Surviving An Anti-Male / Pro-Female Society

  • Опубликовано: 27 сен 2024

Комментарии • 17

  • @TrippAdvice
    @TrippAdvice  7 месяцев назад +3

    To schedule a call with one of our coaches so we can personally help you overcome the anti-male culture so you can become the man you were meant to be, or with any challenge you’re having with your dating life, just apply today -

  • @randolphwh9551
    @randolphwh9551 4 месяца назад +13

    Religion politics and money are the deaths of friendships

  • @dedeborya9015
    @dedeborya9015 4 месяца назад +10

    meh - already abroad, happy to leave them for the bears in the woods. Not my Circus - Not my Monkeys

    • @WiesiekTV
      @WiesiekTV 4 месяца назад

      and I guess already after few day abroad you realized how your mind is free and its easier to think and live normal life?

  • @agentm83
    @agentm83 4 месяца назад +7

    yup, I Majored in Political Science back in the day at university, and talking about politics or social issues usually isn't worth it. Just keep your head down, live life your way....

  • @randolphwh9551
    @randolphwh9551 4 месяца назад +3

    Not bring up foh if ur saying true and fair shyt that's ok I'd rather just hang with the guy because if men were horrible to women and misogynistic it be issue if she's anti male why hang out

  • @ultra8142
    @ultra8142 2 месяца назад +2

    Actually there is no country for men's
    Woman's problem and issue is highly Overrated
    And men's problem and issue is highly Underated or I must say totally ignored....
    Is there any part of the world where men's are valued and Cared 😔😔😔😔
    I am just sick with this

  • @ItIsMeJamesE
    @ItIsMeJamesE 4 месяца назад +2

    You can't limit your time around your friends girlfriends?

  • @nobodysperfect06
    @nobodysperfect06 4 месяца назад +2

    I will admit, I sometimes still feel like an incel despite having a girlfriend, well ex girlfriend now, mainly due to not having had one until late in life, probably because I feel that my 20s were a waste, didn't have a serious relationship until the beginning of my 30s.
    It causes me to envy and resent couples out there younger than me, people who got to experience having a serious long-term relationship before I did and yes I know people will always say comparison is the thief of joy or don't compare yourself to others.
    But I believe it's always has been and always will be part of the human psyche, been that way since the beginning of time to feel upset and depressed when you feel you are not part of the norm.
    Because of that I feel like a forever permanent incel for all time, even when I did manage to get a girlfriend.
    So yeah even while I did have a girlfriend, I still felt like an incel.
    I don't see myself ever getting over this, it will be a pain and wound for the rest of my life.
    And I'm not afraid to admit that there have been times over the years I have hated being born male, because I know I'm not the only guy in the world that has this mindset, that men have to do everything in dating and relationships and seduction.
    Yes I know tons of people say what's the point of being angry and depressed over what didn't happen in the past or not?
    Well I'm entitled and I have a right to my mindset, I believe it's always been part of human nature or just the human psyche to always be sad and depressed or angry and resentful over good things that they wish happened to them in the past but didn't.
    I know I'm not afraid to admit I have had these thoughts, and I'm sure other guys have thought this way, we feel that if we had been born a woman, we would not have been single that long.
    Probably because women just have to exist and they are guaranteed attention and options from Men, that requires no skill or no social dynamics, no game or no seduction. I get very annoyed and irritated whenever people and society say that women have to learn skills in order to meet men or attract men.
    because the way it looks like, guys, men, need to know or learn all of these social skills or social behaviors, talk and behave a certain way, have certain social behaviors, have certain talking and communication ability, have a certain lifestyle, because initiating interaction or approaching, leading, getting her attracted to you during the conversation or interaction, flirting, teasing, creating sexual tension, passing her shit tests, leading and taking the lead, leading the courtship, asking her out, planning and setting up the dates, is all social behavior based or social skills based, behavioral aspect based. Along with have a certain lifestyle as well, because men have the burden of building or sparking the attraction, it's like, a woman doesn't need to know how to attract a guy.
    One guy pissed me off even more, when he said that guys, men, have to learn how to talk and act, behave a certain way, in order to get a job, make a living, get good social ranking in society, not just to get with women, expecting to not have to put effort into anything and get rewarded is just pure delusion.
    Yeah, and women get rewarded without putting effort into anything, so its like, women get rewards for simply just existing, but men don't. Women have never had to put effort into anything when it comes to attracting a mate or forming a relationship with the other sex.
    Yes I know people will say don't compare yourself to others and don't worry about what other people don't have to do and I don't disagree with that, but I just get angry and annoyed whenever people say that women have to learn as well when the man is basically making everything happen for them so because of that I don't see how women have to learn anything about dating or courtship, attraction, because women basically are just passengers in the whole dating and courtship process, so I don't see how that requires any learning or training or practice on their end
    One person I remember I heard said that women need game as well which I thought was the stupidest thing I ever heard.
    So ya I still feel like an incel for all time despite managing to get a girlfriend eventually, and I still get irritated and annoyed whenever people and society say that men have it better than women do in the human mating game.
    I get annoyed when people say go see a therapist because it's not like a therapist can reset my life or have me start my life all over again.
    I spoke in a few other guys who feel the same way in regards to being forever angry and upset, sad, over never having had a girlfriend until later than normal, until late in life.
    Probably because guys and men to learn and know all of these skills, all of these social behaviors, talk and behave a certain way, act a certain way, walk a certain way or have a certain lifestyle, have a certain body, certain income, and more than that which I either don't know or forgot.
    Women are pretty much basically all set for just being born and just existing.
    Because being pretty and beautiful is not a skill and it doesn't require any learning, it's not a behavior that takes training.
    It just really feels me with anger and rage whenever people and Society have the mindset or still think men have it better than women do in dating or just human mating in general.
    I'll never forget what one guy said and this only added fuel to fire in regards to my anger and rage about the cards on dealt with for being born male.
    "Boo fucking hoo. We also don't have to go through child birth and we're strong as fuck. Testosterone gives us ambition + mental and physical strength that MANY (not all) women are lacking. Being a man has many benefits and with great power comes great responsibility. Stop crying about it and get your fucking shit together"
    Let's just say that pissed me off even further, got me so mad and angry, enraged, that its not appropriate for me to say what was going through my mind when i read that comment that pissed me off even further.
    Yes I know there's no such thing as fairness but I'm not afraid to admit that over the years in my life I've hated being born a guy or I just feel that it is unfair being born a man. Yes I'm aware there's no such thing as fairness, I just get very angry and enraged whenever people and Society still think men have it better than women do.
    I know I'm not alone in thinking this way in which I have the mindset in which I feel that if I was born a woman I would not have been alone or single that long.
    I like to think this way and I know that a lot of people agree with this and that is being born a woman basically guarantees you will always have options because you are on the receiving end of sexual attention just for being born a woman because it's often said that women are in abundance by default but men are in scarcity by default because for all time women are the ones that get pursued and hit on or sought after or get advances made on them and when you are in that position.
    Because of that proof of evidence women always have options and choices, even men who are handsome and good-looking will normally never have women throwing themselves at them.
    But yeah the fact that people in society say that women have to learn skills or learn behaviors in order to get men is mind-boggling and stupid when women don't have to do anything in the courtship phase or seduction phase.
    Yes I'm completely aware of people will say don't worry about what others don't have to do or don't compare yourself to others, I don't disagree with that, because at the end of the day it's better to be solution oriented.
    But it's still annoys me, that there is even advice for women.
    I'll always be angry and bitter and resentful that I didn't have a girlfriend until later than normal, I get even more angry and pissed off that I should just enjoy the fruits of my labor because that's another reminder that men are the ones that have to do the labor or just do all the work or effort in order to make a relationship happen or be formed but women can literally just sit back and relax and let the man take care of everything, women didn't have to do any effort or effort in order to make the relationship happen only the man did.
    So yeah it's like women simply just exist and get rewards for doing nothing but not true if you're a guy.
    Yet people still think men have it better than women do in dating.

