thov kev pab los ntawm peb cov ntseeg

  • Опубликовано: 15 сен 2024

Комментарии • 29

  • @supra8544
    @supra8544 Год назад

    Kuv tsiv tawm teb cawg plog thaum kuv muaj Xyaa xyoo. Paab Thov vaajtswv es muaj ib nub twg Kuam kuv tau rov qaab tau tuaj saib Kuv lub tebchaws os. Kuv ncu ncu tebchawg nplog le os.

  • @vaho7283
    @vaho7283 8 месяцев назад

    Thov koj Fe

  • @larrygreen6009
    @larrygreen6009 8 месяцев назад

    Peb tub txias lug tsi tau nrug koj es yuav ua le cas sau tau nkauj rua koj os koj ua phooj yws rua kuv ma

  • @tsoomyaj8382
    @tsoomyaj8382 Год назад

    Kuv xa hu kawj tsis muaj nyiaj mug hu li lawm

  • @tubhmooblaichau5921
    @tubhmooblaichau5921 Год назад

    Kuv npe yog num suav xyooj
    Kuv nyob Nyab laj teb
    Xeev lâi châu, kuv sau ob peb txoj xa rau koj pab muab suab hu peb, thiab rau koj tshooj RUclips os lov

  • @atavang5563
    @atavang5563 Год назад

    Hu ib zaj rau cov thawj coj ua dej num raug txom nyem.

  • @thun-dx7yj
    @thun-dx7yj Год назад

    kuv xav hu nkauj thiab thov koj tus fev kuv thiaj li hu rau koj os

  • @suaa7484
    @suaa7484 Год назад

    Kuv yog nam num suav
    Kuv sau ib, ob txuj xaa tuaj rua koj paab hu rua peb hab tso rua koj
    Tus youtube rua peb tau nov tau pum os, nam laug ntxawm

  • @vangvang1032
    @vangvang1032 Год назад +1

    Ua le

  • @tsoomyaj8382
    @tsoomyaj8382 Год назад

    Koj puas kam kuv sau kuv li nkauj tuaj koj hu

  • @vanglis31
    @vanglis31 Год назад

    Kj tus FB li cas os

  • @sinhchang694
    @sinhchang694 Год назад

    Muam ntxawm koj hu nkauj ntau kawg li ua cag tsi pom koj tso koj tsev neeg tawm puag yog tseem ua ntxaig nyob xwb log koj tsev neeg tsi tau ntseeg nav

  • @cofisher5708
    @cofisher5708 Год назад

    Koj zoo nkauj heev li os.

