. So again, thank you for making these videos and letting the truth be told about lily.
Glad to help. Thank you for taking the time to listen.
boy oh boy, this whole situation is so weird and absurd! I hardly even know where to start! (I'm using google translator so maybe the expressions and grammar look weird)
I'm a ex steven universe fan, I have a lot of criticism of the show and I couldn't find review videos that criticized this show and the cast fairly (many review channels it was just "grrr I hate minorities" or lily orchard, who treated rebecca like she was hitler or worse than hitler), that's why i decided to start a private channel that would fairly review this cartoon.
it's really weird to see all this exposure of lily, i saw her videos and the way she talked about rebecca i can only see that it was all just projection of the actions that she herself did years ago and pretends she didn't do anything. that and how she is a bit addicted to pornography and claims that everything is pornographic and sexual. (i tried to watch her last video about the steven universe movie and she was talking about steven being naked in a painting (like.. you never saw the church paintings or renaissance paintings???) and using several times one joke of the writers having some kind of fetish when it's pretty normal scenes and nothing suspicious.
i'm sensitive and i could feel some bad energy just by the way she talks and thinks, super anguished and spiteful way, now knowing all these allegations makes sense, she was just projecting herself and pretending to "be woke" instead of grow like person and accept your mistakes and improve. she wants to have a toxic persona who is never wrong and always right and anyone who even slightly disagrees with her she simply accuses them of being transphobic racist etc without realizing the weight of these accusations. this is very sad
Yeah, she's pretty much trying to hide her own horrific nature by getting people to look elsewhere.
What is it with grown women with fandom obsessions being unapologetically pedophiles?? I feel like I keep seeing people like Lily Orchard everywhere I go on the internet when I'm just trying to find fans of the same media I like. FFS one of the top fanfiction websites out there, Archive of Our Own, literally has a major content warning tag for "underage sex" that people regularly post graphic written CP to. Am I losing my shit or is that not incredibly weird?
it’s pretty concerning that this is so commonplace and it feels like there are so little options available to crack down on this vile behavior effectively
I know right
this is a great and informative series! I've never been a fan of lily orchard (my only knowledge of her was her original steven universe video and I hated it because I was a fan at the time) so I'm glad I never interacted with her. absolutely reprehensible, but I really like how indepth and informative your videos are. keep it up!!!
Thank you, will do.
As a child porn victim I prefer the term child porn and believe its more accurate and better. I don't recommend saying that CSAM is the objectively more accepted term.
You're allowed your personal preference, but the majority do accept CSAM as the more accurate terminology. Your preference does not overrule that.
Rose Quartz was incapable of liberating Homeworld, her ability to liberate earth was very situational. She had to exploit her position as the overseer of earth to undermine colonialism on the planet in secret, that's the only reason the war even had a chance. If she attacked Homeworld itself, she not only wouldn't have had that advantage, but would've had to fight the Diamonds directly.
She also didn't create the human zoo, and we see that she does care about the liberation of gems through her relationship with Garnet.
I'm only just starting the video (and might not be able to finish, we'll see), but thank you for clarifying the terminology and why CSAM is more appropriate as a general term. More people need to know this. I actually didn't know the term for non-photographic materials, so I learned something today.
Why does Lily Orchard get away with all of this?! Like what is preventing her from facing justice?
People have tried to report her to the authorities. The authorities do not care. It's genuinely that simple.
@@morganqorishchi8181 I wouldn't be surprised if she sics her fans on people trying to report her, too. :S
hi, Steven Universe fan here. Rose/Pink hated the human zoo- Blue and Yellow made it for her because she didn't want to destroy earth- she fell in love with the life there, and how humans were free to change and be themselves, so of COURSE she wouldn't want to keep them in a zoo! outside of learning that all of the Rose Quartzes there were bubbled by Rose/Pink, there isn't really much to suggest Rose/Pink spending much, if ANY time there at all
oh my god i remember years ago she had a video explaining why redemption arcs for the worst villains are stupid especially if it's just a conversation, and then she just writes one of them lmao
Please I want this video to blow up why is nobody else talking about this???
We'll try our best!
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I think it's worth mentioning that Lily has a video up on her channel right now talking about how gross incest ships are. Ironic, how youtube must think that this video and that video are related, since its the first related video underneath this one.
People have said it before, but goddamn, the hypocrisy. Imagine trying to make a video condemning incest shipping while knowing you've written Stockholm and included those sorts of pictures in a game
The NSFW image is from an mlp grimdark blog called Little Miss Rarity. I recognized the art style from a video that looked at old MLP creepypasta/grimdark fics/blogs..