    • @jazzyjake99
      @jazzyjake99 4 месяца назад +2

      Let me tell you something. You’re not an Incel because you have not had early dating and relationships. You’re an incel because of your terrible mindset about women and dating. Keep in mind, I have never had a relationship either, but I’m certainly not going to believe this stuff you’re saying. This whole “women have it easier than men, they only just have to exist” attitude is not only wrong, it’s just defeatist and bitter. Women have their challenges and men have theirs, they are just different. Plenty of women struggle to date and find a loving relationship as well, it’s certainly not just men. Plenty of RUclips videos that have women confirming this. Blaming women for all your dating problems will not get you anywhere. No one really cares when you have your first relationship, or how many women you have slept with, or how many girlfriends you have had. No one cares, and that’s a good thing. So why are you so upset about it? You shouldn’t be comparing yourself, but you are and it shows. Be thankful you have had a relationship. Strive to keep dating and find another. That’s what I’m doing. Dating has been difficult for me too, but I know that anger and bitterness will not get me anywhere, and it’s not justified either. Some people just have better luck in dating than others, that’s it. It doesn’t mean something is wrong or you are flawed. People experience different things at different timelines.

    • @nobodysperfect06
      @nobodysperfect06 4 месяца назад +1

      @jazzyjake99 well it's a fact that women will never have to deal with even close to the amount of rejection men have to deal with, men have to deal with hundreds and thousands of times more rejection than women ever will and not only that, men have to learn these skills or behaviors in order to attract women but I don't understand and I will never understand that women need to learn skills or behaviors when they don't have to squat to make a relationship happen, it annoys me a lot when people say women have to learn how to date or that women have to learn skills or that women have to learn how to communicate a certain way in order to meet men or attract men when they don't have to be the one to make advances because the person who makes advances is the one who has to learn not the one who receives advances.
      Yes I'm completely aware when people say don't compare yourself to others or don't worry about the other comparison I don't disagree with that but I just get very annoyed whenever people and Society say that women have to learn skills or learn behaviors on how to meet men or how to attract men when women don't have to initiate anything with a man.
      The man is either doing all the work or the man is putting in all the effort to form or make a relationship happen between the two sexes

    • @jazzyjake99
      @jazzyjake99 4 месяца назад

      So you just automatically think all women can just attract a man by just standing there? That’s vary far from the truth. Women do need to learn to develop conversation and skills on knowing how to go on a date without being boring or impolite. Women also need to learn how to scout out men who might assault or hurt them physically, which is one thing men don’t have to worry about near as much, if at all. This mindset you have that gets you annoyed is simply wrong. Sure some select women can get dates just from their looks, but do you think those women will be able to keep a man if they do t have a decent personality and good moral be behavior? Of course not.

  • @theswallow119
    @theswallow119 4 месяца назад +2

    Feel like this take needs a little more nuance. When self described feminists complain about the patriarchy typically this is aimed at society as a whole based on historical trends and realities that you cannot control. If you are choosing to group yourself in there and be offended it seems less masculine IMO as it signals a lack of emotional regulation. If it drifts into anti-men and they are prescribing these problems to you then sure they aren’t worthy of your company. Most women tend to appreciate masculine traits and taking a stand on a semantic label like feminism limits the dating pool of some high value women who are intellectually curious enough to challenge conventional beliefs.