  • @paulmoore6744
    @paulmoore6744 Год назад +1

    Hi, Ntxawm, this is a song that I want you to sing ok! Please! Thanks! Peace! WHO IS JESUS CHRIST? The Lord Jesus Christ is The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit:
    JOHN 12:45 JESUS SAID, “AND HE WHO SEES ME SEES HIM THAT SENT ME.” Jesus meant: And he who sees Me sees The Father who sent Me.(Jesus Christ is The Father who sent Himself). Since God is The Spirit(John 4:24) then Jesus Christ is The Father(Isa 9:6), The Son(John 1:14), and The Holy Spirit(2 Co 3:17), then TRINITY Gods are three Biggest Liars according to Proverbs 30:6.
    John 14:9 Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father; so how can you say, ‘Show us the Father’?” (Since Jesus Christ claimed to be The Father and since God is The Spirit(John 4:24) then Jesus Christ is The Father(Isa 9:6), The Son(John 1:14), and The Holy Spirit(2 Co 3:17), then TRINITY Gods are three Biggest Liars according to Proverbs 30:6.
    John 10:30 Jesus said, “I and My Father are one.”(Since Jesus Christ claimed to to be The Father and since God is The Spirit(John 4:24)then Jesus Christ is The Father(Isa 9:6), The Son(John 1:14), and The Holy Spirit(2 Co 3:17), then TRINITY Gods are three Biggest Liars according to Proverbs 30:6.
    John 8:24 Jesus said, “Therefore I said to you that you will die in your sins; for if you do not believe that I am He(The Father), you will die in your sins."(Since Jesus Christ claimed to be The Father and God is The Spirit (John 4:24) then Jesus Christ is The Father(Isa 9:6), The Son(John 1:14), and The Holy Spirit(2 Co 3:17), then TRINITY Gods are three biggest Liars according to Proverbs 30:6.
    1 John 5:7 Says, “For there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one.”(Since Jesus Christ is The Word(John 1:14) and Since Jesus Christ claimed to be The Father(John 14:9)and since God is The Spirit(John 4:24), then Jesus Christ is The Father(Isa 9:6) ,The Son(John 1:14), and The Holy Spirit(2 Co 3:17), then TRINITY Gods are three biggest Liars according to Proverbs 30:6.
    THE LORD JESUS CHRIST IS THE ONLY ONE TRUE GOD WHO HAS THREE TITLES SUCH: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and their personal name is Jesus as follow:
    (1). The personal name of the Father is Jesus according to John 17:11.
    (2). The personal name of the Son is Jesus according to John 17:11-12 and John 5:43.
    (3). The personal name of the Holy Spirit is Jesus according to Revelation 3:6,13 and 22.(According to scriptures above: Jesus Christ is The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit).
    The Lord Jesus Christ said, “I am The First and I am The Last; Besides Me there is no God. Is there a God besides Me? Indeed there is no other Rock; I know not one.”(Isaiah 44:6-8; Revelation 22:13). If you do not believe all the scriptures above then you’re surely blind physically and spiritually and devil is laughing at you to scorn you without fear because you do not believe the one True God, Jesus Christ, Who is The Everlasting Father. Jesus Christ said, “Besides Me there is no God.”(Isaiah 44:6-8; Revelation 22:13.(ADVICE: If you disagree with the scriptures above then talk to Jesus Christ, Himself).
    HERE IS THE PROOF OF WHOM IS THE FATHER OF JESUS: Matthew 27:46, “And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” that is, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” (Meaning: At the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice calling His own Spirit saying, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?”)
    AND JESUS GAVE UP HIS OWN SPIRIT AND DIED: Matthew 27:50 Says, “And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His Spirit.” (Meaning: When a spirit leaves a man’s body, that body will die according to James 2:26 Says, “For as the body without the spirit is dead.” QUESTION: Do you know why the body of Jesus had died? ANSWER: The body of Jesus died because His own Spirit which is the Holy Spirit Who is the Father Which came from heaven had left Him. That’s why Jesus died.) But the Lord Jesus had said according to John 10:18 saying, “No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This command I have received from My Father.” (His Father is His own Spirit Which is the Father). ACCORDING TO THE ABOVE SCRIPTURES AND INFORMATIONS TELL US THAT THE TRINITY GODS ARE THE THREE BIGGEST LIARS ACCORDING TO PROVERBS 30:6.
    The Lord Jesus Christ said, “I am The First and I am The Last; Besides Me there is no God. Is there a God besides Me? Indeed there is no other Rock; I know not one.”(Isaiah 44:6-8; Revelation 22:13). If you do not believe all the scriptures above then you’re surely blind physically and spiritually and devil is laughing at you to scorn you without fear because you do not believe the one True God, Jesus Christ, Who is The Everlasting Father. Jesus Christ said, “Besides Me there is no God.”(Isaiah 44:6-8; Revelation 22:13.(ADVICE: If you disagree with the scriptures above then talk to Jesus Christ, Himself). IN REALITY, I HAD TALKED TO THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, HIMSELF FACE TO FACE IN PERSON IN THE SPIRIT AND JESUS CHRIST SAID TO ME BY SAYING, “I AM THE FATHER.” Glory to Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, and The Prince of Peace, Amen!

  • @MinhVu-pc7jh
    @MinhVu-pc7jh Год назад

    Ghia kj tus fev rau peb puas tau viv ncaus a

  • @chuexiongvideochannel9815
    @chuexiongvideochannel9815 Год назад +1

    Koj xa kom kuv sau ib txoj rau koj yom

  • @tzongjouahang3520
    @tzongjouahang3520 Год назад

    Yog tshaaj,kj has txhua yaam muaj--

  • @hmoobhlubhmoobvue6406
    @hmoobhlubhmoobvue6406 Год назад


  • @user-sq7ms9zs4d
    @user-sq7ms9zs4d 10 месяцев назад

    Ntxawm nim Ntxawm koj hu tau nkauj khua sab hab tusab heev le koj nyob lubnteb.chaw.twg ne yuam. Kuv xaav paab koj hab os. Koj puas muaj nam muaj txiv os, hab koj puas tau muaj quas yawg los.koj tseem yog hluas nkauj.xwb.os.

  • @MinhVu-pc7jh
    @MinhVu-pc7jh Год назад

    Kuv xav sau tej zaj koj pab hu paus tau os viv ncaus a

    • @ntxawmyaj79
      @ntxawmyaj79  Год назад +1

      Tau kawg ma

    • @MinhVu-pc7jh
      @MinhVu-pc7jh Год назад

      @@ntxawmyaj79 yog kuv sau tau thaum tưg no kv mam ib kj tab sis kv tsis paub yv xa li cas thiaj txog kj na

  • @vajtswvyoghlub3284
    @vajtswvyoghlub3284 Год назад

    Niam laus kj puas kam hu kv txoj nkauj ma

  • @tsistxawjxavchannel8907
    @tsistxawjxavchannel8907 Год назад

    Koj tug WhatsApp yog le caag o

    • @ntxawmyaj79
      @ntxawmyaj79  Год назад

      Wb koj tus WhatsApp lo yog tus Facebook xa rau hauv no