For the algorithm. You need to be heard. I have a friend who *only just* realised and accepted how disgusting Lily is. And my friend was a rational adult. Lily has her hooks in so many people..
You were the creator that woke my friend up. Thank you. Keep doing what you’re doing, you are making a real difference
Lily's hypocritical takes make even LESS sense now! How is she going to accuse sugar of being a yatzee sympathizer for "reforming space yatzees" when LILY HERSELF has a favorite of that is a space yatzee??? By her own logic, lily is a yatzee sympathizer, and supports colonialism and genocide.
Also the "human zoo" was NEVER pink diamond/ rose quartz' idea. Blue diamond made it as a "gift" for pink so pink could colonize earth and still have, what blue considered, "pet humans".
Nearly all of lilys critiques of Steven universe are super bad faith and some of them are also like blatantly wrong too. Even if I don’t really like the choice of redeeming the diamonds it doesn’t make it ok for her to be super shitty about the show.
As soon as you mentioned the nazi’s backstory I immediately thought of how ironic it is because that’s exactly what she complained about in Steven universe.
It hurts to still agree with her points, bc she did make good points about Steven universe, but it came from such a vile woman. it’s hard to be a fan of her for so long and respect her opinions, only to learn about all this shit she has done. I feel violated.
Steven universe has a lot of flaws but Rebecca sugar supporting fascism thing is a lie. she also lied about other stuff in the video.
I’m finding these increasingly difficult to watch (because of the disturbing content not quality of journalism)
That's understandable. There's no obligation to watch, we just want to make this information as accessible as possible as it's currently hidden away.
Keep up the good work. When you think the situation couldn’t possibly get worse something else comes to light.
I've been thinking the same thing. Tbh I'm not watching this one because it's been making me feel so legitimately uncomfortable the past two videos, I'm just reading the comments here. But this might be my stopping point in this absolutely disgusting horror show
6:02 how ironic Lilly wrote that, considering part of her hatred for Steven Universe is accusing the series and Rebecca Sugar for having "genocidal space fascist switch side and be forgiven through only a simple conversation. How does that old saying go? "Every accusation is a confession".
Well, this series made it impossible for me to watch Lily's stuff anymore, knowing who she is. I like the way you made these videos without overly describing the gross stuff; you talked about it in a way that allowed the "thinking part of the brain" (if that makes sense) to remain in control, not making it "physically repulsive" in a way that could make us feel instant hatred or feel queasy, you know? We were intellectually presented with your arguments and could use our intellectual judgement. I don't know if I'm being able to explain this... In any case, I wish more RUclipsrs had this sensibility when talking about real life evil, or fictional evil involving the innocent and vulnerable (children, animals, etc.)
I feel really weird now. I basically went from finding out about Lily Orchard through a video calling her out for being mad at an artist for not drawing her persona "correctly" a few years ago, to now hearing she's a fuckin creepo and made not only stories featuring illegal crap towards minors, but also a game featuring the same crap. Wtf(sorry if there are any writing mistakes in this)
The more I watch these videos, the more and more I am convinced the Brony fandom has a major pedophilia problem and Lily isn’t the first person to pull shit like this.
I personally think children should be kept away from Brony content in general. There have been too many instances like what happened with Lily where adults use the show to take advantage of them. Whether it be getting free art or work out of them, or grooming them.
What disgusts me is nobody wants to talk about these issues because they would rather sweep it under the rug to remain comfortable than actually see what people like Lily are doing.
Stuff like this is one of the main reasons I left the MLP fandom when I got older. I was so tired of seeing the fandom get chance after chance to get rid of or stand up to people like Lily or other popular bronies and every single time they plugged their ears and refused to do anything.
"back when I binge watched her content in 2019" This being a mirror to my own current interactions with Lily's content is unsettling. I found her work slightly earlier than this, somewhere around 2017 or 2018, and it was actually what opened me to thinking about myself and lead to me coming out as a Trans girl myself. I've only so far watched the last 3 videos in this playlist, but finding out how horrible Lily has been and the situation she puts others in both directly and the retroactive references to other things you've covered in previous videos, I can only imagine you feel a similar sickness if you ever had some kind of fan adoration of her content. This of course doesn't change who I am, but it's still horrifying finding this out about what I considered my roots before.
I really hope other fans can stomach watching this, and can open themselves to accepting how horrid some people are. It's extremely unfortunate how often this occurs in what people would consider childhood heros, with so many people linked to child-adjacent media having shit like this going on.
I'm gonna go do things I enjoy for a bit. Thank you for this video and the rest of the series.
I used to like Lily's videos. Granted, even back then, there were things I disagreed with her on (her video where she ranted about artists asking for credit for the visual material she keeps on using in her videos was especially aggravating). I stopped liking her stuff once I got tired of her constant negativity and 'holier than thou' attitude... but there was at least one thing I could say:
"At least she's making it her goal to try and make fandoms safer places for children."
... well... the only good thing I could say about her has been tossed out the window now. Like, I'm just disgusted; not only is she an aggravating individual, but she's also a creep.
As a survivor of IRL csam & csem, it always angers me when people claim that fanart/non-photographic content arent a problem.
Like wtf drives a person to make secret NSFW art of CSEM that you have to access by “breaking” a character. Fucking foul.
Thank you for speaking up about this. Your voice is so important.
Bro how the fuck does Lily think that Rebecca sugar was making a utopian society in the human zoo? I think it was the opposite
I just finished all of your (at the moment) videos on lily, I've been an ex fan of her's for years now and I didn't know about *any* of this... it's honestly sickening to think that my younger self used to think she was a good person who supported victims. thank you so much for bringing this all into light, hope you're all doing well ❤
I am really scared of her
I'm scared of what she does to those around her.
Ok so first her story her space nazi becomes all nice and loving after a heart-to-heart? I mean, this was her MAIN criticism of Steven Universe! That was her whole main hatred of how it ended and turned me off the show when I was subscribed to her.
Plus yikes to that video! I mean...I can't post up streams of porn games (with consenting adults) yet this apparently is perfectly fine to RUclips? They really need to get their shit together.
Never heard of Doomsday Ascending before this and fucking YIKES! It and the game based on it are so gross. Glad you made sure to gather the evidence that links it back to it's creator/Lily.
Thanks for taking the time to listen.
Based on the way Pearl explained the situation, Pink hated it more than anything but couldn't tell the other Diamonds, either.
I was binging lily's content for the nostalgia this week after years of not seeing her content, but "steven universe is garbage and heres why" is a comfort video for me... and holy shit I immediately unsubcribed and I'm horrified. I'm just so confused because the reason I loved her so much was her passion against THESE EXACT THINGS. She was always so bold against bigots and abusers and it was so cathartic for me because I'm unable to do that in my case.
For her to have the EXACT same kinds of content on her other platforms (which I never knew of, followed, or engaged with as a kid thank GOD) Is appalling and so hypocritical. What's so confusing me is the particular language she uses makes her sound so legitimate in her hatred and anger at those things happening. But then she can do it herself behind closed doors??? She seemed like the VERY last person I would belive this about. Due to how EXTENSIVELY it's sewn into her content and her attacks of other monsters on RUclips back in the day.
I am appalled and horrified. She always brushed these so called "attacks from conservatives and terfs" off and I don't know why I never looked into it. Thank god I found these videos.
And, by the way, I am a white and native 20yr old cis woman. I was watching her content from 8-12 years old. That's scary.
I don't mean to kick you while you're down, but why was such a poorly made, volatile, and nasty video where she calls a jewish woman a nazi sympathizer a "comfort video" in the first place? where's the comfort?
I'm impressed with your level of research. I hope y'all have good aftercare in place because this is some deeply disturbing stuff and I know that can take a toll even if it's being done to benefit victims and create awareness.
That' Wow. Even considering my impression of her from secondhand circles.. I was not expecting *this.*
Not me trying to "educate" you on a show you don't care about, just providing some context to show how lily's critiques of the human zoo don't work. First off, the zoo wasn't started by Pink, and in the episode it was introduced in, it's explicitly portrayed as a bad thing. It's a dystopia badly disguised as a utopia, and Steven is immediately put off by it. So the fact that Lily tried to spin the zoo like Sugar's utopian society is blatantly wrong. She's either misremembering and should do better research to avoid making takes that could be debunked by just watching the episode, or she's intentionally misinterpreting it to her audience to make her criticism work.
how can people still defend her and support her is something i will never understand.
She's sadly very good at manipulating and playing herself up as a victim to her audience.
I just wanted to say, I really appreciate the lengths you go to prove everything in this series.
Not to add more fuel to the fire. But i feel it's very worth noting with all that's brought up in this video.
That LIlly has a younger sister that they have openly admitted to beating up before and phscially abusing over something as small as a Remote to a TV with compelte and utter pride over usage of violece to get what they wanted.
I think considering everything with her game and stories when it comes to underage girls this is...Quite concerning to say the very least.
Me: Okay, that's it, this has to be the bottom, there can't be anything worse after this.
Ethel: *mentions that next time we'll be taking a look at Orchard doing things with these kinds of images but based on real images of CSEM*
Me: *stressed Ben Affleck having a smoke GIF*
It's about to get so, so much worse. I genuinely recommend not looking up the images yourself. You can't unsee this shit. If you must, look up posts about the situation on tumblr, but don't look at the Google Drives.
I don't know why the algorithm led me to you but I'm happy to be here.
I like your voice and speech pattern, and you're giving me a new angle of thinking. Your topics are heavy, but important to discuss
So idk anything about this NintendoGal person but one dynamic I've noticed with them and Lily that I find disturbing is NintendoGal seems to be somewhat more hesitant to write more dark, explicit content, especially CP, while Lily is constantly pushing for more and more extreme themes? Like I'm not trying to let NintendoGal off the hook ESPECIALLY not for posting this but she at least acknowledged at the time that the pic was CP. Almost like they knew what they were doing was wrong. Idk I feel like Lily would just refuse to acknowledge it or cry "right winger!" If anyone tries confronting her about it.
And then there are those old tumblr posts where Lily says she "convinced" NG to write Twlight as a violent abuser and NG made multiple posts about how hard it was to get through writing certain scenes, especially the child scenes. It just seems to me like Lily was constantly pushing NG's boundaries into writing more extreme, deprived material. And we know just how toxic she can be to friends based on her history.
I'm just saying because when I was younger I had a "friend" who was like that. We would write fiction together and they would pressure me into writing more and more disturbing things. But I felt too scared to set boundaries because I was young and had no other friends and was vulnerable. I'm not sure it if was the case with this person but again we all know how toxic Lily can be.
what really upsets me about her ascension “reward” content is it’s not even plot relevant. not that that would matter AT ALL, but i figured the images would include ascenstia herself and said pony that is being “broken”. but no, it’s just completely random nsfw images of the character for no reason other than to “reward” the player. and for what? choosing the evil choice? it’s absolutely disgusting no matter how you slice it
It's crazy because her arguments about other media seem so cohesive and literate but from what I've seen of her work it's all the exact opposite. She has no right being a "critic" based on her shitty content. Plus, all of her arguments on her most POPULAR VIDEO EVER are all nuked by this one game feature.
I can’t believe this person still has a platform, that RUclips even lets them still have their channel, there is so much proof against them for the way they are.
I find it funny that lily criticizes people who write abuse being painted as romantic, abuse and torture of characters for the sake of seeing them suffer, even women of color! And being into so much torture porn to a point we’re it’s scary, yet here she is. Do everything she hates!
It’s nothing short of disgusting! And to be honest, her video that I talk about have her show how to not write needless torture of characters, but even with that I still feel like the example is horrible!
The reason is that the writing in question was a fanfic of Star Wars were an OC is torture by Rey in this story. But after the OC coming out of the coma then Rey makes up for her horrible actions and make their relationship “cute”. I'm sorry but if that were me if someone like Rey had hurt me but decided to make up for it cuz I was in a coma, I would NOT accept their “apology”!
Lily projecting is strong on her, not shocked due to her self-loathing and self-hatred. No amount “cutesy love after abuse UwU!!” Would make abuse ok! I really think her points on torture characters just to see them suffer is spot on! But either stick to your critiques or come out and say “I like toxic and unhealthy shit inject it into my veins!!”
P.S I’m a lesbian, and if this what she called “good lesbian story” then I’ll throw that shit in the trash!
What’s worse is that image is from the little miss rarity series or at least the artist meaning not only is it probably stolen but if it’s not it means that Lily commissioned someone who often drew implied sexual assault of the cmc specifically sweetie
I used to be subscribed to Lily mainly because I liked the Steven universe video and something always threw me off but I shrugged it off. Should've listened to my gut. After seeing the first exposé I don't think I've ever unsubscribed from a creator so fast in my life.
And here I thought it can't possibly get any worse...
Oh, she can always get worse.
Oh, it's about to get so, so much worse. You have no idea.
It's Shocking and terrafying that this Video Containd in this Video is Still there and even for so long unnotice from RUclipss Banhammer.
I've been checking in now and then, still wondering when it'll disappear.
Can't believe i used to watch her..
With any luck "Doomsday Ascending" also describes what will happen to Lily Orchard's career and reputation
I'm so glad people are recognizing how disgusting fictional CSEM is, the amount of people I've had to argue with because they want to defend sexualizing children is sickening
OMI. i started watching this series but i didnt think i knew who lily was, i had NO idea she made the "steven universe is bad, here's why" video omfg
Jesus christ these works are the product of a perverse mind. I can not fathom the motivation to put such vile & evil works of fiction into the world.